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Wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Das offene Meer hat einen ganz besonderen Reiz: Abenteuer, Freiheit, Wasser bis zum Horizont. Doch wenn man mit seinem Boot auf die hohe See hinausfahren will, sollte man ein paar Dinge beachten – denn nicht jedes Schiff ist für so einen Törn geeignet. Viele stellen sich daher die Frage: Ab wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Theoretisch kann jedes Boot mit geschlossenem Rumpf und Mechanismus zum Wiederaufrichten des Masts hochseetauglich sein. Als Faustregel gilt: Segelyachten ab 12 m sind hochseetauglich, Motorboote erst deutlich darüber. Zudem sollten sie mindestens 500 Liter Treibstoff fassen können. Seit 1998 gibt es für Motorboote die CE-Seetauglichkeitseinstufung, mit denen man die Hochseetauglichkeit nach festen Gesichtspunkten einteilen kann: je nach Windstärke und Wellenhöhe, die ein Boot überstehen kann.

Das ist natürlich nur eine sehr verkürzte Antwort auf die Frage, ab wann ein Boot hochseetauglich ist. Daher werden wir im kommenden Artikel die einzelnen Kategorien der Seetauglichkeit aufdröseln. Zudem geben wir Ihnen wertvolle Tipps, wenn Sie vorhaben, mit Ihrem Boot aufs offene Meer zu fahren. Weiterlesen lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!

Was ist überhaupt „hochseetauglich“?

Eine klare Antwort auf diese Frage ist schwierig, denn der Begriff „hochseetauglich“ ist nicht klar definiert. Das Digitale Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (DWDS), versteht unter dem Synonym „ hochseetüchtig “:

von Schiffen   geeignet, auf der Hochsee zu fahren


Man kann mit einem hochseetauglichen Schiff bzw. Boot also auf der „Hochsee“ fahren. Aber was ist damit gemeint? Laut Seerechtsübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen von 1982 ist damit der Bereich der Weltmeere gemeint, die nicht zu den Hoheitsgewässern eines Staats gehören. In der Regel beginnt die Hochsee etwa über 200 Seemeilen von der Küste entfernt.

Und wann kann ein Schiff auf hoher See fahren?

Als “Faustregel” gilt: Eine Segelyacht ist ab 12 Metern hochseetauglich – Motorboote benötigen aber weitaus mehr. Was genau, zeigen wir Ihnen hier. Und lassen Sie sich eines vorwegsagen: Dass man mit einem Sportboot auch auf Hoher See fahren kann, ist alles andere als unrealistisch oder ein waghalsiges Unterfangen – wie unter anderem in diesem Artiekl berichtet wird.

(PS: Wenn Sie wissen wollen, was eigentlich den Unterschied zwischen einer Yacht und einem Boot ausmacht, dann klicken Sie hier )

Erste Bedingung: Reichweite

Damit ein Boot also überhaupt den Bereich der Hochsee erreichen kann, muss es in der Lage sein, über 200 Seemeilen zurückzulegen – und auch wieder zurück. Schließlich wollen Sie ja nicht mit Ihrem Boot einen One-Way-Trip in die Mitte des Ozeans machen.

Das Boot muss also über einen entsprechenden Kraftstoffvorrat verfügen, mit dem es mindestens 400 Seemeilen zurücklegen kann. Segelboote oder Solarkatamarane sind hier natürlich im Vorteil, denn Wind und Sonne können ja nicht einfach „ausgehen“.

Bei einer Sportyacht sollte der Tank aber zwischen 500 und 1500 Liter fassen können.

Wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Zweite Bedingung: Wind- und Wellenwiderstandskraft  

Sie haben also ein Boot, dass es mit seinem Antrieb aufs offene Meer schafft und am besten auch wieder zurück. So weit, so gut. Aber wie sieht es jetzt aus? Wann ist es sicher, mit einem Boot auf dem offenen Meer zu fahren?

Wind & Wellen  

Auf hoher See haben Sie zwei unerbittliche Gegner: den Wind und die Wellen. Gegen beides muss Ihr Boot gut gerüstet sein – sonst sinkt es nach dem nächsten Brecher oder wird durch einen starken Wind einfach umgekippt. Es kommt also auf die Widerstandskraft Ihres Bootes gegen diese beiden Naturgewalten an, ob es hochseetauglich ist oder nicht.

Die CE-Hochseetauglichkeitseinstufung

Damit man ein Boot bzw. Schiff objektiv auch nach seiner Hochseetauglichkeit einstufen kann, gibt es genormte Standards. Erfüllt Ihr Boot die jeweiligen Anforderungen, kann es dementsprechend auch in „schwierigeren“ Wassern fahren. Die Skala gilt innerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums. Gemessen wird wie bereits erwähnt nach der Windstärke (in Beaufort) und in der Wellenhöhe. (Anmerkung: In der folgenden Tabelle ist die sogenannte signifikante Wellenhöhe angegeben – das ist in etwa die Mitte des höchsten Drittels einer Welle).

  • Kategorie D

Das ist die niedrigste Kategorie – also für die kleinsten Boote. Boote dieser Klasse sind nicht hochseetauglich

Windstärke: bis maximal 4

Wellenhöhe: maximal 0,3 m (zum Beispiel durch vorbeifahrende Schiffe)

Geeignete Gewässer: geschützte Gewässer in Küstennähe, kleine Seen und Buchten, schmale Kanäle und Flüsse

  • Kategorie C

Hier handelt es sich nicht mehr nur um die kleinsten Boote, sondern um etwas größere Exemplare. Aber auch diese sollten nicht als hochseetauglich angesehen werden.

Windstärke: bis einschließlich 6

Wellenhöhe: maximal 2 m

Geeignete Gewässer: Gewässer in Küstennähe, größere Buchten und Flussmündungen, Flüsse und Seen

  • Kategorie B

Die Boote in dieser Kategorie halten auch mal einem ordentlichen Kaventsmann stand. Mit ihnen können Sie auch bedenkenlos außerhalb von Küstengewässern fahren – aber immer noch nicht aufs offene Meer!

Windstärke: bis einschließlich 8

Wellenhöhe: maximal 4 m

Geeignete Gewässer: auch außerhalb von Küstengewässern

  • Kategorie A

Nur die stärksten Schiffe schaffen es in diese Kategorie. Sie können sich aus eigener Kraft gegen noch so hohe Wellen und Winde wehren. Sie sind daher für den Hochseebereich geeignet. Gegen extreme Wetterverhältnisse, wie zum Beispiel Hurrikans, sind aber auch sie machtlos.

Windstärke: über 8

Wellenhöhe: über 4 Meter

Geeignete Gewässer: Hochsee

Achtung: Auch wenn Sie „nur“ etwas außerhalb von Küstengewässern fahren, kann Ihr Boot dennoch nicht für die dortigen Verhältnisse geeignet sein. Es kommt nämlich nicht immer nur auf die Distanz zur Küste, sondern auch auf die Jahreszeit und mehr noch auf die geografische Breite an.

Woran erkenne ich, welche Kategorie mein Boot hat?  

Glücklicherweise muss jedes Boot ein Typenschild aufweisen, auf dem die Kategorie klar und deutlich sichtbar ist. Wie Sie hier auf diesem Bild erkennen können, hat das Schiff die Kategorie B:

Wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Mittlerweile wird zudem oft auch hinter dem Buchstaben (A,B,C,D) eine Zahl angebracht. Diese zeigt an, wie viele Personen maximal in dem jeweiligen Wasser auf dem Boot fahren können. Ein Beispiel: A4B5C8D10 wäre also ein Schiff, das auf hoher See vier Leute mitnehmen kann.

Wann ist ein Boot hochseetauglich?

Achtung: Nicht alle Schiffe müssen so gekennzeichnet sein. Sie gilt nicht für:

  • Tragflügelboote
  • Surfbretter
  • Renn- und Trainingsboote
  • Luftkissenfahrzeuge
  • Kajaks oder Kanus
  • historische Wasserfahrzeuge (Entwurfsdatum vor 1950)
  • Eigenbauten

Was ist noch ausschlaggebend für die Hochseetauglichkeit?  

Die Kategorien zeigen: Der Rumpf muss gegen das Kentern gesichert sein. Bei Segelschiffen gilt das auch für die Takelage. Allerdings muss auch der Rest der Ausrüstung die entsprechenden Wellenhöhen bzw. Windstärken überstehen.

Hochseetaugliche Schiffe müssen über je eine Koje pro Person verfügen. Außerdem variiert die benötigte Ausrüstung je nach Kategorie.

Achtung: Einfach auf die hohe See zu fahren, ist kein leichtes Unterfangen und kann unter Umständen lebensgefährlich sein. Wir empfehlen einen solchen Ausflug nur erfahrenen Seeleuten mit entsprechenden Booten und Ausrüstungen. Überprüfen Sie vor einer Hochseefahrt alle Funktionen und den Zustand des Schiffs. Sorgen Sie zudem für zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie GPS-Telefone mit Verbindungen zur Küstenwache oder anderen Schiffen, die Sie im Notfall retten können. Sorgen Sie zudem auf jeden Fall für ausreichend Treibstoff!

Sie sehen also: Es liegt an mehreren Faktoren, die ein Boot hochseetauglich machen, oder auch nicht. Überprüfen Sie in jedem Fall das Kennzeichen Ihres Boots und sprechen Sie sich mit anderen Bootseigentümer ab, bevor Sie auf so einen riskanten Trip gehen.

hochsee motoryacht

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Neue Class 30 : Das neue Hochsee-Format: klein, sportlich, bezahlbar

Michael Good

 ·  22.05.2022

Neue Class 30: Das neue Hochsee-Format: klein, sportlich, bezahlbar

Die Initiative für eine neue Offshore-Regattaklasse kommt aus dem Hause der UNCL (Union Nationale pour la Course au Large), der nationalen Vereinigung der Hochsee-Segler in Frankreich. Um das Vorhaben international breit abzustützen, hat die Organisation dem Schulterschluss mit den Verbandskollegen vom RORC (Royal Ocean Racing Club) in England und dem Storm Trysail Club in Amerika gesucht und gefunden. Alle drei Institutionen haben letztlich gleichermaßen am Aufbau der Class 30, der neuen One-Design-Regattaklasse, mitgewirkt.

Für die Entwicklung hat das Triumvirat einen Konstruktionswettbewerb ausgeschrieben. 27 Projekte aus neun Nationen wurden daraufhin eingereicht, geprüft und einem umfangreichen Selektionsmodus unterzogen. Den Zuschlag hat letztlich das Projekt aus dem Büro von VPLP in Frankreich erhalten. Gebaut werden sollen die kleinen Hochsee-Renner unter der Bauaufsicht der Komposit-Spezialisten von Multiplast in Vannes.

Das Konzept der Class 30 basiert auf einer relativ einfachen GFK-Konstruktion mit Festkiel, doppelten Ruderblättern, Aluminium-Rigg und einem ausziehbaren Bugspriet für den Gennaker. Wie die UNCL dieser Tage bekannt gegeben hat, wird die Class 30 in zwei Ausführungen erhältlich sein: als Clubversion mit einer simplen Ausstattung und reduzierter Bordtechnik und als eine insgesamt deutlich besser bestückte Ausführung unter dem Namen Class 30 One Design. Die Konstruktion hat zudem soeben die vorläufige Einstufung in die CE-Entwurfskategorie A4 erhalten, also Hochseetauglichkeit mit einer Mannschaft von vier Personen. Das gilt offenbar für beide Versionen, Club und One Design. Damit dürften die Boote vom Typ Class 30 zum Beispiel auch an den großen Hochsee-Klassikern teilnehmen, wie zum Beispiel am Rolex Fastnet Race.

Meistgelesene Artikel

hochsee motoryacht

Auch hat die UNCL ganz aktuell bereits die Preise definiert. 94.500 Euro netto soll die Class 30 in der Version Club kosten, 132.500 Euro werden für die Version One Design verlangt. Die Preise verstehen sich netto zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer. Damit kann das Projekt für den ursprünglich von den Initiatoren definierten Grundpreis offenbar nicht realisiert werden. Als Grundlage für den Konstruktionswettbewerb wurde 2021 ein Maximalpreis von 80.000 Euro netto festgelegt. Das war noch vor den kriegerischen Ereignissen in der Ukraine und den zunehmenden Schwierigkeiten bezüglich der Lieferketten. Mittlerweile hat sich viel geändert.

Die neue Class 30 soll jetzt die Lücke zwischen den Hochsee-Regattaklassen Mini 6.50 und Class 40 schließen. Die Initiative zum Aufbau einer internationalen Einheitsklasse hat zum Ziel, dem ambitionierten Seglernachwuchs eine günstige und dennoch attraktive Plattform zum Einstieg in den Hochsee-Regattasport zu bieten. Nach den Vorstellungen der internationalen Projekt-Initiatoren soll daraus ein Pool von jungen, engagierten und bestens ausgebildeten Hochsee-Spezialisten hervorgehen, ein Sammelbecken für Neo-Profis auf dem Weg zum Beispiel in die Regattaserien der Class 40 oder Imoca Open 60.

Derzeit werden offenbar die Formensätze gebaut, worin die Rümpfe und die Decks der Boote vom Typ Class 30 laminiert werden. Der ambitionierte Zeitplan sieht vor, die ersten Schiffe schon Ende 2022 auszuliefern. Danach soll jede Woche ein neues Boot fertig werden. Nach neuestem Stand der Dinge liegen aktuell offenbar bereits 25 Bestellungen vor. Und es gibt auch schon konkrete Pläne für ein erstes, umfangreiches Regattaprogramm 2023. Bei nicht weniger als 16 Regattaevents soll die Class 30 eine Einheitsklasse am Start sein, darunter auch beim Fastnet Race sowie bei verschiedenen Einhand- und Zweihandregatten. Außerdem soll mit den Booten vom Typ Class 30 die Idee der ehemaligen "Tour de France a Voile" wiederbelebt werden. Das Etappenrennen rund um Frankreich soll 2024 erstmals wieder stattfinden.

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Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Yachten

hochsee motoryacht

Good morning, Ryan Alexander here with Denison yachting. If you have been paying attention to what’s happening in the yachting industry over the last year, year and a half, you know that it is insane. And it has been a crazy year plus for Denison and not just in the number of boats sold but a recent explosion in our YouTube followership. So if you are new here, welcome. we are about to roll out some of the bigger walkthroughs that we’ve ever put out on our channel and today is one of those notches in our belt in that it is a day of three firsts. 

Today is a first for me because it is the biggest boat that I’ve shot today at 55 meters. This Heesen is the largest boat that I’ve gotten a chance to take you guys on a walkthrough of and I couldn’t be more excited. Second, we figured that a big boat deserves a lot of attention. So this is the first video that we’re shooting in full 6k with cinema cameras, very excited to show you all of the detail on this boat and this is the first time that you’re going to meet Thom Conboy on the Denison Yachting channel. If you know Thom, wherever he goes big boats follow. So him and I are going to pass things back and forth, we’re going to talk about the spaces on board and we’re going to let you in on the secret that is Motor Yacht – ABBRACCI . 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI profile

Good morning, I’m Thomas Conboy from Heesen yachts. We are on board today Abbracci, 180 foot 2012 steel-hulled aluminum structure motor yacht. We wanted to run through a few things so you have a clear understanding of what a magnificent vessel this is. 

Heesen yachts was established in 1978 by Franz Heesen. And they quickly became the largest aluminum builder in the world. We are on our 198 th  hull. This boat would have been hull about 142. The unique thing about this vessel is she at the time was the largest steel boat that we had built in sheer volume. She is obviously as we said earlier 180 feet in length. She’s a little over 33 feet in beam or width. Her draft from water lying down is around 10-and-a-half-feet. The range at 10 knots is plus 6,000 miles the range at 13 knots is 4,500 miles which gives her transatlantic and trans-pacific capabilities. Her top speed is around 15 knots but she’s a true blue water boat to ride in incredible comfort. Some of the things when you build in northern Europe and specifically at Heesen is that there’s a great deal of time and effort put into the soundproofing. The comfort of the ride and it’s a very solid, great sea boat and as you’ll see this was launched in 2012, you look at the condition is pretty remarkable.

A luxury yacht is more than the furniture selection and it is more than the softness of the beds. The definition of luxury that Heesen goes by is the harmony instilled in each space in its entirety. Every guest area on this yacht shares the same foundational elements of form and function with a keen sense of purpose. This means that as you move from space to space every stateroom, every living area complements the last. From the second that you step on board you can tell how much this yacht is loved and what it represents to her owners and crew and that’s what brings Abbracci to life. This Dutch super yacht has taken her owners to the far corners of the globe and in return has been maintained to the highest degree as the queen of the Abbracci fleet. As you see it a wide teak-finished platform carries along the water line in between the port and starboard staircases that make up her Euro transom. Things back here get interesting, however, when the transom door swings down and into the open position creating a massive swim platform. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI beach club

When at anchor, this area is set up with a large area rug beneath any configuration you’d like such as these four teak deck chairs and oversized hanging umbrella. The size of this platform means that you have plenty of space for every guest onboard to spend time together in the sun. In the event that you’re out exploring the islands and on the hook all of the water toys will be in the water. But when you’re underway or back on the dock, all of those toys need a place to live and Abbracci’s garage couldn’t be more capable or convenient. Just some of the toys stored in here are four personal watercrafts, two Yamaha jet skis and two wave runners. There’s also room for four stand up paddle boards, three or more sea bobs, wake board and ski equipment as well as all of the fishing gear you need to deck out a serious toe tender. You’ll have to use your imagination with how open this space is when all of the water toys are removed and the garage is converted into a beach club. When in this configuration you have unobstructed access to a cedar finished sauna on the port side. Directly forward of the sauna is a dayhead. Immediately forward of the garage is the engine room which Tom is going to walk you through. 

We’re now entering the engine room coming from the beach club and as you will see this is a pretty complex engine room, typical northern European. The engines are the MTU engines, 12 cylinders they’re approximately 1324 kW or about 1,800 horsepower. These particular engines will propel the boat about 6,000 miles at 10 knots with a fuel capacity of 33,000 gallons. If you go up to 13 knots then the range drops down to 4,500 miles. Again, giving you a trans-pacific or transatlantic capability. On your right-hand side or the middle of the engine room you have your air conditioning compressors, you have your hydraulic system which controls the stabilization and cranes. Further into the depth of the engine room here, this manifold system that you see through here is all of the bilge which takes the sea water out of the bilge. It also has a fire system that can take seawater from the sea to fight a fire. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI engine room

As you continue through here in the engine room, over here you have an oily water separator. It separates oily bilge water, so it can be dispersed of easily. Through here you have your sewage system called [7:25] system. And then you move on here, it’s a shore power converter. What this does is it takes any shore power that’s on any dock wherever it is in the world and it cleans it and puts constant continuous power into the vessel. Over here on the port side of the engine room, we have the fuel system manifold and purification. So for example this particular unit here takes fuel when you bring it on board and spins it or purifies it. So if you’re say in a third world country and getting not such good fuel this cleans it before it goes into the tanks and or most importantly before it goes to the engines. This is all the different manifold systems to move this fuel around and there are 33,000 gallons of fuel as we’ve previously stated. 

Coming after the engine room here this is getting into your whole fresh water system. Here obviously are water heaters not unlike what you see in your home and back in here, this is all of the different where the water is going to. and one of the most significant things about a boat is you’re not where you can just get fresh water like you can at your home, so we have reverse osmosis water makers. What that is is basically it takes seawater passing it through long membranes at about 800 PSI, then you have a UV and charcoal filter so it comes out as some of the best purest water. You have major exhaust fans, you have air that’s actually pushed in and then it’s exhausted out, so you continually have a flow of new fresh air coming into the engine room. Additionally, you have these large compartments here that are sound shields housing a 175 kW kilo pack generator that deals with all the electrical requirements of the vessel when it’s at sea and or anchor. There are two of these as they alternate from day to day and then there is also an emergency generator of 85 kW that’s located forward and well above the water line. 

The starboard walkway is primarily for guests as it leads forward to the formal entry into the main deck foyer and then beyond to the bow. The floor-to-ceiling glass door that gives you access to and from the side deck is hydraulic. In addition to the stunning cap rails, a detail that you likely wouldn’t notice from just looking at the profile are the glass cutouts in the gunnels emphasizing Heesen’s desire to create a view whenever possible. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI main salon

One of the most stunning uses of glass is found in the salon which is located immediately forward of the aft deck. This is where we get our first look at the 858 gross ton volume of the interior of this Dutch super yacht. In all the salon itself is over a thousand square feet and has a spacious layout. Upon entering you’re welcomed by a greeting area adorned with blonde veneers and cream-toned stones that double down on the bright and airy feel of every interior guest space. Located in the aft section of the salon is a wet bar off to the port side complete with a hidden sink, a refrigerator and an ice maker. Immediately forward of this is the living area of the salon arranged with inward-facing seating this is the ideal space for formal entertaining or for adventure cruising in colder climates. Also found here is a high-low TV which is controlled by an iPad that ties into the yacht’s Creston media control system. We’ll touch on the system later when we’re up in the wheelhouse. Moving forward of the living area, we next arrive at the formal dining space that’s encircled by cabinet storage. There’s seating for 12 around an oversized dining table giving a whole new meaning to family-style meals. 

So now we’ve just entered the dining area which is right off of the main salon and we’ve previously talked about the shell material of the vessel. Now we’re going to talk a little bit about the interior materials. The interior designer was Omega Frank Lautman based in the Netherlands. He’s done quite a few boats for us. The idea here with the client was he wanted a very spacious but very light interior and no two Heesen have ever been built with the same interior. So everything truly is one of a kind and typically custom one-off. There’s a great deal of Anna Gray which is an African hardwood with about a 70 sheen on it. you’ll see an inlaid mother of pearl in this particular table, the stone is an example between the Onyx and the marble and granite depending on the interior designer’s choice, can be anywhere from 600,000 euros to 1 million euros just for the stone. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI dining area

There’s an electric door to port in here that connects the formal dining room with a large service pantry which welcomes you into the galley segment of the yacht. In this stew’s nook is a sink, dishwasher, ice maker and a Miele microwave convection oven. And then a little further forward around the corner is the first bit of refrigeration that sets Abbracci up for success when on the water for weeks on it. 

Continuing forward brings us into the main part of this yacht’s professional galley. The cooking appliances in here include a six burner Gaggenau induction cooktop which rests above the first of three ovens in the area. These cooking appliances and more are directly below a large stainless oven hood and a fire suppression system. Beyond the cooking appliances is plenty of refrigeration where you keep things that the chef needs on hand immediately and there’s also a walk-in refrigerator and deep freezer offering additional crucial cold storage. Looking towards the port side in the galley we see a sink and a second dishwasher as well as the companion way that offers you access down into the crew quarters. We’ll revisit the area where the crew stays in just a little while. Now tom is going to take back over where we left off in the formal dining area as he takes us into the main deck foyer.

So as a point of interest on how these boats are built they’re built to a very high level of classifications. You have Lloyds that deals with the structure, you have MCA and LY3 which deal with more of the interior safety issues and fire issues and it’s quite complex how these boats are built and the level at which they’re built. I’ll give you a great example. If you take a look at this door, with this and some of the bulkheads or all the bulkheads are meant to contain a fire for up to an hour. Between the Lloyds with the shell and the MCA and LY2 this is built truly to the highest standards that we have in the marine industry today. 

I’m going to take back over for a few minutes and show you around the guest accommodations onboard, beginning with the on deck master stateroom. The first part of the owner’s suite you come to upon entering is a study or an office. This is a private escape where you can get away for a few hours of work or end your day when you have guests on board. This office also creates a buffer between the main deck foyer and the master stateroom itself. In addition to the desk and organization found in here, there’s a comfortable low profile couch along the aft bulkhead and a TV on a lift that can be revealed at the touch of a button. This brings us into the sleeping accommodation which is unlike anything you’ve seen on a yacht walkthrough that I’ve gotten to take you on. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI master suite

The most defining characteristic of the owner’s suite is its use of the full 33-foot-4-inch beam. This footprint offers you a vast circular stateroom where everything is laid out around a forward-facing king berth. The ceiling above the bed has been designed to mimic the sky overhead and thanks to all of the natural light pouring in, the reflections in here make for a stunning experience. not only is there an abundance of natural light but there’s accent lighting in all of the right places like under the bed. There’s also a separate vanity located over to the port side, which is a dreamy spot to get ready for a night out on the mainland. There are a handful of seating options in here and there’s a ton of storage that you don’t see at first glance, such as this closet space behind radial cabinet doors. 

The master stateroom is 1,100 square feet when you combine the living area and the office. But to me the most outstanding thing about the master are the windows that you see on either side of the space. There are two sets of blinds so if you want to black out the room you can or if you just want to add a little bit extra privacy you can but the coolest feature is that these doors at the touch of a button hydraulically open on both sides. The master stateroom’s ensuite is stunning and spacious rivaling what you would find in any luxury hotel. Some of the most important aspects of this area are the oval tub where you can take your time and the adjacent shower stall. In all, the ensuite has a footprint of just under 150 square feet. Leaving here let’s head aft into the main deck foyer and then down the central staircase. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI main staircase

When you make your way to the bottom of the spiral staircase you arrive in the lower guest companionway. from here you have five options, sixth I’ll tell you about in just a minute, you have a pair of queen cabins forward, a pair of twin cabins that are mirrored and all the way aft is the VIP which we’re going to take a look at first. 

Upon entering the superbly finished full-beam VIP you first see a king berth that’s flooded by natural light through large hull side windows. Again, note the blonde finishes in here that make it feel alive and refreshing. it’s in an environment like this that you can take a seat at the desk below the hull side windows or just hang out in bed with a good book for an extra hour. Storage in here is found centerline and is made up of two hanging lockers. These are right outside of the ensuite. This VIP ensuite is 116 square feet and features a full-size tub and vanity along the port side. Leaving the VIP and heading forward, our next stop will be a pair of mirrored twin staterooms. In addition to the beds, features found in both of these cabins include hanging storage, TVs and private ensuite heads. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI guest suite

Another set of mirrored cabins is found as you make your way even further forward in the lower companionway. These double cabins are laid out around queen berths and have all of the same features that we’ve seen in the other lower accommodations with the addition of dressing areas below the TVs. 

When we first came down to the lower guest companionway, I said that there were six options. From here I’ve shown you the first five which are the guest accommodations but directly behind me we have access directly into the crew quarters or rather the crew has direct access into these guest staterooms. And the special thing about this is it allows you to change sheets to do laundry and you can pass directly back and forth in between the crew area and the guest space. Entering you first step into the crew mess where the majority of the crew’s downtime is spent when guests are on board. Another key aspect of this part of the yacht is that this is where the laundry center is located with three Miele washers and dryers in a separate laundry room. In all, Abbracci sleeps 14 crew in sizable cabins primarily with bunk layouts and private ensuite head and showers. 

Having covered the entirety of the lower deck and main deck, our next stop is the bridge deck. This is where we’ll really see all of the advantages that come with a super yacht of this size and pedigree. The first area to point out is where all of the aft seating is located. Back here, there are three bench seats and a pair of teak chairs which are arranged around teak cocktail tables. The primary use for this space is located just forward at the massive alfresco dining table with a satin finish. And then making this a great entertaining area, there’s a wet bar and service area to port. Found over here is a sink and a plancha grill. And there’s also a stainless ice maker and refrigerator that’s located below the countertop.

When Heesen was designing and building this yacht, it was a primary focus to make sure that the exterior and interior spaces had seamless flow as you move throughout them. This is something that stands out as we enter the sky lounge. Upon entering this light-flooded space is stunning both because of her full beam layout and how diverse it is. This is an area that gets used all of the time as it offers you a less formal version of the experience offered in the lower salon. This is thanks in part to the inviting seating to starboard where there are four overstuffed armchairs and a comfortable love seat that form a conversation pit. When it comes to movie night up here, you have two options depending on what kind of viewing experience you want to have. The first is a high-low TV located outboard on the port side. And then the second option is a larger projector screen that drops down in front of the TV and the projector which is revealed from the overhead. As you might expect there’s also a wrapping wet bar forward into port with seating along the outside. Looking behind the bar, you’ll see that the appliances include a sink an ice maker and a refrigerator. There’s also plenty of storage for stemware and the surrounding cabinets and cool marble flooring underfoot. Found forward of the bar is an electric pocket door that opens to reveal a service area where the crew can get their tasks out of the way behind the scenes. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI pilothouse

As we follow tom and leave the sky lounge heading forward on the starboard side is a dayhead that you pass on your way into the pilothouse. We arranged the pilothouse here on Abbracci. One thing that’s different about custom yachts is that you have a nice lounge area for guests and owners to sit up here have a lunch, a cocktail while seeing operation of the boat. All of this equipment that you see has a different function from communication with the outside chart system, navigational equipment, engine controls, autopilot, most important communication with the engine room and the engineer. What it does basically works in harmony with the engine room. This over here is the communication within the boat as far as all the cabins and every area of the boat. All of these screens which there are five of them that you see, can be interchanged to whatever you want to bring up on. Here you have a radar, you can have depth sounder, you can have charts, you have the Tyson panel which monitors all internal bilge pumps engine functions, air conditioning every piece of machinery in the boat. You have security cameras when you’re at anchor and or when you’re at the dock. The Sperry autopilot here is an example is that once you’re set a course, put it on a heading this keeps it on the heading literally steering the boat. Virtually this boat can go anywhere in the world operating incredibly safely with no assistance from anything else. 

Aft of the wheelhouse we have this IT space. This is where all of that cabling that you’ve seen in the engine room that you can’t see hidden behind the walls, it is where it all leads to. In here you have full control over the entertainment systems and more this is a pretty great spot if you just want to sneak away for a minute. Catch up on the score of the Lakers game. Over here in this cabinet you see that all of your wiring matrixes are readily available. The reason that this is important is sometimes if you’ve got guests on board they can’t figure out how to work their TVs, you don’t have to run back and forth to see what’s going on. You can bring up on this monitor right here, what’s going on on every single TV screen to help you troubleshoot the problem. Another great feature of this boat is it has a kaleidoscope system. In this brain right here you have access to tens of thousands of movies and shows. Each of these units wires it directly to the TV found in the cabins below. And you also have the matrix for your Creston system. This lets you control all of the lights, blinds in each room. And then in this cabinet right here, you can see all of the direct TV receivers, every TV has its own receiver you won’t have any issues staying connected when you are out on the water.

Wrapping up in the wheelhouse, let’s now follow Tom outside and onto the bow which is the next area we’re going to take a look at. Up here teak decks carry all of the way forward on an area of the yacht that’s primarily used by the crew on this size vessel. The first important piece of equipment up here is a Hydromar marine crane with the capacity to lift over 2300 pounds. This is positioned to lift a tender off the bow over either side of the yacht. But rather than carry a tender, this space is left open so you can arrange deck furniture in the area in the event that you want to. Located right next to the davit, are this yacht’s life rafts. The foredeck has a split configuration in which the anchoring system is located on the lower level forward of the davit. These two commercial windlasses raise and lower a pair of Danforth anchors that offer you peace of mind once they’re set. Something I’d like to point out is how maneuverable this Heesen is. At 180 feet, the slip that we were in this morning gave a rather narrow window for getting out due to the size of the surrounding boats and a really sharp turn into a narrow canal. This super yacht thanks to both an experienced captain and powerful bow thruster made getting out of a tight spot look easy. 

Abbracci is a remarkably dry boat thanks to the trademark Pelican Beak bow that cuts through the waves. This design also provides a quiet and soft ride when this long-distance displacement explorer is out in rough seas. When it comes to her exterior design, this 180 foot Heesen has near-perfect proportions considering her size. This is a very real challenge that gets harder and harder to pull off the longer that a yacht gets and is something that has earned Heesen a ton of respect across the industry. 

I love all of these slightly radial lines that pass forward and aft and how these long curves give her a timeless look. These lines also hint at the volume that you find on the interior which is something that you likely noticed throughout. 

Wrapping up on the bow leads us with one final deck to cover as we come closer to the end of today’s walkthrough – the upper deck. The sundeck offers a versatile set of options for guests staying on board Abbracci. There are three distinct areas that make up the sundeck the first of which is the outdoor portion that’s located all the way aft on the upper level. The most obvious feature up here when you have a bird’s eye view is a massive sunpad that faces aft. On the forward side of the sunning area there’s a bench seat that’s part of a larger seating area all three of these built-in seats are great options for cocktail hour on the hook because of the wind protection and the shade that’s offered by the hard top overhead. 

From here looking up you get a real sense of an Abbracci’s size as you get a glimpse of the radar mast. Found up here are the radars that keep her captain in the know as well as the three domes to keep the yacht connected with phone and TV service when you’re away from the dock. Directly forward of the sundeck is an enclosed spa and gym area that’s an essential part of this super yacht’s over-the-top lineup of amenities.

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI gym

On the starboard side is a vanity head and shower that are connected to this yacht’s steam room which is finished with elegant stonework. Directly across the companionway from here to port is a blissful massage room where you can spoil yourself and unwind. Continuing forward brings us into the climate control gym. This design offers you privacy with the option of opening up the actuated doors on both ends and letting in a cross breeze. In here is all of the exercise equipment that you need to push yourself and escape the pampering that takes place in virtually every other inch of the season. 

Wrapping up in here, the final stop on today’s walkthrough is the Jacuzzi deck located immediately forward of the gym. Under the open sky this is where we find a custom mosaic spa pool with sunpad on either side. The size of this deck and the tub itself makes it possible for you to spend time with eight or so of your family and friends as you finish your day in the lap of luxury. 

180' Heesen Motor Yacht ABBRACCI jacuzzi

Thank you for joining Ryan and I, on the walkthrough of Motor Yacht Abbracci. Hopefully, it’s been informative and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Dennis | Verifizierter Käufer

Apr 25, 2017

the hull finish is excellent and looks great. i recommend replacing the cheap string stays with something better. dont do the 1 hour setup, take the time to build the boat properly replacing cheap fittings and fill the bulb with lots of lead. the boat sails like a dream and very easy to sail. it helps to have some sailing knowledge and model building. im going to buy another one soon for sure to play with.

Dietmar | Verifizierter Käufer

Customer Rated

Aug 03, 2016

Boot kam mit abgefallenen Einbauen, Haken löste sich auch gleich. Oberflächen innen kein Untergrund für Befestigungen, Kielschwert wakelig, Ruder auch. Äußere Oberflächen super. Gute Ideen im Boot! Einfache Verstellmöglichkeiten am Segel. Segelfläche = IOM also 0,6 m². Kielgewicht zu klein, nur Platz für 1,65 kg Bleischrot. Schwerer Bootskörper trägt aber nicht mehr. Also nur für wenig Wind. Segelwinde ist Mist, nach zwei Schlägen sprang die Großschot von der Spule, weil Kapsel nicht eng anliegt. Boot lief trotzdem am Wind zurück zu Steg. Ist ein schöner Rundspanter mit gutem Wasserablauf. Kann aber wohl mit Regatta IOMs nicht mithalten. Käufer sollte etwas Erfahrung haben- für Reparaturen und Tuning, wie Ersatz der Litze im Vorlieg des Groß. Fazig: Boot ist konkurrenzlos günstig

| Verifizierter Käufer

Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 15, 2016

I hope that this follow-up to my previous review is fair warning. After the maiden sailing, (which was a real pleasure not only because it was my first ever RC yachting experience), I noticed some slop in the keel fitting. I put it down to 'bedding in', and so, adjusted the nut on deck, to secure it. My next outing resulted in a recurrence of the same. Having an engineering background, I realised that something other than the nut slackening off was amiss. The third outing resulted in more of the same, with the keel being looser than the previous times. A not so strenuous pull on the keel resulted in it parting from the securing rod completely. Wonderful!!! I WOULD NOT ADVISE BUYING THIS MODEL

Christof | Verifizierter Käufer

Jul 17, 2014

After receiving the first boat with a broken hull, I ordered this boat anew (before it would be on backorder). Everything fine with the new boat. Quick assembly. Everything in good shape, great hull. Moving parts dont work precisely, but for that price it is very acceptable. Had it in the water once. Great fun. The biggest replacement what I will do: put a new buld on it with 2KG at least. The boat - due to its height - puts itself aside very fast in gusts. Some more modifications will follow. Would always buy this boat again.

Jul 01, 2014

Very fast delivery from the EU warehouse (except for the GLS guy, who dropped the parcel in a far away post shop, pretending he did a delivery attempt - this happened twice now). Great boat. Looks very complete. Unfortunately, the hull was broken on the back end. Wondering how this could happen. But, as I ordered multiple parts, the warehouse guy opened the box to put the remaining items ordered in. I don't like that. This was my 60th order at HK and the really bad thing is the service. When something arrives broken (happened for the 2nd time), you have to ship it back at your costs. The service location is not in Germany but in the UK, which costs me bloody 15 Euros for the parcel. This is 15pcnt of the item's price. No, hobbyking, this is no service orientation. I bought this yacht now for the second time in order to get a fast replacement before summer ends and before the boat is sold out agin.

Jun 21, 2014

Nice sailing can been seen and controlled even from 400m distance. Light set should be added for night sailing!

Axel | Verifizierter Käufer

May 17, 2014

Had a phantom previously and had a blast , but this boat. .... It's even better looking and faster, both running on stock gear (gonna change it though), with little and cheap modifications this boat is water proof, some guy here recommended making a mold to cast a bulb out of lead, I did this and it's the best modification you can do, a little over 2kgs !! Great performance, great boat.

james | Verifizierter Käufer

Jun 11, 2013

I have purchased the ocean racer I very pleased with it,when adding ballast I would say put at least,2.3kg and it will sail great, jim

GERARDINO | Verifizierter Käufer

May 28, 2013

I don't know what the negative fuss is all about this product. I ordered mine and it was shipped in four days; it stayed in customs for 5 days and received it in excellent condition. So nine days in all, not bad! The product was packed tightly inside and out; no damages and the servos work as they should. I assembled it with ease using the supplied instruction - very simple! I packed the Bulb with steel BB's and a five minute epoxy. I don't know what the weight of the bulb is after this procedure but rest assured that the boat is exactly on the marked water line. I had great fun with the sailboat on her maiden voyage in the pool. No modification is needed. I will bring it to the marina next time now that I know that this sailboat is capable of what it's suppose to do. I am a very satisfied customer, thanks Hobby King!

raymondo | Verifizierter Käufer

Apr 12, 2013

The boat definately needs more balast in the bulb,to do this I have cut the bulb into 2 halves,made a plaster of paris male plug.thoroughly dried it with a heat gun,then sprayed a coat of paint to make it water proof then used this to make a female mould to cast the lead in to both halves then glued it back together and painted it,the B rig off an IOM is perfect for this boat in heavier winds.Raymondo

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