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  • How to become a Yachtie

So you’re thinking about becoming a Yachtie?

You may have a friend or relative who already works in the industry, or you have watched TV programmes like Below Deck , you know working on a yacht is the right for you, but where do you start? 

With the potential to earn great money, travel, and work with loads of like-minded people, it’s not surprising this job ticks a lot of boxes for many people. 

Becoming a Yachtie and getting paid to work on luxury yachts may seem like a job and industry that only the elite can have access to, or it just seems too confusing to start. 

However, with an understanding of the requirements, certification, and having some expectations of what job role you should be looking for, starting work as a Yachtie will not seem so daunting.

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What is a Yachtie?

Before we go any further, let’s make sure we are all singing off the same hymn sheet. 

A Yachtie is a broad term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. More specifically, it has become the term for people working as yacht crew on superyachts. 

A superyacht is a very large boat that is extremely luxurious and often owned by multi millionaires and billionaires.

These Yachties who work on superyachts hold a number of different positions. Most Yachties will start their superyacht career working as a Deckhand or Stewardess. With more experience and responsibilities, your role will change as you progress up the career ladder. 

It’s worth noting there are other types of yachting and Yachties. The other kind of ‘Yachtie’ could describe those who hold their Yachtmaster qualification and have jobs like skipper charter boats. 

Job roles for new Yachties

Yachties new to the industry (also known as ‘Green’ Yachties) will traditionally apply for entry levels roles, which are Yacht Deckhands or Yacht Stewardesses. 

These are both very different jobs, so you need to be sure which one you want to do and start training for that career path.

Yacht Stewardess (Stew)

A Stewardess, or Steward , looks after the interior of the yacht. This means anything that happens inside the boat, you will be responsible for it. 

Think of any job in the hospitality industry and then combine it into one role on a yacht, that is what you will be doing.

From making beds, doing the laundry, cleaning, serving food, and hosting dinner, you will do it all to a 5-star standard. Anything less than perfect, and your guests won’t be satisfied.

It’s the small things that make the difference between high standards and exceptional standards. You must have a great eye for detail and be able to make sure no stone is left unturned. Everything on board the ship must be 100% perfect at all times.

You will be reporting to Chief Stew, who will be your manager and give you your task list. After a good few seasons as a green Stewardess, you will have enough experience and confidence to apply for Chief Stewardess roles.

Yacht Deckhand

In contrast to the Stewardess role, Deckhands look after the exterior of the boat. 

Predominantly a male role, Deckhands will do everything from general maintenance to cleaning the teak deck, looking after the toys (Jet Skis, etc.), and even driving the tenders.

Deckhands should know how a yacht operates, the basic terminology used onboard, how to tie knots, and loads and loads of enthusiasm. 

Deckhands may also dip in and out of helping the Stewardesses, and it isn’t uncommon for Deckhands to give a hand during busy evening meal preparation and service.

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5 steps to Becoming a Yachtie

With an understanding of the job roles available, you can now decide which one best suits you. With the right attitude, qualifications, and knowing where to look for work, becoming a Yachtie is achievable for anyone who wants it. 

  • Have the right attitude
  • Pass an ENG1 medical
  • Complete STCW Basic Safety Training
  • Gain experience
  • Go to a superyacht marina

1. Have the right attitude

Along with gaining the correct qualifications to prove your competence, to become a Yachtie, you must have certain characteristics to thrive in this industry.

Yachties have to be well presented, articulate, know how to take orders, and be able to work hard, all with a smile and enthusiasm. You have to be able to work incredibly long hours, sometimes under stressful conditions, without losing your patience.

Having a job on a superyacht may sound glamorous, but if it’s your 10th day working in a row and you’ve got your head stuck down a toilet trying to clean it, you may want to think again. To become a Yachtie, you have to be happy with spending a lot of time away from home without seeing your friends and family. This may all seem obvious, but this situation does not suit everyone, and without careful consideration of the negatives, you will leave this industry quicker than when you arrived.

2. Pass ENG1 Medical

The first actionable step you need to take to become a Yachtie is gaining an ENG1 medical certificate. The ENG1 medical is an examination by an approved MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) Doctor to make sure you are fit and able to work at sea.

Every single person working at sea must have an ENG1 medical certificate , without this, you are not able to start working on superyachts. The examination will take around 45 minutes, during which the doctor will go through a checklist to make sure you have no underlying health conditions that may impact the safety of you or anyone else on board the ship.

The most common reason new yachties fail the ENG1 is colour blindness. Surprisingly many people can go through their whole life without knowing they are colour blind. However, on board a ship, this can have huge implications. If you cannot identify signals and lights correctly, it will be impossible for you to help navigate the ship in an emergency. Unfortunately, this means you cannot start work as a Yachtie.

3. Complete STCW Basic Safety Training

Another requirement for working at sea is completing STCW Basic Safety Training . Similar to the ENG1 you can only get a job on a yacht if you have the STCW certificate. 

STCW stands for ‘Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping’. It is to make sure that all Seafarers have an understanding of what to do in an emergency and are aware of the procedures required. 

STCW Courses are action-packed and quite a bit of fun. From fire fighting to sea survival, you will get stuck in learning, and learn loads of new skills.

4. Gain experience 

If you are lucky enough to have a job offer on a superyacht, then having your ENG1 and STCW certificates will be enough.

Don’t worry if you haven’t already got a job offer, it’s quite normal to go through all these steps and not have a job lined up yet. If this is the case, gaining more experience and qualifications is a good idea to give you a competitive advantage over anyone else applying for the same job role. 

This is achieved through signing up to a Deckhand or Stewardess Course. On these courses, you will get your standard STCW certificate and a list of extra qualifications demonstrating your competence, ability, and commitment to the industry. 

Deckhands will learn how to drive a small yacht, engine maintenance, general yacht repair, and how to clean teak properly. Stewardesses will understand wine and how to serve it, the art of flower arranging, and how to drive a powerboat. 

5. Go to a superyacht marina

After you have completed your superyacht training, now is the time to head out to France and look for work. Along with signing up to yacht crew recruitment agencies, going to one of the main superyacht marinas and handing out your CV to Captains is a great way to find work. This is known as dockwalking.

If you complete your Superyacht Course with us, you will have the option of signing up to our recruitment day in Antibes, France. We head out to France as a group, talk you through the process and offer you our industry contacts.

This is a great way to start your journey, and all our students find work in no time.

How much do Yachties make?

So you’ve heard you can make a good amount of money working on superyachts? Along with the travel, the great salary is why many people decide to become a Yachtie.

Like a job within any industry, salary varies. A Superyacht will agree on a crew salary budget with the owner of the yacht.

If you are just starting out, you can expect a salary of around €2,200 – €3,200 per month. However, the industry standard is €2,500 per month. Once you gain more experience and qualifications, your salary will increase. 

When you look at the salary at face value, it looks great but not incredible, however when you are at sea, you have zero outgoings. Working on a yacht means you don’t have to pay rent, bills, or buy food which will save you heaps of money compared with working at home.

If you want to see the salaries of all yacht crew, check out our Salary Guide.

Do Yachties pay taxes?

Another reason why the salary is so appealing is that in most cases Yachties don’t have to pay tax. 

This is a government scheme called the Seafarers Earning Deduction , and providing you are eligible, Yachties can keep 100% of their earnings.

To be able to apply for Seafarers Earning Deduction, you must be working on a ship outside of UK waters for a period of 365 days. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a whole year at once away from home, rather you can only apply once all the days you work on a yacht adds up to 365.

Being able to understand this tax scheme will be hugely beneficial before you start working on a Superyacht. 

Download our free Guide

Want to know more about working on a Superyacht, please download our free guide .

guide to working on a Superyacht

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Everything you need to start your Superyacht Career.

Superyacht Introduction Course

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Course curriculum

Welcome on board.

A message from your Instructors

How to Become Yacht Crew

1. Yachtie - The Introduction

Intro to Module

Your Yachting Industry

Joining the Industry

2. Yachtie - Junior Crew Positions

Intro to Positions

Choose your entry level position

Superyacht Positions

3. Yachtie - Select your Location

Intro to Locations

Where do you start working ?

Where is the best place to start ?

4. Yachtie - Crew Salaries and Packages

Intro to Select your Salary

4- Salaries and Packages (1)

Your salary package

5. Yachtie - Select your Superyacht

Intro to Select your Yacht type

Which Yacht do you want to be on ?

Your Superyacht type

6. Yachtiecareers - Start on Superyachts now

Your Personal Training programme - Start Online + STCW 7 Days

2. Set up your personal Yacht training

3. Let us get started

Book a Free Consultation

7. Become Stewardess - Your Plan - Start online + 7 Days STCW

100$ Free Credit - Payment Plans

Become a Stewardess - Your Plan

8. Become Deckhand- Your Plan - Start online + 7 Days STCW

Copy of 100$ Free Credit - Payment Plans

Become Deckhand - Payment Plan

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Yacht Stewardess Training

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Yacht Deckhand Training

Peter Pan Traveler

How To Become A Yachtie | How To Land Your First Yacht Job

How would you like to travel the world with no expenses while getting paid to do so?

Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not!

Working on superyachts, that is exactly what happens. You get paid a great wage all while traveling the world with no expenses.

Most readers have already heard about working for a cruise line, however, not many people know they can skip the crowded cruise ships and work on a Superyacht for the rich and famous.

If you have seen or heard of “ Below Deck ” then you already know all about the yachting industry.

With the popularity of this TV drama series, more and more people are trying to get into the industry.

But with more people applying for jobs each year, it is getting harder and harder to break into the industry. This is why I decided to write this, to help people like you on how to become a yachtie.

How To Get Into Yachting

Before you start your career in yachting, you’ll need to get your STCW 95 and your ENG 1. YOU CANNOT WORK ON A YACHT WITHOUT THESE.

The STCW 95 is a one-week basic training course that costs around $1000-$1500 depending on where you take it. To find a location near you go to the STCW 95 course .

This course covers basic firefighting training, first aid, and sea survival. You will be in charge of a multi-million dollar, even billion-dollar yacht.

They want to make sure you are wise and capable of taking care of it.

You will also need to get your ENG 1 before you can begin working on a yacht. It is a simple health exam to ensure you are physically fit and is entirely for safety reasons.

You can’t be out at sea and have health issues that might require emergency evacuation.

It is normally a good idea to get your ENG 1 while you are taking your STCW 95 course. There are only a handful of doctors that are permitted to assign you an exam.

They all tend to work from where the yachts are based and the exam will be in high demand.

The ENG 1 is usually around $100 – $150, and it only takes about 15 minutes, but it is REQUIRED.

For anyone interested in working for the deck department, it is a disadvantage if you are color blind.

If you are only wanting to go yachting for a year or two, this won’t be a problem. But, if you want to make this a career and work your way up to captain then you will not be able to do so.

You will be in the wheelhouse at night and doing watches so you’ll need to know the difference between red and green lights.

Not sure what you want to do on a yacht? Click here for the best entry-level jobs .

Also, be aware that yachting is a very old-school industry, and having visible tattoos might hurt your chances of getting a job. Although this is becoming less and less of an issue.

11 Tips On How To Become A Yachtie

Standard CV photo for the yachting industry

1. Make a Kick-Ass CV

With more and more people joining the yachting industry, you have to make yourself stand out for an entry-level position.

A standard CV in the yachting industry includes a professional photo of yourself (Be sure to wear a white polo shirt ), nationality, date of birth, smoker/nonsmoker, tattoos, and previous work experience.

Also include hobbies, places you’ve lived, accomplishments, and what you do for fun.

You never know what will get you hired, it could be that time you climbed Kilimanjaro! If the first mate that is hiring has also done this, he will most likely put you in front of the line and call you first.

If you pass the phone interview and get along well with the crew, you will most likely get the job.

Canva is also a great place to go to get a great CV template to make yourself stand out

2. Dockwalk

Dock walking is like cold calling but in person. You have to get used to rejection in yachting, you might not be the right fit for one yacht but you will be the perfect fit for another.

DON’T take rejection personally and DON’T give up.

One of the best ways to get a job in yachting is by dock walking, talking to the crew, and asking if they have any day work.

After your day work, you never know what might turn into a full-time job. Yachting is all about networking.

For a full guide on dockwalking

3. Yachting Facebook Groups

Facebook is great these days for their group forums. Jobs are constantly being posted in Facebook groups so join as many as possible.

They are also great for keeping up-to-date with topics that are going on in the industry.

Joining one of these groups is a great way to find out information on How to become a yachtie or how to land your dream job.

Be sure to focus on groups for the area you are based in. If you are in Fort Lauderdale, it doesn’t make sense to join a crew Facebook group based in Antibes, boats want local crew.

If you are new to the industry, no one is going to fly you out to the boat.

Be aware of what you post in these groups, greenies are constantly ridiculed for foolish posts and stupid questions.

But if you are clever enough to post a creative or funny posting looking for work, it might even land you a job : )

Here are some great Facebook groups to get you started

  • Yacht Crew Wanted
  • Med Yacht Crew Jobs
  • Yacht Chef Jobs

Two yachts tied up in crystal clear water

4. Daywork123

This is a great website for crew seeking work in South Florida, they are constantly posting jobs and day work. You can upload your CV and apply for jobs that are posted here.

If you post your CV on this website be awake and ready to work by 8am. You can get a phone call at any time and they likely want you to start work right away.

They say the early bird catches the worm, in yachting, it’s all about who can show up ready to work first.

However, I only recommend this website if you are legal to work in the US.

Immigration has been known to look for illegal workers here, and sometimes even set up traps. The last thing you want to happen is to get caught looking for work before your career even starts.

5. Drop Off Your CV At Local Yachting Spots

If you want to get a job on a Superyacht, it is best to go where the superyachts are based: South Florida, Antibes or even Palma.

Like I said before if you don’t have the experience, no one is going to fly you to the boat.

Wherever yachts are based, there are local yachting bars or uniform shops that are great for green crew to leave their CV’s behind.

Boat crews go there often when they are looking to hire.

If you are in Fort Lauderdale you can drop your CV off at Smallwoods, a crew uniform shop. If you are in Antibes then you can post them in the Blue Lady, a local yachting bar.

Put a copy of your CV or business card in these types of places.

Be sure to keep an eye on it, go in and move it to the front of the line if you are still looking for work.

It’s all about being at the front of the line if you want to get a job.

6. NETWORK with Superyacht Crew

Yachting crew busy at work

I can’t tell you how important this one is, network, network, network…. You need to be social and likable to make it in yachting.

Not only are you going to be working with the same people every day, but you also live with them. They become your family away from family and you have to see them and get along 24/7.

If you are a person who likes your personal space, yachting is most likely not for you.

You might be traveling the world with the same 7 people for the next 2 years, you need to get along.

So network, and talk to everyone you meet or pass by because you never know where your first job will come from.

It could be as simple as talking to someone in line at the grocery store.

Or letting someone cut in front of you at a crowded bar that helps land you your first job.


You are not going to get a job on a Superyacht unless you keep applying and sending out your CV. On average you should be sending your CV out at least 20 times a day.

Most likely you might only hear back from one or two of the boats, sometimes none.

But you can’t give up.  You might not be the right fit for 100 yachts, but you will be the perfect match for one.

You just have to keep on applying until you land your first job.

Because you are technically not a yachtie until you get your first job.

8. Triton/ Social Superyacht Events

This comes back to networking. You have to get involved in the yachting community and go to local events in your area if you ever want to get a job.

Triton holds some great events frequently, so it’s a good idea to check them out and see what’s going on in your area.

Networking is key if you ever want to get a job. Talk to captains, add people on Facebook and most importantly be friendly and social. No one wants to hire an unfriendly crew member that isn’t social.

9. Airdrop Your CV or Business Cards

Ok, I had never made b usiness cards, but they are truly effective. Nothing is worse than being caught without your CV when someone is looking to hire and you are the perfect fit.

Always have business cards in your pocket, they are much easier to hand out than your CV.

Another tip is to have your CV on your phone ready to Airdrop or email. Yachting is a fast industry.

When a boat needs a crew member to start, it was most likely yesterday. The person who can start the fastest is usually the one they will hire.

There are hundreds if not thousands of crew members looking to join the industry and everyone is replaceable.

10. Yachting Crew Houses

Stay in a crew house when looking for work, this will give you a great opportunity to network.

Think of a hostel except everyone staying there is in the industry, in-between jobs and usually looking for work. I was able to score my first job from a crew house.

A girl in my crew house was fired from a boat because she was unable to cook.

Since I was cooking she recommended me and voila! That is how I got my first permanent job.

Check out Facebook to find a crew house in your area. If you are in Fort Lauderdale I highly recommend Ancorhed Crew House .

If you keep doing all of the above until you land your first permanent job, I promise you will get a job on a superyacht.

Keep trying and don’t give up. I promise you will get a job if you follow these steps.

It is a dream job for some. A job that lets you travel the world making money while having no expenses.

All of your expenses on the yacht are paid for! Including your shampoo and deodorant.

You will also have all of your meals cooked for you by an amazing chef, and your laundry washed, ironed and folded.

It is the perfect job for anyone looking for an alternative lifestyle, to save a ton of money, and travel.

Downsides Of Working On Yachts

Once you are a yachtie, you will realize that is does have its downsides.

You have no personal space or private life, you are at the beck and call of the owner 24/7 year-round.

So you can throw out planning for anything or going home for family events.

It is unstable. Depending on the yacht, you can be let go from a position for any reason.

You will also have to be off the boat within hours ( luckily they do have to pay for your ticket home).

Also, it is a very sexist industry.

If you can’t handle that, don’t join the industry.

Besides modeling, it is the only industry that not only allows but requires you to put a picture on your CV.

There are stories of girls getting fired because of their hair color, they were too short, or the owner’s wife thought they were too pretty.

You have very different working rights than you are used to. Forget about overtime. You will be working long hours, holidays and weekends.

If you don’t like it they will simply find someone who does. At times you will work 18 hours or more a day, sleep very little, and you won’t step foot on land for weeks.

However, without expenses, you should be able to save a lot of money. When you are working all the long hours you can’t spend your paychecks.

But when you do have to time off you are able to do some awesome things.

You will meet some amazing people. Collect stories that your friends back home will never believe.

It’s not for everyone, but if you can deal with the downsides of it, it is completely worth it.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article on “How to become a yachtie”

So are you ready to get a job on a Superyacht or are you looking for other cool jobs to do aboard ?

What Qualifications Do I Need To Work On A Superyacht?

You only need two qualifications to work on a Superyacht. The first is your STCW 95 a one-week training course and the other is your ENG 1 a psychical medical exam. These are the basic qualifications for entry, but there are more courses you can do to better your odds of getting a job.

Is It Easy To Get A Job On a Superyacht?

Yes! It is easy to get a job on a superyacht, it just takes a little determination. Females tend to have better luck starting out than males, but as long as you don’t give up you will land yourself a job on a superyacht.

How Much Do You Make Working On A Superyacht?

You normally make around $3,000 – $3,500 as an entry-level yacht employee. This does not include your free room and board, as well as all your toiletries and uniforms that are paid for. Salaries will go up every year that you continue to work in the industry.

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  • What Questions to Ask Before Joining a Yacht
  • How to Become a Yacht Stewardess
  • How to Become a Yacht Chef

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18 thoughts on “how to become a yachtie | how to land your first yacht job”.

' src=

Thank you for posting

' src=

I would like to know more about the course prices and if you may have accommodation for learners

' src=

It all depends on where you take the course, as it is offered all around the world. However, it is normally around $1000. You can also normally find a room to rent near where the course is being held for around $200 a week.

' src=

Very good blog

' src=

I would love to work in a superyacht

' src=

What do you do if 1. you are not a US citizen (for jobs in Fort Lauderdale). 2. if you don’t live in Fort Lauderdale or near a dock?

You don’t have to be US citizens, if you are able to work in Europe you can also try Antibes.

' src=

Hie Peter is there any age limit

Nope, no age limit although the average age is 20’s-30’s.

' src=

Can older people work. There age 61

Generally, it is a pretty young industry. Especially when you are starting out and have no experience. I think they would really struggle to find work, especially if they are just getting started.

' src=

Please I would love a job please

Do the steps I write about in this post and you will get one : )

' src=

good day, can I apply as a crew?

' src=

First, you need to get your STCW, and after that you can apply.

' src=

Hi my name is sasha from south africa 19years old of age looking for job with no experience

You should totally get your STCW 95 and apply to work on the yachts.

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Orders placed by 2pm est m-f ship same day, safe & secure checkout, 100% satisfaction guarantee, fast & free shipping to the continental us. orders placed by 2pm est m-f ship same day., what does it take to become a yachtie.

  • January 5, 2019
  • by Austin Frye

So you caught a glimpse of a beautiful yacht sitting in the harbor and saw the crew hard at work serving guests and keeping the vessel in Bristol shape? Quietly you said to yourself… “that seems like an awesome job, how do I throw my hat in the ring for that job and become a real Yachtie?!”

Fear not, I’m here to help guide you through the process of getting your first crew job and donning the official title of Yachtie. But please be warned there are hazards associated with working crew on a yacht:

  • You may have feelings of euphoria and will never look at a traditional 9-5 in the same light
  • Your tan will definitely be the envy of all your friends
  • Your passport will rack up some unique stamps along the way
  • Most importantly, at the end of the day, you’ll have a blast doing what you do for a living

Once you hop onboard and go down the path to becoming a yachtie it becomes much more than a job, its a lifestyle. You spend your days on the water, in the sun, smelling the crisp salt air, not adhering to a traditional schedule. There’s nothing better and the longer you stay in the game the harder it becomes to give up the life.

Now that you’ve been properly warned about the side effects of becoming a yachtie. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what it actually takes to hop on one of these beauties and care for her. For starters, take a mental note of what kind of boating skills you have. Are you a complete newbie having never washed one and have only gone out for the occasional sunset cruise on a friends boat? Or are you a seasoned salt ready to tackle anything Mother Nature or the yacht throws at you.

What does a Yachties typical day consist of?

Before I give you the requirements for landing your first gig on a mega or superyacht, why don’t we take a look into the daily life of a yachtie and see if you’re up for the task. You start your day off by getting up before your owners or guest, which in some cases is pretty early. So if you’re not a morning person the yacht crew life may not be the life for you. Then you hit the decks and chamois dry the whole boat. Be sure to remove fingerprints off of the stainless and make sure those windows look crisp! Then you take all the covers off of the cushions and make sure the boat is ready for your owners to enjoy.

After you get the boat squared away then you can grab some food for yourself. By this time the owners are usually stirring and ready to enjoy an action-packed day onboard. Usually, they’ll take it easy during the mornings. Then they’ll want to leave the dock, go for a slow cruise then throw the hook. Be sure to put every toy in the water including skis and tubes and have dinner on the hook. After you’ve watched another beautiful sunset its time to head back to the dock. From there your guests will continue to enjoy some drinks and some quality time onboard.

Finally, they decide to call it a night. You cover the boat up and crash yourself. Then in the morning rinse and repeat. Eat, sleep, yacht, repeat.

Now that you have a gist of the daily grind, what background do you need to hop onboard your first gig?

1. Hone Your Deckhand Skills

First, I would start getting some basic skills down pat, if you have none. Learn how to properly wash and care for the aesthetics of a boat. See if any local detailing companies are looking for an extra set of hands for their weekly care customers.

2. Search For Day Work

After you’ve got washing, and chamois’ing down pat, lets log some sea time. If you have friends who are day captains see if they are looking for a mate. Chances are they need a good, reliable mate.

Do some trips with them, you’ll develop a good rhythm of what it takes to get various size boats on and off the dock. It racks up those coveted days on the water so you can earn your ticket down the road.

Honestly, I love day work, moving different boats around for dealers, its a chance to experience so many different systems and trips and not the same routine like being full-time.

3. Get Your Certifications

After all of this, do you still have burning desire to embrace the yachtie lifestyle? I hope so…

Now its time to hit the classroom. In order to crew on a larger yacht at a minimum, you need your STCW 95. Which stands for, Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping for Seafarers.

The course consists of 5 elements and will take 5 days to complete. In order to successfully obtain it, you need to complete all five elements.

  • Personal Survival
  • Fire Fighting
  • First Aid & CPR
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)

Like anything else, this certification helps to show captains, and owners you mean business and aren’t trying to just hop on cause its “cool” to work on a boat.

4. Grow Your Network

After you received your certification, its time to start networking. The best opportunities within my boating career have come through my network, time and time again. If you took my advice above about working for someone cleaning boats or hopping on a delivery or two chances are you’ve met some key players in the game. But remember that day work is also good for something else, building references. Any captain and owner is going to want to make a few phone calls to get a feel for you.

While building your network up of captains, deckhands, brokers and anyone else who can help you accomplish your goal of landing your first gig on a yacht, you need to work on your resumé.

5. Craft The Perfect Resumé

Your resumé needs to paint a picture of who you are. Illustrate how energetic you, that you’re a team player ( a must considering you’re putting your life in the hands of those you sail with, things can happen in a split second on the high seas.) Make sure to get a nice headshot, that’s an industry standard to attach to your resumé.

Think long and hard about what truly sets you apart from everyone else vying to become a yachtie. What makes you memorable next the other persons application in the pile? This will help you to get captains to pick up the phone to speak with you, without knowing you personally.

6. Work With A Crew Placement Agency

Once you’ve dialed in your resumé and you’re ready to fire it off but where do you send it? A job board? Hang it at a marina?

Your best bet would be to register with a superyacht crew agency. There are a variety of ways you can go about this. Do a google search for an agency and you will yield a bunch of good results to inquire with.

Another way would be to do some research into large brokerage houses. They typically have a crew division, helping to place crew with newly sold boats or signup with larger boats to help place when someone leaves a boat.

Those are the two best avenues to help get your phone to ring. But like anything else don’t just wait for the phone to ring. Stay in touch with your placement agent be top of mind so when their phone rings with an opportunity it’s your number they dial first!

Be proactive and keep in touch is some of the best advice I can give, being in the right place at the right time will be the difference a lot of the time from getting landing that yachtie gig and it going to someone else. Talk to the captain who you helped with day work, your broker friends, you never know they could have just hung up with someone looking for crew!

To Sum It All Up

Lastly, while you’re waiting to land that first full-time yachtie opportunity, keep doing day work. It is the most valuable way to hone your skills before you hop onboard a larger yacht and will give you the confidence to excel in your newfound career… I mean way of life.

So go out there and make your dream a reality and get lost in the yachtie culture, you won’t regret it. You already took the first step and researched how to get your foot in the door.

If you need some help figuring out how to get started if you’re still struggling feel free to reach out.

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  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
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  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food & Hygiene Level 2
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  • Salary: 3500EUR


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Step-by-step guidance on how to, not only, get a job on a superyacht, but what it takes to get there and how to establish yourself as the best crew member possible.



Clickable Links  to top crew agencies, crew house accommodations, yachtie Facebook Groups & top yacht schools and academies.

Advice  from experienced crew members within the industry. Including Captains, Deck crew,  Stewardesses, Engineers and Chefs.

FREE access to downloadable CV/resume templates, cover letter templates & business card templates.

So much more including:  What courses to do, where to go, what visas to get and how to get them, what to do before you leave and when you arrive, interview questions to expect and what questions you should ask, what happens when you're on board , how to deal with tax, a list of popular yachtie hangouts, a list of annual boat shows and a list of yachtie terminology.



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>, <<<<<<<<<<<<<.

If you have any questions regarding the book or would like some extra advice, shoot me a message below and I'll get back to you.

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Summer season is HERE!!!

Ready to get PAID to see the world?

I'm Emery, your favorite Yachtie Girl, and if you are trying to figure out how to join the adventurous world of yachting...you're in the right place. I hear you loud and clear – the burning question echoing across all my social media channels is... "How do I get started in yachting?"

Being a crew member on a yacht isn't just a job...it's a lifestyle.

-Sounds cool right?!

Unfortunately, getting started can be a CHALLENGE...

(RESPECT to those who fumbled their way thru!!!)

I found my way with a lot of help from a family friend. Someone who not only guided me through the certifications process but provided the experienced advice I needed to prepare for my first job and, ultimately, the adventure I live and share now! ⚓

"JOIN THE CREW" is a step-by-step guide not only for those ready to get started but also for those still figuring out if yachting is a fit for them

Join me as your coach below👇

If you missed our Launch Party...log in and I will give you the discounted price! 😊

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The Wave of Yachting Opportunities! 🌊

It is difficult to speak generally about the yachting industry as there are so many different boats, programs, owners, and travel itinerary's. even if you aren't interested in crossing the atlantic twice a year between the mediterranean and the caribbean seasons...there plenty of other options..., ⚓ part time, free lance, and seasonal positions., ⚓ private "go no-where" programs that have you home for dinner every night., ⚓ or maybe, like me, you are ready to see the world on boats that might come back to their home port once a year, ⚓ there are high end charter boats that cater to celebrities or specialty charters such as diving or fishing excursions., ⚓ motor yachts, sail boats, catamarans, super yachts....

Whether you're planning a career at sea or just looking for a fun, profitable summer job...yachting offers ALOT of choices. BUT...be aware, there is a cost to get started.

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What You Will Learn Working With Me...


These are critical! And a "must have" before you can even apply for a job.


So many options!

Interior/Exterior...remember it doesn't matter where you start. Doesn't matter if you have a degree in engineering or you are a trained chef...be flexible and prepared to work your way up!


Even when you are "green" with no yachting experience.


Learn how to read a job ad and where to LOOK for jobs that are beginner friendly.


FYI a "6 pack" is not referring to your abs 😊

Ongoing group LIVE sessions to provide support and community through-out this process.


By the end of this course...you will have the road map you need to confidently and quickly get onboard your first job in yachting.⚓

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Not only provides you step by step instruction on "HOW" to get into yachting but how to successfully navigate the lifestyle of working on a yacht.


JOIN THE CREW! isn't about teaching you how to set a table or operate a tender. There are many department-specific training classes available around the world, which I wholeheartedly endorse and encourage...

FYI-Unless someone is asking for a specific certification...they usually aren't necessary to get started.

This course is designed to prepare you for your first job as a crew member on a yacht. To provide the tips, tricks, and advice you need to confidently move forward into your own adventures.

Let's roll up our sleeves and get started!!!

If you missed our Launch Party...log in below and I will give you the same discounted price!

Great⚓Questions !!!

"I want to be a chief officer on a yacht, what certifications do I need?"

There are many continuing education classes for advanced crew positions on yachts. Some yacht programs will actually pay for crew member's to pursue job advancement certificates. You will also need documented sea time signed off by your captain.

"Can I start yachting outside of high school?"

Of course! Fresh out of high school or college works. Whether your plan is to build a career at sea or just a profitable part time gig...yachting offers many options.

"Are there opportunities to move up the career ladder in Yachting?"

SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES! This is a very common way to move into the next position. Many, if not most, captains began their careers on deck.

"Do you get days off to explore the location you are in?"

HAHA! People don't do this job for toilet paper folding. But seriously, yes!!! Not only are you frequently visiting exotic ports of call but it's an entirely different experience seeing these destinations by yacht.

"Do you need to know how to work all the water toys to start ?"

Absolutely not! You will have the opportunity to learn on the job. Even if it's not your job...I have had plenty of opportunities to enjoy them on a day off!



#1 Question I get on Social Media...

"How Do I Get Into Yachting?"

Hey there!👋🏼

I'm Emery, @thatyachtiegirl, and I share my travels and adventures working on yachts. One of the most common questions I get from my social media followers is, "How do I get into yachting?" I wish I could speak to everyone personally, on this as I love my job! Instead, I created two courses to break down the real questions being asked starting with do you "WANT" to work in the yachting industry?

Reality shows make the yachting industry look incredibly fun and glamorous. LOL...let's face it, so do I 😃

However, like any profession, it has its ups and downs. Yes, the travel and adventure is amazing, but it comes hand in hand with long hours and hard work.

Before you start investing your time and money into this exciting endeavor, it's important you have an accurate expectation of what this job and lifestyle really is. That's why I created the free mini-course, "Life on Deck-What to Expect" that specifically shares the insights you need to determine if yachting is a good fit for you.

Now...if your answer is "YES, yachting is my calling!" Then let's roll up our sleeves and get started finding you a job! The next chapter is

"Charting Your Course to a Career in Yachting"

Here, we will provide step by step directions to fast-track you to your first job in yachting.

In this course we will be discussing:

*The required certifications you will need to get started.

Before you can even apply...you need some basic certifications that we will review.

*Building a winning CV (Resume).

Just because your experience or job history isn't in yachting, specifically, doesn't mean you don't have skills and experience that will transfer to yachting.

* Discovering where to find job opportunities and how to apply.

As a "greenie" coming into the industry...this part can get tricky. We discuss where to look and how to decipher the job being offered.

* Crew positions to pursue starting out and ones to work towards.

I want to help you identify which position would be a fit for you. Whether you want to be on deck or part of the interior team may require some flexibility on your part as we don't always start where we think we want to work. I think this is GREAT! I started in the interior and found I was equally happy on deck...thankful I got to experience both as a new crew member!

And, most importantly, a comprehensive understanding of how to be successful as a new crew member in the yachting world.

I share my tips and tricks on how I make this job and LIFESTYLE work for me. That includes not just getting you a job but helping you fit in, to add to the program you are coming joining and how to make it work for you!

This course isn't about teaching you how to set a table or operate a tender... there are numerous department-specific training classes available through out the world, which I wholeheartedly endorse and encourage. This course is designed to fast-track your path to becoming a crew member on a yacht. The rest is up to you!

So, what are you waiting for? Let's set sail on this incredible journey together! 🌊🛥️

Let's Go!!!!

Can I work part time on a yacht?

Yes, it is called Freelance or temp crew

How can you work out on a boat?

It can be challenging, but not impossible, Some yacht have gyms on board, most marinas have them, and if nothing else is available... I will at least get off and go for a run

When applying for a job, do I have to provide my passport?

I wouldn't let them know that you have a passport, or visa and upon hire, you will provide that information.

Are you paid tips in cash?

Not usually, check or wire transfer is typical

Do you work with celebrities?

I have worked with celebrities before but it depends on the program. (Not every yacht does)

I want to be a chief officer on a yacht, what certification do I need?

There are many continued education classes you can participate in. You will also need documented sea time signed off by the captain

Where did you get your ENG1 done?

Fort Lauderable, FL

How do you get internet on the ocean?

Most yacht are equipped with internet and WIFI...

Can you have tattoos?

Yes, many programs allow tattoos and the ones that don't usually specify right up front.

Can I start yachting outside of high school?

Fresh out of high school or college

Do you ever get sea sick?

SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES! This is a very common way to move into the next position. Many captains began their careers on deck.

Do you get days off to explore the location you are in?

HAHA! People don't do this job for toilet paper folding. But seriously, yes!!!

Is it hard to get hired as a guy?

Soooo many guys in the industry, maybe more than women.

Do you need to know how to work all the water toys to start?

Do you need to be in shape to work on yachts.

Reasonably good shape... you are on your feet ALL day. Hours can be long and the work can be physical.

yachtie careers girl

Is Yachting For You?

I came out of college ready for an adventure! Yachting was the perfect fit.

BUT (and it's a big but), just like any profession, being a part of the yacht crew has both it's ups and downs.

Yes, the travel and adventure are incredible...money can be pretty good, too😊

BUT it also comes with long hours and hard work.

Before diving head first into this industry, join me here to get a realistic understanding of what you're signing up for and fast-track your course to a successful career at sea!

Sooo...what are you waiting for?

The skills and experiences gained in yachting are invaluable even if it's not your long term plan. It can serve as a valuable stepping stone to VARIETY of career paths.

If you are willing to embrace the challenges along with the rewards, a career in yachting can be an incredibly fulfilling choice.

Let's make your yachting aspirations a reality!

All Courses

Life on deck-what to expect.

FREE Mini-Course

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How to Get Started in Yachting

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Email: [email protected]

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Kamala harris called 'original hawk tuah girl' by fox business guest live on air, kamala harris fox business guest ... calls her og 'hawk tuah' girl 😬.

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A guest on FOX Business suggested Vice President Kamala Harris slept her way to the top live on the air -- and he did so by invoking none other than the now-viral Haliey Welch .

Author Alec Lace went on the network earlier this month to talk shop, and it quickly became clear he was no fan of Dems or the VP, especially when he referenced her in very vulgar terms.

The shocking moment is just now going viral because of Harris' presidential campaign.

Hawk Tuah - The original interview that started it all pic.twitter.com/QiDfnmXjye — The Postman (@officalpostman) June 22, 2024 @officalpostman

Watch ... Lace was trashing Kamala, calling her the "DEI Vice President" and saying the Democratic party's prospects are grim. Then, he called KH the "original Hawk Tuah girl."

You can see some of the other FOX hosts sitting next to him react to the wild description -- with Dagen McDowel l being the only one to react with words ... calling his cheap shot "harsh" and "tough." The other two hosts also seem to agree ... but no other pushback from them.

Again, it seems like his remarks flew under the radar when they first went out over the airwaves over 4th of July weekend ... and the reason it's getting picked up and circulated now is because Lace himself retweeted the clip amid news Joe was out and Kamala was in.

Despite the obvious misogyny in his unsubstantiated smear, AL stands by it -- telling TMZ, "Kamala Harris and the Biden administration are destroying our country. The last thing I’m worried about is saying the quiet part out loud about how Kamala got where she is today."

He adds, "I’m more concerned with how the MSM has radicalized people with their dangerous rhetoric about President Donald Trump which almost got him killed."

FWIW ... Lace has not been back on FOX Business since saying this. We've reached out to the Harris campaign ... so far, no word back.

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Local girl loves her goats, but lets them go

SOUTHINGTON — This year’s grand champion of the 4-H goat Junior Fair Livestock Auction has been competing in the auction for three years, but letting go of her goats doesn’t get any easier.

Although Izamae Biery, 12, said competing in the 4-H goat livestock auction is fun, letting go of Tucker and two other goats she sold this year also was a sad experience for her.

She has sold four goats in previous years. Tucker was this year’s winning goat at the Trumbull County Fair’s Junior Livestock Auction for goats.

Izamae, of Southington, competes with her goats through the Kinsman Kids 4-H Club.

Izamae’s mother, Maryjane Biery, said the goats they raise are raised with a cause.

“It’s hard because the kids work on the goats and become friends with them and just when the goats start developing personalities, the kids have to get rid of them and that’s the hard part of going through the project,” she said on behalf of her daughter. “There’s days that it’s harder than others, but she’s fine after she’s given it a little time. That’s their companion, but they know going into it that it’s going to go to the sale.”

The goats are raised from December until July when they are sold. Tucker was bought by Cafe 422 franchise owner Serdar Dede for $24 per pound.

Maryjane Biery said the money earned from selling the goats will be put toward her daughter’s college or future endeavors.

Izamae said she joined 4-H because she loves animals and loves going to the fair.

“I started off with goats,” she said. “It didn’t seem like it would be a big project and they’re really cute. We feed them, love them and walk them.”

She said all the goats she sells are male.

Izamae said being named the grand champion for the goat auction felt “amazing” and made her feel proud.

“It felt like my hard work paid off,” she said.

Her brother, Izaac Biery, 11, also sells goats in 4-H. He has been in the program for two years.

It’s been a family tradition, as father Jake Biery was a member of 4-H when he was a child and raised and sold beef cattle.

“4-H is a good thing for kids,” he said. “They get to meet other people in the county. They learn about raising animals and give animals a good home.”

Trumbull County Fair Board Secretary Kierstin Holmes expressed the importance of 4-H to the Trumbull County Fair.

“4-H is the fair,” she said. “These kids are everything to the fair. They do most of the shows. They bring the livestock. All of us on the board do this for the kids. They’re the reason we give our time to the board and to the fair.”

The Bierys said they’re grateful for the support from Amy and Tate Smith, from whom they purchase their goats, and club adviser Darlene Brooks.

Izamae said she plans to stay in 4-H as long as she can.

“It gives me something to do,” she said. “I like to be active.”

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North carolina high school teacher arrested for ‘indecent liberties’ with student.

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A North Carolina high school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly sexually abusing a student, police said.

Britney Marie Vernon, 39, was hit with three counts of felony indecent liberties with a student and three counts of felony sex acts with a student, according to the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office.

The disturbing assault allegations against the Randleman High School teacher were first reported on July 1.

Britney Marie Vernon, 39, was hit with three counts of felony indecent liberties with a student and three counts of felony sex acts with a student, according to the Randolph County Sheriff's Office.

Police did not share the details or disclose whether more than one student was allegedly targeted by Vernon, but said the accusations were troubling enough to issue a warrant.

The sheriff also did not clarify whether the alleged victim was Vernon’s student or their age.

The age of consent in North Carolina is 16.

Vernon is a career and technical education teacher within the high school’s health services department, according to its webpage.

The sheriff also did not clarify whether the alleged victim was Vernon's student or their age.

She began her teaching career at Randleman High on August 21, 2023, but had been a part of the Randolph County School System since August 2018, a spokesperson told WFMY 2 News.

Vernon has since been suspended without pay.

She is being held on a $75,000 unsecured bond and is due back in court on Aug. 12.

Randleman is a city with a population of 4,600 and is 20 miles south of Greensboro.

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Who is Kamala Harris? The life of the woman stepping into the 2024 limelight

P resident Joe Biden’s decision to end his reelection bid and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him in the campaign has upended the presidential race and shined a renewed spotlight on Harris.

Her career path from prosecutor to politician has been defined by many firsts: She the nation’s first Indian American senator and its California’s first female and South Asian attorney general. Harris is the first woman to become Vice President, as well as the first Black or Asian American person to hold the office.

Now, as momentum builds to position her as the Democratic party’s 2024 presidential nominee, Harris could be on the cusp of becoming the country’s first female president.

Here’s what to know about Harris’s life and the moments that defined her in politics.

The daughter of immigrants

Kamala Devi Harris was born in Oakland, California, on October 20, 1964.

In the introduction to her 2019 memoir, “The Truths We Hold,” Harris notes that her name is pronounced “‘comma-la,’ like the punctuation mark” and that it means “lotus flower,” in homage to an important symbol in Indian culture.

Harris’ father, Donald, immigrated to the United States to study economics at the University of California at Berkley. He is now a professor emeritus of economics at Stanford.

Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, immigrated to the US from southern India in the late 1950s. She earned her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology at Berkley and became an acclaimed breast cancer researcher before she passed away in 2009.

Harris writes that her parents “met and fell in love at Berkley while participating in the civil rights movement,” but the couple later divorced when Harris and her sister, Maya, were young.

Harris credits her mother for “shaping us into the women we would become” and for teaching her daughters to be proud of both their Indian and African American heritage.

“Our classical Indian names harked back to our heritage, and we were raised with a strong awareness of and appreciation for Indian culture,” Harris wrote in her memoir.

“My mother understood very well that she was raising two Black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as Black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud Black women.”

A career of ‘firsts’

In 1982, Harris enrolled at Howard University, a historically Black university in the heart of Washington, DC.

There, she joined Alpha Kappa Alpha , the country’s oldest Black sorority, and earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics. She would later become the first HBCU graduate to be elected vice president.

After college, Harris returned to California and attended law school at the University of California Hastings. When she decided to pursue a career as a prosecutor in the district attorney’s office, Harris said she knew she would have to defend her choice to her friends and family.

“America has a deep and dark history of people using the power of the prosecutor as an instrument of injustice,” she wrote in her memoir. “But I also knew that what was wrong with the system didn’t need to be an immutable fact. And I wanted to be a part of changing that.”

After graduating from law school, Harris spent three decades as a prosecutor, serving as a deputy district attorney for Oakland’s Alameda County before she was elected in 2004 to be district attorney of San Francisco.

In 2011, Harris became the first African American, first woman, and first Asian American elected to be the attorney general of California.

During her time Attorney General, Harris met and befriended President Joe Biden’s eldest son, Beau, who also served as Delaware’s attorney general.

Harris’ record as a prosecutor – and later California’s top law enforcement official – came under scrutiny during her 2020 presidential campaign, with progressive activists and law enforcement advocates questioning several decisions she made in office, including her stance against the death penalty.

In 2014, Harris married Doug Emhoff, a former managing partner at a law firm. The couple met on a blind date and Harris later joked in her memoir that her staffers referred “to that era as A.D. – ‘After Doug.’”

Emhoff is the nation’s first second gentleman.

From prosecutor to politician

In 2015, Harris launched a campaign for the US Senate, vying to replace longtime California Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Both former President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden endorsed her campaign and she would later write in her memoir that election night in 2016 was “surreal” for many reasons – not only because she won.

“I was a US senator-elect – the first Black woman from my state, and the second in the nation’s history, to earn that job,” she wrote.

But, as it became clear that Donald Trump would become the 45th president of the United States, Harris said she abandoned the speech she originally wrote under the assumption that the country would elect its first woman president, and instead urged the supporters “to be committed to bringing our country together.”

During her time in the US Senate, Harris served on the Senate Judiciary Committee as well as the Select Committee on Intelligence before launching a bid for the White House in 2019.

During a crowded presidential primary debate that year, Harris confronted then-Vice President Biden’s record, including his previous stance on desegregation and school busing.

Biden later told CNN after the debate, “I was prepared for them to come after me … But I wasn’t prepared for the person coming at me the way (Harris) came after me. She knew Beau, she knows me.”

Biden’s decision to later select Harris to be his running mate came as a surprise to some, but he would later describe it as “ the best decision I’ve made. ”

On January 20, 2021, Harris was sworn in as the country’s first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president. In her role as president of the Senate, according to the White House, Harris set a new record for the most tie-breaking votes cast by a vice president.

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Vice President Kamala Harris on June 7.


Amid the Mayhem, Trump Pumped His Fist and Revealed His Instincts

A bloodied Donald J. Trump made Secret Service agents wait while he expressed his defiance. The moment epitomized his visceral connection with his supporters, and his mastery of the modern media age.

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Donald Trump raising his fist as he is surrounded by Secret Service agents, his face visibly bloodied.

By Shawn McCreesh

  • July 13, 2024

Donald J. Trump was back on his feet. He had just been shot at, his white shirt was undone and his red hat was no longer on his head. Blood streaked across his face as riflemen patrolled the perimeter of the stage. A pack of Secret Service agents pressed their bodies against his. “We’ve got to move, we’ve got to move,” one pleaded.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait,” the former president instructed, his voice a harried — but startlingly clear — command. Reluctantly, they halted. He peered out into the crowd.

And then his arm reached toward the sky, and he began punching the air.

The crowd started to chant — “ U-S-A! U-S-A! ” — as the agents inched Mr. Trump toward the stairs. When they reached the top step, they paused once more, so Mr. Trump could lift his arm a little higher, and pump his fist a little faster. The crowd roared a little louder.

It’s difficult to imagine a moment that more fully epitomizes Mr. Trump’s visceral connection with his supporters, and his mastery of the modern media age.

Mr. Trump would not leave the stage without signaling to his fans that he was OK — even as some were still wailing in fear. And he did not just wave or nod, he raised his fist in defiance above his bloodied face — making an image history will not forget.

He has always been highly conscious of how he looks in big moments, practicing his Clint Eastwood squint and preparing for his mean mug-shot grimace. But there was no time to prepare for this.

This was instinct.

As the agents coaxed him onto his feet, he stammered, “Let me get my shoes on, let me get my shoes on.”

“I got you, sir, I got you, sir,” an agent replied. Mr. Trump rose, his voice uneven at first, still repeating himself: “Let me get my shoes on.”

“Hold that on your head,” an agent told him, “it’s bloody.”

“Sir, we’ve got to move to the cars,” another said.

“Let me get my shoes on,” Mr. Trump said again.

Fierce one moment, he looked drained and stricken the next.

After the agents managed to hustle him off the stage, they led him toward an idling Chevrolet Suburban. He began to clamber inside, but before the door could close, he turned back toward the crowd again. His head appeared more blood-soaked than before. He raised his fist one more time.

Our Coverage of the Trump Rally Shooting

The Investigation : F.B.I. officials told Congress that the 20-year-old gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump used his cellphone and other devices to search for images of Trump and President Biden .

Congress Forms Task Force : The top Republican and Democrat in the House have struck a deal to form a bipartisan task force  to lead congressional investigations into the attempted assassination.

Security Blind Spots : Even as investigators continue to examine what happened at the Trump rally, it is already clear that there were multiple missed opportunities to stop the gunman  before the situation turned deadly.

The Gunman : In interviews, former classmates of the suspect described him as intelligent but solitary , someone who tried to avoid teasing by fellow students.

Secret Service Director : Kimberly Cheatle  returned in 2022 to lead the agency she had served for nearly 30 years. Before her resignation, she faced grueling questions from lawmakers  about the adequacy of her agency’s preparation .


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  30. Amid the Mayhem, Trump Pumped His Fist and Revealed His Instincts

    A bloodied Donald J. Trump made Secret Service agents wait while he expressed his defiance. The moment epitomized his visceral connection with his supporters, and his mastery of the modern media age.