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Langebaan Yacht Club

Langebaan Yacht Club photo

This bar is famous for its great service and friendly staff, that is always ready to help you. Prices are found affordable here. The pretty atmosphere gladdens visitors and attracts more guests. Google users like Langebaan Yacht Club : it was rated 4.5 stars.

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Langebaan Yacht Club on map

SundaySun 8AM-3PM
MondayMon Closed
TuesdayTue 8AM-5PM
WednesdayWed 8AM-5PM
ThursdayThu 8AM-5PM
FridayFri 8AM-7PM
SaturdaySat 8AM-7PM

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Langebaan Yacht Club

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Situation & Directions Langebaan Yacht Club is situated on the south side of the Langebaan village, on the Langebaan Lagoon. From Cape Town, take the R27 north. Turn left at the Langebaan turnoff. You are now in Oostewal Road. Follow this road through Langebaan. At the intersection with Sunbird Drive, turn right

Description Langebaan Yacht Club provides recreational amenities for members, which include Boating, Sailing, Canoeing, Angling and general social activities.

Contact Info: EMail: [email protected] Website : www.langebaanyc.co.za/

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Langebaan Yacht Club

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Langebaan Yacht Club Address: Cnr. Sunbird Ave & Oostewal St, Langebaan, 7357, South Africa City of Western Cape Post Office box: 72, Langebaan, 7357 Phone number: 022 772 2466,, Fax: 022 772 2847 Categories: Yacht Clubs,

Yacht Clubs

Address: Commodore, Richards Bay, 3900, South Africa, Kwazulu Natal. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs

Address: 3 Maritime Crt, 139 Margaret Mncadi Ave, Esplanade, Kwazulu Natal, 4001, South Africa, Durban. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs www.pyc.co.za

Address: 53 Eighth Ave, Fontainebleau, Gauteng, 2194, South Africa, Randburg. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs www.ngy.co.za

Address: Kwazulu Natal, 4001, South Africa, Durban. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs www.ukzn.co.za

Address: Vetches Pier, Point, Kwazulu Natal, 4001, South Africa, Durban. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs

Address: 7 Seafarer Rd, Bayhead, Kwazulu Natal, 4026, South Africa, Durban. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs

Address: Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa, Kwazulu Natal. See full address and map. Categories: Yacht Clubs

Langebaan Yacht Club Map and Navigation

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Langebaan Yacht Club | Langebaan Sports & Leisure

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Langebaan Yacht Club

Yacht clubs were historically very exclusive places, as members had to be yacht owners. Yacht clubs have opened their doors more widely now, so more of us can enjoy them.

Yacht club membership may still be restricted to boat owners, but these now include owners of small boats like dinghies. Yacht clubs often now offer open sailing lessons.

Yacht clubs also have had to diversify to remain viable. Yacht clubs often have lovely restaurant and bar facilities, where you can enjoy a meal in a beautiful nautical environment.

Yacht clubs are pleasant places to relax, or pursue boating activities. If you love the water, see what's on offer at the nearest yacht club.

Yacht Club in Langebaan, Western Cape, South Africa

Club Mykonos Ocean Yacht Marina in Langebaan can accommodate your rubberduck, ski boat, cabin cruiser, yacht or catamaran in one of the 134 walk-on moorings. Fuel is available 7 days aweek and for yacht owners they offer a valet service. The Club Mykonos Ocean Yacht Marina also offers rubberducks and wetbikes for hire and high speed boat trips.

Do you have, or know of, a company or businesses that operates in Langebaan?

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Thank you for visiting Yacht Club - Sports & Leisure - Langebaan , Western Cape , South Africa


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Langebaan Yacht Club

Langebaan Yacht Club



The name of the Club shall be the LANGEBAAN YACHT CLUB , and the headquarters shall be at Langebaan.

The object of the Club shall be the encouragement of Boating, Sailing, Canoeing and Angling.


3.1The Club is not formed for the purpose of carrying on any business or enterprise that has for its object the acquisition of gain by the members of the Club, except activities to subsidies Member fees and contributions.

3.2The Club is liable for its own debts and any assistance granted to any person or body, whether corporate or unincorporated, shall not render it liable for the debts of such person or body.

3.3The Club may sue or be sued in the name of its Commodore, for the time being, in any Court of Law in the Republic of South Africa. All process of law, notices and the like shall be regarded as sufficiently served on the Club if served on the Commodore personally. The Commodore shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered.

3.4The Club shall acquire rights and shall incur liabilities in its own name and apart from its members, and no member shall under any circumstances whatsoever be liable for any of the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Club of whatsoever nature or howsoever arising.


Membership of the Club shall consist of persons duly elected to one or other of the following categories:


4.1.1 ORDINARY MEMBERS: Ordinary members shall be ladies and gentlemen over the age of 18 years.

4.1.2 HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: Any person who has rendered exceptionally distinguished service to the Club may, on a recommendation by the Executive Committee at a General Meeting of the Club, be elected as Honorary Life Member if two thirds of the numbers present and voting are in favour, and shall thereafter become entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Membership without subscription.

4.1.3FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP: Foundation Members shall have all the privileges allowed to Family Members but shall not be required to pay annual membership fees. This clause to be considered annually at the Annual General Meeting.

4.1.4FAMILY MEMBERS: Family Members shall consist of parents (Senior Members) and all their children under the age of 18 and also students of such parents.


4.2.1 STUDENT MEMBERS: Student Members shall be persons who are recognized by the

Executive Committee as full time students of a University or any educational institution or a person serving articles or apprenticeship whilst still dependant.

4.2.2JUNIOR MEMBERS: Junior Members shall be persons under the age of 18 years. Any Junior Member shall become eligible for Student Membership at the commencement of the season following his or her birthday.

4.3 HONORARY MEMBERS: Honorary Members may be elected by the Executive Committee for

one year. Any such election shall be by the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, and notice of such election shall be posted on the Club Notice Board forthwith.


Corporate Membership shall apply to Companies and any other organization approved by the Executive Committee. Rates to be determined by the Executive Committee on application. Membership shall be restricted to 5 corporate members per application.


5.1Except where otherwise provided in this Constitution, candidates for Membership shall be elected as follows:

5.1.1Every candidate to be proposed by and seconded two Senior Members.

5.1.2The Application Form for Membership, duly completed , shall be sent to the Secretary of the Club. (A previous member of the Club who was in good standing at the time of his or her resignation, will be accepted without payment of an Entrance Fee on rejoining)

5.1.3The Application Form for Membership shall then be posted on the Club Notice Board for a period of at least 14 days.

5.1.4Candidates for election of acceptance may, with the sanction of the Executive Committee, make use of the Club during such time as their names are on the Club Notice Board.

5.1.5Members aware of any circumstances rendering the admission of a candidate undesirable, should communicate personally or by letter with the Commodore or another member of the Executive Committee. Any such communication will be treated as strictly confidential.

5.1.6The Applicant will be interviewed before joining.

5.1.7No Candidate who has been rejected, or whose name has been posted and withdrawn, shall be eligible for nomination without the approval of the Executive Committee within a period of 12 months thereafter, and no candidate who has been twice rejected shall again be eligible for election.

5.2The Executive Committee may cancel the membership of any member within 6 calendar months of the date of election, and such ex-member shall not have the right to make any appeal whatsoever, nor to demand the reasons for such cancellation of membership, but the subscription and entrance fee (if any) shall be refunded in full. Except where otherwise provided in this Constitution, all members (including ordinary members), shall be elected by the Executive Committee.


Resignations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Club in writing prior to the 30th June. A member who fails to notify the Secretary before the date of the Annual General Meting, of his or her intention to resign, shall be liable for the subscription for the ensuing year.


7.1All persons on joining the Club shall be liable for an entrance fee on election on acceptance. Junior and Student Members to pay 25% of subscriptions only.

7.2Annual subscriptions shall be due and payable on the 1st of April each year, and notices to this

effect shall be sent to members prior to that date. Except for all categories of Honorary Members.

7.3Entrance Fees and Subscriptions payable by Members, shall be decided upon at the Annual

General Meeting.

7.4Any person who becomes a member of the Club after the 1st October in any year, shall be liable for

half of the annual subscription only for that financial year.


8.1Should any Member fail to pay his or her annual subscription by the 30th April, the Secretary shall

send him or her a written notice calling upon him or her to pay forthwith.

8.2If such subscription shall remain unpaid on the 30th June of that year, the name of such member

shall be posted on the Club Notice Board and removed from the list of members which shall at all times be kept posted in the Club House.

8.3Such defaulting member shall automatically cease to be a member of the Club, unless and until he

or she have furnished a satisfactory explanation to the Executive Committee which may thereafter, upon payment by him or her of all arrears, reinstate him or her as a member.

8.4A minimum administration fee of R10-00 per month will be levied on subscriptions outstanding at the 30th April.


9.1The management of the Club shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

9.2The Club shall keep proper books and records, including a register of its members.


10.1The Executive Committee shall consist of 10 senior members, that is to say, four flag officers and six committee members, which includes the Secretary and Manager. The retiring Commodore may be elected to the Executive Committee.

10.2The Executive Committee shall meet once every month and any member who has failed to attend two consecutive meetings, shall furnish an acceptable explanation or vacate/his/her office. Proper

minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Executive Committee.

10.3Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, six shall form a quorum at any Executive Committee Meeting, and any decision shall be made by Majority Vote, the Commodore having a casting vote.

10.4Any member of the Executive Committee having a personal interest in any contract or financial

dealing of the Club shall disclose such interest, and shall be precluded from voting on the matter.

Should any such member not disclose his or her interest he or she shall be deemed guilty of

improper conduct.

10.5The Executive Committee may fill any vacancy that may occur in its body during its year of office

other than the office of Commodore, and may furthermore co-opt members as it may determine provided that not more than a total of three members may be appointed or co-opted to the committee to fill such vacancy or as co-opted members.

10.6The Executive Committee may appoint a Secretary/Manager and such staff as required for the

efficient running of the Club, and fix their remuneration and duties.

10.7The Executive Committee shall have full power to transact all business of the Club which does not

specifically, under this Constitution, require the sanction of a General Meeting, and to deal with any condition or circumstance arising for which specific provision is not provided in this Constitution.

10.8The Executive Committee shall have power to make, amend and rescind Bye-Laws for the

conduct of the Club, provided such Bye-Laws are not in conflict with this Constitution. A copy of all such Bye-Laws shall be posted in the Club House for the information of the members.

10.9The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, give reciprocity terms to any Yacht, Boating or Canoeing Club. This to be applicable only outside a radius of 100km.

  • The Commodore
  • The Vice-Commodore
  • The Rear Commodore - Outdoors
  • The Rear Commodore - Indoors

11.5Only persons who have served as Flag Officers for at least one season shall be eligible for Commodore. Should the position of Commodore become vacant, a special General Meeting shall be called within 30 days of the vacancy occurring to fill the office.


The maximum continuous term of office for Commodore is 2 (two) years. The same candidate can be elected to this position after a break of 1 (one) year.


All nominations for flag officers to be posted on the club’s notice board at least 14 (fourteen) days before the A.G.M.


12.1The Commodore shall be an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees.

12.2The members of Sub-Committees, apart from the respective Chairmen, shall be appointed by the

Executive Committee at its first meeting after assuming office. The Executive Committee may at any time make further appointments or terminate any appointment.


13.1The Club’s accounts shall be closed annually on the 31stMarch, and the Annual General Meeting

shall be called annually not later than the 30th June. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:

13.1.1Confirmation of Minutes.

13.1.2Presentation of the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Club.

13.1.3Presentation of the Annual Reports.

13.1.4Appointment of President, Honorary Life and Honorary Members (if any).

13.1.5Election of Flag Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.

13.1.6Members may request items to be placed on the Agenda, upon not less than 14 days notice to the Secretary, prior to the posting of the Notice and Agenda of the AGM for inclusion in the Agenda.

13.2Nominations for the offices of Flag Officers shall be received in writing no less than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting and posted on the notice board at the Club offices.

13.2.1The four (4) nominees for the office of Members of the Executive Committee shall be proposed by a Senior Member and seconded by another and shall signify his or her acceptance thereof.


The Executive Committee may, and upon requisition signed by no less than 25 Senior Members, call a Special General Meeting of the Club. Any such requisition shall state the business for which a meeting is desired.


Not less than 14 days prior to any General Meeting of the Club, a notice shall be posted at the Headquarters of the Club and not less than 8 days prior to such General Meeting, a circular shall be sent to the last-known address of each Senior Member. Such notices and circulars shall state the business for which such meeting is called and any discussions and resolutions shall be confined to the scope thereof.

13.5A quorum at any Annual General Meeting shall be 60 Senior Members present in the person, or by postal vote.


14.1In the absence of the Commodore, the most senior Flag Officer present shall preside at any General Meeting.

14.2Should none of the aforementioned Office-Bearers be present, the meeting shall appoint a Chairman.

14.3The Chairman shall have in addition to a deliberative, a casting vote in the event of equality of


15.1If any question or dispute should arise at any meeting of the Club as to the interpretation or

meaning of the rules, the Chairman of such meeting should give a ruling.

15.2Any Senior Member present may object to such ruling whereupon the ruling shall be submitted to

the meeting for final decision.

Senior Members shall be entitled to vote either in person or by postal vote at any General Meeting of the Club. Voting shall be by show of hands unless any Senior Member requests that the vote shall be taken by means of a ballot. Unless otherwise specially provided in these rules, a decision or resolution of a General Meeting shall be by a majority vote.


Any motion put at any General Meeting of the Club shall be proposed by and seconded by two

Senior Members.


18.1No alteration to, addition to or deletion from this Constitution shall be allowed except by a

majority of not less than two-thirds of the Senior Members present at a General Meeting in person or by postal vote.

18.2No resolution involving any alteration to, addition to or deletion from this Constitution shall be

put to a General Meeting unless notice thereof signed by 12 Senior Members shall have been posted in the headquarters of the club for a period of not less than 14 days immediately prior to such General Meeting.


19.1Monies received on behalf of the Club shall be placed to the credit of the Club at its Bank or in

any savings Bank Account as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct.

19.2All cheques drawn against the club’s Banking Account aforesaid, shall be signed by any two of

the following: The Commodore, the Vice-Commodore, The Rear-Commodores and the Manager.

The Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified Auditor to audit the Accounts and Balance

Sheet of the Club. Such Auditor shall not be an officer of the Club or a member of the Executive


21.1The Club shall have the power to acquire, own and dispose of immovable property.

21.2The management and control of such property shall be entirely in the hands of the Executive

Committee provided that no sale, purchase or mortgage of any such property shall be made without the consent of two-thirds of the Senior Members present at a special General Meeting.

21.3The Club shall have the power to borrow money under security of property immovable and

movable, and to authorize the execution of such mortgage bonds as may be necessary to effect this purpose.


The Commodore for the time being shall, when authorized to do so by the Executive Committee,

take or defend any legal proceedings for and on behalf of the Club. Service of any process upon

the Commodore shall be deemed to be service upon the Club.


A member shall be liable to make good any damage done to Club property, whether such damage

is done by the member personally or any one or more of his or her guests.

Floating trophies may be retained by their winners after presentation provided that a written guarantee to return the trophy or trophies on request is sent to the Secretary and the approval of the Executive Committee obtained. A record of all trophies shall be kept by the Secretary in a book for that purpose and a receipt shall be obtained for all trophies taken and a receipt given on return.


25.1Should any member be guilty in the opinion of the Executive Committee of conduct unbecoming

a lady or gentleman or prejudicial to the interests and reputation of the Club, whether within the

Club precincts or outside them, the Executive Committee shall have the power to call upon such

Member in writing through the Secretary to resign and/ or to suspend him or her forthwith from the use of the Club premises and privileges.

25.2The Executive Committee shall afford such member a reasonable opportunity of disproving, explaining or justifying his before taking action under clause 25.1.

25.3If the member fails to resign within seven days from receipt of such request then the Executive

Committee shall be entitled summarily to expel such member.

25.4The Executive Committee shall afford such member a reasonable opportunity of disproving,

explaining or justifying his or her conduct before taking action under this clause.

25.5For the purpose of considering the expulsion of a member, a quorum of not less than two-thirds

Members of the Executive Committee shall be present and the decision shall be arrived at by the ballot according to the majority vote.

25.6Any member so expelled may appeal against the decision of the Executive Committee by giving

notice of his intention to appeal to the Secretary within 10days of his notification of such decision.

25.7Upon receipt of such notice, the Secretary shall call a Special Executive Committee Meeting of the Club to consider such an appeal and the decision of such meeting shall be final.

25.8It shall not be incumbent upon the Executive Committee to state reasons for an expulsion and no

Member shall have cause for action for alleged wrongful expulsion.


26.1The Club flag shall have a navy blue background with a white border and shall have a pink and

white Flamingo shown in flight on it.

26.2The Commodore’s flag shall be the same as the Club flag, but shall be swallow-tailed; the Vice-

Commodore’s flag shall be the same as the Commodore’s flag but shall bear one white disc against

the hoist; the Rear Commodore’s flag shall be the same as the Commodore’s flag but shall bear two white discs against the hoist.

All races shall be conducted in accordance with the rules laid down by South African Sailing together with such local rules as may from time to time be authorized by the Executive Committee.


Boat Fishing Secrets of the Langebaan Lagoon

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

The Langebaan Lagoon has already been described as one of the best fishing venues in the world. The Lagoon forms a unique ecosystem which is very well preserved and monitored by the relevant authorities.

There are mixed opinions as to exactly which portion of the Saldanha- Langebaan area should be called “THE LAGOON”. General consensus amongst locals is that the lagoon refers to the water-mass to the east of a line joining South Head and North Head (see Map 1). It includes the two islands of Jutten in the south and Malgas in the North.

The lagoon can be divided into two legal regions:

The Saldanha Bay Area which is the area to the north of a line joining Tweede Leentjies Klip and Salamander Point as indicated on the map. Please note that this is a recent amendment to the previous line which was further to the south. The Saldanha Bay Area falls under the authority of Spoornet/Portnet and is monitored by them.

The Parks Board Area to the South of the abovementioned line is administered and policed by the National Parks Board. This area includes most of the favourite fishing spots and the islands of Schaapen (Skaap) and Meeu (the small island inside the “Recce” no-go area).

The Bokkomlaan is both famous and infamous.

Infamous because of its steamy and seamy tales, most of which slumber in the graves of the fishermen that propagated them. Still, should you shoot the breeze with any elderly fisherman at a Velddrif tavern, these tales-from-the-grave flow effortlessly after a couple of  brannas.  

Famous because it is the home of the dried fish industry in South Africa and because the towns of Velddrif and Laaiplek were birthed due to fishermen having settled here on the Bokkomlaan..

Surf the net and you’ll happen upon the desperate postings of an individual or two appealing to the cyberspace community to put them in touch with the purveyors of this unique tidbit so synonymous with the Bokkomlaan.

Stay On The Legal Side

For reasons that are difficult to grasp or understand, different seaworthiness permits are needed for the Saldanha Bay Area and the Parks Board Area. It might have something to do with the collection of monies or some hidden power struggle.

To fish from a boat in the lagoon, at least the following permits are required:

  • A valid Skipper’s Ticket
  • A SAMSA Boat Seaworthy Certificate that can be obtained from various appointed inspectors such as Seb at 083 459 9455

This allows you to utilize a boat in the Saldanha Bay Area

  • A Parks Board Boat Seaworthy Certificate, obtainable from their offices in Langebaan, is also required. Usually they accept the SAMSA certificate as proof of seaworthiness and will issue a Parks Board sticker after collecting their money.

This allows you to utilize a boat in the Parks Board Area.

The following fishing-related permits must be obtained from the Post Office. The standard permit is valid for a period of one year. Please note that a shorter (cheaper) one-month permit is also available.

  • A boat fishing permit. One per boat is required.
  • Fishing permit. One per angler required.
  • Bait collection permit. One per bait collector is required. Bag limits and sizes are available from the Parks Board office and tackle shops.
  • Other permits such as cast-net, crayfishing, spear-fishing, etc. is also available on the same form.

A row of buoys marks the restricted area along the shore of the SANDF Recce Area. No boats or fishing are allowed inside a line joining these buoys (see map 2).

A row of buoys stretching from Kraalbaai across the lagoon towards Oosterwal marks the southern limit of the permitted fishing and power boat activities in the Parks Board Area. This is commonly referred to as “The Line” or “Die Lyn” (see map 3).

The Parks Board authorities have assured us that they now have a permanent “Water-Wing” This team will specialize in policing the Parks Board Area and you can be assured that you will be checked for permits, certificates, fish size and bag limits as well as bait quantities.

It was also mentioned that no more warnings will be given and fines will be issued with the first trespass. The “Water-Wing” will operate on a 24-hour basis.

Boat Launching Spots

There are, in essence, three boat launching slipways in the Langebaan area.

Langebaan Yacht Club (LYC).  LYC has excellent launching facilities and walk-on jetties. It is usually available to non-members at R80 per launch. During peak periods it might be open to members only. This will clearly be indicated on the notice board at the turn-off to the LYC. Skippers are to ensure that their boats are 100% ready for an immediate launch before entering the slipway: engines checked, all pre-launch checks completed and ready just to push off. We cannot guarantee your personal safety if you start wasting time by blocking the slipway while battling to start or to get the boat off the trailer.

The “Paaltjies”.  This is the common name for the launch area on the main beach at Langebaan. It is clearly marked by two rows of poles. Launching at this stage is still free. The disadvantage is that you are launching from the beach, with the associated problems of getting stuck, getting the trailer out of the water after launch, and getting the boat back onto the trailer. It is very popular, however, specifically for smaller or lighter boats such as inflatables.

Club Mykonos Marina.  Boat launching at Mykonos is very easy as the facilities are good and the slipway is excellent and well maintained. Launch fees are R150 per launch. Mykonos is particularly suitable for launching to fish the spots to the north of the Parks Board Area. The Fuel saved by the shorter distance from the Marina to the area such as Roman Banks or “The Ore Jetty” will probably offset the higher launching fees.

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Bait Collecting

The favourite bait types are prawns for White Stumpnose and White Steenbras. Pilchards or sardines for Shad (Elf), Cob and Geelbek (Cape Cod) and red bait for all bottom fish like White Stumpnose, Steentjie and Kolstert (Blacktail). White mussel is available from the tackle shops and a few can be found on the sand banks. It is not a favourite bait with most of the fish species in the lagoon, but often the only available bait for bottom fishing (White Stump and Steentjie) when you have missed the low tide to pump prawns.

Prawns can be pumped from most of the sand banks in the upper lagoon area (south of the LYC) They are mostly accessible within two hours of low tide, and you must be prepared to stand waist deep in the cold water. A floating net to pump the sand into is highly effective. You do not have to look for the prawn holes in the sand. Pump at random, and exploit the productive areas. There are two types of prawn in the lagoon: The “sand” or “pink” prawn (with pinchers), and the “mud prawn” (without pinchers). There are mixed opinions as to which one is the better one for bait. Experience have shown that the fish have no particular preference. I know many anglers will disagree. Please note that these two types of prawn count as different bait species and you pay pump 50 if each per bait permit.

Red bait may be collected from most rocks at low tide or hooked from the sand below “Konstabelkop”.

Pilchards or sardines can be bought from all bait shops and the Langebaan Total Garage.

Favourite Fishing Spots

The following fishing spots are the most popular and productive ones in the lagoon.

·          The Ore Jetty

·          Roman Banks

·          Lynch Blinder

·          “Skaap” Island Area (GPS name for Schaapen)

·          Konstabelkop

·          The Middle Channel

·          The Line

Angling Etiquette & Rules

There are some unwritten angling rules that are based on etiquette and good manners.

1.        Do not pass close to anchored boats at high speed. Most fishing boats on the lagoon are small and your wake may result in a dangerous situation with a kid or equipment falling overboard.

2.        Do not pass over fishing lines that are in the water. Give the “fishing side” of another boat at least a 50 metre miss.

3.        Do not anchor so close to another boat that you can interfere with their fishing or conversation.

4.        When launching at the Langebaan Yacht Club PLEASE obey the Club rules very strictly.

5.        Do not enter the slipway with an unprepared boat. Make 100% sure that your boat is ready for an immediate launch.

6.        Do not attempt a solo launch and then come back to remove your vehicle and trailer. Have somebody with you to take your vehicle off the slip immediately when your boat is off the trailer.

7.        Do not leave your boat against the jetty for more than 10 minutes.

8.        Do not leave your boat unattended against the jetty.

9.        Obey the “no-wake” restriction around the slipway and jetty area.

10.    In dense fog, bad visibility or at night, proceed with slow speed and utmost care. There are anchored boats all around kayak rowers enjoy the flat waters associated with dense fog.

11.    Do not dispose of empty cans, bottles, plastic bags or bait containers in the water.

Safety first

The lagoon is full of shallow sandbanks , kelp beds and other obstacles which may, and often do, bring a boat to a sudden stop. PLEASE DO NOT put passengers in front on the nose of a boat. We have regular incidents of people (specifically kids) falling off the front of a ski boat with a resulting propeller-rash that can spoil your holiday. Enjoy our lovely lagoon, good fishing and help us keep it sustainable for our kids and their future generations. 

By Mossie Basson & Doreth Greenberg

Photos: Mossie Basson

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WestCoast Escape Magazine

[email protected]

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  • Entry Level Courses
  • Steward/ess Career Course

RYA Day Skipper Career Course

Intermediate course.

  • Yachtmaster Coastal With Commercial Endorsement

Advanced Course

  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore With Commercial Endorsement
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore upgrade with commercial endorsement

Short Courses | Recreational Sailing

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  • RYA Courses

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  • SAS Courses

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  • SAMSA Courses

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  • Why Langebaan

Langebaan Lagoon  offers the only  RYA approved sailing examination waters in South Africa. The lagoon is the perfect sail training playground, with tides, streams, commercial traffic, calm and rough seas to provide for all training requirements.

  • Read more about Langebaan

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Charter & team building.

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Recreational Sailing Short Courses

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Welcome to Atlantic Yachting Sail & Power Training

Royal Yachting Association (RYA)  Accredited Sailing School  and an  Authorised Agency of SAS (South African Sailing).

Langebaan Lagoon offers the only RYA accredited exam waters in South Africa.

We run courses throughout the year.

RYA/MCA Day Skipper to Yachtmaster & Steward/ess courses for those starting out in Super Yachting industry

If you are looking for a job in the yachting industry for the first time, certain training courses are essential and others are highly desirable in the eyes of potential employers. We offer a range of entry level training courses. These courses are the minimum that one should look at completing – with the mind set of upgrading soon.

A vital ingredient to the successful smooth operations of any vessel, whether charter or private, is well trained crew. In order to obtain a crew position on deck – this course will put you ahead of the game.

Ideally one should aim to upgrading to a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore.

We offer RYA/MCA Yachtmaster courses for those starting in yachting and all the required modules to reach the highest levels of professional yachting.

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Career Course is an all inclusive course from start to finish. The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Upgrade course is for those who have previous experience and are aiming to upgrade their license.

From beginners to yacht masters – here is a course for you!

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Welcome to the world’s leading training programme for leisure and professional boaters.

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To skipper a sailing boat over 9 meters in South Africa you are required by law to hold an appropriate Certificate of Competence.

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The South African Maritime SafetyAuthority (SAMSA) was established on the 1st April 1998 under the SAMSA Act 5 of 1998.

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Extra courses for those seeking to upskill themselves for the Super Yachting Industry which are attractive in the eye of a potential employee, or purely for recreational purposes.

Our experienced and passionate skippers are ready to give you an experience that will have a lasting effect, be it for Charter or Team Building.

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Skippered Yacht Charter

Looking for the ideal family holiday or just a couple of friends wanting an awesome experience…… why not charter a yacht?

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Team Building

Team building refers to the process of enhancing teamwork and collaboration within a group of individuals working towards a common goal. It involves various activities, exercises, and strategies aimed at improving communication, trust, problem-solving, and overall team dynamics.

Student Feedback

Rya yachtmaster coastal skipper commercially endorsed.

A big thank you to these amazing people!! Atlantic Yachting Sail and Power it’s been an unforgettable journey. As well as to all the instructors. Wouldn’t of wanted it any different. It’s not just a sailing school, I would say it’s more like a family that you get very attached too. Gonna miss this place..

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore with commercial endorsement

Thanks so much for steering Hugo Davis-mason through the Offshore Yacht Master course over the last 6 months. He has grown from a boy to a man under your tutelage. Sailing from Capetown to Tortola over 40 days was the experience of a lifetime and has cemented his love of sailing. Without your company’s care and knowledge he would still be wondering which course to navigate in his life. I will highly recommend you to anyone looking for a challenge for their son or daughter to grow through adventure and discipline.

Competent Crew

Best Sailing school in the southern hemisphere! Thanks for making me feel at home and teaching me new skills. Will definitely come back in the future.

Over exceeded my expectations of the course. Was worth every cent & cannot wait to book my/our next day skipper. Our instructor – a rare breed of seamanship with a natural talent for the sea, teaching and good humour – Steele.

I would take my family to sea with you any day. Thank you Atlantic Yachting

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore with commercial endorsement – Career Course

Such an incredible team! They go above and beyond to help their students. They’re readily available, always happy to help and have so much knowledge about sailing and the industry at large!

RYA Day Skipper- RYA Coastal Skipper – Career Course

Second time around 😉 Thank you to Hayley, Janine and Nicole for your patience and answering all the numerous questions and leading a guiding hand 😊To the Instructors for putting up with us students, haha. I would highly recommend Atlantic Yachting to anyone looking for a professional, organised, and well-structured Sailing School. I wish the team the best for any and all future endeavours.

I recently had the pleasure of taking a sailing course with Atlantic Yachting, and I must say, they exceeded my expectations. The school and its instructors were exceptional, providing me with an unforgettable experience. I have since recommended Atlantic Yachting to my friends, and I would certainly recommend them to anyone who is looking to take a sailing course. Overall, I had an amazing time and learned a lot, and I have Atlantic Yachting to thank for that.

Wonderful team, from management to the instructors. Welcoming and professional! The accommodation is more than anyone can ask, few minutes walking from the school! Nice fleet and wonderful place where to sail. Wind is always blowing, and sea condition goes s from flat (in the lagoon for starting) to surfing 2/3mt swell in complete safety. As a foreigner i never felt so at home!

RYA Yachtmaster with commercial endorsement – Career Course

The best Sailing school in the world trust me!

Truly an amazing place to go and learn all about sailing and explore the beautiful Atlantic Ocean!🙌🏻

Awesome school. Learned so much. Everyone and everything was amazing. Everyone in the office was always helpful and friendly, going out of their way to help in any way they could. The yachts and equipment are top notch, clean and safe, the crew house is lovely, and the instructors are awesome, again helpful, and very knowledgeable. Just a great place for yacht related qualifications.

Thanks again guys, been an awesome 8 weeks.

Competent Crew & Day Skipper – Recreational Sailing

I followed the “competent crew” and “day skipper” training over 3 weeks. Excellent school, of good level, the instructor was very competent, patient despite my average level in English… We repeat the gestures and instructions until perfect assimilation and execution. Higher level of education than anything I have experienced before in France, at a much cheaper rate. I definitely improved my level in sailing, in a friendly and festive atmosphere. The sailboats are very good, and the accommodation at the crew house is perfect. I hope to come back to continue with the “coastal skipper” training. I recommend this school, especially if you are a beginner.

First class education and instructors have a vast knowledge on all topics. An excellent sailing school through and through.

I would just like to convey my utmost thanks to the Atlantic Yachting family. These past few weeks have been an eye-opening experience and have solidified my decision to pursue a career in the super yachting industry.

I would like to thank all the staff involved: Adrian, Hayley, Mike, Janine, Susan, Jan, Leslie and Blesswell; I am eternally grateful for all your hard work and kindness. I would further like to thank Chrisjan for being an exceptional lecturer and instructor – he is a rare breed, and I would gladly sail with him any day.

I will definitely recommend Atlantic Yachting to everyone I meet. I can safely say that I will be returning in the future.

If you’re ever looking to realise a salty dream, you can’t ask for a better, more professional, fun and knowledgeable team than Atlantic Yachting Sail and Power! Can’t wait to sail with them again. I’ve done both competent crew and day skipper with them and already planning the next adventure (Coastal Skippers). The expertise that they provide has set me in good stead to hoist the sails and hit the ocean confidently and with ease. Thank you, Atlantic Yachting.

Positive : Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value These people bend over backwards to accommodate and help “students” achieve their goals. Both our courses Hayley and the team made great effort to help us with pre course preparation and even help arranging accommodation. Regular feedback on changes of dates (covid / weather related) to help planning our stay. Friendly helpful staff. Very well looked after boats with all safety aspects kept in mind. Well done guys. See you soon for the next one. 😊

Passionate about sailing

Atlantic Yachting Sail and Power training was born out of a love for the ocean and a passion for sailing that our two like-minded partners share. They chose the pristine, shimmering waters of the Langebaan lagoon on the West Coast to base their school with the foresight that it is one of the few lagoons in South Africa that has tidal streams, essential when it comes to sail training.

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Adrian and Hayley Ceruti

From the office

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Janine le Roux

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Nicole Apolles

On the water

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Jan-Hendrik Snyman

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Chrisjan Kotze

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Mike Ceruti

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Christie Joubert

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Tryston Green

Maintenance team

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Leslie Norris

langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Blesswell Tapiwe

Our partners.

Atlantic Yachting is an RYA (Royal Yachting Association) acredited sailing school and an authorised agency of SAS (South African Sailing). We offer professional sail training for local and international clients, with all international certificates accredited by the RYA and endorsed by the MCA, as well as local certificates accredited by SAS.

Both the RYA and SAS inspect us annually to ensure that we comply with their stringent standards, as well as with SAMSA's (South African Marine Safety Authority) Code of Practice for sail-training yachts. We take pride in offering you first-class training and sailing experiences.

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  • Intermediate Courses
  • Advanced Courses

Ready to get started?

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Twin Cities

Music and Concerts | What to know if you’re headed to the Minnesota…

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Things to Do

Music and concerts, music and concerts | what to know if you’re headed to the minnesota yacht club festival, gwen stefani, alanis morissette and red hot chili peppers are headlining.

A stage and bleachers next to a river.

Headlined by Gwen Stefani, Alanis Morissette and Red Hot Chili Peppers, the festival (which despite its name has nothing to do with yacht rock) is promoted by C3 Presents, an Austin, Texas, company that’s also behind Austin City Limits Music Festival, Voodoo Music + Arts Experience and the modern-day Lollapalooza. C3 was the largest independent promoter in the world until Live Nation bought a controlling stake in the company in 2014.

Organizers expect to attract more than 30,000 concertgoers each day.

While the Irish Fair of Minnesota calls Harriet Island home each August, music festivals have had a rough go on the site. The original Lollapalooza (back when it was a traveling festival) landed on the site in 1991, 1992 and 1994, but flooding forced the fest to move to the late St. Paul Civic Center in 1993.

Live Nation attempted to establish a new annual event, the River’s Edge Music Festival, in 2012. Despite big-name headliners Tool and the Dave Matthews Band, the festival didn’t attract enough paying customers to convince the concert promoting giant to return for a second year.

Here’s what folks headed to the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival need to know:

As of Wednesday afternoon, tickets were still available at a number of price points, starting at $135 for one day general admission (or $255 for two days) all the way up to platinum tickets for $925 ($1,395 for two days), which include a number of perks including free food and drinks, front-of-stage viewing and access to an air-conditioned lounge. See minnesotayachtclubfestival.com for details.

Many of the general admission and general admission plus tickets are sold out, but there are verified resale tickets available, some at lower prices than face value.

Getting there

There are two entrances to the festival. The main entrance is at Harriet Island Boulevard and South Wabasha Street, while the west entrance is on West Water Street between Bidwell Street and Plato Boulevard.

There is no on-site parking at the festival, but its website lists numerous downtown St. Paul parking lots that are a 10- to 16-minute walk from the site. Several Metro Transit buses stop a half-mile from Harriet Island. The rideshare drop off is at 49 E. Fillmore Ave. The festival promises “ample bike parking” located near the two entrances.

What is allowed on site

Feel free to bring: Small clutch purses and fanny packs (6” x 9” or smaller) with no more than one pocket, all other bags must be clear and smaller than 12” x 6” x 12”, empty hydration packs and reusable water bottles, strollers, frisbees, binoculars, blankets, basic cameras (no detachable lenses or other accessories), sunscreen in non-aerosol containers (3.4 ounces or less), personal-sized hand sanitizer and factory sealed Naloxone/Narcan kits.

What isn’t allowed

Pretty much everything you would think, including outside food and beverage, coolers, aerosol containers, umbrellas, chairs, wagons, skateboards, drones, fireworks and illegal substances.

Concertgoers must wear securely fastened wristbands that are available at the box office. Wristbands can be activated online to add an emergency contact and to use for cashless transactions (with a pin number). Wristbands that are damaged, lost or stolen can be replaced by the original purchaser one time only for $20. Patrons can leave and reenter at will up until 7 p.m. each day.

There is a guest services tent that has earplugs and a lost and found. Free hydration stations are located throughout the site. Lockers are available to rent for $25 each day or $48.50 for both.

Who is playing

Gwen Stefani sings on stage flanked by two dancers.

Doors open at 12:30 p.m. There are two stages, with staggered performances that do not overlap.

Friday’s schedule includes: Harbor and Home (12:45-1:15 p.m.), Gully Boys (1:15-2), Michigander (2-2:45), Morgan Wade (2:45-3:45), Durry (3:45-4:45), Joan Jett and the Blackhearts (4:45-5:45), The Head and the Heart (5:45-6:45), Gwen Stefani (6:45-8), the Black Crowes (8-9) and Alanis Morissette (9-10:30).

More in Music and Concerts

People look out toward a flooded park gazebo.


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'Purple Rain' album cover.

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langebaan yacht club menu pdf

Langebaan Yacht Club

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User Reviews (1)

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Distances (30)

2.2 nm  -   (Churchhaven)
5.9 nm  -   (Saldanha)
6.5 nm  -   (Saldanha)
20.1 nm  -   (Port Owen)
52.9 nm  -   (Cape Town)
58.9 nm  -   (Cape Town)
68.0 nm  -   (Simon's Town)
75.7 nm  -   (Gordon's Bay)
214.9 nm  -   (Mosselbaai)
256.7 nm  -   (Knysna)
383.7 nm  -   (Port Elizabeth)
383.7 nm  -   (Redhouse)
415.6 nm  -   (Lüderitz, Namibia)
415.9 nm  -   (Lüderitz, Namibia)
637.0 nm  -   (Walvis Bay, Namibia)
637.3 nm  -   (Walvis Bay, Namibia)
640.8 nm  -   (Deneysville)
648.0 nm  -   (Vaal Marina)
677.3 nm  -   (Hartbeespoort)
692.1 nm  -   (Durban)
767.3 nm  -   (Richards Bay)
1482.3 nm  -   (Luanda, Angola)
1483.2 nm  -   (Luanda, Angola)
1974.8 nm  -   (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of)
2003.0 nm  -   (Zanzibar, Tanzania, United Republic of)
2012.4 nm  -   (Port-Gentil, Gabon)
2107.2 nm  -   (Le Port, Reunion)
2247.1 nm  -   (Grand Baie, Mauritius)
2624.5 nm  -   (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
2723.3 nm  -   (Grand Anse, Seychelles)

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Marina information Langebaan Yacht Club

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West Coast Way


West Coast Way


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Adventure & Luxury on a Elite Charters Cruise

Only 116km from cape town, you will find a piece of paradise.

Langebaan boasts with azure warm waters and unsurpassed natural beauty – no wonder as it is known as the Jewel of the Cape West Coast. White sandy beaches surrounding the clear waters of the Langebaan Lagoon are very popular for water sports, including sailing, kayaking, kitesurfing and fishing.

Elite way to explore the Langebaan Lagoon

Step onboard the Elite Charters luxury 39ft catamaran yacht at Club Mykonos Marina and enjoy the perfect way to explore the Langebaan lagoon and view the ultimate sunset.

A leisurely 2 hour cruise departs from Club Mykonos Marena daily at 11am, 2pm and 5pm. Experienced crew will make you feel at home and refreshments are served at the cash bar with card facilities. These trips are shared with other guests and a minimum of 6 people are required. A cruise is R300pp for a 2 hour excursion, R200 for children u/12 and under 6 is Free.

They also cater for private functions and are able to cater to your needs and is perfect for that office party, year-end function or a special celebration.

Private Cruise to a hidden gem in Langebaan

A popular cruise is the 3 hour Braai Cruise to Kraalbaai at the West Coast National Park , this yacht can accommodate up to 40 people. Kraalbaai is known to have breathtaking crystal clear shallow water and the braai spots has magnificent panoramic views of the lagoon.

  • Set sail from Club Mykonos Marina Yacht Club
  • Sail on the langebaan lagoon to Kraalbaai (1 hour) .
  • Drop anchor at Kraalbaai (1 hour), were the Elite Charters Crew can braai if you desire
  • Then back to Club Mykonos Marina (1 hour)

Catering Options:

  • Braai packs (2 chops, wors and chicken kebab, salads and roll) – R180 pp extra
  • Gourmet Snack platters available – R130 pp
  • Salads, Oysters – P.O.R
  • Or you are also welcome to bring along your own snacks
  • A fully stocked cash bar is on board, if however you have special requests the catering team will try and accommodate your preferences.

Cost: (They are Negotiable according to your needs)

  • The rental to is R4000.00 per hour; the Braai Cruise will be 3 hours (rental is minimum 2 hours)
  • A 50% deposit is required (completely refundable if the weather does not allow for the yacht to go out)

Open 7 days a week | Booking Essential Distance from Cape Town: 116km Where : R27, inside Club Mykonos, Langebaan Contact : +27 (0)76 397 8351  |  [email protected]   |  www.elitecharters.co.za Wet bikes: +27 (0)72 155 2611  |  [email protected] Sailing/fishing/adventure duck: +27 (0)72 702 9919  |  [email protected]


What else can you do close to Langebaan?

Nature lovers:

  • West Coast National Park: Take a drive through or step out and follow cycling and hiking trails. Birdwatchers can spot over 200 species.

For the Foodies:

  • Thali Thali Game Lodge: Famous Sunday Buffets or daily meals with locally sourced ingredients
  • !Khwattu San: Eland Burgers and other dishes with locally sourced ingredients
  • West Coast National Park: Feast at the luxurious Geelbek restaurant or pack in a picnic to enjoy at Preekstoel. Or braai at Kraalbaai braai spots with wonderful shallow waters to cool off in.

Feeling Adventurous at heart:

  • Elite Charters: Fishing Charters for Island trips & Deep sea fishing. Go full throttle with their Elite Wetbikes or jump waves on a high-speed adventure Elite Rubber Duck .
  • Thali Thali Game Lodge: Game Drive and Archery lessons
  • !Khwattu San: Explore !Khwa ttu by foot, safari vehicle or mountain bike.
  • Club Mykonos: Has various activities like quad biking and horse rides

For added Culture & Heritage:

  • !Khwattu San: San Guided Experiences – see fresh animal tracks, explore a replica San village and learn about the herbaceous fynbos of the area and its many uses.
  • !Khwattu San: Buy San Art at the shop and view the new heritage Museum exhibition
  • West Coast National Park: Visit the Seeberg museum

To explore the Cape West Coast further Follow the heritage-inspired Culture Route , and the Foodie Route which focuses on leisure activities and a variety of taste sensations.

Azure waters of Langebaan

The Cape West Coast’s picturesque coastline is undoubtedly one of the world’s finest fishing grounds. #photooftheday #fish #angler #girl #travel #WestCoastWay #BackToOurRoutes A photo posted by West Coast Way SA (@westcoastwaysa) on Oct 8, 2015 at 4:32am PDT

Add Adventure with Elite Charters

Add Elite Charters to your Cape West Coast holiday! They offer wet bikes, lagoon cruises and so much more! Find them at @clubmykonos #WestCoastWay #FoodieRoute #lagoon #langebaan #cruise #summerluvin   A photo posted by West Coast Way SA (@westcoastwaysa) on Nov 2, 2015 at 12:32am PST

  Connect to Nature

#Repost @roxannereidsa with @repostapp. ・・・ Langebaan Lagoon from Kraalbaai, West Coast. There’s something that begs to be photographed here – turquoise waters, flamingos and waders. We were trying to get pics of flamingo far away near Churchhaven, which is closed to the public. Little did we know we’d find them much closer on the other side of the lagoon. A photo posted by West Coast Way SA (@westcoastwaysa) on Nov 24, 2015 at 12:24am PST

Life’s better in a bikini

Unique #Braai spots #Preekstoel #westcoast #nofilter needed. #tropical island feeling in #SouthAfrica. A photo posted by West Coast Way SA (@westcoastwaysa) on Oct 11, 2015 at 2:46am PDT

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Select a Tour

Darling Wine & Beer Tour Culture & Adventure Tour Wildlife & Fossils Tour To Evita se Perron Tour Escape the Office Tour 2018 Namaqualand Spring Flower Tour


  1. Menu at Langebaan Yacht Club, Langebaan

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf

  2. Menu at Marc's Beach Bar, Langebaan, Club Mykonos Resort

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf

  3. Menu at Marc's Beach Bar, Langebaan, Club Mykonos Resort

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf

  4. Langebaan Yacht Club

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf

  5. Gallery

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf

  6. Yacht Club Long Menu

    langebaan yacht club menu pdf


  1. Langebaan Lagoon #yacht #yachtlife #langebaan #langebaanlagoon #mykonos

  2. R6 995 000.00 Langebaan, Country Club

  3. German Frers Vagabundo II


  1. Restaurant

    Hours are subject to change. Monday: Closed. Tuesday: 08h30 - 17h00. Wednesday: 08h30 - 20h00. Thursday: 08h30 - 17h00. Friday: 08h30 - 21h00. Saturday: 08h30 ...

  2. Langebaan Yacht Club

    T he Langebaan Yacht Club was founded on 24 April 1982. The Club is based on the edge of the beautiful Langebaan Lagoon and provides recreational amenities for members, which include Boating, Sailing, Kayaking, Angling and general social activities. The Club is structured as a family club and safety of all its members is governed through a well-structured Constitution and a comprehensive set ...

  3. Langebaan Yacht Club, Langebaan

    Langebaan Yacht Club. This bar is famous for its great service and friendly staff, that is always ready to help you. Prices are found affordable here. The pretty atmosphere gladdens visitors and attracts more guests. Google users like Langebaan Yacht Club: it was rated 4.5 stars. All info on Langebaan Yacht Club in Langebaan - Call to book a table.

  4. Our new LCE Weekly Menu is...

    August 2, 2021 ·. Our new LCE Weekly Menu is available from today. We are open for sit-down in our Horizon Restaurant every Wednesday & Friday from 17h30 to 20h00, last round for alcohol 19h30 (not served to persons under the age of 18) & Sunday from 12h00 - 15h00 | Takeaway | Collection | Delivery available | FREE delivery on the Estate.

  5. About Us

    The LYC is a well-managed club that provides excellent facilities and infrastructure to its members and with prior arrangement, the public in the following fields: Sailing and all related activities. Power boating including angling. Kayaking and paddle driven craft. Club house, cloak rooms and ablution facilities. Social and entertainment.

  6. Langebaan Yacht Club, South Africa, phone +27 22 772 2466

    The Langebaan Yacht Club is a truly incredible destination for sailors and water sports enthusiasts. Located on the beautiful Langebaan lagoon, the club offers a stunning natural setting with crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and abundant birdlife. The facilities are top-notch, including a well-equipped clubhouse, a boatyard, and ample ...

  7. SailRSA: Langebaan Yacht Club

    Langebaan Yacht Club is situated on the south side of the Langebaan village, on the Langebaan Lagoon. From Cape Town, take the R27 north. Turn left at the Langebaan turnoff. You are now in Oostewal Road. Follow this road through Langebaan. At the intersection with Sunbird Drive, turn right. Langebaan Yacht Club provides recreational amenities ...

  8. Langebaan Yacht Club, Yacht Clubs, Western Cape, ...022 772 2

    Langebaan Yacht Club Address: Cnr. Sunbird Ave & Oostewal St, Langebaan, 7357, South Africa City of Western Cape Post Office box: 72, Langebaan, 7357 Phone number: 022 772 2466,, Fax: 022 772 2847 Categories: Yacht Clubs, 7 Reviews (3 / 5) Yacht Clubs. Zululand Yacht Club.

  9. Langebaan Yacht Club

    Club Mykonos Ocean Yacht Marina. Club Mykonos Ocean Yacht Marina in Langebaan can accommodate your rubberduck, ski boat, cabin cruiser, yacht or catamaran in one of the 134 walk-on moorings. Fuel is available 7 days aweek and for yacht owners they offer a valet service. The Club Mykonos Ocean Yacht Marina also offers rubberducks and wetbikes ...

  10. langebaan yacht club menu pdf

    South Africa / Langebaan, Western Cape / Langebaan Yacht Club. This bar is famous for its great service and friendly staff, that is always ready to help you. Prices are found affo

  11. PDF Porthole Dinner w/ special 7.17

    PORTHOLE WEEKLY DINNER SPECIAL Grilled Ribeye, Warm Lobster Salad 48. Roasted fingerling potatoes, Chef's vegetable, bearnaise sauce. STARTERS Soup du Jour 6. Classic French Onion Soup 9. Rich onion soup, garlic crouton, melted Gruyère.

  12. Langebaan Yacht Club

    The name of the Club shall be the LANGEBAAN YACHT CLUB, and the headquarters shall be at Langebaan. 2OBJECT. The object of the Club shall be the encouragement of Boating, Sailing, Canoeing and Angling. 3LEGAL POSITION OF THE CLUB. 3.1The Club is not formed for the purpose of carrying on any business or enterprise that has for its object the ...

  13. Boat Fishing Secrets of the Langebaan Lagoon

    4. When launching at the Langebaan Yacht Club PLEASE obey the Club rules very strictly. 5. Do not enter the slipway with an unprepared boat. Make 100% sure that your boat is ready for an immediate launch. 6. Do not attempt a solo launch and then come back to remove your vehicle and trailer. Have somebody with you to take your vehicle off the ...

  14. Boating

    Langebaan is truly a unique boating area. Nowhere else in South Africa is there a surface nearly as perfect for watersport. In the early morning it is usually flat, calm and excellent for skiing and boogie boarding. Later in the day, just a cruise around the waters is still a lovely experience. For a nice outing on a boat, take a trip to ...

  15. The Ultimate Guide to Water Sports in Langebaan

    Kraalbaai, Langebaan | GPS: -33.140537, 18.028230 | +27 (0)21 526 0432 | [email protected] SAILING. Your own yacht. Members are able to dock their boats and yachts at Langebaan Yacht Club (included in the membership fee) or at Club Mykonos Marina (space dependent). You can also moor at Kraal Bay with permits from SANParks. Cost:

  16. MSC Cruises Yacht Club Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner PDF Menus

    Come evening, the Yacht Club transforms into a gastronomic paradise. The dinner menu is a testament to MSC's commitment to culinary excellence, with a rotating selection that promises a new adventure with every meal. Classic items that have won the hearts of many are a staple, providing a taste of familiarity amidst the novel flavors.

  17. Welcome to Atlantic Yachting Sail & Power Training

    Extra Course. Extra courses for those seeking to upskill themselves for the Super Yachting Industry which are attractive in the eye of a potential employee, or purely for recreational purposes. Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Accredited Sailing School and an Authorised Agency of SAS (South African Sailing). Langebaan Lagoon offers the only RYA ...

  18. Minnesota Yacht Club Festival: Tickets, parking, things to know

    For the first time in a dozen years, St. Paul's Harriet Island Regional Park will host a major rock and pop music festival, dubbed the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival, on Friday and Saturday.

  19. Sailing

    Sailing - Langebaan Yacht Club. Langebaan Yacht Club has a very active Beach Sailing Calendar. Our sailing is open to all, have a look at the Calendar and make a note of events. We are always looking for more non-sailors to assist us in running events, if you feel you would like to be involved in LYC sailing please pass your details to LYC ...

  20. Langebaan Yacht Club

    The yacht club is members only and doesn't have any berths for visiting yachts. Langebaan Yacht Club, Marina (Langebaan, ZA, 33° 06′ 19″ S / 018° 01′ 54″ E) :: marinamap.com - Nautical Search Engine and Voyage Planner: Finding marinas by mouseclick on the marinamap sea chart.

  21. Marina information Langebaan Yacht Club

    The world's largest Online Nautical Guide with information on more than 8500 Marinas

  22. News

    Langebaan. 7357. Tel: 022 772 2466. E-mail: [email protected]. Upcoming Events. No upcoming events. SANParks - Boating Regulations 2017/2018. Click here for more information on SANParks Boating Regulations 2017/2018. Download.

  23. Adventure on a Elite Charters yacht in Langebaan

    Step onboard the Elite Charters luxury 39ft catamaran yacht at Club Mykonos Marina and enjoy the perfect way to explore the Langebaan lagoon and view the ultimate sunset. A leisurely 2 hour cruise departs from Club Mykonos Marena daily at 11am, 2pm and 5pm. Experienced crew will make you feel at home and refreshments are served at the cash bar ...

  24. PDF 1. Title Langebaan Yacht Club 2. Object

    3 Langebaan Yacht Club -Constitution Effective 24th of June 2017 AGM 6.3 The Club may sue or be sued in the name of its Commodore, for the time being, in any Court of Law in the Republic of South Africa. All process of law, notices and the like shall be regarded as sufficiently served on the Club if served on the Commodore personally.