



Notre skipper avec plus de 8 ans d'expérience de navigation dans les Tuamotu gère le bateau, les navigations et l'entretien pendant toute la durée de la croisière. 

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​ Nous proposons un club de plongée complet qui peut être installé à bord de différents bateaux. Notre moniteur de plongée a plus de 8 ans d'expérience sur les bateaux de croisière en Polynésie.


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Nous travaillons avec un réseau de bateaux basés en Polynésie française et pouvons assister à la location d'un navire adapté à vos besoins. 



Notre vidéaste est pilote de drone et plongeuse et explore la Polynésie depuis près de 8 ans en créant des vidéos, des photos, des sites web et des campagnes de communication marketing en Polynésie française. 


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Nous travaillons en collaborations avec  différents catamarans au cours de l'année pour vous proposer la croisière idéale à travers les Tuamotu! Selon vos envies et votre budget, nous pouvons proposer différents types de formules: 

La croisière "Makatea Express"

La croisière "Tuamotu Explorer"

La Croisière Plongée



Une formule pour les séjours de 4 à 7 jours, à la découverte de la magnifique île de Makatea avec un départ depuis Rangiroa. Attention, nous ne faisons pas de départ depuis Tahiti . Les navigations se font de nuit et sont courtes et confortables. Le skipper gère le bateau pendant que vous dormez et vous vous réveillez arrivés à destination!

Le départ se fait de Rangiroa. Nous nous  arrêtons  à Tikehau en chemin pour profiter d'une plongée ou deux. Snorkelling avec les raies manta et découverte de l'atoll avant de reprendre la mer de nuit pour continuer notre route jusqu'à Makatea. ​

Nous  nous  rendons directement à Makatea et maximisons le nombre de jours sur place. Makatea est une île mystérieuse et très différente des atolls des Tuamotu! Profitez d'une navigation de nuit pour vous réveiller dans un nouveau décor et profiter de quelques jours pour visiter cette île accessible uniquement en bateau! Possibilité de faire de la grimpe, de visiter les grottes d'eau douce, les anciennes mines de phosphate et d'observer des baleines (baleines uniquement de août - novembre).

Plongée en option, matériel et compresseurs disponibles à bord selon le catamaran exploité.



Une formule entièrement personnalisable, en couple, en famille ou entre amis, idéal pour une durée de 7 à 14 jours.

Visiter les Tuamotu, c'est une aventure à ne pas manquer dans sa vie! Cet archipel est constitué de nombreux atolls et peu d'entre eux  accueillent  régulièrement des touristes.

Nous vous proposons de partir à la découverte d'atolls moins visités des Tuamotu, au départ de Rangiroa. Vous pouvez combiner une croisière avec un séjour à terre dans notre pension sur Rangiroa.

Nous créons les itinéraires sur mesure selon vos envies, la durée de la croisière et vos préférences. Les îles que nous pouvons visiter incluent: 

Tikehau : parfait pour les plongeurs, un petit atoll qui a beaucoup de charme et permet des visites à terre et des rencontres avec les raies manta.

Apataki : un atoll plein de surprises, parfait pour la plongée avec deux passes remplies de requins qui n'ont rien à envier aux grands noms de la plongée dans les Tuamotu. Apataki abrite un village très fleuri qu'on peut visiter à pied. 

Toau : Un incroyable atoll dont nous visitons la passe et la "fausse passe"! Des opportunités de plongée et de snorkelling hors du temps ainsi qu'une super visite à terre, à la rencontre de Gaston et Valentine, parmi les seuls habitants de Toau, qui vous accueillent pour un repas polynésien à ne pas manquer! 

Aratika : un atoll peu connu qui vaut le détour! Visite du motu du village abandonné. Un beau jour, les habitants ont presque tous quitté leur maison pour s'installer sur une autre partie de  l'atoll ... pourquoi? Avec ses deux passes bien  particulières  en forme de virgule, Aratika regorge de requins et de secrets cachés! 

Tahanea : atoll reculé abritant trois  passes , donc de nombreuses possibilités d'exploration pour les plongeurs et les amoureux des fonds marins! Pas de village ici, seules quelques cabanes de pêcheur sont réparties sur quelques motu. Une véritable aventure dans un atoll sauvage des Tuamotu. 

Faaite : une passe très  poissonneuse  avec des nombreux parcs à poisson! Faaite est un atoll de pêcheurs... et de surfeurs! Charmant village qu'on peut explorer à pied et dont les habitants sont très accueillants. 

Il y a encore de nombreuses îles que nous pouvons envisager pour cette croisière découverte: Kauehi, Kaukura, Makatea, Ahe, Manihi...



Une Formule conçue pour un petit groupe de plongeurs souhaitant réaliser de une à trois plongées par jours. Les trajets sont faits sur mesure, comme pour notre formule "Tuamotu Explorer. Nous partons à la découverte des différentes passes des Tuamotu, véritables poumons du lagon où se concentrent les poissons... et les prédateurs! 

Cette croisière vous permettra de découvrir les sites sous-marins mythiques de la Polynesie mais aussi d’explorer des richesses préservées, accessibles uniquement par bateau! Nous vous proposons de plonger avec une sélection de clubs de plongée sur les  atolls  qui en disposent, et nous vous amenons à la découverte des sites inaccessibles aux clubs depuis notre catamaran croisière plongée. 

Profitez d'être les seuls plongeurs présents sur le site! 

Afin de pleinement profiter de la croisière plongée, nous prenons un maximum de 4 plongeurs, s'il s'agit de plonger de manière "intensive" (2 à 3 plongées par personne).

Il est possible de prendre plus de plongeurs sur la croisière, mais dans ce cas là tous les participants doivent se partager le nombre de plongées organisées par jour, en y allant par groupe de 4 maximum. 

Cette limite est nécessaire pour  garantir  le confort à bord, avec tout le matériel embarqué, et afin de tous tenir dans l'annexe qui amènent les plongeurs sur site. 



Volume Océan est un club de plongée itinérant basé en Polynésie française.

Ce pays abrite plusieurs des meilleurs sites de plongée au monde!

Vous  voulez  plonger avec des  dauphins ? Plusieurs espèces de requins, dont des requins tigres ou des requins marteaux ? Vous désirez plonger au milieu d'immenses bancs de poissons sur des récifs perdus

au milieu de l'Océan Pacifique?

Ici, tout cela est possible! 

En Polynésie, il n'est pas rare de croiser durant les plongées plusieurs espèces de gros requins ainsi que des gros  mammifères marins ,

comme les dauphins et les baleines. 

Il y a 118 îles en Polynésie française et seulement quelques-unes d'entre elles abritent des centres de plongée. L'activité plongée et touristique est essentiellement réunie sur les mêmes îles, comme Rangiroa, Fakarava, Bora Bora, Moorea ou encore Tahiti. 

Grâce à un séjour croisière plongée, on peut s'aventurer sur des sites peu fréquentés et loin du tourisme de masse. Le séjour pour un petit groupe permet également d'adapter les profils de plongée selon les désirs de nos plongeurs. Nous pourrons  partir  à la recherche des espèces que vous désirez observer!

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection de vidéos d'aventures plongée en Polynésie française.



Marc est skipper, moniteur de voile et moniteur de plongée. 

Diplômé d'état de plongée, Capitaine 200 et navigateur  passionné , il vous emmènera à la découverte des îles qu'il  explore  sur et sous l'eau depuis son arrivée en Polynésie en 2016.

Il est assisté par différents guides locaux, originaires de Rangiroa ou des îles voisines, lors de ses croisières. 

Léty-Siâh est productrice de vidéos, pilote de drone, monitrice de yoga, plongeuse vidéaste sous-marine et spécialiste en marketing.

Elle gère les réservations des croisières et sera très heureuse de vous conseiller un itinéraire sur mesure entre les  atolls  des Tuamotu, selon votre temps et vos préférences.

Anne  est originaire de Rangiroa et elle est accompagnatrice pendant les croisières. Elle prépare la nourriture pour les personnes qui le souhaitent. 

Félicien est le propriétaire du catamaran Wanderlust , avec lequel nous collaborons principalement pour nos croisières dans les Tuamotu. 

location catamaran tuamotu


Volume Océan utilise différents catamarans durant l'année pour opérer ses croisières. Nous pouvons organiser la location d'un catamaran directement avec le navire qui correspond à votre projet, créer l'itinéraire et vous fournir l'équipement et le staff nécessaire à réaliser votre croisière sur mesure.

location catamaran tuamotu

Thanks for submitting!

Contactez-nous pour organiser une croisière plongée ou une expédition en catamaran. Nous sommes basés à Rangiroa et organisons généralement les croisières à partir de Rangiroa. 

Nous sommes ouverts aux autres propositions pour différentes  îles et archipels sur demande! 

N'hésitez pas à nous soumettre votre projet et nous serons heureux de vous proposer une solution sur me


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  • Lagoon 400 S2
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  • Discover Our Islands
  • Why a Catamaran Trip?
  • Power Yacht Charter

Discover our islands... Dream sailing vacations in french polynesia

Customize Your Tahiti Sailing Charter Today!

location catamaran tuamotu

Discover Bora Bora & The Sailing Trip of a Lifetime...

Tahiti Sailing Adventures


Tahiti Sailing Adventures is the #1 choice among Americans for catamaran charters in French Polynesia. In direct partnership with Poe Charter Tahiti, we specialize in turning your dream vacation in French Polynesia into a reality!  At Tahiti Sailing Adventures our focus is creating custom-tailored vacations that suit you perfectly. Whether you're seeking a romantic honeymoon, an adventurous family escape, or a peaceful solo retreat, we have you covered. Our catamarans are equipped with all the amenities you need for a comfortable and carefree voyage. 

Professional Crew

Our highly skilled and knowledgeable crew members are here to ensure your journey is nothing short of perfection. From great local cuisine prepared onboard to expert guidance on where to snorkel or which hidden beaches to explore, they'll take care of all the details, so you can focus on enjoying the beauty that surrounds you.

Booking is Easy

Booking your dream vacation with us is simple. Just get in touch with our friendly team and we'll guide you through the process. You can choose from a range of catamarans, cabin configurations, and trip durations, ensuring that your vacation fits your preferences and budget. 

Custom Itinerary

Are you ready for an unforgettable journey through the crystal-clear waters and stunning landscapes of Bora Bora. Great! Click below and let's make it happen. We'll work closely with you to create a personalized itinerary that includes your favorite activities and destinations. From swimming with sharks and rays to exploring lush tropical gardens, we've got the inside scoop on the best experiences in Bora Bora and beyond. 

Catamaran Options

13 Beautiful Catamarans to Choose From...


Explore with the Elegant 38 ft Catamaran from Lagoon.

This 41 footer from Bali provides Comfort and Luxury on the water...

Cruise in style with this beautiful 46 ft Catamaran from Lagoon.

Sailing Destinations & Itineraries


Tahiti to Bora Bora

7-12 Night trips to explore the beauty of the Society Islands from Moorea to Raiatea and finally arriving in the turquoise lagoons of Bora Bora.

Tuamotu Atolls

Set sail for an adventure in the vast Tuamotu Atolls. Discover a world filled with an abundance of marine life and deserted tropical islands.

Tetiaroa & Moorea

Don't have a lot of time? Stay close to Tahiti and explore the beautiful paradise of Tetiaroa ( Marlon Brando's island) and the crystal clear lagoons of Moorea. 

Photo Gallery

Get to know our team, experienced planning.

Carter White, director of Tahiti Sailing Adventures, is an American living in Tahiti since 2009. He is happy to share his knowledge of the islands and ensure you have an unforgettable trip. 

Dedicated Team

Friendly and Knowledgeable team members here to help you every step of the way with your dream sailing vacation. 

Great Catamarans

Our Catamarans are upgraded every few years to ensure our customers the best in quality, comfort, and safety.  A great trip starts with a great, quality boat. 

Dream Location, Somewhere in French Polynesia...

Something for everyone.

There are endless activities as you sail through the Polynesian islands. If you love snorkeling and scuba diving than you have found paradise. Dream of catching big fish or big waves... we've got you covered. If you just want to kayak and explore beaches and the local culture along the way then we can offer that as well. Or if you just want to chill out on deck that is always a great option too.

 French Polynesia is an adventure seeker and  ocean lovers dream destination. You will find your happiness during a sailing vacation, we guarantee it. Our mission is to make sure you experience these islands to the fullest and by chartering one of our top of the line catamarans you will certainly find your paradise. 

* Pro Tip :   Embrace the local expertise of your crew and you will have a richer experience throughout the islands.  

Why Choose US?

Experience- We have years of experience in creating exceptional French Polynesian vacations, making us the experts in this slice of paradise. 

Customization- Your trip is as unique as you are. We take your preferences and turn them into a vacation you'll cherish forever.

Quality- Our catamarans are top-notch, providing comfort, luxury, and the perfect vantage point for enjoying the beauty of our islands.  

Contact Us Today

Let's chat.

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Let's Set Sail!

We are here to answer any questions you may have. Tell us all about your dream sailing vacation in French Polynesia. How many nights? Favorite islands? Special requests? Give us all the details you can think of so we can give you an accurate quotation and a sample itinerary for your trip. We look forward to guiding you through our tropical paradise and providing you with an exceptional vacation.

P.K. 3.5 Arue, Tahiti, French Polynesia 98712

Email: [email protected]

Thank You For Choosing Tahiti Sailing Adventures!

 For clients who have already contacted us by phone or mail and confirmed their trip availability, you can make your deposit or full trip payment online via our secure link payment, PAYZEN. 

Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2023 Tahiti Sailing Adventures - All Rights Reserved.

In Partnership with POE CHARTER

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Croisière Océan

Destinations, nos services.

  • ENGLISH site

Catamaran d'hôte, location catamaran en Polynésie

La meilleure façon de découvrir la polynésie et ses archipels est certainement la croisière à la voile. ce territoire immense se compose de 5 archipels : les marquises, les iles de la société, les tuamotu, les gambiers et les australes.   embarquez sur planet ocean pour un voyage sur mesure hors des sentiers battus, les marquises, de décembre à mars.

disponibilités 2024 : janvier jusqu'au 30 mars

« Les marquises sont exquises »

La richesse de leur culture, des rencontres humaines, de la nature et des paysages rendent ces îles tellement attachantes qu’on a du mal à en repartir.

Les Marquises, sont de "jeunes" iles, ne possédant pas de lagon, et la nature sauvage qu’elles abritent les rendent uniques.

  • découverte de la culture Marquisienne (danses, cuisine, artisanat, tatouage)
  • randonnées à pied ou à cheval
  • criques sauvages
  • baignades dans des décors inédits (mer ou cascades)
  • pêche et snorkeling
  • croisiere sur mesure

Les Tuamotu

disponibilités 2024 : de mai à novembre

Les Tuamotu sont des îles basses dont les lagons immenses offrent des mouillages déserts aux reflets bleus intenses. C'est notre destination favorite.

Les activités principales sont la pêche, la culture de perle et la plongée sous-marine.

Destinations mythiques de Fakarava, Makemo, Rangiroa, Tikehau.

  • Navigation dans les atolls
  • mouillages devant les motus (petites iles de corail et sable)
  • kite surf, wind surf
  • plongées ou snorkeling avec raies mantas, raies pastenagues, tortues, requins
  • circuit sur mesure, hors de sentiers battus

Une parenthèse exotique maitrisée depuis 2010

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4 cabines doubles avec cabinets de toilette et une cabine 1 pers, draps et serviettes de toilette compris.

Cockpit et carré spacieux permettant d'accueillir jusqu'à 8 convives. Et une grande baignoire (autour du bateau)!

kitesurf en polynesie

1 kayak, 1 paddle, équipements de snorkeling et de pêche sans oublier les hamacs!

Nous proposons des croisières plongée en association avec les centres de plongée locaux.

Les kite-surfeurs (wing foil, surf, et autres engins aussi) sont les bienvenus avec leur équipement (niveau autonome), découvrez les meilleurs spots de kitesurf des Tuamotu, initiation au foil.

poisson cru a la tahitienne

française, du monde et polynésienne, boissons fraiches.

Alcool non compris .. quoi que :-)

croisiere en famille en polynesie

Voyage en famille

Enfants bienvenus.

Forts de notre expérience de voyage en famille (12 ans avec nos enfants), nous sommes heureux d'accueillir des familles sur notre bateau.

Pas besoin de compétences particulières en voile, les volontaires peuvent participer à la navigation.

les plus beaux rivages sur un catamaran à voile

croisiere Fakarava

Croisière en catamaran aux Tuamotu

Aventure et decouverte.

La navigation à la voile dans les lagons des Tuamotu est un délice, les navigations entre atolls sont plus sportives. Nous offrons des tinéraires variés selon vos envies. Les départs se font principalement de Fakarava, reserve naturelle avec de magnifiques sites de plongée.

kitesurf tuamotu

spéciale Kite et Surf

Amateurs de glisse.

Découvrez Toao, Fakarava, Tahanea ou Makemo et leurs spots de navigation. Niveau autonome requis, mais je propose aussi des initiations au foil.

Notre expérience et connaissance des Tuamotu au service de votre plaisir en kite surf, kite foil, wing foil, wind surf, surf et tout ce qui glisse sur l'eau!

Ua Huka, l'ile aux chevaux

Les Marquises

Disponibilités en 2024-25.

Disponible de décembre à mars. Croisieres Marquises Sud (de Hiva Oa à Fatu Hiva), Marquises Nord (Nuku Hiva - Ua Pou) de 5 à 7 jours, croisière découverte de l'archipel sur 15 jours minimum (du Nord au Sud)

nature explorer french polynesia

Partenaire scientifique

Missions en polynésie.

nos atouts : mobilité, flexibilité, connaissance des archipels et enthousiasme!

nos partenaires : le CRIOBE, le CNRS et l'IFREMER

A partir de 220 euros par jour par personne : tarifs adaptés selon durée, nombre de passagers et saison (tarif pour 5 pers en pension complète, nous contacter pour un devis)

Croisière pension complete, min. 5 jours : notre cuisine est basée sur les produits locaux naturels et des repas de qualité, recettes internationales et locales. la cuisiniere prépare les repas et vous assiste dans vos besoins. jusqu'à 6 personnes, 3 cabines doubles., location du bateau , min. 7 jours : le capitaine vous mène là où vous le souhaitez. vous disposez des 3 cabines doubles et une simple, et il propose son expérience pour planifier et organiser votre croisière et l’approvisionnement., quelque soit la formule choisie, notre but est de vous faire découvrir les escales les plus belles, hors des sentiers battus, pour des vacances à la voile inoubliables (en famille ou entre amis)., nous partageons avant tout exemples :.

catamaran Fakarava

location de catamaran à Fakarava

randonnée à cheval aux marquises


Être surpris.

Visite de fermes perlières, rencontres avec les polynésiens, soirée bringue

via ferrata Makatea

Randonnées pédestres et équestres

diving Fakarava

Le monde de Némo

Plongée et snorkeling, cours d’apnée

kitesurf Fakarava

Extra Sailing

Enjoy the seas.

Surf, kite surf, kayak

dauphins Fakarava

Les cétacés

Des dauphins comme compagnons de voyage.

Observation des cétacés.

  Nous voyageons autour du monde en famille depuis plus de 10 ans à bord de notre bateau et chaque escale est l’occasion de faire partager nos rencontres et nos découvertes.     Nous vous offrons notre expérience de la navigation et de l’accueil à bord, pour des vacances et un séjour inoubliables.

Capitaine olivier.

Plus de 20 ans d’expérience de la voile, pêcheur, instructeur de plongée, apnéiste et kite-surfeur.

Il fera participer les volontaires aux manœuvres et aux plaisirs de la navigation.

Cuisinière Locale

Pour une expérience et des rencontres locales, la cuisinière vous fera découvrir les plaisirs de la cuisine locale, du poisson frais et des crustacés pêchés sur le récif.

Images de notre voyage

croisiere aux Tuamotus, Toao anse Amiot

Contactez Croisière Océan

Nous répondrons dès que possible, communiquez avec nous, petite connexion ... grands partages .

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  • Travel Types

location catamaran tuamotu

Papeete » Fakarava » Rangiroa » Taha`a » Bora Bora » Huahine » Moorea » Papeete

Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm

Tahiti & The Tuamotu Islands on a Luxury Catamaran

Minimize hassles and enjoy seamless South Pacific vacation conveniences when you combine your Windstar Tahiti cruise with airline and hotel in this complete package. Fly from Los Angeles (LAX) and in just eight hours you’ll check in at the open-beamed lobby of the InterContinental Resort Tahiti. This package includes hotel stays prior to and after your cruise allowing ample time to relax in the landmark hotel lagoon and shop in nearby Papeete. Your transfers between the airport, hotel and yacht are overseen by staff, so you focus on experiencing the sights and sounds unique to Tahitian island life.

Customized Pricing: Your final cost will be tailored to your specific needs, factoring in availability, travel dates, accommodation choices, tours, and additional inclusions. Inspirational Itinerary: Consider this itinerary a springboard for your dream vacation. You can either adopt it as presented or use elements you love from it. Personalized Experience: We’re dedicated to customizing this journey to match your preferences and travel style, ensuring a unique and unforgettable adventure. ‍

Monday - Friday 9am -5.30pm

Let's start planning your unforgettable vacation!

Exact pricing will depend on availability, time of travel, choice of accommodations, tours and other inclusions.

location catamaran tuamotu

How do we work?

Our work is based on years of experience, in-person and online training, extensive travel, vast industry affiliations, and a big network of reliable partners — all to enhance your vacation and ensure a seamless planning and booking experience, as well as memories of trips to last a lifetime.

How Evyssa Vacations Works as a Travel Agency?

Experience the multi-award winning, adults-only voyages.

🌟 Best Overall Cruise Line: Their exclusively adult, superyacht-inspired lady ships — sailing to some of the most dazzling destinations in the world. 🍴 Best Dining: With 20+ eateries (all included!), their Michelin-starred chef-curated menus feature fresh, made-to-order food. 👨 Best Service: Their incredible Crew is at the heart of what we do — making sure our Sailors have the most brilliant experience possible. 🏠 Best Cabins: Gorgeously designed, roomy rain showers, ample storage, and, best of all, their cabins feature the signature red hammocks — exclusively on Virgin Voyages ships. 💰 Best Value for Money: Their Always Included Luxury gives you epic perks on every single voyage — like all food, entertainment, all tips, WiFi, group fitness classes, and essential drinks.

Tahiti & The Tuamotu Islands on a Luxury Catamaran

Watch the video

Set sail on a cruise that exceeds expectations, let the adventure begin.

Ready to embark on an extraordinary luxury catamaran trip around the enchanting Tahiti islands, where paradise awaits your arrival? Experience the crystal-clear turquoise waters surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty at every turn.

Tahiti & The Tuamotu Islands on a Luxury Catamaran

Immerse in your day-by-day itinerary recommendation

Intercontinental tahiti resort & spa.

Experience seamless transfer from the airport to the exquisite Intercontinental Tahiti Resort, nestled within 32 acres of lush tropical gardens and overlooking a picturesque lagoon. This renowned resort in Tahiti offers an array of activities to delight and captivate, including exhilarating dives in vibrant coral reefs, a fascinating lagoonarium, and two stunning infinity pools. Indulge in the finest culinary experiences at two exquisite restaurants, where delectable flavors await your palate. For relaxation and rejuvenation, immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of the Deep Nature Spa. Unwind with an intimate dinner at the Le Lotus overwater gourmet restaurant, or savor signature cocktails accompanied by live music at the vibrant Tiki Bar. Your time is yours to savor, preparing for the extraordinary cruise that awaits you tomorrow. Rest and rejuvenate overnight in anticipation of the unforgettable journey that lies ahead.

location catamaran tuamotu

Sailing to Fakarava

Welcome aboard Wind Spirit, a sleek and elegant 4-masted sailing yacht designed to accommodate 148 guests. With its four decks the Wind Spirit provides an intimate and exclusive experience, feeling like your very own private yacht, boasts wide open teak decks, offering guests the unique opportunity to discover hidden nooks and crannies, perfect for quiet moments and creating a sense of having your own private veranda.

All staterooms on Wind Spirit feature ocean views, comfortable queen beds, and when it comes to dining, Wind Spirit offers two exceptional venues. In the evenings, indulge in gourmet, course-by-course cuisine at the Amphora restaurant, while during breakfast and lunch, the Veranda restaurant offers a delightful buffet and full-service dining experience. All dining is open seating, allowing you to enjoy your meals at your own pace. For a truly magical dining experience under the stars, be sure to make a reservation at Candles, where succulent steaks and mouthwatering skewers are served.

In addition to these fantastic features, Wind Spirit provides an array of amenities for your enjoyment. Pamper yourself at the World Spa by Windstar, indulge in thrilling water sports from the Watersports Platform, unwind at the Lounge or Library, take a dip in the inviting Pool, or simply relax in the Hot Tub.

location catamaran tuamotu

Welcome to Fakarava

Discover a unique and exceptional opportunity to immerse yourself in the extraordinary beauty of Fakarava, a rare and breathtaking destination recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Delight in the wonders of this diver's paradise, where you'll encounter magnificent cauliflower coral, graceful grey sharks, and vibrant schools of tropical fish. Indulge in the enchantment of the "Island of Dreams," where rare species of nesting birds and extraordinary marine life coexist in serene harmony, creating a truly captivating and unforgettable experience.

location catamaran tuamotu

Explore the huge lagoon surrounded by beautiful coral and filled with colorful fish, rays, and dolphin is a diver’s dream. Explore, with an optional tour, in a glass bottom boat, take a dive that matches your level of expertise, or enjoy the magic of drift snorkeling. This is a place like no other on earth.

location catamaran tuamotu

Sailing to Taha`a

Feel the thrill as the catamaran sets sail from Rangiroa, gliding through the tranquil turquoise waters with effortless grace. Indulge in a day of pure bliss and relaxation, allowing the gentle sea breeze to caress your skin while you soak up the sun's warm embrace.

location catamaran tuamotu

Motu Mahana (Taha`a)

Escape to our exclusive private island sanctuary, where swaying palm trees and pristine white-sand beaches await. Immerse yourself in the crystal-clear waters, indulging in a variety of thrilling water sports, from swimming to snorkeling. Relish a sumptuous barbecue lunch and tropical drinks, perfectly complementing the idyllic surroundings. Discover the hidden treasures of Tahaa with optional excursions to vanilla plantations and sacred sites, unraveling the island's captivating secrets.

location catamaran tuamotu

Raiatea Welcomes You

Arrive in style to Raiatea aboard the luxutious catamaran, as the sun begins to set, casting a golden hue over the tranquil waters. Immerse yourself in a world of possibilities as you embark on a plethora of engaging activities that await you. Whether you choose to explore the vibrant coral reefs through snorkeling or partake in thrilling water sports, the options are boundless.

location catamaran tuamotu

A Day of Pure Joy

Our stay here allows plenty of time to capture the beauty in photographs — and you’ll want plenty. These stunning waters will show a different kaleidoscope of blue in each frame. You’ll have lots of options for exploration, whether you prefer the access provided by a 4-by-4, or the thrill of riding in the open air. Stretch out on stunning white-sand beaches, dive and swim in brightly colored seas, or sail among the tiny islands and lagoons. But the highlight here will be the Windstar Exclusive Destination Discovery Event on a private mote complete with fird dancers. This is the stuff that dreams are made of and available to small ships.

location catamaran tuamotu

Bora Bora Day 1

Experience a stay that allows ample time to capture the exquisite beauty through photography, leaving you yearning for more. Each frame will showcase a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of ever-changing blue hues, a testament to the captivating allure of these breathtaking waters. Delve into a myriad of exploration options, whether you crave the convenience of a 4x4 vehicle or the exhilaration of an open-air ride.

Unwind on pristine white-sand beaches, immersing yourself in their stunning vistas. Dive into the vividly colored seas, indulging in the joy of swimming amidst nature's vibrant palette. Embark on a sailing adventure, navigating through the enchanting tapestry of tiny islands and lagoons. However, the true highlight of your experience awaits at the Windstar Exclusive Destination Discovery Event, hosted on a private mote, where fiery dancers ignite the night. This extraordinary spectacle, reserved for small ships, embodies the essence of dreamlike bliss.

location catamaran tuamotu

Bora Bora Day 2

Immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of Bora Bora, where turquoise waters and pristine white-sand beaches create a paradise unlike any other. From the moment you arrive, you'll be swept away by the sheer magic of this idyllic destination. Dive into the crystal-clear waters, snorkel among vibrant coral reefs, and marvel at the kaleidoscope of marine life that surrounds you.

Indulge in a day filled with exhilarating activities designed to delight and thrill. From jet skiing and paddleboarding to parasailing and sailing, there is an adventure to suit every taste. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you zip across the azure waves, or simply relax on the a luxurious catamaran, soaking up the sun's warm embrace.

Treat your taste buds to a delectable feast of local cuisine, savoring the flavors of fresh seafood and tropical fruits. Take a moment to unwind on the beach, feeling the gentle caress of the ocean breeze, as you sip on a refreshing cocktail and take in the breathtaking views that surround you.

location catamaran tuamotu

Drop anchor in the enchanting destination known as the "Garden of Eden," where time seems to slow down, inviting you to immerse yourself in its lush forests, tropical landscapes, and charming villages. Unveil one of Polynesia's well-kept secrets as you embrace the authentic South Pacific island lifestyle. Make a stop at the remarkable Maeva archaeological site, where you can wander among the impressive 150-odd marae (temple sites) and witness the continued use of the 400-year-old stone fish traps. And of course, prepare to indulge in some of the world's finest snorkeling experiences, offering an unparalleled underwater paradise.

location catamaran tuamotu

Step into a paradise beyond compare, where the breathtaking beauty of your surroundings leaves you yearning for more. During your stay in this idyllic haven, ample time awaits you to embark on an array of captivating experiences. Enhance your photography skills with an optional island tour accompanied by a professional photographer, seizing the opportunity to capture the essence of this extraordinary place.

The possibilities here are endless. Immerse yourself in the splendor of the majestic Three Coconut Trail, allowing nature's wonders to unfold before you. Encounter dolphins in their natural habitat, witnessing their playful grace firsthand. Alternatively, revel in the pleasures of swimming and kayaking from the Watersports Platform aboard the Wind Spirit, anchored in these pristine sapphire seas.

location catamaran tuamotu

Journey Completed

Discover a renowned resort in Tahiti that beckons with a plethora of activities designed to captivate and delight. Immerse yourself in the vibrant world beneath the waves as you dive into the mesmerizing coral reefs. Experience the wonders of the lagoonarium, a sanctuary of marine life. Indulge in moments of serenity and rejuvenation at two exquisite infinity pools. Delight your palate with fine dining options at two beautiful restaurants, offering an exceptional culinary journey. Find ultimate relaxation at the Deep Nature Spa or immerse yourself in world-class dinner shows that promise unforgettable entertainment.

During your stay, time is yours to embrace and savor. Enjoy an intimate and unforgettable dinner at Le Lotus, the exquisite overwater gourmet restaurant. Unwind in the inviting ambiance of the Lobby Bar or treat yourself to a signature cocktail accompanied by live music at the vibrant Tiki Bar. As the day comes to a close, prepare for a peaceful overnight stay, allowing you to rest and rejuvenate before your flight the following day.

location catamaran tuamotu

Hear from Our Satisfied Travelers!

We love to make our clients happy! And we love to hear their feedback after they returned from vacation. Here are a few of them.

Pickleball Greece Vacation Pricing

To Confirm your reservations, a $500/person deposit applies with a minimum deposit of $1000/cabin (if you are booking a single occupancy rate you must submit $1000). The final payment is due by 15FEB, 2024 .

DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $4,134/person in B1 Cabin

SINGLE OCCUPANCY $5,829/person in B1 Cabin

Only 6 cabins left in B1 Category on Strauss Deck! ‍ Terms and Conditions: Deposit payments are non-refundable/non-transferable. Any Cancellation Request must be submitted in writing. The following cancellation conditions apply to all bookings: 1OCT23 - 15Feb2024 -Deposit non-refundable 16Feb - 22MAR2024 - 50% penalty 23Mar - 23APR2024 - 80% penalty 24APR2024 - 100% penalty - booking is completely non-refundable We strongly encourage the purchase of travel insurance. After your booking is deposited and confirmed, we will be sending you and insurance quote.

Tahiti & The Tuamotu Islands on a Luxury Catamaran

To confirm your reservation, a deposit of $1500/person is due immediately. The Final Payment date for this Group is due by 27 JUN, 2024. ‍

DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $8,995/person

SINGLE OCCUPANCY $10,945/person

If you need a roommate, please let us know. We’d be happy to pair you up with one of our other goddesses. ‍ Terms and Conditions: ‍ Deposits are non-refundable. The group pricing is based on a small group size of 10 participants. In case the minimum group size is not met by 25 February 2024, we reserve the right to cancel this departure. In this case, your deposit will be refunded. Please note, that these are specialty accommodations in high demand with strict hold and cancellation policies. In order for us to guarantee our room block, we recommend anyone interested to sign up by 1FEB the latest. The following cancellation policy applies: The deposit of $1500/person is non-refundable. The below cancellation fees apply to the rest of the payments: 1 OCT 2023 – 28FEB 2024 – deposit non-refundable, any amount paid above the deposit is refundable 29FEB – 27JUN2024 – deposit is non-refundable, and an additional cancellation fee of $1500/person applies 28JUN- 31JUL2024- 50% of trip cost non-refundable 1AUG – 100% cancellation penalty applies. No refunds provided for cancellations starting on 1AUG. We highly recommend the purchase of additional travel insurance to protect your investment, and yourself. We will gladly send you a quote as soon as your reservation is confirmed.   Payment Schedule: Trip Deposit of $1500/person - At the time of booking 1 st installment of $1500/person – 15FEB2024 2 nd installment of $1500/person – 1MAY2024 Final Balance- 27JUN2024

Inclusions, Exclusions & F.A.Q.

Virgin Voyages Luxury Cruise

30% off your trip and $ 600 worth freebies included

Let your dreams take flight with 30% off your voyage, plus up to $600 in free drinks for making your fantasy escape on a luxury ocean cruise a reality.

Services included worth over $600:

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From refined dining to relaxed casual, all of our 20+ eateries featuring menus curated by Michelin star chefs are yours to enjoy.

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Essential Drinks

Stay hydrated with still and sparkling water, non-pressed juices, sodas, teas and even drip coffee.

About The Room - Hotel Webflow Template

Browse, post, and stay connected with wifi — whenever you want, and wherever you are on the ship.

About The Room - Hotel Webflow Template

We've taken care (of taking care) of your servers, so we cover the gratuities for your onboard experiences.

About The Room - Hotel Webflow Template

Fitness Classes

Yoga, meditation, cycling, HIIT classes, and more — all your group fitness classes are covered.

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Developed by the world’s most-talked-about producers and artists, you have a ticket to all of our awe-inspiring shows.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Tour

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Services

Why is our professional retainer non-refundable?

Our professional retainer fee is non-refundable due to the commitment and resources we allocate once we take on a project. Here are the key reasons why this policy is in place: ‍ Time Allocation: When we accept a project, we block out our time exclusively for that particular request. This means we decline other potential projects to ensure that we can provide the dedicated attention and high-quality service required for the task at hand. ‍ Lost Opportunities: If a client decides to cancel or change their mind, we not only lose their business, but also the business from other clients we had to turn away. This double loss impacts our ability to maintain a sustainable operation. ‍ Upfront Resource Commitment: The retainer fee also covers some of the time and expenses incurred during the initial phases of the project. This includes research, itinerary design, and other preparatory work necessary to provide a professional service. ‍ Ensuring Serious Engagements: The non-refundable retainer also helps in ensuring that the engagements we enter into are serious and well-considered, which is crucial for maintaining a professional and reliable service. Our aim is to provide exceptional service and to allocate our resources effectively to meet the needs of all our clients. The non-refundable retainer fee is a crucial part of achieving this goal, ensuring that we can continue to offer high-quality, dedicated service for each project we undertake.

Do you offer a best-price guarantee?

Our prices are very compatible. We always look at value vs. cost and we make sure you get a fair price. This however doesn’t mean that our packages are always the cheapest. We work with trusted, hand picked tour operators that are service oriented, professional and reliable. We want to offer you the best experience at a reasonable cost, and that is our priority. When you book online, you are basically paying a service fee to a website, without actually getting the service in return. When you book with us, you are a priority to us, and we are at your service every step of the way.

How do you get paid for your services?

a.  We have negotiated contracts with the suppliers we sell who pay us a commission. These are only paid to us only if you actually take the trip we booked, and we do not get paid typically only a few weeks after your return. If you book your trip months in advance, we only have the retainer as our payment for all that time and work, until we actually get paid by our suppliers. ‍ b.  Since our specialty is customization, we often work with suppliers on a net price basis. We do this when this option offers more flexible terms and conditions for you, or when we are working on trip components (such as train tickets, ferryboats, private transfers, exclusive activities and more) that make more sense to be booked on  a non-commissionable rate. In this case we charge a standard service fee to compensate for our lack of payment. ‍ When you get our quotes the price you will see listed on them is inclusive of all the commissions and/or service fees, so you will know the exact cost of your trip before you are charged for it .

Is this your service fee for booking my trip?

Retainers are not service fees for the work we do, they are a non-refundable payment to hire us to work with you. We keep these fees really low, starting at $100 - and it goes up depending on the complexity of your trip and number of travelers.

How many quotes does your retainer include?

Before you are charged a retainer, we do a free consultation, during which we discuss your needs, and our general recommendations. It is very important that you are honest about what you are looking for, what your approximate budget is, and give us feedback on anything we suggest. This is what ensures that we can actually work on quotes that would be a good fit for you, instead of wasting your time with unsuitable options. There are a reasonable amount of revisions included in our quoting services, but the retainer is basically for one specific trip. If you are looking to shop around, see multiple quotes for several destinations just let us know, we would handle that with an hourly rate instead of a trip retainer.

What happens when I pay a retainer, get the quotes that I need, but don’t purchase the trip? I come back to you at a later time, when I am ready to proceed with the booking. Do I have to pay another retainer for the same trip?

It takes time for us to work on each of your quotes. We customize everything, and each time we quote you something, we work with you to adjust those to your needs. Quotes are usually valid for 24-72hrs. If you don’t purchase the trip, and come back to us at a later time, we have to start everything all over again. In this case a new retainer will be charged.

Are your retainers refundable?

No, our retainers are fully non-refundable.

Discover Paradise on Earth!

Discover Paradise on Earth!

Embark on an unforgettable luxury journey through the mesmerizing Tahiti islands, where opulence meets natural beauty. Experience the epitome of indulgence as you sail turquoise waters, bask on secluded beaches, and immerse yourself in the captivating allure of this tropical paradise.

An award winning luxury cruise line

Virgin Voyages took home all Cruise Critic Cruisers’ Choice Awards in the large ship category for this year — making them the first brand in history to do so!

Virgin Voyages Best Cruise Line

Secure your room today!

Ready, set, sail.

Secure your spot today and set sail on a cruise filled with luxury, excitement, and endless memories. Embark on the voyage of a lifetime!

Ideas based on our experience.

As certified travel agents, we work for you, our client. Customization is what we do best, and it looks different for each client. Our end to end services help you make travel decisions that best suit your needs, our creative consultants always come up with ideas and recommendations you might not otherwise consider, and we make sure your trip components are booked through trusted tour operators.

Making the best decisions.

We act as your advisor and your advocate, we help you understand where it makes sense to splurge or where to hold back, and assist in making sure that you make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

Custom itineraries.

Every itinerary is unique and catered to you. We plan for your budget, your party, and your interests to ensure that your vacation is stress-free and truly memorable!

Luxury vacations designed with you in mind!

We assist with your itineraries as much - or as little - as you need us to. From simple logistics planning to designing entire itineraries, Evyssa Vacations works with you every step of the way to help make your plans a reality.

Exclusive Hotel - Hotel Webflow Template

Your next luxury vacation starts with us!

location catamaran tuamotu

Cruise in Tuamotu

A catamaran cruise in Tuamotu is a transformative experience that transports you to a world of unparalleled beauty, adventure, and tranquillity. Nestled within the picturesque landscape of French Polynesia, this archipelago consists of an impressive collection of 78 coral atolls, each one offering its own unique charm and allure. It is no wonder that sailors and water enthusiasts flock to Tuamotu to embark on an unforgettable journey across its stunning waters.

Our cruises in Tuamotu

Our private or cabin cruises allow you to explore the most beautiful shores aboard comfortable, human-sized boats.

Pure bliss in Tahiti

5 days, 4 nights · Full board Departure Rangiroa (French Polynesia)

From 1 106 €

Our cruises with or without skipper

Rangiroa (French Polynesia) 6 Cabins • 62 ft

Salina 48 (2008)

Rangiroa (French Polynesia) 4 Cabins • 8 Berths • 47 ft

Leopard 46 (2009)

Fakarava (French Polynesia) 4 Cabins • 8 Berths • 46 ft

Lagoon 620 (2021)

Rangiroa (French Polynesia) 6 Cabins • 12 Berths • 62 ft

Kaila (2007)

Rangiroa (French Polynesia) 5 Cabins • 58 ft

Lagoon 620 (2019)

Excess 11 (2023).

Rangiroa (French Polynesia) 4 Cabins • 6 Berths • 37 ft

From 6 203 €

Sun Odyssey 52.2 (2002)

Fakarava (French Polynesia) 4 Cabins • 8 Berths • 52 ft

From 6 200 €

Don't miss it in Tuamotu

Cruise rangiroa, cruise fakarava, reasons to visit tuamotus.

  • 1. Pristine and Untouched Beauty: Tuamotu offers a chance to immerse yourself in unspoiled natural beauty. The clear turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and white-sand beaches create a postcard-perfect setting that will take your breath away.
  • 2. Secluded Paradise: If you're seeking an escape from the crowds, Tuamotu is the place to be. With its remote location and limited tourist infrastructure, you can discover secluded islands and enjoy a sense of serenity and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere.
  • 3. Incredible Marine Biodiversity: The underwater world of Tuamotu is a haven for marine enthusiasts. The coral reefs are teeming with diverse species of fish, colorful corals, and other fascinating marine life. Snorkeling or diving in the lagoons offers an opportunity to explore this incredible biodiversity up close.
  • 4. Authentic Polynesian Culture: Tuamotu provides an authentic Polynesian cultural experience. Interact with the friendly locals, learn about their traditions, participate in traditional dance and music, and even try your hand at crafting intricate handicrafts. It's a chance to connect with a vibrant culture that has thrived for generations.
  • 5. Adventure and Water Sports: From sailing and kayaking to paddleboarding and fishing, Tuamotu offers a wide range of water sports and adventurous activities. Explore hidden coves, paddle through mangrove forests, or embark on a thrilling deep-sea fishing expedition. The possibilities for adventure are endless.

Islands to Sail to from Tuamotu

  • Bora Bora: Widely regarded as one of the most picturesque islands in the world, Bora Bora is a must-visit destination. Sail from Tuamotu to this idyllic island, renowned for its stunning turquoise lagoon, vibrant coral gardens, and iconic overwater bungalows. Enjoy water activities like snorkeling, diving, and paddleboarding, or simply relax on the pristine beaches and soak in the breathtaking views of Mount Otemanu.
  • Raiatea and Taha'a: Located in close proximity to each other, Raiatea and Taha'a offer a combined sailing experience that showcases the cultural and natural beauty of French Polynesia. Raiatea, known as the "Sacred Island," is steeped in history and ancient Polynesian traditions. Sail to Taha'a, often referred to as the "Vanilla Island," to explore fragrant vanilla plantations, visit charming local villages, and indulge in the sweet aroma of fresh vanilla.
  • Huahine: Sail to Huahine, an island known for its lush landscapes and unspoiled beauty. With its dramatic mountain peaks, dense tropical forests, and hidden bays, Huahine offers a sense of seclusion and tranquility. Explore archaeological sites, dive into pristine waters to discover colorful marine life, or simply unwind on the serene beaches and enjoy the island's serene ambiance.
  • Moorea: Just a short sail from Tuamotu, Moorea is a captivating island that boasts majestic mountains, emerald-green valleys, and a vibrant coral reef. Explore the scenic hiking trails, swim with sharks and stingrays, or embark on a thrilling jet ski tour around the island. Moorea's natural beauty and outdoor adventures make it an ideal destination for sailing enthusiasts.
  • Tahiti: Conclude your sailing journey with a visit to the vibrant and cosmopolitan island of Tahiti. As the largest and most populous island in French Polynesia, Tahiti offers a blend of Polynesian culture and modern amenities. Explore the vibrant capital city of Papeete, visit local markets to sample delicious cuisine, or take part in traditional dance and music performances. Tahiti is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of French Polynesia before bidding farewell to this tropical paradise.

Book your Cabin Cruise in Tuamotu now


Discover the Tuamotu atolls

On our crewed charter catamaran..

Book your cruise

from € 3,060 per pers.

Yacht Charter the Tuamotu atolls # 9 days / 8 nights

This cruise in the tuamotu allows you discover the most beautiful atolls in the world, the french polynesian atolls. on board our luxury catamaran, you will fully enjoy your cruise to discover the atolls of rangiroa and tikehau over the water activities we offer., yacht charter cruising the tuamotu atolls.

Cruising the Tuamotu allows you visit the two most beautiful atolls in Polynesia. From Rangiroa, the largest atoll in French Polynesia, you discover the immense turquoise lagoon surrounded by white sandy beach. A trip to the coral garden and enchantment is there: colorful fish, moray eels, dolphins. Crossing the lagoon on our luxury catamaran will discover the joys of sailing on the way to the reef island and then to the pink sands of Rangiroa.

The ascent to Tiputa and a visit to a pearl farm will allow you to discover the beauty of the pearl industry. Crossing downwind to Tikehau give you an outstanding view of the atolls ocean view. Arrival in Tikehau, Bird Island and the Eden farm await you for a wild expedition. Diving with manta rays on the old pearl farm and visit the village of Tikehau finish this cruise in the Tuamotu.

Program of the yacht charter in Tuamotu

Day 1 : rangiroa.

After you welcome at the Rangiroa airport, we offer you a welcome cocktail on board our catamaran. In the afternoon, discovered in snorkeling the coral garden, beautiful diving. Favourite moment: Dolphins in the Tiputa pass

Day 2 : Rangiroa

Sail to south of the atoll of Rangiroa Island reefs: the "feo", unique site in the Tuamotu atolls. In the afternoon, visit the feo and ride on the motu desert. Favourite moment: Discover the ocean side reef

Day 3 : Rangiroa

Coasting to pink sands of Rangiroa, Snorkeling in beautiful hoa. Kayak ride to the famous sands roses and beach games, relaxing on the beautiful pink beach. Favourite moment: Snorkeling deriving

Day 4 : Rangiroa

Ascent to the Tiputa pass downwind away from wild motu discovery of the lagoon of Rangiroa. Upon arrival, visit the charming village of Tiputa. Favourite moment: navigation under Spinnaker

Day 5 : Rangiroa

Morning tour of the pearl farm Rangiroa option of a scuba diving in Tiputa pass. Afternoon visit to the beach or village. Favourite moment: Buy a perfect black pearl from Tahiti

Day 6 : Rangiroa / Tikehau

Morning departure for navigation provides access to Tikehau atoll. Arrival in the early afternoon, you discover the pass Tikehau and fishing village. Favourite moment: deep-sea navigation

Day 7 : Tikehau

In the morning we sail into the lagoon to reach the motu birds. After lunch, we cabotons to the magnificent motu farm of EDEN. BBQ night on the beach. Favourite moment: the perfection of the motu "Eden farm".

Day 8 : Tikehau

Morning tour of the farm EDEN, beautiful working farm on a motu. Then navigation to get to the old pearl farm: exceptional spot where you swim with manta rays. Favourite moment: snorkeling with the manta rays

Day 9 : Tikehau

Early morning, a second snorkel with manta rays and then we reach the village of Tikehau. You can take the opportunity to discover this beautiful village with many flowers.

Who are our cruises for ?

crewed catamaran french polynesia

Request for a quote

This cruise to the Tuamotu atolls is available from 3 060€ per person based on a reservation for 2 adults.

* : Required.

  • your cabin with enclosure bathroom
  • skipper and hostess
  • meals (full board) and drinks (non alcoholic)
  • support upon arrival at the airport
  • sheets and towels
  • kayaks, beach and swimming games
  • board games, library and video library adults and children, "toys" for the young
  • fuel (catamaran and dinghy), gas, water
  • Professional Liability Insurance

This price does not include meals on land, purchase of personal items, activities that require an outside speaker (scuba diving, guided tour, craft workshop ...), activities requiring rental (bike, car, scooter, jetski, ...).


  • Yacht Type: Sailing Catamarans
  • Charter Type: Shared Charters


Marina location, weekly rates.

  • Start Time: 12:00 PM
  • End Time: 8:00 AM

Rate Details

Includes a captain, professional chef, 3 meals each day, water toys and onboard amenities. Not included is the Destination Fee, soft and alcoholic beverages, onshore expenses and gratuity.

Special diets such as vegetarian, pescetarian, and vegan may incur an additional fee. A fee will be incurred based on the expense to accommodate the special diet and is determined once the dietary restrictions form is completed.


TUAMOTU DREAM – 7 Nights Shared Charters in Tahiti

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Reserve a double or single occupancy cabin with an ensuite bathroom on a popular sailing catamaran model with like-minded travelers.

The modern catamarans used for cabin / shared charters are typically Lagoon 620s. There are 6 guest cabins for up to 12 passengers and there are 2 crew members on board: a professional captain and chef team. These large catamarans have ample lounging and dining areas throughout the interior and exterior.

Average rates are $4,000 - $5,000/couple. High season rates may be higher and low season rates may be lower.

  • Yacht Details
  • Meet your Crew

Special Offers

  • Reviews (0)
  • Yacht Name: TUAMOTU DREAM - 7 Nights
  • Model: Typically Lagoon 620
  • Yacht Age: 2019-2021
  • Yacht Length (Feet): 62
  • Beam (Feet): 30'
  • Max Passengers: 12
  • Electric Heads: 6
  • Total Showers: 7
  • Double Cabins: 6


  • Stereo: Yes

12 V Socket 220 V Socket

  • Water Maker
  • Refrigeration: Yes
  • Freezer: Yes

Standard Items

  • PFDs & Safety Equipment
  • Linens and towels: 2 sets of linens and towels per week, including beach towels.
  • First Aid Kit
  • Air Conditioning: With Generator
  • Guests Allowed to Smoke: Yes

Water Toys / Entertainment

  • Dinghy: Yes
  • Outboard: Yes
  • Snorkeling gear: Included for all Guests
  • Stand Up Paddle Board: Yes

Scuba & Fishing

  • Scuba Diving: Rendezvous With Dive Company
  • Fishing Gear On Board: No
  • Guest Fishing License Required: Yes

Crew Details

  • Number of Crew: 2
  • Shared Yacht Sample Itinerary
  • Captain Name: Professional Captain
  • Chef Name: Professional Chef
  • Accommodate Special Diets

Not found special offers

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Cancellation Policy

60 Days or More Prior to Charter Start: Cancellation Fee is 30% of Charter Fee 59 Days or Less Prior to Charter Start: No Refund

Minimum # of Nights

Payment schedule.

Confirmation Deposit: 50% of the Charter Fee Due 45 Days Prior to Charter Start: Balance of Charter Fee + Extras

Request Confirmation

Terms and conditions, charter experts, llc terms & conditions.

PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“ Terms ”) CAREFULLY AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, REMEDIES AND OBLIGATIONS AS WELL AS A SECTION GOVERNING THE JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF DISPUTES. THESE TERMS ALSO CONTAIN A LEGALLY BINDING RELEASE, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK. By creating a username, a login, clicking submit, using the services of Charter Experts, LLC d/b/a Virgin Island Sailing® (“ Broker ) or by accessing Broker’s website, you agree that you have read, and acknowledge your acceptance of these Terms. The Terms are subject to change at any time without notice at Broker’s sole discretion. Additionally, any transaction for which you have made payment shall be governed by the form of Terms in effect at the time of such payment notwithstanding any subsequent changes hereto.

If you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring a Charter (as that term is defined in Section 1 below) for more than just yourself, all references below to “Charterer” or “you” (and derivations thereof) shall be read to mean you on behalf of yourself and each individual within your group for whom you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring Charter.

These Terms shall be read together and construed, to the fullest extent possible, to be in concert with any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer. To the extent they cannot be so construed, then in the event of any direct conflict between these Terms and any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer (including but not limited to the agreement executed by Charterer for a Charter Reservation (as that term is defined in Section 1 below), these Terms shall prevail.

  • Prepaid Charter Reservations . Typically, Broker negotiates charter rates in advance with the yacht owner or charter company (“ Charter Provider ”) to obtain cost-effective rates, and facilitate reservations and availability for yacht charters, excursions and travel (the “ Charter ”). Broker also provides services to you by facilitating the booking of reservations for consideration and receives a commission from the Charter Provider (the “ Broker Fee ”). The Broker Fee is included in the pre-negotiated Charter rate provided to you, plus taxes and other fees where applicable. You agree that your payment is for the total amount set forth in the applicable Charter agreement (which Charter Provider may refer to as a Charter Contract, Charter Agreement, Booking Terms & Conditions, Instructions and Terms for Accommodations, as well as other derivations) provided to you by Broker (“ Charter Agreement ”). Upon execution of the Charter Agreement and receipt of the applicable deposit, you will have made a reservation for the Charter that authorizes Broker to facilitate the Charter on your behalf (“Charter Reservation”), including making payment arrangements with the Charter Provider. You further agree that Broker is a third-party beneficiary to the Charter Agreement and shall have the right to enforce such agreement to the extent it deems such enforcement necessary or advisable to protect its rights hereunder or under the Charter Agreement.

  Broker retains the Broker Fee as compensation in arranging your Charter Reservation. The Broker Fee varies based on the amount and type of Charter and/or services provided by Broker.  By making a Charter Reservation, you accept and agree to the relevant cancellation and no-show policy of the Charter Provider set forth in the Charter Agreement. Cancellation and no-show policies vary for each Charter. Carefully read the Charter Agreement and additional information provided to you by Broker. It is expressly agreed by Charterer that the Broker Fee is earned at the time the Charter Reservation is made. Late payment, wrong credit card or debit card details, invalid credit or debit cards, or insufficient funds are for your own risk and account, and you will not be entitled to any refund of any prepaid amount unless the Charter Provider expressly agrees otherwise under the Charter Agreement or in some other signed writing.

  • Charter Rules and Restrictions . Additional terms and agreements will apply to your Charter Reservation and any purchase or rental of equipment or other items, supplies, provisions and travel you may select. Please read those additional terms carefully. In particular, if you have purchased airfare, please ensure that you read the full terms and conditions of carriage issued by the supplier. You agree to abide by the terms of purchase imposed by any supplier with whom you elect to deal, including but not limited to payment of all amounts when due and compliance with the supplier’s rules and restrictions regarding availability, charges, fares, and use of products and services.
  • Payment . All payments must be made by personal check, bank/wire transfer, ACH payment and/or with a major credit card unless otherwise expressly stated. The total price for the Charter Reservation will be billed in U.S. Dollars unless otherwise stated. Some banks and credit card companies impose fees for international transactions. If you are making a reservation from outside of the United States on a US credit card, your bank may convert the payment amount to your local currency and charge you a conversion fee. This means the amount listed on your credit or bank card statement may be in your local currency and therefore a different figure than the amount provided by Broker for the Charter Reservation. In addition, a foreign transaction fee may be assessed if the financial institution that issued your credit card is located outside of the United States. Booking international travel may be considered to be an international transaction by the financial institution or card company. The currency exchange rate and foreign transaction fee is determined solely by your financial institution on the day that it processes the transaction. If you have any questions about these fees or the exchange rate applied to your booking, please contact your financial institution. Broker shall not be liable to you for any such service, conversion, or exchange fee.

  Broker expressly reserves the right to cancel your Charter Reservation if full payment is not timely received as set forth in the Charter Agreement.

  • Cancellation and Rescheduling . You may cancel or change your Charter Reservation as set forth in the Charter Agreement by and among you, the Charter Provider and/or Broker. Please note that some Charter Providers do not permit changes to or cancellation of reservations after they are made, or after a certain date, as indicated in the Charter Agreement. You agree to abide by the terms of the Charter Agreement with respect to your Charter Reservation. Broker will not be responsible for reimbursing Charterer for any previously tendered deposits or payments by Charterer and disclaims all liability for the failure of a Charter Provider to refund or return any such funds.
  • Credit Card Transactions and Chargebacks . If for any reason, any Charter Provider is unable to provide the Charter, or any part thereof, for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against the Charter Provider, and not against Broker. However, Broker will use reasonable efforts to assist you and Charter Provider in reaching a resolution to a dispute between you and the Charter Provider. In the event that your payment has already been transferred from Broker to Charter Provider or to an escrow account, you agree that you will not seek a chargeback against Broker for such amounts transferred. You further agree to indemnify and hold Broker harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage or expense (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) that Broker may incur in connection with chargebacks against Broker or under the Charter Agreement and your performance thereunder. If Broker incurs any costs, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, to recover any payments charged back by your credit card company or other financial institution, you agree that you will be liable for these costs. If your payment is declined for any reason, you agree to settle any amounts owed to Broker via money order, cashier’s check, personal check or bank/ACH transfer immediately.
  • Broker Responsibility . Broker makes arrangements with the Charter Provider. Broker additionally makes additional arrangements with other suppliers for the various components and other services that comprise your Charter (“Charter Suppliers”). Broker is not an agent of these Charter Providers or the Charter Suppliers (and the Charter Providers and Charter Suppliers are not agents of Broker). Broker expressly disclaims any liability for the actions or omissions of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. The Charter Providers and the Charter Suppliers reserve the right to refuse service to you at their sole discretion. Broker assumes no liability for the acts of the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers in refusing service. Broker is not responsible for schedule changes and does not offer compensation for those changes. Broker is not responsible under any circumstances for any injury or damages you may suffer, in connection with sea, air or ground transportation, hotel accommodations, or other travel or excursion services arranged by Broker.

  You understand Broker is not the source or supplier of the Charter or other travel services you requested and acts solely as a broker for the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. You agree that the Charter Provider and Charter Suppliers whose names appear in the information supplied to you are those who are solely responsible for providing the Charter you purchase. You consent to and request the use of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers and agree to not hold Broker responsible should any of them: (i) fail to provide the Charter or travel services you purchased, whether or not such services are listed in the Charter Agreement or otherwise, (ii) fail to comply with any applicable law, or (iii) engage in any negligent act or omission that causes you any sort of injury, damage, delay or inconvenience.

By using Broker’s services, you waive and release any claim against Broker, its affiliated and subsidiary companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents, arising out of or in connection with any loss of or damage to property or injury to any person caused by reason of (i) any defect, negligence, or other wrongful act or omission, or any failure of performance of any kind, by any Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, or any other provider of sea, airline, hotel, ground transportation or any other travel provider connected to or otherwise associated with the Charter, (ii) any claim for inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, mental distress or other similar claim, (iii) any delayed departure, missed connection, substitute accommodation, termination of service or change in fares or rates, and (iv) overbooking, flight or other travel cancellation, lost or misconnected personal property, or any claim arising out of the air transportation portion of your travel, and (v) or any other claim arising out of or otherwise related to the Charter Agreement or services provided by the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers.

Excepting only liability that directly arises from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Broker, you will not hold Broker responsible for any injury, damage or loss you may suffer while on a Charter, whether incurred on the Charter or in connection with any other rental, purchase, excursion or activity, regardless of the relationship of any of the foregoing with the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers.

  • Your Responsibility . By booking a Charter with Broker, you agree to defend and indemnify and hold harmless Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature, including but not limited to reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with: (i) your breach of these Terms or the documents referenced herein; (ii) your violation of any law or rights of a third party; or (iii) your use of the Broker website.

You will review your Charter Agreement and travel documents for accuracy upon receipt. You understand that it is your responsibility to review the accuracy of all details in the Charter Reservation provided to you, and that you may contact Broker if you have any questions.

You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s).

You understand that Broker recommends purchasing travel insurance to cover certain risks inherent in travel such as supplier bankruptcy and the inability to travel due to a medical or personal emergency.

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Broker has no special knowledge regarding the Charter Provider’s or Charter Supplier’s financial condition, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel during or otherwise in connection with your Charter.

  • Limitation on Liability . In no event shall Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and/or their respective affiliates, or any employees, agents, officers, directors, members or managers of any of the foregoing (“Broker and Charter Releasees”), be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, your access to, display of or use the Broker’s website, the Charter or services provided to you in connection with the Charter (including, but not limited to, your reliance upon opinions of the Broker), whether based on a theory of negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, consumer protection statutes, or otherwise, and even if Broker and/or any other of the Broker and Charter Releasees have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

If, despite the limitation above, Broker or the Broker and Charter Releasees are found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of or in any way connected with any of the occurrences described above, then Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Supplier and the Broker and Charter Releasees will in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the greater of (a) the Broker Fee, and (b) One-Hundred Dollars (US $100.00).

The foregoing limitation of liability reflects the allocation of risk between the parties. The limitations specified in this section will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose. The limitations of liability provided in these Terms inure to the benefit of Broker and/or its providers.

The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

  • Waiver . No waiver by Broker of any term or condition set forth in these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Broker to assert a right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
  • Severability . If any provision of these Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms will continue in full force and effect.
  • Governing Law and Mandatory Venue . The laws of the State of Florida govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement and the interpretation, construction and enforceability thereof. You agree that any action or proceeding initiated by Charterer against Broker shall be brought solely in the federal and state courts of Hillsborough County, Florida, and you submit to the jurisdiction of those courts and waive any objections to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over you by those courts. In the event any action or proceeding is initiated by Charterer in a court outside of Hillsborough County, Florida, Charterer agrees to pay Broker’s costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees associated with defending such action or proceeding and waives any and all defenses to the transfer of said action or proceeding, whether jurisdictional or otherwise, to a federal or state court in Hillsborough County, Florida.

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Sail Tahiti: The Tuamotu Archipelago

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Into the Wild Blue Yonder

The remoteness of the Tuamotu Archipelago makes it a quite different charter destination to most. This is primarily a crewed-charter destination that requires a flight from Papeete, taking you into another world. These atolls are so far from the usual tourist crowds and commercialism that a sailing holiday here is the epitome of a tropical island escape.  

Sailing in the Tuamotos presents some challenges. Besides the natural hazards of navigating an area strewn with coral atolls, idylic though it is, provisioning is also an issue for a sailing holiday in the Tuamotus. The best and easiest way to experience this part of French Polynesia is by crewed charter. A number of larger catamarans with permanent crew are based in the archipelago.

As well as flying from Papeete to pick up your charter in the Tuamotus, it may be possible to sail from the main island of Tahiti, depending on availability. Crewed charter boats stationed in the Tuamotus are in strong demand and not always available as advertised on the Internet. For the experienced blue-water sailors wishing and qualified to sail bareboat to the Tuamotus, charters start from the base at Raiatea, to where the boat must be returned. 

Talk to us first if considering a Tuamotus boat charter. And for more on boat charters in French Polynesia, read about sailing holidays in the  Society Islands and Marquesas Islands .  

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Sailing In the Tuamotus on Charter

The Tuamotu Archipelago comprises a low-lying string of atolls at the heart of French Polynesia between the Society Islands to the south and the Marquesas to the north. The main gateways to the Tuamotus are Rangiroa (population around 3,000) and Fakarava (1,000). Both these destinations offer good navigation aids into and within their lagoons, and are the most developed atolls onshore.   

The scale of the Tuamotus is vast. Rangiroa, to the western edge of the archipelago, offers a full sailing holiday experience in itself, all within the world's second largest lagoon. For a sample of real blue-water sailing, it's 35 nautical miles between the centre of Rangiroa Atoll and that of its nearest neighbour, Tikehau. Fakarava, to the centre of this well spread-out collection, offers good anchorages, and a choice of several nearby smaller atolls for some variety and total seclusion. 

Getting to the Tuamotus

Internationally, Tahiti is served through Fa'a'ā International Airport, Papeete. Air Tahiti has scheduled flights to Rangiroa, Tikehau and Fakarava, including multi-island passes. Flights from Papeete take about 75 minutes. Flight schedules allow planning of both return and one-way charter itineraries. Bareboat charters out of Tahiti's Society Islands may also be arranged for suitably qualified skippers, on enquiry.

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French Polynesia: Catamaran cruise from Rangiroa

French Polynesia: Catamaran cruise from Rangiroa

Home Sailing Tours French Polynesia French Polynesia: Catamaran cruise from Rangiroa

Explore Tuamotu archipelago on a dream cruise starting from Rangiroa: a five days tour showing you this incredible atolls. It's one of the biggest atolls of the planet, where you will be surrounded by a huge turquoise lagoon. From Mahanahana to Tuamotu you will discover the beautiful "motu", a little island with white sand beaches, coconut plants, coral reef and the typical local boats while you can practice water sports and relaxing. In the crystalline water of Rangiroa live different species of fishes and coral, the area is certainly a diving destination famous all over the world.

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Tuamoto Archipelago, French Polynesia - ID 295

Tuamoto Archipelago, French Polynesia - ID 295 View More Less

Day 1: check-in.

Embarkation and accommodation on board will be available at 12 noon from the Ohotu pier. Once you set sail, the crew will guide you to Onetere, while you will be served lunch with an exceptional panoramic view. During the afternoon you can relax by snorkelling, kayaking or walking on the beach discovering the motu. In the evening the crew will serve dinner and you will spend the night under the stars.

After breakfast you will sail east to the easternmost part of the lagoon. You will stop at Bird Island and snorkel at Turea, before re-boarding for lunch. In the early afternoon we will sail to the Pink Beaches area: here you will disembark to walk along this picturesque sandbank and explore the eastern part of Rangiroa. Dinner on board and overnight at the roadstead.

After breakfast there will be a short sail to admire the reef and practice snorkelling and kayaking before heading to Reef Island. After a tasty lunch on board, you will move on to the southern part of Rangiroa Lagoon: local barbecue on a private motu (for those who have purchased the excursion package). In the evening, the crew will serve dinner under the stars.

After breakfast there will be an approximately three-hour sail to the most beautiful and exciting place of the trip: the Blue Lagoon. This large lagoon is encircled by small clusters of vegetation at the water's edge on sandy islets. The Blue Lagoon is considered one of the most beautiful areas on the planet for the opportunity to swim with a variety of fish species, sharks and corals in crystal-clear waters. Lunch will be on board, after which we will return to Avatoru. In the late afternoon, we will go to the anchorage at Tiputa Pass where the aquarium is located and where you can dive and drift while watching dolphins. Dinner will be served on board and we will spend the night on the boat for the last night under the Polynesian sky.

Disembarkation is scheduled at 08:00 am at the Ohotu way.

The itinerary might be subject to variations due to weather conditions, safety and technical evaluations of the Captain. This program is intended as indicative and non-binding.


LAGOON 620 (2018)

LAGOON 620 (2018) View More Less

Lagoon 620 (2018)

Boat models, technical specifications and optional may be subject to change. BeBlue reserves the right to make free upgrades to higher classes when necessity arises and to replace the boat presented in the catalog, or out of the catalog, with another of similar class and quality. All boats are selected with care and experience..


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Your Guide To French Polynesia’s Tuamotus Islands By Correspondent Carolyn B. Heller

January 8, 2014

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Tahiti ? Been there. Bora Bora ? Done that. Though it’s hard to tire of these well-loved South Pacific destinations, there’s more to French Polynesia than these oft-visited isles. If you’re looking for somewhere a little more exotic, consider the Tuamotus, a chain of islands that’s a quick one-hour flight from Tahiti or Bora Bora. Whether you want to spot spinning dolphins, snorkel amidst hundreds of colorful fish or taste the fruits of French Polynesia’s only winery, consider these tips for living the high life on these low-key atolls.

Where to go

The Tuamotu Archipelago is comprised of 77 slender coral atolls — clusters of small islands — that circle aqua lagoons. Unlike the mountainous “high islands” of Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora, the Tuamotus are flat, ringed with white or pink sands and shaded with coconut palms. Of the Tuamotus atolls, Rangiroa is the most populous, with the best facilities for visitors, and nearby Tikehau offers opportunities for unique soft adventures.

Getting there

Air Tahiti has regular service to the Tuamotus from the Fa’a’ā International Airport in Papeete. The most frequent direct flights travel from Tahiti to Rangiroa; you can also fly to both Rangiroa and Tikehau directly from Bora Bora. Within the Tuamotus, Air Tahiti has daily or near-daily flights, including regular service between Rangiroa and Tikehau. If you’re traveling to several islands, consider an Air Tahiti air pass , which can be more economical than booking individual flights.

Visiting the island of Rangiroa, you’ll want to plan excursions into its immense lagoon, which measures more than 100 miles around. It’s a mecca for scuba divers, but snorkelers, too, can explore the underwater world in the area known as “The Aquarium” that teems with sea life. Or go drift snorkeling through the Avatoru Pass just offshore, letting the swift current carry you amongst the colorful fish.

If you fantasize about escaping to a deserted island, book a tour to Rangiroa’s Blue Lagoon. An hourlong boat trip from the main island, it’s essentially a lagoon within a lagoon with some of the clearest, bluest waters you’ll ever see. Laze on the sand, enjoy a beach barbecue, and get up-close-and-personal with the lagoon’s other inhabitants — a population of curious, and generally friendly, blacktip reef sharks. Several local companies such as Tane Excursions run Blue Lagoon trips; book through your hotel.

Another popular Rangiroa excursion takes you across the lagoon to Île aux Récifs, where the volcanic outcroppings create dramatic silhouettes against the sea. You can splash in small basins that form between the rocks, examine the unusual coral formations, and just enjoy the quietness of this remote atoll. Pa’Ati Excursions’ well-regarded Île aux Récifs tour includes an excellent alfresco lunch, which might include fresh fish, poisson cru (Tahiti’s signature cured fish dish), and grilled coconut bread.

Rangiroa’s main land-based attraction is its pearl farm, Gauguin’s Pearl . Watch the pearl grafters at work as you learn about Tahiti’s most famous product: black pearls; shopping is encouraged. Rangiroa is also home to the region’s only winery, Vin de Tahiti . While the winery isn’t open for tours, you can taste the locally produced Blanc de Corail, Rosé Nacarat, and dessert-style Blanc Moelleux at any of the local hotels and restaurants.

Just 15 minutes by plane from Rangiroa, the island of Tikehau is also popular with divers and snorkelers. Its lagoon houses a colony of graceful giant manta rays that even novice snorkelers can easily spot. Across the lagoon, on a small motu (island) known simply as Bird Island, you can spot numerous colonies of sea birds that live free from most natural predators. Several of Tikehau’s beaches glisten pink in the sun, reflecting the local rose-hued coral.

Where to stay

Rangiroa’s most deluxe accommodation is the 60-unit Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa , fronting a white sand beach. Bring a special someone, and choose from classic overwater bungalows, secluded beachfront cottages or spacious garden villas with private plunge pools. If you can drag yourself out of your classy quarters, you can savor a cocktail in the waterfront Miki Miki Bar overlooking the infinity pool, or unwind with the taurumi , a traditional Polynesian massage in the Poekura Spa.

If you care more about exotic food and good company than over-the-top luxury, book a bungalow at Les Relais de Joséphine , an upscale family-run Rangiroa pension. The seven simple but well-appointed cottages, with queen-sized four-poster beds draped with mosquito nets, sit right on the waterfront, overlooking the Tiputa Pass. Every day, dolphins come to ride the changing tides in the pass, leaping, flipping, and spinning through the waves, a natural show that’s easily enjoyed from the outdoor terrace. Polynesian-French three-course dinners featuring local seafood are served family-style on the terrace, too.

To live out your Robinson Crusoe fantasy in high style, book a getaway at Tikehau’s Ninamu Resort . Australian owner Chris O’Callaghan and his Tahitian-born wife Greta purchased a private island, where they built seven rustic thatch-roofed bungalows with open-air bathrooms and spiral staircases crafted from local woods. Every day at Ninamu is like summer camp; O’Callaghan takes his guests deep-sea fishing, snorkeling with the manta rays, or bird-watching on nearby Bird Island, or sends them off kite-surfing, kayaking, or swimming in the warm lagoon waters. Of course, you can simply lounge on the white sand beach or sip a mai tai in the open-air restaurant. Don’t expect butler service or posh pampering, but do expect awesome adventures.

Photos Courtesy of Carolyn Heller and Alan Albert

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Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

Tourists paddle board past sharks in the Tuamotu Islands, Tikehau, Tahiti.

A s French Polynesia moves toward more sustainable tourism– five-year tourism plan calls for one foreign visitor per local resident–visiting the remote Tuamotu Archipelago is one way to put your dollars more directly into the pockets of locals. Known for black pearl farming, The Tuamotus sprawl 76 islands and atolls across 700,000 square miles of the South Pacific, and are just an hour’s fly-time from the capital of Papeete.

The Tuamotus are known for world-class surfing, scuba diving, and snorkeling, with plunging coral walls and current-washed passes filled with reef sharks on atolls like Fakarava and Rangiroa (the latter is the second largest atoll in the world and could fit the entire main island of Tahiti within its enormous lagoon).

Get off the grid at family-owned and operated spots like Cocoperle Lodge on Ahe, Les Relais de Joséphine on Rangiroa, and Le Relais Royal Tikehau , where you can go fishing with local fishermen.

In December, Delta launched a nonstop flight from Los Angeles to Papeete on Tahiti, and in February, Air Moana launched inter-island flights from Papeete to Rangiroa to compete with Air Tahiti’s historically pricy airfares.

You can tour the Tuamotus on wind power, too, with catamaran sailing adventures for up to 12 people with Herevai Charter .

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Catamaran - 14.00m - catana - bali 4.6  (2021)

À partir de 230 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Aventura Aventura Yachts 45 Dénia

Catamaran - 16.00m - Aventura - Aventura Yachts 45  (2024)

À partir de 2 071 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Lagoon 46 Kaštel Gomilica

Catamaran - 13.99m - Lagoon - 46  (2024)

À partir de 786 € par jour.

Location Catamaran  Aventura 37 Valence

Catamaran - 10.90m - - Aventura 37  (2022)

À partir de 471 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Lagoon 46 Palma de Majorque

Catamaran - 13.99m - Lagoon - 46  (2020)

À partir de 1 393 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Bali 4.4 Open Space Barcelone

Catamaran - 13.50m - Bali - 4.4 Open Space  (2023)

À partir de 1 143 € par jour.

Location Catamaran  Bali 4.6 Port Mahon

Catamaran - 14.00m - - Bali 4.6  (2024)

À partir de 1 357 € par jour.

Location Catamaran  Bali 4.6 Vilanova i la Geltrú

Catamaran - 14.28m - - Bali 4.6  (2022)

Location Catamaran Excess Excess 14 La Grande-Motte

Catamaran - 14.00m - Excess - Excess 14  (2024)

À partir de 699 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 46 Salerne

Catamaran - 14.00m - Lagoon - Lagoon 46  (2022)

À partir de 929 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 400 S2 Punta Ala

Catamaran - 11.97m - Lagoon - Lagoon 400 S2  (2017)

À partir de 627 € par jour.

Location Catamaran  Bali Catsmart Portisco

Catamaran - 11.00m - - Bali Catsmart  (2023)

À partir de 571 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 Tarente

Catamaran - 12.00m - Fountaine Pajot - Isla 40  (2021)

À partir de 500 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Minicat 420 Boulogne-Billancourt

Catamaran - 4.20m - Minicat - 420  (2022)

À partir de 59 € par jour.

Location Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 Ibiza

Catamaran - 13.00m - Fountaine Pajot - Helia 44  (2015)

À partir de 586 € par jour, une location de catamaran pour partir en croisière.

Vous souhaitez réserver un catamaran, mais vous ne savez pas à qui vous adresser ? Ne cherchez plus et faîtes confiance à Océans Evasion. Avec près de 10 000 bateaux disponibles à la location, nous vous accompagnons dans vos destinations favorites pour une expérience inoubliable en catamaran.

L’envie de partir au large pour plusieurs jours dans un bateau spacieux et confortable vous habite et vous commencez à préparer votre voyage. C’est l'ADN d’Océans Evasion que de vous emmener en croisière privée tout autour du globe et de vous garantir une embarcation adaptée à votre besoin.

Il existe différents types de catamarans et nos experts restent à votre disposition si vous avez le moindre doute. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser les curseurs afin de filtrer votre recherche et trouver l’embarcation qu’il vous faut pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience lors de votre croisière en famille ou entre amis.

Pourquoi un catamaran ?

Vous hésitez et vous vous demandez les avantages de la location d'un catamaran. Ce type de bateau comporte de nombreux avantages :

-Plus spacieux : si la peur d’être à l’étroit vous retient alors ce type de bateau est fait pour vous ! Pouvant accueillir parfois plus de 10 personnes, le catamaran offre un espace considérable qui saura vous accueillir pour une sortie en famille ou entre amis.

-Plus confortable : vous avez peur que le mal de mer gâche votre expérience nautique et ne souhaitez pas prendre le risque sur un semi-rigide ou un voilier. Sachez que le catamaran vous comprend et vous propose de monter à son bord pour lutter contre cette idée. La stabilité de ce vaisseau est un vrai plus pour lutter contre le rythme des vagues.

-Plus rapide : s’il est porté par les vents, le catamaran peut atteindre une vitesse de croisière supérieure à celle du voilier, une solution parfaite pour vous mener à bon port rapidement.

-Plus à même de mouiller : le catamaran possède un faible tirant d’eau, un avantage de stabilité conséquent qui vous sera également utile lorsque vous chercherez un mouillage.

Ainsi, si vous êtes à la recherche d’une embarcation pour vous accueillir vous et votre famille ou votre groupe d’amis, la location de catamaran saura vous faire passer un excellent moment !

Ou Partir lors de votre location de catamaran ?

Vous ressentez l’envie de partir, de vous évader le temps d’une croisière en catamaran, mais vous ne savez pas où aller ?

Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons dressé pour vous une petite liste des tops destinations.

-La France, il ne faut parfois pas partir loin pour trouver une source d’émerveillement. Ainsi, que ce soit la douce Bretagne, la chaleureuse Côte d’Azur ou bien encore la magnifique Corse, vous êtes sûrs de trouver ce qu’il vous faut. La diversité et la richesse du patrimoine français sauront vous ravir et combler vos envies de découverte !

-En Italie, pays porteur de la Renaissance, vous trouverez une histoire construite au fil des siècles. Les trésors du passé, sa culture unique, sa fameuse gastronomie et ses paysages magnifiques sont autant d’excuses pour partir en croisière en Italie.

En Espagne, ses régions ont toutes une culture à vous offrir. De l’Andalousie à la Catalogne, vous pourrez profiter des ambiances festives et du patrimoine riche de l’Espagne. Cette découverte par la mer est une véritable invitation à l’évasion !

-Aux Seychelles : ce véritable paradis terrestre est LA destination idéale si vous souhaitez une croisière dépaysante dans des paysages à couper le souffle. Le décor de carte postale sera un allié fidèle lors de votre croisière. Vous êtes sûrs de repartir avec des souvenirs à jamais gravés dans votre mémoire.

Bien évidemment, il s’agit d’une liste non-exhaustive et vous pouvez choisir votre destination pour votre croisière en catamaran sur le site Océans Evasion. Au départ de Le Marin en Martinique ou au départ de la Pointe-à-Pitre en Guadeloupe, les possibilités sont nombreuses sont nombreuses lors de votre location de catamaran, pourquoi ne pas en profiter !

Choisir un catamaran avec ou sans skipper/équipage

Selon votre envie, il vous est tout à fait possible de partir en croisière avec un professionnel ou bien même avec un équipage sur votre embarcation. Moyennant des frais vous pourrez tout à fait vous octroyez les services d’un skipper expérimenté. Une occasion pour les débutants/sans permis d’apprendre les bases de la navigation et pour les plus expérimentés de parfaire les acquis.

C’est une occasion parfaite pour vous laisser porter au gré des vents et des flots tout en arrivant à bon port. Vous ne manquerez pas une miette de la beauté des paysages qui vous entourent lors de votre location de catamaran avec skipper.

Quel est le prix de location d’un catamaran ?

Le prix de location d’un catamaran débute en moyenne aux alentours de 150 €. Ce prix de départ est variable selon votre destination et les différents critères du bateau. Bien évidemment le confort du catamaran est aussi lié à sa capacité d’accueil, ce qui est aussi un plus concernant les frais, vous pouvez tout à fait diviser les frais par le nombre de participants !

Océans Evasion vous offre la possibilité de faire une estimation par vous-même lors d’un devis gratuit. L’option est disponible sur le site et vous pouvez également entrer les dates pour vous faire une date du coût de votre voyage selon la saisonnalité.

Quels sont les modèles disponibles ?

Il existe de nombreux différents modèles sur Océans Evasion. Trouver le bateau idéal dépend avant tout de votre besoin. Grâce aux différents curseurs du site, vous pouvez tout à fait adapter et affiner votre recherche selon votre besoin. Ainsi avec les Lagoon, Fountaine, Pajot, Bavaria… vous êtes sûrs de trouver la location de catamaran qui correspond à votre besoin.

Alors, prêt à réserver votre catamaran ?

N’hésitez plus et venez (re)tenter l’expérience à bord d’un des catamarans disponibles à la location sur Océans Evasion. Partez pour une croisière d’une semaine en plus, vous êtes sûrs de partir pour une aventure inoubliable qui laissera à vous et votre famille / vos amis, un souvenir indélébile.

Découvrir les paysages par la mer c’est définitivement s’ouvrir une nouvelle perspective d’émerveillement au monde. Les paysages des côtes sont une réelle invitation à l’évasion et pouvoir profiter d’une maison sur l’eau est un vrai plus pour partir à la découverte de votre destination.

THE 10 BEST Moscow Parks

Parks in moscow.

  • Playgrounds
  • Bodies of Water
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • Garden Ring
  • District North-Eastern (SVAO)
  • Good for Kids
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Hidden Gems
  • Adventurous
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

location catamaran tuamotu

1. Kuskovo Estate


2. Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory)


3. Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure


4. Sokolniki Park


5. Victory Park

location catamaran tuamotu

6. Patriarch's Pond


7. Neskuchny sad


8. Izmailovsky Park


9. Hermitage Garden


10. Park Zaryadye


11. Serebryanyi Bor Park

location catamaran tuamotu

12. Filevskiy Park


13. Sad Baumana


14. Boulevard Ring


15. Yekaterininskiy Park


16. Meshherskiy Park


17. Ostankino Park


18. Park Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo


19. Troparevsky Forest Park


20. Park Vorontsovo Estate

location catamaran tuamotu

21. Kuzminki Park of Culture and Leisure


22. Park 50th Anniversary of October

location catamaran tuamotu

23. Park Novodevichi Prudy


24. Nature Historical Park Bitsevskiy Wood

location catamaran tuamotu

25. Presnenskiy Park


26. Timiryazevskiy Park

location catamaran tuamotu

27. Golosov Ravine

location catamaran tuamotu

28. Izmailovo Natural and Historical Park

location catamaran tuamotu

29. Landscape Park Mitino


30. U Lukomor'ya

What travelers are saying.

Samriti Goel Saran

  • Victory Park
  • Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure
  • Kuskovo Estate
  • Sokolniki Park
  • Neskuchny sad
  • Patriarch's Pond
  • Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory)
  • Meshherskiy Park
  • Park Novodevichi Prudy

Try changing your search query or try one of the suggestions below!

War in ukraine, free and up-to-date :), transportation to and from moscow sheremetyevo airport, what is the distance from moscow sheremetyevo airport to the centre of moscow.

The distance to the centre of Moscow (Saint Basil’s Cathedral / Red Square) is 34 kilometres from South Terminal Complex and 42 kilometres from North Terminal Complex. Thus, terminals A and B are further away from the city. Travel time between the airport and the city centre is 1 hour and 5 minutes. Unfortunately, it can be busy on the roads and you should take into account a car journey that takes longer.

From SVO Airport to Moscow City centre by Taxi

City centre

Public transport

Train aeroexpress to moscow – buy tickets.

The fastest travel option between Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport and the centre of Moscow is the train Aeroexpress. You can get stuck in a traffic jam if you travel by car, taxi or bus, that won’t happen if you take the train. The Aeroexpress commutes between Belorussky Station in the city and the railway station at the airport, located on the south side of the airport at Terminal E. An automated people mover (APM) runs between this station and terminals A and B. The Aeroexpress departs every 30 minutes, travel time is 35 minutes.

From metro station Belorusskaya at Belorussky Station, you can travel by metro to the city centre and other parts of Moscow. The journey time from metro station Belorusskaya to metro station Teatralnaya close to Red Square is only 5 minutes.

Aeroexpress tickets The prices are listed below, an Aeroexpress ticket including a ride with the metro, tram or (trolley) bus costs 560 RUB, the price for a subway ticket is 55 RUB. You can buy tickets for the Aeroexpress at the stations, but it is cheaper to do this online. Please consult website and timetable Aeroexpress for more information.


SAVING TIPS: Tickets can be bought at the airport, but online it is easier and cheaper (450 RUB one way, 900 RUB return). A group ticket can be used by four people and costs 1,100 RUB for a single journey and 1,800 RUB for a return (valid for 30 days). The price is the same online and from the ticket machine. Aeroexpress trains run without stopping, besides you can use free WiFi aboard since early 2015.

Top 5 sights in Moscow

1. Red Square – free! 2. Moscow Kremlin 3. Saint Basil’s Cathedral 4. Moscow Metro Tour of 1.5 hours 5. Communist Walking Tour of 2 hours

Bus and metro to Moscow

It is more economical to travel by bus and metro to the centre of Moscow. Needless to say, taking a direct train is easier and faster. With bus 817 and bus 948 you can get in 35 minutes to metro station Planernaya (northernmost station metro line 7). With bus 851 and bus 949 it takes 25 minutes to metro station Rechnoy Vokzal (northernmost station metro line 2). The price of a bus ticket is 57 RUB or 80 RUB.

From both stations you can take the metro to the centre of Moscow, station Kuznetskiy Most for metro line 7 (travel time: 31 minutes) and station Teatralnaya for metro line 2 (travel time: 23 minutes). Metro station Kuznetskiy Most is a short distance from the world-famous Bolshoi Theatre. The total journey time is at least one hour. If the bus ends up in a traffic jam, the journey can take a lot longer.

Tickets for the subway priced 55 RUB are available from the ticket vending machines. You can also buy a day ticket (yediniy) for public transport in Moscow for 200 RUB, it is valid for 24 hours. During the night you can travel by bus H1 between the airport and the city every half hour. Please consult buses to and from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport and  website Moscow Metro for more information.

“The metro stations with the most central location in Moscow are Okhotny Ryad (M1), Teatralnaya (M2) and Revolution Square (M3), at a short distance from Red Square, Kremlin and GUM.”

Discover and book tickets, activities and tours:

Prague: the best of mozart with opera and ballet.

Enjoy an evening in lavish style listening to a Concertino Prague Orchestra in the historical Smetana Hall. Relax as you listen to music by Mozart and marvel at the talented musicians and dancers.

Sydney: Kandinsky Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW

Experience a showcase of the life and work of Kandinsky, one of the most influential and best-loved European modernists at the must-see Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map

Explore the city of Yerevan on a self-guided audio tour. Dive into sights like the Sculpture Park, Republic Square, and the Cascade staircase with facinating audio commentary.

Belgrade 20th century tour

Get to know history and architecture of turbulent period in Serbian development. The most important sights and attractions from the last century.

Budapest: Private Communism Walking Tour with Museum Entry

Learn about everyday life in Budapest during the days of communism, when people drove Trabant cars and drank spirits at work. Hear about the black market and the infamous queues to buy bananas, and visit sites where revolutionary action took place.

Evening Walking Yerevan City Tour with 3 Brandy & Gata

3 types of Armenian brandy and sweet pastry Gata you need to taste in Yerevan. Welcome to our city of sun! The largest and capital city of the Republic of Armenia is Yerevan-the city older than Rome.

Tours and transport

Behind the iron curtain of tallinn - secrets of the soviets.

Get to know the Soviet history of Tallin. Visit an abandoned Soviet air defense base and find out about the former border-zone areas in Tallinn.

Riga Highlights bike tour

Explore Riga's top sights on this guided bicycle tour. Get out of the Old Town and experience beautiful parks, the Jewish Ghetto, the fascinating Moscow suburb, and see the Art Nouveau district.

Warsaw: Private 3-Hour Tour by Car with Hotel Pickup

Discover the past and present of Warsaw on a private 3-hour tour. Learn more about the history of the city and its dynamic development. See the Royal Route, Łazienki Park, and palace complex.

★★★☆☆   2 reviews

Have you visited Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport lately? So far, 2 airport passengers have written an airport review about Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. This airport has an average score of 3 out of 5. Provide other airport travellers with essential airport information and tell us about your airport experience.

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Croisiere Tahiti catamaran • Croisière Polynésie voile et plongée

Croisière Tahiti catamaran location voile et plongée charter skipper à Tahiti

                French Polynesia,                                 in the heart of the Pacific Ocean,    spans over a maritime area of 4 million km², including 118 islands including Tahiti, Bora Bora, Rangiroa, Tikehau, Manihi, Fakarava…            with a surface area equivalent to that of Europe.

The 118 islands that make it up (including only 67 inhabited islands) cover 4,170 km². these islands, sumptuous and all different, are grouped into five archipelagos with very distinctive characters..

  • The Society Islands archipelago (consisting of the Windward and Leeward Islands ) is a group of high tropical islands surrounded by lagoons.
  • The Tuamotu archipelago is made up of a myriad of low or atoll islands ( 76 atolls ), simple coral rings set with green islets and enclosing sumptuous lagoons . Among them, Rangiroa, Tikehau, Manihi and Fakarava are the most visited.
  • The Gambier archipelago consists of the upper Mangareva and its ring of islets, remnants of the crater’s falling slopes .
  • The Marquesas archipelago is made up of a dozen high islands , a sort of dark green fortress that seems to spring from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, located just a stone’s throw from the equator and about 1,500 kilometres from Tahiti. Only six of these islands are inhabited: Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Ua Pou, Ua Huka, Fatu Hiva and Tahuata .

The Austral Islands archipelago is located in the extreme south and includes five high islands: – Rurutu , Tubuai , Rimatara , Raivavae and Rapa .


                           Genuinely          preserved territory

There is no continent within at least 5,700 km, Australia and motherland: France at 17,000 km . Stardust far from the major economic and political centres, Tahiti and its islands are characterized above all by their isolation. Many of the islands have only a couple of hundreds or even a few dozen inhabitants and about forty of them remain uninhabited.

This geographic isolation is proving to be an exotic and dreamlike asset due to the tourist attraction that emerges from it and the preserved natural environment of these islands.

The main attraction of Tahiti and its islands is its geographical location, far from everything, in the middle of the Pacific, taking advantage of a wide open space unsaturated by pollution or human presence. Moreover, the development of new technologies (Internet, satellite television…) is increasingly helping to link Tahiti and its islands to the rest of the world. The level of sanitary and educational infrastructure, transport and the percentage of equipment (automotive, computer, household appliances, etc.) make this seemingly isolated territory one of the most modern in the South Pacific.

In ancient times, Tahiti and its islands were discovered by the sea. Nothing more natural: French Polynesia, as large as Europe, is made up 99% of the ocean and lagoon.

No other place in the world offers such maritime space!

                       if you like water,         if the surprising richness of the lagoons attract you,                         if you feel the call of the open sea,     french polynesia should be your next destination                                on our catamarans., the society islands archipelago.

The ideal setting for a change of scenery and discover Tahiti and its islands on the sea side in catamaran cruising thanks to their diversity of landscapes. This archipelago, composed of 9 volcanic “high” islands with dense and luxuriant vegetation and 5 atolls with white sandy beaches and coconut palms, is named after Captain Cook who called them “Society Islands” because they are so close to each other that they form an island society.


It is divided into two entities:

  • The Windward Islands include 4 high islands: Mehetia, Tahiti, Moorea, Maio and an atoll, Tetiaroa.
  • The Leeward Islands , located in the north-western part of the archipelago, are composed of 9 islands: Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora Bora, Tupai and Maupiti.

Moana , the ocean is at the heart of Polynesian history , culture and lifestyle. They conquered the Pacific and gradually settled on the 118 islands that make up French Polynesia .

For your sailing holidays, it is today the archipelago of the Society Islands and that of Tuamotu which fulfills all the requirements for an unforgettable stay at sea on board a catamaran.

The Leeward Islands , for example, accommodates you in complete safety, even if you are a novice sailor, the ideal setting for a change of scenery and enable you to discover Tahiti and its seaside islands .

The Archipelago of Tuamotu

A string of 76 atolls including Rangiroa (second largest lagoon in the world), Fakarava, Tikehau … bordered by white sands and coconut palms, real natural aquariums in crystal clear water, paradise preserved incomparable for diving and underwater fishing . Life is turned towards the lagoon and the sea, where freshwater is precious because there are no rivers or lakes on these islands.


Sailing in Tuamotu requires an experience of navigation. As Professional skippers , we are at your disposal to guide you aboard our catamarans, towards the most beautiful atolls and scuba diving spots.

Our catamarans are perfectly adapted to anchoring in shallow waters to allow you to snorkel in one of the most beautiful aquatic flora and fauna in the world.

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Current Time in Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

location catamaran tuamotu

What Time Is It In Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia? Local Time

Friday, april 12, 2024.

Tahiti Time (TAHT) -1000 UTC

UTC/GMT is 14:21 on Friday, April 12, 2024

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Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia time zone location map borders

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Major Cities in Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia include

Current Weather Conditions In Hao

Clear. hot. 91°f / 33°c.

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  2. Polynésie Croisière privée de 7 jours Tuamotu avec skipper

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  3. Why a catamaran in Fakarava

    location catamaran tuamotu

  4. Location bateau Archipel des Tuamotu: Les meilleures activités

    location catamaran tuamotu

  5. Why a catamaran in Fakarava

    location catamaran tuamotu


    location catamaran tuamotu




  3. Hélia 44 par Fountaine Pajot Catamarans

  4. Mise en main du Bali 4.2 Aquilon

  5. Pilot boat "AHTO

  6. Catamaran de rêve



    Coisière plongée et découverte dans l'archipel des Tuamotu, en Polynésie française. Location de catamaran avec skipper au départ de Rangiroa. Service de plongée sous-marine, drone, vidéo et organisation de voyage.

  2. Tuamotu Cruise

    Tahiti Cruise > Tuamotu - Leeward Islands CATAMARAN RENTAL WITH SKIPPER AND HOSTESS SAILING AND DIVING PACKAGE - 20 days. Come EXPLORE, by sail, the magnificent Tuamotu atolls and other exceptional seabeds whose visibility is beyond belief.. Your arrival by plane from mainland France or Europe will be guaranteed according to Polynesian traditions, flower necklaces and local songs.

  3. Experience Unforgettable Catamaran Vacations with Tahiti Sailing Adventures

    Tahiti Sailing Adventures. Tahiti Sailing Adventures is the #1 choice among Americans for catamaran charters in French Polynesia. In direct partnership with Poe Charter Tahiti, we specialize in turning your dream vacation in French Polynesia into a reality! At Tahiti Sailing Adventures our focus is creating custom-tailored vacations that suit ...

  4. location de voilier en Polynésie

    La Polynésie en voilier, partagez une aventure en famille, en couple ou entre amis, location de catamaran dans les iles Marquises et Tuamotu, croisière à la voile, kite surf, plongée, apnée ... Croisière en catamaran aux Tuamotu. aventure et decouverte. La navigation à la voile dans les lagons des Tuamotu est un délice, les navigations ...

  5. Catamaran cruise Tahiti

    Location de Catamaran voile et plongée avec skipper à Tahiti - Polynésie Charter voilier catamaran courtes ou moyennes durées Croisières à Tahiti à thème ou à la carte MARINA DE PAPEETE TAHITI - BP 42676 98715 PAPEETE Polynésie française Voir la carte Contact email Tél. Tahiti : 00 689 87 74 61 20 Whatsapp : 00 33 (0) 6 65 20 42 43

  6. Croisière catamaran archipel des Tuamotu

    Votre croisière en catamaran dans l'archipel des Tuamotu. Pour une croisière en catamaran de location en Polynésie française, vous pourrez décider de rejoindre l'archipel des Tuamotu à 300km au nord-est de Tahiti. C'est un chapelet de 77 atolls s'égrenant sur 1 500 km du nord-ouest au sud-est et 500 km d'est en ouest.

  7. Croisière Tahiti catamaran location voile et plongée charter skipper à

    Location de Catamaran voile et plongée avec skipper à Tahiti - Polynésie Charter voilier catamaran courtes ou moyennes durées Croisières à Tahiti à thème ou à la carte MARINA DE PAPEETE TAHITI - BP 42676 98715 PAPEETE Polynésie française Voir la carte Contact email Tél. Tahiti : 00 689 87 74 61 20 Whatsapp : 00 33 (0) 6 65 20 42 43

  8. Tahiti & The Tuamotu Islands on a Luxury Catamaran

    Day 5. At Sea. Sailing to Taha`a. Feel the thrill as the catamaran sets sail from Rangiroa, gliding through the tranquil turquoise waters with effortless grace. Indulge in a day of pure bliss and relaxation, allowing the gentle sea breeze to caress your skin while you soak up the sun's warm embrace. Day 6.

  9. Cruise in Tuamotu on a sailboat or catamaran with skipper

    A catamaran cruise in Tuamotu is a transformative experience that transports you to a world of unparalleled beauty, adventure, and tranquillity. ... With its remote location and limited tourist infrastructure, you can discover secluded islands and enjoy a sense of serenity and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. 3.

  10. Yacht Charter the Tuamotu atolls on a luxury crewed catamaran

    Yacht Charter the Tuamotu atolls# 9 days / 8 nights. This cruise in the Tuamotu allows you discover the most beautiful atolls in the world, the French Polynesian atolls. On board our luxury catamaran, you will fully enjoy your cruise to discover the atolls of Rangiroa and Tikehau over the water activities we offer.


    The modern catamarans used for cabin / shared charters are typically Lagoon 620s. There are 6 guest cabins for up to 12 passengers and there are 2 crew members on board: a professional captain and chef team. These large catamarans have ample lounging and dining areas throughout the interior and exterior. Average rates are $4,000 - $5,000/couple.

  12. Tuamotus Bareboat & Crewed Yacht Charters

    The Sail Connections Essential Guide to Bareboat and Crewed Sailing Holiday Charters is jam-packed full of useful tips for getting the most out of your next boat charter. And it is FREE to download. Download Guide. The Tuamotu archipelago is another world. The largest collection of atolls anywhere and with some of the world's best diving ...

  13. Exploring Tuamotu, French Polynesia: A Guide to the Hidden Gems

    The Tuamotu Islands are a popular tourist destination due to the stunning scenery that includes white sand beaches and turquoise waters. Sharks, dolphins, and sea turtles are just some of the marine life that call the islands' coral reefs home. The coral reefs also serve as a natural barrier that dampens the impact of waves on the islands.

  14. French Polynesia: Catamaran cruise from Rangiroa

    Explore Tuamotu archipelago on a dream cruise starting from Rangiroa: a five days tour showing you this incredible atolls. It's one of the biggest atolls of the planet, where you will be surrounded by a huge turquoise lagoon. From Mahanahana to Tuamotu you will discover the beautiful "motu", a little island with white sand beaches, coconut ...

  15. Your Guide To French Polynesia's Tuamotus Islands

    Where to go. The Tuamotu Archipelago is comprised of 77 slender coral atolls — clusters of small islands — that circle aqua lagoons. Unlike the mountainous "high islands" of Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora, the Tuamotus are flat, ringed with white or pink sands and shaded with coconut palms. Of the Tuamotus atolls, Rangiroa is the most ...

  16. Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

    Find out why Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia is one of the World's Greatest Places of 2023 ... too, with catamaran sailing adventures for up to 12 people with Herevai Charter.

  17. Location catamaran, devis gratuit

    Une location de catamaran pour partir en croisière. Vous souhaitez réserver un catamaran, mais vous ne savez pas à qui vous adresser ? Ne cherchez plus et faîtes confiance à Océans Evasion. Avec près de 10 000 bateaux disponibles à la location, nous vous accompagnons dans vos destinations favorites pour une expérience inoubliable en ...

  18. Catamaran Cruises Tahiti

    Location de Catamaran voile et plongée avec skipper à Tahiti - Polynésie Charter voilier catamaran courtes ou moyennes durées Croisières à Tahiti à thème ou à la carte MARINA DE PAPEETE TAHITI - BP 42676 98715 PAPEETE Polynésie française Voir la carte Contact email Tél. Tahiti : 00 689 87 74 61 20 Whatsapp : 00 33 (0) 6 65 20 42 43

  19. Moscow, Russia Geographic coordinates

    Moscow is located at latitude 55.75222 and longitude 37.61556. It is part of Europe and the northern hemisphere.

  20. THE 10 BEST Moscow Parks (Updated 2024)

    2. Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory) 2,195. Parks. District South-Western (YuZAO) By BrakiWorldTraveler. Another attraction is the Lomonosov University, set in one of the Seven sisters buildings, but if you don't have... 3. Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure.

  21. Transportation to and from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport

    With bus 817 and bus 948 you can get in 35 minutes to metro station Planernaya (northernmost station metro line 7). With bus 851 and bus 949 it takes 25 minutes to metro station Rechnoy Vokzal (northernmost station metro line 2). The price of a bus ticket is 57 RUB or 80 RUB. From both stations you can take the metro to the centre of Moscow ...

  22. Tahiti and its islands

    The Society Islands Archipelago. The ideal setting for a change of scenery and discover Tahiti and its islands on the sea side in catamaran cruising thanks to their diversity of landscapes. This archipelago, composed of 9 volcanic "high" islands with dense and luxuriant vegetation and 5 atolls with white sandy beaches and coconut palms, is named after Captain Cook who called them ...

  23. Current Time in Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

    Choose a date and time then click "Submit" and we'll help you convert it from Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia time to your time zone. 2024 Apr 9 at 12 (12 Noon) 00. Submit. Convert Time From Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia to any time zone.