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Yahtzee Multiplayer

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Yahtzee Rules

The objective of YAHTZEE is to get as many points as possible by rolling five dice and getting certain combinations of dice.

In each turn a player may throw the dice up to three times. A player doesn't have to roll all five dice on the second and third throw of a round, he may put as many dice as he wants to the side and only throw the ones that don't have the numbers he's trying to get. For example, a player throws and gets 1,3,3,4,6. He decides he want to try for the large straight, 1,2,3,4,5. So, he puts 1,3,4 to the side and only throws 3 and 6 again, hoping to get 2 and 5.

In this game you click on the dice you want to keep. They will be moved down and will not be thrown the next time you press the 'Roll Dice' button. If you decide after the second throw in a turn that you don't want to keep the same dice before the third throw then you can click them again and they will move back to the table and be thrown in the third throw.

Upper section combinations

  • Ones: Get as many ones as possible.
  • Twos: Get as many twos as possible.
  • Threes: Get as many threes as possible.
  • Fours: Get as many fours as possible.
  • Fives: Get as many fives as possible.
  • Sixes: Get as many sixes as possible.

For the six combinations above the score for each of them is the sum of dice of the right kind. E.g. if you get 1,3,3,3,5 and you choose Threes you will get 3*3 = 9 points. The sum of all the above combinations is calculated and if it is 63 or more, the player will get a bonus of 35 points. On average a player needs three of each to reach 63, but it is not required to get three of each exactly, it is perfectly OK to have five sixes, and zero ones for example, as long as the sum is 63 or more the bonus will be awarded.

Lower section combinations

  • Three of a kind: Get three dice with the same number. Points are the sum all dice (not just the three of a kind).
  • Four of a kind: Get four dice with the same number. Points are the sum all dice (not just the four of a kind).
  • Full house: Get three of a kind and a pair, e.g. 1,1,3,3,3 or 3,3,3,6,6. Scores 25 points.
  • Small straight: Get four sequential dice, 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4,5 or 3,4,5,6. Scores 30 points.
  • Large straight: Get five sequential dice, 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6. Scores 40 points.
  • Chance: You can put anything into chance, it's basically like a garbage can when you don't have anything else you can use the dice for. The score is simply the sum of the dice.
  • YAHTZEE: Five of a kind. Scores 50 points. You can optionally get multiple Yahtzees, see below for details.

Multiple Yahtzees

The rules around multiple Yahtzees are a bit complex. There are a couple of different cases:

  • You already have a Yahtzee: You get a 100 bonus points in the Yahtzee box, but you also have a joker, which means that you can choose another move for the Yahtzee you just got. If the number you got yahtzees with has not been filled out in the upper section, then you must choose that. E.g. if you get an additional Yahtzee with 2's, and you haven't filled out the 2's in the upper section then you must choose that, and get 10 points for it. If the upper section box is already filled then you can choose any of the lower region boxes, and they will be scored as normal. Yahtzee is a superset of 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, full house and chance, but you can also choose small or large straight and will get the normal 30 and 40 points for those.


Note: To keep things simple and even as possible, all multiplayer games allow multiple Yahtzees.

Strategy tips

Try to get the bonus. Focus on getting good throws with fives and sixes, then it won't matter if you put 0 in the ones or twos. You can always put in 0 for a combination if you don't have it, even if you have some other combination. E.g. if you had 2,3,4,5,6 and the only things you had left were Ones and Sixes, then it would be better to put 0 in Ones than to put only 6 in Sixes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the game.

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About Yahtzee

Author image

This online version of YAHTZEE was made by me. My name is Einar Egilsson and over there on the left is my current Facebook profile picture! In the last couple of years I've made a number of simple online card games, including Hearts and Spades . After making seven card games and three solitaires I figured it was time to try something else, so I decided to make YAHTZEE (or YATZY as it's known here in Denmark, where the rules and scoring are also slightly different). It's been a fun game to make, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well Bill will play against human opponents :)

The game is made using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, with jQuery and a couple of jQuery plugins used for animations. Since I have no artistic talent whatsoever I used graphics that I found at OpenClipArt , a great site with free graphics.

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This is version 1.9.2 of Yahtzee.

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Informationen zum Würfelspiel YACHT (oder YATZY)

Bei YACHT werden fünf Würfel geworfen. Jeder Spieler hat drei Würfe. In diesen drei Würfen versucht er, möglichst viele Punkte für eines der im zweiten Abschnitt beschrieben Felder zu erzielen. Dabei kann er bei den ersten beiden Würfen Würfel mit passender Augenzahl durch Klick auf die Würfel sperren um diese nicht noch einmal zu würfeln. Nach dem dritten Wurf ist ein Feld in der Tabelle auszufüllen. Idealerweise natürlich das Feld, welches die meisten Punkte bringt. Es muss immer ein Wert eingetragen werden. Konnte man keine passende Kombination erwürfeln, ist in einem freien Feld eine Null einzutragen. Das Spiel ist zu Ende, wenn alle Felder ausgefüllt sind. Hat man bei den Punkten mit Einern bis Sechsern eine Summe von mind. 63 Punkten erreicht, erhält man einen Bonus von 35 Punkten. Hast Du eine Spielrunde gewonnen, kannst Du dein Ergebnis in die Rangliste eintragen und Dich mit anderen Spielern vergleichen. Diese nachfolgenden Kombinationen musst Du erwürfeln: Insgesamt gilt es, 13 Felder auszufüllen. 1er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Einser addiert. 2er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Zweier addiert. 3er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Dreier addiert. 4er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Vierer addiert. 5er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Fünfer addiert. 6er - hier werden alle gewürfelten Sechser addiert. Dreierpasch - mindestens dreimal dieselbe Zahl - diese Augen werden zusammengezählt. Viererpasch - mindestens viermal dieselbe Zahl - diese Augen werden zusammengezählt. Full-House - je dreimal und zweimal gleiche Zahlen, 25 Punkte werden in das Feld eintragen. Kleine Straße - Würfelkombination von 1-4, 2-5 oder 3-6, 30 Punkte werden in das Feld eintragen. Große Straße - Würfelkombination von 1-5 oder 2-6, 40 Punkte werden in das Feld eintragen. Yacht - fünfmal die gleiche Zahl, 50 Punkte werden in das Feld eingetragen. Chance - hier muss nichts zusammenpassen. Alle Augen werden zusammengezählt. Viel Spaß beim Spielen!

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Yacht is a classic dice-rolling game that inspired the hit game Yahtzee by Milton Bradley. Play online against random opponents, create a game with your friends, or practice against the computer.

In Yacht, you need to make specific combinations that score the most points possible at the end of three rolls. At the end of the game, whoever has the most points wins. 

Every turn, you have three dice rolls. After your first roll, you can choose to hold dice. The dice you hold will not be part of your next roll. After three rolls, pick a category on the scorecard to lock in your points. If you aren't sure what each category means, tap on the name to get more details.

HINT: If you score 63 or more points in the upper section of the scorecard, you'll earn a 35-point bonus.

You can either play this game against a computer, or play online and go head-to-head against players anywhere in the world. Either way, you can expect to have a fun and exciting challenge.

Probably the biggest factor in this dice game is whether or not you are able to get the 35-point bonus. Because of this, you should try and focus on the upper section in order to work toward that bonus. 

Make sure to keep your chance section clear for as long as you can. It is nice to have a safety net that can catch you if you have a bad roll. 

Every turn, you have three dice rolls. After your first roll, you can choose to hold dice. The dice you hold will not be part of your next roll. After three rolls, pick a category on the scorecard to lock in your points. If you aren't sure what each category means, mouse over the name to get more details.

Is Yahtzee similar to the Yacht Dice Game?

Besides a few small rule changes, Yahtzee and Yacht are very similar games. If you have a decent understanding of the game Yahtzee, then learning how to play Yacht will be no problem at all.

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To get started, enter your player name and a game room. Other players can join your game with the same room name on their device.

How to Play Yahtzee

In Yahtzee (also known as Poker Dice, Yacht, Generala), the goal is to score more points than your opponents. Each turn, you roll dice and then score one row on your scoresheet.

How to get started

Yahtzee is multiplayer! You can play by yourself, or with up to seven of your friends. To get started, enter a name for yourself (ex: "yahtzee-player-100") and a room name. The room name can be anything you like (ex: "Joan's room" 1). If you're playing with others, they can join your game by using the same room name.

Once you select Play Yahtzee, you'll see the scoresheet and an option to Start Game. Be sure all other players have joined before you start the game. They will not be able to join after you start the game.

A typical turn First, you roll your dice, by pressing the Roll button. Based on what you rolled, you can score one row on your scoresheet, based on the following rules:

To score a row, simply tap or click on the corresponding row in the scoresheet under your player's column. Once you've scored a particular row, your turn ends. You can only score a row once per game - so choose wisely!

If you don’t like what you've rolled, don't worry - you have a total of three rolls every turn. Before your next roll, you may choose to keep dice by clicking or tapping on them. This will prevent those dice from being rolled. For example, if you've rolled 6,6,6,1,2 on your first roll, you may want to keep your sixes and roll for a four of a kind or Yahtzee.

The game continues until all players have filled out all rows, at which point the person with the most points wins.

You now know how to play Yahtzee! But there's a few more special rules you may want to learn:

The bonus The top section is the first six rows - ones, twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes. If the sum of your score in the top section is greater than or equal to 63, you automatically get 35 bonus points. Spectacular!

Multiple Yahtzees Your first Yahtzee is worth 50 points if you score it in the Yahtzee row. If you roll an additional Yahtzee, and you've already scored your Yahtzee, you:

  • Automatically get 100 bonus points 😲
  • You can use the additional Yahtzee as a joker or wild card. If you haven't scored the corresponding number in the top section, you must score it there - for example, if you've rolled five sixes, and you haven't scored your Sixes, you can score it there. If you've already scored the corresponding number in the top section, you can score it anywhere you like on the bottom.

If you roll a Yahtzee and you've already entered a 0 on your Yahtzee row, you may still use it as a wild card.

With 100 points. Spectacular!

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  • https://www.zapsplat.com/ for the error sound effect, used in Set.
  • Cburnett for the chess piece graphics, used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
  • Mike Koenig for the dice roll sound effect, used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
  • schizoid2k for the clack sound effect, used under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.
  • element4rt for the tile shuffle sound effect, used under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.
  • f4ngy for the card flip sound effect, used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
  • Fission9 for the splash sound effect, used under Creative Commons 0 License
  • EFlexMusic for the explosion sound effect, used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
  • Daphne_in_Wonderland for the notification sound effect, used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

The shuffle cards and place card sound effects are used under Creative Commons 0 License.

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Play unlimited games of Yahtzee for free. With our game:

  • The score is automatically tracked for you.
  • You can play in full-screen mode.
  • You can play live against other players.

How to Play Yahtzee

The winner of the game is the player who scores most points. There are a total of 13 plays that each player gets before the game is over. During each play, the player tries to roll to get the highest score they can.

Available moves

  • Roll up to three times per play. Not all dice need to be rolled on each successive roll. Dice can be locked by being clicked on. Only the dice that are active will be rolled again.
  • After each roll, the tentative scores are visible on the board. At any time during your play, you can select the desired score from the board. That finishes your turn.
  • After you select your score, your. opponent now gets a chance to roll the dice and score
  • Scores in the upper box are based on the die number of the box multiplied by the number of times it appears in the roll. For example, if a roll consists of 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, the score for the Threes box will be 6, because you landed two 3s, which would total 6.
  • If the sum of all the upper boxes is 63 or greater, the player receives an additional bonus of 35. To get at or above 63, aim for 3 of a kind for each of the upper boxes.
  • Scores in the three or four of a kind box are the sum total of all the dice that have been rolled, assuming that there are three or four of the same dice in the roll. For example, if you roll a 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, your score will be 18 for a three of a kind
  • A full house consists of a pair and a three of a kind, and receives 25 points. For example, (4, 4, 4, 1, 1), (4, 1, 4, 1, 4), (1, 1, 4, 4, 4), (1, 4, 4, 4, 1), and (4, 1, 4, 4, 1).
  • A small straight is a sequence of 4 dice. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 2, 3, 4, 5. This is scored at 30 points.
  • A large straight is a sequence of 5 dice, and is scored at 40 points.
  • Chance is the sum total of all the dice and can be used when no other play seems good.
  • A Yahtzee is five of a kind. It's scored 50.
  • If a subsequent Yahtzee is received, then the player can go for a 'Double Yahtzee,' which is an additional 100 points. The player must then choose an additional score before continuing (details below).
  • If the roll generates no score for a given box, a zero will be displayed. Zeroes can be selected as a score.
  • After 13 rounds are up, the game is over. The scores are tallied up, and the winner is the player with the highest score. Good luck!

Double Yahtzee

If you roll a subsequent Yahtzee, you have the chance to receive a Double Yahtzee, which adds a hundred points to your score.

  • If you choose the Double Yahtzee, you'll also need to choose another score on the table. This ensures each player has the same number of available scoring boxes.
  • The scores you can choose from are based on the scores that are currently on the board. If the upper box for that number is available, you must choose that box (our system will choose it for you).
  • If that number is not available, you must choose a lower box score.
  • If no scores are available there, we let you choose a score from the upper box.
  • If no scores are available at all, then you must already be at the end of your turn, and we move on to the next player.

Learn more with our guide on how to play Yahtzee .

Aim for the upper boxes first; try to get three of a kind for each number, especially the highest numbers (5 and 6).

Try only going for Chance if it's either 25 points or above, or if you have no other good plays.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many dice are in yahtzee.

If you roll five dice at once, you'll get a Yahtzee. Chances are, if you're playing Yahtzee, you're wondering how to gain more points. If you throw a Yahtzee and have already scored 50 in the Yahtzee box, you'll get a bonus plus an extra 100 points. However, if you throw a Yahtzee, but your score in the Yahtzee box is zero, you get no points.

How many rolls are in Yahtzee?

Yahtzee is a dice game that involves a lot of luck, but you can also make strategic choices . You begin your turn by rolling five dice. Next, you may choose to re-roll any number of those dice, but not more than three times.

How do you increase your chances of rolling a Yahtzee every time?

In order to get a Yahtzee every time, try to get 63 points in the upper section early in the game. To maximize your score, it's important that you balance the scores between the upper and lower sections. To get a Yahtzee, leave your chance roll until late in the game when there are fewer options.

When was Yahtzee invented?

"The Yacht Game" was invented by a Canadian couple in 1954 who started out by playing with their friends while sailing on their yacht. Their friends got really attached to the game, and that's when the couple approached Edwin S. Lowe to see if he could produce sets that they could give to their friends as gifts. Lowe saw potential in the game, acquired the rights, and renamed it Yahtzee.

When was Yahtzee first played on a computer?

Yahtzee first came out on the computer in 1978 on the Apple II. While the computer supported color graphics, Apple's version of the game was black-and-white and text based . Its introduction to computers marked a major step forward for the game.

How do I keep track of my score?

In our game, we automatically keep track of the score for you, and help you determine the winner of the game. However, if you're playing in person, you can print our Yahtzee score card to tally up points.

Other Games

If you like Yahtzee, be sure to check out our other games, like:

  • Spider Solitaire
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  • Yukon Solitaire
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  • Pyramid Solitaire

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Play Yacht, the classic dice game also known as Yahtzee or Yatzy, with friends on Bloob.io. Roll, score, and win together!

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Clear the Numbers is an interesting puzzle HTML5 game. Here are the board full of numbers. Clear all the Numbers. Click to get a number on the bottom area and get 3 same numbers there and they are removed. Make your strategy clear and remove all the numbers without getting stuck. Clear as many blocks to achieve high scores. Play more games only on y8.com

Word Swipe is an interesting educational game to play for all ages. Connect and form as many words as you can before the timer runs out. This game really helps to build your skill and this is one of the most popular and fun word games ever made. It guarantees hours of intellectual fun that will exercise both your mind and vocabulary. Come back every day for at least a few minutes to exercise your brain! Play more games only on y8.com

Classic skee ball arcade game that lets you play against other people from around the world.

Ludo Hero, modern version of the royal game of Pachisi has arrived. It's a game which was played among Indian kings and queens in ancient times. Roll the Ludo dice and move your tokens to reach the center of the Ludo board. Beat other opponents and become the king of Ludo in this multiplayer game. No complicated login screens. Just enter your username and play against the world. Play with your friends in a 2-player or 4-player mode.

Ludo Kingdom Online

Have fun with friends by playing the Ludo Kingdom Online game. The game has 3 modes to play, rules are really simple as the ludo game, just roll the dice and move your pawn. Just make sure to reach the home before opponent pawns reach. Play any mode you want and win the game. Play more games only on y8.com

Ludo Life is a Skill based game made Specially for those who have great skills to Convert odds in their favor and conquer the Game. The objective of Ludo is to race your four tokens from the starting point to the finishing point by rolling a dice. Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

Snake and Ladder

Snakes and Ladders is a classic game and is one of the greatest game ever. Its fun and simple game-board only need 1 dice to play and start having fun. The rules are super simple : the player who arrives the first on the square number 100 wins. But there are traps (ladders) that can either help you to climb faster or to fall on others steps below.

Snake And Ladders

There are 3 modes in this game. One Player mode that puts you against the AI and Two Players mode that enables you to play with your friend on a device. In both of these modes, you throw the dice when it is your turn and your character will move automatically. But in the third game mode named Paper Mode, you have to move both characters manually, exactly like how you play this game on paper. Also the games characters and board is designed with a cartoon graphic style so it can be more interesting for kids.

Snakes and Ladders

Players take turns rolling a single dice to move their token by the number of squares indicated by the dice roll. If, on completion of a move, a player's token lands on the lower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves the token up to the ladder's higher-numbered square. If the player lands on the higher-numbered square of a snake, the token must be moved down to the snake's lower-numbered square. If a player rolls a 6, the player may, after moving, immediately take another turn.

Fantasy Ludo

Fantasy Ludo is a fancy game of ludo with fantasy elements. There are 3 teams consisting of 5 characters on the board, these are humans, skeletons, and demons. You can play against computers, your friends or just watch the computer play against the computer. Try to avoid getting your characters killed and save them by getting them to the middle base where they are untouchable!

Unlikely is a little dice game with a somewhat hungry clown. Play a game with the clown and roll the dice. For each hit you get a point. Reach at least 10 points to get to the next round. If you finish a round with more than 10 points you will get 1 extra re-roll. You can also roll the big dice to get an extra card. Beware, you only have 66.6 % chance of hitting. Can you beat the creepy clown in a game of card and dice? Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

Desktop Only

Gumball Trophy Challenge

Play with Gumball and his friends in their exciting world in this online board game. Choose your favorite cartoon character from Cartoon Network and roll the dice in the game. Play in many fun mini games and win the trophy challenge.

Snake and Ladder Board

This is a traditional snake and ladder board game. You can play with dice. There are 6 types of boards, but you have to unlock them one by one. Enjoy!

Ludo Multiplayer

Old Classic Board game is back “Ludo Multiplayer”. So like old times choose your color Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Start getting into your own house. Enjoy!

Art Thief 3D

Art Thief 3D is a fun hyper casual game. Your goal is to throw the dice hoping for a bigger number that will spawn humans from the dice value. These human spawns will carry and steal pixels from a big picture art. Your opponent from the other side will also try to steal the art so spawn your humans quick! Aim with your finger and throw the dice to spawn humans to steal the art and they will carry and steal pixels from a big picture art. Score higher points against the opponent. Enjoy playing this hyper casual game here at Y8.com!

MONOPOLY online game. It's the classic game of Monopoly that you know and loves with an online twist. Relive one of the most iconic board game series of all time, the classic Business game Monopoly now online. You can play this game with 4 players and move the coins by rolling the dice. Reach points and manage with the money you have. Have fun playing this board game only on y8.com

You should get your four characters to the area which is in the middle of the board and in the color of your tokens. You should roll six number with the dice to start moving with one of your tokens. If one of the other player’s token move to the square where your token stands, you go back to the beginning area. If you move the square where the other player’s token stands, you eat it and you send it back to it’s beginning area.

Royaldice Journey

Challenge the inhabitants of the Royal Castle with a game of RoyalDice and prove yourself to become the next King or Queen

Dominoes a turn based dice game where you have to obtain an upper hand on your opponent. If you have no possible moves, draw a domino until you can match a tile. If there are no dominoes left, pass your turn until you can. Reach 100 points to win. Block dominoes: The same as Draw Dominoes. The main difference is, if you have no possible moves, pass your turn until you can match a tile. Reach 100 points to win. Domino tiles have two ends which are separated by a line, each end resembling a die face. In addition to standard 6 die faces, domino tiles also contain blank faces whose value is considered to be zero. Non-blank face value is equal to pips count.

A unique Ludo game! Challenge an online player or challenge a friend in local two player mode. Be the first player to move all of your pieces to the end goal. Watch out for trap spaces and enemy pieces.

Ludo Online

Have fun with friends by playing Ludo Online game. The game has 3 modes: - Vs Bot: Playing against the computer (offline) - Online: Playing with randomly matched people - Private: Playing with your friends. Simply share a private code and connect to each other. Play now!

Yacht (Dice Game)

Try to score the highest amount you can.

You can roll the dice up to three times (and can hold dice by clicking on them).

After any Roll (1, 2 or 3) choose a category to place the total. Choose Wisely! You must choose a category by the third roll, even if it is a 0 score.

There are many games like this, such as Yot , Generala , Cheerio , and the much later commercially available Yahtzee (trademarked by Hasbro).


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The Virginian-Pilot

News Obituaries | Capt. Charlie Griffin, ‘Wicked Tuna’ star, dies…

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e-Pilot Evening Edition

News Obituaries

News obituaries | capt. charlie griffin, ‘wicked tuna’ star, dies in boating accident on the outer banks.

Staff headshot of Kari Pugh.

Capt. Charlie “Griff” Griffin of “Wicked Tuna” fame died on the Outer Banks after his boat went missing Sunday night near Oregon Inlet. A person with him remained missing Monday evening.

Around 11:35 p.m. Sunday, the Coast Guard received a report of two overdue boaters transiting in a recreational vessel from Virginia Beach to Wanchese, where the boat was going for repairs, a Coast Guard spokesperson said by phone.

The last communication with those on the boat had been about 6:15 p.m. Sunday.

The Coast Guard and local first responders were searching the oceanfront between Nags Head and Rodanthe by water and ATV on the beach when the boat was found south of Oregon Inlet about 70 yards off shore in the break, the spokesperson said.

In that same area, searchers found an “unresponsive person” and deceased dog. A medical examiner declared the person dead, she said.

The other person aboard had not been found as of Monday evening, but the search was planned to continue overnight.

Word went out through the commercial fishing community earlier in the day that Griffin’s boat had gone missing in the rough waters of Oregon Inlet, which joins the Pamlico Sound to the Atlantic Ocean south of Nags Head. Unruly currents and wild weather conditions have made the inlet one of the most notoriously unpredictable waterways on the East Coast.

Local newsman Sam Walker wrote on his website that several private vessels had joined a search for Griffin around Oregon Inlet and adjacent Pea Island.

Late Monday afternoon, a message was posted on Griffin’s Facebook page “Reels of Fortune.”

“It is with the deepest sadness we report that Charlie Griffin and his beloved dog, Leila, have passed away in a boating accident today, March 4th,” the post reads. “Please keep family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. We will forever remember Griff!”

Griffin and the crew of his boat starred in episodes 2-5 of “Wicked Tuna Outer Banks,” winning the fourth season. The National Geographic series follows a group of “salty fisherman” who make their living reeling in lucrative bluefin tuna, according to the show’s website. On the show, crews battle other tuna boats for the most profit, with a winner crowned at the end.

By late Monday afternoon, Outer Banks social media pages were flooded with tributes and memories of Griffin.

“He was an Outer Banks Original,” Jody O’Donnell, a local radio host, wrote on Facebook.  “We had him on the show a couple times when Griff was on ‘Wicked Tuna Outer Banks.’ Most of what I knew of him was from his old friend and fishing compadre Captain Marty Brill. I’m thinking of Marty and all of Griff’s family and friends during this trying time.”

More in News Obituaries

 William “Bill” Post, who is credited with inventing the popular breakfast treat the Pop-Tart, has died at the age of 96.

News Obituaries | Pop-Tarts inventor, William ‘Bill’ Post, dies at age 96

Rev. Dr. Marcellus L. Harris Jr., a well-known community advocate, served as the pastor of First Baptist Church Morrison in Newport News for 45 years.

News Obituaries | Rev. Marcellus Harris Jr., an activist, civil rights leader and pastor of 45 years, dies at 81

Greg Underwood, who served as Norfolk's top prosecutor for more than a decade, has died at 68 years old. 

News Obituaries | Greg Underwood, former commonwealth’s attorney in Norfolk, dies at 68

Country music singer-songwriter Toby Keith, whose pro-American anthems were both beloved and criticized, has died. He was 62. A statement posted on his website says Keith died peacefully Monday surrounded by his family. He had stomach cancer. The statement says: “He fought his fight with grace and courage.” He announced his cancer diagnosis in 2022. Keith broke out in the country boom years of the 1990s, crafting an identity around his macho swagger and writing songs that fans loved to hear. His hits included “How Do You Like Me Now?!,” “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” and “Beer for My Horses,” a duet with Willie Nelson.

News Obituaries | Toby Keith, country singer-songwriter, dies at 62 after stomach cancer diagnosis

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Meet Delaware's Most Influential People 2024 with community impact

Delaware's Most Influential People 2024

Suzanne Thurman: Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute, founder and executive director

Suzanne Thurman is one of the state's top first responders when it comes to rescuing marine mammals. Her Lewes-based nonprofit, also known as MERR , is dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and sea turtles. Last year the organization responded to 264 animals, which includes dolphins, seals, harbor porpoises and sea turtles — of those, two sea turtles and two seals were rescued. 

Thurman's organization continues educating through outreach programs, as well as by teaching interns from different colleges. Last year's five interns participated in the release of two of Kemp's ridley sea turtles and a loggerhead sea turtle that were transported to Delaware from other facilities for release. Her group is partnering with Delaware Futures to bring an at-sea immersion experience to underserved youth. This program will bring students out into the Harbor of Refuge to be among dozens of dolphins in their native habitat. The students will help to document the dolphins using an app and will learn about the ecology of these animals, potentially inspiring further interest in the marine sciences.

One of MERR's big events in 2023 was co-hosting the Greater Atlantic Region Stranding Conference, where regional organizations from Maine to Virginia gather to share and discuss information on aiding in the response, rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals in the Mid-Atlantic. This was the first time the event was held in Delaware, where Thurman helped showcase the state and coastal community to more than 100 stranding responders, researchers, marine scientists, students and federal representatives.  

Eul Lee: A founder of Sussex2030

As a founder of Sussex2030 , Eul Lee has been fighting against unchecked growth in Sussex County.

For years, the grassroots group of Sussex County residents pushed for responsible development of the county, environment preservation and economic development. While Lee said she's winding down, she is still promoting and working with others, including the Sussex Preservation Coalition.

Lee has also spent the last few years helping the next generation of activists.

Glenn Gauvry: Ecological Research & Development Group Inc., founder and president 

Horseshoe crabs were not always as appreciated, which is why Glenn Gauvry founded Ecological Research & Development Group Inc . — a Dover-based nonprofit wildlife conservation organization whose primary focus is the conservation of the world's four horseshoe crab species. Prior to forming ERDG in 1995, there were no organizations interested in their conservation. Since then, the group has worked to find solutions that prevent damage to native wildlife populations and habitats caused by human activity.

Gauvry, last year, welcomed the 25th anniversary of ERDG's Just Flip 'em program which addresses the high mortality among horseshoe crabs that occurs when they are stranded upside down during spawning. The program continues asking beachgoers to flip the animal over so it can return to the water. ERDG's Backyard Stewardship Community Horseshoe Crab Sanctuary program, the companion program to Just Flip ‘em and almost as old, signed up a new Delaware Community in 2023 — that of Big Stone Beach, marking their 11th community sanctuary.

Gauvry is also a commissioner on the Kent County Regional Planning Commission and a founding member of the IUCN Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group.

Allison Levine: Local Journalism Initiative, founder and CEO

As founder and CEO of the Local Journal i sm Initiative, Allison Taylor Levine is hoping to strengthen Delaware by building up the local news and information ecosystem. The initiative's aim is to inspire and inform civic engagement in Delaware and empower people, particularly people in underserved and underrepresented groups and geographic areas. LJI in December launched Spotlight Delaware, the state's first collaborative nonprofit newsroom, which focuses on the impact of public policy on people's daily lives. Spotlight's inaugural newsletter went out in February. LJI also created and manages the Delaware Journalism Collaborative, a group of 21 newsrooms (including DelawareOnline/The News Journal) and community partners working together to provide communities information on issues that can be polarizing. 

Richard Smith: NAACP Delaware State Conference of Branches, president

Richard Smith has been active in the NAACP since the 1960s, when the organization pushed to integrate restaurants in Wilmington. Since then, Smith has held various positions in different NAACP Delaware chapters, but always with the goal of helping all who are disenfranchised and mistreated.

Although he is president of the state NAACP chapter, Smith has not slowed down. He often travels the length of the state at his own expense to make sure people are being treated fairly.

Smith found himself in 2023 questioning what he and others see as excessive force used by law enforcement. He pressured the state to charge a Delaware State Police trooper seen on video punching a 15-year-old boy who had been playing "ding-dong ditch." Smith also demanded more transparency in the death Tremaine Jackson, who was fatally shot by police after they said an altercation started after he was caught shoplifting at a Lowe's Home Improvement.

Cristina Kalesse: Lung health advocate

Cristina Kalesse and her husband, Rob, began fundraising when he was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic lung cancer in 2019. She continued to raise money after he died in 2020 to honor his memory, raising more than $125,000 through the Rob Kalesse Memorial Classic Golf Tournament for the American Lung Association . She's also helped raise money for the organization through the Lung Force Walk.

Her efforts resulted in her being recognized as an American Lung Association Lung Force hero in 2021. 

Kalesse, who is principal of A.I. du Pont Middle School, has advocated for the Lung Association in Washington, D.C., speaking with congressional members regarding healthcare policies and funding related to lung health. 

Ladaye "Cooley" Johnson: The nonprofit Cool Shoes Inc., founder

Ladaye “Cooley” Johnson grew up in Wilmington’s East Side neighborhood, raised by a single mother. The neighborhood was known for its flourishing drug trade, and Johnson faced many challenges growing up, eventually dropping out of high school.

After receiving advice from older men in the community, Johnson changed course. He pursued his secondary education and then attended college where he decided he wanted to give back to neighborhood children like himself. In 2014, he organized his first Easter egg hunt, which was attended by hundreds of families.

Today, Johnson's nonprofit, Cool Shoes Inc. , continues to organize various community events throughout the year, including father-daughter dances, back-to-school supply giveaways, toy drives, Thanksgiving turkey handouts and summer camps.

Inspired by the wisdom of his mentors, Johnson is committed to emphasizing the importance of sharing one's personal story with children. He said sometimes, the most helpful thing they receive is undivided attention and an honest conversation from an understanding adult.

Ray Fitzgerald: Wilmington Housing Authority, executive director

In 2021, Ray Fitzgerald took the helm as executive director of the Wilmington Housing Authority during a severe housing crisis in the city. Under his leadership, the housing authority has shifted its focus from solely maintaining publicly subsidized housing to seeking multiple solutions to address housing needs.

Fitzgerald's initiatives include reviving the organization's inactive nonprofit, the Delaware Affordable Housing Group, to refurbish long-term vacant units. The nonprofit is also building and selling homes at market rate, with the proceeds being reinvested into the housing authority’s affordable housing programs.

Prior to his tenure, the Wilmington Housing Authority rejected anyone seeking housing assistance who wasn't a client. Fitzgerald, former director of the Delaware Division of Social Services, established the Premier Rapid Housing Placement Team to provide direct assistance to any Delawarean impacted by the housing shortage, offering comprehensive case management services.

The team also performs outreach to landlords, educating them about the Section 8 program. These efforts have successfully recruited more landlords into the program, increasing rental options for individuals with low incomes.

Dionna Sargent: Cinnaire Corporation, vice president of community development

In October 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and an escalating housing crisis, Dionna Sargent introduced Jumpstart Wilmington.

The groundbreaking program was created to increase the availability of affordable housing by enabling residents — particularly women and individuals from under-resourced communities — to become real estate developers. To date, 131 participants have graduated from the program. To facilitate their entry into real estate development, the graduates are offered opportunities to transform vacant properties in Wilmington into affordable housing.

Sargent also oversees Cinnaire's administration of the Catalyst Fund. Through a collaboration with the Delaware State Housing Authority, the Catalyst Fund provides real estate developers with construction financing to create affordable housing statewide. Participants receive a subsidy to cover the shortfall between acquisition and renovation costs once the homes are sold at or below 120% area median income.

Cerron Cade: Delaware Office of Management and Budget, director

Delaware spends billions of dollars on commodities, professional services and construction projects. A 2022 state disparity study revealed that the First State, known for its business-friendly environment, was not so friendly to nonwhite businesses. It showed that nonwhite businesses received 6.13% of state contracts for construction and professional services with more than 90% of these contracts awarded to white male-owned businesses.

Cerron Cade, director of the Delaware Office of Management and Budget , is leading efforts to make substantial changes that will lead to the expansion of the state’s vendor marketplace.

Under Cade's leadership, state agencies are developing initiatives that allow disadvantaged business owners, women-owned businesses and minority-owned enterprises the opportunity to secure state contracts to provide construction and professional services, helping these businesses to grow.

Vandrick Hamlin: Local champion for students

Even before officially starting his nonp r ofit in 2014, Vandrick R. Hamlin Sr. saw there was a lack of resources in the neighborhoods where he worked as a mail carrier. This led him to organize an annual back-to-school bookbag drives and winter coat giveaways.

Hamlin retired in 2019 after 30 years as a postal worker, but his commitment to the children in the communities he once served continues. The bookbag drive, which initially provided 600 bookbags to families in need along Lancaster Avenue, has declined in numbers due to the gentrification of the area. However, the book bags, coats and school supplies are given to students at Bayard School.

Hamlin also established the Cameron D. Hamlin College Scholarship to recognize and support long-term student volunteers who assist him with his giveaways. This scholarship was established in honor of Hamlin's son, Cameron Hamlin, who was killed on Sept. 24, 2006.


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    Yacht is a classic dice-rolling game that inspired the hit game Yahtzee by Milton Bradley. Play online against random opponents, create a game with your friends, or practice against the computer. In Yacht, you need to make specific combinations that score the most points possible at the end of three rolls. At the end of the game, whoever has ...

  5. YACHT

    Yacht. Yacht is a classic dice game, dating back from 1938. The game is the predecessor of Yahtzee and has a lot of similarities to the Latin-American Generala, the Scandinavian Yatzy and the English game of Poker Dice. In this game, you have got 6 dice and the goal is to throw as much special combinations as possible.

  6. Yahtzee online with friends

    In Yahtzee (also known as Poker Dice, Yacht, Generala), the goal is to score more points than your opponents. Each turn, you roll dice and then score one row on your scoresheet. How to get started. Yahtzee is multiplayer! You can play by yourself, or with up to seven of your friends. To get started, enter a name for yourself (ex: "yahtzee ...

  7. Yahtzee

    This is scored at 30 points. A large straight is a sequence of 5 dice, and is scored at 40 points. Chance is the sum total of all the dice and can be used when no other play seems good. A Yahtzee is five of a kind. It's scored 50. If a subsequent Yahtzee is received, then the player can go for a 'Double Yahtzee,' which is an additional 100 points.

  8. Yacht Game Online

    Play Yacht, the classic dice game also known as Yahtzee or Yatzy, with friends on Bloob.io. Roll, score, and win together!

  9. Yahtzee Online ️ Play on CrazyGames

    Yahtzee Online has a variety of different scoring combinations. The left-hand side contains number scores - you must count how many dice you have of one number, and add them together to get your score. For example, rolling 4x fours would be a score of 16. The right-hand side contains the specialist scores, including: Three of a kind; Four of a kind

  10. Home

    Official game of the Vendée Globe, Virtual Regatta is the largest nautical community in the world with more than 1 million active players!Virtual Regatta is a free online sailing and regatta sailing simulation video game where you can become the skipper of your boat and face the "winds of the globe". Race against hundreds of thousands of rivals in real time and take on Vendée Globe sailors ...

  11. Yahtzee » kostenlos online spielen » HIER! ️

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  12. Yatzy

    1,841,356 plays. Everyone loves dice games. Roll the dice, pick the combination and try to outscore your opponent. If you're a fan of Yacht or Yahtzee, you'll fall in love with this game. Features: - Interactive tutorial - Fun theme suitable for all ages - Includes a rolling cup and scorepad! - Bonus animation if you get a 'Yatzy'.

  13. Play Yacht Dice Game

    Rules. Try to score the highest amount you can. You can roll the dice up to three times (and can hold dice by clicking on them). After any Roll (1, 2 or 3) choose a category to place the total. Choose Wisely! You must choose a category by the third roll, even if it is a 0 score.

  14. YACHT

    Möchten Sie Yacht spielen? Spielen Sie dieses Spiel kostenlos online unter Poki. Viel Spaß beim Spielen. Yacht ist eine unserer Lieblingskategorien brett spiele.

  15. Yacht Game

    The yacht dice game can be played by one player but is more fun against at least one other player or against the computer. It is played using five six-sided dice and the goal is to score a higher total number of points than your opponents. You start your turn by rolling all the dice. You either bank a set of points (see below) or reroll as many ...

  16. Yahtzee play online, Yacht Dice Game combination rules

    Yacht Dice Game combinations. By numerical coincidence ("sixes", "fives", "fours", "threes", "twos", "ones") - the player is allowed to add the same numbers of the chosen category. For example, a roll of the dice: 3-3-3-2-2-5 counts as 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 points in "threes", 2 points in "twos" or 5 in "fives". As ...

  17. Yacht Spiele » kostenlos online spielen » HIER! ️

    Yacht Spiele ⚡ kostenlos online spielen ⚡ ohne Anmeldung & Download + über 19600 Games ⭐️ Exklusive HTML5 & Highscore Spiele HIER spielen!

  18. Yacht Dice Game ️ Play Now on GamePix

    Yacht Dice Game is a simple dice-based puzzler for between one and four players. Each round of play sees each player roll three times. The rules are the same as dice poker. Score a straight of four or five sequential dice and earn big points. Score a 'Yacht' of five matching dice and earn even more!

  19. Yachtparksimulator

    Yachtparksimulator. Yachtparksimulator ist ein cooles Motorboot-Parkspiel, bei dem du deine Fähigkeiten online und kostenlos auf Silvergames.com beweisen kannst. Es ist gar nicht so einfach, ein Wasserfahrzeug mit solchen Ausmaßen zu steuern, und noch schwieriger ist es, es genau zwischen zwei anderen riesigen Booten zu parken.

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    BattleBoats.io. Super Yacht Parking. Luftschlacht um England. . Marine Spiele sind Wasserfahrzeug Fahr- und Schießspiele, bei denen der Spieler Boote der US Navy steuert. An manchen Tagen hat man einfach genug von den Schießspielen auf Armeebasis. Dann solltest du zu unseren coolen online Marine Spielen hier auf Silvergames.com wechseln.

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  22. Buy a Yacht

    Selling or purchasing a large yacht demands professional expertise and extensive market knowledge and Fraser has been a world leader in new and brokerage yacht sales for over 70 years. Focusing on the sale and purchase of yachts over 30m, our large team of highly experienced brokers visits hundreds of yachts every year and the world's most ...

  23. 'Wicked Tuna' star Charlie Griffin dies in boating accident

    Capt. Charlie "Griff" Griffin of "Wicked Tuna" fame died on the Outer Banks after his boat went missing Sunday night near Oregon Inlet. A person with him remained missing Monday evening ...

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    Her Lewes-based nonprofit, also known as MERR, is dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and sea turtles. Last year the organization responded to 264 animals, which includes dolphins ...