• MSC Cruises

Tipping in Yacht Club

By wynkys , May 8 in MSC Cruises

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250+ Club

I am booked on a short 3-night repositioning voyage in a couple of months time.

I am travelling solo in the Yacht Club and would appreciate advice as to which

staff members I should tip and what amount would be typical for each for such

a short time.

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3,000+ Club


21 minutes ago, wynkys said: I am booked on a short 3-night repositioning voyage in a couple of months time. I am travelling solo in the Yacht Club and would appreciate advice as to which staff members I should tip and what amount would be typical for each for such a short time.

A decent rule of thumb I have learned from one other poster ("pirate" something ?) was $10 for breakfast/lunch waiter and $20 for dinner waiter. So bring a couple of bucks for drink butlers. Same for room steward, your discretion.

1,000+ Club

47 minutes ago, wynkys said: I am booked on a short 3-night repositioning voyage in a couple of months time. I am travelling solo in the Yacht Club and would appreciate advice as to which staff members I should tip and what amount would be typical for each for such a short time.

You really don't have to tip anyone.  That said, if there are crew members that you felt went above and beyond to make your trip pleasant, by all means feel free to give them a tip at the end of the cruise.  The amount is totally up to you.  They will appreciate any amount.

Now that advice represents the "tipping is for recognizing outstanding service" philosophy.  Some subscribe to an additional tipping philosophy - "tipping to receive better service". If you adopt that approach, which I do not, you can tip your service providers as service is rendered to hopefully encourage them to provide better service in the future.

How you choose to tip is a personal choice.  There's no right or wrong approach. 



1 hour ago, wynkys said: I am booked on a short 3-night repositioning voyage in a couple of months time. I am travelling solo in the Yacht Club and would appreciate advice as to which staff members I should tip and what amount would be typical for each for such a short time.

The Australians I know don´t tip, just like the Asians and Europeans do not tip. You can do whatever you want, nobody expects anything. And everybody is happy about your tip no matter how high or low. The nationalities you would insult by trying to tip them are not working on cruise ships  😄  

50+ Club

First time in YC

We gave an extra $100 to our butler, he deserved double extra, he was so happy, $50 to the junior cabin stewart.

Dining room waitstaff changes as there is no set time, it’s hard to get to know them well with 1 experience.

Lots of bartenders, lounge bar staff go above and beyond at the pool deck and in the lounge.

I saw 3 upon disembarking and gave each $20.

It does no matter what other people do, this is what we did.

I was a waiter for 10 years, am now a delivery person for 25 and tips are not just extra money but show how your hard work is appreciated.

And my wife is a bigger tipper than me, she would have given more lol


Are daily tips charged to the room for the waiters, room steward, etc.?  We always give extra above those room charged tips.  We are planning our first MSC cruise soon so I am not sure how it works on this ship.  The butler was never charged as a daily charge to our room so we know what we are doing with that.

1 hour ago, dasi11 said: Are daily tips charged to the room for the waiters, room steward, etc.?

Everyone, including your butler are covered by the daily service charge that will appear on your room charges if you booked in the USA.

Additional tipping is always welcomed but never expected.


How much is the automatic charge for butler?  Or is that just included in the total daily gratuity per day charge for YC?  We are in YC on Seashore next year, and I was wondering what the daily gratuity per day charge was.  We typically tip the cabin steward and wait staff (if we are at same table each night, and if they do a nice job) extra at end of cruise.  Never sailed MSC before.  We have been in Norwegian Haven few times, but dont recall what we tipped the butler.

36 minutes ago, brovol said: We have been in Norwegian Haven few times, but dont recall what we tipped the butler.

Just like the Haven. Those that find no use for a butler do not bother with an added tip. We tipped at the end of the cruise $20 when he told those assembled in the Haven Bar he was not part of the mandatory gratuities and any renumeration would be greatly appreciated. On our first Yacht Club cruise we had the same 'noshow' butler, who did show on the final night of the cruise. Had to ask DW who he was when he came to the door that evening. Tipped him $20 for helping take the luggage out into the hallway. Had another butler in the Celebrity Retreat Edge Villa, butler came to cabin saw DW's 12 suitcases  and did not offer to lug it up to the Master Bedroom where all the closets are located. He also was AWOL the rest of the cruise. He wasn't even worth $20. Our next cruise we had a butler on the Seaside who blew us away with service, Vishnu D. He has since left MSC is now a butler on Regent Grandeur. (That's another story). Vishnu would not let us go outside the confines of the Yacht Club without his escort. He reserved us tables at every YC event. Reserved us a table at Ocean House. He went above and beyond any butler we have ever experienced. Tipped him $400. Had another like Vishnu named JoEl, $400.We have had others of varying degrees in the Yacht Club since and have tipped those $200-$250 when compared to Vishnu and JoEl. Our last butler in the YC was again worth every cent of $400 for a week of superb service making last months cruise on the Seascape one our best cruises ever.

Best Cat Mom

Best Cat Mom

I consider tips the same way that I used to evaluate giving raises in my business life (I'm retired now). There is always a "pool" of money at the beginning, not an unlimited supply to be given out. I start with a list of the team and then I rank the team members starting with who exceeded expectations the most, the ones who mostly exceeded expectations, who simply met expectations and who did not meet expectations at all. Then start assigning amounts to each group. If you have more left at the end, increase some. If you are short, decrease some. You need to work within your budget, but the percentage given to each is key -- and usually the toughest part to figure out.

25+ Club

12 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said: Just like the Haven. Those that find no use for a butler do not bother with an added tip. We tipped at the end of the cruise $20 when he told those assembled in the Haven Bar he was not part of the mandatory gratuities and any renumeration would be greatly appreciated. On our first Yacht Club cruise we had the same 'noshow' butler, who did show on the final night of the cruise. Had to ask DW who he was when he came to the door that evening. Tipped him $20 for helping take the luggage out into the hallway. Had another butler in the Celebrity Retreat Edge Villa, butler came to cabin saw DW's 12 suitcases  and did not offer to lug it up to the Master Bedroom where all the closets are located. He also was AWOL the rest of the cruise. He wasn't even worth $20. Our next cruise we had a butler on the Seaside who blew us away with service, Vishnu D. He has since left MSC is now a butler on Regent Grandeur. (That's another story). Vishnu would not let us go outside the confines of the Yacht Club without his escort. He reserved us tables at every YC event. Reserved us a table at Ocean House. He went above and beyond any butler we have ever experienced. Tipped him $400. Had another like Vishnu named JoEl, $400.We have had others of varying degrees in the Yacht Club since and have tipped those $200-$250 when compared to Vishnu and JoEl. Our last butler in the YC was again worth every cent of $400 for a week of superb service making last months cruise on the Seascape one our best cruises ever.

2020 cruise on the Meraviglia and 2024 cruise on the Seascape we tipped our butlers $200.  Both wereK and took good care of us.  They both seemed a little too reserved (introverted). On our 2022 Meraviglia, Leslie was our butler.    I truly believe he was psychic.  He correctly anticipated our wants/needs/desires almost before we did.  When we didn't need him, he was invisible.  When we needed something he was like a genie popping out of a lamp, or lie Radar O'Reilly from MASH. He was "politely" assertive when the situation warranted same.  We tipped him $400 and to this day, I think we undertipped him.

1 minute ago, chrisgp999 said: 2020 cruise on the Meraviglia and 2024 cruise on the Seascape we tipped our butlers $200.  Both wereK and took good care of us.  They both seemed a little too reserved (introverted). On our 2022 Meraviglia, Leslie was our butler.    I truly believe he was psychic.  He correctly anticipated our wants/needs/desires almost before we did.  When we didn't need him, he was invisible.  When we needed something he was like a genie popping out of a lamp, or lie Radar O'Reilly from MASH. He was "politely" assertive when the situation warranted same.  We tipped him $400 and to this day, I think we undertipped him.

Apologize for the following typos.  Was trying to multi-task.

 "Both were  OK"

 'or like Radar O'Reilly from MASH

44 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said: renumeration

remuneration. (happens to the best of us).


On 5/8/2024 at 12:43 PM, morpheusofthesea said: A decent rule of thumb I have learned from one other poster ("pirate" something ?) was $10 for breakfast/lunch waiter and $20 for dinner waiter. So bring a couple of bucks for drink butlers. Same for room steward, your discretion.

We tip only at the end, based on experiences during the week.   

Proabably $100 for the butler, and 50 to 70 for the assistant butler.   

We’ve tipped $30 or so for exceptional service from others, be they butlers (not ours), waiters we had regularly, servers form the pool/YC lounge, and $20-30 to several bar tenders and the often terrific pool guys. Also tipped the Maitre D’ from $50 to 75 but this was an exceptional guy. On other trips we have not tipped the MD.   

Haing said that, we are fairly big tippers, so evaluate the above in that perspective.

 We have never felt that a tip was expected and certainly not that the possibility of a tip changed the service level. Staff know that Europeans are generally not tippers and treat every one the same.  So just leaving the auto tips in place and nothing more is certainly fine as well.  And of course treating the staff with kindness and patience when they are busy.   

Does anyone know what MSC takes out as the automatic tip? What gets charged on your account, per person, on a daily basis? Specifically for yacht club? And does anyone know what it covers? Wait staff, and room Stewart I assume? Does that include something for the butler or concierge? 

23 minutes ago, brovol said: Does anyone know what MSC takes out as the automatic tip? What gets charged on your account, per person, on a daily basis? Specifically for yacht club? And does anyone know what it covers? Wait staff, and room Stewart I assume? Does that include something for the butler or concierge?   

$112 pp/week  .. 1413 crew  = 8 cents per crew member which goes to paying their contracted salaries. If passengers remove their gratuities the cruise line is obligated to make up the difference to reach the minimum contractual salary.

11 hours ago, morpheusofthesea said: We tipped at the end of the cruise $20 when he told those assembled in the Haven Bar he was not part of the mandatory gratuities

Probably only on US sailings, otherwise MSC would not find butlers for the ships in other parts of the world.

9 hours ago, morpheusofthesea said: If passengers remove their gratuities the cruise line is obligated to make up the difference to reach the minimum contractual salary.

Which is why MSC made it impossible to remove the gratuities for (almost) all Non-US-Pax. They know exactly the risk of removal for all nationalities 😉

Last time I booked I had to pay the gratuities with the deposit already. An on my travel documents they state the Hotel Service Charge as "Cancelled Items", which sounds like I cancelled it. I know it is just that I will not get charged double, but it sounds strange 😄



Only Americans want to tip for everything.  It's included in your service charge.  At the end of the cruise you can tip extra your butlers and waiters.  

11 hours ago, morpheusofthesea said: $112 pp/week  .. 1413 crew  = 8 cents per crew member which goes to paying their contracted salaries. If passengers remove their gratuities the cruise line is obligated to make up the difference to reach the minimum contractual salary.

As I understand it, the MSC contract provides for their salary in full and in addition a guaranteed sum which reflects their anticipated minimum share of the daily service charge. This allows the crew to plan what they are sending home and removes the fear of being impacted by passengers removing the charges during the cruise.

Then as long as the service charges collected exceed the expected minimum they get an additional bonus, if it falls short then MSC cover the difference.

This always seemed like a fair solution and gives the crew some stability when they have a large percentage of guests from markets that allow the removal of the 'gratuities' during a cruise...

1 hour ago, Capricruiser said: Only Americans want to tip for everything.

Appears you beat us Americans at our own game in two categories.


47 minutes ago, Mark_T said: As I understand it,

As we are all lead to believe. BUT these cruise lines are not subject to oversight from any significant source. That is why they are foreign flagged. Here is a posting from a former crew member.  The last statement is the 'kicker'  ..."IF".

·11 mo. ago

Ex-crew here, although I wasn't part of the crew who received gratuities.

The simple explanation is that most of the service crew are guaranteed a certain wage per month, partially paid for by the cruise line and partially via gratuities, and if the amount of gratuities received during the cruise aren't enough to reach that guaranteed amount, the cruise will make up the shortfall. My understanding is that the maths is done so that if everyone on board the ship sailing at it's usual sailing capacity leaves their gratuities turned on, the amount in the pool will be enough to cover that wage for everyone. In the event people do overpay, it does indeed mean the crew get paid more-  IF the cruise line doesn't take a cut or reduce their contribution, the crew's pay does increase."

3 hours ago, morpheusofthesea said: Appears you beat us Americans at our own game in two categories.

Interesting that Morpheus, as a Brit when we holiday in the US I always find the whole tipping thing a bit stressful, who should I or shouldn't I tip, how much etc. I would say in the past I have always tipped Restaurant and Bar servers, hotel porters and taxi drivers, I'm always thankful when the bill comes and it has the suggested gratuities on, makes my life easier.

Off topic a bit, but I do find the percentage of the bill thing a bit odd for the tip amount. For example say a party of 4 who have all had a steak and a couple of bottles of wine between them compared to a party of 4 who all had a happy hour bowl of pasta each and a coke. The steak table would be paying a much heftier tip for the same level of service.



25 minutes ago, mcoler181 said:   Off topic a bit, but I do find the percentage of the bill thing a bit odd for the tip amount. For example say a party of 4 who have all had a steak and a couple of bottles of wine between them compared to a party of 4 who all had a happy hour bowl of pasta each and a coke. The steak table would be paying a much heftier tip for the same level of service.

As an American, I never got that either........

57 minutes ago, mcoler181 said: The steak table would be paying a much heftier tip for the same level of service.

We seldom go out for dinner, lunch, or breakfast anymore since covid. We do all our dining on board ships at a table for two, preferably in a corner. But when we did go out and about we just tipped the suggested amount in cash rounded up to an even dollar amount, usually 20% of the tab.  On board ships we wait til the end of the last dinner meal. On the Regent Grandeur I made the mistake of tipping our waiter when he took our last meal order and for dessert he failed to look for my DW's small chocolate chip cookies as he usually did.

  Many times for breakfast our usual assigned dinner waiter pulls duty at the One Pool deck and we get a different waiter every morning so I tip these guys $10 for breakfast and again $10 for lunch. We stopped by, a few years ago, one of the Dine any time Aurea restaurant for a piece of Grandma's chocolate cake which wasn't offered at the time in YC. I tipped the waiter $5 and he kept coming back to our table every 2 minutes to see if we wanted another dessert or drink. I am surprised how little it really takes to get superior service on these ships. Sure, one does not have to tip anything and most do not, which makes it easier for those that do tip. And there are those that love to brag how they get the same service we get with not tipping. But do they really? I have never posted everything because these  sine nobilitate will go running to complain.

5,000+ Club


42 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said:  I tipped the waiter $5 and he kept coming back to our table every 2 minutes to see if we wanted another dessert or drink. I am surprised how little it really takes to get superior service on these ships. 

I should really hate if that happened and I should regret tipping. I think that it's superannoying when they come to our table every 2 minutes to see if everything is okay! If something is wrong or I want something more I let them know!

For me that is NOT good service.

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msc yacht club butler tipping

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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

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Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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The luxurious msc yacht club experience elevates this cruise brand.

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MSC Seashore’s MSC Yacht Club is the largest in the fleet.

For a mighty ship with 1,648 crew members and 5,632 passengers, it’s important to feel like you can get away from the masses and enjoy some peace and quiet while on board the MSC Seashore . The exclusive MSC Yacht Club , with its ingenious ship-within-a-ship model, allows guests to spread out over four different decks. The largest in the fleet, this all-inclusive experience includes not only the best sea views on the ship, but also, premium accommodations, a large sun-soaked solarium with whirlpools, a private restaurant and lounge, and a secluded swimming pool. Travelers will also love the 24-hour butler service and complimentary premium beverages. You’re on vacation after all, go ahead and indulge.

Reserved Venues

From the moment you arrive at the port, you’ll be well taken care of throughout the embarkation and disembarkation processes with priority access. Once on board, you’ll have access to private spaces, reserved expressly for MSC Yacht Club guests, like a dedicated fine dining restaurant, private sun deck and swimming pool, and the Top Sail Lounge, a relaxing place to unwind with inventive finger foods and live music after a fun-filled day.

Cool off in your private pool and enjoy a cocktail while you relax and soak up the sun.

Round-the-Clock Butler Service

No matter what time of day it is, your dedicated butler will ensure that you have the most unforgettable experience while on board. Whether you’d like to request room service or extra beverages and snacks, or you’d like turn-down service with extra toiletries and towels, your butler is up to the task.

An Expert Concierge Team

You’ll have access to your own concierge team that can handle any request, whether you’d like dinner reservations at specialty restaurants, private shopping access, or VIP seating during a show. If you’re interested in extraordinary excursions while on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve or Nassau, the concierge team is happy to assist.

Exclusive Access While on Ocean Cay

When the ship has arrived at Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, MSC Yacht Club guests will have sole access to the Ocean House Beach, an open-air space, complete with incredible views, beachfront cabanas, and extra amenities like towels and cold water.

On land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, enjoy exclusive amenities. ... [+]

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Ingrid andress’ national anthem at 2024 home run derby draws criticism online, apple iphone 16 pro design upgrade promises key feature boost, report says, luxurious staterooms.

Choose from a variety of rooms to suit your budget and taste. From expansive rooms with private whirlpools and balconies to suites with inventive bunkbed configurations for children, you’ll find all of the comforts of home while onboard.

Plenty of Amenities

While you’ll have access to the entire ship, full of dining, entertainment, and swimming options, the MSC Yacht Club access includes extra conveniences like premium beverage options, high-speed internet, and complimentary access to the thermal spa.

The MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu at the dedicated restaurant.

The Best of the Rest

When you venture out to explore the rest of the ship, outside of the MSC Yacht Club, you’ll find that this 1,100-foot ship, the longest in the MSC Cruises fleet, has plenty of outdoor space to discover including the Bridge of Sighs, an elevated glass walkway, and plenty of outdoor dining and lounge opportunities.

Kids of all ages will love the clubs and dedicated children’s spaces as well as the swimming pools, whirlpools, and Pirates Cove Aquapark, complete with a waterslide and ropes course adventure trail.

Choose from a variety of Caribbean sailings with MSC Cruises, the world’s third-largest cruise brand, including itineraries on the MSC Seashore that span from three to fourteen nights. Go solo, with a partner or friend, or with your entire family in tow—there’s something for everyone.

Wendy Altschuler

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  • Cruise Advice

17 MSC Seaside Tips and Suggestions

Picture of Doug Parker

Doug Parker

  • January 7, 2020

MSC Seaside is the first purpose-built ship for the North American market from MSC, the world’s largest privately-owned cruise line.

MSC Seaside Cruise ship

A better godmother couldn’t have been chosen, as Seaside subtly blends Italian design and tradition with spaces and amenities desired by modern North American cruisers. 

With a passenger capacity of 4,132 (double occupancy), Seaside compares favorably with the largest and most modern ships from the other big lines such as Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Norwegian Cruise Line.

1. Download the MSC for Me App to your smartphone

MSC App to your phone

MSC for Me is an incredibly functional and fun app for anyone on an MSC cruise. Before you sail, users may book a show, shore excursions, prepay for drinks or specialty restaurants, and add activities to a personal agenda. 

Once onboard MSC Seaside, guests can use the MSC for Me chat function to message fellow cruisers without purchasing an internet package. Additionally, a “what to eat” feature gives insight into local in season and fresh ingredients in meals onboard as the ship moves from port to port. Of course, the app also includes a map of the vessel, and the ability to check events and add them to the planner. 

2. Look into the Easy Drinks Package

MSC offers drinks packages on every sailing like every other major cruise line, and there are several levels to choose from. Passengers often overlook the Easy Package, but it certainly shouldn’t be. For only $35 per day (at writing time), the package includes anything under $6 in most venues and includes beer, wine, liquor, specialty coffees, and bottled water. Sometimes this package is offered as a promo during booking, so keep a lookout for that.

3. Asian Market Kitchen


Many of the largest ships at sea now have teppanyaki restaurants onboard, and MSC Seaside has one too. Unique, however, is the Asian Market Kitchen, a concept from celebrity chef Roy Yamaguchi, the creator of Hawaiian Fusion. Asian Market Kitchen differs from his land-based restaurants by presenting an unforgettable pan-Asian menu. 

For something different, consider ordering the Triple Play, a fun dish consisting of kaiware (radish sprouts), yamagobo (pickled burdock root), shrimp tempura, spicy tuna, and Hamachi fish with a delicious garlic aioli sesame sauce. Another popular item is the poke bowl, which has various choices. Asian Market Kitchen is a la carte pricing. 

4. Have a Drink at the Seaside Bar

Located in the spectacular atrium onboard the ship, the Seaside Bar is the place for evening entertainment and drinks. The whole atrium is ensconced in glass and crystal, scattering the light and creating a magical venue, especially in the evening.

Live music takes place on the small stage with acts consisting of musical trios, soloists, and other entertainment with dancing couples common. The selection is vast, with all types of liquor, beer, wine, and cocktails. Daily specials are available (try the Moscow mule.)

5. Order a drink with a side of sea views

For passengers who prefer to have sweeping views of the ocean while they sip their beverage of choice, the Top Sail Lounge is the place to be! Be warned, though. This lounge is for the exclusive use of Yacht Club guests, which means you have to be staying in a Yacht Club suite to access it. 

Located on Deck 16 all the way forward, this lounge has outside walls consisting of floor-to-ceiling glass windows, giving spectacular views of the sea. The Top Sail Lounge is also a great spot to watch a sail in or away from the port or to enjoy a Caribbean sunset. 

6. Brave the Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs MSC

Named after the famous bridge in Venice, MSC Seaside has its own Bridge of Sighs. This bridge is at the far back (aft) of the ship on Deck 16 and consists of a glass-bottomed walkway positioned high above the South Beach pool.

The bridge is a great photo stop and is a fun place to visit during your time onboard. If you enjoy the Bridge of Sighs, there are two additional glass walkways on either side of the ship on the Waterfront Promenade, Deck 8.

7. There’s a chocolate bar, and it’s spectacular

Venchi 1878 Chocolate Bar

On Seaside, they take their desserts seriously — so much so that there’s a space devoted to the art of chocolate! The Venchi 1878 Chocolate Bar is located on Deck 6 near the Piazza Grande and is a treat for the eyes as much as it is for taste. 

Stunning designs are created from chocolate and candies, truly works of art. In addition to the displays, there are vast quantities of chocolate available to purchase, which makes excellent souvenirs for friends and family back home.

8. Speaking of the Piazza Grande

Piazza Grande MSC

In Tip #7 we talked about the Venchi 1878 Chocolate Bar located on the Piazza Grande. This Piazza is centrally located on deck 6 and is where most of the shopping on the ship is located. In addition to the shops and boutiques, there is also a great bar serving all kinds of drinks with a good quantity of comfortable chairs. Along with the dance floor and stage, this spot is a great place to unwind while onboard and is more relaxed than the atrium or the top decks by the pool.

9. If you are a family, look into the Super Family Cabins

For families or groups, a great way to sail is in the Super Family Cabins. These cabins are three combined staterooms, usually with two typical rooms and one center bedroom with a fold-out couch; they come in both balcony and ocean view options. The standard cabins have a king or two twin beds, along with a set of twin bunks, sleeping up to 10 people comfortably.

The Super Family cabins also have two full bathrooms. When booking, pricing is done by the cabin rather than per person, which can be a nice savings.

10. The MSC Seaside has a full-fledged adventure park onboard

Forest AquaVenture Park

MSC Seaside has a multi-story waterpark called the Forest AquaVenture Park. Inside the park, there are five water slides, including two racing slides that extend over the side of the ship.

The MSC Seaside’ Adventure Park also contains an AquaPlay and AquaSpray park for younger guests. Above all this water play, passengers who wish to climb can enjoy the Adventure Trail. This ropes course even has spray cannons for shooting other adventurers.

11. Dress for the White Party

msc seaside atrium bar

Every sailing of the MSC Seaside includes a White Party where guests dress all in white and staff don fantastic costumes. Don’t forget to pack appropriately to enjoy the party fully.

12. The kids club is not just a kids club

In addition to age-separated kids and teen clubs, the MSc Seaside has a fun and engaging entertainment space called Doremi’s Studio. Located on Deck 18 with the other kids’ stations, Doremi’s Studio is where kids can watch and enjoy special programming for their ages. Fun varies by sailing, so be sure to check with the kid’s staff or the schedule of events.

13. Panoramic Elevators

Panoramic elevators swimming pool

Should you be excited about an elevator? YES! At the rear, or aft, of the MSC Seaside, are a pair of panoramic elevators that wizzes up and down the outside of the ship, giving spectacular views of the sea and the fun going around below. The higher you go, the better the view, culminating on Deck 16, right by the Bridge of Sighs (Tip #6 above).

14. Do you really enjoy chocolate?

Venchi 1878 Gelato and Creperie

Then say “hello” to the Venchi 1878 Gelato and Creperie, the ship’s second (but different!) Venchi location. Situated aft on Deck 7, this incredible space is THE place to get your Italian gelato and coffee treats. With MSC being an Italian line, they know how to make a fine coffee and a seductively smooth gelato. Even though this restaurant has an a la carte menu, you will not be disappointed with the quality or the taste.

15. Race in the F1 simulator

Looking for some competition with your friends or family? Try the F1 Simulator on Deck 7 where you can sit in the drivers’ seat of an F1 race car and participate in a virtual reality race! Additional fees apply, but they are a small price to pay for the fun to be had.

16. Dine Al Fresco at the Marketplace Buffet

MSC Marketplace Buffet

If you enjoy a lovely meal with a view, fill your plate at the Marketplace Buffet on Deck 8, and head all the way aft, past the food and outside. 

On the ship’s rear is a fine place to enjoy your meal with sea views and gentle breezes. When you are finished, take the panoramic elevators up to deck 16 to enjoy the Miami pool and all the action there.

17. Pretend you’re in Europe

This may be a Caribbean cruise, as MSC Seaside sails year-round from Miami, but the clientele is decidedly international. In addition, many announcements are in multiple languages along with English, such as Spanish, Italian, and French. Embrace it!

Enjoy the different cultures and foods, and maybe make some new friends. Who knows, you may end up in Rome one day, visiting with your new friends from the cruise. 

Michael York helped contribute to this article.

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Menantic yacht club report: give us a break, mother nature.

By Robert Harris

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Sailors are always dependent on the weather, and Mother Nature has not been kind to the Menantic Yacht Club so far this season.

A storm during Week One forced the MYC to abandon the fifth race and head to shore.  Last week’s lack of wind only allowed for three completed races. This past Sunday the MYC was only able to complete three races again, abandoning the fourth race because of lack of wind.

It was torturous; a cheer loud enough to be heard on the moon went up when the fourth race was abandoned. It was hot and a few people slid overboard to cool down during the afternoon.  

After the fourth race was abandoned, sailors started paddling to shore. Two sailors, Jonathon Brush and George Zinger, actually had paddles on board. The rest of us were using our hands. Luckily for me, my wife, Debbie, who was kayaking, paddled over and I stuck out my thumb. Using my sheet as a tow line, she started towing me. I sat back and relaxed.

Finally the wind picked up and we were all able to sail in — I’m sure Debbie was grateful that she didn’t have to row/tow me all the way in.

With that said, 28 sailors participated on Sunday and the competition was keen. Lee Montes joined us for the first time this season and placed first in two races and first overall, followed by Derek Webster with one first place finish and second overall. In third place was Caitlin Cummings, who sails a steady course. And in fourth place overall was John Modica, besting his brother Charlie, although Charlie would no doubt be quick to point out that overall on the season, Charlie is leading. 

What will be the outcome of this annual brotherly rivalry? Stay tuned. Peter Beardsley had given Tom McMahon some lessons and his improvement was evident on Sunday.

Betsy Colby ran the races on Sunday. Her trusty crew of Amy Cococcia, Rita Gates and newbie on the Racing Committee Kate Duff, did a great job under trying conditions. Thank you, all.

Matt Fox captained the mark boat along with Ben Gonzales. They basically had an easy afternoon. Matt mentioned that he had to dive overboard to unclip Tom’s boat from its mooring in order to take the boat out because his arms are just not long enough. Thanks, guys.

Betty Bishop and Dave Daly shared chase boat duties. They had the brilliant idea to attach a beach umbrella to the console of Charlie’s inflatable for shade, and they also spent some time cooling off in the water. Thanks to both of you. Betty is … um … jumping ship next week for a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. Have fun, we’ll miss you.

Next week the MYC is hosting the Shelter Island Yacht Club in a series of team races in West Neck Harbor that will be called the Island Cup. It will be a fun, casual get-to-know each other competition starting at 4 p.m., after MYC’s  regular racing, which the SIYC is also invited to join.

There will be a Red team and a Blue team, with three sailors from each club competing on each team. There will be three races for each team.

It should be a lot of fun and we’re hoping for a good turnout. The winning yacht club gets to take home bragging rights and a cheap bottle of champagne. Rumor has it that Amanda Clark will be on the SIYC team. Come out and cheer for your team.

The awards presentation for the Island Cup will take place this coming Sunday at the after-race party to be hosted by Eric and Jill Ryan. The MYC sailors and volunteers know what to bring.

We are a very congenial family-friendly club, open to all. We may not have a clubhouse, but the sailing is great, the camaraderie is superb, and we just have tremendous fun. All sailors, novice to expert, are welcome.

Just show up in West Neck Harbor at 2 p.m. on any Sunday through Labor Day, check in with the Race Committee, giving them your full name and sail number, and be sure to bring your life jacket. Non-sailors are also welcome to assist with the Race Committee boat and the stake boat.

You can get more information about the MYC at the MYC Facebook page: Menantic Yacht Club, or from Bob Harris at [email protected] . Steve and Melissa Shepstone have a fleet of loaner boats available on a first to reserve basis. Contact Ellen Leonforte at 914-450-1450 or [email protected] to reserve your boat.

Sailor                            Pts     Place

Lee Montes                  5                1               

Derek Webster             6                2

Caitlin Cummings         10             3

John Modica                  14             4

Peter Beardsley             18             5

Charlie Modica               20             6

Linda Gibbs                     21             7

Joan Butler                      22             8

Paul Zinger                      27             9

Alicia Rojas                      35             10

Rich Prieto                        35             11

Denise Fenchel                36             12

Tom McMahon                 37             13

Rachel Beardsley             43             14

Jodi Sisley                         44             15

Eugene Van Rynbach      47             16

Jonathan Brush                51             17

George Zinger                  56             18

Will Lehr                             57             19

Bob Harris                          60             20

Ellen Leonforte                   61             21

Bill Martens                         63             22

Mary Vetri                            70             23

John Colby                           71             24

Ed Kiaer                               72             25

Elizabeth Cummings and Vincent Gatto              81             26

Brett Mintz                           81             27

Sharon Wicks                      86             28

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MSC Cruises Drink & Bar Menus With PriceS – UPDATED

Last Updated on June 12, 2024

We spent a lot of time on a recent voyage with MSC Cruises trying to decipher the MSC drink menus and drink packages. We are posting the entire range of MSC drink menus to accompany the information recently published comparing the drink packages. These menus will also help people with the MSC Easy drink package better understand what’s included!

MSC Cruises Gratuities on Bar / Drink Purchases

Onboard bar purchases will incur gratuities, automatically added to all purchases : 15% gratuities on European, Emirates, South Caribbean, Red Sea, South America (Brazil and Argentina), and Far East itineraries, and 18% gratuities on North America itineraries. If you purchase a drink or beverage package, the price of the package includes the gratuities and you will not pay anything additional!

MSC Drink Menus

Ship wide drink list with prices *updated 2024 menus*.

This is the shipwide menu for bars, pool areas, main dining rooms, and lounges. This menu does not apply to specialty restaurants that have their own specific menus.

Master Wine List – Available in main dining rooms

This list is what is generally presented in any dining area or main dining room on MSC ships.

MSC Champagne Bar Menu

For MSC cruise ships with a Champagne Bar, this menu is presented, but they often have a full bar as well.

MSC Cruises Drink & Bar Menus With Prices (2024) 1

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Brass Anchor Pub

The pub features quite a few beer options but pay attention to the prices if you are planning on using a drink package. Additionally, there are paid items to eat at certain times.

  • TRY IT : We’ve created an MSC Drink Calculator to see if buying a beverage package is worth it on your next cruise!

For people who have chosen the Easy Package or get it free with their cruise fare, there is a separate menu:

MSC Easy Drink Package Menu

A word about the drinks on MSC Cruises

If you plan on enjoying your cruise without purchasing a drink package, you’ll see by the above menus that the prices of drinks really aren’t terrible compared to other cruise lines. However, a drink package is now more commonly included as a perk or incentive when booking a cruise with MSC . Even if there is a slight upcharge for an included Easy Package for you’re next cruise, you’ll likely find that it’s well worth it given that it includes bottled water, sodas and specialty coffee which is uncommon with most cruise lines.

Learn more about the MSC drink packages that are available and how they are used.

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Phil Crane

Cruise Gear Editor

I'm a global nomad at heart, and the dedicated editor behind CruiseGear. For the past two decades, I've experienced exciting voyages across the world, discovering countless ports from the decks of dozens of ships, visiting 40+ countries (and living in some of them for years). It's been an exhilarating journey to say the least! I want to share everything I've learned and hope to make your next cruise vacation as enjoyable as possible.

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Thanks for this ! Do you know if the basic drink package covers say a bourbon and coke drink ?

You know, that’s a good question. Our travel buddies were ordering generic like rum & coke – Vodka Tonic, etc… but didn’t ever hear anyone order any basic Bourbon. BUT They did seem to have something included in the easy / basic package for all alcohol types, so I can only assume they have a bourbon. If not, you only pay the difference in price if what you want isn’t included in the Easy package. The few times I have done that, it’s only been $2 or so for better drinks.

Hi Phil, yesterday I sent a small message about the MSC transfer between Milan Malpensa Airport and Genoa Port. A small modification: we should get from Milan to Genoa in the morning of June 22, not June 21, so I would like the information (timetable, etc.) by the 22 of June.Sorry for the modification.Thanks in advance for your reply: Agnes

Hi Agnes – I’m unfortunately not famliar with how MSC Handles busses or shuttles from the Milan airport 🙁 – but I do know the transport is usually only on the morning of the cruise for when they DO offer shuttles. If you’re arriving early, you’ll be on your own to get to Genoa and it’s a few hours by train. The trains are generally pretty reliable an on time, but give yourself plenty of room to work with. You can use Rome2Rio (link) and plan a route or hire a private car (expect to spend 200 euro to get there though!). Here’s a link to private services on Viator

Hi! We have a cabin (Seaside from Genoa – 7 nights) for 4 people: 2 adults, 2 children, we have Easy Package for all four people. By definition, children do not drink alcoholic beverages, but my question is, is ice cream(for the children) included in Easy Packae? Thanks in advance: Agnes

Hi Agnes, I think if you call MSC, they will downgrade the kids to a soft drink package and save you money. As for icecream, it was available at the outside cafe at no charge but it will not cover the specialty ice cream / Gelato at Philippe Maury & Venchi Chocolate

Does the prices in the drinks menu include the gratuity? Or we have to add the 18% to know the total price?

Lizette, If you don’t have a drink package, and you are purchasing the drinks one by one, then you’ll pay the gratuity on top of the price you’re seeing. I believe the gratuity has just increased to 18% from 15%

We are two people traveling on MSC Meraviglia. Looking at these prices (some of them equal to or better than any hotel or Pub), I don’t think we are going to spend $560 (2 non-alcoholic packages) on water, coffee, and sodas in our 10-day cruise.

I agree- The prices really aren’t bad compared to other cruise lines! The packages make the most sense when they’re included as a promotion in the base fare at a discounted rate. I have friends that recently did a 2 week cruise with MSC and the drink packages were as much as the cruise. They declined and ended up spending a fraction of what the drink package would have been. Definitely worth doing the math!

how can i find out what brands of scotch are included in the easy plus package

Hi Bill & Susan, You can see the main menu above (first menu) and page 7 has “whisky” …. which they’ve sort of put all scotch and whisky together.

Remember it’s anything up to $10 per drink, so there are quite a few basic options available.

It’s explained on another page here that the Easy Package includes drinks up to $7.50, but I don’t see these drinks listed in the menu provided above, only the $9 ones. Did I miss something? Or is it $7.50 plus a 20% gratuity so it is $9.00 as listed on the menu which also includes the tip.

Hi Cory – If you look at the menu at the top of this page – and flip to the first page of the menu, it has the drinks up to 7.50 which are included in the “easy” package. MSC Generally has a menu for drinks that are part of the “Easy Package” and not all have a price associated with them (They’re just included). The $7.50 amount has been established since they now allow you to get a drink that is more than the $7.50 limit by paying the difference. I hope that makes sense!

Thanks! Don’t know how I missed that. I did the calculation and for our group of mostly light or non-drinkers, the packages don’t make financial sense when everybody has to get the same package, especially when we are going to be in port during most days and will get paid drinks there.

Sure! If you’re light drinkers, MSC Often has a promo for Easy or Easy plus as part of a cruise fare. I find that is the best way to go when it’s available since it covers everything from premium coffee & bottled water, etc. Not sure if you saw our MSC Drink Calculator (here) . This might help as well!

I noticed one can order bottles of wine pre cruise to be delivered to your stateroom. The prices for which seemed reasonable at @$32. My question is can you get a bottle at a bar on board and take it to your room or would there be a corkage fee?

Hi Kim! If you get the bottles onboard where they are available, you’ll pay a gratuity but not a true “corkage” fee by just taking them back to your room. So Expect to pay whatever their automatic gratuity / service charge is – but nothing else.

Hi. Are these prices in australian dollars?

Hello! The prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted (sometimes we post prices in Euro, but it’s clearly stated).

Your not in Alice Springs anymore, mate!

Are these also the same prices if you were to buy the drinks a la carte?

Hi Josh – Yes, this is the ship-wide price list even if you’re paying for the drinks 1 at a time. For package customers, it’s a reference as to what the package will cover more than anything.

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MSC Cruises Unveils Exclusive Shore Excursions for MSC Yacht Club Guests

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  • Cozumel, Mexico : Enjoy a luxurious catamaran and snorkelling experience.
  • Falmouth, Jamaica : Relax in a plush cabana in the forested grounds near the Martha Brae River.
  • Cannes, France : Participate in a sensory experience and exclusive perfume-making workshop.
  • Genoa, Italy : Immerse yourself in Santa Margherita Ligure’s authentic pesto cooking class.
  • Akureyri, Iceland : Rejuvenate at the Fontana geothermal baths.
  • Invergordon, Scotland : Try world-famous whisky at Glenmorangie Distillery.

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Everything you need to know about MSC Cruises cabins and suites

A relative newcomer in the North American market, MSC Cruises is equal parts elegant and kitschy. The line tends to appeal to a wide swath of cruisers, from Europeans who like to party into the wee hours of the morning to American families who book because of affordable fares and "kids sail free" pricing.

To satisfy its diverse passenger base, MSC offers accommodations to fit all types of travelers. Rooms include inexpensive inside cabins that sleep two people, midlevel staterooms with windows and balconies, and high-end suites that offer cruisers with larger budgets a private oasis in the form of the MSC Yacht Club .

A variety of connecting rooms and cabins with extra bunks accommodate larger groups and families who wish to share space.

Because your cruise cabin will be your home away from home for several days, it's important to book one that fits your needs. That's especially true if you're sharing it with several people.

Whether you're looking at an inside cabin for a cruise with friends, balcony accommodations for you and your significant other or a suite for your family, here TPG breaks down what you can expect when you book a room on one of MSC's ships.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

MSC Cruises cabin primer

MSC Cruises has become one of the fastest-growing lines in the cruise industry, with about two dozen ships in its fleet. The vessels fall into six classes : Lirica, Musica, Fantasia, Meraviglia, Seaside and World.

Although cabin offerings can vary from ship to ship and class to class, the standard types remain the same: inside, outside, balcony and suite.

Additionally, you'll find the same basic amenities in each room, unless otherwise noted below. They include two twin beds that can be joined to form a queen- or king-size bed; an in-cabin bathroom with a shower, a sink, a toilet and basic soap, shower gel and shampoo; a couple of nightstands; a chair or sofa; a desk/vanity; a closet; a safe; a hair dryer; a minifridge; a phone; USB outlets and a selection of both North American and European outlets.

On all ships except MSC Lirica, MSC Opera, MSC Sinfonia and MSC Armonia, you'll also find an interactive TV that allows you to view the daily schedule, check your onboard account and choose from a selection of live TV programs and movies.

Twice-daily room tidying is provided by a room steward assigned to each cabin, and room service is available throughout the day for an added fee.

One confusing aspect of MSC's bookings is that you'll have to select an experience package in addition to a cabin type. Package tiers determine things like your ability to choose a specific cabin and preferred dining time and whether you'll receive welcome amenities in your room. Certain cabin types are only available in conjunction with certain package experiences and vice versa. Those are noted in each respective section below.

Accessible cabins , including accommodations for wheelchair users, are available on every ship in MSC's fleet. In addition to more space, they feature wider doorways and lowered sinks and toilets in the bathrooms, as well as grab bars.

MSC Cruises' experience packages

Here's what you get when you book each of MSC's three experience packages, which determine the perks you'll receive on your sailing.

  • Accommodations
  • Complimentary food in the dining room and buffet
  • Broadway-style theater entertainment
  • Access to the onboard gym, pool and kids club
  • MSC Voyagers Club points
  • One for-fee change to your cruise booking (with some restrictions)
  • Drink package discount at time of booking
  • All Bella perks
  • Choice of specific cabin and location
  • One free change to your cruise booking (with some restrictions)
  • Ability to choose between early and late seating for dinner
  • Room service (complimentary for breakfast, but fees apply for other meals)
  • Discount on pre-cruise specialty dining package
  • All Fantastica and Bella perks
  • Flexible My Choice dining, which lets you eat at any time you choose between set hours
  • Free 24-hour room service delivery
  • Pillow menu
  • A welcome package, including Prosecco and chocolates
  • Complimentary access to your ship's solarium and thermal area
  • A 10% discount on all spa treatments purchased on board
  • Special Balinese massage offer when booked pre-cruise
  • Complimentary use of bathrobe and slippers
  • Priority boarding and luggage drop-off

Inside cabins on MSC Cruises ships

Inside cabins — rooms with no windows — are available on all ships in the MSC fleet. Ranging from 140 to 301 square feet (depending on the ship), they make for great sleeping because they're so dark. They're also ideal for passengers who are on a budget.

In addition to the standard amenities mentioned above, they provide room for anywhere from two to four passengers to sleep. (Rooms that sleep more than two feature bunks that pull down from the ceiling.)

These cabins are available with the line's Bella and Fantastica experiences.

If you're sailing solo, some MSC vessels offer cabins for one outfitted with a twin bed that converts into a couch. These interior studio accommodations are only available with the Bella package on MSC Meraviglia , MSC Bellissima and the line's World Class ships.

Ocean-view cabins on MSC Cruises ships

Ocean-view rooms are similar to insides in that they provide basic amenities — but with a view.

Offering 129 to 269 square feet of space (depending on the specific ship and ocean-view category), these staterooms allow you to see outside through a porthole or a window that doesn't open.

MSC's outside cabins are available to passengers who book Bella and Fantastica packages.

Additionally, if you're traveling with your family or another group, several of MSC Cruises' ships — particularly those in the Meraviglia and Seaside classes — feature space for as many as 10 passengers via a series of connecting rooms. Options are available at the ocean-view and balcony levels.

Balcony cabins on MSC Cruises ships

You might be surprised to discover that most of MSC Cruises' balcony cabins provide less interior square footage than what's available in inside or ocean-view staterooms.

Balcony rooms run anywhere from 129 to 205 square feet, but their key feature is, of course, a private balcony, which does add an extra 32 to 129 square feet, depending on the vessel and specific type of balcony room booked. These cabins are bookable in conjunction with MSC's Bella, Fantastica and Aurea experiences.

Although balcony cabins offer upgraded amenities, including MSC's brand of hand lotion and toiletries, they are largely the same as inside and ocean-view accommodations.

MSC's newest ships — including those in the Meraviglia, Seaside and World Classes — house connecting balcony rooms that can sleep up to 10 in the same group traveling together.

Additionally, on its World Class ships, the line has introduced inward-facing balconies, similar to the ones Royal Caribbean pioneered in 2009 with the debut of its Oasis Class vessels . On World Europa, for example, they overlook the ship's promenade, offering views of the activity below, rather than the ocean.

MSC Cruises suites

All ships in MSC's fleet have suites that can be booked as part of the Fantastica and Aurea packages, but it's Aurea that offers the largest number of perks, as outlined above.

The several types of suites vary by ship in terms of size and amenities. Some come with balconies, while others only offer floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows.

Junior Suites

Although this room type is listed as a suite, it's essentially a balcony cabin with a bit more space — 183 square feet of interior accommodation with a balcony that ranges from 140 to 183 square feet.

Standard suites include rooms with huge balconies larger than the cabin's interior space and ones with private whirlpool tubs. They run from 269 to 355 square feet, with balconies measuring 32 to 409 square feet.

Grand Suites

Coming in between 377 and 420 square feet, with balconies spanning from 32 to 495 square feet, Grand Suites — found on Seaside and World Class ships — come in two types. They include standard one-bedroom Grand Suites, as well as two-bedroom varieties.

The latter has one bedroom with a queen-size bed and another with two twins. It sleeps up to five passengers and offers two bathrooms — one with a shower and the other with a bathtub.

While most suites are designed for double occupancy, some suite accommodations on MSC Bellissima, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Virtuosa and MSC Magnifica can sleep up to five people.

MSC Yacht Club suites on MSC ships

All cabins located in the MSC Yacht Club — an exclusive, gated area on select ships — are called suites, even the smallest and least expensive, which don't have windows or balconies.

Yacht Club suite types range from insides to two-deck duplexes, all of which come with butler and concierge services, luxuriously appointed furnishings (such as real marble finishes, memory foam mattresses and Egyptian cotton sheets) and access to members-only restaurants, bars (alcohol is free there), lounges, pools and sun decks.

The Yacht Club features seven different types of rooms. Ships that have the MSC Yacht Club on board include MSC Bellissima, MSC Divina, MSC Fantasia, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Meraviglia, MSC Preziosa, MSC Seaside, MSC Seascape, MSC Seaview, MSC Seashore, MSC Splendida, MSC Virtuosa and MSC World Europa.

Note: Not all Yacht Clubs have the same suite types available.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suites

Although these 161- to 226-square-foot cabins don't offer a view or fresh air, they are elegantly decorated and include all the Yacht Club benefits mentioned above.

MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suites

These Yacht Club digs are the equivalent of a balcony cabin — but in a dedicated area that includes all the exclusive perks. They run 236 to 366 square feet and have balconies ranging from 54 to 86 square feet, so they also come with a bit more space, both inside and outdoors.

MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Grand Suites

Similarly, Deluxe Grand Suites are like the Yacht Club equivalent of booking a Grand Suite with more perks. Depending on the ship, they offer anywhere from 269 to 463 square feet of space, plus 65- to 129-square-foot balconies. Some Grand Suites also have two bedrooms instead of one. Further, these rooms on Seaside Class ships include bathrooms with bathtubs, as well as separate living areas.

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suites

Rising two decks, MSC's duplex staterooms measure 495 to 635 square feet and come with 65- to 334-square-foot balconies. They feature living rooms with two-person sofa beds downstairs and master bedrooms upstairs, which also sleep two passengers.

Each of these accommodations comes complete with two walk-in closets and two bathrooms — one with a bathtub and one with a shower. Most duplexes on Meraviglia and World Class ships also have their own private whirlpool tubs.

MSC Yacht Club Executive and Family Suites

The line's Executive and Family Suites, available only on Fantasia Class vessels, are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to stay in the Yacht Club with a family or other group of more than two people.

This option, which is one type of suite (despite its confusing name), has space for up to five cruisers via a combination of bunk beds, sofa beds and beds that pull down from the ceiling, depending on the ship. The suites clock in at around 431 to 549 square feet, depending on the vessel.

The only drawback is that these staterooms have no balconies and no in-room dining areas, but they do include all the perks you'd find in Yacht Club cabins.

MSC Yacht Club Royal Suites

Although they only occupy one level, at 388 to 667 square feet, MSC's Yacht Club Royal Suites are right up there with the Duplex Suites in terms of space. They offer the second-largest amount of square footage after the Owner's Suites. They come with huge balconies comprising 355 to 753 square feet of outdoor area.

Additionally, bathrooms in these suites offer bathtubs on Fantasia, Meraviglia, Seaside and World Class ships, and the latter three have private whirlpool tubs, as well. All four classes' Royal Suites also include separate living room areas.

MSC Yacht Club Owner's Suites

The largest and most impressive of all MSC's cabins are the Owner's Suites found in the Yacht Club. Offering an impressive 840 to 1,119 square feet — larger than some land-based apartments — plus 269- to 670-square-foot balconies, they're some of the most luxurious rooms afloat.

Specific amenities vary by ship, but as an example, Owner's Suites on MSC World Europa offer floor-to-ceiling windows and walk-in closets. These accommodations on both the line's Seaside and World Class vessels also feature bathrooms with separate showers and bathtubs, as well as private whirlpool tubs and separate living room areas.

Bottom line

Although MSC Cruises' cabin types are straightforward, the line's add-on experiences can complicate things a bit.

Overall, what's key to remember is that MSC Cruises offers a wide variety of rooms and pricing to meet just about any budget or style of cruising. Each ship will offer accommodation choices from the least expensive, bare-bones interior rooms to the priciest suites, which come with butler and concierge services.

When you sail with MSC Cruises, you can expect function, style and comfort, regardless of the cabin type you book.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

"Y.C. Ada Balcony 15039-2.jpg"

ship menu

MSC World Europa Decks and Cabins

  • 11 Stockholm
  • 12 Copenhagen
  • 15 Brussels
  • 21 Valletta
  • 22 Amsterdam
  • Click here for ALL
  • Infinite Ocean View
  • Promenade Balcony
  • Suite with Sundeck
  • Family Suite
  • Promenade View Suite
  • Grand Suite
  • Whirlpool Bath Suite
  • MSC Yacht Club Interior
  • MSC Yacht Club Deluxe
  • MSC Yacht Club Duplex
  • MSC Yacht Club Whirlpool Duplex
  • MSC Yacht Club Royal Suite
  • MSC Yacht Club Owners Suite
  • Ship info and tracking
  • Cabins Check

ship icon

Built in 2022, the MSC Cruises MSC World Europa cruise ship weighs 216K tons and has 2631 staterooms for up to 6314 passengers served by 1413 crew . There are 20 passenger decks, 12 with cabins. You can expect a space ratio of 34 gross tons per passenger on this ship. On this page are the current deck plans for MSC World Europa showing deck plan layouts, public venues and all the types of cabins including pictures and videos.

MSC World Europa ship profile picture

MSC Cruises MSC World Europa




MSC Yacht Club Owners Suite diagram

Floor Diagram YC Owners Suite Cabin 18001

Sleeps up to: 4 2 Cabins Cabin: 839 sqft (79 m 2 ) Balcony: 699 sqft (66 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.

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Deck locations, stateroom cabin features, important size information, stateroom cabin perks, more diagrams of this cabin type.

Yacht-Owners diagram


MSC Yacht Club Royal Suite diagram

Floor Diagram Yacht Club Royal Suite YC3

Sleeps up to: 4 4 Cabins Cabin: 548 sqft (52 m 2 ) Balcony: 452 sqft (42 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.


MSC Yacht Club Whirlpool Duplex diagram

Floor Diagram Yacht Club Duplex Whirlpool YJD

Sleeps up to: 4 6 Cabins Cabin: 495 sqft (47 m 2 ) Balcony: 322 sqft (30 m 2 )


MSC Yacht Club Duplex diagram

Floor Diagram Yacht Club Deluxe Starboard Suite YCD

Sleeps up to: 4 3 Cabins Cabin: 495 sqft (47 m 2 ) Balcony: 64 sqft (6 m 2 )


MSC Yacht Club Deluxe diagram

Floor Diagram Yacht Club Deluxe Suite YC1

Sleeps up to: 4 130 Cabins Cabin: 269 sqft (25 m 2 ) Balcony: 53 sqft (5 m 2 )


MSC Yacht Club Interior diagram

Floor Diagram Yacht Club Interior YIN

Sleeps up to: 2 7 Cabins Cabin: 161 sqft (15 m 2 )


Whirlpool Bath Suite diagram

Floor Diagram Grand Whirlpool Suite SJ3

Sleeps up to: 4 4 Cabins Cabin: 376 sqft (35 m 2 ) Balcony: 398 sqft (37 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.


Grand Suite diagram

Floor Diagram Grand Suite SE3

Sleeps up to: 4 10 Cabins Cabin: 376 sqft (35 m 2 ) Balcony: 96 sqft (9 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.

Grand-Suite diagram


Promenade View Suite diagram

Floor Diagram Promenade Suite 4 passengers

Sleeps up to: 4 4 Cabins Cabin: 226 sqft (21 m 2 ) Balcony: 75 sqft (7 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.


Family Suite diagram

Floor Diagram Family Suite S3

Sleeps up to: 6 40 Cabins Cabin: 269 sqft (25 m 2 ) Balcony: 43 sqft (4 m 2 )


Suite with Sundeck diagram

Floor Diagram Seat with Private Sundeck S2

Sleeps up to: 4 46 Cabins Cabin: 182 sqft (17 m 2 ) Balcony: 161 sqft (15 m 2 )

 Accessible Info [+/-]

Balcony diagram

Floor Diagram Balcony B1, B2, B3

Sleeps up to: 4 1092 Cabins Cabin: 182 sqft (17 m 2 ) Balcony: 32 sqft (3 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.

Balcony diagram


Promenade Balcony diagram

Floor Diagram Balcony Promenade View BC1

Sleeps up to: 2 196 Cabins Cabin: 172 sqft (16 m 2 ) Balcony: 53 sqft (5 m 2 )


Infinite Ocean View diagram

Floor Diagram Infinite Oceanview OV2, OV3

Sleeps up to: 4 170 Cabins Cabin: 215 sqft (20 m 2 )

Ocean View diagram

Floor Diagram Oceanview O1, O2

Sleeps up to: 4 77 Cabins Cabin: 172 sqft (16 m 2 )

Interior diagram

Floor Diagram Interior I1, I2

Sleeps up to: 4 818 Cabins Cabin: 161 sqft (15 m 2 )

Studio diagram

Floor Diagram Studio Oceanview

Sleeps up to: 1 22 Cabins Cabin: 118 sqft (11 m 2 ) * Size may vary, see details below.

Studio diagram

MSC World Europa Deck Page Menu

Click deck pictures to go to individual cruise deck plan pages where you can see all the public areas, venues and stateroom cabins categories for each deck.

MSC World Europa Quick Stats

Big picture msc world europa decks.

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MSC World Europa Links

  • PDF of all the decks
  • PDF (choose your own decks)
  • MSC World Europa DECK DRAG
  • MSC World Europa Cabin Check


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  • MSC Cruises

What does a Butler in Yacht Club actually do?


By angelofjoy23 , October 4, 2023 in MSC Cruises

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50+ Club


What does a Yacht Club butler actually do?  Like what do they do on their own vs what can you ask them to do?  A friend considering Yacht club just asked me and I figured you all would know best! 

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I think one of the best places to get information about Yacht Club is You Tube.  Just enter ship and Yacht Club.

250+ Club


Butlers tend to differ. Have had 5 on NCL, 5 on Celebrity and 2 on MSC. Most recent MSC was great. Our experience was, greeted us in top sail lounge and escorted us to the cabin. Explained things about the room. Helps room steward turn over room. Restocks mini bar. Deliveries to room (invitations, newspaper, chocolates, etc). We asked and was brought a small cheese plate in the afternoon. Was the butler at Ocean Cay that escorted group off. Escorted us at disembarkation. I too would love to hear more firsthand experiences varying from what we had. Butler was great though, very happy.


A lot more than one on NCL.

Per above.  Plus escorts to shows if desired, escort off and on ship, bring drinks to room.  Ships like Divinia escort first night to restaurant.



The butler does "too much".....escorts you everywhere so you "skip the lines", brings you pizza on the pool deck, delivers your drinks wherever you are, makes sure you're happy (if request is within reason).

I never sailed on NCL Haven...but I've heard people complain about "not seeing the butler" or "the butler wasn't good".  I don't think that happens in the YC....because if your butler isn't available...another one steps in.  They operate as a team.

1,000+ Club

Just try the Yacht club on MSC. You Will love it.

Great Review

1 hour ago, MsTabbyKats said: The butler does "too much".....escorts you everywhere so you "skip the lines", brings you pizza on the pool deck, delivers your drinks wherever you are, makes sure you're happy (if request is within reason).   I never sailed on NCL Haven...but I've heard people complain about "not seeing the butler" or "the butler wasn't good".  I don't think that happens in the YC....because if your butler isn't available...another one steps in.  They operate as a team.

I have sailed the HAven many times, and have had great Butlers and ones that were ok. We dont need escorts other then on and off the ship in port days to skip the gangway lines, honestly we enjoy the Haven staff much more. Next Haven cruise is January and 1st YC is next september. 

5,000+ Club

2 minutes ago, wolft927 said: I have sailed the HAven many times, and have had great Butlers and ones that were ok. We dont need escorts other then on and off the ship in port days to skip the gangway lines, honestly we enjoy the Haven staff much more. Next Haven cruise is January and 1st YC is next september. 

I’ve done both, I think YC is better, the rest of the ship on NCL I enjoy more. I think it’s beyond dumb that the free at sea basic package in Haven doesn’t include sparkling or still water. 

7 hours ago, angelofjoy23 said: What does a Yacht Club butler actually do?

Who knows? We never saw ours!  😅  

1 hour ago, MsTabbyKats said: but I've heard people complain about "not seeing the butler" or "the butler wasn't good".  I don't think that happens in the YC....because if your butler isn't available...another one steps in.  They operate as a team.

Note that I'm not complaining about above, we had mostly great service. My impression is that everyone in YC was willing to help with anything.

Two Wheels Only

Two Wheels Only

53 minutes ago, PTC DAWG said: I think it’s beyond dumb that the free at sea basic package in Haven doesn’t include sparkling or still water. 

You can have both without extra charge as long as it isn't from a bottle, can, or carton. The bartender in any bar will provide either type of water without charge even if you don't have any beverage package.

"Live from...."


8 hours ago, angelofjoy23 said: What does a Yacht Club butler actually do?

There are two ways one has to go on tour. One can congregate in the Top Sail Lounge and wait for a 'group' to be taken down the elevator to the gangway by an available butler. The problem with this method is there is ALWAYS some inconsiderate fellow guest holding up the group. But if one has a GOOD personal butler who takes the time to 'inquire' what ones plans are the night before and finds out one has a tour the next morning versus one that 'enquires' in a general way. The one that 'enquires' will direct one to the TSL. The one that 'inquires' will offer to meet one at the appointed time at ones cabin for a personal escort down to the bus or private car.

1 minute ago, Two Wheels Only said:   You can have both without extra charge as long as it isn't from a bottle, can, or carton. The bartender in any bar will provide either type of water without charge even if you don't have any beverage package.

Be careful in the Haven Bar. I asked for two bottles of still water and had to give him my cruise card and got charged for a mudslide. Maybe he was expecting a tip?

If one is lucky enough to book a suite in the Yacht Club and get a good butler one is in for a real treat.To follow anyone around is a physical impossibility. Our butler on one cruise had 13 cabins to 'attend' to and on another had 19. They ask if there is anything in particular one wants on ones initial introduction. Those that have notepads are the best. Like what one prefers their mini fridge stocked with, type of afternoon snacks and at what time, time of tour to get off ship escort saving one getting caught in a 2 1/2 hour line waiting for a tender in ports like Grand Cayman. They make sure your dining table is ready for your dinner and escort you at that prescribed time. They make sure your pizza is delivered to your cabin hot with dishware, silverware and napkins. They take care of any laundry or pressing and suggest pricing variables and timing. They can get you any seating in any venue. Should one rent a cabana they make sure that it will be set up before one reaches it. If one is missing any luggage and later it is found and is 'flagged' for security check in the bowels of the ship's security along with 50 other crew and guests in a security line, they escort one to the front of the security line and stay with one the entire time and carry the bag back to ones cabin ( minus any contraband). If anything a butler makes one most comfortable and makes for a more enjoyable cruise.

Another butler story, when they had butlers on Celebrity. 

We felt the same way the first time we had a suite with a butler, until..... I wanted the furniture changed on the balcony to accommodate a lounger instead of chair and foot stool.  The wifi service in the cabin was terrible, posters replied they had same problem in same cabin, had to go across hall to library to get on-line. Told butler of problem, he boosted the signal to the cabin. Booked a cruise 48 hrs before departure at full tariff only to get on board with no perks (no wifi, no beverage package, no gratuities, no OBC), went to concierge and all they could do was add everything just mentioned to our shipboard account at full prices. (DW thought I booked cruise only, called me a cheapskate in front of pretty concierge). Asked butler what deck, Guest Services ? Asked me why ? Said there will be a very long line at Guest Services, it was embarkation day,  please allow me to escort you around the long line to a purser directly. It is just the little details that your butler becomes a 'genie' granting your every desire.

  P.S. Yes, Guest Services was able to contact shore and confirm I had the full perk package. (DW did not apologize for her prior remark....c'est la vie )


44 minutes ago, morpheusofthesea said:     P.S. Yes, Guest Services was able to contact shore and confirm I had the full perk package. (DW did not apologize for her prior remark....c'est la vie )

rule one: The wife is never wrong. 

rule two: When the wife is wrong, rule one applies. 

59 minutes ago, Two Wheels Only said:   You can have both without extra charge as long as it isn't from a bottle, can, or carton. The bartender in any bar will provide either type of water without charge even if you don't have any beverage package.

I’m fully aware of that..I want my Pelligrino.. 🙂

1 hour ago, PTC DAWG said: I’m fully aware of that..I want my Pelligrino.. 🙂

I don't care what the brand it.....another perk of YC is that you can walk all around the ship and get a fresh bottle of water at any bar.  A bottle...not a glass.......


8 hours ago, DaKahuna said: rule one: The wife is never wrong.  rule two: When the wife is wrong, rule one applies. 

This reminds me of my feelings about MSC the first (and until now only) time we sailed with them, not in a YC cabin.  I've seen your rules in other forms, substituting customer to wife at the Stew Leonard's grocery stores in CT/NY/NJ. On our MSC sailing, the customer was always wrong. Looking forward to being in YC next year where my understanding is that the customer is indeed always right.

Brighton Line

Brighton Line

MSC Butler service was IMHO better than NCL though I did miss the doorbell NCL has since my butler knocked so softly I missed her half the time.

My butler heard us talking about a show and even made the reservation for us, we didn't have to contact the concierge. 

She would see us leaving, ask where we were going, and escort us no matter where on the ship. Even to a meet and greet for another group (can't mention here) to the closed Brass & Anchor and stayed a few minutes to say hi to non-YC guests there. 

7 hours ago, MisterBill99 said: Looking forward to being in YC next year where my understanding is that the customer is indeed always right.

Yes, the dichotomy between being inside the Yacht Club and outside the YC makes all the difference in the world. We get all the yes(es), they get all the no(s).

P.S. Inside the YC we get a genial YC director, outside the YC they have a host of "Sluggos".

15 hours ago, MsTabbyKats said: I don't care what the brand it.....another perk of YC is that you can walk all around the ship and get a fresh bottle of water at any bar.  A bottle...not a glass.......

Exactly..I was joking about the brand. 

Do you get the same level of service if you're in an inside YC cabin vs. a duplex suite?

26 minutes ago, MisterBill99 said: Do you get the same level of service if you're in an inside YC cabin vs. a duplex suite?

I sure hope so first MSc cruise and we have inside YC suite 



Just on the escort front, I have opined many times on these boards that I don't need or want an escort to the restaurant etc.

One previous butler was incredibly persistent despite being told politely and firmly several times an escort was not required - 'let me do my job' was the reply. Well part of doing the job is working with the guest to provide a level of service they need/are comfortable with. We don't like being beholden to a dinner time for example and just leave the cabin when we are ready/feel like it. However another butler on Meraviglia was fantastic and anticipated our needs (or lack thereof, we are fairly 'hands off') and worked accordingly.

We are back in YC on World Europa in a few weeks and I will report back on the butler services that are provided for us and compare to previous experiences. We were also in Haven this April/May so have a fairly recent compartor.  The thing I am most looking forward to is the four cheese pizza delivered to the stateroom - call me simple. 🤷‍♀️

5 hours ago, MisterBill99 said: Do you get the same level of service if you're in an inside YC cabin vs. a duplex suite?


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msc yacht club butler tipping


Cruise line introducing more than 90 shore excursions exclusively bookable for msc yacht club guests guests in msc cruises’ luxury ‘ship within a ship’ area able to access new excursions in the caribbean, mediterranean and northern europe on top of existing shore excursion programme exclusive excursions take care of all the details, from priority disembarkation, private transfers to local experts ashore.

Geneva, Switzerland – 10 July 2024 – MSC Cruises revealed today that for the first time, guests travelling in the MSC Yacht Club will have the opportunity to book a carefully curated selection of exclusive shore excursions so that they can discover new places, new cultures and new people, immersing themselves fully in the destinations they visit.

The MSC Yacht Club is MSC Cruises “ship-within-a-ship” concept offering added privacy and exclusivity to elegant suites in a keycard-access area of the ship. Offering its guests added luxury in a relaxed and elegant atmosphere, this exclusive area provides dedicated facilities, with its own sundeck and pool, restaurant and lounge, as well as personalized service, such as the 24-hour butler and concierge desk.

Available on many of MSC Cruises’ ships, the MSC Yacht Club offers its guests a secluded retreat while allowing them to enjoy the countless facilities and entertainment possibilities available throughout the rest of the ship.

In keeping with the MSC Yacht Club experience, the cruise line has now introduced more than 90 specially designed MSC Yacht Club shore excursions in various ports in the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Northern Europe, with more to come in other regions later this year. Providing even more exclusivity, the excursions run with only small groups, enabling guests to explore their destinations more intimately.

From the MSC Yacht Club, guests will have priority disembarkation and then move into private transportation for extra comfort during travel, ensuring a feeling of relaxation with all the details taken care of.

Whether guests want to try their hand at making their own personalised eau de cologne at one of oldest perfumeries in Southern France, indulge in authentic Greek cuisine on board a private catamaran in Santorini, or relax in a secluded cabana in tropical Jamaica, guests will have a multitude of meticulously crafted experiences to choose from.

The experiences fall into a number of categories to suit all guests tastes and range from authentic culinary experiences to learning about local artistry to visiting architectural treasures or getting involved in upscale adventure activities.

MSC Cruises Head of Shore Excursions, Marialuisa Iaccarino, said “ T he new offering has come following customer feedback and a desire for a more exclusive experience for MSC Yacht Club guests. Guests will benefit from a seamless experience between the butlers’ service onboard and the excursion experts ashore as well as having the opportunity to relax and fully immerse themselves into each destination’s culture, cuisine and traditions.”

The e xcursions are now bookable for MSC Yacht Club guests in advance, online, through the MSC Cruises contact centre or through the booking travel agent, or on board through the MSC For Me app (where available), MSC Yacht Club concierge service or Shore Excursions desk.

Highlights among the 90+ new shore excursions include:

Cannes, France: Enjoy a sensory experience and exclusive perfume-making workshop

Guests will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in an unforgettable and captivating sensory experience creating their own personalised eau de cologne with aromatic, citrus and orange blossom fragrances in one of the oldest family-owned perfume factories in the South of France. About an hour drive from Cannes, the town of Grasse is often referred to as the perfume capital. After making their own scent, guests will be guided by a professional perfumer on a behind-the-scenes tour of the factory, before they can proudly take home their unique creations in an elegant 100 ml bottle with a personalised case.

Genoa, Italy:  Immerse yourself in an authentic pesto cooking class in Santa Margherita Ligure

In this excursion, guests can immerse themselves in a unique and authentic Italian food experience, discovering the secrets of pesto - the world-famous sauce - during an exclusive cooking lesson at Santa Margherita Ligure. Guests can learn some of the cooking techniques that makes Italian cuisine so iconic before enjoying an upscale dining experience of delicious local cuisine and wine. After lunch, guests can discover the charm of Portofino, a village characterized by the boats swaying in the small harbour and the orange, red and pink houses surrounding the bay. Visit the luxury shops and venture through its historic alleyways and enjoy the scenic square of the Church of St. George.

Akureyri, Iceland: Be invigorated at the Fontana geothermal baths in Iceland:

This excursion offers MSC Yacht Club guests a rejuvenating experience for the mind, body and soul, allowing them to enjoy the remarkable mineral-rich water of the geothermal Fontana baths located on Lake Laugarvatn. This spa is the perfect place to relax and admire an incredible view of the lake while enjoying the beneficial effects of the water. And to make this experience even more enjoyable, guests will be offered the rare and exclusive opportunity to taste freshly baked rye bread made in the geothermal bakery right next to the baths. The excursion also includes the opportunity to experience the scenic Þingvellir National Park, an area surrounded by mountains vast lava plain covered with green moss and wild flowers. 

Invergordon, Scotland: Try world-famous whisky at Glenmorangie Distillery in Scotland

The excursion offers guests the chance to visit a distillery that has been famous for its malt whiskies since the 19 th century and has mastered the fine art of distilling through the generations. A guided tour will acquaint guests with every step of the distillation process and offer the chance to try two drams before guests are transported to the 12 th -century town of Royal Dornoch to admire its oldest buildings, an impressive cathedral and its town square.

Cozumel, Mexico: Enjoy a luxurious catamaran and snorkeling experience in Cozumel, Mexico

Guests can spend the day on an exclusive catamaran sailing off the coast of Cozumel. Guests will have a personal, local guide for the journey and will get the opportunity to snorkel in the clear waters of the Caribbean, discovering the rich marine life that lies just underneath the surface. The guide will take them to Colombia Reef, a sublime snorkeling spot hailed as one of Cozumel’s finest. There they may spot sea turtles, eagle rays, and schools of shimmering fish.

Falmouth, Jamaica: Enjoy a plush cabana in the forested grounds near the Martha Brae River

Guests will spend their day in a private cabana along the Martha Brae River, surrounded by forest and tranquility with a personal butler to bring you a glass of wine or anything you might need. Guests can take a dip in the nearby swimming pool facilities or take advantage of the riverside bar and grill while enjoying their cabana oasis.

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  1. msc yacht club butler tipping

    msc yacht club butler tipping

  2. msc yacht club butler tipping

    msc yacht club butler tipping

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    msc yacht club butler tipping

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    msc yacht club butler tipping

  5. What You Need To Know About Cruise Butler Service On Different Cruise Lines

    msc yacht club butler tipping

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    msc yacht club butler tipping


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  1. yacht club butler tipping

    Is there a recommended tipping amount for the butlers in the yacht club? I get some do more then others...just looking for a base guideline.

  2. What do you tip your YC butler at the end?

    We had a great butler on our last cruise on MSC Yacht Club. He really made a difference without asking for anything. He tipped him $150.00 and what ever was put on automatically on our account.. What is a correct tip if you love your butler? Thanks

  3. Tipping in Yacht Club

    Can someone who sailed recently on Divina (and in the Caribbean) in the yacht club tell me how much are the tips? I know the service charge per person is 12$/day, added automatically to our account but what about the tips for butler, waiter, concierge. Are these tips given at the end of the cruise or every day?

  4. If you tip your Yacht Club butler extra when and where do you do it

    If you tip your Yacht Club butler extra when and where do you do it? By lilalila, March 18 in MSC Cruises Share Followers 2

  5. Yacht Club Butler

    As very frequent cruisers (on many different lines) we think the entire tipping thing has gotten out of control. On MSC we have auto-tips so everyone is already paying a daily fee which in the Caribbean is $14 per person/day. So couples are already tipping $28 a day!

  6. Tipping in Yacht Club

    Tipped him $400. Had another like Vishnu named JoEl, $400.We have had others of varying degrees in the Yacht Club since and have tipped those $200-$250 when compared to Vishnu and JoEl. Our last butler in the YC was again worth every cent of $400 for a week of superb service making last months cruise on the Seascape one our best cruises ever.

  7. How much to tip on MSC yacht club?

    How much should we tip our butler in yacht club on MSC? And how much for others? We're sailing on the YC 2/1/24 and have been researching everything YC. By all accounts, gratuity is already included though of course we'll want to tip here & there as we go also.

  8. Yacht Club Tipping

    So, we are new to MSC and the Yacht Club. We were wondering if you tip your butler and assistant butler or are the "hotel service charges" set up for that? The only other time we've cruised in a suite we tipped our concierge team. Otherwise, we just did the suggested amounts, although on the last...

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    Switch gears to MSC Seashore's Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship's general spaces.

  10. Yacht club- tip butlers? : r/MSCCruises

    Yacht club- tip butlers? Hi all: Is it protocol to tip the butler when the cruise is over?

  11. The Luxurious MSC Yacht Club Experience Elevates This Cruise Brand

    The exclusive MSC Yacht Club, with its ingenious ship-within-a-ship model, allows guests to spread out over four different decks.

  12. 17 MSC Seaside Tips and Suggestions

    17 MSC Seaside Tips and Suggestions. 1. Download the MSC for Me App to your smartphone. MSC for Me is an incredibly functional and fun app for anyone on an MSC cruise. Before you sail, users may ...

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    Some of the Menantic Yacht Club fleet waiting for a start in West Neck Harbor on a day of very light winds. (Credit: Betsy Colby) Sailors are always dependent on the weather, and Mother Nature has not been kind to the Menantic Yacht Club so far this season. A storm during Week One forced the MYC to ...

  14. MSC Cruises Unveils Exclusive Tours for Yacht Club Guests

    MSC Cruises is introducing over 90 exclusive shore excursions for its Yacht Club guests, with priority disembarkation and private transfers.

  15. Yacht Club Tipping

    Who do you normally tip in the Yacht club? And approximately how much? I know everyone has different amounts, I am just looking for a ballpark. Want to make sure we have adequate cash on hand.

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    MSC World Europa features new cabin designs such as cluster cabins for families and groups. The MSC Yacht Club offers a new style of suite, featuring a walk-in wardrobe including two more luxury suites with whirlpool baths and 28 more of the terraced cabins with their own private area for sunbathing.

  18. MSC Cruises Unveils Exclusive Shore Excursions for MSC Yacht Club Guests

    Guests sailing in MSC Cruises' luxury ship-within-a-ship area can enjoy exclusive new excursions in the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Northern Europe, along with existing shore excursion offerings

  19. Yacht club butler room service tip?

    Yacht club butler room service tip? Yacht club butler room service tip? By vaindioux, May 4 in MSC Cruises Share Followers 2

  20. Cash Tipping

    Specifically thinking about Yacht Club butler, regular cabin attendants, and possible others like bartenders, wait staff etc. Will be on multiple back-to-backs. Won upgrade bid on first two weeks but TBD on others hence asking about both. Thinking I will tip at end of each week as that is a standard cutoff for a lot of cruisers/staff.

  21. Everything you need to know about MSC Cruises cabins and suites

    MSC Cruises offers accommodations to fit all types of travelers, including inside cabins, midlevel rooms with windows and balconies, and high-end suites. TPG breaks down what you can expect when ...

  22. Tipping in Yacht Club

    We are happy repeat MSC cruisers, but our July 2015 cruise on the Splendida will be our first Yacht Club experience. Would appreciate any suggestions about tipping our butler, above the standard service charge automatically added to our bill. We are happy to tip well for good service, just need s...

  23. MSC World Europa decks, cabins, diagrams and pics

    Built in 2022, the MSC Cruises MSC World Europa cruise ship weighs 216K tons and has 2631 staterooms for up to 6314 passengers served by 1413 crew. There are 20 passenger decks, 12 with cabins.

  24. What does a Butler in Yacht Club actually do?

    What does a Yacht Club butler actually do? There are two ways one has to go on tour. One can congregate in the Top Sail Lounge and wait for a 'group' to be taken down the elevator to the gangway by an available butler. The problem with this method is there is ALWAYS some inconsiderate fellow guest holding up the group.

  25. Yacht club butler room service tip?

    Cruise Lines "A - O". MSC Cruises. Yacht club butler room service tip? This is our first yacht club booking, we jumped on a deal. we plan on using that room service quite a bit. How much do you give him/Her each time they show up with food or drinks? $3-$5? More? Less?

  26. MSC Yacht Club exclusive shore excursions

    Cruise line introducing more than 90 shore excursions exclusively bookable for MSC Yacht Club guests; ... as well as personalized service, such as the 24-hour butler and concierge desk. Available on many of MSC Cruises' ships, the MSC Yacht Club offers its guests a secluded retreat while allowing them to enjoy the countless facilities and ...