Review of Slotta 30

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Frachtsegler: 52m Grain de Sail II auf Jungfernfahrt nach New York – CO2-frei über den Atlantik

Leinen los für den törn in die zukunft.

Der erste große Frachtsegler-Neubau dieses Jahrtausends hat zur Jungfernfahrt abgelegt: Die 52 m lange Grain de Sail II soll bei ca. zehn Fahrten über den Atlantik per Anno 1.500 Tonnen Kakaobohnen, Weine, Rum und mehr transportieren. Ohne CO₂-Emissionen, versteht sich.  Weiterlesen →

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Global Solo Challenge: Andrea Mura segelt auf das Podium und in die Herzen der Fans

Der sympathieträger.

Andrea Mura (59) machte als Dritter bei der Global Solo Challenge das Treppchen komplett. Seine Frau war mit den beiden gemeinsamen Söhnen bei der Zielankunft vor Ort und bewies einmal mehr, dass er auf ihren Rückhalt zählen kann Weiterlesen →

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Affäre Escoffier: Verband FFV soll nach Schlichterspruch die Sperre „überdenken“.

Zurück auf start.

Kevin Escoffier und seine Anwältin haben nach der Sperre des ehemaligen PRB-IMOCA-Skippers durch den französischen Seglerverand FFV die höchste Sport-Instanz Frankreichs eingeschaltet. Und eine Neuaufnahme des Verfahrens erreicht. Doch ist das wirklich zu Escoffiers Vorteil? Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

In eigener Sache: Ein neues Abenteuer

Liebe Leser, es ist so weit. Am Freitag wurde der Vertrag unterschrieben. SegelReporter wird jetzt wieder von mir betrieben. Diese Vollzugmeldung hat ein wenig auf sich warten lassen. Nun sind wir aber durch und ich gehe noch einmal All In. Weiterlesen →

  • International

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SB20 WM: 7-fache Mutter holt Titel mit Freundin – Hendrik Witzmann Vize-Weltmeister

Nichts dem zufall überlassen.

Charlotte Borghesi (45) muss niemandem beweisen, dass sie besondere Qualitäten hat – als Mutter von sieben, Geschäftsführerin, CrossFitterin. Nun ist sie auch noch Segel-Weltmeisterin. Ein Wunder? Weiterlesen →

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Laureus Sportler des Jahres: Kirsten Neuschäfer gegen Surfer, Skater und BMX-Biker

Action sportler des jahres.

Kirsten Neuschäfer betritt nach ihrem Golden-Globe-Race-Sieg die ganz große Bühne des Weltsports. Sie wurde für den Laureus Sports Award nominiert und hat gute Chancen, zu den drei Seglern aufzusteigen, die in 23 Jahren schon einmal gewinnen konnten. Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

Boris Herrmann: Bundesverdienstkreuz im Hamburger Rathaus überreicht

"zutiefst gerührt".

Während einer Zeremonie im Hamburger Rathaus ist Boris Herrmann mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande ausgezeichnet worden. Der Skipper wurde für seinen Einsatz im Klimaschutz und Sport geehrt. Weiterlesen →

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18 Footer WM im Sydney Harbour: Großer Erfolg für Prinz Heinrich von Bayern

Der schwarze ritter.

Er ist der Ur-Ur-Enkel des letzten bayerischen Königs Ludwig III und machte Yellow-Press-Schlagzeilen, als er in großem Stil eine 49er-Seglerin heiratete. Aber insbesondere kann er richtig gut segeln – wie sein Vater. Weiterlesen →

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Verfolgung einer Segelyacht: Schmuggler versuchen mit 894 Kilo Kokain wegzusegeln

Der französischen Marine ist ein spektakulärer Coup gegen die Drogenszene geglückt. Dabei konnten auf einer Segelyacht fast 900 Kilogramm Kokain sichergestellt werden. Weiterlesen →

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505er Klasse: Werbung um Neueinsteiger – Gestelltes Boot und Mitsegel-Tinder

Prinzip bundesliga, ohne blei.

In der vergangenen Saison kam es zu einem spontanen, familiär geprägten SegelReporter-Gastspiel im 505er. Deshalb kann SR guten Gewissens die Empfehlung für eine coole Klasse aussprechen. Eine neue Aktion vereinfacht den Zugang. Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

Ausraster am Liegeplatz: Streit eskaliert

"i will kill you".

Der Eigner einer Lamborghini-Yacht ärgert sich laut schreiend darüber, von einem Hafenmanöver abgehalten zu werden. Er droht dem Marinero massiv und lässt schließlich sogar die Hosen herunter. “Ein kleines Missverständnis”, sagt der Skipper. Weiterlesen →

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Abenteuer: Brasilianerin ins Packeis gesegelt – 25-Jährige sucht Einsamkeit der Arktis

Tamara allein im eis.

Es mag seltsam erscheinen, dass eine Story, die hauptsächlich im Packeis spielt, ausgerechnet mit einer Brasilianerin als Protagonistin aufwartet und in der Bretagne beginnt. Doch was ist schon normal in der Segelszene?  Weiterlesen →

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Cruiser Paar ermordet: Wie sicher ist das Segeln in der Karibik?

Tragödie im traumrevier.

Vor einem Monat sind Kathy und Ralph Brandel auf ihrer Yacht offenbar Opfer einer Gewalttat geworden. Drei entflohene Häftlinge stehen wegen Mordes vor Gericht. Sie sollen das verankerte Schiff geentert haben. Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

J/70 Crash: Weltmeister wird umgefahren – Seine Reaktion ist erstaunlich

Der wird doch nicht.

Joel Ronning (67) war einige Jahre nicht mehr präsent in der J/70-Klasse, seit er 2016 die Weltmeisterschaft mit John Kostecki gewann. Nun hat sich der eCommerce-Millionär mit einem lauten Knall wieder zurückgemeldet. Weiterlesen →

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Verletzungen beim Higspeed-Segeln: IQ-Weltmeister Kördel wahrt seine Chance

Wenn das wasser härter wird.

IQ-Foil-Weltmeister Sebastian Kördel hat sein persönliches Drama nach einem Sturz nur knapp vermieden. Er biss die Zähne aufeinander beim Extremsport vor Cadiz. Theresa Steinlein als Zweite schon fast durch. Weiterlesen →

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49er WM: Sensationelle GER-Frauen wahren Olympia-Chance – Schwedin-über-Bord-Stunt

Skiff action.

Inga-Marie Hofmann und Catherine Bartelheimer sind die internationalen Sensation-Aufsteiger als WM-Siebte im 49erFX. Die deutsche Olympiaqualifikation ist wieder spannend. Titelverteidigerinnen mit spektakulärem Abgang. Weiterlesen →

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49er Worlds – es geht um Olympia: Frauen gut dabei – Auch Männer wahren ihre Chance

Der olympia-traum lebt.

Bei der 49er-Weltmeisterschaft auf Lanzarote beginnt nach drei Tagen die Gold-Fleet-Phase der Top 25. Sechs deutsche Teams sind dabei, eines erlebte ein irres Wechselbad. Weiterlesen →

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Cole Brauer: Einhandseglerin wird zum Internet-Star – Bei The Ocean Race abgelehnt

Pure lebensfreude.

Cole Brauer (29) hat das nonstop Global Solo Challenge um die Welt nach 130 Tagen auf Platz zwei beendet – aber das ist längst nicht ihre größte Leistung. Die Amerikanerin zeigt eine besondere Facette des Sports. Nächstes Ziel: Vendée Globe. Weiterlesen →

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Suche nach dem Geisterschiff: Skipper spricht über Blitz, Feuer, Leck und Rettung

"mir dröhnt es immer noch in den ohren".

Der Class40 wurde im Dunkeln vom Blitz getroffen. Ein Team ist auf dem Weg, um das treibende Segelboot zu bergen bevor es untergeht. Der 24-jährige Skipper erklärt die dramatische Situation. Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

Segelyacht aufgelaufen und auseinandergebrochen: 30 Menschen gerettet

Ende eines klassikers.

Vor einem Strand auf Hawaii ist in 90 Fuß Zweimast-Klassiker auf ein Riff gelaufen. Er wurde zerstört, weil man sich zu lange über die Zuständigkeit für die Bergung stritt. Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

Wassereinbruch nach Blitzeinschlag: Class40-Team gibt nach Karibik-Sieg seine Yacht auf

Die Class40 Seafrigo-Sogestran hatte bei der Caribbean 600 Traumregatta vor zehn Tagen noch knapp gegen Burke/Fink triumphiert. Nun treibt das Schiff nach einem Blitzeinschlag als Geisterschiff auf dem Atlantik. Weiterlesen →

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Clarisse Crémer Entscheidung: Aus welcher Richtung die Denunziation vermutet wird

Wer steckt dahinter.

Viele Vendée-Globe-Fans haben aufgeatmet, als Clarisse Crémer und ihr Mann Tanguy Le Turquais von den Betrugsvorwürfen freigesprochen wurden. Aber wer steckt hinter den anonymen Anschuldigungen? Weiterlesen →

slotta yachts sl 30

Maritime Banche: Knut Frostad soll Henri-Lloyd auf die Sprünge helfen

"hervorragender ruf".

Knut Frostad (56) ist eine der schillerndsten Figuren der Segelsportbranche insbesondere durch das Volvo Ocean Race. Nach vier Teilnahmen war er acht Jahre lang als CEO das Gesicht der Regatta, dann bei Navico. Nun führt er Henri-Lloyd. Weiterlesen →

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Segeln im NDR-Talk: Barbara Schöneberger fragt Susann Beucke

"was treibt einen an, das zu machen".

Susann Beucke treibt hartnäckig ihre Offshore-Karriere voran. In der NDR-Talkshow hat sie die Gelegenheit bekommen, ihr Projekt einer größeren Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. 2028 will sie zur Vendée Globe. Weiterlesen →

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Fall Clarisse Crémer: Die Vendée Globe-Jury hat eine Entscheidung getroffen

"nicht klug oder notwendig".

Clarisse Crémer war verdächtigt worden, bei ihrer vergangenen Vendée Globe 2020-2021 betrogen zu haben. Sie soll von ihrem Ehemann per Handy Nachrichten zur Routenwahl erhalten haben. Weiterlesen →

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Arkéa Ultim Challenge: Armel Le Cléac’h im Ziel – Sein Fazit: “Es war kompliziert”

Leck im deck.

Am Sonntag, den 3. März, um 21:31 Uhr, hat Armel Le Cléac’h (46) die Ziellinie der Arkéa Ultim Challenge in Brest auf dem dritten Platz überquert. Der “Schakal” versucht, sich über Platz drei zu freuen. Weiterlesen →

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Faszination 470er-Segeln: Höchstleistungen im Sturm vor Palma – Entscheidung gefallen


Simon Diesch und Anna Markfort haben eine starke 470er-WM auf Platz vier abgeschlossen, aber den ganz großen Coup verpasst. Sie lassen der deutschen Konkurrenz ein Türchen offen. Weiterlesen →

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470er WM: Diesch/Markfort mit Doppelsieg – Wie das Winkel-Rennen verloren ging


Bei der 470er WM vor Palma haben sie Simon Diesch und Anna Markfort im Kampf um das Olympiaticket und Weltmeister-Ehren eindrucksvoll zurückgemeldet. Die Konkurrenz hat Federn gelassen. Weiterlesen →

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Video-Tipp: Cati und Johannes Erdmann auf Langfahrt – Traumtörn ins Ungewisse

Schlingerkurs ins segelabenteuer.

Cati und Johannes Erdmann segelten vor zehn Jahren von der Nordsee in die Karibik bevor sie “vernünftig” wurden. Nun steht ihr Film im Netz. Sie wollen zeigen, wie es wirklich ist, wenn man auf See lebt. Weiterlesen →

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Arkea Ultim Challenge: Thomas Coville auf Platz zwei – 9. Weltumsegelung, 5. einhand

"teil des schmerzes" gefunden.

Thomas Coville (55) hat die Arkea Ultim Challenge nach 53 Tagen mit “Sodebo” auf Platz zwei beendet. Auch seine Regatta war von zahlreichen Problemen geprägt. Sein Mittelcockpit-Trimaran kann aber nach wie vor nicht überzeugen. Weiterlesen →

  • lasse bei Frachtsegler: 52m Grain de Sail II auf Jungfernfahrt nach New York – CO2-frei über den Atlantik
  • PL_mika.x bei Frachtsegler: 52m Grain de Sail II auf Jungfernfahrt nach New York – CO2-frei über den Atlantik
  • Thomas bei Frachtsegler: 52m Grain de Sail II auf Jungfernfahrt nach New York – CO2-frei über den Atlantik
  • Lasse bei Frachtsegler: 52m Grain de Sail II auf Jungfernfahrt nach New York – CO2-frei über den Atlantik
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Cruising the Moskva River: A short guide to boat trips in Russia’s capital

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There’s hardly a better way to absorb Moscow’s atmosphere than on a ship sailing up and down the Moskva River. While complicated ticketing, loud music and chilling winds might dampen the anticipated fun, this checklist will help you to enjoy the scenic views and not fall into common tourist traps.

How to find the right boat?

There are plenty of boats and selecting the right one might be challenging. The size of the boat should be your main criteria.

Plenty of small boats cruise the Moskva River, and the most vivid one is this yellow Lay’s-branded boat. Everyone who has ever visited Moscow probably has seen it.

slotta yachts sl 30

This option might leave a passenger disembarking partially deaf as the merciless Russian pop music blasts onboard. A free spirit, however, will find partying on such a vessel to be an unforgettable and authentic experience that’s almost a metaphor for life in modern Russia: too loud, and sometimes too welcoming. Tickets start at $13 (800 rubles) per person.

Bigger boats offer smoother sailing and tend to attract foreign visitors because of their distinct Soviet aura. Indeed, many of the older vessels must have seen better days. They are still afloat, however, and getting aboard is a unique ‘cultural’ experience. Sometimes the crew might offer lunch or dinner to passengers, but this option must be purchased with the ticket. Here is one such  option  offering dinner for $24 (1,490 rubles).

slotta yachts sl 30

If you want to travel in style, consider Flotilla Radisson. These large, modern vessels are quite posh, with a cozy restaurant and an attentive crew at your service. Even though the selection of wines and food is modest, these vessels are still much better than other boats.

slotta yachts sl 30

Surprisingly, the luxurious boats are priced rather modestly, and a single ticket goes for $17-$32 (1,100-2,000 rubles); also expect a reasonable restaurant bill on top.

How to buy tickets?

Women holding photos of ships promise huge discounts to “the young and beautiful,” and give personal invitations for river tours. They sound and look nice, but there’s a small catch: their ticket prices are usually more than those purchased online.

“We bought tickets from street hawkers for 900 rubles each, only to later discover that the other passengers bought their tickets twice as cheap!”  wrote  (in Russian) a disappointed Rostislav on a travel company website.

Nevertheless, buying from street hawkers has one considerable advantage: they personally escort you to the vessel so that you don’t waste time looking for the boat on your own.

slotta yachts sl 30

Prices start at $13 (800 rubles) for one ride, and for an additional $6.5 (400 rubles) you can purchase an unlimited number of tours on the same boat on any given day.

Flotilla Radisson has official ticket offices at Gorky Park and Hotel Ukraine, but they’re often sold out.

Buying online is an option that might save some cash. Websites such as  this   offer considerable discounts for tickets sold online. On a busy Friday night an online purchase might be the only chance to get a ticket on a Flotilla Radisson boat.

This  website  (in Russian) offers multiple options for short river cruises in and around the city center, including offbeat options such as ‘disco cruises’ and ‘children cruises.’ This other  website  sells tickets online, but doesn’t have an English version. The interface is intuitive, however.

Buying tickets online has its bad points, however. The most common is confusing which pier you should go to and missing your river tour.

slotta yachts sl 30

“I once bought tickets online to save with the discount that the website offered,” said Igor Shvarkin from Moscow. “The pier was initially marked as ‘Park Kultury,’ but when I arrived it wasn’t easy to find my boat because there were too many there. My guests had to walk a considerable distance before I finally found the vessel that accepted my tickets purchased online,” said the man.

There are two main boarding piers in the city center:  Hotel Ukraine  and  Park Kultury . Always take note of your particular berth when buying tickets online.

Where to sit onboard?

Even on a warm day, the headwind might be chilly for passengers on deck. Make sure you have warm clothes, or that the crew has blankets ready upon request.

The glass-encased hold makes the tour much more comfortable, but not at the expense of having an enjoyable experience.

slotta yachts sl 30

Getting off the boat requires preparation as well. Ideally, you should be able to disembark on any pier along the way. In reality, passengers never know where the boat’s captain will make the next stop. Street hawkers often tell passengers in advance where they’ll be able to disembark. If you buy tickets online then you’ll have to research it yourself.

There’s a chance that the captain won’t make any stops at all and will take you back to where the tour began, which is the case with Flotilla Radisson. The safest option is to automatically expect that you’ll return to the pier where you started.

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THE 10 BEST Moscow Boat Rides & Cruises

Boat rides & cruises in moscow.

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  • Speed Boats Tours
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  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
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  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District Central (TsAO)
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  • Good for Big Groups
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  • Hidden Gems
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Flotilla Radisson Royal


2. Moscow River Boat Tours


3. Sup-Club

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4. Akvanavt Diving Centre

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5. Diving Center Crocus City Oceanarium

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6. CheapRussia Tours


7. Kite School Kiteclass


8. SUP Center

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9. Erwin. Reka


11. Easy Russia Tour Guide


12. Lovely Russia Tours


13. Capital River Boat Tours - Moscow Centre


14. Alfa Centr

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15. Diving Club Divers

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16. Sup Outdoor

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19. Soho Sailing Style

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20. Diving Center Crocodile

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21. Dive-Project

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22. Mosparokhodstvo


24. Kosinskiy Children Marine Club

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25. Kayak Moscow



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27. Moswake

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28. FLOW Moscow

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29. Morskiye Volki

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30. S-cruises


What travelers are saying


  • CheapRussia Tours
  • Easy Russia Tour Guide
  • Lovely Russia Tours
  • Insider Moscow Tours
  • Flotilla Radisson Royal
  • Moscow River Boat Tours
  • Capital River Boat Tours - Moscow Centre
  • Diving Center Crocus City Oceanarium

17 Exciting Things to do in Moscow

Written By: Linda Voltaire

Updated On: December 21, 2022

Visiting Russia? These are the top 17 things to do in Moscow to help you plan your trip.

If the western world has New York City , the first great metropolis on the eastern side of our planet is Moscow. A huge city with a complicated and impressive history, Moscow gets a bad rep over Russian politics – but that doesn’t make it any less impressive. Capital to the largest country in the world, Moscow takes the grandeur of its standing very seriously.

This is a place where luxury is king and where opulence takes a front seat in every aspect of life. The buildings are grand and imposing, the parks are luscious and enormous, and even the subway stations look different in Moscow than anywhere else in the world.

Table of Contents

Best Things to do in Moscow, Russia

Walking around Moscow is also going through the tumultuous history of the 20th century, which had Russia as one of its main protagonists. There are fascinating remains of these times everywhere in the former Soviet capital, from the gorgeous Seven Sisters skyscrapers to the Orthodox cathedrals that were closed for the better part of a century.  Still, Moscow is also a completely modern city, with a vibrant social and party scene, incredible restaurants, and some of the most luxurious hotels in the world.

After living in Russia’s capital as an ex-pat for four years, I got the privilege to experience not only the main attractions in Moscow but also the everyday life in this huge city and quickly found my sweat spots off the beaten tracks! So here is my list of my top 17 things to do in this exciting metropolis!

Attractions in Moscow

When visiting a famous city like this one, it’s a must to go through the most iconic landmarks first. Moscow has plenty of those, most of them in the center of the city, which is very well-planned for tourists.

1. The Red Square, Kremlin & Surrounding Area

No place tells the story of Moscow’s power in the past century the way the Red Square does. This is where the biggest political meetings in the USSR occurred for many decades, and you can feel the power on each step.

Here, you’ll also find the historic museum at the entrance, showcasing the decades of history behind this iconic landmark. The Lenin Mausoleum, perhaps the most famous resting place in the world and home to the remains of the former communist leader, is also here.

On one side of the Red Square you’ll find the Kremlin, the fortified complex that now hosts the presidential residence. This is also home to the most iconic of all Moscovite landmarks: St. Basil’s Cathedral, a 16th-century marvel of colors. This is the best spot to take a selfie and show the world you’ve reached the Russian capital!

  • Get your Kremlin Skip the Line Tickets and Kremlin tour here.
  • Free cancellation up to 24-hours in advance of the tour.

2. Bolshoi Theatre

You can easily spend a couple of days just exploring the Moscovite city centre, and the Bolshoi Theatre should be your second stop. Walk past the Red Square and then head to the nearby Bolshoi Theatre, one of the oldest and most renowned houses of opera and ballet on Earth.

Visit for the impressive early 19th-century architecture, but if you’re seeing a ballet performance, make sure you book between 3 and 6 months in advance! I can strongly recommend this as it is a truly unique experience!

  • Book a private 2-hour tour of the legendary Bolshoi Theatre.
  • See the presidential box reserved for tzars, watch a rehearsal and skip the lines through a separate entrance.
  • Free Cancellation up to 24-hours in advance.

3. Luxury Shopping at GUM and TSUM

While many might think of Moscow as the sad place with the long bread queues from the USSR days, it’s been quite the capitalist haven for a while.

If you’re up for some shopping, you’ll find one of the biggest luxury malls in town, TSUM, right behind the Bolshoi and GUM, at the red square. GUM is the most famous department store in town, where you’ll find luxury everywhere and all high-end brand. 

All in an imposing late 19th-century building with lots of history, worth a visit just for the design, its bridges and the glass roof even though you are not up for shopping!

4. Christ the Savior Cathedral

A newer addition to the gorgeous Moscovite cathedrals and my grandeur neighbor during my years in the city Don’t let the young age of this building fool you. After the perestroika in the early 90s, the newly revived Russian Orthodox Church received permission to build a cathedral on this site. They did the location honors and built the largest temple of the Christian Orthodox Church.

The façade is as grand as you’d expect, but it’s the inside that will mesmerize you, with its domes as tall as the skies in bright gold and gorgeous paintings and decor! Bring a shawl to cover your hair to adjust to the local tradition.

Head to the back of the cathedral and you will find one of the most photographed bridges in Moscow, the Patriarshiy Most. This is the perfect spot to get a good view and photo of the cathedral but also to see the Kreml and Gorky Park from a distance. Or why not just enjoy a moment watching the river and its boats!  

  • Get around Moscow with ease using the Hop On Hop Off boat and Bus ticket. 24, 48 or 72-hour tickets available.

5. Gorky Park

Cross the river and head to Gorky Park along the Moscow river. The most famous green area in town, similar to New York ’s Central Park and the weekend hangout for locals. There are many beautiful parks in the city, but if you’re only visiting for a few days, this is the unmissable one! 

With fair attractions to entertain children, beautiful artificial lakes and gardens, and lots of outdoor activities, it’s a lovely place to relax. A place of rest in the middle of the metropolis. The area in front of the New Tretyakov Gallery & the Muzeon Park of Arts is actually one of my favorite oasis as a bit more quiet and peaceful than Gorky itself.

Why not spend some time in the museum to get a great tour of Russia’s history through art or just enjoy the art exhibition outside where local artists spend their weekends. 

6. River Cruising

One of the best ways to experience Moscow is from the Moscow River. There are many stops for the boats and one is just next to Gorky Park. See the city from another perspective – and turn the ride into a romantic one by taking the evening cruise. Moscow is magic during the night.

If you’re looking for a truly luxurious experience, take the Radisson Blu cruise – or the Erwin for a delicious seafood dinner. Both stop at Gorky or at the luxury Radisson Royal Hotel, set in one of the Seven Sister’s skyscrapers.

  • We use Get Your Guide when booking city tours and they offer a River Sightseeing Cruise seeing all the main tourist attractions in Moscow

7. Metro Hopping

First inaugurated in the 1930s, the Moscow subway system is one of the oldest in the world, and certainly the most beautiful. Started under Stalinist times, each metro station is dedicated to grandeur and oozing personality.

Visiting the subway stops is an attraction in and of itself, and Komsomolskaya, Mayakovskaya, Kropotkinskaya are my favorites. Those surrounding the Red Square are also mesmerizing – in general, these are kind of like underground palaces.

Most of the signs at the Moscow Metro now have Latin letters, so it’s very easy to get around!Unfortunately, the trains are not as beautiful and pleasant as the stations but still, this is a true Moscow experience.  Take a guided tour of the 9 most beautiful Metro Stations including the award-winning art deco station. See more details here.

8. Arbatskaya & Artsy Moscow

Novy Arbat Street is one of the most touristy areas in the city, with lots of shops and cafés directed at visitors. When you walk a little beyond, you’ll find a different part of town, where the hip scene thrives because so many artists live in the area. Just follow the small streets with fewer tourists!

9. Moscow State University View

In his effort to create a grander Moscow, Stalin had seven skyscrapers built in different parts of town; they’re called the Seven Sisters. The largest of these buildings hosts the main building of the Moscow State University, one of the most prestigious colleges in Russia – and the one with the best view.

Although this is a little outside the city centre, the sight from above is more than worth it, with the nearby fountains and park and then the whole of the city behind them.

10. Russian Market

If you love to visit markets wherever you go, Moscow has one of the most impressive ones in the world – the Izmailovsky. You can easily take the metro here and feel like you’ve been transported to another time.

This place was first built in the 16th century and retains the look of an old fairytale, with a lineup of colorful old castle. A lovely local experience beyond the confines of the bustling metropolis, where you can also try some delicious Russian barbecue.

Here, you’ll find beautiful souvenirs at great prices.

Off The Beaten Track Moscow

Once you’ve covered the most touristic spots, Moscow still has plenty to offer – and the places below will also be full of locals! Moscow is a city for hipsters, full of trendy and arty spots where you can literally feel the creativity oozing! So for some local vibes, I would strongly recommend my sweat spots below!

11. Patriarshiye Prudy

This is my favorite area in the entire city! While Moscow is generally a very noisy metropolis, Patriarch Ponds is far quieter, yet such a vibrant place. This is a very hip and trendy area making you think you are rather in Paris than in Moscow. Here the streets are narrow and full of chic eateries and clubs to see the local crowd.

A little bohemian and with an air of peace you won’t find anywhere in the city this is a great spot to spend an afternoon with your thoughts.

12. ArtPlay

Barely 15 minutes away from the city center you’ll find the artsiest Moscow district: ArtPlay. For decades, this block was a factory, but it was renovated to become a hub for the arts not too long ago.

Now, you’ll find it’s full of exhibitions, showrooms and art schools – and some of the most creative people in town. Writers, painters, and young hip people use ArtPlay as a rendezvous, and you can feel the creative energy here. The industrial design with modern interior decoration is also a feast for the eyes!

13. Shopping Local Designs

If you’re into design, both international and local, you’ll find lots of cute things at Patriarshiye Prudy. Department store Podium Market is also a great spot for shopping, as a department store everywhere in town, with lots of local and international brands. There’s one in the Four Seasons Hotel next to Red Square. My favorite Moscow mall is Tsvetnoy Central Market, a cool spot with great brands, lots of inspo, and even a cute café!

14. Moscow City

Like many other great capitals of the world, for the past few decades, Moscow has hosted a super modern area full of modern skyscrapers – Moscow City. With a completely different vibe than the rest of town, it’s like a mini Dubai, with lots of impressively tall glass buildings. Here, you’ll find the best rooftops in towns, such as Ruski and Sixty they are perfect spots for dining or enjoying a glass of wine with a view. There are also a relatively new shopping mall with lots of international brands called Affimall!

Wine, Dine, and Party in Moscow

Gone are the gloomy Moscow days – cold as it might be in the winter, Russia’s capital is a place for the senses. Great food and drinks abound – and the clubs are hot, too!

15. Where to Eat in Moscow

Moscow is a great metropolis where people love to dine out, and there are endless options for delicious food. The flavors are as diverse as you’d expect from a big city, with options of fine dining and little hipster eateries. 

  • For traditional Russian flavors, I can’t recommend Café Pushkin, Dr. Zhivago, and Turnadot enough.
  • When looking for international cuisines, Italian is always the way to go, and my local favorite is Probka.
  • Fine dining is best done among the clouds at White Rabbit, with European flavors.
  • As for the hip spots, you can spend a full day just eating around trendy places, from burgers to Asian fusion.

More Dining Options

  • Patriarshiye Prudy offers a lot of small and classy spots with cool concepts, like breakfast restaurants I Love Cake and Fresh.
  • For dinner, I love the NYC experience of Saxon & Parole, and the wonderful trendy Pins, with its delicious food and drinks.
  • For delicious Asian food head to CutFish. 
  • Lastly, there’s a recent revival of food markets in Moscow, offering lots of great choices of international flavors at affordable places.
  • Don’t miss out the Vietnamese food stand at the Danilovsky market, and everything at Usachevsky!

16. Rooftopping

Big cities deserve to be seen from above, having a cocktail among the clouds. These are my recommendations for rooftop bars in Moscow.

  • As I mentioned in the Moscow City section, Sixty & Ruski are two of my favorites, overlooking the newest part of town. 
  • White Rabbit and its fine dining is also a lovely place for a fun dinner looking down on Moscow.
  • O2, in the city center, has an advantage above all others: amazing views of the Red Square.
  • Buono, above the Radisson Royal Hotel, might be the most romantic rooftop hotel in town, with its candlelit setting.
  • Also on the Radisson stands the Mercedes. It’s a luxurious and posh experience with delicious cocktails.
  • The Sky Lounge offers a peculiar experience, mixing an old Soviet building with futuristic additions.

17. Moscow by Night

Party the night away! The city is full of bars everywhere, but there are some areas where you’ll find more than others.

  • Patriarshiye Prudy has lots of hip and small clubs and great bars, including the super fun private club Clava, which has a great vibe and people from all walks of life.
  • For more hipster style bars, Red October is the place to go.
  • Streak is a summer favorite, with a lovely terrace to catch a beautiful sunset – plus, their mozzarella bar is delicious.
  • At night, Red October lights up with clubs everywhere, including the cool rooftop one Gipsy.
  • Jagger is also a great spot during summer with a more relaxed vibe in garden setting. 
  • For the traditional Russian luxury experience, go to SohoRooms, a whole other world including all-night go-go dancers.

There are so many things to do in Moscow at night and during the day, you definitely need several days to explore this exciting destination.

Moscow is a must-see city, a city like no other ! I hope you will enjoy this Russian metropolis as much as I did!

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About Linda Voltaire

Linda Voltaire is the owner of Travel with a Silver Lining, home to reviews of gorgeous boutique & design hotels, hip & trendy eateries as well as authentic and personal travel experiences beyond the crowd. She started blogging after a life-changing trip across South America. Follow Linda at TravelWithASilverLining / Facebook / Instagram /

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10 thoughts on “17 Exciting Things to do in Moscow”

These places look so awesome! Moscow is truly a beautiful city

Very good article, you have explained so nicely. Russia has always been a part of history and its good to know about much more about architecture and other things, wish i could see the inside of façade

Thanks for sharing such a nice article.You have very beautifully explained everything that one need for a trip to Moscow.

Nice article. Love the hidden gems and graffiti art, would love to visit Artplay. Thanks for a comprehensive guide to Moscow!

Moscow is a city where the past and the future live side by side. Here we can find everything from medieval fortresses and Soviet monoliths to glass skyscrapers and innovation centers.

Your article is good and meaningful .

Thanks for sharing about ArtPlay district, we didn’t know about it and it looks amazing 🙂 Hopefully there’ll be a second time in Moscow, we visited last May and really liked the city!

Wonderful stuff! I’ve been to Moscow, but not properly – it’s a long story lol!

Anyhoo, my next thing is to fly from Berlin to Moscow and then travel from there to Beijing via the Trans-Mongolian / Trans-Siberian train. Now, if only I could just find the time …!

I hear Moscow is very beautiful at night. I hope to get out there one day. A friend of mine went to St. Petersburg and had a great experience. Despite all the tension we see on the news with Russia and other Countries like the U.S. I wonder what the sentiment is with Russians and foreigners visiting their country for tourism. Especially Americans.

that looks like quite a beautiful place. 🙂


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