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Noleggio yacht in Sardegna

La Sardegna, grazie alla sua conformazione frastagliata e caratterizzata da piccole calette e insenature, detiene il record italiano di lunghezza della costa con circa 1.849 km.  Un numero altissimo se consideriamo che la lunghezza complessiva delle coste italiane arriva a 7.456 km. Una vacanza in barca in Sardegna ti porta in un mare dalla limpidezza e purezza irreale, che cambia colore dall'azzurro allo smeraldo vivace. Lunghe distese di soffice sabbia bianca, impervie calette, spettacolari dune, ciottoli e scintillanti scogliere: la varietà di spiagge in Sardegna è così ampia che non rischierai di rimanere deluso. Scopri le imbarcazioni disponibili.

Noleggio barche in Italia Sardegna: 597 disponibili

Noleggio barca a vela - beneteau 25 platu (2000).

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Noleggio Bénéteau Platu 25 (2000) in Italia / Sardegna

Athos - 0

Barca a vela Bavaria 38 (2004) a noleggio in Italia / Sardegna

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Noleggio barca a vela - Bavaria 38 (2004)

Tommy - 0

Noleggio Dufour 360 GL (2018) in Italia / Sardegna

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Barca a vela Dufour 360 GL - 3 cab. (2018) a noleggio in Italia / Sardegna

Karibu - 0

Noleggio barca a vela - Dufour 360 GL (2018)

Main image - 0

Noleggio Dufour 360 GL - 3 cab. (2018) in Italia / Sardegna

Else - 0

Barca a vela Oceanis 30.1 (2021) a noleggio in Italia / Sardegna

Main image - 0

05 Jun - 08 Jun 2024

Noleggio barca a vela - Dufour 360 GL - 3 cab. (2018)

Shakey Ground - 0

Italia Sardegna Recensioni di noleggio barche con 12knots

“questa è stata la nostra prima carta per barca nuda”.

Questa è stata la nostra prima carta nuda e abbiamo avuto molte domande. Julia e Grigory sono stati bravi a guidarci attraverso il processo e collegarci con uno skipper. La barca era favolosa e Raffaele è uno skipper di talento. Felice di dire che ci…


Alberto Goosen

“Grazie mille e alla tua squadra per aver organizzato tutto”

Caro Grigory, volevo scriverti da quando sono tornato. Grazie mille e alla tua squadra per aver organizzato tutto. Tutto è andato come previsto e abbiamo fatto un viaggio indimenticabile! Ci sono state alcune sorprese inaspettate lungo la strada ... …

Michael Zulla

United States

“Carta privata con 12 nodi”

La nostra carta privata di una settimana con 12 nodi su un catamarano di Bali 46.5 è stata un'esperienza straordinaria. La navigazione attraverso la Sardegna e la Corsica è stata resa ancora più divertente dal nostro equipaggio capace e amichevole. E…

Noleggio yacht in Sardegna

Il noleggio yacht in Sardegna è la scelta perfetta per esplorare le incredibili acque cristalline di quest’ isola mozzafiato. Grazie alla loro conformazione frastagliata, le coste sarde sono caratterizzate da piccole calette e insenature delle quali molte raggiungibili solo via mare. Noleggiare una barca a vela in Sardegna, un catamarano o uno yacht ti permette di godere di paradisi naturali che non potresti mai visitare dal litorale! Snorkeling, immersioni e sport d’acqua ti aspettano. Scegli il tuo yacht a noleggio per la tua prossima vacanza in Sardegna!

Dove noleggiare yacht in Sardegna

La Sardegna detiene il record italiano di lunghezza delle coste: 1.849 km. Una cifra altissima se consideriamo che la lunghezza complessiva delle nostre coste arriva a 7.456 km. Praticamente 1/4 del totale delle coste italiane si trova in Sardegna. Noleggiare uno yacht in Sardegna ti permette di ammirare aree di mare di una limpidezza e purezza irreale. Proprio i riflessi di colore dall'azzurro limpido allo smeraldo vivace danno il nome alla famosa Costa Smeralda.

Le nostre basi di noleggio yacht in Sardegna - anche di lusso e con equipaggio - sono 10.

Le principali, in cui puoi trovare tutti le tipologie di barche a noleggio disponibili sono: Cannigione, Olbia e Portisco. Ma non temere, potrai affittare barche anche da Porto Rotondo, Cagliari, Carloforte e altre meravigliose mete.

Vacanze in barca a vela in Sardegna

Ci sono diversi itinerari interessanti che potresti seguire per le tue vacanze in barca a vela in Sardegna. Potresti esplorare il Nord della Sardegna e Sud della Corsica visitando Porto Rotondo, Porto Cervo, l’isola di Caprera e La Maddalena. Poi attraversare le Bocche di Bonifacio e raggiungere l’isola di Lavezzi e Bonifacio. Oppure potresti decidere di rimanere in Sardegna e navigare verso il Golfo Aranci, l'Isola di Mortorio, Palau, Porto Rafael e l’Isola di Tavolara.

Il noleggio di uno yacht nella parte settentrionale della Sardegna ti porterà in Costa Smeralda, con le sue ville e porticcioli di lusso.

In ogni caso lunghe distese di soffice sabbia bianca, impervie calette, spettacolari dune e ciottoli scintillanti ti attendono in ogni angolo di questa terra. La varietà delle spiagge che potrai visitare durante la tua vacanza in barca in Sardegna è incredibilmente ampia. Difficilmente rimarrai deluso!

Consigli per la navigazione in Sardegna

Per navigare con una barca a vela o con uno yacht in Sardegna è consigliato avere una media esperienza. Se non hai la patente nautica o vuoi goderti la tua vacanza in totale relax, potresti valutare di utilizzare il nostro noleggio yacht con skipper in Sardegna. In particolare negli affollatissimi mesi estivi, la magnifica zona dell’Arcipelago della Maddalena necessita di un’attenzione particolare. La temperatura estiva media in Sardegna è di 30°C con picchi di 35° nelle aree collinari interne. I venti sono vari, essendo la Sardegna un’isola molto esposta. Da cristalline baie piatte potremmo facilmente ritrovarci in aree per il kitesurf!

In ogni caso, la tua vacanza sarà splendida e ricca di emozioni.

Domande frequenti sullo yachting in Italia Sardegna

Quanto costa noleggiare uno yacht in italia sardegna, quante barche sono disponibili per il noleggio in italia sardegna, quali sono le principali basi di noleggio yacht in italia sardegna, quali barche sono disponibili per il noleggio in italia sardegna.

yacht sardegna vela

Noleggio yacht e barche a vela in Sardegna

La Sardegna, un’affascinante isola nel Mediterraneo, è una terra di bellezza mozzafiato e fascino senza pari. Con le sue spiagge da cartolina, le acque cristalline e la ricchezza di storia e cultura , la Sardegna offre un’esperienza indimenticabile per i visitatori.

Le sue spiagge sono tra le più belle al mondo, con sabbia bianca e fine e un mare trasparente che sfuma in tonalità di azzurro. La famosa Costa Smeralda è una delle mete più rinomate, con le sue spiagge incantevoli come Capriccioli, Cala di Volpe e Liscia Ruja. Potrete anche esplorare la Costa Rei, la spiaggia di Chia e tante altre, o scoprire calette nascoste e appartate per godervi momenti di tranquillità e relax.

La Sardegna vanta una natura selvaggia e incontaminata. Potrete esplorare l’arcipelago di La Maddalena, con le sue isole spettacolari e le acque cristalline. L’entroterra della Sardegna è caratterizzato da montagne maestose, valli lussureggianti e paesaggi mozzafiato. Il Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena e il Parco Nazionale del Golfo di Orosei offrono opportunità uniche per immergersi nella natura e scoprire flora e fauna uniche.

La Sardegna è anche una terra ricca di storia e cultura. Potrete visitare siti archeologici affascinanti come la città nuragica di Su Nuraxi a Barumini, Patrimonio dell’Umanità UNESCO, o esplorare le antiche rovine di Tharros, Nora e Bosa.

Con il noleggio di uno dei nostri yacht di lusso, potrete esplorare la Sardegna in tutta comodità e stile. Navigando lungo la sua costa, potrete scoprire calette appartate , approdare in porti pittoreschi e godervi tramonti spettacolari sul mare.

yacht sardegna vela

Soul - Riva 76 Perseo SuperSoul

yacht sardegna vela

Silvia - Technema 80

yacht sardegna vela

Nakupenda - Vismara 80

yacht sardegna vela

Angra Too - 38 WJ CNT Giobanni Castagnola Shipyards

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yacht sardegna vela

Your sailing holiday in Sardinia!

As the first charter company in Sardinia, we have been renting sailing boats for cruises in Costa Smeralda, north-eastern Sardinia for over thirty years.

It is one of the most beautiful holidays you can have, to be enjoyed with family or friends, bareboat or skippered, sporting or relaxing.

Sailing is ecofriendly and cheap, losing moorings means “disconnecting” from everything and returning regenerated, in body and mind.

Our boats are constantly renewed and followed by our technical staff to offer a high standard of safety and quality, you can see and book them directly from this site.

We’ll wait for your aboard.

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Video check-in 32/43 feet

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Video check-in 45/51 feet

Interview with Antonio Barabino from Cruising Charter Sardinia

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Noleggio Yacht Sardegna: scopri il mare più bello

Panorami selvaggi, spiagge bianche e calette nascoste che si alternano a località turistiche esclusive come porto cervo e porto rotondo in costa smeralda. regalati una vacanza in sardegna a bordo di uno yacht a noleggio ed immergiti nella sua natura rigenerante..

Vuoi vivere una vacanza indimenticabile, circondato dalle acque cristalline di un mare ricco di vita e bellezza? Pensa allora al noleggio yacht Sardegna per scoprire i panorami selvaggi, le spiagge bianche e le località esclusive di un’isola che può offrirti una miriade di sorprese.

Lo yacht è da sempre un simbolo del lusso e del divertimento. Trascorrervi le tue vacanze a bordo ti permetterà di scoprire ed esplorare il meraviglioso litorale sardo, costellato di località turistiche celebri ed eleganti e di altre più nascoste ma altrettanto degne di nota.

Visita Porto Cervo e Porto Rotondo , le mete più esclusive della Costa Smeralda

Riempi le tue giornate e serate di relax e divertimento, visitando le mete più esclusive della Costa Smeralda come Porto Cervo e Porto Rotondo . Queste sono amatissime dal jet set internazionale, che ogni anno si dà appuntamento in questa bellissima isola, tra baie da sogno raggiungibili solo via mare e panorami mozzafiato.

Il noleggio yacht Porto Cervo può diventare un’ottima occasione per immergersi nella natura incontaminata che abbraccia questa meta turistica, nata dall’investimento di facoltosi personaggi che negli anni ‘60 hanno creato il sogno della Costa Smeralda.

Puoi attraccare la tua imbarcazione a Porto Cervo Marina, porto riparato dai venti che ti permetterà di fare con tranquillità una passeggiata serale con gli amici, tra vialetti illuminati e boutique.

Sei un appassionato di nautica? Allora non puoi perdere gli eventi del fitto calendario di regate veliche a Porto Cervo. I più mondani si lasceranno travolgere dall’elegante movida che anima le notti dei locali più esclusivi , mentre chi ama il relax sceglierà il lusso degli hotel Cala di Volpe, Romazzino e Pitrizza, firmati The Luxury Collection di Starwood.

Perché scegliere un noleggio yacht di lusso Sardegna ?

La bellezza della Sardegna può essere apprezzata al meglio navigando tra le sue acque su imbarcazioni uniche e di lusso. Le nostre sono tra i 20 e i 123 metri e realizzate dai cantieri più prestigiosi. Puoi scegliere uno yacht a motore o a vela, a seconda dei tuoi gusti e delle tue esigenze, e richiedere una soluzione capiente abbastanza per ospitare i tuoi compagni di viaggio. Insomma, siamo in grado di offrire varie soluzioni, fornendo lo yacht che soddisfi ogni tua esigenza.

Ogni nostro yacht è guidato da un equipaggio di professionisti che si occuperà di tutte le operazioni e le manovre necessarie alla navigazione, permettendoti di rilassarti completamente e di godere del panorama.

Da non perdere, uno yacht tour da Olbia alla scoperta delle isole più belle della Sardegna del Nord : Tavolara, l’Isola della Maddalena, l’Isola di Budelli e l’Isola delle Bisce. Senza dimenticare Spargi e Caprera , paradiso selvaggio di boschi e pinete con bellissime spiagge di sabbia bianchissima lambite da un mare che qui assume spettacolari sfumature smeraldo.

Destinazione perfetta per il noleggio di uno yacht di lusso a vela o a motore, la Sardegna sa regalare incredibili emozioni e paesaggi indimenticabili.  

Noleggio yacht Sardegna : il modo perfetto di trascorrere le vacanze!

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Porto Cervo


Porto Rotondo


La Maddalena


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a haven of nature

Sardinia Map

an exclusionary paradise

Rugged italian beauty unlike anywhere else..

The second-largest island in the Mediterranean , Sardinia flaunts heaps of stunning bays and quaint villages to explore over 24.000 km of forests, countryside, and shores wrapped in a miraculous sea. Excellent food, breathtaking landscapes and beaches, top-notch shopping, and a rich cultural history are just some of the things that make Sardinia a must-visit.

A wildly free Italian island drenched with a dazzling coastline, mountains, lakes, and isolated villages, Sardinia boasts miles of hidden coves accessible only by boat, plus plenty of walking trails and historical opportunities. The Costa Smeralda on the northeast coast attracts yachts, designer boutiques, fine dining, and vibrant nightlife in a stunning natural setting that makes the perfect luxury playground. Book your dream vacation to Sardinia with a luxury yacht charter and discover the true wonders of the Mediterranean. Exceptional highlights for your Sardinian yacht charter include island-hopping, visiting Neptune’s Grove , cliff jumping at Capo Caccia, going cheese tasting at Sapori di Sardegna , and hiking in Gennargentu National Park .

Sardinia Map

La Maddalena

Porto Torres

Gennargentu National Park

Capo Caccia

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Do you want to explore more of the Mediterranean , the Adriatic , or the Balearics ? Have a look at our featured yachts and find the most suitable destination for your luxury getaway. We understand that it might be hard to choose which yacht or destination fits best to your needs. With our 30 years of charter experience, we are more than happy to assist you with any open questions.

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4 Islands - 1 Paradise

The balearics.

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  • Barche a motore
  • Barche a vela
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In Ogliastra, affacciata sulla costa orientale della Sardegna, si abbandona la vita di ogni giorno per riscoprire il piacere di ammirare scorci suggestivi, ricchi di colori intensi ed inebrianti profumi, veri angoli di paradiso dove il solo sibilo del vento compone irripetibili armonie. Una escursione in mare personalizzata permette di godere a pieno dei quaranta chilometri di costa ogliastrina, in un'acqua limpida e cristallina, con scogliere a picco inframezzate da meravigliose cale di sabbia bianca, gioielli del Mediterraneo, uniche nel loro genere. Con passione e professionalità, dedicandoci totalmente a sviluppare il turismo nautico in Sardegna, a bordo di confortevoli yacht a motore, eleganti barche a vela e nuovi maxi gommoni, organizziamo escursioni personalizzate giornaliere e noleggi nautici charter esclusivi. 

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Sardinia Sailing Charter

Your next sailing experience.

Vivi un’esperienza indimenticabile creata per te!

La vacanza in barca a vela è il perfetto connubio tra relax e divertimento immersi nel meraviglioso paesaggio della Sardegna. Soddisfare i bisogni ed i desideri del cliente è fondamentale per noi: una volta a bordo, sarai parte della nostra famiglia. Dal Golfo di Olbia fino al Sud della Corsica, passando per la famosissima Costa Smeralda, l’arcipelago di La Maddalena e le isole di Lavezzi e Cavallo, ammirerai scenari mozzafiato navigando le coste più famose al mondo.

Organizza la tua vacanza in barca a vela in Sardegna

yacht sardegna vela

Interessati a una crociera esclusiva?

Se state pensando a delle destinazioni esclusive, contattate il nostro ufficio per pianificare al meglio la vostra vacanza su misura. Non solo Barche! Offriamo un servizio di assistenza completa 24/7 dalla prenotazione della barca all’arrivo alla base, curando ogni aspetto della vostra vacanza, dall’assistenza prettamente tecnica, alla prenotazione di hotel, autonoleggio, sea equipment e tanto altro.

Vorresti trovare qualcosa di speciale al tuo arrivo? Contattaci e penseremo a tutto noi!


Dinghies Sailing courses

The Sailing School, recognized by the Italian Sailing Federation, is directed by Franco Pistone 2nd level FIV instructor with great sailing experience and regattas. The school organizes courses on dinghies and keelboats coordinated by a group of experienced instructors.


Cruising courses for Teenagers

We will sail between the islands of the La Maddalena archipelago up to Corsica at the edge of a beautiful and comfortable Sun Odyssey 42 i Performance with three double cabins and two bathrooms.


Sailing courses with accomodation

The School of Sailing has special agreements with selected hotels in Poltu Quatu and Baia Sardinia for our students. Free shuttle bus service is included in the package. Poltu Quatu Residence with two-bedroom apartments with exclusive use or shared with other students.


Business Events – Team building

Sport teaches us how, to be successful, it is important that the whole team participates with effort. The first rule of a winning team is actually being a team. The sailing has become a model for companies


If you are looking for a boat for your holiday you must make sure you are in safe hands, La Scuola della Vela organizes sailing holidays throughout the world. In Poltu Quatu and Portisco La Scuola della Vela manages a charter base with keelboats and catamarans ranging from 24 to 50 feet.


Ribs rental

A fleet from 6 to 9 meter RIB’s are available to rent, with or without skipper, for fantastic jaunts through the Maddalena Archipelago and Corsica. This year we have two Capelli 9 meter RIB’s with a 250 hp Yamaha, windlass, awning, suntop, icebox, GPS, and a spacious sunbathing area.


Daily Sailing Rentals

The Sailing School boats, dinghies sailing and keelboats sailing, can be rented for day trips with or without Skipper. A good opportunity to learn about the beaches and islands of the Costa Smeralda by sailing

We organize or participate in National Regattas. If you want to be part of the group you are still in time, you do not need to be experienced sailors, just have some experience and desire to get involved. The Fiv card is required

yacht sardegna vela

La Base di Porto Cervo

La nostra base di Porto Cervo si trova nella prestigiosa sede dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, all'interno della Marina dove vengono organizzate le più importanti regate de

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Programma corso cabinati

I corsi sono aperti a ragazzi dai 13 anni e adulti, hanno cadenza settimanale. Per partecipare occorre un certificato di sana e robusta costituzione non agonistico. Si

yacht sardegna vela

Corsi con alloggio in residence

Il Primo Maggio riapre la nostra base in Sardegna a Poltu Quatu, con una speciale promozione per i corsi di sei e tre giorni su cabinati J 24 e J 105 con imbarco a Poltu

VIDEO: The Legend Lives On In Australia

The J/24 is a rewarding boat, very technical at the top end of one design racing, but easy to sail as a day or weekend cruiser. With nearly 6000 sailing in 47 countries it is the largest one design keelboat in the world and has produced some of the best sailors in Olympic and world championship levels.

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Click here for Photogallery

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Un team eccezionale! Ti fanno sentire da subito parte del gruppo e ti guidano a fare un'esperienza unica e gratificante. Tornerò da loro. Grazie mille 😉

- Claudia (Team Building)

Mi sono divertito ed ho imparato tutto ciò che serve per andare per mare in barca a vela

- Marco (Mini regate)

yacht sardegna vela

Franco Pistone

Mobile +39 347 079 5547

yacht sardegna vela

Monica Piras

Mobile +39 340 975 1285‬

Contact us for a custom course or a rental

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Luxury Yacht Charter Sardinia

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1,037  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in Sardinia

Sardinia Yacht Charter

A Sardinian luxury yacht charter vacation encompasses the exciting combination of cosmopolitan and luxury lifestyle with culture, history and scenic beauty. Sitting just off the coast of Italy , this famously fashionable Mediterranean island offers picturesque shores lapped by azure waters as well as designer boutiques, exclusive bars and first-class restaurants to make it one of the finest yachting destinations in the world.

Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean and its location makes it an ideal stop off and destination point for both West  and East Mediterranean yacht charter itineraries. To the northeast of Sardinia lie the popular cruising grounds of Costa Smeralda, whilst almost 60 islands make up the Maddalena archipelago and offer some of the best snorkeling, diving and watersports opportunities.

Sardinia Yacht Booking Guide:

Sardinia Yacht Charters: At a Glance

Popular destinations for yacht rentals in sardinia, highlights of a sardinia yacht charter, who goes on a sardinia yacht charter, history and culture, types of yacht charters in sardinia, how much does it cost to charter a yacht in sardinia, when is the best time for sardinia yacht charters, where should i begin my yacht charter in sardinia, where to end a sardinia yacht charter, popular marinas and anchorages in sardinia, how to book your yacht charter in sardinia.

Sardinia’s beautiful coastline is strewn with secluded coves that are perfect for exploring by luxury crewed rental yacht and you’d be forgiven for mistaking Sardinia’s sugar sand and pellucid blue sea for a slice of Caribbean paradise. Set adrift from the Italian mainland, you will also discover ancient old towns and teetering hilltop villages, as well as stylish hangouts and chic cafés.

Wild bay near Santa Teresa di Gallura village, Sardinia island, Italy

  • Caribbean-blue waters Mesmerizingly clear turquoise waters abound along the coastline and tiny isles peppered around the Emerald isle, with thriving aquatic life just beneath the waves
  • Myriad pretty coves and secluded bays Discover Sardinia’s hidden gems just waiting to be explored by yacht tender
  • Local specialities From exceptional seafood to hearty pasta dishes, Sardina is renowned for its mouth-watering food inspired by cuisines from Italy, Spain and Africa 
  • Rich cultural history From the Nuraghi, one of the symbols of Sardinia, to the megalithic monuments strewn across the islands, history lovers are in for a treat
  • Suitable for a wide array of itineraries From upscale dining and designer boutiques to hiking beautiful nature trails and swimming in crystalline waters, there’s something for everyone to enjoy
  • Close to popular Mediterranean destinations With Corsica a mere champagne cork’s pop away and Italy's celebrated Amalfi Coast a short hop across the Tyrrhenian Sea, the possibilities for yacht charters are endless 

A week exploring Sardinia: The best 7-day yacht charter itinerary

With its dramatic rugged coastline, sublime beaches and enchantingly blue waters, you will be spoilt for choice for destinations to stop off in Sardinia. To make it a little bit easier, we have compiled a list of some of the best places to visit:

Costa Smeralda - Porto Cervo, Porto Rotondo, Olbia  Best for : Superyachts, A-listers, upscale resorts, fine dining, glamorous marinas, golden beaches, swimming and snorkeling, sailing

North - La Maddalena archipelago, Asinara National Park, Alghero Best for : Beautiful anchorages, secluded coves and unspoiled beaches, crystal clear waters, lush island sanctuaries, historic monuments, scuba diving, hiking, wine tasting and olive groves

South West - Costa verde, Isola di San Pietro Best for : pretty anchorages, scenic beauty, cliff-bound coves, UNESCO Heritage sites, wild beaches

Far South - Cagliari, Nora Best for : Ancient monuments, medieval castles, hilltop villages, scuba diving, wildlife, sandy beaches, sheltered waters, variety of anchorages, museums, Roman ruins, swimming and snorkeling

Secret Sardinia: 7 of the best beaches to visit on a yacht charter

A Sardinia yacht charter vacation offers a mesmerizing selection of things to see and do. Here is our small selection of some of the most outstanding:

Don't Miss:

  • Spiaggia di Cala Luna - Tucked away in a sheltered cove on the east coast is one of Sardinia’s most beautiful beaches, an inviting crescent of powder-fine sands set against a backdrop of towering limestone cliffs overhung with pink oleanders.
  • Historic Cagliari - The island’s capital is brimming with ancient artifacts that date back thousands of years, alongside striking neoclassical architecture and gothic churches.
  • Al Tuguri - Michelin-starred restaurant renowned for its Catalan-inspired cuisine, located in Alghero’s beautiful old town.
  • Su Nuraxi - Located in the heart of Sardinia, a few miles north of Cagliari lies this impressive megalithic settlement and UNESCO Heritage site.
  • Grotta di Nettuno  - One of the largest in Italy, this enchanting marine cave on the south coast abounds with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.
  • La Maddalena islands - Protected national park home to some of Italy’s best beaches with beautiful clear waters and rich marine life, perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving.
  • Porto Cervo - located on the Costa Smeralda, this is Sardinia’s top hotspot for the SuperyachtSet and A-listers, renowned for its boutique shopping, fine dining and 5-star resorts.
  • Stintino - Extraordinary scuba diving spot within the Asinara Marine Reserve on the island's north west peninsula, home to a rich and colorful array of aquatic life as well as beautiful underwater caves and a Roman shipwreck.
  • Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta - One of the world’s most exhilarating sailing yacht racing regattas which takes places at the end of May out of Porto Cervo's marina.
  • Hotel Cala di Volpe - For a spot of celebrity-spotting, book a table at this chic hotel on the waterfront with private moorings.

Sardinia is the glittering jewel in Italy ’s treasure chest, brimming with golden sand beaches, astonishing bright-blue waters and idyllic island sanctuaries. On top of this, visitors can immerse themselves in the island’s rich cultural history and enjoy some of the world’s finest cuisine.

The island attracts many A-listers and Hollywood glitterati, who come here to soak up the superyacht lifestyle and luxurious atmosphere in a medley of 5-star resorts, wellness spas, golf clubs and exclusive night clubs

yacht sardegna vela

Populated since the Neolithic period, Sardinia bears witness to an astoundingly rich history with influences from many cultures including Phoenicians, Cathaginians and Romans among others, creating a melting pot of archaeological treasures and bountiful architecture. 

From the Nuragic settlers that lived in Sardinia in the Bronze Age and archeological site of Tharros which showcases the presence of the Phoenicia, Punic and Roman civilisations, to the glorious amphitheaters and museums in Cagliari, Sardinia abounds in historical artifacts, creating a unique element to your luxury yacht charter , alongside the jet-set havens the island is famous for.

As one of the most popular destinations for yacht charters in the West Mediterranean, there should be plenty to choose from when it comes to crewed yachts for charter in Sardinia. If you’re unsure about whether you want to book a motor yacht or a sailing yacht for your luxury getaway, there are a few things you should consider first.

Motor Yacht Charters in Sardinia

Motor yachts lined up in Porto Cervo Sardinia

Whether you are interested in a small or large motor yacht, or even a sleek and  sporty model , you should find a Sardinia luxury charter rental that will more than meet your expectations. With a crewed motor yacht you can truly relax, allowing pure escapism as you marvel at Sardinia’s dramatic coastline from the comfort of your vessel.

Indeed, the crystal clear waters here are perfect for diving into from the aft deck of your motor yacht, where you can take to the sea on the yacht’s myriad toys and accessories, including scuba diving top dive spots found in abundance in this region. Alternatively, you can take a tender ashore to explore the island’s ancient artifacts as well as sampling the local cuisine and wines.

There are plenty of marinas in Sardinia catering to yachts of all sizes, with plenty of sheltered and tranquil anchorage spots to choose from peppered along its coastline and around the numerous islands and islets.

Sailing Yacht Charters in Sardinia

Sailing yachts moored in a marina in Sardinia, Italy

The sailing conditions in Sardinia promise some of the finest in the world, with renowned sailing superyacht regattas taking place each year, including the celebrated Loro Piana Regatta which runs annually at the end of May. 

The winds found along the narrow passage of the Bonifacio strait, one of the largest Natural marine reserves in the Mediterranean , promise exhilarating racing conditions where you can unleash the power of the sails and leave the engine gears in neutral. Experience sailing at its finest, where the wind is the master and the only sounds are the billowing sails and the rush of water against the hull. Experience the thrill as your sailing yacht carves through the waves against a backdrop of towering chalk cliffs and diamond-speckled seas. 

There are plenty of easy anchorage spots ideal for sailing yachts, as well as numerous marinas offering plentiful overnight slips.

With so many options available, there’s something to suit every type of budget. For convenience we have listed the average prices for motor yacht and sailing yacht charters in Sardinia below;

  • For motor yacht rentals in Sardinia, prices can range from $32,405 to $1.7m per week, plus expenses
  • For luxury sailing yacht rentals in Sardinia, prices can go from $28,198 to $546,804 weekly, plus expenses

Charter guest snorkeling in clear waters

The optimal times for yacht charters in Sardina’s turquoise-clear waters are the shoulder months of May/June and September/October. During this time, you can still enjoy beautiful warm weather, with the later months offering the warmest swimming temperatures. Sardinia’s peak season is July and August, so expect both higher charter fees and packed marinas in these months.

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Colorful houses in Porto Cervo in Sardinia, Italy

Most Sardinia yacht charters begin in the popular superyacht marina of Porto Cervo in the north west of the island or nearby Porto Rotondo, a slightly quieter marina compared to its illustrious neighbor. After a short stay here, popular charter itineraries tend to make a beeline north to the beautiful Maddalena Islands where the yacht can spend a day or two in a pretty sheltered anchorage while you and your guests take to the Carribean-blue waters for a spot of diving and snorkeling. 

From here, the world’s your oyster. Sardinia has numerous must-see destinations and you will be hard-pushed to fit them all in. From the lush archipelagos of the north to the wild, untamed beaches found in the south west of the island, and from the glamorous superyacht havens on the north east coast where you can indulge your every whim to the rich historical treasures found in the south, you’ll be spoiled for choice. 

Another popular option is to set off from the Amalfi Coast on Italy’s mainland or Corsica in the north and then cruise down through the Bonifacio Strait. It’s simple enough to begin your superyacht vacation in a neighboring country before heading to Sardinia. For more advice please speak to your yacht charter broker .

Sample itineraries

Most yacht charters tend to finish in Porto Cervo or Porto Rotondo. As well as the vibrant superyacht lifestyle, these places also offer their own bevy of beautiful beaches and scenic beauty, making these the perfect spots to end your memorable Sardina luxury yacht charter. Alternatively, for longer charters you can finish up in one of the neighboring destinations mentioned above. Speak with your yacht charter broker who can advise you further.

Porto Cervo marina in Sardinia, Italy

  • Marina di Porto Cervo - A well-protected marina with its renowned eponymous village offering a prime superyacht hub replete with numerous amenities and attractions. This marina is home to an impressive 700 slips and can accommodate yachts up to 100 meters in length
  • Marina di Olbia - Affording beautiful views of the Golf of Olbia, this charming sheltered marina located on Sardinia’s north-west coast offers plentiful cafes and restaurants all within a short walk from the port. With 270 slips, the marina can accommodate yachts up to 80 meters LOA.
  • Marina di Porto Rotondo - Also located in Olbia, this round-shaped marina enjoys an impeccable reputation amongst its international Jet Set clientele, with bespoke VIP services and luxury hotels adding to the allure. Porto Rotondo can host yachts up to 80 meters in length and has 652 yacht slips available.
  • Portus Karalis Cagliari - Only a champagne cork’s pop away from the Sardinian capital’s town center, this marina is ideal for those looking to explore the region’s historic treasures, glorious beaches and hidden gems. Close to all major transport links, it offers 140 slips for yachts up to 100 meters in length.
  • Porto di Alghero - located in the beautiful province of Sassari, this destination is renowned for its beautiful emerald waters and secluded beaches making it a prime stop-off for those looking for an idyllic retreat away from the main hubs. This marina can accommodate 380 yachts with slips available for vessels up to 50 meters LOA.
  • Cala Luna - A beautiful curve of sand with magical caves and astonishing clear blue waters abound in this paradisiacal setting. It does get busy in the peak summer months, but after 7pm all the crowds depart, leaving a stunning anchorage to park the yacht and watch the setting sun, cocktail in hand. 
  • Passagio della Pelosa - Often likened to a lagoon, this beautiful sheltered cove is considered by some as one of the best anchorages in the Mediterranean, where charterers will be dazzled by the Caribbean-blue waters reflecting the sandy seabed below. This anchorage is an ideal jumping off point to the protected marine reserve of Stintino, with convenient restaurants and shops located nearby in the village and marina.
  • Porto Liscia - A pretty peninsula of golden sand beach with cobalt-blue waters and scenic views. The anchorage is well protected and is a popular hangout for superyachts, which means it can get busy.
  • Spiaggia di Campulongu - Situated on Sardinia’s south coast, a short hop from Cagliari, this anchorage offers a beautiful calm bay with lots of space and clear waters, perfect for swimming and snorkeling from the back of the yacht. There is a convenient marina close by with all the usual amenities, as well as a short walk into town.

With its A-lister appeal, rich cultural history and bevy of world-class beaches, Sardinia is one of the most popular destinations in the Mediterranean. Therefore, we advise you to book your yacht charter well in advance of your trip to secure your perfect yacht on your preferred dates. If you leave it too late, the selection of yachts at your disposal will be reduced and you may not be able to explore the destinations you have your heart set on. Plus, finding dates when everyone in your charter party is available can be tricky; the longer you leave it, the more challenging it will be. 

High cliffs of Mediterranean coast,

Your yacht charter broker will also need plenty of time to tailor an itinerary to suit you, and enough time to book ahead for the nights you wish to spend in marinas. We recommend booking up to 3 months in advance to give your broker the optimum time to organize everything down to the last detail. 

Start Planning - Speak with a Charter Expert

Our yacht charter experts will:

  • Discuss your vacation plans
  • Check availability & shortlist suitable yachts
  • Negotiate booking & prepare your itinerary

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Explore Sardinia

Porto Cervo Guide

Guide to Porto Cervo

Olbia Guide

Guide to Olbia

Cagliari Guide

Guide to Cagliari

Cala Di Volpe Guide

Guide to Cala Di Volpe

Portisco Guide

Guide to Portisco

Villasimius Guide

Guide to Villasimius

Porto Pollo Guide

Guide to Porto Pollo

Alghero Guide

Guide to Alghero

Porto Rotondo Guide

Guide to Porto Rotondo

La Maddalena Guide

Guide to La Maddalena

Sardinia yacht charter itineraries.

Our wide variety of charter itineraries around Sardinia have been hand-picked by a team of brokers and yachting experts to help you get the most from your next superyacht vacation.

Once you’ve chosen your dream destination, it’s time to start creating your perfect itinerary.

From the picture perfect Porto Rotondo to the historically beautiful Cagliari, every pocket of Sardinia offers so much to see, do, discover and experience.

To get the most out of your charter, we recommend choosing an itinerary that covers between 6-8 days. This will give you ample time to spend enjoying on-shore excursions as well as time to kick back, relax and socialize onboard your luxury superyacht charter.

If you’re looking to explore more than one region, we recommended an itinerary that covers more than a week. Your itinerary can incorporate overnight cruises to ensure you get the most out of your days, and you can easily finish your charter in a different destination to where you began.

Sardinia's raw beauty balanced by a multitude of luxury stop-offs make it a certified superyacht hub. Many people chartering in Sardinia choose to begin or end in Porto Cervo, the main area of activity in Sardinia and a location that offers charter guests all the charming qualities of Italian life.

A highly sought after vacation destination, Sardinia invites visitors from across the globe to visit the sumptuous sandy beaches and staggering mountain treks across its internal landscape. How better to explore one of Italy’s gems than with your chosen luxury charter yacht?

Remember, all of our itineraries can be used as templates, and your broker will be able to tailor them to create bespoke charter experiences that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

The Beauty of Sardinia

Discover Sardinia

Historical architecture, outstanding marine life, diving and snorkeling, beautiful beaches, boutique shopping, tranquil sailing grounds, breathtaking scenery

When to Go:

June - September

International Airports:

  • Cagliari Elmas Airport
  • Olbia Airport
  • Alghero Fertilia Airport

Luxury Yachts for Charter in Sardinia 2024 & 2025

Crewed charter yachts in sardinia.

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Whisper Yacht Charter in Sardinia

95m   Lurssen

from $1,300,000 p/week ♦︎

Carinthia VII Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Carinthia VII

Faith Yacht Charter in Sardinia

122m Lurssen

122m   2024

from $3,000,000 p/w eek

Ahpo Yacht Charter in Sardinia

115m Lurssen

115m   2021

from $2,816,000 p/w eek ♦︎

IJE Yacht Charter in Sardinia

108m Benetti

108m   2019

from $1,950,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dream Yacht Charter in Sardinia

107m Olympic Yacht Services

107m   1997/2022

from $2,166,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Black Pearl Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Christina O Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Christina O 34

99m Canadian Vickers

99m   1943/2020

from $759,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Carinthia VII Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Carinthia VII 12

97m Lurssen

97m   2002/2023

from $1,516,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Faith Yacht Charter in Sardinia

97m Feadship

97m   2017/2022

from $1,733,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Pari Yacht Charter in Sardinia

95m Golden Yachts

from $1,192,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Whisper Yacht Charter in Sardinia

95m Lurssen

from $1,300,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady S Yacht Charter in Sardinia

93m Feadship

from $1,517,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aquarius Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Aquarius 12

92m Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Moonlight II Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Moonlight II 36

91m Neorion

91m   2005/2020

from $699,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tranquility Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Tranquility 22

92m Oceanco

92m   2014/2023

from $1,100,000 p/w eek

Nero Yacht Charter in Sardinia

90m Corsair Yachts

90m   2007/2021

from $497,000 p/w eek

Phoenix 2 Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Phoenix 2 12

90m Lurssen

90m   2010/2024

from $1,000,000 p/w eek

Athena Yacht Charter in Sardinia

90m Royal Huisman

90m   2004/2019

from $325,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lauren L Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Lauren L 36

90m Cassens-Werft

90m   2002/2008

from $753,000 p/w eek ♦︎ *

Barbara Yacht Charter in Sardinia

89m Oceanco

Maltese Falcon Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Maltese Falcon 12

88m Perini Navi

88m   2006/2023

from $490,000 p/w eek

Project X Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Project X 12

88m Golden Yachts

Chakra Yacht Charter in Sardinia

86m Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf

86m   1998/2024

from $536,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Man of Steel Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Man of Steel 12

86m Oceanco

86m   2010/2023

Aquila Yacht Charter in Sardinia

86m Derecktor Shipyards

86m   2010/2021

from $945,000 p/w eek

B2 Yacht Charter in Sardinia

86m Abeking & Rasmussen

86m   2008/2022

from $921,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sunrays Yacht Charter in Sardinia

86m   2010/2018

from $1,246,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Bold Yacht Charter in Sardinia

85m SilverYachts

from $948,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Grand Ocean Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Grand Ocean 12

85m Blohm + Voss

85m   1990/2019

from $703,136 p/w eek

Meridian A Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Meridian A 12

85m Lurssen

85m   2011/2019

from $1,029,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Ptasia Yacht Charter in Sardinia

O'Ptasia 12

85m Golden Yachts

85m   2018/2022

from $975,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Solandge Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Solandge 12

85m   2013/2022

from $1,083,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Victorious Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Victorious 12

85m Ak Yachts

from $867,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Savannah Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Savannah 12

84m Feadship

84m   2015/2020

Emir Yacht Charter in Sardinia

83m Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

83m   2004/2022

from $750,000 p/w eek

Alfa Nero Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Alfa Nero 12

81m Oceanco

81m   2007/2021

from $728,000 p/w eek *

Air Yacht Charter in Sardinia

81m Feadship

81m   2011/2017

from $1,002,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aalto Yacht Charter in Sardinia

80m Oceanco

80m   2007/2019

from $813,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dragon Yacht Charter in Sardinia

80m Columbus Yachts

Elements Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Elements 12

80m Yachtley

Excellence Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Excellence 12

80m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $1,150,000 p/w eek

Tatiana Yacht Charter in Sardinia

80m Bilgin Yachts

from $839,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Malia Yacht Charter in Sardinia

78m Golden Yachts

78m   2023/2024

Legend Yacht Charter in Sardinia

77m IHC Verschure

77m   1974/2019

from $645,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Boadicea Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Boadicea 12

77m   1999/2022

from $645,000 p/w eek

Stad Amsterdam Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Stad Amsterdam 28

76m Damen Oranjewerf

76m   2000/2009

from $102,500 p/w eek

Wheels Yacht Charter in Sardinia

76m Oceanco

76m   2008/2019

from $856,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kensho Yacht Charter in Sardinia

75m Admiral Yachts

Arrow Yacht Charter in Sardinia

75m Feadship

from $900,000 p/w eek *

M'Brace Yacht Charter in Sardinia

75m Abeking & Rasmussen

from $880,000 p/w eek

Andrea Yacht Charter in Sardinia

from $986,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Cocoa Bean Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Cocoa Bean 12

74m Trinity Yachts

74m   2014/2020

from $596,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady Vera Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Lady Vera 12

74m Nobiskrug

74m   2011/2023

from $758,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Naia Yacht Charter in Sardinia

74m Freire Shipyard

74m   2011/2014

from $595,000 p/w eek

Siren Yacht Charter in Sardinia

74m   2008/2013

from $563,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Coral Ocean Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Coral Ocean 13

73m Lurssen

73m   1994/2022

from $704,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Laurel Yacht Charter in Sardinia

73m Delta Marine

73m   2006/2015

from $525,000 p/w eek

Planet Nine Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Planet Nine 12

73m Admiral Yachts

from $650,000 p/w eek

Titania Yacht Charter in Sardinia

73m   2006/2020

from $615,000 p/w eek

Quantum of Solace Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Quantum of Solace 12

73m Turquoise Yachts

73m   2012/2022

from $574,000 p/w eek

Bleu De Nimes Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Bleu De Nimes 28

72m Clelands Shipbuilding Co

72m   2020/2020

from $531,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Stella Maris Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Stella Maris 12

72m Viareggio SuperYachts

72m   2015/2018

Arbema Yacht Charter in Sardinia

72m   2010/2023

from $600,000 p/w eek

Axioma Yacht Charter in Sardinia

72m Dunya Yachts

72m   2013/2020

from $660,000 p/w eek

Serenity Yacht Charter in Sardinia

Serenity 28

72m   2004/2017

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Yacht Amenities

Top 'Things To Do' in Sardinia

Cala Luna

Unwind in the sun on this slice of white sand paradise

Cala Goloritzè

A UNESCO-listed site of wild Sardinian beauty

Grotta di Nettuno (Neptune's Grotto)

One of the largest marine caves in Italy

More Things To Do

Sardinia Yacht Charter Q&A

Some important things to consider before booking your yacht;

  • Marinas tend to get quite busy during peak summer months, so you need to consider that when deciding on what night's you wish to spend in a slip. Ideally, find a yacht that is comfortable with ample leisure and entertainment facilities onboard. 
  • Mistrals are quite common during the shoulder months of May and October, so check with your charter broker about the best anchorages and itineraries if you intend on traveling during these months.
  • You should also be aware that certain zones in Sardinia's waters are restricted to protect the sea grass, which may impact on where you anchor the yacht. This is something you can discuss with your yacht broker, or yacht captain when deciding on your itinerary.

Due to its popularity during the Mediterranean Season, there should be a wide selection of yachts to choose from, so there is sure to be something that suits both you and your budget.

Why not visit our yacht charter fleet page for a comprehensive look at all yachts available for charter around Sardinia .

Alternatively, you can reach out to your preferred yacht broker , who will be sure to help you find your perfect yacht and itinerary around the dates that suit both you and your guests.

The optimum time for yacht charters in Sardinia is between June and September, with average temperatures in the mid to high 20s, clear blue seas and endless days of glorious sunshine.

You should note that Sardinia's peak season is in July and August, so expect both higher charter fees and crowded marinas during these months.

Most Sardinia yacht charters begin in the glamorous superyacht marina of Porto Cervo in the north west of the island, with popular charter itineraries including the breathtaking Maddalena archipelago, the pretty sheltered anchorages and charming villages found along Sardinia's east coast  and the island's capital Cagliari, awash with historical treasures and rich cultural heritage. 

The island is also renowned for its protected marine reserves and beautiful clear waters where snorkeling and diving are the favorite activities for yacht charters. where the yacht can spend a day or two in a pretty sheltered anchorage while you and your guests take to the Carribean-blue waters for a spot of diving and snorkeling. 

Another option is to begin your yacht charter on Italy's west coast only a short hop across the Tyrrhenian Sea. Alternatively, charters can begin on the spellbindingly rugged island of Croatia in the north, separated only by a narrow strait famed for its sailing.

Once you have decided on your perfect yacht, your yacht broker will then draw up the necessary contract; a legally binding agreement between you and the owner of the yacht. At this point, based on the type of contract, you will be required to pay 50% of the cost of the yacht up front, with an additional 25-30% of this base rate to cover additional expenses you and your guests are expected to incur whilst on charter.

For more information about the costs of chartering a yacht, please read our helpful guide: Yacht Charter Costs Explained , which describes the fee structure in more detail.

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Cagliari Sailing Charter

How to get to us

Cagliari Sailing Charter

Welcome to Cagliari Sailing Charter

Cagliari Sailing Charter is a company based in Sardinia, the marvelous island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, renowned by all tourists for Costa Smeralda.

Three International airports guarantee connections with Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. Sun, bays, beaches, lovely people and really good food await the skippers and crews with our boats.

The whole island, from North to South, is greatly appreciated by sailing enthusiasts. Our 5 strategically located bases allow us to offer different one-ways from one base to another, you can see several suggestions in the Itineraries .

Most of our boats are property of Cagliari Sailing Charter , but some are under Yachting Management . The Management and staff share a deep passion for the sea, sailing and hospitality and we strive to do our best for guests.

At the moment we have monohull sailing boats by Bavaria Yachts and Dufour Yachts and catamarans by Nautitech, Bali and Lagoon, with the plan to improve our offer step by step, to satisfy your every desires.

So friends “Amigusu” don’t hesitate, come visit Sardinia with Cagliari Sailing Charter (North&South Sardinia).

The Bases of Cagliari, Marina dell'Isola, Portisco, Cannigione and Alghero are located on strategic points of Sardinia and thanks to their position near airports, they permit an easy boarding to cruise along the wonderful coast you wish to visit.You can chose to book a boat in one single Base or from a Base to another, in this case you can find the inspiration in our itineraries


Marina dell'Isola


Cruising boats for every need, quality boats with skipper and stewardess for a very comfortable holiday, but also smaller boats can be hired unmanned. At the end of the Season they are completely renewed and all sensitive parts are carefully maintained every winter


Special week end e daily cruise in Cagliari-working in progress for 2024 Season

Our itineraries.

Here are some recommended sailing routes


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Cala dei Sardi

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Yachting in Sardinia, Italy

Yachting in Sardinia, Italy

A luxury yacht charter in Sardinia will prove to be an unforgettable experience: admire the mega yachts at Porto Cervo; admire the Costa Smeralda; or sail to Corsica. Sardinia's miles of deserted beaches with smooth granite boulders and shimmering blue-green seas reminiscent of far-off paradises such as the Seychelles will be sure to impress you. At night, make your way to Phi Beach or Billionaire's Club to party with the world’s top DJs and the jet set crowd.

28 ANNO luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

28' Joker Boat Clubman

30 BWA luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

30' BWA

33 Clubman luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

35' Joker Boat Clubman

39 Azimut luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

39' Atlantis

43 ITAMA luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

40' Itama

40 Pursuit  luxury charter yacht - Marina di Porto Cervo, Via della Marina, Arzachena, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

40' Pursuit

49.21 Incredible  luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

45' Rizzardi

43 Cantieri luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

43' Sarnico Spider

62.33 HT  luxury charter yacht - Sardinia, Italy

58' Cayman HT

53 Azimut luxury charter yacht - Via Lepanto, 07040 Stintino, SS, Italy

53' Azimut Flybridge

50 Atlantis luxury charter yacht - Marina di Porto Cervo, Via della Marina, Arzachena, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

50' Atlantis

36 Crachi luxury charter yacht - Porto Cervo, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

36' Cranchi

32 babaria luxury charter yacht - Porto Cervo, Province of Sassari, Italy

32' Babaria

41 Cranchi luxury charter yacht - Porto Cervo, Province of Sassari, Italy

41' Cranchi

58 Viking luxury charter yacht - Portisco, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

58' Princess

63 Riva luxury charter yacht - Marina di Porto Cervo, Via della Marina, Arzachena, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

63' Riva Vertigo

46 Pershing luxury charter yacht - Poltu Quatu, Province of Olbia-Tempio, Italy

46' Pershing

45 Sarnico luxury charter yacht - Porto Cervo, Province of Sassari, Italy

45' Sarnico

Why charter a yacht in sardinia, italy, .css-1uazooj{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-normal);font-size:1rem;-webkit-padding-start:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-start:var(--chakra-space-4);-webkit-padding-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-top:var(--chakra-space-2);padding-bottom:var(--chakra-space-2);padding:10px 16px;}.css-1uazooj:focus-visible,.css-1uazooj[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);}.css-1uazooj:hover,.css-1uazooj[data-hover]{background:var(--chakra-colors-blackalpha-50);}.css-1uazooj[disabled],.css-1uazooj[aria-disabled=true],.css-1uazooj[data-disabled]{opacity:0.4;cursor:not-allowed;} .css-1pkhz46{font-size:var(--chakra-fontsizes-sm);font-weight:600;-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:left;} how do i book a yacht on yachtlife .css-g5ledl{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;vertical-align:middle;font-size:8px;}, when is my payment collected is it refundable.

Once you confirm your reservation, your broker will process your payment.

  • If you are booking for a single day and your reservation is confirmed more than 7 days in advance, a deposit of either $1,000 USD or 50% of the total cost of the reservation (whichever is greater) is processed immediately in order to hold the yacht. Once your embarkation date is 7 days away, the remainder of the amount due is processed.
  • If you are booking for a single day and your reservation is made 7 days or less in advance, the total price of your reservation is processed immediately.
  • If you are booking for a multi-day charter and your reservation is confirmed more than 30 days in advance, a deposit of 50% of the cost of the yacht is processed immediately in order to hold the yacht. Once your embarkation date is 30 days away, the other 50% is collected for the price of the yacht, plus the APA, plus the taxes due.

Terms of refunds are dictated by the Charter Agreement. Generally, once a payment is collected, it is non-refundable. In certain circumstances, as dictated by the Charter Agreement, credits can be provided so you will be able to enjoy your yacht charter at a future date that is convenient for you.

Why is there a 3% credit card convenience charge?

Are my payment details saved on the app, what if your servers get hacked is my payment information really safe.

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yacht sardegna vela

Lady Trudy CRN Yacht for Charter

  • 11 Passengers
  • Motor yacht
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yacht sardegna vela

Gems II 40.50 m Tamsen Yachts for Charter

  • 12 Passengers

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Giorgia 36.60 m Benetti Yacht for Charter

yacht sardegna vela

E3 Ferretti 850 Yacht for Charter

  • 8 Passengers

yacht sardegna vela

Thyke II Pershing 80 Yacht for Charter


Light Blue Sunseeker 82 Predator Yacht for Charter


SQP Azimut 86S Yacht for Charter

yacht sardegna vela

Prime Posillipo 28,00 mt Yacht for Charter

  • 10 Passengers


M/Y MOSAIQUE per charter in Sardegna


Yacht Mind Jaguar 76 for Charter

yacht sardegna vela

Cayman 75 Yacht for Charter


Angelo Blu Maiora 20S Yacht for Charter

  • 9 Passengers

yacht sardegna vela

M/Y Mangusta 85 for Charter in Sardinia


Babluc Riva 72 Yacht for Charter

  • 4 Passengers

yacht sardegna vela

Riva 72 Yacht a noleggio

yacht sardegna vela

Charter Akhir 85 Crewed / Motoryacht in Cannigione, Sardinia

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yacht sardegna vela

Allie – Alalunga 85x Sport

Excellent Charter and amazing Crew! Thanks

Charter Saba 50 Bareboat / Catamaran in Cannigione, Sardinia

The yacht was amazing and the crew brilliant! Thanks for helping us! This charter company…

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Vela: Mura torna in Sardegna dopo il giro del mondo in solitaria

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La nuova immagine. in luce polarizzata, del buco nero Sagittarius A* al centro della Via Lattea (fonte: EHT Collaboration)

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CAGLIARI , 27 marzo 2024, 11:39

Redazione ANSA


Andrea Mura, lo skipper cagliaritano protagonista della circumnavigazione del globo in solitaria all'ultima Global Solo Challenge, torna a casa dopo quattro mesi. Porterà in Sardegna il suo record: Mura è il quinto skipper italiano ad aver doppiato Capo Horn durante un giro del mondo in solitaria non stop dopo Simone Bianchetti (Vendée Globe 2001), Pasquale de Gregorio (Vendée Globe 2001), Alessandro Di Benedetto (record per una circumnavigazione in solitaria senza scalo nella barca più piccola, 2010 e Vendée Globe 2013), Giancarlo Pedote (Vendée Globe 2021).     Per Mura è prevista una grande accoglienza lunedì 1 aprile all'aeroporto di Elmas. Lo skipper è salito sul podio del giro del mondo classificandosi al terzo posto. Un viaggio pieno di soddisfazioni, ma anche di paura: ci sono stati momenti critici durante le tempeste. Ma Mura è sempre riuscito in qualche modo a cavarsela, anche riparando l'attrezzatura semidistrutta dalle onde.    

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Join us and spend the loveliest holidays

Here’s why you will have the best experience with us

Charter experts.

Our Team is made up of professional sailors who developed the nautical skills and experiences that enabled us to be highly professional in the boat chartering field.

Sardinia world TOP Sailing Area

Our charter base is located in Marina di Portisco right into the charming Costa Smeralda area. A unique experience is waiting for you!

Perfect Yachts

Our yachts are designed and customized in every detail to offer you an unparalleled sailing experience.

Technical assistance 24/7

A dedicated service operator will always be available to support you in difficult times.

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Experiences travel and experts.

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Plan your sailing holiday

yacht sardegna vela

Edvige Exclusive Line

2021 | 16,35 M | 6 cabins | 11 guests € 4160 € 2080

Discover offer

yacht sardegna vela

Polygala Exclusive Line

2023 | 10,77 M | 3 cabins | 6 guests € 2930 € 1963

yacht sardegna vela

Adeia II Exclusive Line

2013 | 17,07 M | 7 cabins | 12 guests € 16340 € 9967

yacht sardegna vela

Grampus Exclusive Line

2022 | 14,28 M | 6 cabins | 11 guests € 16050 € 13161

yacht sardegna vela

Andream Exclusive Line

Dufour 430 Grand Large

2022 | 13,24 M | 3 cabins | 6 guests € 7380 € 4354

yacht sardegna vela

Albus Exclusive Line

Dufour 56 Exclusive

2024 | 17,15 M | 6 cabins | 11 guests € 11480 € 4477

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Ziphius Exclusive Line

2023 | 12,85 M | 5 cabins | 9 guests € 6550 € 4127

yacht sardegna vela

Yaya Comfort Line

Dufour 390 Grand Large

2023 | 11,93 M | 3 cabins | 6 guests € 2920 € 1898

Best charter company we found in the Med


Denise Murgia

Ottima società di Charter

Mattia Zambetti

No need to look any further!

Jan Pfister

High Quality Service

Thomas Vollrath

Friends - “new season”

Ivo Brachtl

Bellissima esperienza di VACANZA a VELA.

Monica Rossi

Riccardo Siletti

DUFOUR: the best yacht for sailing holidays

Professionalism, sardinia top sailing area in the world, sardinia in february.

Giovanna D'Uglio

Great experience

Hallo everyone and hallo to the yachting sardinia team.

Dirk Matenar

Wonderful sailing trip

Great region for sailing and top service from yiis .

Markus Burkhardt

Very friendly and component employees.

Ronny Calje

Very friendly and competent team…

Jürgen Fleischhauer

J'ai loué un Trawler le "LUCE DEL NORD"

Teddy Arrebot Natou

Splendida vacanza in barca a vela

One of the best charter companies of europe.

Hari Hofpower

Esperienza molto positiva

Was a great vacation.

Florian Breger

Best sailing experience so far

Gianluca Minutella

Very good experience with YIS

Sarah Marquina

My first Charter with YIS, but not the last !

Great charter operator.

Sam Ayer Tweed

Tripodi Pablo Hector

Very nice and helpful staff in office…

Pawel Palus

Request the advice of a SAILING VACATION EXPERTS and you will be contacted to create the holiday of your dreams.

Yachting in Sardinia - Contact us for more information

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Shipyard Yachting in Sardinia. Industrie Cala Saccaia - Via Madagascar 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: +39 3512843023 [email protected]

Office Yachting in Sardinia Via Georgia, 41 - Geocity - Torre 3 Uff.26 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: tel+39 0789 33 90 16 [email protected]

Headquarters Yachting in Sardinia S.r.l. Via Alessandro III, 101. 09100 Cagliari, Italy Vat. N°: IT 02612930921 [email protected]

Charter base (Porto Rotondo) Yachting in Sardinia. Punta Nuraghe, Portorotondo 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: +39 3495752532 [email protected]

Charter base (Punta Asfodeli) Yachting in Sardinia. via Sos Teuleddas, loc. Punta Asfodeli, 3 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: +39 3756145813 [email protected]

Charter base (Portisco) Yachting in Sardinia. Marina di Portisco, Molo 4/7 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: +39 3271175700 [email protected]

Charter base (Porto Torres) Yachting in Sardinia Pontile Motomarsarda Porto Turistico 07046 Porto Torres, Italy Phone: +39 3293740365 [email protected]

yacht sardegna vela

Yachting in Sardinia

Subscribe to our newsletter and get all our news and special offers, yachting in sardinia - breaking news.

yacht sardegna vela

Yachting in Sardinia is aimed at tourists who want to live a sustainable travel experience, aware of preserving the terrestrial and marine environment. It is, in fact, the alternative to the overbuilding that increasingly covers our coasts, also allowing us to reach those hidden corners of the coast, not reachable by land, but of great charm, while at the same time preserving their value. In 2018, after twenty years of activity in the charter sector, having had the vision of what could have been the growth prospects of the Eco-sustainable Nautical Tourism sector, the company decided to change gear and starting from the choice of a certifying body expert in the tourist accommodation sector (and not nautical) such as CSQA, revolutionizing its processes in an integral way and completely redesigning the operational model of the activity. It is also the first Nautical Hotel accommodation facility in the world to also have ISO 9001 certification.

The company today offers its customers the opportunity to find the right offer for their holiday by directly visiting the Yachting in Sardinia website where 8 different offers are available every day, valid only for 24 hours, for a fleet of boats that are completely similar. and throughout to floating and completely eco-sustainable housing units, equipped with all comforts and divided into categories (exclusive, comfort and standard). The customer on board receives 24-hour assistance, also thanks to the SeaTutor monitoring system, and can count on a dedicated Service Operator, ready to respond to any needs of the guest crew, giving the customer the opportunity to experience the sea in total safety.

Group Y has been investing for years in the technical set-up of its boats: from the massive use of photovoltaics, to the elimination of endothermic generators, from the use of double alternators combined with automotive-derived battery packs, to the use of watermakers, from use of purifiers, up to the revolutionary "zero" impact underwater protective coating: the SeaProtector, which replaces traditional antifouling, not only improving the performance of the hull by reducing fuel consumption, but, being totally free of biocides toxic, avoid releasing any type of harmful substance into the water.

Shipyard Yachting in Sardinia. Cantieri di Olbia. Via Indonesia, 6. 07026 Olbia, Italy Phone: +39 3512843023 [email protected]

yacht sardegna vela


  1. La barca a vela più grande del mondo, lunga 142 metri, avvistata in

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  2. Vacanze in barca a vela Sardegna

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  3. Lo yacht a vela più grande del mondo è a Tavolara

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  4. Sardegna vacanze in barca a vela

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  5. Vela: Sailing a Deutscher Touring Yacht

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  6. Vento di Sardegna

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  1. Yachting in Sardinia ~ Charter Experts ~ You Sail, We Care

    Bellissima esperienza di VACANZA a VELA. La Sardegna è una meta incantevole e l'imbarcazione NUOVISSIMA era in perfette condizioni. Il servizio di YACHT & HOTEL è stato veramente all'altezza delle aspettative. ... DUFOUR: the best yacht for sailing holidays Thanks YiS for giving us a wonderful holiday on the wonderful and brand new ...

  2. Yacht Charter Sardegna

    La tua avventura a bordo di uno yacht charter in Sardegna può iniziare dalla nostra base di Olbia, situata sulla costa nord-orientale. Da qui puoi raggiungere facilmente l'arcipelago di La Maddalena e l'affascinante Costa Smeralda, la zona di crociera più ambita della Sardegna. Conosciuti per i chilometri di costa selvaggia, la rinomata ...

  3. Noleggio yacht in Sardegna

    Per navigare con una barca a vela o con uno yacht in Sardegna è consigliato avere una media esperienza. Se non hai la patente nautica o vuoi goderti la tua vacanza in totale relax, potresti valutare di utilizzare il nostro noleggio yacht con skipper in Sardegna. In particolare negli affollatissimi mesi estivi, la magnifica zona dell ...

  4. Noleggio yacht e barche a vela Sardegna con Zeta Charter

    Sardegna Noleggio yacht e barche a vela in Sardegna. La Sardegna, un'affascinante isola nel Mediterraneo, è una terra di bellezza mozzafiato e fascino senza pari. Con le sue spiagge da cartolina, le acque cristalline e la ricchezza di storia e cultura, la Sardegna offre un'esperienza indimenticabile per i visitatori.

  5. Cruising Charter Sardegna

    Come prima società di charter in Sardegna, da oltre vent'anni noleggiamo imbarcazioni a vela per crociere in Costa Smeralda, Sardegna nord-orientale.E' una vacanza tra le più belle che si possano fare, da godere in famiglia o con gli amici, in autonomia o assistiti da uno skipper professionista, sportivamente o in relax.

  6. Noleggio Yacht Sardegna

    20.11m / 66.0ft. Aicon Yachts 2009. da €20,000 /settimana. Vuoi vivere una vacanza indimenticabile, circondato dalle acque cristalline di un mare ricco di vita e bellezza? Pensa allora al noleggio yacht Sardegna per scoprire i panorami selvaggi, le spiagge bianche e le località esclusive di un'isola che può offrirti una miriade di sorprese.

  7. Sardinia Luxury Yacht Charter • Noblesse Yachts

    Discover Sardinia with a Luxury Yacht Rental and enjoy stunning beaches, vibrant villages, and local culture. Your dream charter vacation starts here!

  8. Charter Sardinia

    Con passione e professionalità, dedicandoci totalmente a sviluppare il turismo nautico in Sardegna, a bordo di confortevoli yacht a motore, eleganti barche a vela e nuovi maxi gommoni, organizziamo escursioni personalizzate giornaliere e noleggi nautici charter esclusivi.

  9. Noleggio Barche in Sardegna

    La nostra selezione di Yacht a noleggio in Sardegna. Affitto settimanale e giornaliero barche a vela senza skipper e imbarcazioni a motore con equipaggio per charter in Sardegna. Featured. €3,858.00(from)/per day + VAT + APA.

  10. Noleggio barche a vela Sardegna, Catamarani, Boomerang Charter

    Noleggio barche a vela Sardegna, Catamarani. Boomerang Charter vi farà navigare nelle meravigliose acque del Nord Sardegna. Prenota ora +39 0789 24293. [email protected]. Marina di Portisco, Molo 7 - 07026 Olbia. Home; Chi Siamo; La Flotta ... Organizza la tua vacanza in barca a vela in Sardegna. Scopri la flotta. 0. Barche da ...

  11. Charter Experts ~ Vivi la tua esperienza in Sardegna

    Trova la tua vacanza a vela in Sardegna Il primo Yacht Hotel certificato ISO 9001. Week Charter; Day Charter; Check-in. ... Bellissima esperienza di VACANZA a VELA. La Sardegna è una meta incantevole e l'imbarcazione NUOVISSIMA era in perfette condizioni. Il servizio di YACHT & HOTEL è stato veramente all'altezza delle aspettative.

  12. VELA Yacht Charter Price

    The 50m/164'1" sail yacht 'Vela' is an excellent new superyacht for the luxury charter market. Delivered by shipyard Custom and featuring interior styling by Natacha Tanguy she can comfortably accommodate up to 12 guests in 6 cabins.. A majestic sight at sea, Vela effortlessly combines classic looks with superb modern amenities, boasting expansive sunbathing areas and alfresco dining ...

  13. La Scuola della Vela since 1978 recognized by the Italian Sailing

    La Scuola della Vela since 1978 recognized by the Italian Sailing Federation. The school organizes courses on dinghies and keelboats. Team building, Charter and Sail boat and RIBS rental. In Sardinia Porto Cervo and Poltu Quatu.

  14. Sardinia Yacht Charters

    Sardinia Yacht Charters: At a Glance. Caribbean-blue waters Mesmerizingly clear turquoise waters abound along the coastline and tiny isles peppered around the Emerald isle, with thriving aquatic life just beneath the waves. Myriad pretty coves and secluded bays Discover Sardinia's hidden gems just waiting to be explored by yacht tender.

  15. Sailing Yacht Charter

    Bellissima esperienza di VACANZA a VELA. La Sardegna è una meta incantevole e l'imbarcazione NUOVISSIMA era in perfette condizioni. Il servizio di YACHT & HOTEL è stato veramente all'altezza delle aspettative. ... DUFOUR: the best yacht for sailing holidays Thanks YiS for giving us a wonderful holiday on the wonderful and brand new ...

  16. SOLEVENTO Sailing Tour in Barca a Vela con imbarco da Cannigione. Sail

    Il Sole, il vento, il mare di Sardegna. Crociere giornaliere nel fantastico mare dell'Arcipelago de La Maddalena in compagnia di Francesco e Paola. ... Foto dell'intestazione di SOLEVENTO Sailing Tour in Barca a Vela nell'arcipelago di La Maddalena con imbarco da Cannigione. La Maddalena archipelago Sail Yacht Tour from Cannigione port.

  17. Home

    Cagliari Sailing Charter is a company based in Sardinia, the marvelous island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, renowned by all tourists for Costa Smeralda. Three International airports guarantee connections with Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. Sun, bays, beaches, lovely people and really good food await the skippers and crews ...

  18. charter a vela in sardegna maxi yacht al porto di cagliari Sailing

    charter a vela in sardegna maxi yacht di 24 metri cruiser charter 78" al porto di cagliari Sailing Charter in Sardinia Italy contatto skype fenic. e-mail cha...

  19. Luxury Yacht Charter Experiences in Sardinia

    Luxury Yacht Charter Destination. The Italian island of Sardinia is a striking land of contrasts, with a wild interior and a glamorous coastline. Charter itineraries around Sardinia typically start at the north-eastern corner, in an area known as the Costa Smeralda. Porto Cervo is the undisputed capital of the Costa Smeralda, where every summer ...

  20. Yacht Charter Sardinia

    Cala dei Sardi. Marina Cala dei Sardi is a safe landing place located in the Gulf of Cugnana between Portisco and Porto Rotondo in the heart of Costa Smeralda. It is an ideal strategic point for exploring the island of Tavolara, famous for its pristine beaches from the Maddalena Archipelago to Southern Corsica with its extraordinary white ...

  21. Luxury & Private Yacht Charter Sardinia, Italy

    A luxury yacht charter in Sardinia will prove to be an unforgettable experience: admire the mega yachts at Porto Cervo; admire the Costa Smeralda; or sail to Corsica. Sardinia's miles of deserted beaches with smooth granite boulders and shimmering blue-green seas reminiscent of far-off paradises such as the Seychelles will be sure to impress you.

  22. Noleggio Yacht Sardegna

    La selezione più esclusiva di yacht di lusso e mega yacht, con equipaggio per charter giornalieri e settimanali nel Nord e Sud della Sardegna. ... Le Bahamas: un'alternativa invernale alle vacanze private in yacht in Sardegna 2 mesi ago by Sardinia Boat Rentals. Per quanto riguarda le vacanze in... Read More. Lusso, esclusività ed eleganza ...

  23. Vela: Mura torna in Sardegna dopo il giro del mondo in solitaria

    Porterà in Sardegna il suo record: Mura è il quinto skipper italiano ad aver doppiato Capo Horn durante un giro del mondo in solitaria non stop dopo Simone Bianchetti (Vendée Globe 2001 ...

  24. Sailing Yacht Charter

    Bellissima esperienza di VACANZA a VELA. La Sardegna è una meta incantevole e l'imbarcazione NUOVISSIMA era in perfette condizioni. Il servizio di YACHT & HOTEL è stato veramente all'altezza delle aspettative. ... DUFOUR: the best yacht for sailing holidays Thanks YiS for giving us a wonderful holiday on the wonderful and brand new ...