Started building in 1928 and finished in 1930. Garland Rotch (designer) was largely inspired by the famous Bluenose schooners. Originally commissioned by Templeton Crooker, a Yale educated San Francisco banker. Zaca went around the world twice on scientific expeditions due to the owners interest in Marine Biology. Crooker then joined the war effort and sold Zaca to the U.S. Navy for $40,000. Zaca was then painted requisition gray-blue, fitted with 20mm guns and a crew of 35 sailors.
In 1945 Errol Flynn discovered her, and bought her in 1946. He invested $80,000 towards her restoration: new masts, repainting etc. In 1952 Flynn died while trying to sell Zaca to pay off his debts … In 1988 Zaca ended up sinking in the port of Beaulieu.
1991 Roberto Memmo bought the wreck, refloated her and she was restored in IMS shipyard in Saint-Mandrier-sur-Mer, near Toulon. Officially rechristened by Memmo on 22nd September 1994.
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Zaca - Lo yacht "Sogno" di Errol Flynn
GOLETTA AURICA - Nautica Report
- 13/07/2020 11:00
Poche imbarcazioni a vela moderne sono circondate da mito e leggenda come lo Zaca yacht. Varato alla vigilia della Grande Depressione, la goletta da 118 piedi ha navigato attraverso settant'anni di storia passando da una straordinaria avventura all'altra. Oggi, ancorata a Monaco, Zaca rimane un argomento affascinante nei circoli nautici di tutto il mondo.
Nel 1929, San Francisco, Templeton Crocker incaricò l'architetto navale Garland Rotch di progettare uno degli yacht più lussuosi mai costruiti. L'idea era quella di sostituire un 75 piedi che Crocker aveva perso l'anno precedente durante una rivoluzione in Messico.
Rotch prese in prestito le linee dalla Bluenose, famosa goletta da pesca canadese, la più veloce mai costruita, e nel mese di agosto del 1929 costruì la chiglia dello Zaca a fianco del cantiere Fratelli Nunes a Sausalito, California.
Per costruire una goletta della dimensione dello Zaca non fu una proposta semplice. Designer Garland Rotch e proprietario Templeton Crocker pensarono che la baia di San Francisco fosse più adatta del cantiere di Ernie e Antonio Nunes a Sausalito.
La nave di 118 piedi era troppo grande così, nel mese di agosto del 1929, la chiglia fu posta nel bel mezzo della strada principale di Sausalito. Una settimana dopo, il mercato azionario crollò. Ma nonostante la Grande Depressione spazzò via la nazione, la costruzione del nuovo Zaca andò a tutta velocità.
Durante il viaggio inaugurale lo Zaca di Templeton Crocker incontrò SM Lambert nelle isole Figi, Lambert, un dottore in medicina tropicale per la Fondazione Rockefeller, intrattenne Crocker con racconti di regioni isolate e inesplorate nelle Isole Salomone.
Lambert raccontò che là viveva una tribù di polinesiani che, non avendo avuto mai contatti con i bianchi, era 20 mila anni dietro l'uomo moderno vivendo in una civiltà preistorica.
Con la guerra nel 1941, ogni yacht privato fu requisito dalla US Navy. Crocker fu pagato solo 35.000 dollari per la sua goletta amata costata 350.000. Zaca fu dipinto di grigio come una corazzata, ribattezzato IX-73 e messo di pattuglia a 500 miglia al largo di Eureka, California.
Zaca era come una stazione radiofaro, anche se portava a bordo due mitragliatrici calibro 0,50 mm. Quando tornava a Treasure Island nella baia di San Francisco ogni tre settimane, il suo congelatore era pieno di salmone. Nel 1944, lo Zaca fu sostituito da una motovedetta diesel e nel 1945 fu dismesso e, insieme a molti altri yacht, finì all'asta.
Nel 1945, Errol Flynn acquistò Zaca la sua 'nave sogno ' dallo speculatore Joe Rosenberg. Flynn rinnovò completamente lo yacht, dipingendolo di bianco, nel 1946, in compagnia dell' equipaggio, il padre scienziato, biologo marino Carl Hubbs, un assortimento di attori, parenti, e una troupe cinematografica, navigò a Acapulco in una 'spedizione scientifica' che si trasformò in un fiasco.
Dopo che tutti abbandonarono la nave a Acapulco, Flynn assoldò un equipaggio messicano e affittò Zaca a Orson Welles e Rita Hayworth per le riprese di "La signora di Shanghai". Nel 1947, Zaca riapparve a Port Antonio in Giamaica, che Flynn avrebbe chiamato la sua casa. Veleggiando nel Mediterraneo nel 1950, con un equipaggio giamaicano, Zaca sarebbe poi finito al Club Nautico di Palma di Maiorca, dove lui e la terza moglie Patrice Wymore avrebbe vissuto a bordo.
Dopo la morte di Flynn nel 1959, Zaca rimase nel posto barca del Club Nautico, Patrice non poteva mantenerla e poco si poteva ottenere dalla sua vendita. Gli avvocati di Flynn nel frattempo stavano tramando per sbarazzarsene. Alla fine decisero di consegnarla al milionario playboy inglese Freddie Tinsley che promise cdi poterla vendere vendere in Francia. Una volta in Francia, Tinsley spogliò Zaca da tutto ciò avesse valore e, nel 1965, abbandonata nel cantiere di Bernard Voisin a Villefranche.
Voisin infine rivendicò Zaca a fronte del mancato pagamento del canone di locazione. Zaca peggiorò ulteriormente trasformata in una nave fantasma. La gente del posto sosteneva ci fossero emanazioni di Errol Flynn provenienti dalla nave e il suono di feste sfrenate ogni notte. Tutto questo cessò dopo un doppio anglicano-cattolico nel 1979. Nel 1987 l'inglese Coussins Phillip acquistò il cantiere Voisin solo per acquisire Zaca ma l'affare è finì al tribunale francese per due anni. Nel 1990 Coussins liquidò la vendita dello Zaca ad un imprenditore italiano Roberto Memmo.
Dopo due anni di ricostruzione totale a Tolone, lo Zaca fece la sua grande ricomparsa a Regatta classico di Monaco nel 1993. Zaca fu eletta una delle più belle barche del mondo. Skipper, Bruno Dal Pias, e un equipaggio regolare di quattro marinai Zaca veleggiò, visitando i porti di Punta Ala, Gaeta, Capri, Cagliari, e l'Egeo.
Il proprietario Roberto Memmo ha reso nuovamente Zaca protagonista nell'ospitare eader mondiali, scrittori, stelle del cinema e di documentaristi. Durante l'estate, Zaca può essere visto di persona presso importanti regate del Mediterraneo. In inverno si può ammirare a Port de Fontvieille, Monte Carlo.
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I Can't Believe It's NonFiction
A collection of strange, but true, stories…
Built in 1930, the Zaca is a wooden yacht commissioned by Templeton Crocker.
Templeton spent much of the next 10 years traveling the world on his boat. He was a scientist and left much of his research to the California Academy of Sciences.
During World War II, the Zaca was acquired by the United States Navy and used to rescue the crews of downed American planes until 1944.
Actor Errol Flynn purchased the Zaca in 1946. He owned the vessel until his death in 1959.
The yacht sat docked and rotting until 1965 in Villefranche, France.
In 2008, Roberto Memmo purchased the Zaca and completely restored the vessel.
Visitors to the Zaca claim that it is haunted by the ghost of Errol.
Errol was born June 20, 1909 to Theodore and Marelle Flynn in Tasmania, Australia.
He often described his mother’s family as seafarers and had a lifelong fascination with boating.
In 1926, he was expelled from school for theft. When asked about it later in life, he would claim instead that he had an affair with a female employee of the school.
Errol found a job as a junior clerk in Sydney, Australia, but was fired for stealing money.
His first film role was In the Wake of the Bounty in 1933 and sparked his interest in acting. He went to Europe to study acting shortly after the film was released.
He tried his hand at stage acting, but was fired from the Northampton Repertory after throwing a female stage manager down the stairs.
Errol’s performance in Murder at Monte Carlo led to a trip to Los Angeles, California and a contract with Warner Bros. Pictures.
He married Lili Damita in 1935. The marriage lasted 7 years. The couple had a son named Sean. Sean was an actor, as well, before becoming a journalist. Sean was declared dead in 1984 after disappearing in Vietnam.
In 1938, Errol starred in his most famous role as Robin Hood in The Adventures of Robin Hood.
In 1942, two 17 year old girls accused Errol of statutory rape. He was acquitted in 1943, but his reputation was forever tarnished.
That same year he married Nora Eddington. The marriage lasted 6 years.
He married Patrice Wymore in 1950 and the couple remained married, even if just on paper, until his death.
Warner Bros. terminated their contract with Errol in 1953. He made 35 films in the 18 years he was under contract.
Errol became known for living a hard and fast life. He drank and smoked and was popular with women. The expression “in like Flynn” became popular after his acquittal of the statutory rape charges.
Errol was just as fast and loose with his finances and often found himself broke.
Needing to make some quick money, Errol flew with 17 year old Beverly Aadland to Vancouver, British Columbia in October 1959 to lease the Zaca to a man named George Caldough.
Before he could catch his flight home, Errol complained of pain in his back and legs. He was taken to the home of a doctor who was friends with George. The doctor treated Errol for pain and told him to rest.
Errol lost consciousness in a bedroom of the doctor’s home and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he died on October 14 at the age of 50.
His official cause of death was heart failure with cirrhosis of the liver as a contributing factor.
His ghost is said to be seen walking the deck of the Zaca at night.
A video summary of this week’s post can be found at
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ZACA yacht NOT for charter*
43m / 141'1 | nunes | 1930 / 1993.
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The 43m/141'1" classic yacht 'Zaca' was built by Nunes at their Sausalito, CA shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Garland Rotch and she was last refitted in 1993.
Range & Performance
Zaca is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Her low draft of makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines.
Length | 43m / 141'1 |
Beam | 7.22m / 23'8 |
Draft | - |
Gross Tonnage | 122 GT |
Cruising Speed | - |
Built | | (Refitted) |
Builder | Nunes |
Model | Custom |
Exterior Designer | Garland Rotch |
*Charter Zaca Sail Yacht
Sail yacht Zaca is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.
Zaca Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company
'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.
Zaca Photos
NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection
S/Y Zaca
Length | 43m / 141'1 |
Builder | |
Exterior Designer | Garland Rotch |
Built | Refit | 1930 | 1993 |
Model | Custom |
Beam | 7.22m / 23'8 |
Gross Tonnage | 122 GT |
Draft | - |
Cruising Speed | - |
Top Speed | - |
Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Zaca yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.
44m | Scheepswerf De Industrie
POA ♦︎
38m | Max Oertz
from $38,000 p/week ♦︎
40m | Camper & Nicholsons
from $54,000 p/week ♦︎
Croce del Sud
43m | Martinolich
from $86,000 p/week ♦︎
45m | Abeking & Rasmussen
39m | Frederikssund
47m | Mengi-Yay
from $78,000 p/week ♦︎
38m | Aegean Yacht
from $43,000 p/week ♦︎
46m | White Brothers
Malcolm Miller
46m | John Lewis & Sons
from $67,000 p/week ♦︎
40m | Holland Jachtbouw
from $58,000 p/week
Sir Winston Churchill
41m | Dunston Shipyard
from $35,000 p/week ♦︎
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In the Wake of Zaca – With New Footage
A film by luther greene and brought to you by
“In the Wake of the Zaca,” the remarkable adventures of a California schooner. This award-winning documentary captures a lost age of adventure, romance, and Hollywood glamour told through the history of a 75 year-old, 118 foot gaff-rigged topsail schooner.
Launched in San Francisco on the eve of the great depression, Zaca explored stone-age civilizations in the South Pacific, patrolled the California coast as an armed ship of war during World War II, and served as party boat for sailor and swashbuckling actor, Errol Flynn.
Left to languish as a striped hulk on a mudflat in the south of France, Zaca rose like the phoenix to sail again. Sail in her wake and gain a unique perspective on history and experience adventures most of us can only dream about.
We’ve include 4 EXTRAS telling the story behind the film, more historical footage of Zaca during her 1933 Solomon Islands scientific research visit, and a short film directed, staring, and narrated by Errol Flynn while he owned the Zaca.
The Zaca DVD with extras. Subscribers, get 20% off at
In the Wake of the Zaca from SailFlix on Vimeo .
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In the Wake of the Zaca is included with your monthly or annual subscription to SailFlix, TheSailingChannel TV’s documentary and how-to video subscription service. For more about the film and to subscribe, visit
On SailFlix, the film (including extras) is also available to purchase as a streaming rental and digital download at
The DVD with Extras is available at SailFlix Members get 20% off.
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ZACA, a 43.01 m Sail Yacht built in the United States of America and delivered in 1930, is the flagship of Nunes .
Her top speed is 9.0 kn and her cruising speed is 8.0 kn and her power comes from two General Motors diesel engines. She has a gross tonnage of 122.0 GT and a 7.22 m beam.
She was designed by Garland Rotch , who also completed the naval architecture. Garland Rotch has designed 1 yacht and created the naval architecture for 1 yacht for yachts above 24 metres.
ZACA is in the top 30% by LOA in the world. She is one of 141 sailing yachts in the 40-45m size range.
ZACA is currently sailing under the Netherlands flag (along with a total of other 83 yachts). She is known to be an active superyacht and has most recently been spotted cruising near Netherlands. For more information regarding ZACA's movements, find out more about BOATPro AIS .
- Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
- Yacht Subtype: Classic Yacht
- Builder: Nunes
- Naval Architect: Garland Rotch
- Exterior Designer: Garland Rotch
- Refits: 1993,2004,2005
Yacht featured in
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579 samples. There is a field in academia that analyzes the interactions between anthropological, political, aesthetic, and socioeconomic institutions. It is referred to as cultural studies. This area is interdisciplinary, meaning that it combines and examines several departments. First brought up by British scientists in the 1950s, it is now ...
To help you get started, here are 130 culture essay topic ideas and examples: The impact of globalization on traditional cultures. Cultural appropriation: the line between appreciation and exploitation. The role of social media in shaping modern culture. The influence of pop culture on youth identity. The impact of immigration on cultural ...
physically, and once metaphysically. (Thomas Bernhar d, Ungenach) 1. Introduction. In the social sciences and humanities, the ubiquity of "cultur e". contrasts with much uncertainty and ...
The basis of all cultural knowledge is our ca-pacity to categorize. Categories are the words, concepts, and classes we use to make sense of reality and are one of the most basic features of automatic cognitive processing (Kahneman 2011, pp. 168-69; Medin & Heit 1999). They are fundamental for two reasons.
You can find culture essay ideas online or ask your professor. We suggest the following culture essay topics and titles: The significance of cultural identity in an individual. Culture as a political instrument in the modern world. The differences between the Eastern and the Western culture.
ABSTRACT. This brief essay, introducing the collection of essays on cultural studies in mainland China and the Chinese-speaking societies, relates the emergence and development of Chinese cultural studies to changes in society. It documents the twin pulls in cultural studies between analyzing what is happening and intervening into society with ...
This essay both inaugurates the editorship of Ted Striphas and reflects on the contributions of Cultural Studies' longtime editor, Lawrence Grossberg. It opens by reflecting briefly on the journal's transformations over the last 28 years before taking stock of the wellbeing of Cultural Studies, the field. The claim here is that Cultural ...
The Practice of Cultural Studies will be an essential text for students of cultural studies and a useful guide to others studying culture in a range of disciplinary contexts across the humanities ...
Cultural studies is an advanced interdisciplinary arena of research and teaching that examines the means in which "culture" creates and transforms day to day ... the field of anthropology. Among contemporary theorists, Raymond Williams has written extensively on culture. In his essay "Culture is Ordinary" he points out: "We use the word ...
The essays in Bringing It All Back Home bring a sense of history, depth, and contestation to the current success of cultural studies while charting Grossberg's intellectual and theoretical developments from his time at Birmingham to the present day.
1997a: 6). Cultural studies is constituted by a regulated way of speaking about objects (which it brings into view) and coheres around key concepts, ideas and concerns. Further, cultural studies had a moment at which it named itself, even though that naming marks only a cut or snapshot of an ever-evolving intellectual project.
Part I : CULTURE, CLASS, AND THEORY. This part begins with Stuart's retrospective assessment of the profound role played by Richard Hoggart's work (and in particular The Uses of Literacy, which appeared in 1957) in opening up the terrain of Cultural Studies and laying the ground for much of what followed.
On cultural studies, again. Ien Ang. Institute for Culture and society, Western Sydney University, Australia. Abstract. This article reflects on the state of cultural studies today. It asks to ...
In this essay, we will delve into the concept of culture, examining how it is influenced by factors such as geography, history, religion, and language. We will also analyze the major elements of culture, including symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts, and explore how these elements profoundly impact the way people think, communicate ...
International Journal of Cultural Studies is a fully peer-reviewed journal and a leading venue for scholarship committed to rethinking cultural practices, processes, texts and infrastructures beyond traditional national frameworks and regional biases. Established to revitalize cultural studies against the dangers of parochialism and intellectual ossification, the journal interrogates what ...
Arising from the social turmoil of the 1960-s, Cultural Studies is an academic discipline which combines political economy, communication, sociology, social theory, literary theory, media theory, film studies, cultural anthropology, philosophy, art history/ criticism etc. to study cultural phenomena in various societies. Cultural Studies researches often focus on how a particular phenomenon ...
way of life. There is little doubt that the concept of culture as a way of life initially provided the key authorizing concept for cultural studies as a distinctive intellectual and political practice. In endorsing Williams's definition, in The Long Revolution, of 'the theory of culture as the study of relationships between elements in a ...
The Singapore Cultural Analysis Cultural Studies Essay. Example essay. Last modified: 6th Jul 2023. Singapore is a small island in southeast Asia Known for its trade and tourism. It is a small island with not much history but has a strong economy, stable government and a vibrant culture. II.
978-1-4780-0241-3. Publication date: 2018. From his arrival in Britain in the 1950s and involvement in the New Left, to founding the field of cultural studies and examining race and identity in the 1990s and early 2000s, Stuart Hall has been central to shaping many of the cultural and political debates of our time.
Cultural Studies Comparative and historical analysis are concepts that describe analyzing events in their historical context, by comparing them with other events that have occurred in the past. Events that occur today do not occur in a vacuum, but rather they always have context. The first chapter mentions the confusion in Britain when it was revealed that a suicide bomb attack on that country ...
Publish with us. Policies and ethics. For 40 years, the relationship between sociology and cultural studies has posed central questions of self-definition and practice for both projects. By orchestrating a range of manifesto-style statements — the full literature can only be gestured towards...
Every student exploring cultural and other social studies may face the task of writing a thematic essay. This type of educational activity is an independent reflection of a person on a scientific problem, using ideas, cultural backgrounds, associative images from other areas of their own culture, personal experience, and social practice.
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Cultural Studies examines how cultural practices relate to everyday life, history, structures of power, affect, ideology, economy, politics, knowledge, technology, and the environment. Since its inception in 1987, Cultural Studies has understood the term "culture" as ever-evolving and inclusive—rather than exclusive. As such, the Journal continues to support the field on a global scale ...
Cultural Awareness . Colleges love diversity; it makes for a rich campus life, promotes inclusive thinking, prepares students for a globalized world, and reflects our diverse American population. Diversity is connected directly to cultural awareness. ... To craft a compelling essay about your study abroad experience, start with these:
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Zaca® is created and owned as a registered trademark by Olivier van Meer. It was the logical follow up on the successful Puffin® range and incorporates its specific elements, such as enhanced performance, extraordinary seaworthiness, broad interior space and unique centreboard system for draught reduction.These models are sold and built exclusively by Acico Yachts in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. If Puffin® is the ultimate cutter yacht, Zaca® as the ultimate lady of the sea: Her elegance speaks for itself.
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Early Zaca Logbook on the block
With excitement brewing over the Cother book, I went a searching and came up with a rather intersting item that is/was for sale:…
FLYNN, ERROL & YACHT ZACA Log Book of Errol Flynns Luxury Yacht 'Zaca from October 12, 1945 – December 5, 1946. Including the Ships Ledger Listing Payments Made to the Crew and Itemized Payments Toward General Supplies and Services Through March 15, 1947 1945 – 1947 – Standard ledger, 7 1/2″ x 12 1/8″, with 'ZACA in pencil on the front board for Errol Flynns yacht, 'Zaca with a carbon typescript of the ships crew list taped to the inside of the front board, hand signed by Errol Flynn in ink, indicating the name, place of birth, nationality, race, marital status, age, and station on board for fifteen men, with Flynns name at the top of the list as 'Master, married (at the time to Nora Eddington), age 37. Laid in is a counter check from the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, CA, made out by Errol Flynn in his hand and signed by him (twice – once on the front and, again endorsed on the verso), dated Oct. 27, 1945, in the amount of $100, with “S.F. re Zaca – Amazon” written by him in the memo field, and made payable to the California Bank in Los Angeles, with their endorsement stamps on the verso. Coincidentally, the St. Francis Hotel was built by the Crocker family, the descendent of which, Templeton Crocker, was the man who commissioned the building of Zaca. The log / ledger itself includes information spanning approximately a year and a half, from October 12, 1945 – March 15, 1947 indicating various details related to a relatively extensive refitting in San Francisco, crew activities, and repairs made to Zaca. The next to last log entry reads: “Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1945. Moored as before. 0.800 Bloody madhouse aboard. No further remarks.” Followed by: “? Dec. 5 / 1946. From Cocos Island to Gulf of Panama.” From there the entries are of related to the ships accounts – listing supplies, and payments made to the crew, ending on Mar. 15, 1947. The book is in very good condition with a few indications of use to the covers. The lovely Zaca was designed by naval architect Garland Rotch, inspired by the fastest fishing schooner ever built named the Bluenose. Rotch was hired in 1929 by San Francisco railroad heir Templeton Crocker, and took its maiden voyage in 1930, carrying Mr. Crocker and a few friends for a year long voyage around the world. Crocker went on to use Zaca as a scientific research vessel for trips to the Galapagos Island, the Solomon Islands, etc. Errol Flynn purchased Zaca, his 'dream ship, in 1945 after the war, during which time she had been requisitioned in by the U.S. Navy and renamed 'IX73 for patrolling duty off the California coast. Flynn had Zaca completely refurbished (as indicated in the log) and, as soon as she was sea worthy, took off with a group of Hollywood friends and a documentary film crew bound for Acapulco. Unfortunately, the crew jumped ship once they arrived, whereupon Flynn hired a new crew and rented Zaca to Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth to use in the filming of 'The Lady from Shanghai and the Zaca is well-featured in this film classic. In 1947, Flynn made his home aboard Zaca, in Port Antonio, Jamaica, sailing her to the Mediterranean in 1950, winding up at the Club Nautico in Palma de Mallorca, where he and his third wife, Patrice Wymore, lived on board. After Flynns death in 1959, Zaca remained berthed at Club Nautico in Jamaica, but eventually the estate negotiations broke down and Zaca was leased to English millionaire and playboy Freddie Tinsley who stripped her of anything valuable and abandoned her in the boatyard of Bernard Voisin in Villefranche. From there, the story goes that Zaca became a ghost ship, and was given an exorcism in 1979, which, apparently put an end to all ghostly phenomena. Zaca is currently owned by Roberto Memmo, who rescued her from serious deterioration and spent millions to rebuild and refit her. Her present home base is in Port de Fontvieille, Monte Carlo where she is dilligently maintained and made available for charter. With a DVD of the documentary by Luther Greene 'In the Wake [Attributes: Signed Copy] [Bookseller: James Pepper Rare Books, Inc., ABAA]
— Karl
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Simeon Kerr in Ras al-Khaimah
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Investigators around the world have been searching for sanctions-hit Russian oligarchs’ yachts. One has been hiding in plain sight.
Italian authorities in March impounded Russian coal and fertilisers magnate Andrey Melnichenko’s $600mn Sailing Yacht A after Russia invaded Ukraine. Another yacht, the $300mn Philippe Starck-designed Motor Yacht A, has been anchored for weeks in the port of Ras al-Khaimah, in the United Arab Emirates.
By placing his yacht in the UAE, Melnichenko has put it beyond the reach of western governments enforcing sanctions on those deemed supportive of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine.
Its presence is a symbolic reminder of the Gulf monarchy’s ambivalence towards western sanctions on Russia, allies of Putin and the wealthy businessmen who have often benefited from ties to the state.
While the UAE government is trying to enhance measures against money laundering to exit a global dirty-money watchdog’s watchlist, the economic foundation of cities such as Dubai has long been based on welcoming flows of assets and people.
“Given its non-enforcement of western sanctions, the dilemma for the UAE is how to sustain its place as an open destination for capital while also appearing to be a good global citizen,” said one compliance professional. “It’s a tricky balancing act.”
The government of the Isle of Man said it had in March deregistered Melnichenko’s yachts, including Motor Yacht A, because of western sanctions, saying, “we will continue to act with appropriate robustness should the situation warrant it”.
Marine locator services placed Motor Yacht A off the Maldives in March. The Financial Times then saw the yacht on April 18. On Saturday it remained moored opposite Ras al-Khaimah’s city-centre fish market.
Businessmen in the UAE say Melnichenko, who denies affiliations to the Kremlin, held meetings there in April, but the tycoon has since returned to Moscow. A representative of Melnichenko, who has been placed under sanctions by the EU and UK as well as Switzerland and Australia, referred questions on the yacht to a lawyer who declined to comment.
UAE authorities in Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah and Abu Dhabi declined to comment.
European officials say they have raised concerns with Emirati counterparts that the UAE could become a financial haven for Russians placed under western sanctions. “We don’t want our allies to become facilitators for the Putin regime,” said one.
The UAE government has said it is maintaining a neutral course through the war, calling for an end to hostilities and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Abu Dhabi, which has developed closer ties with Moscow in recent years, has also assured its allies that sanctions-hit entities will not be able to operate in the UAE. The Gulf monarchy, which has long argued that it is not compelled to enforce other nations’ sanctions, is keen to maintain its historical role as an apolitical territory focused on business.
Thousands of wealthy, non-sanctions-hit Russians have relocated to the UAE to escape economic uncertainty and political instability at home, even though they sometimes struggle to access the financial system. “Big banks are more cautious but smaller banks are offering help to those wishing to relocate. It’s just taking a lot of time,” said a Russian businessman.
Very wealthy Russians generally find financial institutions accommodating. Most of the wealthy elite have second passports from countries that sell nationality, such as Malta or Portugal, which facilitates the opening of new accounts with lenders that are warier of Russian passport holders.
Others have turned to alternative routes, such as cryptocurrencies and hawala, or informal money exchange services. The cost of this service has risen from 1 per cent of the transaction value to 5 per cent since the war broke out as demand surges, said one person aware of the trades.
Many in the UAE see a hypocrisy in western concern over the presence of the yacht and the Russians building new lives there. “So it was OK for London to take all the oligarch money but not for Dubai?” asked one lawyer.
Additional reporting by Nastassia Astrasheuskaya in Riga
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His legendary white yacht Zaca, reportedly the scene of ongoing parties and continuous seductions, was built at the Nunes Bros. Boatyard in Old Town in 1929. She was commissioned by the original owner, Templeton Crocker, one of the heirs to the Crocker fortune. The Nunes yard, located on what is today known as the Valley Street beach, won the ...
Due to the need for local patrol and rescue craft in the busy waters in the San Francisco area during World War II, the schooner was acquired by the Navy from Templeton Crocker on 12 June 1942. Placed in service on 19 June 1942 and assigned to the Western Sea Frontier, Zaca was classified a miscellaneous auxiliary and designated IX-73.She was the second ship of that name to serve in the US ...
The Zaca Today! Built by Nunes Bros. in 1929-30, Sausalito, CA. for Templeton Crocker Acquired by the US Navy, 12 June 1942 Placed in service as Zaca (IX-73), 19 June 1942 ... Zaca was in Palma de Mallorca in her berth at the Palm de Mallorca Yacht Club (Club Nautico) and the crew kept her maintained, but soon Patrice encountered financial ...
By Larry Clinton. The graceful schooner Zaca is part of Sausalito's history in more ways than one. As Historical Society member Annie Sutter has written, the 127-foot yacht was built at the Nunes Bros. Boatyard in Old Town in 1929. She was commissioned by the original owner, Templeton Crocker, one of the heirs to the Crocker fortune.
Zaca was then painted requisition gray-blue, fitted with 20mm guns and a crew of 35 sailors. In 1945 Errol Flynn discovered her, and bought her in 1946. He invested $80,000 towards her restoration: new masts, repainting etc. ... Covering news on classic yachting worldwide is a tall ask and with your input Classic Yacht Info can expose stories ...
Navy. Templeton Crocker was paid just $35,000 for his beloved $350,000 schooner. In 1946 Zaca was purchased by Errol Flynn who proceeded to. do a full, much needed restoration and de-militarization. The Zaca was Errol Flynn's pride and joy throughout the years of ownership until October 14th, 1959 the day he passed away.
ZACA had yacht design work compiled by Garland Rotch. The Build & Yacht Design of Luxury Yacht ZACA Garland Rotch was the naval architect involved in the professional superyacht plans for ZACA. Also the company Garland Rotch skillfully worked on this venture. In 1930 she was actually launched with triumph in Sausalito Ca and post sea trials and ...
In 1952 the Hollywood actor Erroll Flynn took a group of scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on an expedition south of California and through the Panama canal to the Caribbean, collecting samples for scientific research aboard his schooner, the Zaca. Zaca was a timber hulled auxilliary two-masted schooner of 122 tons and 118ft (36m)
By Bill Van Niekerken, Library DirectorUpdatedDec 21, 2018 3:50 p.m. It's a storied yacht born in the Bay Area whose 20th century voyage was filled with more tales than most fleets see in a ...
The second Zaca, a wooden-hulled, schooner-rigged yacht with an auxiliary engine, was designed by Garland Rotch and completed in 1930 at Sausalito, Calif., by Nunes Bros. Due to the need for local patrol and rescue craft in the busy waters in the San Francisco area during World War II, the schooner was acquired by the Navy from Templeton ...
Nel 1944, lo Zaca fu sostituito da una motovedetta diesel e nel 1945 fu dismesso e, insieme a molti altri yacht, finì all'asta. ERROL FLYNN. 1946. Nel 1945, Errol Flynn acquistò Zaca la sua 'nave sogno ' dallo speculatore Joe Rosenberg. Flynn rinnovò completamente lo yacht, dipingendolo di bianco, nel 1946, in compagnia dell' equipaggio, il ...
Zaca is a sailing yacht with an overall length of m. The yacht's builder is Nunes from United States, who launched Zaca in 1930. The superyacht has a beam of m, a draught of m and a volume of . GT.. Zaca features exterior design by Garland Rotch. Zaca has a wood hull and a wood superstructure.. In the world rankings for largest yachts, the superyacht, Zaca, is listed at number 1849.
USS Zaca. Built in 1930, the Zaca is a wooden yacht commissioned by Templeton Crocker. Templeton spent much of the next 10 years traveling the world on his boat. He was a scientist and left much of his research to the California Academy of Sciences. During World War II, the Zaca was acquired by the United States Navy and used to rescue the ...
The 43m/141'1" classic yacht 'Zaca' was built by Nunes at their Sausalito, CA shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Garland Rotch and she was last refitted in 1993. Range & Performance. Zaca is built with a wood hull and wood superstructure, with teak decks. Her low draft of makes her primed for accessing shallow areas ...
A film by Luther Greene and brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV. "In the Wake of the Zaca," the remarkable adventures of a California schooner. This award-winning documentary captures a lost age of adventure, romance, and Hollywood glamour told through the history of a 75 year-old, 118 foot gaff-rigged topsail schooner. Launched in San ...
ZACA. ZACA, a 43.01 m Sail Yacht built in the United States of America and delivered in 1930, is the flagship of Nunes. Her top speed is 9.0 kn and her cruising speed is 8.0 kn and her power comes from two General Motors diesel engines. She has a gross tonnage of 122.0 GT and a 7.22 m beam. She was designed by Garland Rotch, who also completed ...
The Errol Flynn Blog. Contact us! News & Events; The Errol Flynn Timeline; Zaca - Full Sail in San Francisco Bay - 1930. Many thanks G.B. for the rare and wonderful photos of
Zaca sailing yachts. Zaca® is created and owned as a registered trademark by Olivier van Meer. It was the logical follow up on the successful Puffin® range and incorporates its specific elements, such as enhanced performance, extraordinary seaworthiness, broad interior space and unique centreboard system for draught reduction.These models are sold and built exclusively by Acico Yachts in ...
1945 - 1947 - Standard ledger, 7 1/2″ x 12 1/8″, with 'ZACA in pencil on the front board for Errol Flynns yacht, 'Zaca with a carbon typescript of the ships crew list taped to the inside of the front board, hand signed by Errol Flynn in ink, indicating the name, place of birth, nationality, race, marital status, age, and station on ...
The Luxurious Yacht, Anastasia. The luxury yacht Anastasia, named after Potanin's daughter Anastasia, serves as a striking symbol of his considerable wealth.Designed by Sam Sorgiovanni, Anastasia had her own dedicated website and was available for charter at a weekly rate of approximately USD 700,000. This luxurious vessel could accommodate 12 guests in its 6 cabins, served by a 20-member crew.
Viktor Vekselberg's net worth is estimated at $10 billion, making him the fourth richest Russian in the world. He is an active philanthropist, donating to culture, art, science, education, and sports. He is the chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation, a high-technology business area in Moscow, and is a business partner of Oleg Deripaska, the ...
With its bow facing the Mediterranean, the 140-metre craft worth an estimated US$700 million is the subject of a probe into its ownership by Italy's financial police.
Italian authorities in March impounded Russian coal and fertilisers magnate Andrey Melnichenko's $600mn Sailing Yacht A after Russia invaded Ukraine. Another yacht, the $300mn Philippe Starck ...