Yacht jobs and STCW  training


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You will get a certificate, a €100 award to use and a personal coach designing your package and guiding you on board to your first yacht job.

There is a lot of competition. That is why Yachtiecareers is here for you. We give you the coach, plan, tools and skills so that you are qualified to get your first job , and so that you can get it faster, beating the competition.

It is easy. Just complete the kick-start online course. After reviewing your answers, we will send you the €100 award for free to use to get started.

After you purchase the Yachtiecareers package, you will get the training and instructor for your department. When Buy Kick-start, Pro or STCW and we tailor make the training for you as a Deckhand or Stewardess.



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  • How to become a Yachtie

So you’re thinking about becoming a Yachtie?

You may have a friend or relative who already works in the industry, or you have watched TV programmes like Below Deck , you know working on a yacht is the right for you, but where do you start? 

With the potential to earn great money, travel, and work with loads of like-minded people, it’s not surprising this job ticks a lot of boxes for many people. 

Becoming a Yachtie and getting paid to work on luxury yachts may seem like a job and industry that only the elite can have access to, or it just seems too confusing to start. 

However, with an understanding of the requirements, certification, and having some expectations of what job role you should be looking for, starting work as a Yachtie will not seem so daunting.

What is a Yachtie?

Before we go any further, let’s make sure we are all singing off the same hymn sheet. 

A Yachtie is a broad term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. More specifically, it has become the term for people working as yacht crew on superyachts. 

A superyacht is a very large boat that is extremely luxurious and often owned by multi millionaires and billionaires.

These Yachties who work on superyachts hold a number of different positions. Most Yachties will start their superyacht career working as a Deckhand or Stewardess. With more experience and responsibilities, your role will change as you progress up the career ladder. 

It’s worth noting there are other types of yachting and Yachties. The other kind of ‘Yachtie’ could describe those who hold their Yachtmaster qualification and have jobs like skipper charter boats. 

Job roles for new Yachties

Yachties new to the industry (also known as ‘Green’ Yachties) will traditionally apply for entry levels roles, which are Yacht Deckhands or Yacht Stewardesses. 

These are both very different jobs, so you need to be sure which one you want to do and start training for that career path.

Yacht Stewardess (Stew)

A Stewardess, or Steward , looks after the interior of the yacht. This means anything that happens inside the boat, you will be responsible for it. 

Think of any job in the hospitality industry and then combine it into one role on a yacht, that is what you will be doing.

From making beds, doing the laundry, cleaning, serving food, and hosting dinner, you will do it all to a 5-star standard. Anything less than perfect, and your guests won’t be satisfied.

It’s the small things that make the difference between high standards and exceptional standards. You must have a great eye for detail and be able to make sure no stone is left unturned. Everything on board the ship must be 100% perfect at all times.

You will be reporting to Chief Stew, who will be your manager and give you your task list. After a good few seasons as a green Stewardess, you will have enough experience and confidence to apply for Chief Stewardess roles.

Yacht Deckhand

In contrast to the Stewardess role, Deckhands look after the exterior of the boat. 

Predominantly a male role, Deckhands will do everything from general maintenance to cleaning the teak deck, looking after the toys (Jet Skis, etc.), and even driving the tenders.

Deckhands should know how a yacht operates, the basic terminology used onboard, how to tie knots, and loads and loads of enthusiasm. 

Deckhands may also dip in and out of helping the Stewardesses, and it isn’t uncommon for Deckhands to give a hand during busy evening meal preparation and service.

5 steps to Becoming a Yachtie

With an understanding of the job roles available, you can now decide which one best suits you. With the right attitude, qualifications, and knowing where to look for work, becoming a Yachtie is achievable for anyone who wants it. 

  • Have the right attitude
  • Pass an ENG1 medical
  • Complete STCW Basic Safety Training
  • Gain experience
  • Go to a superyacht marina

1. Have the right attitude

Along with gaining the correct qualifications to prove your competence, to become a Yachtie, you must have certain characteristics to thrive in this industry.

Yachties have to be well presented, articulate, know how to take orders, and be able to work hard, all with a smile and enthusiasm. You have to be able to work incredibly long hours, sometimes under stressful conditions, without losing your patience.

Having a job on a superyacht may sound glamorous, but if it’s your 10th day working in a row and you’ve got your head stuck down a toilet trying to clean it, you may want to think again. To become a Yachtie, you have to be happy with spending a lot of time away from home without seeing your friends and family. This may all seem obvious, but this situation does not suit everyone, and without careful consideration of the negatives, you will leave this industry quicker than when you arrived.

2. Pass ENG1 Medical

The first actionable step you need to take to become a Yachtie is gaining an ENG1 medical certificate. The ENG1 medical is an examination by an approved MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) Doctor to make sure you are fit and able to work at sea.

Every single person working at sea must have an ENG1 medical certificate , without this, you are not able to start working on superyachts. The examination will take around 45 minutes, during which the doctor will go through a checklist to make sure you have no underlying health conditions that may impact the safety of you or anyone else on board the ship.

The most common reason new yachties fail the ENG1 is colour blindness. Surprisingly many people can go through their whole life without knowing they are colour blind. However, on board a ship, this can have huge implications. If you cannot identify signals and lights correctly, it will be impossible for you to help navigate the ship in an emergency. Unfortunately, this means you cannot start work as a Yachtie.

3. Complete STCW Basic Safety Training

Another requirement for working at sea is completing STCW Basic Safety Training . Similar to the ENG1 you can only get a job on a yacht if you have the STCW certificate. 

STCW stands for ‘Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping’. It is to make sure that all Seafarers have an understanding of what to do in an emergency and are aware of the procedures required. 

STCW Courses are action-packed and quite a bit of fun. From fire fighting to sea survival, you will get stuck in learning, and learn loads of new skills.

4. Gain experience 

If you are lucky enough to have a job offer on a superyacht, then having your ENG1 and STCW certificates will be enough.

Don’t worry if you haven’t already got a job offer, it’s quite normal to go through all these steps and not have a job lined up yet. If this is the case, gaining more experience and qualifications is a good idea to give you a competitive advantage over anyone else applying for the same job role. 

This is achieved through signing up to a Deckhand or Stewardess Course. On these courses, you will get your standard STCW certificate and a list of extra qualifications demonstrating your competence, ability, and commitment to the industry. 

Deckhands will learn how to drive a small yacht, engine maintenance, general yacht repair, and how to clean teak properly. Stewardesses will understand wine and how to serve it, the art of flower arranging, and how to drive a powerboat. 

5. Go to a superyacht marina

After you have completed your superyacht training, now is the time to head out to France and look for work. Along with signing up to yacht crew recruitment agencies, going to one of the main superyacht marinas and handing out your CV to Captains is a great way to find work. This is known as dockwalking.

If you complete your Superyacht Course with us, you will have the option of signing up to our recruitment day in Antibes, France. We head out to France as a group, talk you through the process and offer you our industry contacts.

This is a great way to start your journey, and all our students find work in no time.

How much do Yachties make?

So you’ve heard you can make a good amount of money working on superyachts? Along with the travel, the great salary is why many people decide to become a Yachtie.

Like a job within any industry, salary varies. A Superyacht will agree on a crew salary budget with the owner of the yacht.

If you are just starting out, you can expect a salary of around €2,200 – €3,200 per month. However, the industry standard is €2,500 per month. Once you gain more experience and qualifications, your salary will increase. 

When you look at the salary at face value, it looks great but not incredible, however when you are at sea, you have zero outgoings. Working on a yacht means you don’t have to pay rent, bills, or buy food which will save you heaps of money compared with working at home.

If you want to see the salaries of all yacht crew, check out our Salary Guide.

Do Yachties pay taxes?

Another reason why the salary is so appealing is that in most cases Yachties don’t have to pay tax. 

This is a government scheme called the Seafarers Earning Deduction , and providing you are eligible, Yachties can keep 100% of their earnings.

To be able to apply for Seafarers Earning Deduction, you must be working on a ship outside of UK waters for a period of 365 days. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a whole year at once away from home, rather you can only apply once all the days you work on a yacht adds up to 365.

Being able to understand this tax scheme will be hugely beneficial before you start working on a Superyacht. 

Download our free Guide

Want to know more about working on a Superyacht, please download our free guide .

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Yacht Crew Job Board

With Bluewater's expertise in crew training and yacht crew recruitment, finding your ideal yacht crew vacancy is simple. We offer yacht management services to a variety of exclusive superyachts. Our team excels in sourcing top-notch yacht crew positions, spanning from 25-meter private yachts in the Bahamas to 50-metre charter yachts in the Mediterranean to luxurious 100+ metre superyachts navigating the globe extensively.

134 yacht crew jobs available now.

Yacht Crew Training

Alongside sourcing the latest yacht crew jobs worldwide, Bluewater offers a range of specialised yacht crew training courses. Whether you're new to the superyacht industry seeking entry-level qualifications, an experienced deckhand or engineer aiming to advance your career, or a dedicated crew member looking to enhance your resume with certifications like HELM (Human Element Leadership and Management), Yachtmaster, or OOW (Officer of the Watch), explore our comprehensive yacht crew training options.

Working on a Luxury Yacht

Working as a crew member on a superyacht is undeniably one of the most rewarding yet demanding professions, calling for hard work, dedication, and professional training. The opportunities within the yachting industry are vast, and at Bluewater, we are committed to helping every crew member discover their ideal yacht crew position. Our recruitment division focuses on finding the perfect yacht for crew members and provides unparalleled professional support. Our recruitment experts guide crew members through every step of their yachting career journey, ensuring they receive the best possible assistance.

Manage Your Yacht Career

Whether you're seeking a yacht crew position as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, stewardess, chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer, or captain, take control of your yacht career. Create a profile and join one of the world's largest yachting communities for free.


  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
  • Experience: charter experience
  • Salary: tbc
  • Qualifications: MEOL or AEC1+2+Experience
  • Experience: similar
  • Salary: €5000-5500


  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food & Hygiene Level 2, B1/B2 & Schengen Visa
  • Experience: EXTENSIVE
  • Salary: DOE
  • Experience: At least 1 season of chief stew
  • Salary: Industry standard
  • Qualifications: -
  • Experience: Ideally 1 season or cruise background
  • Salary: €3500 -/+ doe
  • Experience: At least 1 season as chief stew
  • Salary: €5000 - 5500
  • Experience: 1 to 2 Seasons
  • Salary: 3000EUR
  • Seasonal until mid-October
  • Experience: 2 Years
  • Experience: Open
  • Experience: 2+ years
  • Salary: To be discussed

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Superyacht Jobs

Search hundreds of superyacht jobs from around the world:.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef yacht crew positions available.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef superyacht and yacht jobs around the world.

Chef / Stewardess

34m new build high performance sailing yacht is looking for a stew/chef to join their team in the Caribbean.

Vessel has avid sailing owners and spends majority of her time under sail. The ideal candidate will have sailing yacht experience and a keen eye for detail to keep the boat in i...

Job Details:

Job ID: #7079 Job Type: Full Time Start Location: British Virgin Islands Start Date: Immediate Start Couples Job: Deckhand/Mate Qualifications (Essential): STCW Basic Safety Training 95 (2010) Essential Visas: B1B2 Languages: English Min Yachting Experience: 2-3 Years Gender Required: Female

Office Assistant Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan have an exciting opportunity for an Office Assistant, based in London, UK, to support one of our esteemed Maritime clients. The ideal candidate will possess exceptional organisational acumen, a proactive can-do attitude, and a strong dedication to collaborative teamwork. Location: London, UK Salary: DOE Days: Hybrid Responsibilities: - Assist in maintaining office operations by organising and coordinating administrative duties and procedures. - Provide support to our Maritime client, ensuring efficient communication and workflow. - Collaborate with team members to facilitate the smooth functioning of daily tasks and projects. Requirements: - Maritime background - Demonstrated proficiency in organisational skills, with a keen attention to detail. - Proactive approach to problem-solving and task management. - Strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively within a team environment. - Right visa to work and live in the UK If you possess the requisite skills and are eager to contribute to a dynamic team in the maritime industry, please submit your CV to [email protected] .

Senior Charter Broker Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan have a Senior Charter Broker position available based in the UK or EU. My client is looking for a driven, hard working, dynamic and confident candidate with at least 2 years of experience as a Charter Broker. Location: United Kingdom or Europe Salary: DOE / Flexible Start: ASAP Please send CV to [email protected]

Female Deck / Dive 120m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a female Deckhand/Dive Instructor for a 100m+ private Motor Yacht. Must have a minimum of one season onboard a Motor or Sail Yacht and hold a Dive Instructor ticket. This position offers 60 days leave and a April start date. Due to cabin arrangements this position is female applicants only.

Deckhand / Dive instructor 100m+ Private Charter Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Dive for a 100m+ Private/Charter M/Y Working on a 3/1 rotation, with an immediate start. Must hold a Yachtmaster and Dive qualification.

Deckhand / Kite 110m+ Private Motor yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Watersports instructor who holds experience with kiting and is confident in teaching and maintaining the latest kite equipment. Additional watersports experience is preferred, ideally someone who can teach wakeboarding, e-foils, seabobs etc. Working on a 3/1 rotation with an April start date. Due to current location of the vessel a B1/B2 visa would be considered more beneficial and would make your profile stand out.

Head of Yachts Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan have an exciting opportunity for a Head of Yachtsto join a global leading and dynamic company in the Travel sector. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive network and strong commercial awareness within the superyacht sector. - Proven track record in business development and relationship building. - Entrepreneurial mindset with the ability to identify and capitalise on opportunities. - Proficiency in strategic decision-making and understanding of business functions. - Excellent team player skills with the capacity to work independently under pressure. - Customer-oriented approach and adeptness at managing tight deadlines. Experience & Qualifications Required: - Bachelor's degree in a business-related field preferred. - Minimum of 10 years of experience in the yachting sector. Start: ASAP Location: UK/Monaco Salary: DOE Apply online or reach out to [email protected] with an introduction and updated CV.

We are currently seeking an experienced Deckhand for a 50m+ private M/Y.

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B1B2 is essential

They are lo...

Job ID: #7075 Job Type: Full Time Start Location: Bahamas Start Date: Immediate Start Qualifications (Essential): STCW Basic Safety Training 95 (2010), ENG1 (or equivalent Seafarer's Medical Certificate) Essential Visas: B1B2 Min Yachting Experience: 1 Season Gender Required: Male Smokers: No


34m new build high performance sailing yacht is looking for a deck/mate to join their team in the Caribbean.

Vessel has avid sailing owners and spends majority of her time under sail. The ideal candidate will have a strong sailing background and a keen eye for detail to keep the boat i...

Job ID: #7077 Job Type: Full Time Start Location: British Virgin Islands Start Date: Immediate Start Couples Job: Chef / Stewardess Qualifications (Essential): Yacht Master Offshore Essential Visas: B1B2 Languages: English Min Yachting Experience: 2-3 Years Gender Required: Male


34m new build high performance sailing yacht is looking for a deck/stew to join their team in the Caribbean.

Job ID: #7078 Job Type: Full Time Start Location: British Virgin Islands Start Date: Immediate Start Couples Job: Deckhand/Mate Qualifications (Essential): STCW Basic Safety Training 95 (2010) Essential Visas: B1B2 Languages: English Min Yachting Experience: 1-2 Years Gender Required: Female

Deckhand / Carpenter 110m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Carpenter for a 100m+ M/Y Working a on 3/1 rotation with a start date of April. Due to the location of the vessel a B1/B2 visa would be recommended. The perfect candidate will come from a boat building background and be content in joinery and able to do interior touch ups. We are happy to accept candidates with minimal yacht experience with the right carpentry background.

ITO 100m + Private MY

We are looking for an ITO to work on a busy 100m+ private M/Y. Must have a minimum of one years onboard a motor yacht or sail yacht experience. With knowledge of AVIT, Electrical and electronics preferred. Working on a 2/2 rotation, starting Mid-May. Due to the current location of the vessel a B1/B2 visa is desirable. You will be working under the CTO and will be willing to take direction.

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Wilsonhalligan have a Housekeeping position available based in Oxfordshire. Our client is looking for someone with high attention to details, takes initiative and have at least 2 years of experience in Housekeeping working for high end clients. Location: Oxfordshire, UK Salary: 40k PA Start: May 2024 Accommodation: Live-in The ideal candidate will hold the right to work/live in the UK. Please send CV to [email protected] if you think this is for you.

Chief Steward/ess

Experienced Chief Stewardess role for a 35m MY, currently based in New - Zealand.

With an exciting upcoming itinerary of the Cook Islands through to the Med, this is an ideal position for anyone wanting to be able to take full control of the role and to make it their own. Working along...

Job ID: #7080 Job Type: Full Time Start Location: New Zealand Start Date: 15 Apr 2024 Qualifications (Essential): STCW Basic Safety Training 95 (2010) Qualifications (Preferred): Wine Knowledge Training, Cocktail Training, Stewardess Training, WSET LEVEL 1 Languages: English Min Yachting Experience: 2-3 Years Gender Required: Female Smokers: No

Director of Yacht Management Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Director of Yacht Management to join a global leading and established Maritime Management Company. The ideal candidate will: - have relevant practical experience in Yacht Management, including Client Communication - have an extensive leadership experience - possess and entrepreneurial thinking and decision-making skills - have a precise and solution-oriented way of working - team player mentality Salary: Competitive (DOE) Start date: May 2024 reach out and send your CV to [email protected]

Sole Engineer

34m new build high performance sailing yacht is looking for a rotational engineer to join their team in the Caribbean.

Vessel has avid sailing owners and spends majority of her time under sail. The ideal candidate will have a strong sailing background and be able to assist on deck when...

Job ID: #7076 Job Type: Rotational Start Location: British Virgin Islands Start Date: Immediate Start Qualifications (Essential): AEC 2 (MEOL) Essential Visas: B1B2 Languages: English Min Yachting Experience: None Gender Required: Male

Watersports / Deckhand 130m+ motor yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Watersports instructor who has kite surfing and diving experience for a 100m+ Private M/Y. Kiting side would ideally be instructor level, however would consider a candidate who is confident handling a kite, who can jump, launch, land and role. The dive side would require a dive master, or I would consider someone who has enough dives completed to obtain this. Male candidates due to cabin arrangements. Working on a 2/1 rotation, with an immediate start.

Sole Stewardess 20m+ Private Charter Motor Yacht

WIlsonhalligan are looking for anSole Stewardesson a 27m new build private vessel. We are looking for someone with at least 2 seasons experience as a Sole Stewardess on a similar sized vessel. This is a seasonal position starting ASAP until the end of September, the yacht will cruising the Med this summer. Requirements: STCW ENG 1 Level 2 food and hygiene Package: Leave: 60 days pro rata. Salary: 3000-3500 euros DOE Start date: ASAP

Senior Housekeeping Stewardess 140m+ Private Motor Yacht

WIlsonhalligan are looking for an Senior Housekeeping Stewardess to join a 100m+ private New Build. We are looking for someone with at least 2 years or more yachting experience and some good longevity on similar sized vessels. You will be supporting the HOH with a large housekeeping team so must have solid experience and knowledge within the housekeeping department. This vessel is a well established, prestigious new build preparing for a busy first summer season. Requirements: STCW ENG 1 Level 2 food and hygiene

Package: Salary: DOE Rotation 3:1 Start date: ASAP

Spa Stewardess 85m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for a Spa Stewardess to join an 85m+ Private Motor Yacht. The ideal candidate will be confident in Facials, Nails and Massages and have at least 1 yearsyachting experience. This is an opportunity to join a lovely vessel which incredible crew longevity. The vessel has a very relaxed program and values taking care of the crew and giving them a good work - life balance. Requirements:

STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II B1/B2 Visa

Salary: DOE Position: Seasonal Start: ASAP


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We at JMS Careers are combining personal interaction with professional techniques to create individually tailored crew recruitment solutions for Superyachts and their crew. This combines full reference checking, certificate qualification as well as offering Professional Profiling to better engage and develop the future talent you need with the current talent you have.

We are trusted partners with the crew and teams we work with and every candidate who is put forward by us is thoroughly screened and interviewed to ensure they are a perfect fit for the role, has a very clear understanding of their position and what it will entail.

If you’re looking to progress your career or looking to build a better team on board contact JMS Careers

JMS Careers

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JMS Careers Floor 5 Tower Point 44 North Road Brighton , BN1 1YR United Kingdom

Donald Trump Jokes About How Longtime Aide Could End His Career In A Flash

Lee Moran

Reporter, HuffPost

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Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump joked about exactly how his longtime adviser Dan Scavino could end his political career in a heartbeat.

Trump described Scavino as the “most powerful man in politics” during a speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday.

It’s because Scavino has access to, and thus the ability to post on, the former president’s social media accounts, said four-times-indicted Trump.

Scavino “could say, ‘I don’t like you voters, I don’t like you at all. I’m fed up with you. I can’t stand you,’” Trump told supporters. “And that’s the end of my political career.”

“Dan’s the only one that can do that,” he added.

Trump then imagined further what Scavino, who served as former deputy chief of staff for communications in his administration, could write:

“Dan could say something horrible, he could say something very sexually oriented and that, you know, would end it. OK? That would end it. But he hasn’t done that and he won’t do it.”

Watch the video here:

Trump bizarrely suggests his social media director, Dan Scavino, who has access to Trump’s Truth Social account, could end Trump’s political career by posting how he “doesn’t like” his voters or posting “something horrible” and “very sexually oriented.” pic.twitter.com/YjUdYqNV6q — PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 11, 2024

Don’t expect Scavino to nefariously hijack Trump’s Truth Social account anytime soon, though.

He’s loyally been by Trump’s side for years after first working as the then-businessman’s golf caddy as a teenager. He even postponed creating his own company to campaign for the then-reality TV personality in 2016.

And when asked by CNN during that election if there was “anything Trump could say or do that would cause” him to leave, he replied with one word: “No.”

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  5. Yacht Jobs: How to Become a Yachtie

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  6. Guide To Becoming Certified Deckhand

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  1. Yacht Crew Training And Superyacht Jobs

    1. Get full life-time access to Certificates and YCA Training Online, only pay 50% with the payment plan.. 2. Complete all the training at your own pace from your dashboard with 24/7 access to your personal Instructor and job coach and get your certificates.. 3. We write your CV and start the job search with your personal plan and 10-step checklist.. 4. You get added to our crew community and ...

  2. Sign In

    The first step to your new Career | Create your Members profile in the Introduction course and get started. Free Enroll for free Step 13. Get daywork - Get a Yacht job Course Find daywork in Antibes, Fort Lauderdale Palma de Mallorca and start working as a Deckhand and Stewardess on board. ...

  3. How To Become Yacht Crew

    The full course comprises four modules/certificates: Personal Survival Techniques. Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention. Elementary First Aid. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility. This is the STCW minimum qualifications to work on ships and on commercial yachts. When you book our Deckhand and Stewardess packages you also get an included STCW ...

  4. How To Become A Yachtie

    This includes being punctual, maintaining a positive attitude, and taking pride in your work. As you continue to excel in your role and gain the trust of your captain and fellow crew members, you will be well on your way to climbing the yachtie career ladder and achieving your ultimate goal of becoming a captain. 6.

  5. Superyacht Stewardess Training To Work On Superyachts

    We tailor make the training and certificates based on your position, location and preference to get all you need to be qualified to work on your desired yacht type. Drop us a message in the live chat and a Yachtie will help you out. 30% off for Members. Use code "paylater50"- Start now pay later. 30% off for Members.

  6. Start Yachting

    Create a members profile and get a free personal plan. Select Position. Do you have a STW Basic Safety Certificate and YCA Yacht training ? Have you started applying for jobs ? Location. Nationality. Email. Phone Number. Where do you want to start working ?

  7. Create a new account

    It is easy. Just complete the kick-start online course. After reviewing your answers, we will send you the €100 award for free to use to get started. DECKHAND OR STEWARDESS ? After you purchase the Yachtiecareers package, you will get the training and instructor for your department. When Buy Kick-start, Pro or STCW and we tailor make the ...

  8. YachtieCareers

    YachtieCareers, Antibes. 7,890 likes · 4,243 talking about this. Superyacht Crew Training Worldwide. Online with STCW basic Safety | Deckhand and Stewardess Training

  9. Home

    This is why we created the go-to platform for yacht salaries and conditions. See median averages for your positions as well as the full range of salaries. Find out what types of contract are being offered, as well as rotation lengths. See which positions usually include business class flights, private cabins and more. YachtCareerHub connects ...

  10. Yacht Jobs

    Our crew database includes 5,133 Captains, 10,037 Deckhands, 2,947 Chief Engineers, 1,313 ETOs, 5,570 Chefs, 15,180 Stews, 1,469 Massage Therapists, etc. Here are some of the recently registered yacht crew members: Hundreds of live jobs on yachts and superyachts. Jobs for yacht crew in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, USA and other locations.

  11. CV Questions

    Work description 1. Main duty 1. Main duty 2. Main duty 3. Position 2. Company/Yacht 2. Work location 2. (Start Date - End Date) 2. Work Description 2.

  12. Search Yacht Jobs

    Search 1,093 jobs on yachts and superyachts: Deck Jobs on Yachts (350) Captain. Chief Officer. 2nd Officer. 3rd Officer. Security Officer. Mate. Bosun.

  13. How to become a Yachtie (Stewardess Or Deckhand)

    Go to a superyacht marina. 1. Have the right attitude. Along with gaining the correct qualifications to prove your competence, to become a Yachtie, you must have certain characteristics to thrive in this industry. Yachties have to be well presented, articulate, know how to take orders, and be able to work hard, all with a smile and enthusiasm.

  14. The Best Yacht Crew Job Vacancies Available Today

    Manage Your Yacht Career. Whether you're seeking a yacht crew position as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, stewardess, chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer, or captain, take control of your yacht career. Create a profile and join one of the world's largest yachting communities for free. CREATE A PROFILE

  15. How to Become a Yachtie: Your Guide to a Sailing Career

    Understanding the Role of a Yachtie. When you choose a career in the yachting industry, you are stepping into a unique and dynamic environment. As a yachtie, your primary responsibility is to ensure the seamless operation and maintenance of a superyacht while delivering top-tier hospitality services. Positions on board vary but generally include:

  16. Find The Latest Yacht & Superyacht Jobs

    Wilsonhalligan have a Housekeeping position available based in Oxfordshire. Our client is looking for someone with high attention to details, takes initiative and have at least 2 years of experience in Housekeeping working for high end clients. Location: Oxfordshire, UK. Salary: 40k PA.

  17. Learn how to work on a Superyacht!

    You want to work on a superyacht. You have a passion for adventure. You want to earn great money while traveling the world. You are a hard working individual. You're seeking an exciting new career. You want to work for some of the world's most influential people. You want to create a lifestyle - not just a job.

  18. Yacht Jobs

    161 jobs found Page 1 of 21. 1; 2; 3; Next; Deckhand 70m+ DECKHAND 70M+ MY: We are looking for a Deckhand with a minimum of 18 months experience to join a 70m+... April 11, 2024. Exclusive Deckhand - 120m+ Private Yacht. We are a 120m+ private yacht seeking a deckhand to join our team. On offer is a 3:1 rotation and...

  19. Superyacht Crew Jobs

    We at JMS Careers are combining personal interaction with professional techniques to create individually tailored crew recruitment solutions for Superyachts and their crew. This combines full reference checking, certificate qualification as well as offering Professional Profiling to better engage and develop the future talent you need with the ...

  20. Yacht Careers

    Fraser Unites to Universally Respect the EnvironmentFind out more about Fraser's green initiatives. With a team of 150 professionals in 20 offices, Fraser Yachts is the leading player on the superyacht market. Explore the possibilities of a career or yacht jobs with us.

  21. Is Yachtiecareers legit? : r/sailing

    r/sailing. r/sailing. /r/Sailing is a place to ask about, share, show, and enjoy all about sailing, sail boat racing, and technical discussions. As long as it is about sailing and civil, it is welcome here. *Please note that if your Reddit account is new or you have low Karma then your post might be blocked as spam*. MembersOnline.

  22. Field Agent -North Region

    The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) has one of the largest prison systems in the U.S. and is responsible for supervising approximately 47,000 state prisoners. It is the largest law enforcement agency in the state with approximately 9,000 employees. For more information on the GDC, please visit https://jobs.gdc.ga.gov. Mission Statement

  23. Trump Jokes About How Longtime Aide Could End His Career In A Flash

    Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump joked about exactly how his longtime adviser Dan Scavino could end his political career in a heartbeat. Trump described Scavino as the "most powerful man in politics" during a speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday. It's ...

  24. Nvidia advises crash-prone gamers to look to Intel for assistance

    Nvidia's latest graphics drivers for GeForce GPUs include some interesting release notes, which the company is sharing on its official forums as well. The GeForce Game Ready...