Location de bateau, voile-sénégal excursions, navigation à voile sur le delta du sine saloum..

A notre base nautique de Ndangane , au cœur du Sine Saloum , une des plus renommées attractions touristiques du Sénégal, 150 km au sud de Dakar, nous disposons d’une petite « flotte » de bateaux à voile et à moteur , soit modernes soit traditionnels. Nous organisons des excursions à bord de ces bateaux qui, sous la guide de nos experts piroguiers, vous amèneront à la découverte des endroits les plus suggestifs du Sine Saloum. Nous sommes prêts aussi à étudier avec vous des itinéraires « à la carte » d’un ou plusieurs jours, avec possibilité de passer la nuit dans les campements sur les îles du delta. Aux touristes qui savent naviguer à voile ou à moteur nous offrons la possibilité de louer nos bateaux aussi sans équipage.

Si tu aimes la nature, Si tu préfère naviguer hors des sentiers battus, Si tu désires faire de la voile dans un environnement intact et sauvage, Si tu es intéressé à connaître le Sénégal authentique, Si tu es pour un tourisme responsable et solidaire

Voile-senegal excursions te propose tout cela et plus encore., le sine saloum, parc national.

Le Sine Saloum est une vaste région qui s’étend sur 24.000 km2 entre les fleuves Sine Saloum et Gambia. La partie la plus intéressante du point de vue de la richesse naturelle et de la beauté du paysage est le delta du fleuve Sine Saloum, dans la partie nord de cette zone, environ 150 km au sud de Dakar. Les eaux de l’océan sont pénétrées en profondeur dans les méandres du fleuve presque asséché pour créer une vaste zone humide particulièrement riche en faune de terre et de mer. Ce site extraordinaire est protégé depuis 1976 par l’institution du Parc National du Delta du Saloum, qui couvre une surface de 70.000 ha.

Terre et eau se confondent dans un paysage fantastique de vastes étendues de sable, de mangroves, de baobabs. C'est un véritable paradis naturel où cohabitent oiseaux (pélicans, hérons, marabouts et centaines d'autres espèces), poissons, crustacés, dauphins, hyènes, chacals. La richesse des eaux en fait une zone très recherchée pour les passionnés de la pêche mais surtout elle permet aux habitants de vivre de la pêche. Plusieurs parmi les centaines d'îles du delta abritent des villages traditionnels de pêcheurs et de petits ports où il est très agréable de s'arrêter et de profiter de la "teranga" (hospitalité en wolof) sénégalaise.

Tourisme Le tourisme est devenu, avec la pêche, une ressource économique importante pour les 200.000 personnes qui vivent dans le Parc ou dans ses alentours mais leur présence est au moment encore très discrète. Les installations touristiques sont surtout des petits campements ou des villages parsemés sur la côte ou sur les îles majeures. Il s’agit de constructions basses, en style traditionnel, qui n’abiment pas le paysage et dénotent la vocation de cette zone à un tourisme responsable et écologique, tout en offrant aux visiteurs un confort tout à fait adéquat à des prix très raisonnables.

Navigation Le Sine Saloum présente des caractéristiques climatiques et météorologiques idéales pour la voile et pour les autres sports nautiques. En général le Sénégal est un des pays les plus ensoleillés du monde. Les précipitations sont concentrées dans la saison des pluies (dite l’hivernage), entre juillet et octobre, et même en cette saison les précipitations sont représentées par des orages parfois violents mais de courte durée. Dans la saison sèche, qui dure de novembre jusqu’à juin, le beau temps est assuré. Les alizés qui soufflent le long de toute la cote du Sénégal garantissent des températures modérées et agréables. Sur la côte, la moyenne des maximaux diurnes est de 24° de janvier à mars et entre 25° et 27°C en avril, mai et décembre. De juin à octobre les températures atteignent 30°C. La voile peut être pratiquée confortablement toute l’année mais la saison la plus indiquée est sans doute la saison sèche, quand les vents sont très réguliers et modérés. Dans la saison des pluies l’eau est plus chaude mais la chaleur est parfois un peu étouffante et il y a, surtout en aout, la possibilité d’orages d’une certaine violence. A l’intérieur du delta les eaux sont protégées et il n’y a pas de vagues, sauf quelquefois un peu de clapot dans les bras de mer plus larges et plus proches à l’océan. Il y a des courants, liés aux marées, qui dans certains passages peuvent devenir assez forts. Il faut prêter attention aux nombreux bas-fonds et bancs de sable qui ne sont pas marqués.

Nos Bateaux

Bateaux disponibles pour les excursions:, bateaux a voile , bateaux a moteur , deriveur tous les bateaux.

Tous les bateaux sont disponibles pour la location soit sans équipage soit avec l’équipage (excursions), sauf les petits bateaux à voile, qui sont loués sans équipage. Les bateaux sont conduits par des équipages qualifiés qui s’occuperont des la manœuvre des voiles et vous conduiront en toute sécurité sur les eaux du delta, en permettant d’en apprécier tranquillement les beautés. Tous le bateaux sont loués avec l’équipement de sécurité prévu par la loi.

Les visiteurs peuvent choisir, soit en groupe, soit singulièrement, entre les différentes formules que nous proposons et aussi, en contactant le skipper-piroguier, planifier des itinéraires “à la carte”.

Nous proposons les suivantes formules pour les excursions et la location:

Nous somme prêts à étudier sur demande des excursions personnalisées en fonction des préférences et des exigences de nos clients. Nous pouvons aussi proposer des formules qui comprennent la navigation sur nos bateaux pendant le jour et l’hébergement dans les meilleurs campements du delta.

Pour ceux qui désirent une vacance-relax nous proposons un séjour de quelques jours à l’hôtel Pélican de Ndangane, qui se trouve à une centaine de mètres de notre base, avec la possibilité de naviguer quand ils le désirent, en choisissant un bateau ou une excursion différente chaque jour. Nous invitons ce qui sont intéressés de bien vouloir nous le communiquer à l’avance par mail.

Tous nos bateaux sont loués complets des équipements de securité prévus par la loi. Le personnes à bord devront se tenir aux instructions du skipper-piroguier et au règlements établis par la société sur les modalités de la location et de la navigation, en particulier en ce qui concerne la sécurité. Les bateaux loués sans équipage peuvent naviguer seulement à l’intérieur du delta et ne pourront sortir dans l’océan sans autorisation explicite de la société.

Base nautique Gianipa.

La base nautique de VOILE-SÉNÉGAL EXCURSIONS se trouve dans la partie ouest de la zone touristique de Ndangane , entre celle-ci et le village des pêcheurs.


École de voile.

SENéVOILE est un projet social pour la diffusion du nautisme au Sénégal : nous soutenons avec notre apport technique et financier une nouvelle école de voile destinée surtout aux jeunes Sénégalais, avec l’ambitieux objectif de préparer une équipe Sénégalaise pour les Jeux Olympiques de Rio 2016 .

Les promoteurs du projet SENéVOILE sont:

Le but principal de l’initiative est la promotion parmi les jeunes Sénégalais du sport de la voile et, plus en général, de la plaisance nautique dans toutes ses formes. Ces activités connaissent jusqu’à maintenant une diffusion très limitée parmi la population sénégalaises et sont pratiquées surtout par les touristes étrangers et par les expatriés.

L'école de voile est gratuite pour tous les garçons sénégalais des écoles primaires et secondaire

Détails du projet senévoile.

Le Sénégal dispose d’une longue côte sableuse sur l’Atlantique au long de laquelle on trouve plusieurs endroits qui se prêtent magnifiquement au développement d’une activité nautique. En plus le pays jouit de conditions climatiques et météorologiques idéales, avec la possibilité de naviguer au cours de toute l’année. Plusieurs Sénégalais ont une grande familiarité avec la mer et sont des marins valables grâce à l’activité traditionnelle de la pêche, qui est encore une des grandes ressources du pays, mais la navigation est jusqu’à maintenant pratiquée presque exclusivement en tant que travail, tandis que la navigation de plaisance ne suscite pas beaucoup d’intérêt et reste inaccessible à la grande majorité de la population, surtout pour des raisons économiques.

En donnant aux jeunes sénégalais (et aussi aux enfants et aux adultes) la possibilité de fréquenter gratuitement ou à des coûts très réduits une école de voile et de se familiariser avec la conduite d’un bateau, nous espérons de pouvoir initier à la voile plusieurs personnes, en posant les bases pour une diffusion de la plaisance. Dès que la formation de base sera accomplie nous visons aussi au développement d’une activité compétitive, avec l’organisation de régates dans le pays.

Nous espérons aussi que de cette activité de formation il puisse y avoir des talents qui émergent et qu’il soit possible d’arriver à créer des équipages de haut niveau, capables de participer avec honneur aux manifestations internationales à l’étranger. La participation aux Jeux Olympiques de Rio en 2016 serait l’aboutissement final et la confirmation du succès de l’initiative. C’est un objectif ambitieux, compte tenu du peu de temps qu’on a à disposition, mais que nous considérons assez réaliste.

Nous croyons aussi que la possibilité de pratiquer au Sénégal la voile puisse constituer un atout supplémentaire pour le tourisme dans le pays.

Il nous semble que ces objectifs soient entièrement partagés par les autorités sénégalaises, ce qui est confirmée par la création de la Fédération Sénégalaise de Voile en 2003.

La Fédération Sénégalaise de Voile est l’interlocuteur principal et son plein soutien est une condition nécessaire pour son succès. Naturellement la participation de toute autre personne physique ou morale du Sénégal à la bonne réussite du projet sera la bienvenue.

Le projet se déroule sur une période de 4 ans (2013-2016) qui prévoit des phases successives, en commençant en 2013 par la constitution d’une Ecole de Voile agrée par la Fédération de la Voile qui s’occupera de la formation de base des jeunes Sénégalais. Le promoteurs mettrons à disposition de l’Ecole les bateaux et des moyens financiers pour payer les instructeurs. Après la première année d’activité l’objectif est de pouvoir présélectionner un groupe d’une vingtaine d’élèves motivés qui désirent continuer la pratique de la voile et à s’engager, dans l’espoir d’être sélectionné pour les Jeux Olympiques. La formation et la sélection vont poursuivre l’année suivant tandis que l’Ecole continuera son activité en devenant de plus en plus autonome.

Dès qu’on aura individué un ou deux équipages (dans les classes Laser ou 470) ayant le talent et la volonté d’arriver à un niveau compétitif élevé et disponibles à s’engager dans un entrainement préolympique, le promoteurs en assureront le suivi en les aidant à participer aux régates internationales et, dans la meilleure des hypothèses aux sélections olympiques (2015) et aux Jeux de Rio 2016.


Les Promoteurs mettront les moyens, le matériel, le know-how (dans les termes indiqués dans la proposition) à dispositions du Projet, ainsi qu’il puisse se dérouler selon le programme établi. Afin qu’il puisse avoir succès nous faisons confiance sur la participation et la collaboration de différents interlocuteurs Sénégalais, parmi les quels en particulier :

  • Le Cercle de la Voile de Dakar (CVD)
  • La Fédération Sénégalaise de Voile , dont nous partageons entièrement les buts institutionnels.

En Italie nous pouvons compter sur la collaboration de :

  • Lega Navale Italiana (LNI) section de Milano qui a déjà donné un précieux support soit technique soit promotionnel à l’initiative. En particulier leur soutien s’est concrétisé dans le don de quelques bateaux usagés et dans l’organisation d’une manifestation qui s’est tenue a l’Idroscalo, un petit lac artificiel près de Milan, le 14 avril 2013. En cette occasion on a donné l’occasion à un groupe de garçons Sénégalais, dont la grande partie n’avais jamais fait de la voile, de sortir en bateau avec les instructeurs e d’expérimenter l’émotion de naviguer à la voile.
  • L’association Sunugal des immigrés du Sénégal qui résident à Milan, a participé à l’organisation de cette belle et joyeuse manifestation.

Nous espérons de susciter une participation au Projet aussi d’autres associations nautiques Italiennes et d’en obtenir la collaboration surtout dans la phase de la formation des athlètes.


Les promoteurs souhaitent que le Projet, surtout en cas de succès, puisse avoir un bonne réponse médiatique et qu’il sollicite l’attention de sponsors Italiens ou Sénégalais intéressés à apporter une partie des ressources nécessaires pour assurer les couts de l’école de voile o de l’aventure olympique. Toute contribution, soit de type financier, soit en mise à disposition de matériel, équipements ou autre, est la bienvenue et elle sera entièrement finalisée à la réalisation des objectifs du Projet. Le sponsors en auront en échange non seulement la publicité mais aussi la gratitude des jeunes qui bénéficieront de leur aide pour pratiquer une belle et saine activité de sport.

Nous invitons les sponsors potentiels et en général tous ceux qui sont intéressés à en savoir plus sur l’initiative et éventuellement à participer à nous contacter.

Transporte Privé

Ile de mar lodj - ndangane.

Nous offrons un service de taxi rapide sur demande tous les jours pour un minimum de 4 personnes. Coût du service par personne: 5000CFA Pour réservation s'il vous plaît contacter: e-mail: [email protected] tel: Mandiaye Diouf (Gérant de GIANIPA-Dakar) tel 00221776507896 Base Nautique de Ndangane tel: 00221779727223 (M Moustapha Sadio)

Pour information et réservations.

VOILE SÉNÉGAL est une marque de: GIANIPA SARL 006, HLM GRAND YOFF Dakar, Senegal [email protected]

Mandiaye Diouf (Gérant de GIANIPA) tel +221-776507896 Base Nautique de Ndangane tel : +221-779727223 (M.Moustapha Sadio)

Senegal cabin charter

Senegal cabin charter

1 sailing cruises in senegal, rivers of west africa dakar to dakar.



catamaran senegal

Yachting World

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Boat & Catamaran charter in Senegal- Yacht Rental

Senegal yacht rental.

Embarking on a yachting journey through Senegal is an immersion into a world where vibrant coastal cities meet untouched natural wonders. Yachting.Rent offers an unparalleled yacht rental experience, designed to capture the essence of Senegal’s maritime beauty and rich cultural tapestry.

Senegal, with its strategic position along the Atlantic coastline, boasts an array of scenic bays, fishing villages, and coastal landmarks waiting to be explored. Yachting.Rent provides the discerning traveler a gateway to these maritime treasures, by offering a fleet of state-of-the-art yachts that cater to diverse needs and desires.

Whether you’re seeking to glide alongside the lively coasts of Dakar, anchor at the serene beaches of Casamance, or explore the biodiverse Saloum Delta, our meticulously maintained yachts are your vessel to these enchanting realms. Every yacht in our fleet epitomizes comfort, safety, and performance, ensuring your Senegalese voyage is both delightful and memorable.

But beyond just providing a boat, Yachting.Rent aims to craft experiences. Our local crew is not just skilled in navigation but is also a treasure trove of stories, secrets, and insights about Senegal’s coastal wonders. Every bend of the river, every ripple of the sea, carries tales that our crew is eager to share, elevating your journey from a simple voyage to a rich narrative.

Booking with Yachting.Rent means more than just a yacht rental; it’s an invitation to understand, appreciate, and revel in Senegal’s maritime heritage, all while ensconced in luxury and safety.

Dive into the heart of Senegal’s coastal allure with Yachting.Rent and let the waves narrate tales of bygone eras, vibrant cultures, and nature’s marvels. Your dream Senegalese yachting adventure begins here.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in Senegal

Bali 4.4 - 3 + 1 cab. - Apollo - 2022

Bali 4.5 – 4 + 2 cab. – Adria Chicha – 2017

Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. - Shiva - 2018

Lagoon 450 F – 4 + 2 cab. – Shiva – 2018

Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. - Eleni - 2023.

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 2 cab. – Hanselli – 2024

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 1 cab. – pirelli – 2024.

Saxdor 320 GTO - Kali - 2022

Saxdor 320 GTC – Olivia – 2022

Saxdor 320 gto – kali – 2022.

catamaran senegal

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in Senegal

Dive deep into the heart of West Africa’s maritime gem with Yachting.Rent’s premium yacht charter services in Senegal. A blend of untouched coastal beauty, rich histories, and vibrant cultures awaits the traveler willing to set sail on Senegal’s azure waters, and we’re here to be your trusted companion on this journey.

With Yachting.Rent, chartering a yacht in Senegal becomes more than just renting a boat; it becomes an intimate dance with nature, tradition, and luxury. Our curated fleet of yachts offers a range of options tailored to your desires, whether you envision a romantic escape along the Petite Côte, a family adventure through the mangroves of the Saloum Delta, or an expedition to the bustling shores of Dakar.

Every yacht in our collection is a testament to nautical engineering and luxury. From sleek exteriors that slice through waves to plush interiors equipped with modern amenities, our vessels promise safety, comfort, and style. Paired with our experienced crew, well-versed in both Senegal’s waters and its stories, your voyage becomes an engaging tale of exploration and discovery.

At Yachting.Rent, we also understand that each traveler’s vision is unique. Hence, we offer customizable charter packages. Whether you dream of casting anchor at hidden beaches, indulging in fresh seafood feasts prepared by local chefs, or engaging with Senegal’s vibrant music and dance heritage, our team is on hand to tailor your experience to perfection.

In essence, Yachting.Rent is not just about chartering a yacht in Senegal—it’s about curating moments, crafting memories, and celebrating the enchantment of the Senegalese coast. So, cast off the bowlines and let us guide you through the maritime wonders of this West African jewel. Your personalized Senegalese odyssey begins with Yachting.Rent.

Satisfield Clients

Experiented Crew

Luxurious Boats

Premium Facilities

Featured Boats & Catamarans in Senegal

catamaran senegal

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About Senegal

Why is Senegal a good sailing destination?

Senegal, a shimmering jewel of West Africa, beckons sailors and maritime enthusiasts with its intoxicating blend of azure waters, sun-kissed beaches, and a cultural tapestry as vibrant as its coastal vistas. But why is Senegal emerging as a sought-after sailing destination? Let Yachting.Rent immerse you in the maritime wonders of this magnificent country.

Firstly, Senegal’s coastline stretches generously along the Atlantic, providing a plethora of diverse sailing routes. From the bustling ports of Dakar, teeming with life and colors, to the tranquil embrace of the Saloum Delta, there’s a myriad of landscapes awaiting exploration. The convergence of the calm Atlantic with the rich Senegalese shoreline offers sailors a unique blend of open-sea adventures and intimate riverine explorations.

Beyond nature’s bounty, Senegal’s cultural heritage is a melody sung by the waves and winds. As you sail along its coasts, you’re not just navigating waters, but also centuries of history and tradition. Dock at any of the coastal towns, and immerse yourself in the rhythms of Senegalese music, the flavors of its cuisine, and the warmth of its people.

Safety and accessibility further cement Senegal’s reputation as a sailing haven. With its steadily improving maritime infrastructure, ports equipped with modern amenities, and friendly locals eager to assist, sailors, whether novices or seasoned, can navigate with confidence.

Lastly, with Yachting.Rent at your service, the experience becomes seamless. Our local expertise, combined with our passion for delivering exceptional sailing experiences, ensures that your Senegalese voyage is more than just a trip—it’s a narrative of beauty, culture, and discovery.

In essence, sailing in Senegal is not merely a journey on water; it’s a dance with nature, a communion with history, and a celebration of life’s simple pleasures. Set sail with Yachting.Rent and let Senegal’s maritime charm enchant you like never before.

catamaran senegal


catamaran senegal

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in Senegal

Navigating the vibrant waters of Senegal poses an exhilarating question for every maritime enthusiast: Should you opt for the traditional sailing boat or the modern catamaran? With Yachting.Rent by your side, we demystify this choice, ensuring your Senegalese sailing experience is tailored precisely to your dreams and desires.

Sailing Boat in Senegal: A sailing boat’s classic silhouette and design have long been synonymous with maritime exploration. When you choose to sail Senegal’s coasts in one of these, you’re embracing tradition, agility, and intimacy with the sea. Sailing boats, with their deep hulls and singular structure, allow for closer proximity to the shoreline, ideal for those eager to explore Senegal’s hidden coves and secluded beaches. The rhythmic dance of the boat with the waves offers an authentic, hands-on sailing experience, perfect for purists and those eager to engage closely with the elements.

Catamaran in Senegal: For those who prioritize stability, space, and modern luxury, the catamaran emerges as a compelling choice. With its dual-hulled design, the catamaran ensures a smoother ride, minimizing the rocking motions of the sea. This makes it an excellent option for families or larger groups. Furthermore, catamarans often come equipped with enhanced amenities, offering an elevated level of comfort. Their spacious decks provide ample space for sunbathing, socializing, or simply reveling in the panoramic views of Senegal’s coastline.

With Yachting.Rent, whether you lean towards the romance of a sailing boat or the comfort of a catamaran, our fleet boasts impeccable options for both. More than just offering boats, we provide insights, local knowledge, and a commitment to ensuring your sailing adventure in Senegal is unparalleled.

In conclusion, whether you’re captivated by the allure of traditional sailing or enticed by the luxury of a modern catamaran, Senegal’s diverse waters await. Let Yachting.Rent guide you in making the perfect choice for an unforgettable Senegalese voyage.

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Au Sénégal, le cœur du Sénégal

Loisirs nautiques / Clubs et écoles de sport /

Association des catamarans de sport (ACS Dakar)

Le Yacht Club Dakar (YCD) a été fondé en 1962 comme un club pour dériveurs et autres petits voiliers. Il est devenu aujourd’hui l’association des catamarans de sport, dédié exclusivement aux catamarans de sport. La base du club est situé sur la plage de la Voile d’Or, sur la pointe de Bel Air à Dakar au Sénégal.

L’Association des catamarans de sport est un club de voile pour catamarans de sport, situé à la plage de la Voile d’Or.

Le club est ouvert aux membres exclusivement, cependant des cours de voiles et sorties découvertes peuvent être organisées.


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Villa malaka, azalaï hôtel dakar, hôtel ngor diarama, espace thialy, résidence les 4 fleurs, le coumbassou, sunumakane chez seck, complexe aïman dakar, activités aux alentours, aéroclub iba gueye de dakar, jump, agence de vacances, les nuages perdent leurs plumes, diebene hair, espas (école de sport plein air sénégal), se déplacer dans la région, dakar auto prestation, almanzil travel, kiks travel & tours, nafihatou voyages, optimum voyages sénégal, dakar vision, autowou location de voitures, culture dans la région, musée des civilisations noires (mcn), maison d’ousmane sow (le sphinx), maison de la culture douta seck, galerie nationale d’art, institut français léopold sédar senghor, studio quatorzerohuit, maison de senghor, place du souvenir africain, théâtre national daniel sorano, monument de la renaissance africaine, musée de la femme « henriette bathily », centre culturel blaise senghor, musée de la mer, musée historique de gorée, goethe-institut dakar, village des arts, musée théodore monod d’art africain (ex-ifan), maison des esclaves, institut cervantes de dakar, musée des forces armées du sénégal, à découvrir, évadez-vous sur l’île de ngor, prenez l’air avec l’aéroclub iba gueye de dakar, noces de cristal à gorée, parc de la madeleine, musée des civilisations noires, dans les actualités, azalaï hôtel dakar : une oasis de luxe sur la corniche ouest, les incontournables à visiter à dakar, chaloupe « boubacar joseph ndiaye » : une nouvelle acquisition pour assurer la liaison entre dakar et gorée, venez déguster des huîtres aux almadies, dakar sous les lumières de noël.


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Recevez régulièrement les actualités et bons plans du Sénégal

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Guatemala Guernsey Guinea GuineaBissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island And McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg(French) Luxembourg(German) Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland(French) Switzerland(German) Switzerland(Italian) Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand The Democratic Republic Of Congo Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands Wallis And Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Country of residence * Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruban Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh 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catamaran senegal

A Sailing Sensation

Lagoon 42

The Lagoon 42 catamaran is immediately recognizable by her distinctive Lagoon features : vertical saloon windows , integral deck hatches and the efficient, ergonomic helm station that sailors have come to love. Drawn by naval architects VPLP Design and Patrick le Quément, her good looks , excellent performance and exacting construction standards make this cruiser a winning choice for day sailors and extended bluewater sailing trips alike. Thanks to her rig moved further aft , high-aspect mainsail and self-tacking jib , the Lagoon 42 has an enhanced performance and ease of handling that easily adapts to all conditions. And, a focus on weight reduction and optimized weight distribution during design and production further enhances her performance. The true sailor will delight in this well-rounded cruising catamaran , built for years of durable and reliable cruising.

catamaran senegal

Thoughtful Design

Take the wheel from the ergonomic, 2-person helm station with optional bimini top , where all control lines converge for easy sailing. From the helm station, a thoughtfully designed flow allows for convenient access to the aft cockpit , foredeck and new coachroof sunbathing lounge . The aft cockpit is a highlight of the Lagoon 42 , with space that is unprecedented on a boat of this size. The aft platform and transom steps have been widened creating a generous space for leisure activities and relaxation.

catamaran senegal

Functionality & Space

The Lagoon’s light and bright saloon combines efficient functionality with sweeping space, storage and worktops throughout. The generously-sized dinette can accommodate your whole crew , and the corner chart table and nav station bring together the ship’s instruments. The well-equipped, U-shaped galley faces the same-level aft cockpit for convenient access and serving. Crew will be comfortably accommodated aboard this perfectly-sized cruiser with your choice of cabin layouts : an efficient 4-cabin/4/bath version , or the 3-cabin/3-bath version with an impressive owner’s suite.

catamaran senegal

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Lagoon 42

Technical details

Lagoon 42

Dealerships offering the Lagoon 42

New yacht form.

  • Which brand are you interested in? * Please select a brand Bali Sailing Catamarans Beneteau Monohulls Dufour Monohulls Excess Sailing Catamarans Fountaine Pajot Power Catamarans Fountaine Pajot Sailing Catamarans Jeanneau Monohulls Lagoon Power Catamarans Lagoon Sailing Catamarans Please select a brand Bali Sailing Catamarans Beneteau Monohulls Dufour Monohulls Excess Sailing Catamarans Fountaine Pajot Power Catamarans Fountaine Pajot Sailing Catamarans Jeanneau Monohulls Lagoon Power Catamarans Lagoon Sailing Catamarans
  • Which model are you interested in? * Please select a model Alegria 67 Astrea 42 Aura 51 Aura 51 - Smart Electric Bali 4.2 Bali 4.4 Bali 4.6 Bali 4.8 Bali 5.4 Bali 5.8 Bali CatSmart Catspace Dufour 32 Dufour 37 Dufour 41 Dufour 470 Dufour 530 Dufour 56 Dufour 61 Elba 45 Excess 11 Excess 14 Isla 40 Lagoon 40 Lagoon 42 Lagoon 46 Lagoon 51 Lagoon 51 Lagoon 55 MY 67 MY4.S MY5 MY6 Oceanis 30.1 Oceanis 34.1 Oceanis 38.1 Oceanis 40.1 Oceanis 46.1 Oceanis 51.1 Oceanis Yacht 54 Oceanis Yacht 60 Samana 59 Seventy 8 Seventy-7 Sixty 5 Sixty 7 Sun Odyssey 349 Sun Odyssey 380 Sun Odyssey 410 Sun Odyssey 440 Sun Odyssey 490 SunLoft 47 Tanna 47 Thira 80 Please select a model Alegria 67 Astrea 42 Aura 51 Aura 51 - Smart Electric Bali 4.2 Bali 4.4 Bali 4.6 Bali 4.8 Bali 5.4 Bali 5.8 Bali CatSmart Catspace Dufour 32 Dufour 37 Dufour 41 Dufour 470 Dufour 530 Dufour 56 Dufour 61 Elba 45 Excess 11 Excess 14 Isla 40 Lagoon 40 Lagoon 42 Lagoon 46 Lagoon 51 Lagoon 51 Lagoon 55 MY 67 MY4.S MY5 MY6 Oceanis 30.1 Oceanis 34.1 Oceanis 38.1 Oceanis 40.1 Oceanis 46.1 Oceanis 51.1 Oceanis Yacht 54 Oceanis Yacht 60 Samana 59 Seventy 8 Seventy-7 Sixty 5 Sixty 7 Sun Odyssey 349 Sun Odyssey 380 Sun Odyssey 410 Sun Odyssey 440 Sun Odyssey 490 SunLoft 47 Tanna 47 Thira 80
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  • Country of residence * Country of residence* Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruban Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium(Dutch) Belgium(French) Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea GuineaBissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island And McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg(French) Luxembourg(German) Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland(French) Switzerland(German) Switzerland(Italian) Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand The Democratic Republic Of Congo Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands Wallis And Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Country of residence* Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruban Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium(Dutch) Belgium(French) Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea GuineaBissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island And McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg(French) Luxembourg(German) Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland(French) Switzerland(German) Switzerland(Italian) Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand The Democratic Republic Of Congo Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands Wallis And Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
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Leopard 42 at anchor

  • Cabins: 3 or 4
  • Heads: 3 or 4
  • Berths: 6 or 8
  • Showers: 3 or 4 (plus transom)


Leopard 42 Sailing Catamaran

catamaran senegal

  • LOA: 41 ft 7 in / 12.67 m
  • LWL: 40 ft 10 in / 12.44 m
  • Beam: 23 ft 1 in / 7.04 m
  • Draft: 4 ft 7 in / 1.4 m
  • Mast Height: 67 ft 10 in / 20.68 m
  • Bridgedeck Clearance: 2 ft 6 in / 0.75 m
  • Engine: 2 x Yanmar 45HP Diesel engine with saildrive
  • Fuel: 158 gal / 600 L


  • Bunk Dimensions:  View Leopard Range Bunk Dimensions
  • Headroom:  View Leopard Range Headroom Dimensions
  • Water: 174 gal / 660 L
  • Mainsail Area (Standard): 717 sqft / 66.6 sqm
  • Mainsail Area (Square Top): 755 sqft / 70.1 sqm
  • Genoa Area: 501 sqft / 46.5 sqm
  • Spinnaker Area: 1686 sqft / 156.6 sqm
  • Code 0 Area: 676 sqft / 62.8 sqm
  • Code D Area: 1022 sqft / 94.9 sqm
  • Total Upwind Area (Standard): 1217 sqft / 113.1 sqm
  • Polars:  View Leopard 42 Performance Documents
  • Displacement: 30183 lbs / 13691 kg
  • Load Carrying Capacity: 11056 lbs / 5015 kg
  • Holding Tank Capacity: 44 gal / 166 L


catamaran senegal

Related Boat Reviews

Leopard catamarans feature - passagemaker, cruising world magazine - leopard 42 review, multihull sailor magazine - leopard 42 review.

Make an appointment for a boat show, a sea trial, or simply receive a phone call from our expert agents.

Other Leopard 42 Buying Options

Check for current availability of used Leopard Catamarans and new Leopard Catamarans in charter programs on our sister sites

Pearls of Seychelles

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  • Fishing Charter on a catamaran in Seychelles
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  • Live Aboard Catamaran in the Seychelles: What to Take.
  • Fly fishing rods
  • Snorkeling: An Unforgettable Experience on a Live Aboard Power Catamaran
  • Live Aboard Catamaran: What to Take.
  • Bone Fishing
  • Languages spoken
  • Travelling on the Euro
  • Bird Island on a Catamaran
  • Mahé: Customizable Private Tour of Island with Driver
  • What is best time of year to travel to Seychelles
  • Best beaches to avoid Seaweed
  • Bus transportation
  • Ferry Transport

catamaran senegal

Welcome to Pearls of the Seychelles

Pearls of Seychelles offer a variety of exciting cruises to suit your preferences. Our discovery cruises, snorkeling cruises, and fishing cruises are designed to cater to your every need. We welcome you aboard our comfortable and spacious catamaran, which offers the best way to explore the islands.



Date of departure :

Length of stay : —Please choose an option— 7 days / 7 nights 14 days / 14 nights (5%) 21 days / 21 nights (10%)

Phone hours Morning Afternoon Evening

Country of residence

—Please choose an option— Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste) Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan, South Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe





Alphonse is the most remote island with a hotel, 400 kilometers southwest of Mahé. Its attractions include some of the best diving in the Indian Ocean, with forests of Gorgonian fan corals, huge schools of pelagic fish, and many colorful reef fish.





Curieuse Island lies about two kilometres (one mile) to the north-east of Praslin, this island of about three kilometres (two miles) long was first given the name Ile Rouge on account of its red earth. As part of the Marine Park the island is strictly protected and only a few families live there. 

More information


Farguhar atoll


Astove island

Cruises in the seychelles: the destinations, the granitic islands.



  • By South-East wind: Mahé - Silhouette - Praslin - Curieuse - La Digue - Mahé.
  • By North-West wind: Mahé - Praslin - Curieuse - Big sister - La Digue - Mahé.



If you're a nature enthusiast or simply someone who's always dreamed of disembarking on a deserted island, then the Seychelles' 72 remote coral islands are the perfect destination for you. However, reaching these islands requires at least 12 hours of navigation, making it a true adventure for those who dare to explore. The remote islands are made up of coral reefs that sit on top of an ancient volcano, creating a unique landscape that is unlike anything else in the world. With their pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, these islands offer visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the true essence of the Seychelles. The remote islands are also home to a variety of rare and endangered species, including the giant tortoise, the Aldabra rail, and the hawksbill turtle. Visitors can explore the islands' nature reserves, take guided tours, and learn about the islands' fascinating history and culture. Whether you're an experienced sailor or a first-time visitor, the remote islands of the Seychelles offer a truly unforgettable experience. So why not embark on an adventure of a lifetime and discover the beauty and wonder of these remote islands with Pearls of Seychelles ?



Bring your hotel to each island.







A catamaran cruise is a type of boat tour that involves traveling around the Seychelles islands on a catamaran, a type of boat with two parallel hulls that provide stability and speed on the water.

Typically, a catamaran cruise in Seychelles includes accommodation on the catamaran, all meals, snacks and drinks, snorkeling and fishing equipment, and guided tours of the islands and other attractions.

Catamarans can vary in size, but most catamarans used for cruises in Seychelles can accommodate anywhere from 4 to 16 people.

Yes, catamaran cruises in Seychelles are generally considered safe as long as you follow the safety guidelines provided by the crew.

The best time for a catamaran cruise in Seychelles is during the dry season, which runs from May to October, when the weather is sunny and the seas are calm.

Typical activities on a catamaran cruise in Seychelles include snorkeling, fishing, hiking, exploring the islands, and relaxing on the catamaran's deck.

No, you do not need a fishing license to fish on a catamaran cruise in Seychelles, as the catamaran's crew will have the necessary permits and licenses.

Yes, you can bring your own fishing gear if you prefer, although the catamaran will already have fishing equipment available for your use.

The food on a catamaran cruise in Seychelles is typically fresh, local and cooked on board by the catamaran's crew. Expect plenty of seafood, tropical fruits, and local specialties.

Yes, most catamaran cruise operators in Seychelles can accommodate special dietary requirements if you inform them in advance.

You can book a catamaran cruise in Seychelles through a travel agency, online booking site or directly with a catamaran cruise operator.

Most catamaran cruises in Seychelles provide snorkeling equipment, but you can bring your own if you prefer.

Yes, you can swim off the catamaran, but it is important to follow safety guidelines and instructions from the crew.

Most catamaran cruise operators in Seychelles do not have age restrictions, but it is important to check with the operator before booking.

Yes, you can charter a catamaran for a private group in Seychelles, with options available for small and large groups.

Internet connectivity IS available on all catamaran cruises in Seychelles. However, it is recommended to get a cellular data plan before you depart on your cruide.

Lightweight and comfortable clothing suitable for warm weather is recommended. It is also advisable to bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a swimsuit.

Your full board accommodation excludes all alcoholic beverages, and you are expected to bring your own


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12 Best Catamaran Sailboats

Best Catamaran Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 28, 2023

The appeal of the catamaran sailboats in terms of speed , stability, and the ability to embark on long-range cruising has made them hugely popular with today's sailors. But what are the best catamaran sailboats?

Even though catamaran sailboats have become increasingly popular in the last few years, they have a truly rich legacy as one of the most sought after vessels for bluewater cruising.

Thanks to their incredibly wide beams and bigger daft, catamarans have become remarkably favorable for sailors looking to go for long-distance voyages, overnight cruising, and day sailing.

And if space is paramount for you when out there on the water, a catamaran sailboat is the only way to go as they offer extraordinary space to allow you to spend more time on the water with friends and family.

But even with all these amazing features, you're probably still wondering; what are the best catamaran sailboats?

Like their monohull counterparts, choosing the best catamaran sailboat can be quite overwhelming since there are lots of them out there. They come in a wide variety of designs and sizes ranging from small catamarans to huge ones.

The best catamaran sailboats can easily clock 250-mile voyages, offer incredible performance, and have layouts that can be easily optimized for individuals, charter markets, and great accommodation. In essence, the best catamaran sailboats offer respectable performance and offer good load-carrying ability.

That being said, here are some of the best catamaran sailboats that you can get your hands on.

Table of contents

Best Catamarans


Even though many multihulls are no longer built in the United States these days, the Manta 42 is a true American-built catamaran that brings good living and good value into one package. Designed cleverly for easy handling, this American built catamaran is a great choice for a liveaboard cruiser for sailors looking to go for long-distance voyages. Thanks to its trademark high bows and an enormously curved incorporated forward crossbeam, this catamaran is easily recognizable even from a distance.

It is designed with a uniquely fixed crossbeam, which is very different from conventional aluminum cross beams that support the tension of the forestay. This fixed crossbeam allows for a little bit of movement thereby helping in absorbing enormous twisting forces of the bows. As such, you have to keep in mind that there may be resultant stress crack particularly in the bow area of the vessel.

All in all, the Manta 42 is a superb offshore cruising catamaran that offers a good sail-area-to-displacement ratio as well as plenty of space and accommodation. The cockpit area is refined, luxurious, and is designed with additional stainless pushpit contraptions to help in holding objects such as wind vanes, dinghies, and solar panels. The boat's quality in terms of performance and stability is the benchmark of what a catamaran should be.

Fountaine Pajot Elba 45


Recently named the "Boat of the Year" for 2019 by Cruising World Magazine and Sail Magazine, the Elba 45 is the latest model in the incredible line of Fountaine Pajot catamarans. This boat was designed to replace the outgoing Helia 44 and stands to be one of the most popular catamarans with Fountain Pajot having sold over 100 Elba 45 hulls long before even the first one emerged from production.

This French-built cat brings to the fore a well-thought-out, safe, and dependable features with 10% less drag, efficient motoring, top-notch performance, and high speeds. It's also designed with fixed stub keels and slightly aft-raked bows, which are all essential in enhancing windward performance; something that most catamarans struggle with.

To improve on safety, the keels of this amazing catamaran sailboat are glued into a particularly designed recess in the hulls. This is to ensure that there are no keel bolts that can rip out and put the boat in danger if the boat gets grounded or in the event of a collision. The rig is also ICW friendly and is a true representation of a standard catamaran setup.

This is, without a doubt, a modern-looking cruising catamaran that has a low-profile lounging space on its deck, high topsides and bows as well as a more pronounced reverse sheer that's essential in minimizing the bulk of the windows while creating additional and useful volume below. This is a true catamaran that occupies a sweet spot for those looking to sail along the bay or for those adventurous sailors looking to set sail for more ambitious offshore cruising plans.


With its fine design, straightforward systems, and easy handling, the Leopard 48 has everything it needs to be ranked among the distinguished category of the best catamaran sailboats. This is an excellent multihull that is structured with advanced materials, designs, and innovations that are meant to be fun, spacious, and comfortable.

Designed in South Africa by Simonis-Voogd, is probably the best design in the Leopard family of catamarans. Its two hulls are vacuum-bagged using balsa core to offer maximum firmness while ensuring that the weight is on the minimum. This is done by articulately regulating the level of resin in the layup. With such types of hull shapes, this catamaran sailboat is very fast and can consistently clock 12 knots of speed against the currents.

The boat is also designed with shallow keels as they're filled with closed-cell polyurethane foam that's of great importance in increasing buoyancy and preventing water ingress. To enhance the safety of the vessel, the stern and bow both have bulkheads that are essential in keeping out that water if the sailboat is involved in a collision.

The hulls of this boat are deep and narrow, particularly below the waterline. They also curve higher up to practically reduce the wetted surface area while offering enough deck space and plenty of room for accommodations. Its cockpit is another excellent feature thanks to its lavish spaces that give you the chance of kicking back and relaxing.

This boat is designed to offer superior livability, quick and easy to handle features, as well as enough space for friends and family. It is designed with beautiful lines and immense practicality for those who want to go on long cruising voyages.

Antares 44i

While many people often believe that voluminous cruising catamarans should be used as charter boats, the Antares 44i brings a very different perspective altogether. Designed in Argentina as a complete bluewater catamaran, this is a boat that's specifically built for private boat owners looking for a sturdy and well-equipped bluewater cruiser. This is an absolutely gorgeous catamaran that has a fully-equipped cockpit just to ensure that you can safely operate it even when shorthanded.

Like most catamarans, the Antares 44i is designed with features that allow for long-distance voyages. It comes with a minimum bridge deck clearance of 30 inches, which is essential in mitigating bridge deck slap. The helm station is designed to offer excellent visibility over the coach roof without having to perch the helmsman high above the cockpit.

If you're planning to make those long-distance cruising to exotic places, you'll appreciate this boat's layout. The galley is put down in the port hull so that it doesn't compromise the size of the galley and the saloon. The forward-facing navigation station is up there with the best and is up to offshore standards. And that's not all; the Antares 44i comes with good mounting points for electronics, a large table, comfortable seats, and provides brilliant visibility outside.

This boat is perfectly suited for extended offshore cruising and is a great reminder for anyone who thinks that all catamarans are charter boats and all offshore boats are monohulls.


Designed by Philipe Pouvreau in northern Brazil, the Dolphin Ocema 42 is a truly unique catamaran sailboat that goes against the conventional norm of catamarans. It is equipped with daggerboards, which are essential in enabling it to point higher on the wind while reducing the wetted surface when running or anchoring in shallow surfaces. This, however, requires a higher level of expertise in sailing. This is because lifting the daggerboards higher up will expose the rudders while the daggerboards can also interfere with the hulls in the event that the vessel runs aground.

But even with that, the Dolphin 42 balances incredible performance and cruising comfort in a very compact package; something that is not very easy in bluewater cruising. That's why it's designed using a foam core to make it lightweight by reducing weight wherever possible. This vessel will most likely never let you down if you want to circumnavigate the bluewater on a high-performance boat that is safe and comfortable.

So if you've been looking for a real sailing catamaran that doubles up as a very comfortable liveaboard sailboat , look no further than the Dolphin 42.


Regarded as the best built and most stylish cruising multihull, the Catana 50 is a very huge catamaran sailboat. Measuring about 50 feet long with a beam of about 26 feet, this is an amazing catamaran that will test your sailing skills as a single sailor or if you're planning to sail shorthanded.

This boat is designed with a rig that gives you the option of using either a screecher or a self-tending jib. This may seem complex since the sheets are led to winches near each wheel while all other controls lead to a centerline winch that's located in the cockpit. But even with that, this sailboat can be easily tacked once on the course.

This is a real performance-oriented catamaran with efficient hulls and rigs allowing for top speed. This vessel is also designed with a long waterline and a subtle underwater shape at the bow to help in increasing volume while minimizing wave drag. The stern platforms can help in stretching the waterline length while also providing easy access from a dock or a dinghy. The board trunks are also very strong and sturdy to protect the integrity of the hulls if a collision occurs.

In essence, this is a very modern catamaran that's designed to safely make long-distance passages with ease. It is subdued in terms of styling but this doesn't mean that it falls short as far as performance is concerned.

Atlantic 42


Designed in 1993, the A42 has cultivated a legion of fiercely loyal fans thanks to its efficiency and aesthetic. This is the smallest of the Atlantic cruising catamaran line and is hugely popular with sailors thanks to its ease of handling, ocean-going capabilities, and superb use of space. From the forward cockpit, pilothouse to the sleeping cabins, and brilliant galleys everything about this cat is a true classic.

Unlike most catamarans, the Atlantic 42 is designed with a waist-high cockpit that's located forward of the pilothouse just behind the mast. It brings forth a solid construction thanks to the large metal girder-like bearers that run across the bulkheads. This helps the vessel in having the utmost strength, better air circulation under the engine, and a high level of flexibility as far as the size of the engine and its positioning is concerned.

Initially, the boat's style and its outlook were considered conservative but it soon became clear that it is built of high-quality materials and to last. The internal construction of the boat is impressive, to say the least. The exterior looks very beautiful and perhaps much more beautiful than most boats today. Its large aft cabin accommodation is a top drawer while the space separating en suite heads and shower compartments are considered a bonus.


If you were to board the French-built Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46, you'll agree that the high-quality of workmanship, layout, and efficient use of space is quite exciting, to say the least. This cat remains very popular among sailors thanks to its easy handling features and incredible performance under the sails. Well, this may not come as a surprise to many of us given that the Fountain Pajot is known for building some of the most remarkable cruising catamarans out there that it can be quite overwhelming to narrow down to a single vessel, but the Bahia 46 simply stands out.

This vessel is designed with hulls that are broader than those of many other catamarans. It's also designed with centerboards and daggerboards that are meant to enhance its performance. These are essential in minimizing draft while ensuring reliability, generous bilge, and in helping to protect the rudders and propellers.

This boat is big enough to manage any type of serious offshore sailing. This is one of the best cruising catamarans for anyone looking for the right vessel for long-distance sailing. This vessel has a very more generous rig than most cruising catamarans, which is essential in enhancing its performance. The six-post Bimini is very strong and clean and can perfectly hold dinghies.

In terms of its look, the Bahia 36 is designed with gorgeous lines with the deck and hulls sculpted with lines that add a touch of elegance to the overall look of an already excellent catamaran sailboat.

Gemini 105MC


Whether you're looking for a comfortable catamaran vessel to take you for a weekend sailing trip or a long sabbatical vacation on the oceans, the Gemini 105MC is a very satisfactory liveaboard catamaran vessel that offers spacious accommodation, thoughtful design, and a stable cruising platform for anyone who wants to have some good time on the water.

Designed by the legendary Tony Smith, this is somewhat a sailing cottage. Like a land cottage, it is cozy, comfortable, and very safe. This is essentially a 35 feet catamaran that offers great value for any sailing looking for a reasonably-priced catamaran sailboat for the weekend or holiday cruising.

This boat is designed with incredibly slim hulls, which are teardrop-shaped with flat bottoms and smaller wetted surface area. This is to ensure that drag is minimized and to lead to more leeway under sail. Each of the boat's hull is designed with a kick-up centerboard is of great importance in enhancing the vessel's windward pointing capability. This boat also has its rudders raised to enable it to seamlessly cruise in shallow waters where most vessels would otherwise run aground.

The eccentric narrow beam, which measures about 40% of the boat's length, is very different from today's 50%. However, its low center helps in keeping its stable, upright, and of course, safe.

Lagoon 450 F


If you're looking for a catamaran sailboat that offers prestige at its peak, look no further than the Lagoon 450. This cat is widely known for offering an all-around comfort without compromising its beauty, spaciousness, class, and elegance. This is an elaborate French catamaran that brings to the table fantastic craftsmanship while leaving nothing to chance.

This is a very safe 45 feet catamaran that's not just comfortable but also very luxurious. The deck layout is centered on an amazing flybridge, which has been redesigned and redefined to offer both the traditional and modern outlook. You can very easily access the bridge, engine controls, steering station in a matter of seconds. As a result, this boat is efficiently designed to give you the ultimate control of almost every situation while on the water.

The spacious and luxurious interior of this boat is worth experiencing. The cabins and saloons are perfectly lit. We're talking about four to six cabins, eight to twelve berths, and up to four bathrooms. In essence, this boat can comfortably sleep eight to twelve people. This boat is designed to offer ultra-modern accommodations and amenities that come with little but amazing touches; all designed to make your life inside the catamaran enjoyable.


An original performance catamaran cruiser from the iconic Gunboat manufacturer, the Gunboat 62 has truly cemented its place as one of the best catamaran sailboats to ever grace the oceans. Honestly speaking, this cat-inspired a whole range of other incredible boats including HH66 Catamaran and the Balance 526.

This is a boat that can perform admirably well in storms with a speed of over 35 knots despite being built using epoxy and E-glass with carbon-fiber structural components. It's designed with a distinct angular outline than most catamaran sailboats of its size and category. This is a vessel that was built for people looking to add more stuff and more gear for their voyages. In other words, you can have all the gear and equipment on this boat and still outperform a racing monohull of the same size.

Thanks to its lightweight feature, this vessel can sail upwind at speeds of over 17 knots and pinch up to 30 degrees. Just for comparison, the Gunboat 62 can tack through 95 degrees and still outperform the best racing monohulls. This boat is designed with a comfortable helm seat that offers 360-degree visibility as well as plenty of storage space, a functional working surface, and a luxurious cabin. Like many performance catamarans, the Gunboat 62 can attain about 20 knots if the conditions are right.

Privilege 615


Combining elegance, comfort, and style, the Privilege 615 is a lovely catamaran sailboat that seems to be always ready for a long offshore voyage. The roots of this incredible cat can be traced back to the 1980s when Philippe Jeantot opened up a boat-building company in France. As one of the best productions from the company, the privilege 615 sports a flybridge that comes complete with twin wheels, a sprawling sunbed, and other excellent features that will make your bluewater cruising a breeze.

Whether you want the charter version or a privately-owned version, the Privilege 615 is one of the most versatile catamaran sailboats. Step inside this vessel and you'll instantly notice the quality of the wood finish and the elegance of design. The advanced navigation station is not only ultra-modern but is perfectly stationed at a dedicated corner where you can control everything while still having a conversation with your friends and family.

This boat comes with multiple sleeping configurations to ensure that you and your guests can live aboard the boat for months on end. Although the boat appears like some sort of maze on the inside, you'll easily get used to it when you enter the forward section. That's not all; this boat has gorgeous lines that make the exterior beautiful just like the interior. Its sleek profile, incredible volume, and versatile interior make it one of the best catamaran sailboats out there.

There you have it; these are the best catamaran sailboats out there. It doesn't matter the one you choose, these cats will make your day out on the water and will serve you just right for your offshore voyages or for day sailing along the bays.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Our Catamarans

Isla 40

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Efficiency through design

A feel for the sea: sailboats first and foremost

A feel for the sea: sailboats first and foremost

When volume transforms to real space

When volume transforms to real space

Innovation as a foundation

Innovation as a foundation

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  • Sailing catamarans range


Fountaine Pajot Sailing Catamarans

Fountaine Pajot offers eight models in its sail range, each comprising the shipyard's hallmark design features and delivering outstanding performance and comfort. However, every model also has its own distinctive identity and unique characteristics. Four decades of experience in the construction of cruising catamarans has enabled us to reach this level of excellence.

Catamaran Isla 40

This first sailing catamaran in our current range outshines her predecessors with a perfect balance of interior and exterior space that comfortably accommodates 6 - 8 people.

Beam overall

Length overall

Standard Power


Catamaran Astréa 42

Easy to manoeuvre and incredibly spacious for her size, this popular sailing catamaran has set a benchmark for design and offers a choice of Owner's or 4-cabin versions.


Catamaran Elba 45

A true catamaran yacht featuring the largest lounge area in her class, she is loaded with numerous features to tempt anyone dreaming of long cruises, as a couple of with family or friends.


Catamaran Tanna 47

With a remarkable owner's suite and up to five cabins, this ocean-going yacht is easily handled by just a couple and has already earned herself a distinguished reputation in the industry.


Catamaran Aura 51

The flybridge on this catamaran redefines the concept of space and is ideal for both socialising in company and enjoying a private haven for time alone. It's a must when you're casting off for new horizons far, far away.


Catamaran Samana 59

With the largest flybridge in her class and the most versatile of our yachts , she is perfect for owners desiring optimal space or accommodating large crews, having a capacity of up to six cabins.


Catamaran Alegria 67

Settling into your favourite sun lounger is a highlight of the day, just like choosing what temperature you'd like for your jacuzzi. Simple pleasures that can be shared with others – isn't that the definition of an unforgettable cruise?


Catamaran Thira 80

Welcome to a world where everything is bigger and better, where luxury soars to new heights but never new limits. Our design DNA and expertise unite in this remarkable model, inspiring in you a longing to travel... under sail.


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catamaran senegal

A versatile tender with an opening bow ramp serving multiple functions: loading and unloading people as well as carrying cargo at the dock, on the beach, or into the water. The Catamaran can accommodate recreational vehicles and equipment.

Explore the range

catamaran senegal

With its forward hydraulic door, the Catamaran 20 is the perfect beach lander for your superyacht. It is the most compact model of the Series, fitting perfectly in different yacht garage layouts. The Catamaran 20 has proven excellent performance both in deep and shallow water.

catamaran senegal

The Catamaran 24 – powered by a 250 horsepower outboard or diesel stern drive engine – reaches up to 50 mph with an impressive acceleration. Its twin hull design guarantees great space for transporting people, equipment, and cargo on the water, beach as well as dock.

catamaran senegal

The Catamaran 28 is the biggest and most spacious model in the Series. The large forward deck area can carry people as well as equipment for your fun activities, like paddleboards, kayaks, bikes, and scuba diving gear. This tender is extremely versatile. You can customize it according to your usage preferences and needs.


The ultimate beach lander for fun and adventurous excursions in the sea. the hydraulic bow ramp ensures a smooth boarding, especially for people with limited mobility..

catamaran senegal

Twin hull design

The wide beam and large deck space ensure a stable and comfortable ride for you and your guests. This characteristic design has also proven high-performance capabilities for water sports.

catamaran senegal

Hydraulically-operated bow ramp

The bow door ensures easy access and boarding. The Catamaran is the perfect tender for S.C.U.B.A. diving, beach excursions, and water sports.

catamaran senegal

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catamaran senegal


catamaran senegal

Do you want to learn more about our range of tenders? Contact us and speak with an expert.


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    Dublin - Ireland. Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin. (+1) 786 673 68 20. [email protected]. Embark on an extraordinary boat and catamaran charter in Senegal with our premier yacht rental services. Sail along the captivating coastline of this West African gem, surrounded by golden beaches and the azure waters of ...

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    Prices. 12 Knots offers sailing cruises in SENEGAL. Enjoy sailing trip on board of a crewed catamaran or yacht. Choose your dates, itinerary and simply book a cabin. Relax and let the crew to bring you to the most stunning locations of SENEGAL.

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  13. Leopard 50

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  14. Leopard 45

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  19. Leopard 42

    Leopard 42. Built by Robertson & Caine and designed by naval architects Simonis Voogd, the Leopard 42 utilizes superior finishes and materials, creating a one-of-a-kind vessel that balances comfort, performance and ease of handling. A thoughtful design process ensures every feature and function has been anticipated, with minimal customization ...

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  21. 12 Best Catamaran Sailboats

    Gunboat 62. gunboat_catamarans. An original performance catamaran cruiser from the iconic Gunboat manufacturer, the Gunboat 62 has truly cemented its place as one of the best catamaran sailboats to ever grace the oceans. Honestly speaking, this cat-inspired a whole range of other incredible boats including HH66 Catamaran and the Balance 526.

  22. Cruising catamarans

    This first sailing catamaran in our current range outshines her predecessors with a perfect balance of interior and exterior space that comfortably accommodates 6 - 8 people. 1.21 m. Draft. 6.63 m. Beam overall. 11.93 m. Length overall. 2 x 20 cv. Standard Power. 40 Discover this model. Catamaran Astréa 42

  23. Catamaran

    The Catamaran 28 is the biggest and most spacious model in the Series. The large forward deck area can carry people as well as equipment for your fun activities, like paddleboards, kayaks, bikes, and scuba diving gear. This tender is extremely versatile. You can customize it according to your usage preferences and needs.