Marlin 33 trimaran, multiscafo carrellabile

Marlin 33

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Princess Yachts al Palm Beach International Boat Show con diverse novità

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Copertina SuperYacht

Rivenditore ufficiale Trimarani Italia

Il trimarano è composto da tre scafi, due scafi laterali, chiamati ama in lingua Tamil, ed uno centrale, chiamato vaka, collegati assieme da appositi bracci. Le dimensioni della chiglia centrale, rispetto a quelle laterali permette al trimarano di godere di grande stabilità, più di quella dei catamarani, mentre i bracci laterali, grazie alla capacità galleggiante, mantengono in costante assetto la barca a vela, assicurando una stabilità trasversale del mezzo.

Materiali leggeri

A differenza delle imbarcazioni a vela monoscafo, il trimarano manca di zavorra, il peso è caricato sui galleggianti laterali ed è costruito con materiali leggeri, perciò, il trimarano a vela offre prestazioni migliori delle barche classiche a vela. Molto raramente un trimarano scuffia, capita solo se mal gestito o se in condizioni meteo non favorevoli.

Velocità elevate

Fino ad oggi il trimarano, grazie alle velocità elevate che può raggiungere, è stato quasi esclusivamente un oggetto da gara, da regata o da grandi record, come Maserati di Giovanni Soldini e i maxi trimarani come Edmond De Rotschild.


Le innovazioni nel campo di queste imbarcazioni non mancano e si stanno sviluppando sempre di più trimarani più piccoli, addirittura carrellabili, adatti alla crociera, senza però togliere niente alle prestazioni ed al divertimento.

trimarano carrellabile

Dragonfly 28, trimarano carrellabile

trimarano carrellabile

Nato da un sogno del designer danese Jens Quorning che, in collaborazione con Steen Olsen, ha trasformato in progetto la sua idea, Dragonfly è un trimarano carrellabile con cinque posti letto e una dinette che ospita otto persone.

La caratteristica più innovativa è il sistema Swingwing che consente di diminuirne la larghezza avvicinando gli scafi laterali a quello centrale grazie alla rotazione delle barre che li collegano.

Per vedere come funziona in pratica vi consigliamo di guardare il video sul sito internet del cantiere.

E’ disponibile in versione Sport e Touring ed è offerto sul mercato tedesco a partire da 105.900 euro vele incluse.

Dati: lunghezza f.t. m 8,75; larghezza m 2,54; immersione cm 40; motore  potenza max cv 15

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trimarano carrellabile

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Seawind 5-Pulse-600-sailplan

Folding System

Legendary ability, unbeatable reliability.

Folding and unfolding a Corsair trimaran takes only a minute. With just 4 bolts to remove, it is easily managed by one person, and is normally done while afloat. Simply raise (to fold) or press down (to unfold) the inboard end of one cross beam. It can be done from the safety of the cockpit and only a little force is needed due to the folding system’s carefully balanced geometry, and the movement of the floats being mostly horizontal.

The solid aluminium folding struts have absolute control over the folding motion and prevent flexing or racking. A stainless steel bolt on the inboard end of each beam secures the floats for sailing. Crucially, wingnets remain attached during the folding process – their frictionless fixing allows them to tension themselves appropriately through the folding process. The system is so simple and balanced that Corsair trimarans can even be folded while motoring.

trimarano carrellabile


Corsair Marine trimarans are especially weight-conscious, and sit low on their trailers meaning they have excellent trailering characteristics. They are equally easy to launch, giving you more time on the water, and the ability to expore many more remote cruising grounds or participate in regattas far from home. Some Corsair trimaran models go from trailer to water in 25 minutes, and with practice even the largest boat models can be done in 40 minutes.

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Corsair 880 Trimaran | 2022 Boat Review by Multihulls World

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Corsair 880 – Drive Out, Fold Out, Thrill Out, Chill Out

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Australian Debut of the Corsair 880 at the Sydney International Boat Show

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Escapist 24 – Un progetto di Cristian Pilo

Il progetto Escapist 24 nasce in poche settimane, in questo strano e drammatico periodo di primavera 2020, tra lockdown e pandemie, dall’input di un costruttore dell’Alto Adriatico alla ricerca di un progetto di medie dimensioni che potesse muoversi in crociera a cavallo tra mare e ambienti lagunari in agilità, per esplorare questi straordinari habitat con una famiglia a bordo in relax.

Escapist 24 Cristian Pilo 01

I requisiti erano quindi un pescaggio ridotto (o riducibile facilmente “al volo”), e sempre “al volo” la possibilità di buttare giù l’albero per poter passare sotto un ponte, e risollevarlo subito dopo, prestazioni a vela oneste, ma una barca corsaiola non era uno dei target del progetto.

L’Escapist 24 risponde inoltre alla voglia di disegnare qualcosa dal look classico, se pure tenendo delle linee d’acqua abbastanza attuali. La barca doveva essere costruibile al 100%, rig compreso, e per la motorizzazione abbiamo da subito optato per una soluzione molto razionale come costi/benefici: un pozzetto a poppa in grado di ospitare un fuoribordo sino a 10 HP (per combattere correnti di marea e prolungate bonacce lagunari); abbiamo preferito evitare costosi e pesanti motori entrobordo e tutti gli impianti correlati, confidando nella robustezza e affidabilità dei piccoli FB attuali.

Gli interni


Corsair Marine annuncia il nuovo Corsair 880

Corsair marine 880 01.

Corsair Marine torna al punto in cui tutto è iniziato, il Corsair F27, con il suo design e gli scafi pieghevoli, questo modello ha permesso ai velisti di rimorchiare un’imbarcazione con spazi abitabili ragionevoli tra nazioni e persino continenti. Il nuovo 880 porta questo concetto ad un livello completamente nuovo! Il Corsair 880 presenta una cabina di prua separata dove si può stare in piedi, una cambusa completa e la possibilità di dormire in cinque con tutte le comodità di una comune barca a vela.

La missione del Corsair 880 è di fornire ai velisti di tutti i livelli l’opportunità di navigare su una barca a vela ad alte prestazioni senza sforzo, pur essendo completamente sicuri e confortevoli.

È disponibile in un pacchetto ad alte prestazioni con albero alare in carbonio da 13,5 m e vele da regata o in un comodo pacchetto da crociera con comfort come acqua calda e aria condizionata.


Swallow Yachts – Coast 250

Swallow yachts coast 250 01.

Nominata per il 2019 European Yacht of the Year , Coast 250 è la prima di una nuova gamma di barche a vela dalle linee contemporanee prodotte dall’inglese Swallow Yachts , sua principale caratteristica la possibilità di montare in opzione un motore potente.

Questa barca a vela di 24 piedi ha infatti la particolarità di poter essere motorizzata con un fuoribordo da 70 CV posizionato a centro barca che gli consente di raggiungere una velocità di 15 nodi. La superficie velica della Coast 250 è di 29 m².

Ha quattro posti letto completi (cinque se non si ha il frigo) con cabina separata a prua e una cucina salva spazio unica.

Grazie alle dimensioni e alla deriva pivotante la Coast 250 è anche carrellabile.

Caratteristiche Swallow Yachts Coast 250

Espace VAG – Ikone 6.50 Rando e Cruise

Ikone 650 01.

Il cantiere navale bretone di Concarneau, Espace VAG , ben noto per le sue piccole barche a vela, tra cui l’ Ikone 7.50 , ha pubblicato i disegni dell’Ikone 6.50, firmata Barreau-Neuman Architectes.

Il nuovo Ikone 6.50, che sarà presentato in anteprima mondiale al Grand Pavois di La Rochelle a settembre 2018, inaugura un nuovo stile, con una tuga particolarmente caratteristica, con vista a 360 gradi.

Sarà disponibile in due versioni: una versione Rando con albero avanzato (tipo catboat) e una versione Cruise armata a sloop, con la quale il cantiere sta valutando se partecipare anche alla Mini Transat.

Il prezzo di vendita di Ikone 6.50 dovrebbe essere inferiore a 48.000 euro.

Alcuni dati tecnici:

Corsair Marine, trimarano carrellabile Corsair 760R

Corsair Marine ha introdotto il modello Corsair 760R nella sua gamma di trimarani trasportabili . Progettato per essere veloce, divertente e conveniente, la nuova versione R punta sulla velocità.


Scafi e piano velico sono identici dei 760 ma il pozzetto è molto più grande, questo a scapito di abitabilità interna e comfort, la R non offre alloggi per dormire e interni confortevoli ma è ottimizzata per correre.


L.O.A.: 24’ 3” (7.39m) L.W.L.: 23’ 7” (7.19m) Beam: 17’ 11” (5.46m) Beam folded: 8’ 2” (2.5m) Draft D/B up: 1’ 00” (0.3m) Draft D/B down: 5’ 3” (1.6m) Mast length: 34’ 5” (10.5m) Unladen weight: 1,795lbs 816kgs Max. recommended auxiliary: 8hp

Info su

Carrellabili – Tricat 20

Il Tricat 20 è un trimarano inaffondabile e carrellabile prodotto dall’omonimo cantiere bretone. Il prezzo di lancio è di poco meno di 34.000 Euro e verrà presentato al Boot di Düsseldorf nel gennaio 2018.


Nel Tricat 20 trovano spazio due persone adulte nella cuccetta a V di prua e due bambini nelle laterali a murata.

Architecte: Antoine HOUDET / Jack Michal Chantier: TRICAT Construction: Infusion polyester Pays: France Système de pliage: Pivotement sur l’arrière Longueur: 5.99 m Largeur déplié / replié: 4.50m / 2.40m Déplacement lège: 520 Kg Tirant d’eau: 0.30m / 1.20m Motorisation: 3.5 CV Homologation: Categorie C Transportable: Oui

Plan de Voilure (altro…)

Plasmor Skellig 5

Skellig 5 è una novità del cantiere francese Plasmor , una barca carrellabile armata a catboat adatta alla piccola crociera costiera.

Skellig 5 01

La sua cabina attrezzata permette a una coppia e uno o due bambini di trascorrere qualche notte a bordo. E’ dotata di un angolo cottura e un WC chimico.

Il particolare armo limita l’altezza dell’albero riduce l’altezza dell’albero e permette a una persona di preparare la barca in circa 20 minuti.

Outcut 29.5 – Catamarano a larghezza variabile a Motore / Vela

Lo lo spirito del marchio Outcut è quello di sviluppare prodotti che possano fornire a chi ama la nautica nuove possibilità di utilizzo liberandoli dalle costrizioni standardizzate e fornendo nuovi orizzonti nella mobilità, via acqua e via terra.


Spiega Pietro Carrieri, ideatore del progetto: “Mi sono dedicato al progetto Outcut 29.5 con la visione di un nuovo concetto di nautica, che superi i limiti e gli stereotipi del diporto tradizionale. Mi piace pensare di svegliarmi in Costa Azzurra e cenare in Croazia, con la mia famiglia, senza equipaggio, senza patente nautica e senza vincoli portuali. Questa è la mia immagine di libertà.“

Outcut 29.5 è il catamarano carrellabile a larghezza variabile con una vivibilità inedita in soli nove metri ed una efficienza senza precedenti. Può essere dotato di allestimento open o cruiser e può essere equipaggiato di propulsione termica, elettrica o con vela ausiliaria . Nella motorizzazione 2×20 CV può essere condotto senza patente nautica, è esente da immatricolazione e, grazie alla carrellabilità, da qualsiasi onere e vincolo portuale.

L’innovativo sistema DHR (Dynamic Hull Range) riduce l’interasse degli gli scafi in acqua da 3,5 a 2,5 metri in soli 90 secondi e senza alcun compromesso di abitabilità. Ciò consente la carrellabilità e riduce l’ingombro in banchina.

Gli scafi sono stati accuratamente disegnati per ottenere la massima efficienza fluidodinamica, sono realizzati in composito sotto vuoto per massimizzare il rapporto peso/prestazioni meccaniche e sono dotati di compartimenti stagni che li rendono inaffondabili. Outcut 29.5 è stato appositamente pensato per arrivare sino a riva, con pescaggio di soli 30 centimetri ed un un peso di appena 1400 chilogrammi. Le lunghe fessure passanti riducono la pressione aerodinamica laterale.

Rossoragno RR28

In un mondo popolato di cantieri sempre più votati al gigantismo Rossoragno con il suo nuovo RR28 ha il merito di esplorare un segmento di mercato, quello delle barche piccole, dai più snobbato.

Rossoragno RR28 01

Nata dalla collaborazione fra Rossoragno – nuovo brand creato da appassionati velisti e yacht designers – e Zuanelli, cantiere storico di Padenghe sul Garda, RR28 è una barca a vela lunga 8,6 metri con un baglio massimo di 2,54 (è quindi carrellabile ). Le linee sono votate alla ricerca di volumi interni caratteristici di barche più grandi mantenendo un certo equilibrio estetico.

Sotto coperta troviamo un’abitabilità davvero senza compromessi, con un’altezza media in dinette di 1,98 metri e una tuga completamente finestrata con visuale verso l’esterno a 360°. Oltre a 4 comodi letto, troviamo una toilette separata, un tavolo ad ante abbattibili, una cucina con doppio lavabo, frigorifero a pozzetto e fuochi basculanti.

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  • Bay-Dream 5.5, un trimarano carrellabile vela/ motore

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trimarano carrellabile

Catamaran vs. Trimaran: The Differences Explained

trimarano carrellabile

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Most boat lovers know the differences between a catamaran and a monohull. But when it comes to differentiating between a catamaran and a trimaran, things can get tricky because it’s not always clear how much difference the extra hull of a trimaran makes in performance, safety, comfort, and handling. If you’re trying to choose between the two, this is a post you’ll want to read before making a decision.

Besides the number of hulls catamarans(two) and trimarans(three) differ in speed, safety, accommodation, helming, and anchoring. Generally, catamarans are more manageable in a marina and provide better accommodation and comfort. Trimarans, on the other hand, are faster and more fun to helm.

In this post, we’ll cover these differences in greater detail to make it easier for you to choose between a catamaran and a trimaran. First, let’s quickly review each multihull type.

Table of Contents

The Lowdown on Catamarans

Informally dubbed a “cat,” a catamaran is a type of multi-hulled sailing craft with two equal-sized parallel hulls. Cats are typically geometry-stabilized, leveraging their wide beams for stability. That’s unlike monohull boats, which use ballasted keels for stability. Catamarans also have a smaller displacement, lower hull volume, and a much shallower draught ( draft ) than similarly sized monohulls.

The earliest forms of catamarans can be traced way back to the 17th century. They were primarily used for fishing by the Pavaras community in Tamil Nadu, who preferred them over other fishing vessels due to the extra balance and stability provided by the twin hulls. Later on, the British adopted the concept of twin-hulled boats and popularized it worldwide.

Modern catamarans are much more sophisticated than their ancestors. They’ve evolved in terms of the usage versatility, construction, and design, giving rise to two primary configurations:

  • Small-Waterplane-Area Twin Hull (SWATH)
  • Wave-piercing catamarans

The hulls in a catamaran with a SWATH configuration are typically submerged. That means they’re less affected by ocean waves , which is great for stability when sailing in rough waters. In the recent past, SWATH configurations have been used on research vessels and rescue ships. 

Their wave-piercing counterparts, on the other hand, have low-buoyancy bows fitted on the twin hulls. The bows allow the hulls to puncture ocean waves instead of riding over them, making catamarans with such a design faster on rough waters than SWATH cats. In the recent past, wave-piercing cat designs have been used on passenger ferries, military vessels, and yachts.

trimarano carrellabile

The Lowdown on Trimarans

Also known as a double-outrigger, a trimaran is a type of multihull boat with one main hull flanked by two smaller “floats” (technically known as outrigger hulls) connected to the larger hull by lateral beams. Such a design makes trimarans incredibly stable, meaning they’re hard to capsize even in the roughest of waters. 

The earliest forms of trimarans can be traced to the Austronesian people and are still the most common hull design you’ll find on traditional fishing boats in Maritime Southeast Asia. The majority of today’s double outriggers are yachts meant for racing and recreation, but some warships and ferries have this design.

trimarano carrellabile

The Differences Between Catamarans and Trimarans 

The most apparent physical distinction between a catamaran and a trimaran is that it has three hulls instead of two. 

But other than that, are there other differences between the two vessel types you need to know? Do those differences make one type better than the other?

To find out, let’s compare the two types of multihulls based on the following merits:

Comfort and Accommodation

A Cat’s geometry is ideal for comfort and accommodation. The two load-bearing hulls provide additional habitable space, and you can always create a sizable nacelle between them. Connected to this central living space is a large cockpit, and there are cabins on either end of the hulls. This arrangement is perfect when you’re looking to relax a bit as the party rages on in the saloon because it gives you a bit of privacy. 

And with flybridges virtually standard on modern catamarans, you have extra space for entertainment and lounging. The deck area is safe for kids, and the fact that catamarans don’t heel much means that you can do things like cooking at ease. Also worth mentioning is that cats can carry a decent load, meaning you can stock up on food and gear when going away for an extended period.

While trimarans do provide a decent degree of livability, they fall short of catamarans in two regards. First, they heel more than cats, making it difficult to do things like cooking on board. Second, they support much less load than catamarans. To put things into perspective, some 45 feet (14 meters). Cats can carry nearly three tons of payloads, whereas similarly sized trimarans can barely support half that load.

Overall, catamarans provide better, more comfortable accommodation than trimarans.

trimarano carrellabile

One of the main concerns when choosing any water vessel is how easy it’ll capsize in the event of a storm. If you’re looking to spend more than just a couple of hours on the water, you want to sail on something that won’t capsize/sink easily because sea conditions can sometimes fluctuate within a short period.

When it comes to safety, three hulls are better than two. Having one main hull and two overhangs on each side makes a trimaran more stable because of two reasons. First, the side overhangs widen the beam of the vessel, which minimizes the chances of the boat flipping over when hit by a large breaking wave from the side. Second, trimarans are typically designed with the weight centered on the main hull, further enhancing stability. 

Multihull stability is a complex topic and should be understood in detail if you want to stay safe at sea!

  • Why do catamarans capsize?

On the rare occasion that a trimaran flips over, it’ll stay afloat. That means if the worst happens, a capsized trimaran will turn into a potential life-saving raft that’s easier to spot from a helicopter. That’s because almost all trimarans designed in the last decade or so come with closed-cell foam distributed throughout the various parts of the boat to provide reserve buoyancy. 

Thanks to this kind of construction, you could cut most trimarans into pieces, and each would still stay afloat.

While catamarans are typically more stable than monohulls, they’re no match for a trimaran in this regard. Hypothetically speaking, it would be easier to tip over a catamaran than a trimaran if both boat types were subjected to equal magnitude storms. That, however, doesn’t mean that catamarans aren’t safe. They’re still harder to flip over than monohulls and will stay afloat when that happens because they come with the same closed-cell foam found in a trimaran.

While on the subject of safety, it’s worth mentioning that trimarans require less vigilance as far as reefing is concerned . Since catamarans heel less, most of the extra wind force translates to more “push” on the rig, increasing speed. But because the pressure exerted on the sail nearly quadruples when the wind speed doubles, you need to be extremely careful when timing your reef to keep a cat sailing flat. 

The same goes for reefing a trimaran, except that the slight heel gives you more room for error in terms of the timing.

trimarano carrellabile

Most people who’ve ever steered both a trimaran and catamaran will agree that the former is more fun to sail. Most light trimarans, especially tiller-steered ones, have a terrific response to the helm. They have a slight heel that somewhat feels like a monohull, but the angle is a bit limited.

A catamaran is stable, but it doesn’t heel. While heeling may be frowned upon by people who prioritize comfort and accommodation in a boat, it’s one of the most exciting parts of sailing. With three hulls to ensure stability, trimarans combine the heel of a monohull with a catamaran’s stability to deliver the best sailing elements of monohulls and multihulls in a single package.  

Considering that trimarans are more stable, you may be better off with one if you’re looking to have some fun as you perfect your helming skills.

Speed is another area where trimarans outperform their twin-hulled counterparts. Typically lighter than catamarans, trimarans need less sail distance to hit double-digit speed averages. A trimaran can maintain a formidable course up-wind when fitted with centerboards/daggerboards (as is often the case for modern models).

While a catamaran is still faster than a monohull of identical size, it falls short of the trimaran in terms of sheer speed. Understand that this doesn’t make catamarans slow boats; it’s just that tris are typically designed with more emphasis on performance.

Why are Trimarans Faster Than Catamarans?

Trimarans are easier to anchor than catamarans because they allow you to keep the ground tackle in and deploy it from the main hull. 

However, catamarans are more maneuverable and manageable in a marina. They also handle docking lines more conveniently.

Catamarans vs. Trimaran: The Verdict

In summary, here’s what the differences between a cat and tri mean for anyone trying to choose between the two: A catamaran is a better choice if you’re looking to accommodate many people on board for something like a party because it’s more spacious and comfortable than a trimaran. On the other hand, a trimaran is an ideal choice for speed junkies and individuals looking to push their sailing skills to the next level on every stable platform.

Hopefully, that has cleared the air and made it easier for you to pick a more suitable option for your sailing needs.

  • ResearchGate: A comparison of the motions of trimarans, catamarans and monohulls | Request PDF
  • Why are trimarans faster than catamarans?

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Yachting World cover

First look: Rapido 50 folding trimaran

Yachting World

  • June 9, 2021

The recently launched Rapido 50 will share many of the same characteristics of her predecessors as a performance folding trimaran that should turn heads


When launched in 2016 the Morelli and Melvin-designed Rapido 60 quickly established this brand as a new breed of ultra-fast, yet practical, performance cruising/racing trimaran

The Vietnam-based builder has two further models in development, at 40ft and 50ft. Both are folding multihull designs, which enables them to slip into a regular monohull marina berth and reduces storage costs when ashore.

Construction of the Morelli and Melvin design is of infused carbon foam sandwich, with beams, daggerboards and rudder made of pre-preg carbon. The central hull is configured for single-level living, with the cockpit and deckhouse both on the same level, although the Rapido 50 has a higher helm station to give a clear view over the coachroof.

Polars for this model show it being capable of well over 20 knots of boat speed across a wide range of reaching wind angles, and as much as 18 knots beam reaching in just 14 knots of breeze. The first Rapido 50 was built for delivery to an owner in Palma, Mallorca.

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Rapido is also working on a 40-footer with curved C-foils and T-foil rudders. As well as offering a performance boost, without the control issues of a fully foiling boat, these allow the interior to be opened up as there’s no need for a daggerboard in the central hull.

The result looks to be a very enticing high performance yacht with a civilised two-cabin interior and acres of deck space.

Base prices are ex works, ex sails and electronics, and with aluminium spars.

Rapido 50 specification

LOA: 15.24m / 50ft 9in LWL: 14.96m / 49ft 1in Max beam: 10.38m / 34ft 1in Folded beam: 5.5m / 18ft 1in Draught: 0.67-3.52m / 2ft 2in to 11ft 7in Displacement (light): 8,200kg / 14,400lb Base Price: US$1.25m ex VAT

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Rapido Trimarans



C foils, Rapido 40

* Please note, General Specifications are subject to change and should be confirmed with Rapido Trimarans Limited.

General Specifications

  • LOA: 12.03m (39' 6")
  • LWL:  12.00m (39' 4")
  • BOA: 8.80m (28' 10")
  • BOA (folded, non canting): 5.8m (19' 3")
  • BOA (float to float CL): 7.98m (26' 2")
  • Average light displacement (subject to final options): 5,200kgs (11,474lbs)
  • Freeboard: 1.41m (4' 8")
  • Daggerfoil up: 0.87m (2' 10")
  • Daggerfoil down: 2.18m (7' 2")
  • Engine: Yanmar diesel, 3YM30AE, 29hp, shaft drive
  • Oceanvolt Option #01: Twin propulsion
  • Oceanvolt Option #02: Two single ServoProps

Download General Specifications

  • Click here for General Specifications  (dated 17 Oct 2023). Please note, General Specifications are subject to change. All specifications must be confirmed in writing by Rapido Trimarans at the time of contract signing.

Standard Carbon Rig

  • Standard Mast Length Max: 17.2m (56' 5")
  • Rig height above DWL: 19.2m (63')

In the USA the standard rig fits under all bridges in intracoastal waterways.

Standard Sails Platform

  • SA Main: 65m2 (700sqf) (Wing mast area, 7.0m2 (75sqf)
  • Jib / Solent: 32m2 (344sqf)
  • SA Staysail: 13m2 (140sqf)
  • SA Reacher: 113m2 (1,216sqf)
  • SA Asym Spin: 158m2 (1,700sqf) * Click here to download sails plan (9 May 2023).

Performance Carbon Rig

  • Performance rig length: 19.5m (64')
  • Rig height above DWL: 21.8m (71' 6")
  • Sizes of sails: TBC

General Information

Rapido 40 The World’s Ultimate Folding, All Carbon, Ocean-Cruising Trimaran

The all-carbon Rapido 40 has been nominated as a  SAIL  Top 10 Best Boats Nominee for 2024. Click here for details.

World acclaimed designers and engineers,  Morrelli & Melvin  have ensured that the DNA of the Rapido 60 has been incorporated into the all carbon and folding Rapido 40. It is a state of the art trimaran designed and built for:

  • Podium performances
  • Fast passage-making
  • Classic cruising
  • Couples; and

The Rapido 40 is a high tech, all-carbon, performance cruiser with a s elf-tacking jib, c arbon spreaderless mast and an o ption for a roller furling boom.

The interiors have super lightweight, strong, custom made furniture; even the countertops and drawers are carbon! The flooring is made from cork.

While others are compelled to motor away from weather systems best avoided, the Rapido can be powered up to simply sail away with the skipper maintaining complete control.

Safety is a big factor in our design and construction. As well as carbon-foam construction, there are multiple watertight bulkheads. The engine compartment is contained within watertight bulkheads.

We build our own epoxy prepreg autoclave-cured mast and boom (designed by Morrelli & Melvin , specifically for the Rapido 40), as well as dagger C foils, rudders, beams, chainplate bulkheads, folding struts, pulpits, seats, table, benchtop and drawers (in galley).

Essentially, if you have a passion for sailing, this is the boat for you!

The Rapido 40 is built by Rapido Trimarans’ exclusive builder,  Triac Composites .

Rapido 40

[Caption: Rapido 40 “C" foils and “T" rudder foil. Note; “C" foils replace the need for a central daggerboard in the saloon opening up a significant amount of space.]

The asymmetric twin “C” foils give the Rapido 40 more lift than usual resulting in a significant increase in performance, both upwind and downwind. Also, the C foils eliminate the need for a central daggerboard which increases the amount of interior space. It also creates 360 degree visibility. (In the diagram above, note the “T" rudder foil in the “down" position.)

For normal day sailing or cruising, both C foils can be in the “down" position or one raised without adding material drag.

Advantages of the Rapido 40 

Customers always have options in the market. We believe the Rapido 40, designed and engineered by the world’s best, Morrelli and Melvin (US based) will increasingly capture the interest of this segment because it is:

  • All carbon foam sandwich construction, tapered rotating wing mast (performance or standard), C foils, beams struts etc – all made from prepreg carbon and cured in our own autoclave
  • Easier and safer to handle with its self-tacking jib and roller furler head sails
  • CE-A certified for safer ocean crossings
  • Better balanced (weight distribution positions heavy items (eg engine) in the middle of the boat)
  • Offering a more functional and spacious interior (eg 360 degree views in the saloon), raised saloon (ie, it is not located down in the hull) and is finished to a high standard

Co founder Paul Koch is 6'3

[Caption: Co founder Paul Koch is 6’3" and here he stands in the saloon of the Rapido 40 which has a clearance of 6’7" (201cm).]

  • Latest high tech design and engineering (see Morrelli & Melvin ) in this all-carbon boat
  • Two separate cabins (aft cabin can be a double or two separate single berths)
  • Folding floats (reduced fees for marina, hard stand and shipping). See more below!
  • Electric options

We believe the Rapido 40 very clearly sets itself apart from other offerings in the market in terms of both performance and value. Please independently check our claim!


  • Access to single marina berths
  • Access to all marinas
  • Reduced marina, hard stand and shipping costs
  • Stability of trimaran is maintained during folding and while in the folded position.

Safety and Watertight bulkheads

While some bulkheads are completely watertight, all are watertight below the waterline. 

Watertight bulkheads

Further details

  • Email co founder, Paul Koch


Trimarans are safe, powerful and fast as demonstrated by the fact that they consistently win races and hold the solo speed record for circumnavigating the world.

Safety at sea is the No. 1 priority and this thinking is reflected throughout the design and construction of the Rapido.

The Rapido 40 has some truly amazing living spaces which provide more open, private and intimate areas than monohulls or catamarans.

stable and comfortable

Trimarans are comfortable on all points of sail.

The combination of safety, performance and comfort put the Rapido in a league of its own. The enormous trampoline nets add fun and excitement as you watch the blue water rush underneath you – or as you lounge on the nets while gently gliding over a reef. You will be instantly hooked..

look inside the

Rapido 40 in action.

See more Rapido Trimarans videos (You Tube)

View more Rapido 40 photos

  Trimarans in the media

Below is a list of articles which have appeared in various publications regarding Rapido Trimarans.

  • C-foils on a fast cruising trimaran? This looks rapid!, Rapido 40 tour, Yachting World magazine video by Toby Hodges, 8 September 2023
  • Rapido 40: The Alternative Trimaran , by François-Xavier de Crécy with photos by Ludovic Fruchaud, LE MONDE DU MULTICOQUE #24 by Voile Magazine. July, 2024.
  • The Rapido 40 is a 20 knot cruising tri , George Day, Cruising Compass, 24 May, 2023
  • Boat Review of Rapido 40, Zuzana Prochazka, Sail Magazine, 4 May 2023
  • Rapido 40: ultra fast cruising in complete safety on three hulls , Maxime Leriche ,, 25 April 2023
  • Boat anomaly: Rapido 40 Trimaran , No Frills Sailing, 19 April 2023
  • Rapido 40 – Fast, foldable and worry free!,  Multihulls World magazine, No. 189, May-July 2023
  • Shipyard Focus: Rapido Trimarans , by Kevin Green, Multihulls World, August / September 2022.
  • Rapido, changing the game , by Zuzana Prochazka, Sail Magazine, 23 March, 2022
  • Rapido 40: A livable sailboat for cruising on 3 hulls , Briag Merlet, Sailboat News, 23 February 2022.
  • Rapido, changing the game , (takes a detailed look at the cutting edge design and technology of Morrelli & Melvin) by Zuzana Prochazka, Multihull Sailor, December 2021
  • Boat Review: Rapido 50 , Kevin Green, Boating New Zealand, November 2021
  • Harnessing Speed , by Kevin Green, Boating New Zealand, November 2021
  • Rapido 60 Trimaran Boat Review: A Bold Gamechanger For Performance Bluewater Cruising , by Zuzana Prochazka, Yacht World, 23 September, 2021.
  • Harnessing the wind , by Kevin Green, Multihulls World, September / October 2021 issue, 6 page spread on Rapido Trimarans.
  • Sailing La Vagabonde choose Rapido 60 to sail world’s oceans , video announcement by SLV to their 1.59 million subscribers, You Tube, 8 June 2021
  • The Ultimate Racer-Cruiser: Clients on Romanza are turning heads on the racetrack when they're not cruising at high speed , North Sails, 19 April, 2021
  • Making Short-handed Short Work – Onboard Rapido 60 , Anna Merchant, Sail-World, 11 February 2021
  • Rapido 50 News from the Shipyards , Multihulls World, 2 February 2021
  • Buyers' Guide 2021, Rapido 50 , Multihulls World, 18 December 2020
  • “New breed” Rapido 40 & 50 , Yachting World magazine, November 2020
  • Cruising Helmsman reviews Rapido 60 , October 2020
  • Romanza takes top spot in Yates Cup , SEA Yachting magazine, September 2020
  • Rapido Trimarans relocates production arm into Vietnam , SEA Yachting magazine, Nov/Dec 2019.
  • Rapido Trimarans, On the March, Seahorse Magazine , October 2019.
  • (French) Rapido 40, un trimaran repliable de 12 m ,, 29 August 2019.
  • Rapido 60 – The most exciting production multihull in the world?  (or click here for selection of quotes), Multihulls Magazine, Summer (July) 2019.
  • Rapido , Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia, June 2019 (pp23-24)
  • Ineffable’s Steve Bourne: I’m a nutter for sailing , Daily Herald, 26 February 2019.
  • Rapido 60′ the fastest production multihull in the world? , International Multihulls World, December 2017
  • RAPIDO 60’ : Le multicoque de série habitable le plus rapide du monde? , Multihulls World, 23 November 2017
  • Finding Mrs Right , Boating New Zealand, August 2016
  • Blue Water Cruising Trimaran , Australian Multihulls World, August 2016
  • Rapido 60 , Cruising World, 25 August, 2016
  • Rapido 60 , by Emma Bamford, Sailing Today.

Rainforest Cruises

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trimarano carrellabile

  • Galapagos Horizon

Galapagos Horizon Deals

trimarano carrellabile

Launched in 2022, Galapagos Horizon is a luxury trimaran yacht – the only trimaran in the Galapagos Islands in fact – hosting up to 16 passengers on smooth-sailing cruises through the Enchanted Isles . Voyages of four days or more aboard this 125-foot yacht are unique opportunities for up-close encounters with the Galapagos’ most famous species.

Life On Board

Galapagos Horizon has all the hallmarks of a luxury cruise ship, including top-notch service, delicious meals, and modern amenities. However, this boutique trimaran is primarily a place to relax and revel in the joy of exploring the Galapagos. The ship is outfitted with comfortable furnishings that invite you to sink in and stay awhile.

Every room features décor in bold shades that look at home against the Galapagos archipelago’s blue waters. Eight amply-sized staterooms, adorned with dramatic murals of underwater scenes, provide peaceful spots for a midday nap and a good night’s sleep. There are lounge chairs for sunbathing on the sun deck and a Jacuzzi for long soaks after action-packed days.

An indoor lounge provides a respite from the sun. In the dining room, settle in for a long chat with your fellow travelers over local and international cuisine prepared by the ship’s chef. Vegan options are always available on board, with kosher meals available upon request. Eleven crew members are on hand to assist in everything you need during your cruise.

Exciting Excursions

The Galapagos Horizon trimaran offers four distinct itineraries to suit a range of travelers. The four- and five-day are ideal for sampling some of the highlights of the Galapagos Islands. On a short-and-sweet four-day cruise, you will hit Lobos Island to see the colonies of sea lions that play on the rocky shores. Later, hike on Española Island to watch as a blowhole shoots ocean water into the air.

On the five-day route, a stop at Bartolome Island provides a chance to hike to a lookout point over Sullivan Bay. Then, visit Rabida Island to snorkel with tropical fish near the red gravel beach and see pink flamingoes at the black lagoon. Two different eight-day cruises are deep dives into the ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands for wildlife lovers.

One version features stops on Fernandina and Isabela Islands to see mola-mola sunfish, visit the nesting colony of Flightless Cormorants, hike in a mangrove forest, and look for penguins. The other version of the eight-day route includes stops on Española and Genovesa Islands. During these stops, you will watch sea lions and mockingbirds play and hike to tide pools while watching for red- and blue-footed boobies. No matter which cruise you opt for, every excursion is led by a Galapagos National Park Naturalist Guide.

Trimaran Design For Increased Comfort

The Galapagos Horizon is a motorized trimaran with three hulls, including a large middle hull and a smaller one to each side. This design, unique in the Galapagos, ensures she is a sleek, fast ship that can navigate quickly between islands. However, even at her top speeds of 11 knots, three hulls ensure that the vessel has extra stability. With less ocean motion and no hull vibration, you will enjoy a smooth sail and restful nights.

A cruise aboard the Galapagos Horizon is a must for every wildlife lover and bird watcher. From iguanas and giant tortoises to stingrays and yellow warblers, the Galapagos Islands are home to some of the most fascinating wildlife on the planet, and this tremendous trimaran is a comfortable and convenient way to see them all.

Itineraries & Prices

All itineraries are subject to change due to seasonal weather conditions (and resultant variations in river and tributary water levels) affecting accessibility to locations. Thus navigation routes, times and excursions may need to be modified at the cruise captain’s or your guide's discretion.

4 Day - Southern & Central

itinerary map


AM: After passing through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by a Horizon staff member and transferred to the yacht. You will be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.

PM: This site is part of an environmental project. The tour of this center will explore the natural history of the islands including human interaction and conservation efforts. The Museum of Natural History explains the volcanic origin of the archipelago, ocean currents, climate, and the arrival of endemic species. The Human History exhibit chronologically describes significant events such as discovery and colonization of the islands.

Galapagos Horizon - Southern & Central

Pitt Point, Witch Hill & Kicker Rock

AM: Located on the northern coast, this eroded hill and its surroundings present one of the most picturesque beaches in the Galapagos with its white powdery sand and the abundance of animals. Wildlife includes sea turtles, rays, and various types of booby birds. The clear water provides an excellent opportunity for enjoying swimming and snorkeling.

PM: This striking rock formation is located a couple hours off the western shore of San Cristobal. Jutting out of the water, the rocks stand vertically at hundreds of feet above the ocean divided by a small channel. Although there are no landing areas, circumnavigation and dinghy rides allow visitors to spot a variety of marine life.

Galapagos Horizon - Southern & Central

Suarez Point, Gardner Bay, Gardner Islet & Osborn Islet

AM: On the trail to Suarez Point you will have the chance to spot blue-footed boobies, albatrosses, and Nazca boobies. This island is the breeding site of nearly all of the world’s 12,000 pairs of waved albatrosses. You will also visit a beautiful site on the ocean front where there is a cliff that the large albatrosses use as a launching pad! You will have the chance to see the famous blowhole that spurts sea water into the air. The landscape is great for photography.

PM: This excursion takes you to the spectacular Gardner Bay. After landing, you can walk across a lovely white-sand beach amongst a busy sea lion colony or dive into the water to swim with sea lion pups. You may also see curious mockingbirds on the beach.

Galapagos Horizon - Southern & Central


AM: Bachas Beach is located on the north shore of Santa Cruz and is a beach for swimming. One of the few remnants of the U.S. World War II presence in the Galapagos, a floating pier, can be seen here. You may see flamingos, Sally Lightfoot crabs, hermit crabs, black-necked stilts, and whimbrels. Sea turtles also nest on the beach.

After this final visit, you will be transferred to the Baltra airport in time for your flight back to the mainland.

Galapagos Horizon - Southern & Central

5 Day - Central & Northern

itinerary map

AM: You will arrive at Baltra Island in the morning. After passing through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by a Horizon staff member and transferred to the yacht. You will be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.

PM: You will head to Bartholomew Island where the famous Pinnacle Rock is found. Bartholomew consists of an extinct volcano with a variety of red, orange, black and even green volcanic formations. We will take a trail of stairs to the summit of the volcano (about 30 or 40 minutes) where you will enjoy one of the best views of the islands! You will also visit a small, beautiful beach surrounded by the only vegetation found on this barren island. The beach is perfect for snorkeling where you may even see and swim with Galapagos penguins.

Galapagos Horizon - Central & Northern

Rabida Island & Egas Port

AM: You will visit Rabida Island (or Jervis) which is one of the most colorful and volcanically varied islands in the archipelago as well as a great snorkeling site. We will start on Rabida’s famous maroon/red sand beach, and after an easy hike, you will arrive to a stunning lookout to enjoy the amazing landscapes. The island is a birdwatcher’s delight. Some species are abundant such as a few varieties of finches, Galapagos vermilion flycatchers, Galapagos hawks and brown pelicans.

PM: Egas Port, also known as James Bay, on Santiago Island is home to the curious Galapagos hawks and quick-footed Galapagos lava lizards. The trail leads to the coastline with gorgeous tide pools and grottos full of fauna. Here the Galapagos fur seals bathe in the sun. This is also a great snorkeling site.

Galapagos Horizon - Central & Northern

Darwin Bay & El Barranco

AM: Visit the white-sand coral beach of Darwin Bay which includes a half mile trail (0,75km) that winds through mangroves filled with land birds. Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, and swallow-tailed gulls, which can easily be spotted here. Further down the path we’ll find tidal pools where sea lions swim playfully. At the end is a spectacular view of a cliff.

PM: El Barranco, also known as Prince Phillip’s Steps, is a steep, rocky path that leads up a high cliff rock face. A marvelous view can be appreciated from here. This site is also home to Palo Santo vegetation as well as red-footed boobies, short-eared owls, Galapagos storm petrels, and Galapagos doves.

Galapagos Horizon - Central & Northern

Mosquera Islet & Highlands

AM: Mosquera Islet is located between the islands of Baltra and North Seymour. This reef of rocks and coral (the result of an uprising) is only 160 meters across at its narrowest width. This island has one of the largest populations of sea lions and is home to many shorebirds. There have been occasional reports at this site of orcas feeding on sea lions.

PM: Accessible by bus from Puerto Ayora, the highlands of Santa Cruz are a deep green which contrast beautifully with the dry, lower part of the islands. The predominant vegetation in the highlands are Scalesia trees which create a lush green forest. The lava tunnels, over half a mile long, are underground and walking through them is a unique, surreal experience. At this place you’ll have lunch.

You will visit “Fausto Llerena” Tortoise Breeding Center in Puerto Ayora, where giant tortoises are bred in captivity. This is home to tortoises ranging from 3-inches (new hatchlings) to 4-feet long adults. Subspecies of the giant tortoises interact with one another, and many of the older tortoises are accustomed to humans stretching out their heads for a photo opportunity. The babies are kept until they are about four years-old and strong enough to survive on their own.

Galapagos Horizon - Central & Northern

AM: In North Seymour you may see Galapagos sea lions, blue-footed boobies, and magnificent frigate birds which are abundant on this island. North Seymour was formed by a series of submarine lava flows containing layers of sediment that were uplifted by tectonic activity. The island is characterized by its arid vegetation zone.

Galapagos Horizon - Central & Northern

8 Day - Western, Northern & Central Islands

itinerary map

PM: You will visit Sullivan Bay located on the southeast part of Santiago. This place is interesting for its geology because the area is covered by lava flows. This place has elevations in the form of small volcanoes formed by the lava flows.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Vicente Roca & Espinosa Point

AM: Comprised of two separate coves, Vicente Roca Point is a large bay with spectacular sea life. Keep an eye out for seahorses, sea turtles, and the strange yet fascinating Mola mola (or sunfish) while you snorkel.

PM: Crossing the Bolivar Channel that divides Isabela and Fernandina Islands, you will land at Espinoza Point, and after walking past a colony of marine iguanas and a group of sea lions, you will reach the island’s highlight: the flightless cormorant nesting site. This area also provides a great opportunity to see the Galapagos hawk.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Tagus Cove & Urbina Bay

AM: You will visit Tagus Cove on Isabela Island which is located across from Fernandina Island, near the Bolivar Channel dividing the two islands. This spot has been frequented by ships since the 1800s, using the area as an anchorage site. Trails winding by Lake Darwin up to a ridge display wonderful views.

PM: Urbina Bay is located at the base of Alcedo Volcano on the west coast between Tagus Cove and Elizabeth Bay. This area experienced a major uplift in 1954 causing the land to rise over 16 feet. The coast expanded half a mile out leaving marine life stranded on the new shore. This area is also a great place for snorkeling.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Elizabeth Bay & Moreno Point

AM: Elizabeth Bay is located on the east coast of Isabela Island. The bay contains many islets, which can be visited by dinghy. Penguins and blue-footed boobies can be spotted on the rocky islets. With an abundance of marine life and clear water, the area is perfect for snorkeling and viewing schools of colorful fish, sea lions, and perhaps even sharks.

PM: Moreno Point is located southwest of Elizabeth Bay. Here a dry landing onto what was once flowing lava is possible. The lava has left craters in its wake which formed crystal tide pools. By looking into the pools, you can peer into another world as the marine life drifts by your window. In the brackish pools of this area, you may see pink flamingos, white-cheeked pintails, and common gallinules. If you look carefully into the pools, you may see white-tip reef sharks and some sea turtles.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Fausto Llerena Breeding Center & Highlands

AM: You will visit “Fausto Llerena” Tortoise Breeding Center in Puerto Ayora, where giant tortoises are bred in captivity. This is home to tortoises ranging from 3-inches (new hatchlings) to 4-feet long adults. Subspecies of the giant tortoises interact with one another, and many of the older tortoises are accustomed to humans stretching out their heads for a photo opportunity. The babies are kept until they are about four years-old and strong enough to survive on their own.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Post Office Bay, Delvil's Crown & Cormorant Point

AM: You will land on a beach and head to a spot where 18th-century whalers placed a wooden barrel used as an unofficial mail box. The custom continues to this day with Galapagos visitors. So, don’t forget your postcards, and don’t be surprised if the post card arrives to its destination before you even get home!

You will have a chance to snorkel around Devil’s Crown which is the rocky remains of an offshore volcano sticking out of the water. This is a great location to spot a wide range of marine creatures.

PM: Cormorant Point hosts a large flamingo lagoon where other birds such as common stilts and whitecheeked pintails can also be seen. The beaches on this island are distinct: The Green Beach is named so due to its green color, which comes from a high percentage of olivine crystals in the sand, and the Flour Sand Beach is composed of white coral.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

Santa Fe & Lobos Island

AM: Santa Fe Island (Barrington) is home to the small picturesque bay and anchorage on the island’s northeast coast. The bay has two visitor trails: one leading to a scenic viewpoint atop a cliff, and the other spanning from a small beach to a tall prickly pear cactus forest.

PM: You will take an excursion to Lobos Island which means “Sea Lion Island.” This appropriately named island is ripe with noisy, playful, jolly sea lions who will welcome you to their home with open, well, fins. This island also offers great snorkeling opportunities as well as the chance to see blue-footed and Nazca boobies.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

AM: Visit the Breeding Center David Rodriguez - “La Galapaguera”, in Cerro Colorado, is a new site in the southeast part of San Cristobal Island and can now be reached in roughly one hour by road from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. On the trees and shrubs surrounding the site, you may see land birds like warblers, finches and mockingbirds. Giant tortoises can be observed on the trails. They live there wild but in a protected area to ensure their survival by sealing them off from introduced predators like pigs and goats.

After this final visit, you will be transferred to the San Cristobal airport in time for your flight back to the mainland.

Galapagos Horizon - Western, Northern & Central Islands

8 Day - Eastern & Central Islands

itinerary map

PM: This site is part of an environment project. The tour of this center will explore the natural history of the islands including human interaction and conservation efforts. The Museum of Natural History explains the volcanic origin of the archipelago, ocean currents, climate, and the arrival of endemic species. The Human History exhibit chronologically describes significant events such as discovery and colonization of the islands.

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands

AM: Pitt Point, situated on the north-eastern tip of the San Cristobal island, hosts frigate birds, storm petrels, and all three types of booby birds: the Nazca, blue-footed and red-footed boobies. A steep trail goes up a cliff and through a ravine leading visitors to an area with an abundance of birds.

PM: Located on the northern coast, this eroded hill and its surroundings present one of the most picturesque beaches in the Galapagos with its white powdery sand and the abundance of animals. Wildlife includes sea turtles, rays, and various types of booby birds. The clear water provides an excellent opportunity for enjoying swimming and snorkeling.

This striking rock formation is located a couple hours off the western shore of San Cristobal. Jutting out of the water, the rocks stand vertically at hundreds of feet above the ocean divided by a small channel. Although there are no landing areas, circumnavigation and dinghy rides allow visitors to spot a variety of marine life.

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands

Bachas Beach & Pinnacle Rock

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands

AM: Visit the white-sand coral beach of Darwin Bay which includes a half-mile trail (0,75km) that winds through mangroves filled with land birds. Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, and swallow-tailed gulls, can easily be spotted here. Further down the path we’ll find tidal pools where sea lions swim playfully. At the end is a spectacular view of a cliff.

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands

Accessible by bus from Puerto Ayora, the highlands of Santa Cruz are a deep green which contrast beautifully with the dry, lower part of the islands. The predominant vegetation in the highlands are Scalesia trees which create a lush green forest. The lava tunnels, over half a mile long, are underground and walking through them is a unique, surreal experience. At this place you’ll have lunch.

PM: You will visit “Fausto Llerena” Tortoise Breeding Center in Puerto Ayora, where giant tortoises are bred in captivity. This is home to tortoises ranging from 3-inches (new hatchlings) to 4-feet long adults. Subspecies of the giant tortoises interact with one another, and many of the older tortoises are accustomed to humans stretching out their heads for a photo opportunity. The babies are kept until they are about four years-old and strong enough to survive on their own.

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands

North Seymour

Galapagos Horizon - Eastern & Central Islands


Social areas.

trimarano carrellabile

Suites & Cabins

The Staterooms feature an ensuite living room for guests as they take in the scenery from the large panoramic windows. Each room comes with a private balcony beautifully designed for guests to unwind.

Technical Information

trimarano carrellabile

  • Cabins with balconies
  • Air conditioning
  • Pool / Jacuzzi
  • Lecture room
  • Kosher Meals
  • Snorkeling gear
  • Stand up paddleboard
  • Kayaks / Canoes

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$2,000 Off Galapagos Cruises

Take a trip to the enchanted islands with a wide variety of our spectacular Galapagos cruises and receive a $2,000 discount per person! You don’t want to miss this one. Valid for selected 2023 and 2024 departures.


$1,000 Off Galapagos Cruises

Explore the famous Galapagos Islands with a wide variety of our luxurious cruises and benefit from a $1,000 discount per person! Valid for selected 2024 departures.

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  • I'd prefer not to be contacted by phone or SMS.
  • All non-charter prices displayed are PER PERSON
  • Children must be over 7 years old to cruise (on the departure date)
  • Groups of 4 - 14 receive 10% discount
  • Children under 12 years old -11 years, 11 months, 29 days at the moment of the cruise- get 10% discount (one child per two adults)
  • High season supplement apply (Easter, April 1 - May 31, July 1 - August 7, Christmas and New Year departures)
  • Single supplement is usually 80% but it also increases during high season
  • Group, solo and child discounts are not valid during high season
  • A special fee (of $50 per person) applies for Galapagos air tickets not issued by the operator

trimarano carrellabile

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Friuli Venezia Giulia

Trentino Alto Adige

Emilia Romagna

Valle D Aosta


trimarano carrellabile

Prezzo:52.000 €

Comune:Monfalcone (GO)

Tipologia:Barca a vela

Trimarano Drop 26, cantiere francese NavForce 3, varato nel 1996, sempre tenuto riparato in un capannone chiuso tranne i 3 mesi estivi. Bandiera francese. Veloce e stabile (ingavonamento massimo di pochi gradi), inaffondabile, omologato 5-8 persone (a seconda della distanza dalla costa: vedi foto targhetta costruttore). Ame ripiegabili in pochi minuti per l'ormeggio o per il trasporto stradale: con ame aperte è largo 6,40m, con ame chiuse 2,49m. Le ame si ripiegano verticalmente, in modo da non aumentare la lunghezza totale della barca. Deriva mobile: alzata dà pescaggio 0.40m, abbassata dà pescaggio 1,80m. 4-6 posti letto (il tavolo della dinette è stato rifatto in legno per poter essere abbattibile nonché abbassabile fino livello delle panche, per ricavare ulteriori 2 posti letto). Fuoribordo Suzuki 15cv dell'anno 2011 costantemente revisionato. Salpancore elettrico con telecomando e con 2 prese fisse (a prua e a poppa), VHF Navicom RT-550 con DSC, autopilota Simrad TP10, navigatore-cartografo Interphase P2MW300, log, windex, bussola, 2 batterie, inverter, presa 220V, riflettore radar, autoradio con casse, CD e USB. Scaletta interna laterale per maggior fruibilità della cabina poppiera. Serbatoio acqua maggiorato (85 litri), lavello inox nuovo, rubinetti acqua dolce e acqua di mare, bombola gas esterna in gavone del pozzetto con presa aria, frigo-freezer con prese carico aria e scarico aria separate per una maggior efficienza. Tutto pronto per WC marino (posto si può anche mettere wc chimico). Doccetta esterna, sprayhood. Randa full-batten, fiocco autovirante, gennaker con calza, code zero con immagazzinatore (frullino), tormentina. Ame con gavoni per stivaggio materiale e attrezzatura. Pannello solare con regolatore carica e carrello non inclusi nel prezzo. Prezzo di un nuovo trimarano (ribattezzato Challenge 26) attrezzato e con gli stessi optioncirca 155mila euro. NON RISPONDO A MAIL causa molte mail "scam".

trimarano carrellabile

Delphia 24 Barca a Vela Cabinata Carrellabile

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Villa a San Francesco La Rena Villaggio Azzurro

Gioco ps3 28, scala alluminio 3x12, pantalone in velluto uomo, parafango in carbonio ducati multistrada 15.


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  2. THE ARCH Trimarano IDEC.SPORT

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  5. Rivenditore ufficiale Trimarani Italia

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  7. Corsair Marine Trimarans

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  8. barche carrellabili

    Corsair Marine torna al punto in cui tutto è iniziato, il Corsair F27, con il suo design e gli scafi pieghevoli, questo modello ha permesso ai velisti di rimorchiare un'imbarcazione con spazi abitabili ragionevoli tra nazioni e persino continenti. Il nuovo 880 porta questo concetto ad un livello completamente nuovo!

  9. Trimaran

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  11. Bay-Dream 5.5, un trimarano carrellabile vela/ motore

    Attraverso questo video eccovi la conferma di quanto sia decisamente interessante ed innovativo il Bay-Dream 5.5, questo trimarano "ibrido" di Astus Boats e del quale avevamo preannunciato l'uscita nel mercato. Stabilità, trasportabilità, comfort, economicità, facilità di attrezzaggio con un solo grande fiocco, mica male!

  12. Catamaran vs. Trimaran: The Differences Explained

    First, they heel more than cats, making it difficult to do things like cooking on board. Second, they support much less load than catamarans. To put things into perspective, some 45 feet (14 meters). Cats can carry nearly three tons of payloads, whereas similarly sized trimarans can barely support half that load.

  13. RCSails

    Nightmare MK VIII - Mini40 Class Trimaran. The Nightmare MK VIII is the latest design from Austrian designer Ernst Zemann who has been designing multihull models for years. The Nightmare is designed to be able to sail on one float, it is a stable design which is not pitch poling easily. Look the pictures and the video clips of our boats.

  14. First look: Rapido 50 folding trimaran

    When launched in 2016 the Morelli and Melvin-designed Rapido 60 quickly established this brand as a new breed of ultra-fast, yet practical, performance cruising/racing trimaran

  15. The Blue Corsair

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  16. Rapido 60

    Billed as the World's Ultimate Ocean Cruising Trimaran, the Rapido 60 really is the Queen of the Oceans. It offers speed, safety, performance - and luxury. The inspiration behind the Rapido 60 comes from Paul Koch (co founder of Rapido Trimarans), arguably, the man who has built more production trimarans than anyone else on the planet.

  17. Rapido 40

    Couples; and. Sailors. The Rapido 40 is a high tech, all-carbon, performance cruiser with a s elf-tacking jib, carbon spreaderless mast and an option for a roller furling boom. The interiors have super lightweight, strong, custom made furniture; even the countertops and drawers are carbon! The flooring is made from cork.

  18. Marlin 33 Trimaran Real Speed Test and Technics

    The sailor and youtuber Christofer Olsson made a nice video which shows the real speed and the technics of the legendary "Black Marlin" 10-meter (33ft) saili...

  19. A Unique, Fast, & Relatively AFFORDABLE 44' Trimaran [Full ...

    Chris White is mainly known as a performance catamaran designer, but this 44' Custom Explorer trimaran is truly something special. She's been put through the...

  20. Bolina

    May 13, 2021 · UN TRIMARANO SOTTO IL TETTO di Alessandro Tonti Massimo Cordella ha impiegato sei anni per costruire un multiscafo carrellabile di nove metri, una barca veloce che permette di effettuare comode crociere in famiglia

  21. Galapagos Horizon Trimaran Cruises 2024/25

    Launched in 2022, Galapagos Horizon is a luxury trimaran yacht - the only trimaran in the Galapagos Islands in fact - hosting up to 16 passengers on smooth-sailing cruises through the Enchanted Isles. Voyages of four days or more aboard this 125-foot yacht are unique opportunities for up-close encounters with the Galapagos' most famous ...


    This video shows a selfmade composite trimaran of 24 feet lenght. All the footage has been filmed in Italy in the Mediterranean sea. The designer is from Sea...


    BARCA a VELA TRIMARANO CARRELLABILE 52.000 € 22-12-2017 Ad_ID: oGxw8w0X 613 times Friuli-Venezia Giulia 3332******* Mostra numero Prezzo:52.000 € Comune:Monfalcone (GO) Tipologia:Barca a vela Trimarano Drop 26, cantiere francese NavForce 3, varato nel 1996, sempre tenuto riparato in un capannone chiuso tranne i 3 mesi estivi. Bandiera francese.