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Żeglarz jachtowy – wiosna 2023, src w lublinie 2023, awans do ekstraklasy polskiej ligi żeglarskiej , kursy żeglarskie,motorowodne-wrzesień, kurs żeglarski – sierpień.

Kierunek Lubelskie!

Kierunek Lubelskie!

Lubelskie w lidze żeglarskiej, 1% biegnąca po falach, wakacje – biegnąca po falach, kurs – żeglarz jachtowy, polska liga żeglarska, src kurs i egzamin.


Jachtowy Sternik Morski – kurs internetowy.

Kurs weekendowy extra

Kurs weekendowy extra

1 % dla Biegnącej po falach

1 % dla Biegnącej po falach

Pierwszy kurs żeglarski w tym roku

Pierwszy kurs żeglarski w tym roku

Terminy regat w sezonie 2020

Terminy regat w sezonie 2020

yacht club lublin

Kluby Żeglarskie

1. yacht klub polski lublin.

Powstał w roku 1966, najpierw jako Klub żeglarski „Posejdon”. W YKP przekształcono w 1969 r. Komandorem Klubu został Waldemar Cechowicz. Prowadził działalność szkoleniową, turystyczną jak i regatową w której osiągał w pewnym okresie najlepsze wyniki w regionie. Swego czasu największa stocznia jachtowa po prawej stronie Wisły. Prawie wszystkie łódki zbudowane w Klubie były zaprojektowane i wykonane przez członków. Przykładem jest jedna z najpiękniejszych jednostek na polskim śródlądziu „Biegnąca po falach” . YKP jest jednym z najaktywniejszych klubów Lubelszczyzny. Obecnie Komandorem Klubu jest Wojtek Sadowski. Adres strony klubowej:  www.ykp.lublin.pl

yacht club lublin

2. Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej

Powstał w roku 1978 i działa z przerwami do dnia dzisiejszego. Prowadził działalność szkoleniową i turystyczną. W ostatnich latach jest jednym z aktywniejszych klubów lubelskich. Obecnie klubem kieruje Rafał Tywoniuk. Adres strony klubowej:  www.ycpl.pl

yacht club lublin

3. Uczniowski Klub Sportowy „Żegluj”.

 Adres strony internetowej:   www.zegluj.lublin.pl

yacht club lublin

4. Klub Żeglarski Chełm

Klub powstał w 1979 roku. Założycielami byli Wiesław Ludwików i Jerzy Emerla, który kieruje klubem obecnie. Klub prowadzi działalność turystyczną – głównie na Mazurach, oraz szkoleniową i rekreacyjną nad jeziorem Białym k. Włodawy. Klub dysponuje 5-ma jachtami kabinowymi i 7-ma omegami. Posiada status organizacji pożytku publicznego. Organizuje np. regaty dla osób niepełnosprawnych. Jest jednym z aktywniej działających klubów. Strona klubowa: http://kz.chelm.pl

yacht club lublin

5. Klub Żeglarski „ZEFIR” w Janowie Lubelskim

Został założony w 1978 r. jako Klub przy Fabryce Maszyn w Janowie Lubelskim i zarejestrowany w Tarnobrzeskim Okręgowym Związku Żeglarskim – przez co wszedł do struktur Polskiego Związku Żeglarskiego. Po zmianach podziału administracyjnego kraju – od 1999 r. Klub został wpisany do rejestru Lubelskiego Okręgowego Związku Żeglarskiego. Od 2000 r. Klub przestał być Klubem przyzakładowym przy FMJ i po zmianie statutu został zarejestrowany w Sądzie Okręgowym w Lublinie. Aktualnie Klub jest w rejestrze KRS. Klub prowadzi szkolenia wstępne, szkolenia doskonalące, rejsy po Zalewie Janowskim. Komandorem Klubu jest Antoni Sydor .

Siedzibą jest Przystań nad Zalewem Janowskim

Adres: ul. Turystyczna 1 23-300 Janów Lubelski Adres strony internetowej: www.zefirjanow.pl

yacht club lublin

6. Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Żeglarstwa „Stanica”

Od 2003 roku jesteśmy klubem zarejestrowanym w LOZŻ. Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Żeglarstwa powstało w 2002 roku, prezesem jest Leszek Szczerbicki.

Strona klubowa: http://www.zagle.miedzyrzec.pl

yacht club lublin

7. Yacht Club UMCS

Powstał w 1976 roku. Założycielami byli Jerzy Szczypa i Zdzisław Suprynowicz. Klub prowadzi działalność turystyczną. Obecnie kieruje nim Eweryst Mendyk.

yacht club lublin

8. Yacht Club Akademicki

Dawniej Yacht Club ZSP Powstał w roku 1964. Pierwszym komandorem był Tadeusz Pańczyk a potem Włodzimierz Wieczorkiewicz. Klub ten objął swoją działalnością wszystkie uczelnie Lublina, prowadząc szkolenie a także propagując turystykę żeglarską, zarówno śródlądową jak i morską, był bowiem posiadaczem pełnomorskiegi jachtu „Cygnus”.

9. KŻ „Motor”

Powstała w roku 1957. Pierwszym przewodniczącym był Paweł Ciechański a potem Bogdan Dobrzyński, sekretarzem Wincenty Lipiński. Działali tu także: Mieczysław Juchkiewicz, Marian Czerski i Andrzej Bryłowski. Żeglarze sekcji wybudowali drugi ośrodek nad jez. Firlej. Sekcja prowadziła działalność szkoleniową, regatową i turystyczną. Obecnie, klubem kieruje Waldemar Batkowski

10. UKS ”Omega”

Powstał w 1998 roku. Prezesem jest Tomasz Kręgiel

11. Lubelskie Centrum Sportów Wodnych „Neptun”

12. klub wodny.

DawniejSekcja żeglarska Klubu Sportów Wodnych w Świdniku. Powstała w 1962 roku. Pierwszym komandorem był Zbigniew Gawski. Działali tu również Janusz Jaworski, Krzysztof Popik i Witold Gnatiuk oraz Władysław Kłos. Sekcja prowadziła działalność szkoleniową, turystyczną i regatową. Obecnie klubem kieruje Grzegorz Załuski.

13. Klub Żeglarski „Zjawa”

Drużyna zaczęła działać w 1963 roku pod kierunkiem drużynowego Wojciecha Brzechowskiego. Przybocznym był Jan Kasperek. Młodzież pracowała bardzo energicznie, dzięki czemu wybudowano szereg łodzi będących bazą szeroko zakrojonej akcji szkoleniowej i rejsowej. W 1965 roku, z Harcerzami zaczęli współpracować pracownicy Fabryki Łożysk w Kraśniku. Zorganizowali oni przy drużynie harcerskiej klub żeglarski „Zjawa”, którego pierwszym komandorem był Zdzisław Jop. Klub w dalszym ciągu propaguje turystykę żeglarską – co roku na Mazurach można spotkać flotyllę kraśnickich Gig. Obecnie klubem kieruje Jan Kasperek

14. Jacht Klub „Azoty”

DawniejSekcja Żeglarska Zakładowego Klubu Sportowego „Wisła” przy Zakładach Azotowych w PuławachPowstała w roku 1966. Pierwszym komandorem był Kazimierz Wnuk, potem Andrzej Cytryński. Sekcja prowadziła działalność turystyczną, szkoleniową i regatową, na którą głównie się nastawiano. Trenerem był Kazimierz Dziok, którego praca z młodzieżą przyniosła klubowi sukcesy. Obecnie klubem kieruje Witold Litwinek.

15. Ludowy Klub Sportowy „Żeglarz”

Powstał między 1953 a 1957 rokiem i nastawiał się głównie na działalność regatową. Kierował nik początkowo Wiesław Iłowiecki. W klubie tym rozpoczynał swą działalność, najpierw jako zawodnik a później jako trener, Jerzy Szumowski. Działał tu także Henryk Zagrodzki. Obecnie klubem kieruje Stanisław Mendel

16. UKS „Catholicum”

Powstał w 1997 roku. Prezesem jest Artur Chomiuk.

17. UKS „Optymist” w Bychawie

18. stowarzyszenie klub żeglarski „wega”, napisz do nas.

yacht club lublin


WYGRYWAMY PIERWSZĄ RUNDĘ EKSTRAKLASY Polska Liga Żeglarska❗️❗️❗️🏆🥇 Dopiero co awansowaliśmy z pierwszej ligi, a już zwyciężamy w gronie najlepszych załóg❗️ Tego się nikt nie spodziewał, nawet my 😜 Tym samym przełamujemy prawie dwuletnią hegemonię bratniego klubu YKP Gdynia – PLŻ z Rafał Sawik na sterze. Bardzo spokojne pływanie dało nam aż 9 punktów przewagi nad drugim Yacht Club Gdańsk dowodzonym przez Igor Tarasiuk. Tym razem mieliśmy “patent” na wygrywanie ale ten sezon zapowiada się bardzo gorąco! Gratulujemy naszym rywalom, widzimy się wkrótce!

yacht club lublin

Sobota 13 maja, przyniosła emocje, które zapewnił miłośnikom żagli Yacht Klub Polski Lublin. W regatach otwarcia sezonu, pierwszych z cyklu Grand Prix wystartowało ponad 50 zawodników. Miłośnicy wiatru i wody zmagali się z trudnymi warunkami oraz rywalami w duchu sportowej rywalizacji. Impreza zakończyła się wspólnym ogniskiem. Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkim zawodnikom oraz organizatorowi – Yacht Klub Polski – brawa 🙂

yacht club lublin


W niedzielę 14 maja, odbyły się na Jeziorze Zemborzyckim regaty o Puchar Rektora Politechniki Lubelskiej. Wspaniała aura sprawiła, że emocjonujące zawody rozegrały się w wietrznej, słonecznej scenerii. Imprezę zwieńczył koncert szantowy w wykonaniu Grzegorza Jańczaka. Brawa dla organizatorów-Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej

yacht club lublin


Zarząd LOZŻ z przyjemnością informuje, że w najbliższy weekend Jezioro Zemborzyckie stanie się ponownie polem do popisu i sportowej rywalizacji między zaprzyjaźnioną żeglarską bracią.Zapraszamy do bezpośredniego udziału żeglarzy z całego województwa w regatach organizowanych przez Yacht Klub Polski Lublin – 13.05.2023 r., oraz regatach organizowanych przez Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej – 14.05.2023 r. Zapraszamy wszystkich mieszkańców Lublina i okolic do kibicowania w tych starciach okraszonych wiatrem i wodą 🙂

yacht club lublin


Zakończylismy kolejny wyjazd z cyklu “Warsztatów szkutniczych na Roztoczu”. Tym razem liczna grupa zrobiła znaczne postępy, niektórzy dowiedzieli się czym się różni śruba od wkrętu inni odbyli ćwiczenia antyklaustrofobiczne w bakiście😉. Z kolei wachta “dołowa” odnalazła linię wodną ale jeszcze poszukuje właściwej kolorystyki burt🤣. Wszystko to uwieczniono na kilku fotkach.i

yacht club lublin


Oferujemy sporą dawkę rzetelnej wiedzy oraz wiele ćwiczeń praktycznych. Zajęcia dedykujemy kapitanom, sternikom morskim i żeglarzom jachtowym, a szczególnie tym którzy najbliższy sezon planują na Morzu Północnym, Irlandzkim czy Kanale Angielskim.

Prowadzący to niezrównany Kapitan Ziemowit Barański


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Korzystasz z przestarzałej przeglądarki. Uaktualnij ją prosze.

Politechniki Lubelskiej

yacht club lublin


ul. Nadbystrzycka 44a/1007 20-501 LUBLIN

tel. 514 775 180 e-mail: [email protected]

kursy żeglarskie tel. 666 690 757 kursy motorowodne tel. 502-365-964 REGON: 430776756

NIP: 946-18-29-468 KRS: 0000040926 KONTO BANKOWE: BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna 35 2030 0045 1110 0000 0276 4460

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"Nice food, excellent and efficient service, moderate prices. Something extra to start and liquor to end."

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Experience yacht club luxury like this couple who is relaxing in the solarium pool area, attended by a dedicated butler serving refreshing drinks and ensuring a premium level of comfort and service.


Step into the MSC Yacht Club, an exclusive private sanctuary. Here, you can discover elegance with luxury suites offering a 24/7 butler service. Enjoy curated menus in a private restaurant, and unwind on the secluded pool deck. An elevated experience awaits you on a vacation that’s a step above.

Step into the MSC Yacht Club, an exclusive private sanctuary available to you on MSC Cruises. Here, you can discover elegance with luxury suites offering a 24/7 butler service. Enjoy curated menus in a private restaurant, and unwind on the secluded pool deck. An elevated experience awaits you on a vacation that’s a step above.

yacht club lublin


A MSC Yacht Club butler in white gloves serves cruises guests tea and coffee with delicious pastries on a tiered.

Experience unparalleled service from the moment you check in. Gain access to priority embarkation and disembarkation, your own concierge team, a dedicated butler available 24/7, and premier room service delivered to you at any hour.

This is the private Yacht Club pool onboard MSC, featuring a spacious pool with easy-access stairs set against a vibrant blue sky with intriguing elements like a dinosaur figure, horses, and more, creating a unique and leisurely atmosphere.

Enjoy access to areas that are exclusive for MSC Yacht Club guests during your cruise vacation. Delight in fine dining at our dedicated restaurant, unwind on a private sun deck, and admire captivating sunsets from the Top Sail Lounge.

A man and woman each hold a glass of complementary champagne as they relax in their luxurious stateroom and enjoy their ocean cruise views through their balcony window.

When you choose MSC Yacht Club, you unlock unique exclusives, all-inclusive packages, and VIP access available only to you including entry to Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, our private island in the Bahamas.

Allow us to indulge you

Step into a world where your suite is just the beginning and where every detail is meticulously attended to.


Our butlers are prepared to meet your needs, whether that be bringing a late-night treat-or turning down your room. From the minute you step on board, your dedicated butler will be by your side for a memorable experience.

Ask your MSC Yacht Club concierge to secure the best reservations at all our incredible venues, including specialty restaurants, and consider it done. Revel in VIP seating for entertainment, partake in private shopping trips, and enjoy curated excursions.

Your journey with us is tailored to perfection, guaranteeing every moment is marked by exceptional comfort and convenience.

A MSC Yacht Club Butler in a distinguished black suit and white gloves serves tea with finger foods to a couple in a private yacht club area. They relax on a couch, savoring the moment while enjoying breathtaking ocean views.


Allow our dedicated MSC Yacht Club team to bring your ultimate cruise vacation to life. We prioritize every detail, from the perfect pillow selection from our exclusive Dorelan® menu to a fully stocked personalized mini bar at your fingertips.

Any questions you may have can always be answered by our 24-hour concierge service, available to you from the moment you step on board.

Young couple entering the Yacht Club's front lobby, where they enjoy the perks of luggage delivery and personalized service from the butler, catering to their cruise needs.


Immerse yourself in elegant spaces and experience elevated design in a beautiful setting.

In the private Yacht Club lounge, a couple enjoys cocktails, while in the background, a woman sips her drink while listening to a man play the piano on an MSC cruises.


The Top Sail Lounge is the ultimate place to rest and relax after shore excursions or days at sea. Throughout the day, take in crystal-clear panoramic views of the ocean while enjoying crafted drinks, gourmet finger foods, and desserts. At night, relish in exclusive access to live music and after-dinner drinks.   

When you visit the Top Sail Lounge, you'll have the time to unwind and watch the world sail by.

Experience luxury in the exclusive Top Sail Lounge, a private retreat for Yacht Club members on MSC Cruises. The lounge features plush white leather sofas, abundant natural light, and stunning panoramic views.


Recharge on a sundeck featuring dipping pools and whirlpool baths where you can cool off and lounge for total relaxation. Take in the sun and the ocean breeze with your preferred poolside beverage delivered right to your chair.

Indulge in the Yacht Club's exclusive Private Solarium on MSC Cruises, where a couple is pampered by a butler, offering personalized service for drinks, food, towels, and more. The image features a crystal-clear, elevated hot tub, epitomizing luxury and relaxation.


With a dedicated restaurant on each ship, the MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu. Enjoy fine dining served with five-star service and a selection of beverages and wines from around the world.  

You can savor the finest flavors in a space meant for you—no reservations needed.

An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


The MSC Yacht Club experience continues on land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. A serene space with ocean views, beachfront cabanas, and complimentary amenities.


MSC Yacht Club offers guests luxurious onboard accommodations for the ultimate in comfort. Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience.

The Owner's Suite on World Europa offers opulent luxury with a spacious balcony featuring a sofa, hot tub, and breathtaking ocean and sunset views, providing the ultimate in privacy and indulgence aboard MSC Yachts

The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. 

Step into the luxurious Royal Suite on Seascape within the Yacht Club, featuring an inviting living room adorned with green couches and a TV, offering an exclusive and opulent experience.

Every Royal Suite has a separate living area and all the comforts you would expect in first-class accommodations. 

The Deluxe Suite on Euribia, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These two-deck suites offer a separate living space with a double sofa bed, walk-in closet, and a balcony with a private whirlpool. 

This inviting indoor living room is part of the Executive Family Suite on MSC Divina. It features a warm brown color theme with two comfortable couches surrounding a central coffee table with a television for everyone to enjoy on your family cruise vacation.

These suites are ideal for families with children. They come with a separate sitting area and a bathroom with a bathtub.

The Deluxe Suite on Seashore, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These suites have also their own private balcony and all the comforts you expect in first-class accommodations. 

An interior stateroom on MSC Europa, featuring a room with a bed and a mirror, a mattress, pillows, and a grey floor with white lines, with no faces or objects detected.

Guests on our newest ships can enjoy all the comforts of the MSC Yacht Club with an interior suite.


An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


Our Premium Extra Package is included as an MSC Yacht Club benefit. Delight in a wide selection of beers, cocktails, wines, top-shelf liquor, and an array of non-alcoholic beverages.

Stay connected while cruising with MSC as a passenger surfs their cell phone using an onboard internet package, ensuring seamless connectivity and convenience during the voyage.


Stay connected with a premium internet package from anywhere on board, an exclusive benefit for guests. Unlimited Wi-Fi allows you to browse on up to two devices.

Indulge in serene spa moments on MSC Cruises, as a woman in a plush spa robe sits by a window, savoring ocean views and relaxation in the tranquil spa setting.


Experience ultimate pampering at the MSC Aurea Spa, where you can enjoy complimentary access to the serene Thermal Suite, enhanced further by an exclusive 10% discount on all treatments.

explore further

Discover the best of both worlds as a guest of MSC Yacht Club. Enjoy VIP access to amenities throughout

your journey, from dining to captivating entertainment, while experiencing the personalized touch that

extends from your suite to every corner of the ship.


Savor the flavors of exquisite specialty restaurants such as Butcher's Cut, Kaito Sushi & Teppanyaki, HOLA Tacos, and Ocean Cay.

Elevate your dining experience with exclusive perks like priority reservation times, premium seating, and the luxury of a personal butler escort if you choose.

An image of a couple delighting in an a la carte sushi dining experience at the premium dining venue in the MSC Yacht Club, savoring a delectable selection of sushi dishes.


As an MSC Yacht Club guest, there’s always more to discover. Get priority access to our show-stopping Broadway and Vegas-style shows brought to you by Carousel Productions at Sea.

Plus, you can always explore the myriad of entertainment areas on board, from thrilling water parks to trying your luck at the state-of-the-art MSC Casino.

Captivating top-tier entertainment in the MSC Yacht Club, featuring an acrobatic performer executing mid-air splits while suspended by fabric, delivering a mesmerizing experience.


Unleash your active side by checking out our sports facilities, including outdoor walking tracks, basketball courts, and a fully-equipped gym boasting Technogym® equipment.  

For those seeking an even more tailored experience, indulge in specialty classes and personal training sessions, reserved by your MSC Yacht Club concierge team.

Enjoy a premium fitness experience on MSC Cruises as two individuals work out on treadmills in the well-appointed gym, offering scenic views of the ship and the expansive ocean beyond.

discover more

Journey to the ultimate destinations on board the MSC Yacht Club, whether it’s crossing places off your bucket list or delighting in quick weekend getaways.




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What are Yacht Clubs? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Enthusiasts Alike

Yacht clubs are exclusive social membership organizations for boaters and sailors, typically located near lakes or the sea. These clubs offer a wide range of facilities, including marinas, pools, tennis courts, restaurants, and spas, making them a popular destination for both members and visitors.

Some of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the United States include the New York Yacht Club, the Annapolis Yacht Club, and the San Francisco Yacht Club.

Yacht clubs have a rich history and have played an important role in the development of boating and sailing. The Royal Yacht Squadron, founded in 1815, is one of the oldest yacht clubs in the world and has been instrumental in the development of yacht racing. In the United States, the New York Yacht Club, founded in 1844, is one of the most prestigious and influential yacht clubs in the country.

Yacht clubs also play a key role in organizing and hosting regattas, which are competitive sailing events that bring together sailors from around the world.

What are Yacht Clubs

History of Yacht Clubs

Yacht clubs have a rich history that dates back centuries. They have served as a gathering place for sailing enthusiasts and provided a platform for competitive sailing events. In this section, we will explore the history of yacht clubs and some of the oldest yacht clubs in the world.

Oldest Yacht Clubs

The oldest yacht clubs in the world include the Royal Cork Yacht Club, the Royal Thames Yacht Club, and the Royal Yacht Squadron. The Royal Cork Yacht Club, founded in 1720, is recognized as the oldest yacht club in the world. It was established in Cork, Ireland, by a group of sailing enthusiasts who came together to share their passion for sailing. The club has a rich history and has hosted many prestigious sailing events over the years.

Another notable club is the Royal Thames Yacht Club, which was founded in 1775 in London, England. It was initially established as the Cumberland Fleet and later became the Royal Thames Yacht Club in 1830. The club has a long-standing reputation for organizing some of the most competitive sailing events in the world.

The Royal Yacht Squadron, founded in 1815, is the third-oldest yacht club in the world. It is located in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, and has a rich history of organizing some of the most prestigious sailing events in the world.

Other notable yacht clubs include the New York Yacht Club, founded in 1844, and the Southern Yacht Club, founded in 1849 in Louisiana, USA. These clubs have played a significant role in the development of competitive sailing in the United States and have organized many prestigious sailing events over the years.

Yacht clubs have played a significant role in the development of sailing as a sport and have helped to promote the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play. They continue to be an important part of the sailing community and provide a platform for sailing enthusiasts to come together and share their passion for the sport.

Top Yacht Clubs in the United States

Yacht clubs are places where yacht owners and enthusiasts gather to socialize, enjoy the sport, and share their passion for sailing. The United States is home to some of the world’s most exclusive yacht clubs, offering a range of amenities and activities for members. Here are some of the top yacht clubs in the United States, categorized by region.

The East Coast is home to some of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in the country. The New York Yacht Club, founded in 1844, is one of the most famous yacht clubs in the world. With a clubhouse located in the heart of Manhattan, the club has a long history of hosting regattas and sailing events. The Annapolis Yacht Club, located in Maryland, is another popular East Coast yacht club, known for its extensive racing program and social events.

The West Coast is home to some of the most beautiful and scenic yacht clubs in the country. The San Francisco Yacht Club, founded in 1869, is located in one of the most picturesque locations in California. The club has a long history of hosting regattas and sailing events, and its members enjoy access to some of the best sailing waters in the world. The California Yacht Club, located in Marina Del Ray, is another popular West Coast yacht club, known for its extensive racing program and social events.

The Gulf Coast is home to some of the most exclusive and luxurious yacht clubs in the country. The Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club, located in Boca Raton, Florida, is known for its luxurious amenities and world-class dining. The Sarasota Yacht Club, located in Sarasota, Florida, is another popular Gulf Coast yacht club, known for its extensive racing program and social events.

Great Lakes

The Great Lakes region is home to some of the most active and vibrant yacht clubs in the country. The Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, located in Michigan, is known for its extensive racing program and social events. The Larchmont Yacht Club, located in New York, is another popular Great Lakes yacht club, known for its beautiful clubhouse and picturesque location.

In conclusion, the United States is home to some of the world’s most exclusive and prestigious yacht clubs. Whether you’re looking for a place to socialize, enjoy the sport, or share your passion for sailing, there’s a yacht club out there for you.

Top Yacht Clubs around the World

When it comes to exclusive yacht clubs, there are a few that stand out above the rest. Here are some of the top yacht clubs around the world , organized by region.

Europe is home to some of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in the world . The Royal Yacht Squadron, founded in 1815, is one of the most exclusive yacht clubs in the world, with members including the British Royal Family. Located in Cowes, Isle of Wight, the club has a long history of hosting some of the most important sailing events in the world.

The Yacht Club de Monaco is another exclusive club in Europe, with a focus on luxury and high-end sailing. Founded in 1953, the club is known for its stunning facilities and impressive events, including the Monaco Yacht Show.

In Asia, the Hong Kong Royal Yacht Club is one of the most exclusive clubs in the region. Founded in 1894, the club has a rich history and is known for its impressive facilities and events. The club is located in Victoria Harbour, one of the most iconic and beautiful locations in Hong Kong.

Australia is home to several exclusive yacht clubs, including the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Founded in 1862, the club has a long history of hosting major sailing events, including the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. The club is located in Kirribilli, New South Wales, and boasts stunning views of Sydney Harbour.

Overall, these yacht clubs offer some of the most exclusive and luxurious experiences in the world of sailing. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or simply looking to enjoy the high life, these clubs are sure to impress.

Yacht Club Membership

Joining a yacht club is a great way to enjoy the luxury of yachting and the camaraderie of like-minded individuals. Yacht clubs offer a variety of membership categories, each with its own set of benefits and requirements.

Yacht club membership comes with a host of benefits, including access to club facilities and events, reciprocity with other yacht clubs, and networking opportunities with other members. Members can also enjoy a range of activities, such as sailing lessons, regattas, and social events.


To become a member of a yacht club, applicants must meet certain requirements. These may include a minimum age, a background check, and a recommendation from an existing member. Some clubs may also require applicants to demonstrate a certain level of sailing proficiency.

Initiation Fees

Yacht club membership comes with an initiation fee, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. This fee is typically non-refundable and covers the cost of joining the club. In addition to the initiation fee, members are also responsible for annual dues, which can vary depending on the membership category and the club’s location.

Overall, yacht club membership offers a wealth of benefits and opportunities for those who love yachting and the sea. By joining a yacht club, members can enjoy exclusive access to club facilities and events, as well as the chance to network with other members and participate in a range of activities and regattas.

Yacht Club Facilities and Amenities

Yacht clubs offer a range of facilities and amenities that make them an attractive option for boat owners and enthusiasts. These amenities are designed to enhance the overall experience of members and provide them with a comfortable and enjoyable environment. The following are some of the most common facilities and amenities offered by yacht clubs.

One of the primary facilities offered by yacht clubs is a marina. These marinas provide members with a safe and secure place to dock their boats. They are equipped with a range of amenities such as electricity, water, and fueling stations. Some marinas also offer boat cleaning and maintenance services.

Yacht clubs typically have a clubhouse that serves as the central gathering place for members. These clubhouses are equipped with a range of amenities such as lounges, bars, and restaurants. They also offer meeting rooms, libraries, and other facilities that members can use for social or business purposes.


Most yacht clubs have restaurants that offer a range of dining options for members. These restaurants typically serve fresh, locally sourced seafood and other dishes. They are also equipped with bars that serve a range of cocktails, wines, and beers.

Some yacht clubs offer spa facilities that provide members with a range of wellness services. These spas typically offer massages, facials, and other treatments that help members relax and rejuvenate.

Sports Facilities

Many yacht clubs have sports facilities such as pools, tennis courts, and paddle tennis courts. These facilities provide members with a range of opportunities to stay active and enjoy the outdoors.

In conclusion, yacht clubs offer a range of facilities and amenities that make them an attractive option for boat owners and enthusiasts. These facilities are designed to enhance the overall experience of members and provide them with a comfortable and enjoyable environment.

Yachting Events

Yacht clubs around the world offer a variety of yachting events for their members. From regattas to cruising, there is something for everyone.

Regattas are competitive sailing events that bring together sailors from different yacht clubs. These events can range from local club races to international competitions. Some of the most famous regattas include:

  • America’s Cup: A prestigious international sailing competition that dates back to 1851.
  • Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: A challenging offshore race that takes place in Australia every year.
  • Cowes Week: A week-long regatta held in Cowes, England that attracts sailors from around the world.

Yacht clubs often organize their own regattas as well. These events provide an opportunity for members to compete against each other and showcase their skills.

Cruising events are more relaxed than regattas and focus on exploring new destinations and enjoying time on the water. Some yacht clubs organize group cruises to different locations, while others encourage members to plan their own trips.

Yacht clubs may also organize rallies, which are cruising events that follow a specific route. These events typically have a social aspect and provide an opportunity for members to connect with other sailors.

Overall, yachting events are a great way for yacht club members to connect with other sailors and experience the joys of being on the water.

Community and Social Aspects

Yacht clubs are not only about sailing and boating. They are also a place where people can come together and socialize. Yacht clubs offer a sense of community and belonging to their members. Members can interact in an informal atmosphere at clubhouse cafés, bars, or restaurants.

Yacht clubs also host various social events throughout the year, such as holiday parties, barbecues, and charity events. These events provide an opportunity for members to meet new people and make new friends. The social aspect of yacht clubs is particularly important for those who are new to the area or new to sailing.

One of the benefits of joining a yacht club is access to a network of like-minded individuals who share a passion for sailing and boating. Members can exchange tips and advice on sailing techniques, boat maintenance, and other related topics. This network can be especially valuable for those who are new to sailing or who are looking to improve their skills.

Yacht clubs also offer a range of activities that cater to different interests and skill levels. For example, some clubs offer sailing lessons for beginners, while others host regattas and races for more experienced sailors. These activities provide an opportunity for members to learn new skills, challenge themselves, and have fun.

In summary, yacht clubs offer a range of community and social benefits to its members. The social membership aspect of yacht clubs can be particularly important for those who are new to the area or new to sailing. Yacht clubs offer a sense of community and belonging, a network of like-minded individuals, and a range of activities that cater to different interests and skill levels.

Yacht Club Governance and Leadership

Yacht clubs are often run by a board of directors, who are responsible for the club’s governance and leadership. The board of directors is typically elected by the club’s membership and is responsible for setting the club’s policies and overseeing its operations.

Effective yacht club governance requires a clear understanding of the club’s objectives and priorities, as well as a commitment to transparency and accountability. The board of directors should establish clear policies and procedures for decision-making, financial management, and member communication.

One important aspect of yacht club governance is ensuring that the club’s leadership reflects the diversity of its membership. This includes not only demographic diversity but also diversity of experience, skills, and perspectives. A diverse leadership team can bring new ideas and approaches to the table, promote inclusivity and equity, and help the club better serve its members and community.

To ensure effective governance, many yacht clubs use benchmarking and best practices to evaluate their operations and identify areas for improvement. This might involve comparing the club’s performance to that of other clubs, conducting member surveys, or seeking input from industry experts.

In addition to strong governance, effective leadership is essential for a successful yacht club. The club’s leaders should be passionate about yachting and committed to promoting the club’s mission and values. They should also be skilled communicators, able to build relationships with members, sponsors, and community partners.

Yacht club leaders should also be proactive in identifying and addressing challenges and opportunities. This might involve developing new programs or events, seeking out new sponsorship or partnership opportunities, or addressing member concerns and feedback. By staying engaged and responsive to the needs of their members and community, yacht club leaders can help ensure the long-term success of their club.

boat pier in a yacht club

Yacht Clubs and the Environment

Yacht clubs have a unique relationship with the environment. They rely on the natural beauty of the water and the surrounding landscape to attract members and visitors, and they have a responsibility to protect those resources for future generations. Here are some ways that yacht clubs are working to be more environmentally conscious:

  • Reducing Waste : Many yacht clubs are implementing recycling programs and reducing the use of single-use plastics. They are also encouraging members to bring their own reusable water bottles and coffee cups to reduce waste.
  • Protecting Water Quality : Yacht clubs are taking steps to protect the water quality in their local areas. This includes implementing pump-out stations for boats to prevent sewage from being discharged into the water, and educating members on the importance of using environmentally-friendly cleaning products.
  • Conserving Energy : Yacht clubs are implementing energy-efficient practices, such as using LED lighting and programmable thermostats. They are also exploring the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines.
  • Promoting Sustainable Boating : Yacht clubs are encouraging members to practice sustainable boating, such as using fuel-efficient engines and avoiding anchoring in sensitive areas. They are also promoting responsible fishing practices, such as catch-and-release.

Overall, yacht clubs are recognizing the importance of being environmentally conscious and are taking steps to protect the natural resources that make their sport possible. By working together, they can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty of the water and the surrounding landscape.

Yacht Clubs in Popular Culture

Yacht clubs have long been a symbol of wealth, luxury, and exclusivity, and as such, they have been featured in numerous movies, TV shows, and books. Here are some notable examples of yacht clubs in popular culture:

  • The Great Gatsby : F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel features the fictional West Egg Yacht Club, which is where Jay Gatsby’s extravagant parties take place. The club is described as “one of the most fashionable and exclusive of its kind,” and it serves as a backdrop for the story’s themes of wealth, class, and social status.
  • Caddyshack : This 1980 comedy film features the fictional Bushwood Country Club, which is home to a group of wealthy and eccentric golfers. The club’s yacht basin is a prominent location in the movie, and it serves as the site of a memorable scene involving a giant animatronic gopher.
  • The O.C. : This popular TV show from the early 2000s features the Newport Beach Yacht Club, which is where many of the characters socialize and attend events. The club is portrayed as a glamorous and exclusive destination, and it serves as a symbol of the show’s affluent California setting.
  • Succession : This HBO drama series follows the lives of the wealthy and dysfunctional Roy family, who are the owners of a media conglomerate. In season two, the family attends a high-society event at the fictional Tern Haven Yacht Club, which is described as “the most exclusive club in the Northeast.” The club’s members are shown to be ruthless and competitive, much like the show’s main characters.

While these depictions of yacht clubs in popular culture may not be entirely accurate or representative of all yacht clubs, they do reflect the cultural significance and fascination with these exclusive institutions.

About the author

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I worked as an officer in the deck department on various types of vessels, including oil and chemical tankers, LPG carriers, and even reefer and TSHD in the early years. Currently employed as Marine Surveyor carrying cargo, draft, bunker, and warranty survey.

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What is a Yacht Club? Benefits & Features Explained

yacht club lublin

Yacht clubs may appear daunting, but they are not. A yacht club’s mission is to honor boaters and the sports of cruising, sailing, and yacht racing.

What is a yacht club?

A yacht club is a boating social membership sports club. Yacht clubs are usually found near lakes or the sea, and their members are either boat owners or those who lease or rent boats. A monthly or annual membership fee is charged.

Members can interact in an informal atmosphere at clubhouse cafés, bars, or restaurants. The restaurant at certain clubs may be available to the public during certain hours of the day but closed for yacht club events.

They’re usually run and controlled by memberships, and they’re utilized to encourage sailing, racing, and socializing among yacht enthusiasts.

What is the difference between a yacht club and a sailing club?

A governing authority has not sanctioned or organized either name. As a result, they can be used interchangeably by boating organizations. The difference between yacht clubs and sailing clubs is a matter of personal preference.

A yacht and sailing club may offer the same or entirely different services/amenities depending on the club and its location.

Also, yacht clubs are more official and geared toward larger boats, whereas sailing clubs are more informal — but there are plenty of outliers to be found. The best way to get a sense of the club’s personality is to go on a busy sailing day.

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What are the benefits of yacht club membership?

yacht club lublin

Besides having a safe place to moor your boat, there are other advantages to joining a yacht club. For starters, joining a yacht club allows the entire family to interact and meet new people while sharing their passion for boats. You’ll also have access to a range of facilities, including pools, terrific restaurants, and tennis courts.

Participate in yachting activities

Yacht clubs provide a variety of fun activities throughout the year, from Christmas parties to tennis tournaments. So, if you are finding an activity to do in the next week, it will not be a problem if you belong to a yacht club. You will always have interesting scheduled activities for every month for both adults and children. Thus, you can say that each one of your members of the family will enjoy it.

Getting a marina for your yacht

The best benefit of joining a yacht club is that you get marina reserved parking areas. So, you do not have to worry about searching for the right place for your yacht.

Network with fellow yachties

A yacht club’s main advantages include social activities and friendship. It’s a fantastic chance to meet like-minded people and learn more about boats and other types of travel.

If you’re new to sailing, you may chat with other boat professionals and hear their tales. They may provide you with advice on how to maintain your boat and where you can take it.

Weekend activities and expensive holiday parties are also available at yacht clubs. During the summer, yacht clubs arrange racing events where members can participate. These activities are usually planned by the club board, and only yacht club members and their families are invited to attend.

You will have to be a member to compete in many organized sailboat races; you must be a member of a yacht club. While sailing events are the most prominent, most clubs also host power boat races as over-the-bottom regattas and poker run. Some clubs have their own racing schedules, which may take place on Wednesdays or Fridays. Skippers are continuously on the lookout for capable hands since crews are always needed.

Access to junior programs for your kids

Have children? The yacht club provides a wide range of activities for youngsters of all ages. You’ll also get access to junior programs, which are generally free or low-cost.

The youth programs allow parents to enjoy a date night once more.

It also assists children in socializing, learning new skills, and developing confidence.

Getting reciprocity in other yacht clubs during your travels

You enjoy visitor rights at any yacht clubs throughout the world that have reciprocity agreements with yours as a member of a yacht club. This allows you to call pals in every port for guidance whether you travel by land or sea.

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How can you join a yacht club?

yacht club lublin

The procedure of becoming a member of a yacht club is quite simple. In order to join a yacht club, you must:

  • Locate Yacht Clubs in Your Area and Compare Your Options
  • Fill out the Membership Application
  • Pay the Membership Dues
  • Participate in Yacht Club Events

The first step, of course, is to look for yacht clubs in your region. This may be difficult if you reside in a landlocked area. You might be able to identify local clubs by using your chosen search engine and entering your location name (followed by the keyword ‘yacht club’).

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential clubs, evaluate their membership advantages, costs, and activities. Some yacht clubs are solely social, while others place a greater emphasis on education and sailing courses.

You can apply for membership in a club that meets your demands and budget. Some clubs accept applications online, while others need a paper or in-person submissions. In any case, you may pay membership dues upon approval.

After you’ve paid these fees, you’ll have access to all of the benefits that your selected yacht club has to offer.

How much does it cost to join a yacht club?

Depending on the club, membership dues are usually paid monthly or annually. The more amenities and privileges a yacht club provides, as well as how exclusive its membership is, the higher the membership rates and fees are.

As a result, we can state that the cost of a Yacht Club varies depending on your location, the fleet, and even the marina’s facilities. The cost of an annual membership ranges from $900 to $4,000, depending on your degree of luxury and requirements.

Should you join a yacht club?

Whether you own a yacht or not, joining a yacht club may be beneficial. If you own a boat, though, you may keep it at a yacht club and use it whenever you choose. Certainly, a yacht club is not only a gathering place for like-minded boat owners to mingle and socialize, but it also provides you with a number of additional perks.

You should not join a yacht club if you are not willing to use the club’s privileges or if you do not like celebrating boaters and the sport of cruising, sailing, or yacht racing.

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Some of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the world

Monaco yacht club.

yacht club lublin

The Yacht Club De Monaco , founded by Prince Rainier III in 1953, is a distinguished club with over 1600 members from 66 countries and a unique place on the world sailing scene.

Serving the Club President since 1984, His Royal Highness, Prince Sovereign Albert II, you will find a formal dress code to adorn for all events. You have restricted membership and should have extreme exclusivity: potential members must fill out an application form and should have known with the help of two sponsors, both of whom must have a current membership. An ice-breaking cocktail reception and gala dinner will be held in honor of the successful candidate.

Royal Cork Yacht Club

yacht club lublin

One of the oldest yacht clubs in the world, sailing for private enjoyment became popular in the Netherlands sometime in the early 1600s. King Charles II of England was in captivity in the Netherlands in that century, during the Cromwellian period, and while there, he became aware of this exciting and new activity. Till the year 1720, the interest in the sport saw tremendous heights in a way that his great-grandson with five of his companions, William O’Brien, the 9th Lord Inchiquin, banded together to formalize their events and, in doing so, created “ The Water Club of the Harbor of Cork .”

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

yacht club lublin

The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club’s marina is located near the lively Front Street in Hamilton’s historic city center. It started out as a gathering spot for British military commanders and Bermudian sailors.

Over 850 individuals, both residents and non-residents, are members of the club. The full-service marina has 130 berths and can accommodate yachts up to 150 feet in length.

The Yacht Club of Cannes

Port of Cannes

The Yacht Club of Cannes , located in the prestigious French Riviera, has been a symbol of luxury and refinement for more than a century. Founded in 1860, the club is not only a famous race destination but also a center of social and sporting life. It hosts some of the most glamorous events in the world, such as the Cannes Yachting Festival and the International Festival of Pyrotechnic Art. The Yacht Club of Cannes can also boast a rich history, being the first club to line up boats in a regatta and the birthplace of the sailing sport in France. With its exclusive members, state-of-the-art facilities, and stunning Mediterranean views, the Yacht Club of Cannes epitomizes the glamour and sophistication of the French Riviera.

The Yacht Club of Saint Tropez

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    Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej - YCPL. 1,932 likes · 70 talking about this. https://www.ycpl.pl

  8. Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej » Kontakt

    YACHT CLUB POLITECHNIKI LUBELSKIEJ. ul. Nadbystrzycka 44a/1007 20-501 LUBLIN. tel. 514 775 180 e-mail: [email protected]. kursy żeglarskie tel. 666 690 757 kursy motorowodne tel. 502-365-964 REGON: 430776756. NIP: 946-18-29-468 KRS: 0000040926 KONTO BANKOWE: BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna


    Yacht Klub Polski Lublin in Lublin, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Lublin and beyond.

  10. Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl, Lublin

    Lublin; Things To Do In Lublin; Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl; Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl 4.5 2 Votes Currently Open. Address: Krężnicka 6, 20-518 Lublin, Poland; Contribute; Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl Map. Enable Map.


    Yacht Club Akademicki in Lublin, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Lublin and beyond. ... You could be the first review for Yacht Club Akademicki. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Phone number. 69 482 43 52. Get Directions. Mila 3a/12 20-104 ...

  12. Yacht Klub Polski Lublin

    See photos, tips, similar places specials, and more at Yacht Klub Polski Lublin

  13. The Top 50 Most Exclusive Yacht Clubs In The World Honored ...

    Balboa Yacht Club. * Balboa Yacht Club. One of the oldest clubs on the Pacific Coast, it operates a year-round facility including a full-service restaurant and bar, marina and a Catalina Island ...

  14. Home

    Racing and social calendars, membership information, newsletter and photo gallery.

  15. About

    Since its founding in 1959, the Seafarers Yacht Club has sailed these waters, promoting seamanship excellence, boating safety, and community service. With a membership containing both power and sail boaters, SYC is one of the oldest, historically African American Yacht clubs in the country. It is my honor and privilege to serve as the 23rd ...

  16. MSC Yacht Club Luxury Cruises

    Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience. MSC World America. The Owner's Suite. The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. Approx Sq. Ft.*: 840-1,119 interior / 517-670 balcony. LEARN MORE.

  17. What Are Yacht Clubs? The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

    The Yacht Club de Monaco is another exclusive club in Europe, with a focus on luxury and high-end sailing. Founded in 1953, the club is known for its stunning facilities and impressive events, including the Monaco Yacht Show. Asia. In Asia, the Hong Kong Royal Yacht Club is one of the most exclusive clubs in the region.

  18. Hotels Near Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl in Lublin

    Choose Hotels near Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl based on your preferences like cheap, budget, luxury or based on the type of hotels like 3 star, 4 star or 5 star. Explore & get best deals on hotels near Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej Ycpl Now! ... Jana Pawła II 19, Lublin Map Around 4.39 Km from Yacht Club Politechniki ...

  19. What is a Yacht Club? Benefits & Features Explained

    A yacht club is a boating social membership sports club. Yacht clubs are usually found near lakes or the sea, and their members are either boat owners or those who lease or rent boats. A monthly or annual membership fee is charged. Members can interact in an informal atmosphere at clubhouse cafés, bars, or restaurants.

  20. About Us

    The Milford Yacht Club was organized on June 27, 1903 at the home of Dr. W. S. Putney. The corporation was formed to encourage yachting and other social recreations. The Milford Yacht Club is located at the confluence of Milford Harbor and Long Island Sound. We offer beautiful views of Long Island Sound, Charles Island and the Milford shoreline ...

  21. Facilities

    It is located on over 30 acres and offers wet and dry slip storage, an inviting pool, a cozy clubhouse, 5 on-site cabins to rent, 2 RV sites to rent, and 6 work area spaces plus a hoist that can be reserved for maintaining your boat (Members Only). Docks in two sheltered coves with slips for 160 boats up to 30′ in length, and up to 76 center ...

  22. WYC

    The Wissinoming Yacht Club is nonprofit, private boating club and a member of the Delaware River Yachtsmen's League.

  23. Events for October 2023

    Visit the Club; NSYC 150th Anniversary Member Interviews; Media Gallery; NSYC - 2021 - 2023 - Educational - ZOOMS ... OOD Ted Lublin. July 28, 2017 @ 08:00 - 15:00. Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 ... Thirsty Thursday - Summer Series Race 2; OOD Ken Bordieri; North Shore Yacht Club. 73 Orchard Beach Blvd Port ...