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Avec ou sans équipage ?

  • Sans skipper
  • Avec équipage professionnel
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Date de départ

  • 2 jours (Minimum)

Où souhaitez-vous naviguer ?

  • Aquitaine - Sud-Ouest - Lot
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1"> Types de bateaux

  • Coque-open / semi-rigide
  • Bateau à moteur < 24 m

une journée

  • Caraïbes et Antilles
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consommation yacht 15m

La consommation du carburant à bord de votre bateau

marine  isaia

Que vous soyez propriétaire de votre bateau ou simplement locataire le temps d’une journée, d’une semaine, d’un mois… vous devrez inévitablement passer par la case “essence” ! En effet, avant de prendre le large, nous vous conseillons de prendre en compte les coûts annexes de votre bateau pour ne pas avoir de mauvaise surprise !

Si vous avez comme projet d’investir dans un bateau, n’oubliez pas de prendre en considération les coûts d’entretiens comme par exemple l’hivernage ou le carénage de votre bateau , que nous vous conseillons de réaliser une fois par an.

Notez que, comme pour les voitures, chaque bateau est différent et sa consommation de carburant varie en fonction de plusieurs facteurs.

Les 4 types de carburants marins

Gazole pêche (gop).

Ce gazole de qualité supérieure est utilisé par tous les navires équipés de moteur diesel, et notamment pour les bateaux professionnels dédiés à la pêche. Il permet un meilleur rendement moteur grâce à un indice de cétane élevé.

Diesel Marine Leger (DML)

Il s’agit du gazole marin de référence dans le monde. Il est utilisé par tous les navires équipés de motorisation diesel, plus particulièrement les bateaux de plaisance.

Essence bleue SP98

L’essence sans plomb est à destination des bateaux qui disposent d’une motorisation à essence.

Il est utilisé pour les grands navires de commerce tels que les tankers, conteneurs, les ferries…

La consommation de carburant d’un bateau à moteur

La consommation du carburant, et donc le prix, varie selon différents facteurs tels que l'usage que vous souhaitez faire de votre bateau, son poids et sa puissance, le type de moteur, les vents et les courants …

Par exemple, plus la vitesse est élevée et plus les vents et courants sont contraires au bateau, plus la consommation de carburant sera importante. Filovent vous a préparé des tableaux de consommation moyenne par heure selon la puissance du moteur :

Consommation estimée pour un hors-bord :

Consommation estimée pour un moteur diesel :

Calculez approximativement la consommation de carburant de votre bateau à moteur

Avant d'embarquer, même si on vous donne un prix approximatif pour le coût du carburant, il est essentiel de connaître quelques notions de bases :

Pour les bateaux à essence

Pour les bateaux qui ont une motorisation essence, que ce soit sur un hors-bord ou un in-bord, la consommation du carburant correspond à peu près à 1/3 de la puissance de vitesse maximale du bateau.

Par exemple, pour un bateau qui affiche une puissance de 500 CV, si vous naviguez à une vitesse de 50 nœuds alors la consommation d’essence sera évaluée à 500/3 = 166L par heure.

Lorsque le bateau avance à une vitesse de croisière, d’environ 20 nœuds, pour évaluer la consommation d'essence, il vous suffit de diviser par 2 la consommation de carburant à plein régime. On obtient donc une consommation de 166/2 = 83L par heure.

Pour les bateaux à moteur diesel

Pour les bateaux qui ont une motorisation diesel, la consommation tourne autour d’1/5 de la puissance du bateau. Si on reprend l’exemple précédent, pour un bateau affichant une puissance de 500 CV, la consommation sera alors estimée à 500/5 = 100L par heure. Pour une même puissance, on remarque donc que le moteur à essence consomme plus qu’un moteur diesel.

Pour une navigation en vitesse de croisière, tout comme pour les moteurs à essence, il vous suffit de diviser par 2 la consommation de carburant à vitesse maximale donc 100/2 = 50L par heure.

Pour les catamarans et les péniches

En moyenne, la consommation de carburant d’un catamaran se situe entre 3,5 et 30L par heure et par passage. Cela concerne les bateaux de 11 à 36 mètres. Pour une péniche de 30 mètres de long, comptez une consommation de gasoil de 15L par heure en moyenne.

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  • Saint-Martin

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consommation yacht 15m

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Yacht fuel cost calculator - how to estimate the costs.

Yacht Fuel Cost Calculator - How to Estimate the Costs

Yacht captains have many responsibilities when it comes to the management of their vessel. One of them is keeping track of expenses, which is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the vessel’s operational costs. Keeping a luxury superyacht afloat isn’t cheap, and many claim that the average annual cost ranks up to 10% of the vessel’s price.

From these expenses, a significant portion goes to fuel. Filling up the tank of your boat is quite pricey, which is why a growing number of boat owners want to know exactly how much they are looking to spend for their upcoming voyage. This is also important for people who want to charter a boat for their holiday.

If you’re wondering how to best estimate the costs involved, you’re in the right place. This article will help you calculate your vessel’s yacht fuel cost while giving an overview of all the criteria used as variables. To make the process even easier, we link to a yacht fuel cost calculator to help you get an indication of the expenses you’ll need to cover. Let’s delve in!

Yacht fuel cost calculator

How to estimate yacht fuel costs, how much fuel does a yacht use.

  • Price of boat fuel per gallon?

Yacht fuel formula

The easiest way to calculate your fuel costs is by using a yacht fuel cost calculator. There is a great calculator available here in case you want to save time and get an approximate estimation.

yacht fuel cost calculator

As you can see, the yacht fuel cost calculator has many variables which you need to be aware of before you set out to calculate the approximate price. This is what we will be dealing with in the next few chapters.

To help you get a better understanding of the calculation process we will do things manually while giving you the exact formulas used to calculate your vessel’s fuel needs. Therefore, make sure you keep on reading.

There are several things you need to keep in mind when you first set out to estimate the total fuel cost for your next voyage. These are summarised in the following points:

  • Distance of journey - The total amount of nautical miles (or km)
  • Cruising speed - The (average) speed of your vessel (in knots or km/hr)
  • Fuel consumption - Understanding how many gallons (or liters) of fuel are consumed per hour
  • Yacht fuel price - Understanding the average market price per gallon of fuel

The first two points depend solely on your needs and personal preference, which means that they are more flexible on a subjective basis. The latter two points may require a bit of research, especially if you’re not familiar with the engine of the vessel.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of the points mentioned above, and offer the required formulas to help you calculate yacht fuel cost.

Calculating distance and speed

To understand the exact distance you are looking to cover in your next voyage, you can simply use Google Maps to plan your route. The following video explains the process in detail.

As soon as your route is planned out, you can measure the distance as well, selecting the preferred method of calculation. In our case, it is best to measure in nautical miles (1nm=1,85km), as this metric is more commonly used among sea men. The yacht fuel cost calculator above has an embedded map that helps you pinpoint the journey you want to make.

Next comes the cruising speed. The number is mostly calculated in knots (nautical miles/hr). The speed with which the vessel will cruise depends on the captain onboard, but is often influenced by the owner and guests onboard. You can make a rough estimation of this number based on previous trips.

Next, we need to calculate the amount of fuel that you will likely need. To do this we need to understand the engine type, its horsepower, and several other factors.

Let’s take a marine diesel engine for example. These engines are very common on motor yachts and consume approximately 0.4 pounds of fuel per hour for each unit of horsepower. You can find fuel consumption info for your specific engine by looking it up on the web or by calling the service number.

Once you know the fuel burn rate, it’s best to add a relative error margin of 10% based on minor factors. These include weather conditions, vessel size, and drag, all of which can increase the fuel burn.

How much fuel does a yacht use per hour?

Now that you know all the variables you can go ahead and calculate the amount of fuel that your yacht will need.

  • Start by calculating the fuel burn per hour based on the horsepower of the engine.
  • Add a multiplier based on the cruising speed of your vessel.

A vessel with a diesel engine of 300 horsepower will most likely burn 16-17 gallons per hour, which you can then use as a guideline when calculating the travel time based on the nautical miles you are looking to cover.

Superyachts are consuming much more fuel. An average 70-meter luxury yacht will burn around 130 gallons per hour with the engines running, while the amount increases significantly when the ship is moving. On average, you are looking at ±€2000 per hour (±1000 gallons) to achieve a speed of 20 knots. Of course, the higher the cruising speed, the more fuel you will be burning per hour, which in turn makes each hour at sea more expensive.

How much does boat fuel cost per gallon?

yacht fuel cost calculator

The exact price you are looking to pay per gallon depends on the marina you find yourself in. By looking at several price points of marinas, we get the following:

  • Average diesel prices range from $3.2-$3.9 per gallon
  • Average petrol prices range from $7.2-$7.8 per gallon

Note that discounts usually apply whenever you choose to purchase large quantities of fuel.

Why is boat fuel so expensive?

Marine fuel pricing is heavily inflated due to low supply and high demand. In short, the limited number of fuel stations at marinas have to service all the yachts that dock, which leads to a no-choice monopoly.

That said, yacht owners are usually not that concerned about the small price spike that marinas charge as an extra. If anything, they are happy to pay due to the convenience of the service.

How much fuel does a yacht hold?

Once again, the answer to this question depends on the size of the vessel. Smaller yachts can hold around 1300 gallons of fuel, while the bigger vessels can store up to 100,000 gallons. The ship’s engineers should be able to provide this number for the vessel you command.

Now that we have a better understanding of all the variables that determine the cost of fuel, we can go ahead and take you through the calculation process step by step.

First, know the total duration of your cruise. To obtain this information, divide the number of nautical miles by the cruising speed of your vessel (knots). For example, if you want to make a journey that totals 150 nautical miles while traveling at 20 knots, the yacht fuel formula looks as follows:

Total duration = 150 nm / 20kn

Total duration = 7,5 hrs

Note that the amount of fuel consumption may end up higher than expected if:

  • Sea and weather conditions are not favourable
  • You plan to make short stops along the way while the engine keeps running

Next, what you want to do multiply the number of hours by the number of gallons that your engine burns on an hourly basis while moving at the speed you previously indicated. If we take, as an example, the superyacht mentioned in the previous examples, we would make the calculation as follows:

7,5 hrs x 1000 gph = 7500 gallons

Now assume that you will also make two stops along the way, an hour and a half each, in order to let the guests enjoy their time; maybe ride a jet ski.

You then multiply the added number of hours with the consumption rate of a running engine. In this case:

3 hrs x 130 gph = 390 gallons

All that is left to do now is add up the total amount of fuel needed and multiply the number with the price per gallon.

(7500+390) x $3,5 = $27615

In this example, the final cost of your will set you back a little bit more than 27 thousand dollars. Just to be safe, calculate the additional 10% (margin of error) to be prepared against unexpected mistakes. This added amount is not necessarily an ad-on when you consider chartering. Private yacht owners, however, should add the amount to their final cost.

And that's it! You should now have a better idea on the steps you need to follow to calculate the fuel costs for your yacht. While there is quite a bit of information you should keep in mind, it is best to plan out everything with detail to avoid unforeseen costs. If you enjoyed this article, check out our blog post on yacht electrical systems as well.

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  • 14.5m Aluminium Cruising yacht
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consommation yacht 15m

Yachting World

  • Digital Edition

Yachting World cover

First look: 15m Explorer Yacht Lynx

  • Toby Hodges
  • November 8, 2023

The 15m Explorer Yacht Lynx is a multipurpose and multi-climates yacht and is both a bluewater cruiser and a high lats explorer, capable of transiting the Northwest Passage

consommation yacht 15m

Product Overview

This 15m Explorer Yacht Lynx is very much a descendant of Qilak , and is even dubbed ‘little Qilak’, thanks to its similar looks, its hydraulic lifting keel, twin rudders and pilothouse. The latter is expansive enough to incorporate a watchkeeping station and a pilot berth.

A multipurpose and multi-climates yacht, Lynx is both a bluewater cruiser and a high lats explorer, capable of transiting the Northwest Passage. A private yacht designed for a Swiss owner, it complies with the MGN 280 code to allow for commercial/charter voyages in all oceans and polar regions.

“ Lynx represents the latest in small explorer yacht design, aimed specifically at families/small groups for short-handed, fast passages and with the ability to then remain in remote areas without support for prolonged periods,” Allen Clarke explains.

This is a true explorer yacht in that it is ice rated and built accordingly with double frames and an ice belt in the hull. The tank capacities are particularly capacious and help give an extensive cruising range under motor of over 3,000 miles.

Clarke explains how they can use VPP programming based on motorsailing and when the engine goes on to help calculate fuel/tankage: “It’s the same stuff we use on race boats but here we’re using it for a remote cruising boat.”

consommation yacht 15m

The designers’ assumptions were made on having a watermaker, 800Ah batteries and an 80A 24V alternator. Four major passages were analysed, ranging from the 2,000 miles of a Northwest Passage to the 7,500 miles from Europe to Montevideo, Uruguay, as well as spending up to 60 days aboard. Fuel usage from motoring, charging batteries and heating for the Reflex stove were calculated leading to the conclusion that the spec for 1,570lt of diesel with 200lt reserve in the day tank seems more than ample for this design.

The 860lt of waste water tanks are also deliberately generous in an attempt to future-proof the boat against regulations which may get stricter in the future.

Nevertheless, Lynx should still sail well – indeed Owen calculates average speeds of over 8 knots. The sailplan is easy to use short-handed, and includes a carbon mast from which you can set an easily reefed or furled jib or staysail as well as downwind sails.

The raised pilothouse boasts surround visibility, a watch station, pilot berth and wet locker. It has triple glazed windows and is accessed via a watertight door. There is also a workshop and stowage in the extensive forepeak.

From the pilothouse you move down into the lower deck, where the central keel trunk gives separation to the large galley to port and the heads and two person sauna-cum-extra stowage to starboard. There are twin double berth cabins aft and a large open plan saloon forward. This has good natural light and includes a Pullman berth opposite the saloon, plus an office space.

The aluminium structures were fabricated at Koopmans Kosko, Holland and Lynx is now in fit-out stage.

15m Explorer Yacht Lynx specifications

LOA: 15.15m / 49ft 8in Hull length: 14.45m / 47ft 5in Beam: 4.59m / 15ft 1in Draught: 3.51-1.41m / 11ft 6in-4ft 8in Displacement: 16,800kg / 37,037lb

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Fuel consumption and range values for motoryachts

With sample measurements on a grand banks 36 my trawler data source: powerboat & motoryacht magazine.

We all know, we all hear, that consumption, range, noise and engine wear are strongly related to the engine revolutions. The data below show that these relations are beyond the imagination of most of us.

All what has been done is that a boat was run with varying engine revolutions and consumption, speed and noise were recorded.

1. Speed of the vessel is the variable least depending on engine revs. When the engine revs are 1000-1 speed is 6.3 knots. When the engine is revved up to 2650-1 , the speed has increased to 15.7 knots. 2. Range, way made good per unit fuel and hourly consumption are highly dependent on the engine revs. As an example, while at 1000-1 revs the hourly fuel consumption is 7.6 liters. At 2650-1 revs this has increased to 84.9 liters. Thus, the hourly consumption has increased more than TEN fold. At the same time, range and way made good per unit fuel has decreased FIVE fold. At this example the “good” revs are 1500 – 1750 revs. Specially the green curves show the “hump” at these revs. Above these revs the range drops more significantly.

In summary, whoever runs his/her engines calmly, reduces engine wear, saves money and has the comfort of a larger range. Whoever “beats” the engines harm the environment and themselves..

The speed has been measured as average of two direction by radar.

Source:  Powerboat & Motoryacht, January 1996, page 92

A Complete Guide to Yacht Types and Sizes

  • by yachtman
  • August 28, 2023 August 26, 2023

consommation yacht 15m

Yachts, symbols of luxury and leisure, provide a stunning escape. From motor yachts to sailing yachts, the world of yachting is both diverse and captivating. Journey with us as we explore the different types and sizes of yachts, uncovering their secrets.

Climb onboard a superyacht , the queen of the seas. These floating palaces boast remarkable dimensions, with amenities such as swimming pools, helipads, and even submarines. Ideal for those seeking indulgence, superyachts are the epitome of yachting excellence.

For a more intimate experience, try a luxury motor yacht . With powerful engines, they let you visit multiple destinations quickly. Enjoy the lap of luxury as you cruise across the sea, appreciating every moment on board these vessels.

Sailing lovers will appreciate classic sailing yachts . Watch their silhouettes gracefully cut through the waves, powered by wind. Feel the passion for sailing, and the freedom, on an adventure akin to ancient seafarers. Uncover your inner explorer while savoring unparalleled serenity.

Catamarans are ideal for sailing with precision and finesse. With twin hulls offering stability and space, catamarans offer great comfort. Enjoy vibrant sunsets to tranquil anchorages, and bliss on water, with these versatile vessels.

For those keen on exploration, expedition yachts are perfect. Built tough and with advanced tech, they are designed for explorations to remote areas. Discover untouched landscapes, encounter wildlife, and make memories in the far-flung corners of the world.

Types of Yachts

Sailboats to mega-yachts – there’s a large choice of yachts. Let’s delve into the types and sizes that meet different needs.

Take a gander at the table below for an overview of yachts:

Sailing yachts are graceful and use wind power. Motor yachts are speedy and powered by engines.

Catamarans stand out with their steadiness and roominess – great for a leisurely cruise. Trawler yachts are great for long-distance trips because they’re fuel-efficient and have comfy living areas.

Adventurous souls should check out expedition yachts . Flybridge yachts have an extra deck level for entertainment and relaxation.

Sports fisher yachts are designed for fishing, with special gear and amenities.

Don’t miss out on your dream yacht – find the perfect one and go on amazing sea experiences. Start your journey now!

Sizes of Yachts

Yachts come in plenty of sizes, each with its own unique features and capabilities. To discover the perfect yacht for your needs, let us explore the sizes of yachts via a table showcasing their specifications.

Here’s what the table looks like:

Moreover, take into account that certain yachts have stability systems, others prioritize speed, and some are customized. I once met a yacht owner who wanted a retractable roof! With the help of creative builders, his dream was fulfilled and he got to enjoy a unique experience on the open seas.

Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Yacht

Making the right yacht choice involves many key points to think about. These include size, type, budget, use and preferences, like amenities . To decide wisely, assess each factor and see how important they are. Here’s a table of the main considerations when choosing a yacht:

In addition, there are unique details you should consider, like if you plan to charter your yacht when not in use, go for a popular model. If privacy is important, choose a yacht with separate crew quarters. So, here are some tips for making the right choice:

  • Get expert advice from experienced yacht brokers or naval architects.
  • Choose respected brands that hold their value in case you resell.
  • Visit boat shows and yacht exhibitions to explore different models and talk to professionals.

By taking all factors into account and following these suggestions, you can find the perfect yacht that fits your needs. Whether for leisure or adventure, the right yacht will give you amazing memories on the sea.

So many options! In this guide, we explore yacht types and sizes, helping you find the perfect vessel. From sailing yachts to motor yachts , each one offers a unique experience. Plus, you can customize your yacht for a truly special journey.

Let me tell you about James . He dreamed of a yacht that matched his adventurous spirit. So, he found a builder who specialized in customization. The result was amazing – a sleek motor yacht with state-of-the-art diving gear, space for fishing equipment, and luxurious comforts. On his customized vessel, James cruised beautiful coastlines and made memories that will last forever.

When you search for your yacht, remember that customization is key. You can have a tranquil sailing experience or a thrilling adventure. Dive into the ocean of possibilities – your imagination is the only limit.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: What are the different types of yachts?

There are various types of yachts, including motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans, trimarans, superyachts, and expedition yachts. Each type offers unique features and advantages.

FAQ 2: What is the difference between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht?

A motor yacht, as the name suggests, is powered by an engine and offers more speed and convenience. On the other hand, a sailing yacht relies on wind power and provides a traditional sailing experience with a slower pace.

FAQ 3: What is a superyacht?

A superyacht is a luxury yacht with high-end amenities and extravagant features. These yachts often offer spacious cabins, multiple decks, swimming pools, helipads, and other luxurious facilities.

FAQ 4: What is the average size of a yacht?

Yachts can vary greatly in size. The average size of a yacht ranges from 30 to 60 feet. However, larger yachts, known as superyachts, can measure over 100 feet in length.

FAQ 5: What is the advantage of a catamaran or trimaran?

Catamarans and trimarans provide more stability due to their dual or triple hull design. They offer spacious interiors, increased deck space, and enhanced fuel efficiency compared to traditional monohull yachts.

FAQ 6: What is an expedition yacht?

An expedition yacht is designed for long-range cruising and exploring remote destinations. These yachts feature robust construction, advanced navigation systems, and ample storage for supplies and equipment.

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consommation yacht 15m

TOP 2018: The best boats from 14 to 15 meters

  • December 28, 2018
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Give or treat yourself to a subscription to Boats in Motion print + digital and for only 39 euros a year you get the magazine at home plus read it on your PC, smartphone and tablet. With a sea of advantages.

consommation yacht 15m

1 BAVARIA YACHTS / Nautitech 47 Power | 14 m

2 emeg marine / eos 46 | 14,02 m, 3 silver arrow / arrow 46gt | 14,02 m, 4 prestige / 460s | 14,29 m.

2-Anchoring 1

5 BENETEAU / Swift Trawler 47 | 14,32

consommation yacht 15m

6 ANVERA / ANVERA 48 | 14,50

Risultati immagini per ANVERA 48

7  PRIVILÈGE / Euphorie 5 | 15 m

consommation yacht 15m

8 ABSOLUTE / NAVETTA 48 | 15 m

Risultati immagini per ABSOLUTE / NAVETTA 48

9 PARDO / Pardo 50 | 15,24

Risultati immagini per Pardo 50

10 AUSTIN PARKER / 48 Sportfly & Sundeck | 15,50 m

Risultati immagini per AUSTIN PARKER / 48 Sportfly & Sundeck

  • barche a motore , FUORIBORDO , Motor yacht

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Combien consomme un yacht ?

Il y a quelques semaines de cela, nous nous étions interrogés sur le coût de l’entretien d’un yacht ; aussi pour aller plus loin sur ce point, nous avons souhaité nous intéresser tout particulièrement à sa consommation en carburant car il est vrai que ce poste de dépense peut vite devenir important. Aussi, en tant que broker de yachts de luxe, CSO Yachts vous présente les différents éléments à connaître pour faire son choix de bateau en toute transparence.

Quels sont les critères d’importance pour estimer la consommation d’un yacht ?

Les bateaux de luxe que sont les yachts, à l’instar des voitures, consomment plus ou moins de carburant en fonction de certains facteurs. Aussi pour vous aider et vous permettre de faire votre choix en toute sérénité, CSO Yachts vous propose de les découvrir ; en d’autres termes, grâce à ces critères de sélection, vous pourrez faire cette acquisition en toute connaissance de cause :

– Le type de yacht : il s’agit certes d’un critère évident quand on cherche à savoir combien consomme un yacht mais que l’on ne doit pas négliger. En effet, selon le type de yacht que vous choisirez (à moteur ou à voile) sa consommation ne sera pas la même : un yacht à voiles peut se propulser grâce au vent (les moteurs viennent en soutien en cas de faible houle) alors qu’un bateau à moteur aura nécessairement besoin de ses moteurs pour naviguer. 

– La motorisation : un autre facteur d’importance pour déterminer combien consomme un yacht est la puissance de ses moteurs. Plus le moteur est gros, plus il demandera du carburant pour l’alimenter.

– Le poids et la taille du yacht : par exemple, on estime qu’en moyenne la consommation d’un yacht de 70 mètres de long est d’environ 500 litres de diesel par heure (de ce fait, vous devez compter un budget annuel de carburant de près de 400 000 $). Pour résumer, plus le navire est gros et grand, plus il a besoin de carburant pour fonctionner (si vous êtes à la recherche d’un yacht plus sobre énergétiquement, vous opterez pour un modèle de plus petite taille : nos agents pourront vous conseiller à ce sujet).

– La vitesse de navigation : gardez en tête que plus la vitesse du navire augmente, plus sa consommation aussi.

– L’entretien : on n’y pense pas suffisamment mais un bateau et un moteur mal entretenus auront tendance à consommer davantage. C’est pourquoi, en tant que broker de luxe, nous vous conseillons vivement de veiller au respect des consignes de maintenance fournies par le constructeur pour garantir des performances et une longévité optimales à votre yacht.

– Le type de coque: déplacement, semi-déplacement, planante.

Les réservoirs de carburant : un critère primordial pour déterminer l’autonomie de votre yacht

Les réservoirs quant à eux déterminent la portée ou l’autonomie de votre bateau. Ainsi, en disposant de grands réservoirs, votre yacht aura une autonomie plus importante en mer et vous permettra donc d’effectuer de plus grandes traversées sans avoir à vous soucier d’effectuer le plein. Cet aspect ne doit donc pas être décorrélé de la question “ combien consomme un yacht ? ” car cela vous évitera de nombreux aller-retour au port pour remplir vos réservoirs en carburant.

À noter que la plupart des yachts mesurant plus de 40 mètres de long disposent d’une autonomie de croisière équivalente à celle d’une traversée transatlantique, soit environ 3 000 milles. 

Comment calculer la consommation de votre navire ?

Comme n’importe quel autre véhicule, il est indispensable d’estimer la consommation en carburant de votre yacht pour non seulement planifier un voyage mais aussi prévoir le coût annuel que cela va représenter pour votre portefeuille. 

Le calcul se fait en Litre par Mile nautique et est référencé par un essai en mer où le nombre de litres est divisé par la distance parcourue. De manière générale, on estime que la consommation en carburant d’un bateau essence correspond à peu près au tiers et, dans le cas d’un bateau diesel au cinquième, de la puissance maximale de son moteur. 

Néanmoins, bien entendu, il ne s’agit que d’un calcul estimatif puisque d’autres facteurs tels que la force du vent et des courants ou encore le fonctionnement de certains équipements (climatisation, piscine…) vont impacter considérablement cette consommation. 

Quel est le carburant utilisé par un yacht ?

Dans la majorité des cas, les yachts, mega yachts et autres superyachts fonctionnent à l’aide d’une motorisation diesel. Il ne s’agit pas d’un carburant standard tel qu’on peut le trouver dans les stations service traditionnelles mais bel et bien d’une énergie spécifique : en l’occurrence un diesel marine léger de couleur bleue. Il comporte au moins 0,1% de soufre et ses caractéristiques de tenue au froid varient en fonction de la saison.

Combien consomme un yacht ? CSO Yachts à votre service !

On le voit au prix d’achat du yacht, les frais annexes d’équipage, d’entretien et de consommation qui s’ajoutent ne doivent pas être négligés et même pris en compte au moment de votre acquisition ! En effet, pour les bateaux les plus grands, ils peuvent représenter plusieurs millions d’euros par an.

Aussi, afin de devenir propriétaire en toute tranquillité, notre équipe est là pour vous conseiller. Ensemble, nous étudierons et définirons attentivement vos critères de recherche pour dénicher, dans le monde entier, le yacht le plus à même de vous satisfaire. 

En tant que spécialiste de ce secteur, nous en maîtrisons parfaitement ces différents aspects et nous pourrons donc estimer le plus justement le coût annuel de votre future propriété ! Soyez-en certain, avec CSO Yachts, vous ne serez jamais seul. 

Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans l’achat d’un yacht ou d’un superyacht ? Découvrez nos offres de yachts de luxe à vendre ici. Parmi nos yachts disponibles à l’achat, figure le yacht Eclipse ; ce Feadship, d’une longueur de 43 mètres et doté de deux unités de moteur de 775 hp (Caterpillar 3508), se caractérise par une décoration sobre et élégante que l’on doit au célèbre designer Terence Disdale. Grâce à ses six cabines, il vous permettra d’accueillir jusqu’à 12 personnes avec tout le confort nécessaire ! Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter !

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TOP 5 Best Yachts From 12 to 15 Meters (40-50 ft) in 2024

We are presenting topRik's 2023 selection of 12-15 m (40-50 ft) catamarans. Comparison of best vessels of this segment in terms of size, space, price, different cons and pros and many more!


Fountaine Pajot MY5

  • Brand: Fountaine Pajot
  • Hull type: Catamaran
  • Overall length, m: 12.9
  • Width, m: 6
  • Draft, m: 11
  • Displacement, t: 15.5
  • Water tanks, l: 450
  • Exterior design (Architect): Daniel Andrieu
  • Interior design: Pierangelo Andreani Studio
  • CE Certification: A
  • Engine, hp: 2 x 256
  • Option engine, hp: 2 x 364
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 700

At the request of the shipyard Fountaine Pajot naval architect Daniel Andrieu and designers from Pierangelo Andreani Studio initially designed the MY5 marine catamaran exclusively as a power catamaran. Cat rightfully took its place in the line of motor yachts of the shipyard between MY 4.S and MY6. Like its older brother, MY5 (formerly MY 40) also collected a number of prestigious awards, one of which is “ Best Multihull Motor Yacht ” (up to 50 ft) by 2019 Asia Boating Awards.

It is a very stable boat, which makes it attractive for both family cruising and commercial cruising. The space of all decks is thoughtfully divided into zones of work, rest, and dining. Recreation options include the opportunity to sunbathe or swim with the whole family or in the company of friends - there is enough space for everyone.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Even the participants of the charter will comfortably accommodate on the foredeck area of 8 m², in the cockpit, saloon and flybridge of 16 m², not to mention the cabins.

It is from the bathing platform that the entrance to the cockpit opens from two sides: one is wide, through which you can load products, equipment and gear, the other is narrower.

In the cockpit there is just a huge L-shaped sofa, in front of which you can install an additional table assembled to organize a meal in the fresh air. This is convenient, since a wide entrance to the saloon opens from the cockpit, and the galley is located there immediately on the starboard side.

The cockpit also has excellent access to both engine rooms through large hatches. In the center there is a place for storing life rafts.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

In addition to stability, the catamaran is as safe as possible for both adults and children: wide side decks, stairs and flybridge are equipped with grab bars, as well as railings, ladder steps are wide and covered with non-slip material.

On the foredeck is a beautiful C-shaped sunbathing area with two full-size reclining sun loungers. In the center of this living room, you see a trapdoor that opens up to a huge locker where fenders and water sports equipment can fit.

While we are still at the foredeck, pay attention to the anchor, which can be controlled from all decks, including control panels in the saloon and on the flybridge.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The photo above clearly shows the sunroof, which protects those who are on the flybridge from the sun. Here all passengers of the cat can freely sit. For this, comfortable sofas and poufs are provided. It is equipped with a bar, refrigerator, ice maker and barbecue.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The control panel is placed on a small elevation, from where an almost 360-degree view opens. The helmsman can see all parts of the floats, the port side is visible through the gangway leading to the flybridge. The helm of MY5 looks like a car steering wheel, the tilt of which is adjustable. Instrument panels and equipment control are displayed here: engine diagnostics, throttle, joystick, multifunctional marine display, etc.

This is the working area of the flybridge in addition to the lounge and dining area. But there are places for family members or friends so that the helmsman does not feel lonely. A very social decision.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The saloon is also conditionally divided into several zones. With wide sliding doors it can be combined with the cockpit, which significantly expands the usable area in addition to the 16 m² of the saloon itself.

At the starboard there is the kitchen area: you get a well-equipped galley with microwave or oven, gas hob and dishwasher. Opposite to it a large refrigerator with a freezer is installed. The seating area, or dining area, is slightly raised compared to the level of the galley. This opens up a wider view through panoramic windows around the perimeter.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

A long sofa on the port side with upholstered seats, backs and poufs and an armchair make up the living room. And together with the table, which is transformed with the help of an electric drive, upholstered furniture makes up a dining area, where 6 people can freely accommodate, and actually even more if desired.

And here is the working area of the saloon - the skipper can climb down here in bad weather. It is equipped with a full-fledged control panel, exactly the same as on the flybridge. Although, the overview of the entire catamaran is not as good - the stern is not visible.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Let's start the description of MY5’s the cabins by saying that they are two meters high, which is unusual for a 40-foot boat. The master cabin is just a small apartment with all the amenities that start with a double queen-size island bed. The porthole opposite the bed exceeds its width and has an opening part, so that the inhabitants are provided with natural light and fresh air.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Before getting into the main cabin, to which the entire port side is given, you have to go through the foyer, where the main electrical switchboard and a spot for a washing machine are located. The master cabin is equipped with plenty of storage space too.

A separate huge bathroom with an open shower overlooking the sea and a separate closed toilet - a layout that is almost never found on cats of this size.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Depending on the choice of equipment, you can have MY5 with three or four cabins. In the case of a three-cabin configuration, the master cabin remains the same, and two cabins are equipped in the starboard float with a shared bathroom and a separate shower.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

  • Overall length, m: 13.94
  • Width, m: 7.7
  • Draft, m: 1. 2
  • Displacement, t: 14.7
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 350
  • Exterior design (Architect): Berret-Racoupeau Design
  • Interior design: Berret-Racoupeau Design
  • Mainsail type: Fully battened
  • Jib type: Furling genoa
  • Mainsail area, m²: 77
  • Jib area, m²: 52
  • Engines, hp: 2 x 50
  • Option engines, hp: 2 x 60
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 470

Sailing catamaran Tanna 47 from Fountaine Pajot replaced the Saona 47 - the new model in the old case proved to be so striking and effective that we gave it the fourth place in our rating.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

To the left and to the right along the side there are entrance ladders with wide comfortable steps. Between them there can be a platform, which is an optional element. It can be used to carry a dinghy or as a bathing area.

The layout of the cockpit differs little from its predecessor. The table on the port side can accommodate 8-10 people. A couple more vacationers can be accommodated on a sunbed on the port side or on a long sofa along the transom.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

A gas barbecue is very convenient on deck: you catch a fish and fry it right there, and the smells will be carried away by the wind. Of course, here you can fry not only fish, but also meat, vegetables, etc. Refrigerator and freezer are also an option, there are spots for them in the cockpit.

From the cockpit we rise to the helm station. From the control post you can enjoy an excellent overview of the entire catamaran, the nose of the left hull is slightly blocked, but you can navigate by the railing. And to see the stern, you will have to bend down, but this procedure does not cause discomfort.

The helm area and the sailing area on of Tanna 47 are separated, but the winches from are within easy reach, just behind the helm.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

The panel contains all the tools, the readings of which are important for the helmsman, additional to throttle controls, chartplotter , etc. The stoppers of all three winches are brought to one point. Below is a pocket for sheets and halyards.

The sailing equipment includes the classic genoa - Fountaine Pajot did not follow the new fashion for automation here either.

On the flybridge, manipulations with the sails do not threaten anyone if at this time they are located on one of plentiful sofas or sunbeds. There is room for a table and extra seats.

In the bow there is a large compartment for the anchor chain, where fenders can also be stored. On top of the hatch of this compartment and next to it, you can place several mats and organize a natural solarium.

There are also few changes in the saloon: the usual rounding of furniture, a luxurious corner sofa, a side ottoman, a sliding table - everything is very stylish and beautifully lit. Two more large skylights have been added to the panoramic glazing of the cabin.

A small hatch above the stove acts as a hood. The galley is equipped with all kitchen utensils. There are several refrigerators in the cabin. Above one of them is a large chartplotter, and the usual place of the navigator practically does not exist in this version.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

Three and four cabin versions are available. In the 3 cabin version, the master cabin is in the port float. The bed is really big, with access from three sides. In the transition to a full-fledged bathroom there is a wardrobe, shelves, work and dressing tables.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

Aventura 14

The flagship of STGI Marine, the Aventura 14 motor catamaran holds the record for the number of cabins among 44-foot yachts - there are six of them. At the same time, the catamaran has seaworthy characteristics for long-distance, almost oceanic crossings at a maximum speed of 22 knots, which can be developed by the Yanmar 2x400 hp engines installed on it. At a cruising speed of 16 knots, the cruising range can reach 1,300 nautical miles.

But in the engine compartment of the yacht, you can put engines with a power of 550 hp, then the cat will develop a cruising speed of up to 18 knots, and a maximum speed of up to 27. In two tanks plus one additional tank Aventura 14 can carry 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 = whopping 4 tons of fuel.

Aventura 14

Nova Luxe took a direct part in the creation of the vessel, offering to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. To do this, they have developed a powerful solar battery specifically for this model to be placed on the flybridge. Its capacity (more than 7 kW/h) will fully serve the needs of passengers. And additional electrical equipment will reduce the use of diesel engines on sunny days.

With such high performance, passengers and crew are provided with incredible comfort to work, rest and travel, which is the hallmark of the Aventura brand .

Aventura 14

A very wide hydraulic platform at the stern accommodates several motorboats, rafts or jet skis. There is also a spacious aft garage for a pair of folding bikes or equipment for diving, hunting or fishing.

There is a table in the cockpit, which can comfortably accommodate up to 16 people on soft sofas and side benches or chairs. And since the saloon and cockpit are separated by wide sliding doors, you get a huge common space, which is also located on the same level.

Aventura 14

Huge 26 m² flybridge has its own kitchen area, which includes a grill, sink and a compact refrigerator for drinks, ice cream and fruits. The dining area, that serves also as a relaxation area or a living room, includes a large table and sofas with backs, surrounding the table from 3 sides.

Aventura 14

A huge space below the working area can be equipped with a solarium or a SPA with a jacuzzi, some place gym equipment there. Of course, with a jacuzzi filled with water, you cannot develop maximum speed, after all, the additional weight is almost 3 tons.

Aventura 14

The working area includes a control post, as well as a comfortable seat in front of it for several people, the height of which is adjustable. The height of the steering wheel itself, made in the form of an automobile steering wheel, is regulated in the same way. The instrument panel displays the performance indicators of the equipment and its control elements, as well as a high-quality marine display with a chartplotter.

Aventura 14

The spacious saloon with electric table for 12 people has a full galley with all the equipment, a large double-door refrigerator with a large freezer, a wine cabinet, a microwave, a dishwasher and a washing machine, etc.

The working area is a control post, the dashboard of which is located behind the steering wheel and to the right of it. All the controls of the Aventura 14 are placed here – the automation of the yacht’s management is so advanced, that this vessel can be considered a “smart yacht” by analogy with a “smart home”.

In general, the motorboat seems as comfortable as a compact mansion on the water can be. This feeling intensifies when you go below deck and find that you can straighten up freely, straighten your shoulders, and there is still enough space above your head.

We have already said that the cat is designed for 6 cabins if you are going to use it for charters. But if you are looking to buy an Aventura 14 catamaran for personal use, you will definitely choose the option with a master cabin and 2, 3 or 4 guest cabins, depending on the composition of the family and the number of close friends you can invite on a cruise.

The master cabin will then take up the entire float and house a huge island double bed, table, sofa, lots of closets, shelves and hidden lockers. Of course, a separate bathroom with a rain shower, toilet and a furnished hallway.

Aventura 14

Private bathrooms in guest cabins differ from the master cabin only in size.

Every time you look at the new premises of Aventura 14, you really can’t tell whether you are cruising on a 44-foot power catamaran or picking a new house for permanent residence.

  • Brand: Excess
  • Overall length, m: 14.84
  • Width, m: 8.03
  • Draft, m: 1.4
  • Displacement, t: 19.05
  • Air draft, m: 27.9
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 240 & 2 x 175 (opt)
  • Exterior design (Architect): VPLP design
  • CE Certification: A: 14 - B: 14 - C: 16 - D: 30
  • Mainsail type: Square top
  • Jib type: self-tacking
  • Mainsail area, m²: 99
  • Jib area, m²: 55
  • Code 0 area, m²: 117
  • Engines, hp: 2 x 57 hp / 2 x 80 hp
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 520

Of course, when ranking the best catamarans up to 15 meters in length, we could not help but place the Excess 15 fully electric cruising sailing catamaran in second place. This is a new brand of catamarans from Beneteau-Lagoon-Janneau, focused on performance, while having all the properties of a cruising catamaran, full habitability and build quality from a major manufacturer.

Excess 15

The catamaran is equipped with electric engines instead of diesel ones. It has become a kind of research laboratory used to study the effect of installing electric motors on serial yachts.

The boat has a very spacious saloon with open access to the cockpit through wide sliding doors. In this case, one of the tables in the L-shaped galley can serve as a bar in the cockpit. This allows you to combine two zones into a single space for organizing mass entertainment with refreshments and dancing.

In the saloon, a large soft sofa goes around the table on three sides, where up to 12 people can fit. The galley is equipped with all the most necessary kitchen equipment - stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Around the entire perimeter of the cabin there is glazing that provides excellent visibility and natural light, and opening transoms in them provide natural ventilation.

Excess 15

The cockpit also has barbecue facilities and a fridge for drinks and ice cream. In the cockpit there are sofas with backs, one of which goes around the table on both sides, the other is on the transom, and the sofa opposite the table has a spacious locker.

Drop-down seats in front of the helms and a small bimini over the helmsman's head have already become a hallmark of this range. The helms with a control panel are located in the cockpit on both sides of the catamaran. The panel contains the tools to manage the equipment, in particular, electric motors, as well as control drives for some equipment and devices such as an autopilot and a thruster.

To the left and right of the steering wheels is the engine control knob. Near the steering wheels there are manual or electric winches, at the choice of the buyer. Above the cabin and part of the cockpit there is a retractable roof - also a trademark of the line. An automatic jib is included as standard.

Excess 15

An excellent view opens up from the helmsman's seat, in particular, due to the fact that the saloon is completely glazed and through it the bow of the catamaran is perfectly visible. When maneuvering, the helmsman does not have to crouch or stretch his neck - he has a full view of both floats both in the stern and in the bow.

Naval architects and designers abandoned the idea of flybridge. But on the foredeck, you can equip a large sunbathing area using a deck and two trampolines.

You get fairly roomy, but not overbearing, guest cabins fore and aft of the same float, each with its own porthole, large double bed and bathroom.

The master cabin completely occupies one of the hulls and is divided into bedroom, living room and bath areas. In the recreation area you will find a large island double bed, two portholes, shelves. Further in the corridor there are cupboards, sofas, several tables. And in the other part there is a huge bathroom that contains everything that is required for hygiene and water procedures: a shower, a washbasin, a latrine, etc.

If desired, you can choose a package for 4 cabins or with a separate cabin for the skipper in the bow of the vessel.

Under the engines, Excess 14 goes very quietly. And when sailing, the electric catamaran can recuperate water energy.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

  • Brand: Fountain Pajot
  • Overall length, m: 14
  • Width, m: 6.6
  • Draft, m: 1.1
  • Displacement, t: 16.3
  • Air draft, m: 4.25
  • Exterior design (Architect): Andrieu Yacht Design
  • Interior design: Andreani Design
  • Engines: IPS 500 Volvo 2 x 380
  • Option engines: IPS 650 Volvo 2 x 480
  • Fuel tanks l: 2 x 1000

The MY6 (formerly MY44) motor cruising catamaran is still one of the world leaders in the 13.4 m (44 ft) double hull boat market. Shipyard Fountaine Pajot Motor Yachts received all the most prestigious awards for this cat, including “Best Multihull Power Yacht”, “European Power Boat of the Year” and “Best Passagemaker”.

Daniel Andrieu and Pierangelo Andreani once again demonstrated their engineering and creative potential, as a result of which the catamaran received excellent seaworthiness and unique living spaces.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The yacht is stable with a good draft (1.3 m), behaves confidently even at a speed of 25 knots.

With a length of 13.6 m and a beam of 6.5 m, there are 3 or 4 double cabins with three bathrooms, a spacious cockpit, company cabins, a flybridge, a foredeck solarium and a bathing platform. At the same time, as is customary in Fountaine Pajot’s catamarans, the entire space is divided into zones - working, relaxing, dining, kitchen, etc.

In the bow there are several spacious lockers where fenders and ropes can be stored. Anchor and anchor winch can be controlled using a remote control or from one of the control stations located in the saloon and on the flybridge.

Foredeck is transformed into a great place for a vacation - a sunbathing area or an evening bar - with reclining loungers and a portable table with recesses for bottles and glasses.

We climb the flybridge stairs with railings and wide steps. Here the distribution of zones is thought out to the smallest detail. Recreation area is also a dining area, with comfortable sofas and a large built-in table, a refrigerator for drinks and ice cream.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Another very large folding sofa - a real rookery - is located on the port side. Friends or family members resting here will brighten up the skipper's stay at the helm, which has the shape of a steering wheel.

The working area is located on the starboard side, directly opposite this huge sofa. The control post is equipped with a very comfortable wide chair.

The control panel contains all the main instruments, as well as the controls for all helmsman actions, and a multifunctional marine display. The height of the steering wheel is adjustable. Management is simplified using the joystick.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

All this splendor is protected by a sun-protection curtain on the roof, which can be moved if you want to sunbathe.

The same control post is located in the cabin. Huge portholes located around the perimeter provide natural light and excellent visibility. The portholes have opening parts that allow you to ventilate the cabin.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Incredibly large space, although filled with excellent upholstered furniture, leaves a lot of room for free movement. At the table-transformer, 10 people can fit without constraining each other. This table, if desired, can easily be converted into a coffee, dining or even an extra bed.

Corners of the table and galley furniture are rounded for safety. The galley is located on the port side - despite its compactness, it has all the necessary kitchen equipment, including a stove, refrigerator, etc.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

As you can see in the top photo, a wide sliding door opens from the saloon to the cockpit. This combines them into a single space, which allows you to throw grand parties with a large number of guests, turning one of the galley tables into a bar counter.

In the cockpit there is a comfortable soft sofa with lockers under the seats; a portable table can be placed here.

There is also a locker with a life raft, a gas cylinder and necks for refueling the tanks. Fresh water is connected to the shower in the cockpit.

Under the cockpit hatches there is a capacious engine compartment, which provides free access to engines and other technical equipment.

Using the wide steps from the cockpit you get to stationary platform, a real personal beach spot with an area of 9 m². The cockpit floor and platform are covered with natural teak.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Maestro version includes a master suite that is completely dedicated to the owner. Surprisingly spacious, it has a real island bed, a table, an extra sofa and wardrobes for storing clothes and other things.

A huge porthole with a "window" provides the cabin with fresh air and natural light. The height of all the rooms of the catamaran MY6 is striking - even a regular cabin’s ceiling is at least 2 meters high.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The master cabin has a private bathroom and toilet. Two double guest cabins located in another float are also provided with separate bathrooms with toilets.

There is a choice of 4-cabin charter version, two in each float, with shared bathrooms for each couple.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The MY6 power catamaran is designed exclusively for IPS systems and has a cruising range of up to 1,000 miles. Safety and comfort on long journeys are provided for both passengers and crew of this magnificent vessel.

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Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht / 15m (2023)

Aud$ 1,950,000.

  • BEAM 15.5ft
  • MAX DRAUGHT 4.3ft
  • BUILDER Riviera Marine
  • DESIGNER Riviera Marine
  • MAX SPEED (KT) 32
  • DISPLACEMENT 19.2 Tonnes
  • LYING Phuket - Thailand

consommation yacht 15m

Virtual Tour

Discover luxury afloat: the riviera 4600 sport yacht now available through lee marine in thailand.

If you've been dreaming of navigating the crystalline waters of Southeast Asia in style and luxury, your opportunity has arrived. Lee Marine, Thailand's premier yacht brokerage, proudly presents the brand-new Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht, a vessel that combines sophistication, innovation, and performance like no other. With its full warranty and stunning features, this yacht offers the perfect escape for discerning yachting enthusiasts.

Uncompromising Elegance

The Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht is a testament to the craftsmanship and attention to detail that Riviera Yachts is renowned for. From bow to stern, this yacht exudes uncompromising elegance. Its sleek lines and contemporary design are sure to turn heads in any harbor. Step on board, and you'll find a spacious, open-plan layout that seamlessly merges indoor and outdoor living.

Luxury Awaits

Step into the interior, and you'll be enveloped in luxury. The spacious salon features large windows that flood the area with natural light, creating an inviting atmosphere. The modern galley is equipped with top-of-the-line appliances and ample storage, making it a chef's dream.

The Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht boasts three beautifully appointed cabins, including a sumptuous master suite. Each cabin is designed with comfort and relaxation in mind, ensuring a peaceful night's sleep on the water. With its thoughtfully designed amenities, this yacht is ideal for weekend getaways or extended cruising.

Performance and Innovation

Under the hood, so to speak, the Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht is a powerhouse. Twin Volvo Penta IPS drives provide exceptional maneuverability and fuel efficiency. With joystick control, docking becomes a breeze. The yacht's cutting-edge technology and expertly designed hull ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride, whether you're cruising along the coast or venturing further into open waters.

Full Warranty Peace of Mind

One of the standout features of the Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht available through Lee Marine is the full warranty that accompanies this brand-new vessel. This means that you can enjoy your yachting adventures with complete peace of mind, knowing that any unforeseen issues will be promptly addressed by the manufacturer.

Available Now

Don't miss your chance to own this stunning yacht. The Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht is available now through Lee Marine in Thailand. Whether you're a seasoned yachtsman or a first-time buyer, this vessel offers an unparalleled yachting experience that combines luxury, innovation, and performance.

Embark on your journey of luxury afloat with the Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht. Contact Lee Marine today and make your dream of owning a brand-new yacht a reality. Discover the freedom, relaxation, and adventure that await you on the water with this exceptional vessel.

#LeeMarineOfficial #RivieraYacht #RivieraAustralia

consommation yacht 15m


  • Model: Riviera 4600 Sport Yacht
  • Yacht Type: Power Boats
  • Length Overall: 15m (50.03ft)
  • Beam: 15.5ft
  • Max Draught: 4.3ft
  • Displacement: 19.2 Tonnes


  • Builder: Riviera Marine
  • Year of Build: 2023
  • Hull Type: Monohull

Performance & Capacities

  • Max Speed: 32 knots
  • Cruising Speed: 27 knots
  • Range (nm): TBA nm
  • Fuel Capacity: 2100 ltrs
  • Water Capacity: 620 ltrs
  • Model: Volvo Penta D6-IPS800
  • Engine Number: 2
  • Total Power: 600 hp each

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Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien ?

consommation yacht 15m

L'achat d'un yacht est une décision importante et il ne faut pas seulement tenir compte de la dépense initiale. Ce type d'investissement nécessite également une réflexion à long terme. Combien coûte l'entretien d'un yacht ? Quels sont les coûts associés ? Combien de carburant est dépensé sur un yacht ?

Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien ?

Ce n'est qu'en répondant à ces questions que vous pourrez vous faire une idée réaliste de ce qu'implique l'achat de ce type de navire. Posséder un de ces bijoux nautiques implique une série de dépenses incontournables et un pouvoir d'achat assez élevé. Évitez les surprises et renseignez-vous sur le coût de possession d'un yacht avant de prendre votre décision. Voir tous les yachts à vendre disponibles sur Annonces du Bateau.

Quels sont les coûts d'un yacht ?

L'achat d'un yacht implique une dépense financière importante, d'où le caractère exclusif qui fait partie de l'attrait de ces navires. Les yachts ne sont pas un produit de masse, et pourtant la flotte mondiale augmente d'année en année. Il suffit de dire qu'il existe actuellement dans le monde environ 10 000 yachts d'une longueur comprise entre 24 et 60 m (superyachts). Ce chiffre n'est pas négligeable si l'on considère que le coût initial d'un superyacht de luxe de 40 m n'est généralement pas inférieur à 22 millions d'euros. La taille du bateau est certes importante, mais si l'on veut analyser le prix d'un yacht, il ne suffit pas de regarder la surface, et ce n'est pas une mince affaire. Le coût réel d'un yacht est la somme du prix d'achat et de la dépense que vous devrez faire chaque année pour le maintenir dans des conditions optimales et profiter pleinement de son potentiel. Ce chiffre représente environ 10 % du prix du bateau. Un exemple pratique sera beaucoup plus révélateur : si vous achetez un yacht neuf de 22 m pour environ 2 600 000€, les coûts annuels de fonctionnement et d'entretien s'élèveront à 260 000€. C'est pourquoi, même si tous les yachts de luxe ne sont pas d'un prix prohibitif, il est essentiel de faire une évaluation approfondie de la taille que vous pouvez vous permettre. Comment les coûts de possession d'un yacht sont-ils répartis ? Qu'il s'agisse d'un "petit" caprice de moins de 24 m de long ou d'un méga-yacht de plus de 60 m, voici les points essentiels à ne pas négliger :

  • Amarrage : contrairement à une voiture haut de gamme, un yacht de luxe ne peut pas être stocké confortablement dans le garage de la maison. Le prix des amarrages varie en fonction de la zone et des services offerts par la marina. Dans les docks les plus exclusifs comme ceux de Marseille ou La Rochelle, l'amarrage d'un superyacht de 50 m dépasse 3 000 euros/jour. En dehors des postes d'amarrage les plus luxueux et les plus convoités, le prix moyen d'un amarrage pour les yachts de 20 à 24 m est d'environ 2 000 euros/mois et les concessions de 15 à 20 ans sont d'environ 350 000 euros. Cependant, c'est l'une des dépenses pour lesquelles vous avez plus de possibilités d'ajuster votre budget si vous faites un bon travail de recherche.
  • Assurance : Assurer un mégayacht de 72 m coûte environ 215 000 euros par an. Le prix est sensiblement réduit en fonction de la puissance et de la longueur du bateau, de l'usage auquel il est destiné (eaux intérieures ou illimitées) et des groupes de garanties inclus dans la police (toutes les extensions sauf l'assurance responsabilité civile). Une assurance assez complète pour un flybridge neuf de 24 m maximum peut atteindre 40 000 euros par an, auxquels il faut ajouter le prix de l'assurance du bateau auxiliaire s'il est motorisé. Dans tous les cas, il s'agit d'une procédure obligatoire et nécessaire pour naviguer avec toutes les garanties.
  • Capitaine et équipage : même si vous disposez d'un budget confortable pour l'achat d'un yacht, il est possible que vous ne soyez pas en mesure de prendre la barre. Dans le cas des mégayachts, c'est évident : outre un capitaine et un chef mécanicien, vous aurez besoin d'autres officiers, d'un électricien, d'un technicien des communications et d'un équipage à bord (assistants, serveurs, cuisiniers...). La licence de capitaine de yacht vous permet de piloter des bateaux d'une longueur maximale de 24 m, avec une limite de 150 milles nautiques de la côte dans le cas des capitaines. Par conséquent, en fonction de la taille du bateau et des limites géographiques que vous souhaitez explorer, vous devrez peut-être engager du personnel supplémentaire pour naviguer. Découvrez les différents types de permis bateau , dont celle de skipper de yacht.
  • Inspections périodiques : en tant que navire de plus de 6 m de long, votre yacht est tenu de subir une inspection technique du bateau . Les prix de cette procédure varient en fonction de la longueur et du prestataire de services. Pour un yacht de 20 à 24 m, le coût est d'environ 1000 euros. Lors de ces inspections périodiques, des aspects fondamentaux sont vérifiés pour assurer une navigation sûre : flottabilité, étanchéité, état des ponts, mise en service, systèmes de communication et tout ce qui concerne les équipements de sécurité tant pour le bateau que pour son équipage. Il ne s'agit pas d'une dépense régulière, mais vous devrez l'inclure dans les coûts de possession d'un yacht à long terme.

En savoir plus sur l’équipement des bateaux

  • Entretien et réparations : ce sont les dépenses les plus difficiles à quantifier car elles dépendent d'une myriade d'éventualités. Un grand bateau à moteur nécessite des révisions et des mises au point complexes et coûteuses en termes de fonctionnement. Si nous ajoutons à cela l'entretien/nettoyage des vastes ponts, les tissus intérieurs/extérieurs, l'amélioration de l'ameublement ou des caractéristiques et les imprévus, nous pouvons conclure que plus de 30 % du coût de possession d'un yacht sera consacré à ce poste.

En savoir plus sur l’entretien du bateau

Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien ? -

Combien coûte le remplissage du réservoir d'un yacht ?

Le prix de l'entretien d'un yacht augmente considérablement si l'on tient compte du fait que le carburant est un élément essentiel de son fonctionnement. Comme vous n'allez pas sortir les rames pour déplacer un bateau qui, dans le cas des mégayachts, peut dépasser 100 m de long, vous devrez garantir un réservoir en fonction de votre itinéraire avant de prendre la mer.  Combien coûte le plein de carburant d'un yacht ? La plupart de ces grands navires utilisent des moteurs diesel qui fonctionnent avec du carburant diesel. Le diesel A est l'hydrocarbure utilisé pour tous les bateaux de plaisance à moteur (loisirs, tourisme, sports nautiques, etc.) et son prix varie en fonction des conditions du marché à un moment donné. À titre indicatif, pensez qu'un méga yacht de 72 m avec une capacité de réservoir de 140 000 l aura un coût de ravitaillement d'environ 100 000 euros. Un yacht de 20 à 24 m dispose généralement d'un réservoir d'environ 7 000 litres, dont le remplissage à partir de zéro coûtera 5 000 euros.

Combien de carburant consomme un yacht ?

La consommation de carburant d'un grand bateau à moteur n'est pas une science exacte. Il existe des paramètres mesurables que vous pouvez trouver dans la documentation contenant les spécifications techniques du bateau : puissance du moteur, poids du bateau, vitesse de croisière... Ces données vous serviront à faire une estimation approximative de la consommation de votre bateau chaque fois que vous partez en mer.

Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien ?

Cependant, il existe d'autres variables qui ont également un impact une fois que vous êtes en route. Des aspects tels que la résistance au vent ou l'état de la mer ont une incidence directe sur la consommation de carburant cible, même sur les mêmes itinéraires et avec le même nombre de kilomètres parcourus. Le moyen le plus simple de connaître la consommation d'un navire est de partir avec le réservoir à 100% et de le remplir à nouveau au retour au port. Toutefois, ce système n'est pas envisageable pour les grands navires où, pour des raisons logistiques, les installations de ravitaillement du port pourraient être débordées. La consommation litres/heure ou euros/heure doit donc être calculée sur la base des données disponibles et en supposant qu'il peut y avoir quelques variations entre le résultat obtenu et la réalité. Ces chiffres peuvent être croisés avec les spécifications de votre bateau pour avoir une idée de votre consommation de carburant lors de vos déplacements :

  • Moteur diesel : 0,3 l x cv x cv
  • Moteur à essence 4 temps : 0,4 l x ch x ch
  • Moteur à essence 2T : 0,6 l x cv x cv

Selon ces estimations, pour un voyage de 8 heures avec un yacht de 2 x 1000 cv, vous consommerez environ 4 800 litres. Le fait de noter vos temps de traversée, la puissance que vous demandez à vos moteurs et l'état de votre jauge de carburant une fois de retour vous aidera à comprendre plus en détail les habitudes de consommation de votre yacht pour les garder en tête lors de vos prochains voyages. Approfondir le sujet : Combien coûte l'entretien d'un bateau ?

Poète et auteure. Passionnée de voile et plus particulièrement de sports nautiques, elle contribue régulièrement au contenu de Annonces du Bateau, iNautia et YachtWorld.

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  • Sichterman T38
  • Libertas 54
  • Felicitatem 68

consommation yacht 15m


LOA 15M / 20M / 24M 50FT / 65FT / 78FT

Top Speed 38 KNOTS

Range 500NM



Get the ultimate sense of freedom on the most powerful and fastest yacht in our fleet.

consommation yacht 15m

Your personal freedom

The honoring of the goddess of liberty began over 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome. To the Romans, liberty meant freedom of action, independence and personal freedom, among other things. Values that are still a vital part of everyday life.

The Sichterman Libertas incorporates all of these elements.

Aluminium Masterpiece

The Libertas’s relatively wide, round-bilge aluminium hull is optimized for a broad speed range. It equals the hard-chine planning hull forms which are most commonly built in this size range in terms of speed, but with a much more economical and comfortable low-speed operation.

consommation yacht 15m

Exterior impressions

consommation yacht 15m


Whether it is the joystick steering option that makes the yacht easy and fun to navigate, the on-board air compressor to inflate toys and equipment, or the private space to freshen up below deck before going on land.

Every detail is designed with a purpose, making the Libertas able to accommodate everything one could wish for. Being able to do so, this all-around functional companion gives its owners the ultimate freedom of choice. The Romans would be proud.

The signature of Cor D. Rover is written clearly on the Libertas, as well as on other Sichterman yachts.

The unique design isn’t only easy on the eyes but serves a purpose as well.
It’s functional, safe and brings a smile to every passenger’s face.

The Libertas’s relatively wide, roundbilge hull is optimized for a broad speed range. It equals the hard-chine planning hull forms which are most commonly built in this size range in terms of speed, but with a much more economical and comfortable
low-speed operation.

With the optimized hull lines by Van Oossanen, the Libertas is able to achieve speeds up to 40 knots with 2 times IPS 950 installed, making it one of the most fuel-efficient boats to sail the international waters.

The simplicity and effectiveness of the design of the Libertas are the result of hundreds of years of sailing yacht history.

Interior impressions

consommation yacht 15m

360°Virtual Tour

consommation yacht 15m


Get in contact.

Want to find out more about the Libertas 15M? Click on ‘Request information’ and please fill out form.

We’ll get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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Cruising the Moskva River: A short guide to boat trips in Russia’s capital

consommation yacht 15m

There’s hardly a better way to absorb Moscow’s atmosphere than on a ship sailing up and down the Moskva River. While complicated ticketing, loud music and chilling winds might dampen the anticipated fun, this checklist will help you to enjoy the scenic views and not fall into common tourist traps.

How to find the right boat?

There are plenty of boats and selecting the right one might be challenging. The size of the boat should be your main criteria.

Plenty of small boats cruise the Moskva River, and the most vivid one is this yellow Lay’s-branded boat. Everyone who has ever visited Moscow probably has seen it.

consommation yacht 15m

This option might leave a passenger disembarking partially deaf as the merciless Russian pop music blasts onboard. A free spirit, however, will find partying on such a vessel to be an unforgettable and authentic experience that’s almost a metaphor for life in modern Russia: too loud, and sometimes too welcoming. Tickets start at $13 (800 rubles) per person.

Bigger boats offer smoother sailing and tend to attract foreign visitors because of their distinct Soviet aura. Indeed, many of the older vessels must have seen better days. They are still afloat, however, and getting aboard is a unique ‘cultural’ experience. Sometimes the crew might offer lunch or dinner to passengers, but this option must be purchased with the ticket. Here is one such  option  offering dinner for $24 (1,490 rubles).

consommation yacht 15m

If you want to travel in style, consider Flotilla Radisson. These large, modern vessels are quite posh, with a cozy restaurant and an attentive crew at your service. Even though the selection of wines and food is modest, these vessels are still much better than other boats.

consommation yacht 15m

Surprisingly, the luxurious boats are priced rather modestly, and a single ticket goes for $17-$32 (1,100-2,000 rubles); also expect a reasonable restaurant bill on top.

How to buy tickets?

Women holding photos of ships promise huge discounts to “the young and beautiful,” and give personal invitations for river tours. They sound and look nice, but there’s a small catch: their ticket prices are usually more than those purchased online.

“We bought tickets from street hawkers for 900 rubles each, only to later discover that the other passengers bought their tickets twice as cheap!”  wrote  (in Russian) a disappointed Rostislav on a travel company website.

Nevertheless, buying from street hawkers has one considerable advantage: they personally escort you to the vessel so that you don’t waste time looking for the boat on your own.

consommation yacht 15m

Prices start at $13 (800 rubles) for one ride, and for an additional $6.5 (400 rubles) you can purchase an unlimited number of tours on the same boat on any given day.

Flotilla Radisson has official ticket offices at Gorky Park and Hotel Ukraine, but they’re often sold out.

Buying online is an option that might save some cash. Websites such as  this   offer considerable discounts for tickets sold online. On a busy Friday night an online purchase might be the only chance to get a ticket on a Flotilla Radisson boat.

This  website  (in Russian) offers multiple options for short river cruises in and around the city center, including offbeat options such as ‘disco cruises’ and ‘children cruises.’ This other  website  sells tickets online, but doesn’t have an English version. The interface is intuitive, however.

Buying tickets online has its bad points, however. The most common is confusing which pier you should go to and missing your river tour.

consommation yacht 15m

“I once bought tickets online to save with the discount that the website offered,” said Igor Shvarkin from Moscow. “The pier was initially marked as ‘Park Kultury,’ but when I arrived it wasn’t easy to find my boat because there were too many there. My guests had to walk a considerable distance before I finally found the vessel that accepted my tickets purchased online,” said the man.

There are two main boarding piers in the city center:  Hotel Ukraine  and  Park Kultury . Always take note of your particular berth when buying tickets online.

Where to sit onboard?

Even on a warm day, the headwind might be chilly for passengers on deck. Make sure you have warm clothes, or that the crew has blankets ready upon request.

The glass-encased hold makes the tour much more comfortable, but not at the expense of having an enjoyable experience.

consommation yacht 15m

Getting off the boat requires preparation as well. Ideally, you should be able to disembark on any pier along the way. In reality, passengers never know where the boat’s captain will make the next stop. Street hawkers often tell passengers in advance where they’ll be able to disembark. If you buy tickets online then you’ll have to research it yourself.

There’s a chance that the captain won’t make any stops at all and will take you back to where the tour began, which is the case with Flotilla Radisson. The safest option is to automatically expect that you’ll return to the pier where you started.

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consommation yacht 15m

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Restaurant-Yacht Chaika

Ratings and reviews, location and contact.

Pleasantly surprised, service is good so is the food. Great selection of Fusion food, a mixture of Italian, Japanese, European, Asian etc. A pleasantly nice dining experience, highly recommended, a must try!

Thank you for your feedback and invite you to have lunch or dinner again aboard the ship in an atmosphere of high standards of yacht hospitality.

everything was perfect - the food, the service, the desserts were the best, nice atmosphere and the location - magical

Best food, best view in Moscow. absolutely faultless from arrival to finish. Best risotto i had for many years absolutely perfectly cooked. The view on Ukrainian hotel and the white house by night is amazing

Had to wait for the food for 1.5 hours and then another 20 minutes for the check. Finally called for the manager and he offered... a 10% discount as a compensation. Simply pathetic! The food is mediocre at best. Not bad per se, but one... would expect something better considering the prices. There are many places to eat in area that are much better. Avoid this one at all costs. More

Hello, Alexander Your comment is extremely important for us, thank you a lot for it. We are terribly sorry for your time that you`ve spent waiting your order and we have already taken actions to improve quality of our service and it would be realy... More

Food is very expensive,very pretentious, doesn't worth that money. Portions are very small. We ordered ravioli and there were 4! Four raviolis! For almost 15 euros. Then we asked to bring us dessert menu but nothing, they didn't even bothered, so we payed and left... without dessert. Very poor service for that price. More

This is a very good restaurant. The food is really good, maybe the best in Moscow. The service is also good. The view from the restaurant is great. The prices are very high.

I often visit this restaurant and must say it’s one of the best in Moscow in terms of quality and service. Staff really try hard to make sure that you are happy and satisfied. Customer service is a huge problem in Moscow but Chaika sets... a great example for others in the industry! Food is delicious and the menu has lots of options for everyone! Atmosphere is great and view is beautiful on the embankment. Special thanks to German & Oleg! More

Thank you for your feedback! Again aboard the yacht restaurant "Chaika" in accordance with the high standards of yacht hospitality.

Highly recommended, great location in the city center of Moscow with a superb atmosphere. Too many menu choices, though all delicious!

consommation yacht 15m

Thx a lot for your review! We are looking forward to see you in our restaurants.

Visited this lovely restaurant with a friend of mine. It was relaxingly warm August evening - so the place on the river seemed like a good idea. We came quite early and the restaurant was not full. The hostesses kindly offered several places to sit... and we chose to sit on the sofas. We had some wine, which was good. We struggled a bit when deciding about the food as few options (scallops) were not available. Fish on ice on display did not look very fresh. To be honest it was an unusually hot August and it is probably understandable that some see food options were not available. However, we did manage to order something and sat waiting and looking onto the river. My long-legged friend struggled sitting at the low sofa and the manager noticed that, offering as a very good, proper table beside the open window. It was nice touch and I was very pleased by their polite observations and immediate reaction to solve the problem. Food was quite good and presentation was perfect. Perhaps I can something about the food, but 1 visit is not enough to criticize or make a definitive opinion. Overall, quality place, which of course, does not come cheap. I would recommend this restaurant without hesitation. More

Good afternoon! Thank you for your detailed feedback! We are looking forward to seeing you again, we are sure that you will be delighted with our dishes!

I've been here several times during two business trip in Moscow. The overall quality for both service and food is absolutely top-notch, plus the location is very unique.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback! We are looking forward to visiting again!

Located on a boat at Krasnopresenskaya River Bank this 5 Star Restaurant transforms into a party location due to multiple groups hosting events. Impressive wine selection, Asian and European kitchen...

consommation yacht 15m

Thx a lot! We are waiting for you!

It is a nice place to gather specially at the lounge The service and staff very good I like the river view The food is almost like all restaurants in Russia they serve different cuisine. Staring Russian appetizer till Asian dishes Presentation and taste amazing... I consider it overpriced little bit More

Good location. Nice views. Good choice of food and drinks. European and Asian menu. Nice service. Pricey enough.

Had a large group dinner here. Food was above average and service quite good. The real attraction is the view of Moscow from the river on a nice night. Great place for a larger group dinner. More

Hello, John We are really pleased by reading that you and your friends were satisfied by our service, client`s experience is the highest value for us. We will be happy to see you again, come and enjoy some new dishes from our chef and nice... More

The luxurious atmosphere of this place, the view and the location make it quite outstanding. We had dinner here with friends and the dishes were amazing, accompanied by a chilled bottle of Chablis, it really made me feel as if it was a part of... the classic Russian movie. More

RESTAURANT-YACHT CHAIKA, Moscow - Presnensky - Menu, Prices & Restaurant Reviews - Tripadvisor

  • Service: 4.5
  • Atmosphere: 4.5


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  17. Libertas 15M

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  21. Radisson Flotilla

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    Restaurant-Yacht Chaika. Claimed. Review. Save. Share. 185 reviews #547 of 10,697 Restaurants in Moscow $$$$ Italian Seafood Mediterranean. Krasnopresnenskaya Emb., 12A Berth International Exhibition, Moscow 123610 Russia +7 495 777-87-88 Website Menu. Closed now : See all hours.

  23. ecodemica Moscow City

    ecodemica Moscow City, Moscow, Russia. 8 likes · 31 were here. Магазин косметики