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How Four NFT Novices Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of Cartoon Apes

By Samantha Hissong

Samantha Hissong

J ust last year, the four thirtysomethings behind Bored Ape Yacht Club — a collection of 10,000 NFTs, which house cartoon primates and unlock the virtual world they live in — were living modest lifestyles and working day jobs as they fiddled with creative projects on the side. Now, they’re multimillionaires who made it big off edgy, haphazardly constructed art pieces that also act as membership cards to a decentralized community of madcaps. What’s more punk rock than that?

The phenomenal nature of it all has to do with the recent appearance, all over the internet, of images of grungy apes with unimpressed expressions on their faces and human clothes on their sometimes-multicolored, sometimes-metal bodies. Most of the apes look like characters one might see in a comic about hipsters in Williamsburg — some are smoking and some have pizza hanging from their lips, while others don leather jackets, beanies, and grills. The core-team Apes describe the graffiti-covered bathroom of the club itself — which looks like a sticky Tiki bar — in a way that echoes that project’s broader mission: “Think of it as a collaborative art experiment for the cryptosphere.” As for the pixel-ish walls around the virtual toilet, that’s really just “a members-only canvas for the discerning minds of crypto Twitter,” according to a blurb on the website, which recognizes that it’s probably “going to be full of dicks.”

(Full-disclosure: Rolling Stone just announced a partnership with the Apes and is creating a collectible zine — similar to what the magazine did with Billie Eilish — and NFTs.)

“I always go balls to the wall,” founding Ape Gordon Goner tells Rolling Stone over Zoom. Everything about Goner, who could pass for a weathered 30 or a young 40, screams “frontman,” from his neck tattoo to his sturdy physique to the dark circles under his eyes and his brazen attitude. He’s a risk taker: Back during his gambling-problem days, he admits he’d “kill it at the tables” and then lose it all at the slot machines on the way to the car. He’s also the only one in the group that wasn’t working a normal nine-to-five before the sudden tsunami of their current successes — and that’s because he’s never had a “real job. Not bad for a high school dropout,” he says through a smirk. Although Goner and his comrades’ aesthetic and rapport mirror that of a musical act freshly thrust into stardom, they’re actually the creators of Yuga Labs, a Web3 company. 

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Goner and his partners in creative crime — Gargamel, No Sass, and Emperor Tomato Ketchup — were inspired by the communities of crypto lovers that have blossomed on platforms like Twitter in recent years. Clearly, people with this once-niche interest craved a destination to gather, discuss blockchain-related developments, and hurl the most inside of inside jokes. Why not, they thought, give NFT collectors their own official home? And Bored Ape Yacht Club was born.

This summer, 101 of Yuga Labs’ Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens, which were first minted in early May, resold for $24.4 million in an auction hosted by the fine-art house Sotheby’s. Competitor Christie’s followed shortly thereafter, auctioning off an art collectors’ haul of modern-day artifacts — which included four apes — for $12 million. Around the same time, one collector bought a single token directly from OpenSea — kind of like eBay for NFTs — for $2.65 million. A few weeks later, another Sotheby’s sale set a new auction record for the most-valuable single Bored Ape ever sold: Ape number 8,817 went for $3.4 million. At press time, tokens related to the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem — this includes the traditional apes, but also things called “mutant” apes and the apes’ pets — had generated around $1 billion. “My name’s not even Gordon,” says Goner, who, like the rest of Yuga Labs’ inner circle, chooses to hide his true identity behind a quirky pseudonym. “Gordon Goner just sounded like Joey Ramone. And that made it sound like I was in a band called the Goners. I thought that was fucking cool. But when we first started, I kept asking, ‘Are we the Beastie Boys of NFTs?’ Because, right after our initial success it felt like the Beastie Boys going on tour with Madonna: Everyone was like, ‘Who the fuck are these kids?’ ” (Funnily enough, Madonna’s longtime manager, Guy Oseary, signed on to rep the foursome about a month after Goner made this comment to Rolling Stone .) He’s referring to the commotion that immediately followed the first few days of Bored Ape Yacht Club’s existence, when sales were dismal. “Things were moving so slowly in that weeklong presale,” recalls Goner’s more soft-spoken colleague, Emperor Tomato Ketchup. “I think we made something between $30,000 and $60,000 total in sales. And then, overnight, it exploded. All of us were like, ‘Oh fuck, this is real now.’ ” The 10,000 tokens — each originally priced at 0.08 Ethereum (ETH), around $300 — had sold out. While the crypto community may have been asking who they were, the general public started wondering what all the fuss was about. Even Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry started using his ape as his Twitter profile picture, for all of his 15.5 million followers to behold. 

Bored Ape art isn’t as valuable as it is because it’s visually pleasing, even though it is. It’s valuable because it also serves as a digital identity — for which its owner receives commercial usage rights, meaning they can sell any sort of spinoff product based on the art. The tokens, meanwhile, act like ID cards that give the owners access to an online Soho House of sorts — just a nerdier, more buck-wild one. Noah Davis, who heads up Christie’s online sales department for digital art, says that it’s the “perennial freebies and perks” that solidify the Bored Ape Yacht Club as “one of the most rewarding and coveted memberships.” “In the eyes of most — if not almost all of the art community — BAYC is completely misunderstood,” he says. However, within other tribes of pop culture, he continues, hugely prominent figures cherish the idea of having a global hub for some of the most “like-minded, tech-savvy, and forward-thinking individuals on the planet.” Gargamel is “a name I ridiculously gave myself based off the fact that my fiancée had never seen The Smurfs when we were launching this,” says Goner’s right-hand man, who looks kind of like a cross between the character he named himself after and an indie-music-listening liberal-arts school alum. He’s flabbergasted at the unexpected permanence of it all. “Now, I meet with CEOs of billion-dollar companies, and I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m Gargamel. What is it that you would like to speak to me about?’ ” 

The gang bursts out in laughter.

In conversing, Gargamel and Goner, whose relationship is the connective tissue that brought the others in, are mostly playful — but they do bicker, similar to how a frontman and lead guitarist might butt heads in learning to share the spotlight. They first met in their early twenties at a dive bar, in Miami, where they were both born and raised, and immediately started arguing about books. “He doesn’t like David Foster Wallace because he’s wrong about things,” Goner interjects, cheekily, as Gargamel attempts to tell their story. “He hasn’t even read Infinite Jest . He criticizes him, and yet he’s never read the book! He’s like, ‘Oh, it’s pretentious MFA garbage.’ No, it’s not.” Gargamel then points out that he has read other books by Wallace, while No Sass, who still hasn’t chimed in, flashes a half-smile that suggests they’ve been down this road more than once before. “I think, on the whole, he was the worst thing to happen to fucking MFA programs, given all the things people were churning out,” says Gargamel. They eventually decide to agree that Wallace, like J.D. Salinger, isn’t always interpreted correctly or taught well, and we move on — only after Goner points out the tattoos he got for Kurt Vonnegut and Charles Bukowski “at like 17,” but before diving too deep into postmodernist concepts. Goner and Gargamel’s relationship speaks to how the group operates as a whole, according to No Sass, whose name is self-explanatory. “There’s always a yin and yang going on,” he says. Throughout the call, No Sass continues to make sense of things and keep the others in check in an unwavering manner, positioning him as the backbone of the group — or our metaphorical drummer. “It’s like, I’ll come up with the idea that wins us the game,” Goner says, referencing his casino-traversing past. “And his job is to make sure we make it to the car park.” No Sass’ rhythm-section counterpart is clearly Tomato, the pseudo-band’s secret weapon who’s loaded with talent and harder to read. (He picked his name while staring at an album of the same name by English-French band Stereolab.) The project’s name, Bored Ape Yacht Club, represents a club for people who got rich quick by “aping in” — crypto slang for investing big in something unsure — and, thusly, are too bored to do anything but create memes and debate about analytics. The “yacht” part is coated in satire, given that the digital clubhouse the apes congregate in was designed to look like a dive bar in the swampy Everglades. 

Gargamel, whose college roommate started mining Bitcoin back in 2010, got Goner into crypto in 2017, when the latter was bedridden with an undisclosed illness, bored, and on his phone. “I knew he had a risk-friendly profile,” Gargamel says. “I said, ‘I’m throwing some money into some stupid shit here. You wanna get in this with me?’ He immediately took to it so hard, and we rode that euphoric wave of 2017 crypto up — and then cried all the way down the other side of the roller coaster.” At the start of 2021, they looked at modern relics like CryptoPunks and Hashmasks, which have both become a sort of cultural currency, and they looked at “crypto Twitter,” and wondered what would happen if they combined the collectible-art component with community membership via gamification. The idea was golden but they weren’t technologically savvy enough to know how to build the back end. So, Gargamel called up No Sass and Tomato, who both studied computer science at the same university he had attended for grad school. “I had no idea what was involved in the code for this,” Gargamel admits. “I read something that said something about Javascript, so I called them and said, ‘Do you guys know anything about Javascript?’ And that couldn’t be further from what you’re supposed to know.” While they were tech-savvy, No Sass and Tomato were not crypto-savvy. They both wrote their first lines of solidity code — a language for smart contracts — in February of this year. “I was like, ‘Just learn it! It’s going to be great. Let’s go,’ ” recalls Gargamel. “From a technical perspective, some of the stuff that we’ve built out has had relatively janky workflows, which people then seize upon, asking us how we did it,” says Tomato. “It’s actually stake-and-wire or whatever, but nobody else has done it.” A lot of “stress and fear” went into the first drop, according to No Sass: “We were constantly on the phone going, ‘Oh, shit, is this OK? Is it going to explode?’ ” He shakes his head. “I wish we still had simple NFT drops. We can pump those out superfast now.” “Every single thing we do scares the shit out of me,” adds Tomato.

They started out with unsharpened goals of capitalizing on a very clear trend. But a fter one particularly enervating night of incessant spitballing, Goner realized that all he really wanted was something to do and for like-minded people to talk to in an immersive, fantastical world. Virtual art was enticing, but it needed to do something too. “We’d see these NFT collections that didn’t have any utility,” Goner says. “That didn’t make any sense to me at the time, because you can cryptographically verify who owns these things. Why wouldn’t you offer some sort of utility?”

Gargamel told him the next day he loved the clubhouse idea so much that he’d want to do it even if it was a failure. They realized they just craved “a hilarious story to tell 10 years later,” Gargamel says. “I figured we’d say, ‘Yeah, we spent 40 grand and six months making a club for apes, but it didn’t go anywhere.’ And that’s how we actually started having fun in the process.” Goner chimes in: “Because at least we could say, ‘This is how we spent our summer. How ridiculous is that? We made the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and it was a total disaster.’ ”  Gargamel interjects to remind everyone that Tomato ended up reacting to their springtime victory by buying a Volvo, the memory of which incites another surge of laughter. They haven’t indulged in too many lavish purchases since then, but they all ordered Pelotons, Tomato bought a second Volvo, and they all paid their moms back for supporting them in becoming modern-day mad scientists. “I’ll never forget the night that we sold out,” says No Sass. “It was like two or three in the morning, and I hear my phone ring. I see that it’s Tomato and think something has gone terribly wrong. I pick up the phone and he’s like, ‘Dude, you need to wake up right now. We just made a million dollars.’ ” Nansen, a company that tracks blockchain analytics, reported that for one night Bored Ape Yacht Club had the most-used smart contract on Ethereum. “That’s absurd,” says Gargamel. “Uniswap [a popular network of decentralized finance apps] does billions and billions of transactions. But for that one night, we took over the world.” At press time, the foursome — let’s just go ahead and call them the Goners — had personally generated about $22 million from the secondary market alone. “Every time I talk to my parents about how this has blown up, they literally do not know what to say,” adds Tomato, whose mom started crying when he first explained what had happened.

Since its opening, the group has created pets for the apes via the Bored Ape Kennel Club, as well as the Mutant Ape Yacht Club. The latter was launched to expand the community to interested individuals who weren’t brave enough to “ape in” at the beginning: Yuga Labs unleashed 10,000 festering, bubbling, and/or oozing apes — complete with missing limbs and weird growths — via a surprise Dutch auction, which was used to deter bots from snatching up inventory by starting at a maximum price and working its way down. With a starting price of 3 ETH — or about $11,000 — this move opened up the playing field for about an hour, which is how long it took for the mutants to sell out. (The team also randomly airdropped 10,000 “serums,” which now pop up on OpenSea for tens of thousands of dollars, for pre-existing Apes to “drink” and thusly create zombified clones.) When they sold 500 tangible hats to ape-holders in June, the guys spent days packaging products in Gargamel’s mom’s backyard in Florida. “Immediately, some of them sold for thousands of dollars,” Gargamel exclaims. “It was a $25 hat. We were like, ‘Holy shit, we can be a Web3 streetwear brand. What does that even look like?’ ”

bar interior mutant arcade bored apes yacht club

But the team is still searching for ways to create more value by building even more doors that the tokens can unlock. They recently surprised collectors with a treasure hunt; the winner received 5 ETH — worth more than $16,000 at press time — and another ape. And on Oct. 1, they announced the first annual Ape Fest, which runs from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6 and includse an in-person gallery party, yacht party, warehouse party, merch pop-up, and charity dinner in New York. Goner tells Rolling Stone that they’re currently discussing partnership ideas with multiple musical acts, but he refuses to reveal additional details in fear of jinxing things. Further down the line, the Goners see a future of interoperability, so that collectors can upload their apes into various corners of the metaverse: Hypothetically, an ape could appear inside a popular video game like Fortnite , and the user could dress it in digital versions of Bored Ape Yacht Club merch. “We want to encourage that as much as possible,” says Gargamel. “We’re making three-dimensional models of everybody’s ape now. But, y’know, making 10,000 perfect models takes a little bit of time.” At the start of the year, the guys had no idea their potentially disastrous idea would become a full-time job. They were working 14 hours a day to get the project up and running, and after the big drop, they decided to up that to 16 hours a day. “None of us have really slept in almost seven months now,” says Goner. “We’re teetering on burnout.” To avoid that, Yuga Labs has already put a slew of artists on staff and hired social media managers and Discord community managers, as well as a CFO. “We want to be a Web3 lifestyle company,” says Goner, who emphasizes that they’re still growing. “I’m a metaverse maximalist at this point. I think that Ready Player One experience is really on the cusp of happening in this world.” If Bored Ape Yacht Club is essentially this band of brothers’ debut album, there’s really no telling what their greatest hits will look like.

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Crypto Fanboys Are Mad the Men Behind Bored Ape Yacht Club Have Been Revealed

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The mysterious creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), an NFT collection of 10,000 gorilla avatars that has permeated online celebrity culture, were finally unmasked on Friday: A BuzzFeed report identified Greg Solano, 32, and Wylie Aronow, 35, who both grew up in Florida, as the brand’s founders. Solano, a writer and editor, was previously only known by the pen name “Gargamel,” while Aronow used the pseudonym “Gordon Goner.” The duo confirmed the reveal of their real names on Twitter: “Got doxxed against my will. Oh well,” wrote Aronow, sharing a real photo of himself alongside the NFT avatar that he uses as his profile picture—a meme known as “Web2 me vs. Web3 me.” Solano followed suit with a picture of himself and his own version of the meme, adding , “Got doxed so why not.” 

While Solano and Aronow claimed that BuzzFeed “doxed” them, that term refers to the public release of an individual’s private information, such as their home address or phone number, by a bad actor—particularly one trying to foment a harassment campaign. BuzzFeed’s unmasking of the BAYC cofounders, in contrast, was motivated by the belief that the public should know who is actually running a company that could soon receive a multibillion-dollar valuation.

Katie Notopoulos, the BuzzFeed News reporter who authored the piece, initially identified Solano and Aronow by sifting through publicly available records for Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Apes brand. Yuga Labs CEO  Nicole Muniz  later confirmed her reporting. While Aronow and Solano are not the artists responsible for creating their brand’s NFTs, the two came up with the idea for BAYC and are its public leaders. A creator known as “Seneca” is the  lead designer  of BAYC’s original collection; all the digital art pieces share a nearly identical base look but differ in accessories, facial expressions, and colorization. Two other BAYC cocreators are still only known by their online handles: “Emperor Tomato Ketchup” and “No Sass.”

Solano and Aronow’s unmasking has implications that stretch beyond fans of the trendy and controversial gorilla avatars. Writing about BuzzFeed’s decision to report on their identities, Notopoulos pointed out that “there are reasons why in the traditional business world, the CEO or founder of a company uses their real name and not a pseudonym.” She continued: “The people behind BAYC are courting investors and running a business that is potentially worth billions.... How do you hold them accountable if you don’t know who they are?” (One day before BuzzFeed published its report, news broke that Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley–based venture capital firm founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, had expressed interest in buying a stake in Yuga Labs, one that could give it a valuation between $4 billion and $5 billion, according to the Financial Times . Andreessen declined F.T. ’s request for comment.)

But the public-interest argument did not stop the crypto community from attacking Notopoulos.  Adam Hollander, the founder of Microsoft’s Incent Games and  self-proclaimed  “owner of #BAYC 3987,”  wrote  that BuzzFeed’s reporting was “not only unprofessional - it was downright dangerous.” Hollander went on to write that “Buzzfeed should apologize” and cover the costs for Aronow and Solano to hire personal security guards. (Notopoulos did not immediately respond to Vanity Fair ’s request for comment.) Another BAYC fan appeared to threaten  to retaliate against the journalist herself, vowing to “post a bunch of your personal info like you did to bayc founders. Starting with location, place of work, parents home, siblings addresses…Your parents suburbs are not that far away actually.” 

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Maxwell Strachan, an editor and writer at Vice’s Motherboard, characterized the backlash to Notopoulos’s reporting as a microcosm of what “the next 5 years will look like” as the so-called Web3 movement continues to gain steam. “This is a brand raising millions of dollars from one of the world’s most powerful VC firms at a $4 billion valuation. Yet, people believe they are just like them,” he tweeted . “It’s hard right now to think through the ramifications of a new Web 3 world where people who head some of the more influential organizations remain wholly anonymous—and are vigorously defended for doing so.” Jeff Bercovici, the deputy business editor at the Los Angeles Times, echoed Strachan’s sentiment: “The backlash isn’t surprising but it betrays deep ignorance about the function of journalism and an entitled belief that crypto must be covered on its own terms,” he wrote . “If you’re mad about Buzzfeed naming the BAYC founders, your beef is with journalism.… If you’re OK with billionaire lists and locker-room reporting but outraged today because crypto, that’s called special pleading.”

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This tension between born-again crypto believers and tech journalists whose job includes reporting on the NFT craze doesn’t appear to be abating anytime soon. In recent months, BAYC seems to have cemented itself into the internet’s financial landscape: Millions of dollars in Ethereum, a cryptocurrency used for buying and selling NFTs on platforms like OpenSea, have been spent on Bored Ape NFTs. The BAYC hype train, which runs on artificial scarcity and market speculation, has also been fueled by A-list celebrities from every industry jumping aboard, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Steph Curry, Justin Bieber, Paris Hilton, and Mark Cuban. In December, BAYC even obtained its own Adidas collaboration, with the massive sneaker manufacturer announcing its “leap Into The Metaverse” on Twitter and making its profile picture a Bored Ape NFT donning a three-stripe tracksuit.

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SUPERBORED by Bored Ape Yacht Club x Superplastic

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The high-profile Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT project is stepping out of the metaverse and into display cases with the new SUPERBORED art toy line from Superplastic .

The line begins with two characters, Curtis and Skipper , each 13″ tall. While the overall designs and sculpts are similar, each differs in terms of their fashion game. Curtis rocks a captain’s hat, cigar and goes barefoot while Skipper opts for a sailor’s hat, army jacket and high tops.

The first SUPERBORED drop features five designs, three of which are ‘gated’/reserved for NFT holders ( BAYC Curtis , MAYC Curtis and Superplastic Skipper ) and two that are available to all ( Public Curtis and Public Skipper ).

Each of the 13″ SUPERBORED art toys will be available from Superplastic’s SUPERBORED page for $222 on Thursday (4.14) for 15 minute windows per the schedule below:

  • BAYC Curtis @ 10 AM PDT (open to BAYC holders)
  • Superplastic Skipper @ 10:45 AM PDT ( Cryptojankyz , Headtripz , and Supergucci holders)
  • MAYC Curtis @ 11:30 AM PDT ( MAYC holders)
  • Public Curtis @ 12:15 PM PDT (open to all)
  • Public Skipper @ 12:15 PM PDT (open to all)

Shipping dates for these timed editions have not been announced.

TAGGED: Bored Ape Yacht Club , SUPERBORED , Superplastic

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Mayor claims drone intercepted near Moscow

Russian air defense units allegedly intercepted a drone over the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Oblast, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported in a Telegram post on Nov. 19.

Sobyanin claims the drone was heading towards central Moscow.

The Mayor also said emergency services were at work at the crash site but no casualties or damage to infrastructure have been reported.

The Kyiv Independent could not independently verify the reports.

Since the launch of Russia's full-scale invasion, Ukrainian forces have targeted Russian military, logistics, and infrastructure sites in the occupied territories and within Russia.

Today's drone report comes just hours after Ukraine's alleged drone attack was intercepted over the Bogorodskoye municipal district in Moscow Oblast.

While claims of Ukrainian attacks within Russian territory have increased since summer 2023, Kyiv rarely comments on these reports.

Read also: Ukraine war latest: Zelensky replaces Medical Forces Commander

We’ve been working hard to bring you independent, locally-sourced news from Ukraine. Consider supporting the Kyiv Independent .

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Jake Paul hasn’t really fought anyone out for blood like "Platinum" Mike Perry.

Mortgage rates today, July 19, 2024: Fixed and adjustable rates move lower

These are today's mortgage rates. Fixed and adjustable rates mostly move lower. Lock in your rate today.

Dodgers RHP Dustin May out for rest of 2024 due to a torn esophagus

That's a new one.

Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

pulse ape yacht club

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Saturn Stadium


  1. PULSE Ape Yacht Club NFT Rug Pull 😱

    pulse ape yacht club

  2. SUPERBORED by Bored Ape Yacht Club x Superplastic

    pulse ape yacht club

  3. Superplastic x Bored Ape Yacht Club

    pulse ape yacht club

  4. SUPERBORED by Bored Ape Yacht Club x Superplastic

    pulse ape yacht club

  5. Pulsechain News: Coast Fiat Onramp, Offramp & CST Stable, Pulse Ape

    pulse ape yacht club

  6. SUPERBORED by Bored Ape Yacht Club x Superplastic

    pulse ape yacht club


  1. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    Welcome to the official home of BAYC and MAYC. Log in if you're a member or learn more about the collections, perks, unique IP rights, and more.

  2. PULSE Ape Yacht Club NFT Rug Pull

    New NFT project that includes staking, burning of plsx, and Token launch is soon.

  3. BAYC

    Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits. A limited NFT collection where the token itself doubles as your membership to a swamp club for apes. The club is open! Ape in with us. The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles ...

  4. Welcome to Yuga Labs, Home of BAYC, MAYC, Otherside, Cryptopunks, and

    The company's flagship collection, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), launched in April 2021, with each NFT doubling as a membership to the community. Inspired by the early crypto adopters who aped in, struck gold, yet always seemed bored - 10,000 Bored Apes were minted for roughly $200 at the time. The NFT collection sold out in the early ...

  5. How Bored Ape Yacht Club Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of NFTs

    This summer, 101 of Yuga Labs' Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens, which were first minted in early May, resold for $24.4 million in an auction hosted by the fine-art house Sotheby's. Competitor ...

  6. Pulse Ape Yacht Club

    PULSE APE YACHT CLUB. 268 members, 43 online. Join Group. You are invited to the group PULSE APE YACHT CLUB. Click above to join. ...

  7. What is Bored Ape Yacht Club?

    B ored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is an edition of 10,000 NFTs that began life as a simple profile picture (PFP) collection. Each NFT features a Bored Ape, constructed from a combination of around 170 traits . And every Ape, with each one having a different combination of over 170 traits. The project was created and exists on the Ethereum blockchain ...

  8. The Pulse Ape Yacht Club ($PAYC) Story Begins On Pulsechain!

    👉 Want To Support the Channel? ETH address: 0xf922f73673CdF547A2DA4E3E69854C0868428aE7🚀 PUSD ALGO Sacrifice is out! Grab a 19% Referral Bonus using referr...

  9. What's the Story Behind Bored Ape Yacht Club Creator Yuga Labs?

    That was until Yuga Labs came along. That's the company behind the $3 billion Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection. Unlike most NFT projects before it, Yuga Labs introduced new and improved ...

  10. Exclusive Interview: BAYC Aims to Return to Roots After Community Outcry

    — Bored Ape Yacht Club 🍌 (@BoredApeYC) January 17, 2024. Community Discontent. The years 2023 and early 2024 have been turbulent for BAYC, with mixed receptions and technical troubles for projects like Legends Of The Mara and HV-MTL. In the first two weeks of January 2024, holder discontent reached a head.

  11. Crypto Fans Are Mad the Men Behind Bored Ape Yacht Club Have Been

    Shutterstock. The mysterious creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), an NFT collection of 10,000 gorilla avatars that has permeated online celebrity culture, were finally unmasked on Friday ...

  12. SUPERBORED by Bored Ape Yacht Club x Superplastic

    The high-profile Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT project is stepping out of the metaverse and into display cases with the new SUPERBORED art toy line from Superplastic.. The line begins with two characters, Curtis and Skipper, each 13″ tall.While the overall designs and sculpts are similar, each differs in terms of their fashion game.

  13. Mayor claims drone intercepted near Moscow

    Russian air defense units allegedly intercepted a drone over the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Oblast, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported in a Telegram post on Nov. 19.

  14. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  15. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  16. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow ...

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.