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MSC Yacht club gold and white logo | MSC Cruises



MSC Yacht Club | MSC Cruises


      lusso, privacy ed esclusività.

MSC Yacht Club servizio maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 | MSC Crociere


MSC Yacht Club è un'autentica nave nella nave: ogni area di MSC Yacht Club è stata ideata per offrire ai nostri ospiti i più alti standard di comfort e privacy .

Lasciati ispirare dalla nostra selezione di aree esclusive.


Top Sail Lounge

Il Top Sail Lounge, situato nell'area di MSC Yacht Club a prua della nave, offre panorami mozzafiato insieme proposte gastronomiche e servizio eccezionali. Come parte di un'esperienza di crociera di lusso, questo lounge esclusivo è accessibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 ai soli ospiti di MSC Yacht Club. Ad attenderti, un bar con bevande premium incluse e disponibili tutto il giorno, oltre a deliziosi finger food gourmet in diversi orari. Puoi goderti la musica dal vivo ogni sera e partecipare ad eventi come il momento High Tea e il cocktail di benvenuto del Comandante.

Ristorante MSC Yacht Club

Il Ristorante MSC Yacht Club è un luogo esclusivo e privato riservato solo a te con una spettacolare vista sul mare. Intraprendi un viaggio culinario e deliziati con creazioni gourmet ed un servizio a cinque stelle. Dai menu à la carte con cucina mediterranea e internazionale di alta qualità ad un team dedicato di chef internazionali che si riforniscono di prodotti locali freschi e di prima qualità, tutto è pensato per stuzzicare le tue papille gustative. Il nostro Sommelier dedicato sarà lieto di consigliarti il miglior abbinamento tra vino e pietanze e di presentarti l'ampia selezione di vini.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar è una terrazza all'aperto esclusiva, dove gli ospiti possono gustare pasti e bevande tutto il giorno. Inizia la mattina presto con un'ampia selezione di opzioni per la colazione dai cereali a omelette, french toast e uova fritte. I nostri camerieri si prenderanno cura di ogni tua esigenza al bar della piscina: deliziati con una varietà di bevande come cocktail, birre, vini e, per un tocco sofisticato per la tua esperienza serale, assapora un bicchiere di delizioso champagne.

MSC Yacht Club Grill è disponibile sulle navi di classe Meraviglia, Seaside e World

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool è un'esclusiva e lussuosa area piscina con un ampio solarium e rilassanti vasche idromassaggio per una straordinaria e raffinata esperienza di crociera. In MSC Yacht Club ti viene fornito un servizio eccellente, tra cui asciugamani ed un panno per la pulizia degli occhiali mentre ti godi fantastici momenti di relax in piscina. Gazebi eleganti e riservati sono disponibili su navi selezionate.


Sperimenta una straordinaria ed elegante ospitalità durante la tua crociera di lusso con MSC Yacht Club . Scopri le suite arredate sontuosamente e progettate con meticolosa attenzione ai dettagli .

Immergiti nel massimo del comfort con servizi di lusso e tocchi di classe .

Scopri di seguito tutte le nostre suite MSC Yacht Club disponibili per la prenotazione.

MSC Yacht Club Owner’s Suite With Whirlpool Bath| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 104 mq, balcone 48 mq, ponte 16
  • Camera da letto con letto matrimoniale
  • Zona giorno separata con divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Finestre panoramiche a tutta altezza e porte in vetro
  • Ampio balcone privato con vasca idromassaggio, tavolo da pranzo e sedie
  • Bagno in marmo con vasca, doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"
  • Asciugamani e biancheria da letto ricamati su misura di alta qualità 100% cotone
  • Ciabattine e accappatoio in cotone 100% per l'uso a bordo
  • Spaziosa cabina armadio
  • Angolo bar, frigorifero, macchina da caffè Nespresso, frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto e cioccolatini Venchi ogni giorno
  • TV interattiva, telefono, cassaforte e aria condizionata

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC World Europa Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite)

MSC Yacht club Royal suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 51-58 mq, balcone 42-51 mq, ponti 16-18
  • Zona living con divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Bagno in marmo con ampia doccia e vasca da bagno e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med" (alcune suite dispongono solo di una grande vasca da bagno)
  • Asciugamani e lenzuola ricamati su misura di alta qualità, 100% cotone
  • Angolo bar, frigorifero, macchina Nespresso e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto
  • Cioccolatini Venchi ogni giorno

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suite with whirlpool| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie circa 46 mq, balcone 28- 31 mq, ponte 16
  • Suite su due ponti situata sui ponti di prua della nave

Livello principale (ingresso suite):

  • Soggiorno separato con tavolo da pranzo e divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Balcone privato con vasca idromassaggio, tavolo e sedie da esterno
  • Bagno in marmo con doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"

Secondo livello:

  • Camera da letto matrimoniale con letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta)
  • Bagno in marmo con vasca e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"
  • Solarium privato con lettini, accessibile dalle scale esterne
  • Armadio spazioso

Ogni suite è dotata di:

  • Angolo bar e macchina Nespresso
  • Frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto
  • TV interattiva e telefono disponibili su ogni piano
  • Cassaforte e aria condizionata

MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 46 mq, balcone 6 mq, ponte 16

Livello principale (ingresso Suite):

  • Balcone con sedie da esterno e tavolo
  • Cabina armadio
  • Minibar e macchina Nespresso

MSC Yacht Club Executive & Family Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 40-53 mq, ponte 12
  • Letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta) con vetrata panoramica sigillata sul lato (senza accesso all'esterno)
  • Soggiorno separato con divani e poltrone con vetrata panoramica sigillata (nessun accesso all'esterno)
  • Asciugamani e biancheria da letto ricamati su misura di alta qualità100% cotone
  • Minibar, bollitore per tè e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC Fantasia Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite)


MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 31-43 mq, balcone 8-21 mq, ponti 16-19
  • Letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta)
  • Balcone arredato con sedie da esterno e tavolo
  • Minibar, macchina Nespresso e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC Seashore Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite) NB: Alcune Grand Suite MSC Yacht Club sono adattate per ospiti con disabilità o mobilità ridotta.

MSC Yacht club deluxe suite | MSC Cruises

  • Sperficie: circa 25 mq, balcone 5 mq, ponti 15-21

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC World Europa Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite) NB: Alcune suite deluxe di MSC Yacht Club sono adattate per ospiti con disabilità o mobilità ridotta.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 15 mq, ponti 15-16
  • Bagno con doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"


Dalle eleganti suite al servizio di maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , MSC Yacht Club offre un'esperienza di crociera di lusso all-inclusive, intima ed esclusiva. Il tutto, senza rinunciare agli innumerevoli intrattenimenti e servizi offerti dal resto della nave. Scopri di più:

MSC Yacht Club priviledges | MSC Cruises

Immergiti in un viaggio di scoperte che coinvolgerà tutti i tuoi sensi. Circondati di un comfort impareggiabile a bordo delle nostre splendide navi in aree dedicate, tra cui un ristorante privato, lounge esclusivo, una piscina e un solarium, tutti con servizio bevande incluso.

  • Servizio maggiordomo disponibile 24 ore su 24
  • Concierge dedicato 24 ore su 24
  • Bevande Premium incluse: pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra in tutte le aree della nave
  • Pacchetto Internet Browse - 2 dispositivi a persona con Pacchetto Internet illimitato
  • Check-in e check-out prioritari dedicati
  • Room Service disponibile 24 ore su 24
  • Accesso gratuito all’Area Termale di MSC Aurea SPA
  • Dotazioni per il relax in ogni Suite (incluso accappatoio e ciabattine) e menù di cuscini
  • Altri tocchi dedicati come il servizio di preparazione/disfacimento bagagli, consegna del quotidiano direttamente in cabina su richiesta
  • L'esperienza più ricca per i punti MSC Voyagers Club
  • Un cambio di crociera gratuito** (si prega di consultare i Termini e Condizioni)

MSC Yacht Club exclusivity| MSC Cruises

Scopri un mondo in cui la privacy incontra il lusso, dove ogni dettaglio è meticolosamente realizzato per superare le tue aspettative. Benvenuto in una nave nella nave, dove un'atmosfera raffinata ed elegante ti aspetta.

  • Suite sontuosamente arredate situate nei ponti di prua della nave che offrono un comfort eccezionale
  • Ponte piscina privato e spazioso con vasche idromassaggio, solarium e Grill & Bar
  • Ristorante gourmet à la carte per colazione, pranzo e cena con libera scelta dell'orario.
  • Top Sail Lounge panoramico con bar, servizio di tè pomeridiano, spuntini leggeri disponibili giorno e notte
  • Musica dal vivo disponibile tutte le sere nel Top Sail Lounge
  • Esperienze su misura, dallo shopping alle escursioni (non incluse nella tariffa della crociera)

MSC Yacht Club a world of choice | MSC Cruises

Al tuo ritmo, concediti la privacy e il lusso di MSC Yacht Club oppure goditi le innumerevoli opportunità di svago, relax e intrattenimento offerte in tutta la nave.

  • Accesso a tutti i servizi della nave (bar e lounge, ristoranti tematici, piscine, ecc.)
  • Offerta pacchetti scontati
  • Buffet premium
  • Sconto del 10% su tutti i trattamenti MSC AUREA SPA acquistati a bordo
  • Ricco programma di spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway e Las Vegas disponibili quasi ogni sera
  • Attività di animazione per adulti e bambini
  • Attività ricreative per bambini
  • Strutture sportive all'aperto
  • Palestra perfettamente attrezzata con vista panoramica


I privilegi di MSC Yacht Club si estendono anche al di fuori della nave. Esplora meravigliose destinazioni in tutto il mondo con MSC Yacht Club, godi di un servizio unico e di comfort e lusso impareggiabili. Scopri le nostre destinazioni balneari con un'area riservata MSC Yacht Club .

E non è tutto: unisciti alle escursioni di MSC Yacht Club e scopri incredibili gemme nascoste prendendo parte ad attività uniche con guide locali esperte,

appositamente realizzate per i nostri ospiti MSC Yacht Club e che coprono un'ampia gamma di esperienze e vantaggi curati in ogni minimo dettaglio.

MSC Yacht Club, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve | MSC Cruises


sir bani yas island, Yas Island, Sir Bani Yas, Dubai


Una nave nella nave.

MSC Yacht Club: una nave nella nave | MSC Crociere

FAQ MSC Yacht Club

Che cos'è msc yacht club.

MSC Yacht Club è un'area esclusiva e privata interamente dedicata al lusso, alla privacy e al comfort, un'autentica "nave nella nave" dotata di eleganti suite , Servizio

Maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , 7 giorni su 7 e una reception concierge dedicata per la tua straordinaria esperienza di lusso in crociera.

Con MSC Yacht Club avrai accesso esclusivo a raffinati spazi dedicati tra cui un ristorante, un lounge esclusivo, una piscina e un solarium, oltre a un servizio di bevande premium all-inclusive . L' accesso illimitato a Internet e un'ampia selezione di opportunità di svago e di intrattenimento , come l'Area Termale di MSC Aurea Spa e gli spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway, arricchiscono il tuo viaggio. Per la tua vacanza in famiglia, un mondo di emozioni attende i piccoli viaggiatori a bordo delle crociere MSC, dal miniclub all' acquapark , garantendo un divertimento senza fine.

Quali tipi di suite sono disponibili con MSC Yacht Club?

Tutte le sistemazioni di MSC Yacht Club sono eleganti suite appositamente progettate per garantire massimo comfort e privacy. MSC Yacht Club dispone di una gamma di 8 tipologie di suite diverse , ognuna con il proprio tocco di classe e comfort. Anche se non tutte le tipologie di suite sono disponibili su ogni nave, sarai sempre in grado di scegliere tra una selezione di sistemazioni eleganti e confortevoli in base alle tue preferenze. MSC Yacht Club offre raffinate Suite Deluxe con balcone e ampi armadi, così come Royal Suite con accesso diretto al balcone dalla camera da letto e balcone privato. Sulle navi di classe Fantasia, è inoltre possibile scegliere tra Grand Suite con ampia zona living o Executive & Family Suite con vetrata panoramica sigillata e soggiorno separato. Concediti sistemazioni di alta classe sulle nostre navi di ultima generazione, che offrono suite innovative. Le navi di classe Meraviglia vantano Suite Duplex con vasca idromassaggio , situate sui ponti di prua della nave, con una vista mozzafiato. Le navi di classe Seaside: MSC Seashore e MSC Seascape offrono anche Owner’s Suite con ampio balcone e vasca idromassaggio privata e Grand Suite. Le Owner’s Suite sono disponibili anche sulle nostre navi di classe World, comprese le suite duplex, che possono essere scelte con o senza vasca idromassaggio. Tutte le nostre navi di ultima generazione includono anche raffinate suite interne . Dai materassi Myform Memory alla biancheria da letto e materassi in cotone egiziano , passando per il menu di cuscini Dorelan, dai bagni in marmo al minibar gratuito, ogni tua esigenza è soddisfatta per una crociera di lusso davvero eccezionale .

MSC Yacht Club cosa comprende?

Con MSC Yacht Club, puoi goderti un'esperienza di crociera di lusso all-inclusive con un'ampia gamma di privilegi esclusivi, a partire dal Servizio Maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , check-in e check-out prioritari dedicati e Servizio Concierge dedicato 24 ore su 24. Anche le bevande sono incluse grazie al Pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra , non solo all'interno delle aree MSC Yacht Club ma anche in tutte le altre aree della nave. Ciò ti consente di gustare le tue bevande preferite in vari luoghi come le aree buffet, il ristorante principale, i ristoranti tematici e i bar di bordo. La connessione Wi-Fi è disponibile per tutta la durata della crociera con il Pacchetto Browse per due dispositivi.

Al ristorante privato MSC Yacht Club ti attende un'ampia varietà di piatti raffinati. Potrai accomodarti a tavola quando preferisci, negli orari di apertura del ristorante. Il Top Sail Lounge panoramico offre musica dal vivo serale, un bar, un servizio di tè pomeridiano e una selezione di finger food per 20 ore al giorno. Tutte le suite MSC Yacht Club sono situate sui ponti di prua della nave per garantirti un comfort eccezionale con room service disponibile 24 ore su 24 , 7 giorni su 7. Potrai beneficiare di un accesso illimitato all'Area Termale di MSC Aurea SPA per il tuo completo relax. È inoltre possibile usufruire di sconti spa, Pacchetti Ristoranti Tematici, impianti sportivi all'aperto, Kid's Club, parco acquatico e diversi programmi di spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway e Las Vegas.

Le bevande sono incluse in MSC Yacht Club?

Sì, con MSC Yacht Club è incluso il Pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra . Questo pacchetto include tutte le bevande con un prezzo fino a 14€/16USD ed è disponibile in tutti i bar di bordo, nelle aree buffet, nei ristoranti principali e nei ristoranti tematici, nonché ad Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve e in altre destinazioni MSC esclusive, in base all'offerta di ciascuna destinazione. All'interno di ogni suite MSC Yacht Club troverai un delizioso minibar che viene rifornito quotidianamente. Gusta le bevande gratuite del minibar e rilassati con il tuo drink preferito nell'ambiente lussuoso della tua suite. Potrai scegliere tra un'ampia selezione di bevande, come bibite analcoliche, succhi di frutta, bibite gassate o tè freddo, acqua in bottiglia e birre.

Quale Pacchetto Internet è incluso con MSC Yacht Club?

Gli Ospiti di MSC Yacht Club beneficiano del Pacchetto Internet Browse , con dati illimitati validi per due dispositivi per tutta la durata della crociera. Questo pacchetto ti permette di:

  • Navigare sul web.
  • Inviare e ricevere email e messaggi.
  • Chattare su app di messaggistica (come WhatsApp).

Una volta a bordo, puoi anche scegliere di effettuare un upgrade del pacchetto internet Browse al Pacchetto Internet Browse & Stream , disponibile pagando un supplemento.

Cosa sono le escursioni MSC Yacht Club? Come posso prenotarle?

Le escursioni di MSC Yacht Club sono ideate esclusivamente per i nostri ospiti di MSC Yacht Club. Permettono di esplorare meraviglie nascoste, svolgendo attività uniche con esperti locali, garantendo agli ospiti di MSC Yacht Club una full immersion che unisce lusso, esclusività e privilegi premium. Le escursioni MSC Yacht Club coprono un' ampia gamma di esperienze curate in ogni minimo dettaglio per soddisfare le esigenze degli ospiti . Ti attendono visite di luoghi affascinanti, avventure di lusso, cucina autentica ricca di sapori tradizionali, paradisiache fughe in spiaggia in resort di alta classe, interessanti laboratori d’artigianato intrisi delle conoscenze locali e tour di storia e cultura per stimolare la mente. Le escursioni MSC Yacht Club sono prenotabili online tramite la sezione "My MSC Area" prima della crociera , telefonicamente attraverso il nostro Contact Center o tramite il tuo agente di viaggio. A bordo, il tuo maggiordomo o il concierge saranno disponibili ad assisterti nel processo di prenotazione, dandoti i migliori consigli in base alle tue preferenze.

Qual è il dress code per MSC Yacht Club? Ci sono feste a tema per le quali prepararsi in modo specifico?

Il dress code può variare a seconda del luogo e dell'ora del giorno.

Top Sail Lounge - Dress code

Per apprezzare appieno l'atmosfera esclusiva del Top Sail Lounge, si consiglia vivamente di vestirsi in modo appropriato.

  • Di giorno : abbigliamento casual, comprese t-shirt e top, è perfettamente accettabile, ma ti chiediamo gentilmente di non indossare costumi da bagno in nessun momento.
  • Di sera : per l’ingresso al Top Sail Lounge è richiesto un abbigliamento casual elegante. Sentiti libero di indossare abiti, gonne, pantaloni lunghi, jeans e top. Tuttavia, si prega di evitare di indossare pantaloncini e infradito.

Ristorante MSC Yacht Club – Dress Code Per preservare l'atmosfera sofisticata di questo ristorante raffinato, ti chiediamo gentilmente di vestire in modo appropriato per l'esclusività.

  • Di giorno : sentiti a tuo agio con un abbigliamento casual, tra cui t-shirt e top. Ma per mantenere un'atmosfera rispettosa, chiediamo gentilmente di non indossare costumi da bagno.
  • Di sera : ti chiediamo gentilmente di utilizzare un abbigliamento casual elegante. Ciò include opzioni come abiti, gonne, pantaloni lunghi, jeans e top. Tuttavia, si prega di evitare pantaloncini e infradito.
  • Per le serate di gala : vestiti in modo elegante e glamour per la tua foto a bordo con capi raffinati come abiti, gonne, pantaloni, jeans firmati, top eleganti, blazer o persino uno smoking.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar – Dress Code Indossa costumi da bagno, t-shirt, canottiere, cappelli e occhiali da sole a tuo piacimento. Ricorda solo che il bagno in topless non è consentito in quest’area dedicata anche alle famiglie.

È possibile portare nell'area MSC Yacht Club ospiti esterni come familiari o amici che soggiornano in nave?

La franchigia bagaglio di msc yacht club è più alta rispetto a quella degli ospiti abituali, i bambini e i neonati sono ammessi in msc yacht club, msc yacht club, come iscriversi bisogna registrarsi ad msc yacht club, in qualità di ospite msc yacht club, raccolgo più punti msc voyagers club rispetto ad altre esperienze.

Sì, MSC Yacht Club è l'esperienza di crociera più ricca di MSC Crociere:

  • Per crociere inferiori a 5 notti o 6 giorni , guadagnerai 800 punti MSC Voyagers Club .
  • Se la tua crociera dura da 5 a 9 notti o da 6 a 10 giorni , guadagnerai 1.500 punti MSC Voyagers Club .
  • Se la tua crociera dura più di 10 notti o 11 giorni , guadagnerai 2.000 punti MSC Voyagers Club .

Come effettuare l'upgrade in MSC Yacht Club?

Gli ospiti che hanno effettuato l'upgrade in msc yacht club possono accumulare punti msc voyagers club allo stesso modo degli altri ospiti msc yacht club, termini e condizioni, termini e condizioni.

  • Il cambio crociera gratuito è valido sia come cambio data che cambio destinazione. La modifica deve essere effettuata entro 30 giorni dalla partenza, mentre la nuova partenza deve avvenire entro 3 mesi dalla partenza originaria. Per qualsiasi modifica della crociera, contatta il nostro Contact Center.
  • La possibilità di organizzare escursioni personalizzate dipende dall'itinerario.
  • Per maggiori informazioni sul pacchetto bevande premium extra clicca qui .

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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

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Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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What is the MSC Yacht Club? Take a look at MSC Cruises’ luxury suite area

Ashley Kosciolek

MSC Cruises sails nearly two dozen beautiful ships from home ports around the world, but their inviting sun decks can be crowded, and you're likely to encounter queues for dinner, shows and guest services.

The trick to creating a more luxurious experience on this big-ship cruise line is to book a stay in the line's Yacht Club. This upscale enclave within MSC Cruises ' larger ships offers guests more spacious accommodations, butler service and dedicated restaurants and lounges — even coffee delivered to your room each morning, just the way you like it.

Because of the Yacht Club , MSC can offer an inviting experience for cruisers who like big-ship cruising but crave more elevated accommodations, dining and amenities. MSC Cruises was one of the first lines to introduce this ship-within-a-ship concept, along with Norwegian Cruise Line . Now other popular cruise lines, such as Royal Caribbean , also have adopted it.

The Yacht Club section on several of MSC Cruises' ships offers gated access to semi-private dining, butler service and more, but it comes at a price. Find out how much you can expect to pay and what you'll get for your money.

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What are the MSC Yacht Club perks?

yacht club msc vantaggi

All stays in the Yacht Club include priority check-in and checkout; priority disembarkation and boarding on shore excursions days; free premium alcohol and Wi-Fi packages; a bathrobe and slippers; complimentary access to the Aurea Spa thermal suite; 24-hour concierge and butler services (dining and spa reservations, unpacking and repacking, morning coffee delivery, etc.); a free daily in-cabin newspaper of your choice, delivered; and the ability to change your cruise one time without penalty.

Yacht Club cruisers are also entitled to discounts of 10% on spa treatments, 20% on specialty dining packages and 40% on spa packages.

yacht club msc vantaggi

In addition, passengers booked in the Yacht Club have access to their own dedicated bar, lounge and restaurant, as well as a semi-private outdoor bar, pool and hot tubs, all on an exclusive sun deck. When ships dock at the line's private island, Ocean Cay Marine Reserve , Yacht Club passengers have private beach and restaurant access .

In their cabins, Yacht Club cruisers will find a pillow menu, memory foam mattresses, high-quality linens, bathrooms with marble floors, a specialty coffee maker, complimentary open minibar access, one gratis bottle of spirits (choose from a list of available options), free one-time snacks, 24-hour room service and nightly turn-down chocolates from Venchi, an Italian chocolatier that partners with the cruise line.

Which MSC cruise ships have the Yacht Club?

yacht club msc vantaggi

Thirteen ships in the MSC Cruises fleet have the Yacht Club on board:

  • MSC Bellissima
  • MSC Euribia
  • MSC Fantasia
  • MSC Grandiosa
  • MSC Meraviglia
  • MSC Preziosa
  • MSC Seascape.
  • MSC Seashore.
  • MSC Seaside
  • MSC Seaview
  • MSC Splendida
  • MSC Virtuosa
  • MSC World Europa

Upcoming vessel MSC World America (2025) also will have the Yacht Club.

The largest Yacht Club in the fleet is on MSC World Europa, offering 152 suites. The second-largest is found on the line's two Seaside EVO Class ships, MSC Seashore and MSC Seascape, which each have 131 suites.

MSC Yacht Club cabins

yacht club msc vantaggi

All accommodations in the Yacht Club are labeled as suites, even though they comprise some standard cabin types. The specific stateroom types offered will vary by ship, but in general, they range from windowless interior cabins and deluxe balcony rooms to Executive and Royal Suites with more space, walk-in closets and bathrooms with both showers and bathtubs.

yacht club msc vantaggi

New to the fleet with the line's World Class are 1,600-square-foot Owner Suites, which include multi-room layouts, walk-in closets, bathtubs and balconies, each with a whirlpool and alfresco dining area.

Also new are Duplex Suites, offering two decks of space, with the bedroom and bathroom upstairs and a dining area, living room and guest bath downstairs. These also include two private sun decks with loungers, one of which boasts a whirlpool.

How much does it cost to stay in the MSC Yacht Club?

yacht club msc vantaggi

As you might expect, the cost to stay in the Yacht Club depends on several factors, including cabin type, the length of the sailing and where you're going and when. However, in line with the rest of the brand's pricing, a stay in the Yacht Club is an excellent value when you compare it to stays in other lines' dedicated suite areas or to luxury cruise prices.

I priced out several sailings departing over the next two years on some of the line's newest and largest ships. This is what was available at press time. (Note: MSC Cruises' website will only allow me to choose a general Yacht Club designation when booking. That means a guaranteed suite within the Yacht Club, but you won't know what type it is until closer to sailing.)

  • 7-night Caribbean and Bahamas cruise on MSC Seascape: $6,538 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Miami, March 16-23, 2024
  • 11-night Bermuda, Canada and New England cruise on MSC Meraviglia: $9,958 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Brooklyn, New York, Sept. 25-Oct. 6, 2024
  • 7-night Mediterranean cruise on MSC World Europa: $5,118 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Barcelona, May 2-9, 2025
  • 7-night Mediterranean on MSC Divina: $5,858 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Kusadasi, Turkey, June 5-12, 2025

Check out the MSC Cruises website to learn more about the MSC Yacht Club .

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The msc yacht club offers a variety of luxurious accommodations, such as suites with ocean views, private balconies with whirlpool baths, and lavish amenities. exclusive access to the top sail lounge, private sundeck with pool and bar, and panoramic views is included in the msc yacht club experience of cruising. additional privileges offered by the msc yacht club encompass a dedicated 24-hour butler service, priority check-in and check-out, vip services, exclusive shopping sessions, private excursions, and complimentary utilization of the thermal suite and msc aurea spa. furthermore, guests also have private-access opportunities to destinations such as msc ocean cay marine reserve and sir bani yas island..

Geneva, Switzerland – October 19 2023 – The MSC Yacht Club ‘ship within a ship’ concept offers an exclusive holiday sanctuary on board many of MSC Cruises’ ships, providing guests an unparalleled cruise experience with complete serenity, added exclusivity and privacy within a world of choice. This privatised, key-card access area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities, lavish accommodations with a host of dedicated amenities, such as a panoramic lounge, high-end restaurant, elegant pool and secluded sun deck. Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club benefit from a range of privileges and personalised service, that is sure to make them feel pampered. These perks are available around-the-clock and are designed to cater to their specific needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless luxury experience at sea. The MSC Yacht Club also offers a myriad of dedicated leisure and entertainment possibilities, allowing guests to enjoy the exclusivity of a private club while also having access to the countless recreation and entertainment options available throughout the larger ship. Whether guests are looking for a relaxing escape or a lavish holiday, the MSC Yacht Club provides an exclusive haven for guests to savour the sophistication and elegance of a luxury cruise experience, ensuring the utmost privacy and comfort where every detail is designed to surpass guests’ expectations and create memories of a lifetime. MSC Yacht Club is available on more than half of MSC Cruises’ modern fleet, allowing travellers to experience the same level of exceptional, personalised services across many destinations. Highlights of the MSC Yacht Club benefits include:


MSC Yacht Club’s all-inclusive experience is fully personalised with a dedicated 24-hour butler service and concierge, making the cruising experience truly personal and tailored to each individual guest’s needs. The butler service will quickly get to know each guest’s personal preferences, providing the highest level of customised service to ensure all guests feel pampered and relaxed. From shoeshining to 3 a.m. room service, no request is too small. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request, from organising shore excursions and making reservations for the spa to arranging for the newspaper to be brought to the cabin each morning.


MSC Yacht Club is sure to exceed expectations with a host of privileges that create an effortless experience, from the moment guests step on board to the moment they depart. This luxurious cruise experience offers a dedicated priority check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless embarkation and disembarkation, so guests can start enjoying their holidays as soon as possible. They will also receive the full VIP service with a variety of offerings including the possibility to organise a tailored shopping session in the onboard boutiques outside regular opening hours, embark on exceptional private excursions or take advantage of the complimentary use of the Thermal Suite and MSC Aurea Spa to decompress and rejuvenate while at sea. These private-access areas extend ashore in a number of destinations:

  • MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve, The Bahamas – MSC Cruises’ private island, founded on a strong commitment to the preservation of marine resources and the conservation of coral reefs and marine life. Northwest of Ocean Cay lies a private beach area exclusively reserved for guests of the MSC Yacht Club, with privileged access to enjoy sunbeds and cabanas with butler service as well as a dedicated restaurant to relax, sip a cocktail and enjoy a 3-course dedicated lunch surrounded by sea breezes.
  • Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates – A beach lover’s paradise just off the southwest coast of Abu Dhabi, offering guests a stunning tropical oasis to unwind. The island features a MSC Yacht Club zone with premium sunbeds and dedicated transportations, barbecue lunch and bar service to ensure the utmost comfort and privacy for guests during a day ashore.


Designed to provide the utmost in service and comfort, MSC Yacht Club guests have exclusive access to a range of private and elegant spaces to enhance their cruise experience. From the dedicated Top Sail Lounge, offering panoramic views for guests to sit back and relax in a sophisticated setting while indulging in an array of gourmet finger foods, delicious drinks and high tea service, as well as enjoy live music every evening. The club’s private sundeck, complete with a private pool, whirlpool, sundeck and bar, will offer guests the chance to soak up the sun and enjoy complimentary refreshments in complete comfort while taking in the best views on board across the bow of the ship and out to sea.


Experience the finest luxury accommodation with the MSC Yacht Club’s wide variety of suites to meet all guests’ preferences. The stylish and spacious accommodations set themselves apart and include options with stunning ocean views from the cabin’s private balcony, as well as suites like the Duplex Suites, Royal Suites and Owner’s Suites, offering a private whirlpool bath on the balcony. From sumptuous Myform Memory mattresses and crisp Egyptian cotton bedding to an indulgent Dorelan pillow menu, luxurious marble bathrooms and complimentary minibars, the MSC Yacht Club offering will surely provide unparalleled comfort for an unforgettable holiday.


With a dedicated restaurant, the MSC Yacht Club offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of an exquisite fine-dining experience with five-star service. Offering sophisticated cuisines with an à la carte menu, guests can savour an array of the finest dishes served exclusively for them from a dedicated kitchen staff, accompanied by a spectacular selection of drinks, including fine wines from around the world with a dedicated sommelier available to further enhance the food and wine pairing experience. The private restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at any time that suits their needs. This is on top of MSC Yacht Club guests having a premium drinks package included as standard. From the finest whiskey or vodka brands to glasses of champagne – toast to total relaxation.

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  • MSC Cruises

MSC Preziosa - Comprehensive Yacht Club Review

Solent Richard

By Solent Richard , March 26, 2020 in MSC Cruises

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3,000+ Club

Solent Richard

Three weeks ago my wife disembarked from our first MSC cruise, 14 nights Yacht Club onboard MSC Preziosa around the Caribbean.

I have now written what I consider a full, frank and comprehensive review on our experience. Here is the link...



I'd be delighted to answer any questions.


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Thank you for your great review and photos!


Thanks Richard and Barbara. Very comprehensive and useful.


WOW!!  Great review.  Very thorough and insightful.  Loved all the pictures. We were to do YC Prezioza this June but, had to cancel until next year. Still looking forward to doing our cruise. Now, we are more excited for next year.  Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a wonderful review.

1 hour ago, phissy said: WOW!!  Great review.  Very thorough and insightful.  Loved all the pictures. We were to do YC Prezioza this June but, had to cancel until next year. Still looking forward to doing our cruise. Now, we are more excited for next year.  Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a wonderful review.

So pleased I could give you a glimpse of 'the light at the end of the tunnel'.


48 minutes ago, Solent Richard said:   Good morning Pete (as in Skier).   Long time no speak and hope you are well.   Now for the confession. It was your review, all those years ago, that gave me the original inspiration and idea to take my wife to Guadeloupe: I'd filed it in the memory bank.   Had you not appeared here I would have asked Wansbrough to pass on the link and thank you.   And as you probably noted from my review, we've already booked another MSC cruise.   Keep safe.   Richard      

That's an endorsement for MSC if ever I saw one.

it is heartening to see and  partly makes up for all the bashing i got on C.dot for flag waving for MSC .


Wonderful review...wished I was there. 😀

On 3/27/2020 at 9:02 AM, Skier52 said:   That's an endorsement for MSC if ever I saw one.   it is heartening to see and  partly makes up for all the bashing i got on C.dot for flag waving for MSC . Pete

A yacht Club experience would have been out of their depths Pete.

Thank you so much for your wonderful review.  Feeling kind of low these days, what a pleasure it was.  I shared it with my husband and he also enjoyed it.

We have our first Yacht Club experience coming up in October and are looking forward.  Thanks again!

Hi Solent Richard........read your review with interest as we were aboard the Preziosa a month before you , 21st January.  Our reflections were somewhat different although I would agree that  Marie-Pierre and Summit were excellent, they were our butler and restaurant waiter as well.  We were fortunate to stay in 15031 just up the corridor from you, next time try to get one of these large square cabins as they are 50% bigger than the one you had, we even had a sun lounger on the balcony as it is so much bigger.

I would double check that your Virgin flight from Gatwick to Barbados was a charter.  Our MSC / Virgin Flight was a Scheduled flight (VS029/VS30) as MSC this year were taking a block of seats not the full allocation.  It is important as you will be able to claim Virgin Flying Club Air miles which we did, Premier gave us 8432 air miles (worth about £125).

We cruised Preziosa last year as well and the difference was astonishing, for the worse. The quality of the meat in La Palmeriae was extremely poor and like yourselves we dined in Butcher's Cut where the meat was superb but boy-o-boy did we all suffer in the YC restaurant, even 'Summit' advised us not to have many dishes as the complaints were endless.  

The Gazebo you mentioned was erected due to the complaint about the food on offer at the One Pool during our cruise. You benefited from the change of YC Directors, the new YC who change midway though our cruise (Thierry Fnu) made many changes which improved the situation.  The problem is you don't know which YC Director you are going to get, some are a disgrace to MSC.  

We also booked for Yacht Club 2021 and have subsequently cancelled, just not worth the money anymore.  

Cool Cruiser

Just thought I would add some feedback from our recent cruise.

My better half and I were on the cruise following Solent Richard, 3rd – 17th March in the YC. Flew VS29 ex-Gatwick – I will agree with Mickey89 that the flight is part MSC booked, but not completely as I noted several Virgin Holidays tags on baggage. We were heat tested before we entered the terminal at Barbados airport. No issue, quick and first of several such tests during the next fortnight.

Our view of the cruise was it was overall fantastic and we would both book it again in a flash. The itinerary leapt out of the page when we spotted it over a year in advance; so nice to see smaller islands and not the run of the mill ex-Miami mainstream ports.

We sailed Divina in YC in 2018 (Med 7 day cruise) and felt that the YC restaurant on Preziosa exceeded comfortably that we experienced on Divina. Sumit was out waiter too and a credit to MSC. Food taste is subjective, but when I read Mickey89's feedback I thought I was on the wrong ship. Maybe the change in TC Director impacted the food standard too, as it was pretty faultless.

We have travelled quite often in the Haven and our experience on Divina clearly awarded the restaurant medal to NCL, but on Preziosa we felt it was materially improved and at least equivalent to Haven, but with a far better choice as each day offers a new selection. Preziosa also offered three “everyday” options not listed including spaghetti bolognaise and filet.

One Pool chef always had a gazebo erected. We always breakfasted either at One Pool or TSL, never the restaurant. Lunch was normally at One Pool when not ashore. Always a good choice and always chef specials.

We too are Death in Paradise fans and took a tour with Merva, as mentioned by Richard in his report. An excellent day and one of our favourite private tour experiences without a doubt.

St, Kitts, Dominica, St. Vincent (Bequia) and St. Maarten we really enjoyed too.

The cruise had no Italians on board when we joined (some 550 would typically have been on board), but MSC had already reacted to the CORid-19 outbreak it seems. The first 11 days went as planned, but on the second weekend both Martinique and Guadeloupe only permitted disembarking guests to leave the ship at the end of their cruises. No new guest’s joined that second weekend. Transit guests were not permitted to leave the ship. Each day there were less remaining guests St. Lucia was cancelled and we had a slow sail to Barbados sea day on the last Monday. We have no issue with this, what else can MSC/ports do in such circumstances. My only issue would be the lack of communication from the captain – being more familiar with NCL we are used to daily dialogue from the captain, even in normal circumstances. It was notable the captain never delivered such daily updates, either during the normal phase of the cruise nor during the latter agenda impacted phase. Strange.

As I stated above we would rebook the YC without a doubt – we would book the same cruise again and same ship. The YC versus Haven is an interesting debate often seen on CC; we like both and both have pro’s and con’s we feel. I like the TSL, my wife less so; we both like the One Pool bar/eating area; Haven has more room options and is more family focussed (family suites), but generally is a lot more expensive; champagne included in the YC is a nice bonus. First world problem, but both being nice to experience.

  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/30/2020 at 4:34 PM, mickey89 said: Hi Solent Richard........read your review with interest as we were aboard the Preziosa a month before you , 21st January.  Our reflections were somewhat different although I would agree that  Marie-Pierre and Summit were excellent, they were our butler and restaurant waiter as well.  We were fortunate to stay in 15031 just up the corridor from you, next time try to get one of these large square cabins as they are 50% bigger than the one you had, we even had a sun lounger on the balcony as it is so much bigger. I would double check that your Virgin flight from Gatwick to Barbados was a charter.  Our MSC / Virgin Flight was a Scheduled flight (VS029/VS30) as MSC this year were taking a block of seats not the full allocation.  It is important as you will be able to claim Virgin Flying Club Air miles which we did, Premier gave us 8432 air miles (worth about £125).   We cruised Preziosa last year as well and the difference was astonishing, for the worse. The quality of the meat in La Palmeriae was extremely poor and like yourselves we dined in Butcher's Cut where the meat was superb but boy-o-boy did we all suffer in the YC restaurant, even 'Summit' advised us not to have many dishes as the complaints were endless.     The Gazebo you mentioned was erected due to the complaint about the food on offer at the One Pool during our cruise. You benefited from the change of YC Directors, the new YC who change midway though our cruise (Thierry Fnu) made many changes which improved the situation.  The problem is you don't know which YC Director you are going to get, some are a disgrace to MSC.     We also booked for Yacht Club 2021 and have subsequently cancelled, just not worth the money anymore.  

Thanks for your input Mickey. Much appreciated.

I hear what you say about Thierry Fun, the YC Director, I got on with him like a house on fire.

On 3/31/2020 at 6:00 PM, Had01 said: Just thought I would add some feedback from our recent cruise.   My better half and I were on the cruise following Solent Richard, 3rd – 17th March in the YC. Flew VS29 ex-Gatwick – I will agree with Mickey89 that the flight is part MSC booked, but not completely as I noted several Virgin Holidays tags on baggage. We were heat tested before we entered the terminal at Barbados airport. No issue, quick and first of several such tests during the next fortnight. Our view of the cruise was it was overall fantastic and we would both book it again in a flash. The itinerary leapt out of the page when we spotted it over a year in advance; so nice to see smaller islands and not the run of the mill ex-Miami mainstream ports. We sailed Divina in YC in 2018 (Med 7 day cruise) and felt that the YC restaurant on Preziosa exceeded comfortably that we experienced on Divina. Sumit was out waiter too and a credit to MSC. Food taste is subjective, but when I read Mickey89's feedback I thought I was on the wrong ship. Maybe the change in TC Director impacted the food standard too, as it was pretty faultless. We have travelled quite often in the Haven and our experience on Divina clearly awarded the restaurant medal to NCL, but on Preziosa we felt it was materially improved and at least equivalent to Haven, but with a far better choice as each day offers a new selection. Preziosa also offered three “everyday” options not listed including spaghetti bolognaise and filet. One Pool chef always had a gazebo erected. We always breakfasted either at One Pool or TSL, never the restaurant. Lunch was normally at One Pool when not ashore. Always a good choice and always chef specials. We too are Death in Paradise fans and took a tour with Merva, as mentioned by Richard in his report. An excellent day and one of our favourite private tour experiences without a doubt. St, Kitts, Dominica, St. Vincent (Bequia) and St. Maarten we really enjoyed too. The cruise had no Italians on board when we joined (some 550 would typically have been on board), but MSC had already reacted to the CORid-19 outbreak it seems. The first 11 days went as planned, but on the second weekend both Martinique and Guadeloupe only permitted disembarking guests to leave the ship at the end of their cruises. No new guest’s joined that second weekend. Transit guests were not permitted to leave the ship. Each day there were less remaining guests St. Lucia was cancelled and we had a slow sail to Barbados sea day on the last Monday. We have no issue with this, what else can MSC/ports do in such circumstances. My only issue would be the lack of communication from the captain – being more familiar with NCL we are used to daily dialogue from the captain, even in normal circumstances. It was notable the captain never delivered such daily updates, either during the normal phase of the cruise nor during the latter agenda impacted phase. Strange. As I stated above we would rebook the YC without a doubt – we would book the same cruise again and same ship. The YC versus Haven is an interesting debate often seen on CC; we like both and both have pro’s and con’s we feel. I like the TSL, my wife less so; we both like the One Pool bar/eating area; Haven has more room options and is more family focussed (family suites), but generally is a lot more expensive; champagne included in the YC is a nice bonus. First world problem, but both being nice to experience. Stay safe.

Good afternoon HAD.

Humble apologies for not responding sooner and many thanks for your comprehensive addendum: it made very interesting reading, particularly the comparison with NCL's Haven.

Up till this cruise we were ardent Cunard Grills fans and while I'd never abandon them entirely we thoroughly enjoyed our 'Maiden' MSC. The real advantage for us is the wider itineraries on offer with MSC.

So pleased you gave Mirva some business and I trust you enjoyed Sainte Honore as much as we did: You'll never believe the 'brownie' points I received from my wife.

Funnily enough we were due to fly to Split this morning to join an Emerald Waterways cruise along the Dalmatian Coast. Just so pleased we made the full Preziosa when we did.

Take care and thanks again for your input. 

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Msc seashore to feature the largest and most luxurious yacht club in the msc cruises fleet, with more outdoor space as well as new luxurious owner’s suites msc virtuosa to offer an enhanced vip experience to msc yacht club guests.

Geneva, Switzerland (March 10, 2021) — With each new ship, MSC Cruises strives to enrich the guest experience, and with the Company’s two newest ships — MSC Virtuosa and MSC Seashore — MSC Cruises will elevate the exclusive MSC Yacht Club . As extended versions of their sister ships, both ships’ designs have allowed for the expansion of the MSC Yacht Club to include more public space and increased outdoor space. MSC Seashore in particular will feature the largest MSC Yacht Club to-date with approximately 32,000 sq. ft. of private space.

“The MSC Yacht Club has become a compelling and unique offering from MSC Cruises, and we continue to see a positive response from our guests who appreciate having an exclusive, luxurious escape while accessing all of the amenities and entertainment of a larger ship,” says Rubén Rodriguez, President of MSC Cruises USA. “For our guests in North America in particular, MSC Seashore’s arrival this November sets an exciting milestone as we not only introduce our newest ship to the region, but also our most spacious MSC Yacht Club yet.”


First launched in 2008 and now available on more than half of the MSC Cruises fleet, the “ship-within-a-ship” MSC Yacht Club concept immediately set a new standard for the industry offering a premium cruise experience. Designed to make guests feel like a VIP, the all-inclusive experience is fully personalized with 24-hour butler service to get to know each guest’s personal preferences with warm, friendly and unobtrusive service. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request from organizing private shore excursions and making spa reservations to delivering a daily newspaper to the guest’s stateroom. No request is too big or too small.

Available only by key-card access, the MSC Yacht Club has been appointed with elegant touches to create its stylish backdrop. The sparkling Swarovski staircases greet guests in the atrium, instantly setting the tone for the sophistication and glamour that can be expected throughout, particularly in the spacious and beautifully designed suites.

The MSC Yacht Club is situated at the front of the ship, boasting panoramic sea views throughout, most notably from the chic Top Sail Lounge, where guests can listen to live music, sip complimentary beverages or enjoy gourmet canapés throughout the day and evening, all with a view. Meanwhile, the private fine-dining restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner with a different daily a la carte menu featuring chef’s specials and a wide choice of gourmet dishes complemented by an extensive wine list served in sublime surroundings with impeccable service.

The private sundeck and pool is spacious with different areas to relax in the sun on a comfortable lounge chair, unwind in a shady cabana or take a break in a hot tub. At the well-stocked bar and grill, guests can refresh with a cocktail or light bite throughout the day.

THE MSC YACHT CLUB ON NEW SHIPS & EXCLUSIVE DESTINATIONS   Introducing the largest and most luxurious MSC Yacht Club in the fleet on board MSC Seashore

Spread over four decks, the MSC Yacht Club on MSC Seashore has been enhanced to become the largest, most luxurious in MSC Cruises’ fleet, with approximately 32,000 sq. ft. of private space.

  • The entrance to the Yacht Club will be even more remarkable and glamorous, featuring a three-deck, 495 sq. ft. back-lit Onyx wall and MSC Cruises’ iconic Swarovski staircases, beautifully connecting four decks at the entrance of the Yacht Club.
  • The private pool area and sun deck is more spacious than ever, extended to over 21,000 sq. ft. and offering a larger private pool and a new panoramic hot tub with eight seats and individual jets, plus a standard hot tub.
  • Guests will be able to choose from 131 glamorous suites with five different types, including the traditional interior, deluxe and royal suites as well as 41 newly introduced deluxe grand suites, with extra space and a walk-in closet, plus two brand new Owner’s Suites.
  • The Owner’s Suites are the showpiece of the MSC Yacht Club — the largest suites on the ship with 1,054 sq. ft. of space — with an extended private balcony including a hot tub and outdoor living area, a panoramic glass wall for impressive sea views as well as a separate dining and living room area.

Enhancing the MSC Yacht Club VIP experience on board MSC Virtuosa

  • Guests have a choice of 103 exclusive suites including two MSC Yacht Club Royal Suites with a private hot tub on a large balcony as well as eight new MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suites.
  • The impressive Duplex Suites span two decks — the first has an open living and dining area with a sofa that converts to a double bed, as well as a bathroom with a shower, while the second level holds the master bedroom and a bathroom with a bathtub. For the ultimate in luxurious living, each Duplex Suite offers a large private balcony with its own hot tub. 
  • The MSC Yacht Club on MSC Virtuosa offers over 13,000 sq. ft. of outdoor space including a private pool area with a spacious solarium, shady cabanas and hot tubs.


Extending the MSC Yacht Club experience to Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve

MSC Yacht Club guests cruising in The Bahamas are able to not only relish their experience on board, but also on MSC Cruises’ private Bahamian destination, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve . On the island, Yacht Club guests have access to an exclusive area, complete with butler service, a private beach and clubhouse and all-inclusive food and beverages in addition to everything Ocean Cay has to offer.

Surrounded by 64 square miles of marine reserve, Ocean Cay offers guests a unique opportunity to enjoy the island’s natural beauty, discover local marine life and soak up the spirit of Bahamian culture. With ships frequently docked at the island from early morning into the evening — and in many instances overnight — MSC Cruises’ guests can spend a full day enjoying two miles of pristine, white sand beaches and a variety of ocean discovery activities including stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, thrilling wave runner rides and more.

All MSC Cruises ships sailing from the U.S. call at Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, including MSC Meraviglia , MSC Armonia, MSC Divina and MSC Seashore , arriving to Miami for the first time in November 2021.


An all-inclusive experience with added privileges:

  • Dedicated priority check-in and check-out as well as priority departure and return on excursion days.
  • 24-hour butler service and dedicated concierge, providing for an experience tailored to each individual guest’s needs.
  • Unlimited dining and drinks within the Yacht Club.
  • Inclusion of the Browse Internet package with unlimited data for two devices.
  • Complimentary access to the Thermal Suite in the MSC Aurea Spa.
  • Tailormade experiences from shopping to excursions.
  • Nespresso coffee machine in each suite and complimentary mini bar, personalized with each guests’ preferences.
  • Room service so that guests can enjoy a lazy morning with breakfast in bed.
  • Personal touches such as a luggage unpacking and packing service, newspaper delivered to the stateroom daily and special deliveries at turn down each evening, like a different selection of sweet or savory canapés.

Exquisite private facilities:

  • A dedicated area of the ship accessible only to MSC Yacht Club guests.
  • Between 70 and 103 suites at a premier location, featuring a pillow menu, Egyptian cotton sheets and memory-foam mattresses for the most comfortable night’s sleep.
  • The panoramic Top Sail Lounge with bar, afternoon tea service, light bites available day and night and live entertainment in the evening.
  • Gourmet dining at a private restaurant, with a la carte menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner, where guests can dine at the time of their choosing.
  • A spacious pool deck with hot tubs, sunbathing areas and an outdoor bar with sea views across the bow of the ship.

The MSC Yacht Club is available on all Fantasia, Meraviglia, and Seaside class ships.

To find out more about the MSC Yacht Club offering visit here .

To find out more about MSC Seashore visit  here .


To find out more about MSC Virtuosa visit  here .

#MSCVirtuosa #MasterpieceAtSea

About MSC Cruises

MSC Cruises is the world’s third largest cruise brand as well as the leader in Europe, South America, the Gulf region and Southern Africa with more market share in addition to deployed capacity than any other player. It is also the fastest growing global cruise brand with a strong presence in the Caribbean, North America and the Far East markets.

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, MSC Cruises one of the two brands that sit within the Cruises Division of MSC Group, the leading privately held Swiss-based shipping and logistics conglomerate with over 300 years of maritime heritage. MSC Cruises — the contemporary brand — has a modern fleet of 18 vessels combined with a sizeable future global investment portfolio of new vessels. The fleet is projected to grow to 23 cruise ships by 2025 with options for six vessel orders in place through 2030.

MSC Cruises offers its guests an enriching, immersive and safe cruise experience inspired by the Company’s European heritage, where they can enjoy international dining, world-class entertainment, award-winning family programs and the very latest user-friendly technology on board. To learn more about MSC Cruises’ itineraries and experience on board its ships please see here .

The Company’s number one priority has always been the health and safety of its guests and crew, as well as the communities at the destinations its ships serve.  In August 2020, MSC Cruises implemented a new comprehensive and robust health and safety protocol to become the first major line to return to sea. To learn more about MSC Cruises’ health & safety protocol please see here .

MSC Cruises has long been committed to environmental stewardship with a long-term goal to achieve zero emissions for its operations. The Company is also a significant investor in next-generation environmental marine technologies, with the objective to support their accelerated development and availability industry wide. To learn more about the Company’s environmental commitment please see here . 

Finally, to learn more about the MSC Foundation, MSC Group’s own vehicle to lead, focus and advance its conservation, humanitarian and cultural commitments please see here .

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Is MSC Yacht Club Really Worth it? Let's Find Out

Posted: 4 July 2024 | Last updated: 4 July 2024

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

So what is included on MSC Yacht club and is it worth it?

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

Everything you need to know about MSC Yacht Club and is MSC Yacht club worth it?

Is MSC Yacht Club Worth It? MSC Yacht Club is the Premium Suite Class onboard their ships! To work out whether Yacht Club the ship within a Ship concept is worth it you will need to know whats included. We regularly cruise in MSC Suites and absolutely love this concept! Here is everthing yopu need to know about is MSC Yacht club is it worth it?

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

What is Yacht Club?

You get access to Yacht club when you book a Yacht club suite there is no other access. Having Yacht clubs comes with some great benefits such as all inclusive drinks, a suite cabin and private areas.

Yacht club has its own private entrance that you can access with a cruise card through big sliding glass doors to a totally separate area. Here you will find all of the Yacht Club cabins interior and exterior cabins, Guest Services, Concierge desk, the Top Sail Lounge, pool area and bar all for Yacht club only guests. What are the benefits of travelling with Yacht club?

These are the main benefits and extras you get when travelling within Yacht club:

  • Concierge service
  • Priority boarding
  • Priority Lifts
  • Butler service
  • MSC Yacht club Top Sail lounge
  • Yacht Club private restaurant
  • Yacht Club Cabins Suite with balconies
  • Interior Suites
  • First off of the ship
  • Priority excursion booking
  • Choice of pillows.
  • Luxury amenities in cabin
  • Access to the Aurea Spa
  • 24 Hour room service

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

The One Pool on MSC Yacht Club

The dedicated pool area on MSC Yacht club is called the One pool. Here is the outdoor area for Yacht club guests, this area includes:

  • Small swimming pool
  • Towels on beds
  • A Yacht club Bar
  • Waiter service for drinks and light refreshments
  • A snack bar serving breakfast and lunch
  • Hot cooked food station for lunch and breakfast
  • Lifeguard at the pool
  • Sunglasses cleaning station by the pool
  • Towel exchange service
  • Occasional speciality open air dinners by the pool

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

Yacht Club Dining

You also have access to free time dining at the private dedicated restaurant during your vacation. On larger newer ships the restaurant is located in the top sail lounge area. If you are on a smaller ship the restaurant is a different location where your butler can escort you. You will receive All-inclusive lunches and dinners in the private MSC Yacht Club restaurant. This seated restaurant offers three course meals and drinks where nothing is too much trouble 

There is also an outdoor Grill and Bar in The One Pool where they cook fresh food and have a buffet Style bar. This is served daily for breakfast and lunch with occasionally dinner under the stars. The lounge and bar offer snacks all day, afternoon tea and live music in the evenings.

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

Exclusive Suite Cabins

All Cabins in the  MSC Yacht Club  are labeled as  suites . However they are not all big suites. some are standard  cabin  size types and even interior cabins. Having a Yacht club suite cabin means access to the Top Sail Lounge, The One Pool and the Butler and concierge service.

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

Dedicated Concierge Service

Concierge are on hand 24 hours a day with highly trained Private Butlers and a Dedicated Concierge Service .  Concierge will look after and issues, arrange excursions and call for your butler. They also provide you with your newspaper delivery, speciality restaurant bookings and any special requests.

Photo Credit:<a href="https://cruisingkids.co.uk/msc-cruise-ships-by-age-and-size/">MSC</a>Cruises

Which Ships Have Yacht Club?

What  MSC ships  have Yacht club? These are the MSC ships that have a Yacht Club section onboard:

  • MSC Bellissima
  • MSC Fantasia
  • MSC Grandiosa
  • MSC Meraviglia
  • MSC Preziosa
  • MSC Seascape
  • MSC Seashore
  • MSC Seaside
  • MSC Seaview
  • MSC Splendida
  • MSC Virtuosa
  • MSC World Europa.

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

Is a drink package included in Yacht Club?

Yacht Club is all inclusive all of the time with a MSC Premium Extra Package included as a Yacht Club benefit. The package has a wide selection of beers, cocktails , wines, champagne ,top-shelf liquor, and an array of non-alcoholic beverages. You can find out more about whats included in an MSC drinks package in our guide.

Photo Credit: Donna Vallance Cruising for All.

What's in the Yacht Club mini bar?

If you have booked a Yacht club Cabin on MSC you will be pleased to know that it includes a premium drinks package. It also includes a fully stocked mini bar and a choice of a bottle of alcohol delivered to your room. So what is in the Mini Bar in a Yacht club suite on MSC take a look at our Yacht club mini bar guide .

The post Is MSC Yacht Club Worth It? appeared first on Cruising For All .

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